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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1896)
O&UNTY The Sioux VOLUME IX. HARKI80X, NEBRASKA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, ' 1896. NUMBER 1. Journal: HOW JOHNNIE KEEPS COOL. flks talkin' now days 'boat tbe weath er beiu' hot, N a-fcuntiu' round n tryin' for to find the coolest spot; But tbejr wear their shoes an' stoekin's an" a lot o' sweltvrla' clothes. Till tbe wonder ia they're 11 via an not melted, goodness know I Just a-look at me a mlnit, I ain't a-aweat in' none, An' I think the weather's bull1; summer's just chock full o' fun. I juat wear a ahlrt an' trousers, thet are thin as thin can be. An' you don't git shoes an' stockiu's, In the summer time on me. Only wear just one susiiender, an' wouldn't wear a coat If you'd give me all the silver, gold an' greenback thats afloat; " This straw hat, it ain't a beauty with this big hole iu the crown. But It lets the breeze blow on me, an , that helps cool me down. Then if things git moat too boilin I just skin down to the crick An', in just about two miuits I am cooled off nice an' slick; Oh! I tell yon if you banker after comfort you'll do well If you take me for a pattern an' do just like me a spell. Saturday Globe. THE MISER. AH Ardley wan aware that Fred Ilar ton would be a well-off man only for his brother Mux. Mux was nn Invalid bachelor, reputed one of the wealthiest men In that Midland towu of 4.uon peo ple. Eighteen years back the father bad died, leaving Fred, the fine saddlery business In High afreet, and Max bad all big savings, a couple of thousand pounds, for Max had never been robust. Max was then 32 and Fred 27 anil un married. Now .Max was nn unenviable Invalid of 50; Fred was 45, and one of the finest men in Ardley, with a bloom ing, handsome wife, the finest woman of ber years In the town, and nine comely children. The business had not been equal to o large a family, and a wife with a lovely woman's liking for lovely things. The younger man had borrowed money of the elder, and Max bad been . exacting and exorbitant from motives of revenge revenge uot Indeed ou Fred himself no much as on bis wife and ber young children Nellie's children, who were Fred's children also, who filled bla klnd-bearted brother's sleep with dreams of ruin end bankruptcy. All Ardley knew that a few months after old Barton's death sickly Max had proposed to beautiful Nellie Collet; within twelve months sho had mar ried his handsome brother. The Itcau tlful Nellie was not held quite blame lens In this affair. She had find flirted a little with Fred, and then a good deal with his unhandsome and ailing broth er. She had taken presents, a gold bracelet and a diamond cross, from Max. Some went the length of saying he had given her an engagement ring, but Is was never seen In public. Any way, though gloomy, taciturn Max dhT not open his niotilh to n soul alsnit his disappointment, the townspeople knew he almost died of It. For eight years the brothers never spoke. Then some sort of reconciliation took place. Hut Max never ui"t Nellie from the day of her marriage, ami never exchanged a word with one of his nephews or nieces. As became a usurer, Max was a miser, and lived In a style poor enough to keep Fred covered with perpetual shame, lie rented oue room In a mean side street. Out of the bouse he had not goue for years. His landlady, Mrs. Fraser, a carpenter's widow, said he did not spend five shillings a week ou food, and always resented a suggestion that he should allow himself any little Indulgence lu food or drink, or t lint he should buy the mwt homely and neces sary articles of clothing. How he had amassed his wealth was well known. Since his disappointment In love he had lived on less than 50 a year. He bad speculated and every thing be touched turned to gold. It was hard enough to think that a mis anthropic curmudgeon like lilin should make thousands and thousands a year by writing a few letters and sending a check from his wretched room, while flue hearty men In the town were hard set to moke a living out of Incessant toll from dawn to dark. J!ut that Max should squeeze money out of his heav ily handicapped, simple, genial brother was shameful, monstrous, Inhuman and merited a visible curse ou liini oti earth, to say nothing of what It do icrved hereafter! When misfortune did strike one of the broU'.ers It was not on the bachelor, usurer and miser If fell, but on Fred, whose affairs were In a desperate: con dition, and on whom depended a wife and nine little ones. One morning In June Fred was talk lug to a customer In a dogcart at bis open door. The horse became restive, and Fred caught hold of the animal's head. The brute plunged, reared, broke away from Fred and bolted, knocking down the unfortunate sad dler with the abaft and fracturing his kull with the wheel. At first the doctors said he must die, but be lived on In spite of what they said, In spite of what they did, and In spite of what they made him swallow. Yet, If be defeated them by living, tbe result was almost worse than if thslr prophecy had been fulfilled. Fred Barton's Intellect was desperately In jured. lie could do nothing at all. He was perfectly quiet, but beyond eating and drinking he was like one dead When spoken to he made no answer, took no notice. It wag only in hi sleep be uttered a sound, and then never more than one word, a name, and not the name of wife or child. Two or three times in the night Mrs. Barton would hear her husband groan "Max! Max! Max!" as though Imploring mercy or Indulgence from his hard, extortion ate, rich brother. For months no change took place In' the stricken man. Iay to day his af fairs drifted from bud to worse, until TUB BHt'TE PI.rJfOED AXD KNOCK KB DOWN THE SADIU.F.It. creditors were pressing on all sides, and the unhappy wife saw nothing for It but bankruptcy, a lunatic asylum for her husband and the poorhouse for herself and her children. Night after night as she lay awake trying to think what shape ruin would take she heard her husband call upon his brother lri these tones of entreaty for mercy. Max bad not yet taken steps to turn them all Into the street; but this Inac tivity was only the hush before the storm. Acceptances or something were not due yet; Mar wag waiting until everything for their destruction was In legal form. Ho great was the pressure on her that she told herself a thousand times she herself was going mad. One dayln Septemlwr the doctor de clared they could do nothing further for their patient If he were taken to London and placed In the bands of specialists an operation might bring light and strength back to his ioor mind again. It was the first word of hope, and Nellie nearly went crazy for Joy. She Wept, and laughed, and hugged her children to her heart, and wept and laughed again. Then she fainted, and lay insensible for an hour. She recov ered consclousuessand felt calmer than for years. She would take her Fred to London, the operation would be suc cessful, and she would return to Ardley with her Fred as well as ever; and In some way or other .business would come right everything In the world woidd come right If Fred would only be well again. She lay awake all that night. It was not until she got to bed that she re alized the need of a little ready money for this Journey to town. It would be expensive and sho had not a sovereign In the world, and their credit was all gone now. ' Twice In that wakeful night she heard her sleeping husband call for mercy to "Max! Max! Max!'" The first time the cry tilled her with chilling fears, l'erhaps Max would take action before she could leave with the patient or liefore Fred's recovery after the operation, and they should nil lie homeless after all. The second time she heard her husband's voice a now thought took possession of her. She had not met her old lover since her marriage. Suppose, she went to him and began by representing that he would make more money out of Fred sound In mind than by Fred out of reason. If that did not work upon Max she would throw herself at his feet and beg of him for tlie sake of the love he once bore her to succor her In her worst need; beg of him to have mercy upon her blameless children. If lie would not show It to herself. Ask him to lend max: l tun not think to fixi 1 01) 1.IKK 'litis." her money which would restore nllllii- ed Fred to reason and his family, When Max saw her humble, In tears at his feet, perhaps pity would strike bis heart. Next morning, after breakfast, Nellie dressed herself with more cure than for months.' She told no one where she wan going, and went by a roimdnlsmt, unlikely route. When tho door of the mean, two-story houso was opened, Mrs. Fraser took up a message that Mrs. Barton wished to ace the InvalM, ad brought word that Mr. Barton was loot ret up (be bad been very poorly, gffljPM j r ififetli indeed), but would be glad If Mrs. Bar ton would step up-stalrs. In the full splendor of ber matronly beauty, shedding light and warmth round her, she entered tbe wean, starved room. She saw a poor, wistod, waxen-faced wreck of a man a .he bed, and all feeling but of pity for Idiri fled from her, and with a woman's In extinguishable Impulse toward juffcr lug, she held out both her bands, cry ing: -Oh, Max! I did not think to find you like this." He held out two transparent, white, trembling hands to ber, and smiled a smile that broke her heart to ace a smile of sweet resignation. 'Thank you for coming, Nellie. Bit down, dear." This was altogether too much for her. She covered her face with her bHiids, and sank sobbing on a chair. He waited until her sobbing ceased, and then said: "Whatever happened long ago, dear, may have" been, and for a great while, I have no doubt, wag for the best. I have had no angry thought for many years. I, of course, heard all that hag happened heard It with the greatest grief, as I was In every way powerless. The landlady told me what the doctor said yesterday. My only sorrow la that I am still powerless. If I could do anything to help poor Fred or you I would, but since the dreadful accident I could not be of any use to him of you, dear." It was Inexpressibly painful to hear him call her "dear," and yet that one word from his lips now had some ex quisite beauty and pathos, which she would not miss for all the world. "I knew from Fred he never told you how business matters were between him and me. It was my wish he should not. I have heard of the foolish notion people have that I am very rich, and that I lent money at usury to poor Fred. As to being rich, I nevr had more than HO pounds a year from the money my father left me. I never spent more than half that Whan Fred came to me first I had saved a few hundred pounds. I gave biro. them. Since then I gave him all I had saved, and fifteen hundred of the capital, dear. I wish It waa thousands. There are only five hundred left, but I could not get that under six months' notice. I gave uotlce when the accident hap pened, but there Is yet a long time to wait a longer time, most likely, th t my time here. But 1 hate uiodo my will, and, dear Nellie, Fred shall have that five hundred, of course!" She took down her hands and looked at him out of round, scared eyes. Her face was twle and wan. "And It Is this makes hlra cry out, 'Max! Max! Max!1 so pitiful in his sleep!" she said, in a choking voice. "He Is not In his right mind, dear, and you should not heed what he says. Poor fellow, he often told me it killed him to take the money. But why should he not? What good Is money to me, so long as I have enough to go on with to the end"" 'And I," she said. In a voice hoarse with remorse, "thinking you had cheat ed him with usury, had come to re proach you." He smiled the sweet, pallid smile again. "If there was any money here I would have sent it to you. But there was none. You are going to London with him. Things must have been very tight with you since the poor fellow was laid up. I can't put my hand on any money, but If you will open that drawer I can give you something for which you will get money. Hand me the little metal box." She took the key of the drawer from his thin band, and gave him the metal Iki.t. He opened it nnd shook out tho contents on the counterpane. 'Take them, dear," he said. "They are really yours." She saw shining In the morning light on the bed a gold bracelet, a diamond cross and a ruby ring, which had been hers years ago. "I have nothing else worth five sil llngs. They are yours really, you know, and you ought to get 50 pounds' for them. Take them nnd cure Fred with the money, nnd In three months he will have the 5oo whether I live or die." Ten weeks later, when Fred was back from London cured, but not quite his old self yet. Max hail passed away. The whole story hud been told, and ull the shops along the route closed their doors as the funeral passed, and half the townsfolk followed Max to the grave. 1'tli'ii Globe. lllcyelcs nrul Tobacco. We do not exaggerate In the least. The bike craze has Infatuated, en slaved, at the least calculation 5oO,oiO males who were formerly addicted to the smoking habit. If these 500,000 male slaves to the bike craze have weaned themselves to smoking only two cigars lens n day this must be considered a most moderate calcula tion, ns the blklst hardly ever worships less than from four to six hours cf the shrine of his wheel then the con sumption of cigars Is decreasing at the rate of 1,0M),000 per day, and the decrease In our cigar production since the bike craze has set In has actually been 7K),000,0(0 per year. Uulted States Tobacco Journal. To Dine and Talk Politics. The new Itadlcal party of England have resolved to dine together once a month. 4 A 1 . i fl , A New Weed Pest. Tumbling mustard Is a troublesome Weed in the Canadian Northwest prov inces, and has recently been reported from nine different localities in the United States, mostly on waste lauds and city lots. Its record in Canada, and the rapidity with which it has al ready spread in some placi-s in the United States, necessitate prompt ac tion if its further progress is to be checked. The weed Is found through out the greater part of Europe, north ern Africa and western Asia. Temper- ature and moisture have not yet lim ited Its range, and there Is every rea son to suppose that if left unchecked it will dispute the possession of land with daisies, thistles and other foul growth. This pest Is a biennial, after germination resembling dandelion or shepherd's purse, A small part of a flowering branch Is shown at d. The lower part of the stem bears numerous leaves 3 to 10 Inches long and 1 to 3 inches wide, shown at b. The nearly white blossoms, shown at c, appear 'n small clusters at the ends of branches. Seed Is usually Introduced in baled fcay, poorly cleaned seed, stock cars or sweepings from grain cars. The timothy seed growers of our Western States should be especially active to eradicate this pest In case It appears in their fields. To exterminate, mow the weeds below all flowers, grub out plant and root during August, harrow the land thoroughly at frequent Inter vals during summer, and seed with sod forming grasses. American Agricul turist. To Prevent Kvnporntton. A plank drag behind the cultivator to smooth down ridges and thus keep the soil from rapidly drying Is advised by many Investigators, says Farm and Home. This is particularly importnut during a drought when all the mois ture In the soil must be retained if kw sible. Ordinary cultivating between IM.ANK I) It AO ATlArilMKNT. tlie rows leaves deep depressions and high ridges, thus exposing double sur face to tlie action of the sun and air. The plank drug smooths down these ridges, wiille leaving tlie land light and porous. An Ohio farmer advises rounding (he edges of the plunk slight ly, from end to end, so as not to dis turb the earth deeply near the plant rows, (Mir illustration snows an easy way of attaching toe plank. Threshing I'lmn Grain. It Is quite likely that much grain will be threshed while damp this year, ns wet weather In harvest time caused I', to lie, got in before fully dry. In most cases the grain will take leas harm In the bundle than out of It, says "Ameri can Cultivator." So long as grain waa threshed by hand, there was no danger of the work being done while either straw or grtln were damp. It made the I J. s v 'PL TUMIII.INO ML'STAliD. 41, work too hard, and the threshing was always reserved for cold weather, af ter frost had thoroughly dried out both straw and grain. When horse power threshing machines came into use, there was nearly as much care in hav ing the grain in good condition for threshing. We have seen the thresher stalled when the grain came too fast or too damp. In the large steam thresh ers the bundles go through all right but if damp, more or less of the grain goc-s into the stack. The evil of threshing damp grain 1 not confined to the loss by waste. What is put in the granary is much more likely to heat and be come musty than it Is if the grain has been thoroughly dried in the straw. Peed Corn. The practice Is common among farm ers, even among those the most ad vanced, to select seed from tho body of the ear, and to discard the small grains that grow on the tips and butts of the ears. They do so from the con viction that lik produces like, and the stronger plants should be obtained from the larger groins. If, however, such a practice were persevered in from year to year, It would result in the production of ears with few grains of corn on the tips or -none at all, for uie distance of a full inch from the end of the ear. It has been ascertained from experiment that corn produced from tbe butt brains comes first in tas sel; that from the body grains tassels next and corn from the tip grains last of all. The difference between the pe riods of tasseling will average a week or ten days. This is nature's method of providing an abundance of pollen, to complete the fertilization of all the grains on the ear. It may not be wise to plant all the email grains from the tips of the ears, as there would then be a danger that the corn would be too thick. This difficulty may be obviated -y rnnnlng the seed through a sieve, with meshes of suitable size, after the corn has been shelled. Cultivating a Fenced Garden. Some kitchen gardens must be fenc ed, or destruction from straying cattle? will follow. It Is a misfortune, how ever, to have a garden so fenced that cultivation cannot take place. The accompanying sketch shows a way .o fence a small garden, that admits of easy and thorough cultivation. The garden must he entirely in rows run ning lengthwise. The side fences are permanent. The ends are panels of fence that hook on to posts set perma nently, each post being lu line with t plant row in the garden, so that they will not be in the way of the horse and cultivator. It is but a moment's work to take down, or put up, these end pan els, ns they can Ik; made of light strip. th A pinr.r. Strong colonies protect themselves against robbers. Do not let the sun shine directly upon the hives. Bees hatched In the fall will live through winter until spring. All excess of drone comb should be removed from the hive. One advantage In wiring foundations Is that It will bear a heavier weight of bees. When a considerable number of hives are kept, seven feet each way is close enough to place them. Pure Italian boos, ns a rule, are tho easiest handled. Not only do they sting less, but they keep their places on the com Ins better. Poultry Polnta. (live fowls shade. (live fowls air and exercise. Give fowls lime, grit and light. (Jive fowls fresh earth to scratch. Give fowls green slulT every day. Give fowls fresh water twice a day. Oats should be crushed If fed to little chicks. Hoe that coops are well oiled or white washed Iwforo the little chicks are put Into them. IK) not be deceived with the idea Hint Incubators need no care. The best that can be made require attention. A sitting of eggn wns sent from Ne braska to llammonfon, N, J.,' by mall, registered, at a cost of 39 cents, without an egg broken. , Give the old hen a good dusting with snuff before she Is taken from tbe nest with tbe little chicks. Better do It day of two before tbe ctiicks coma MOVAm.E GAHOESr FENCE. CHEYENNE SADDLES. Tbe belis-fat of the Cowboy and Vmlfi State Cavalry. All over North America for many years Cheyenne saddles have been fa mous, and every equestritui outside tlie United States cavalry and of the North west Mounted Police of Canada baa either had bis liorne tricked out wttb Cheyenne leather or wished he bad. The fancy work ou saddles, bolsters and stirrup hoods that once made Mexi can saddlery famous and expensive long ago was copied by the Cheyenne makers, who keit up the fame and leauty of American horse trappings, but made them so cheap as to be within the means of most horsemen. In the old days when Western cattle ranged all over the plains and the cowboy was In his glory, that, queer citizen would rather have a Cheyenne saddle than a bent girl. In fa-t to be without a Chey enne saddle and a first-class revolver was to be no lntter than the sheep herder of that era. When the writer was In Cheyenne recently the first places he looked for were the saddle-makers' shops. He wae surprised to find only one showy, first-class store of that kind, and, In stead of there being a crowd in front of it, there was no sign of more business than was going on at he druggist's near by, or the stationer's over the way. The goods displayed In the windows were lMutiul and extraordinary. There were the glorious, heavy, hand-strap ped saddles; there were the huge, cum brous tapaderos; there were the lariats or ropes; the magnificent bits that look ed like Moorish art outdone; and there were mule skinners and the fanciful spurs; and, iu short the windows form ed a museum of things that a cowboy would have pawned his soul to own. The metal work was all such as a cav alryman once declared it, "the most ele gant horse jewelry in creation." Englishmen and Germans now buy the fanciest and bestt trimmings to send abroad to their homes. Hand-strapped saddles cost from $13 to $85, but $35 buys as good a one as a modeet man who knows a good thing will care to use. Cowgirl saddles were on view- seven of them with rigging for side seats and with stirrups made in slipper shapes. It Is not that there are really half a dozen cowgirls in the world, or half a dozen women like the Colorado cattle queen or the lady horse breeder of Wyoming, but there are Western -girls who have to ride a great deal, and they had fond fathers end brothers, and still fonder lovers; hence the manu facture of magnificent side-saddles, all decked with hand-strapped patterns, and looking ns rich as the richest Bed ouin ever dreamed of horsegear being made. There is still a good trade In cowboy outfits that are ordered from Montana, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Col orado and Texws, and similar goods go to the horse ranches of Nevada, Idaho and Oregon. Moreover, as long as men ride horses there will be a trade In fancy outfits for them. Denver Field and Farm. Railroad. Yard Terrors. "It's hard for the ordinary .traveler to "realize the .'terrors of' the' average railroad yard," said, 'an bid and experi enced trainman at orie of tlie big" Jersey City terminals to a New York Sun re porter. "The commuter who scans the yards daily ns he is smoothly riding through them naturally enough falls to appreciate the mass of detail in the du ties of the men who are employed to switch him safely Into the station. Of course, the routine work we do, fraught with responsibility and danger as It Is, becomes mechanical enough to us In time, but there is oue thing that I never have been able to do with coolness in all the years I have been- employed here, and that Is to cross this network of tracks at night. The experience of Thomas Bouker, the freight clerk at the Leldgh Valley station in Gominunl paw, Is proof that I am not the. only hardened railroader afflicted lu that way. Bouker was run down by an en gine because he got bewildered In the maze of tracks. I don't blame him Why, it's enough to give a man heart d'sease to attempt to cross such an ag gregation of rails with a lot of head' lights moving all around him and scores of bells and whistles ringing in his ear, "Every time that I am compelled to make such a trip and I only do so now adays when I am compelled tb I get the lay of the laud well Iu my mind n nd note which engines are moving nnd which nre not; but It is of no use. I5y the time I'm in tho middle of the .van! my head is In a whirl, the heaillighw are dancing all around me, and 1 si:lp and dodge nround frantically until I get safely on the other side. Usually most of tlie locomotives are Blandiaf ntlll in the train shed, but it's hard to believe It when you nre lu front of them. Some commuters who vrovlc Iu Jersey City have a trick of walking Into the hi a Hon from the yard to save the trouble of going around by the regular way, but when I can I always warn them of the danger of doing so." "You say you want a position In my company. Why, man, you don't look well enough. Actor "That's Just It. My doctor says If I will walk thirty miles a day I'll lie cured "Life. Sooner, or later we aro all done up by some one younger than we are, and I) hurt u j',);h in baslncw a In lore.