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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1896)
EALMAGE'S SERMON. THE PREACHER DISCUSSES A GREAT UAWSUIT. Indictment, the Tentimony, the mint Va and the Jndcment Graphic Ucport of a Trial for the -te of a Soul. In the Courtroom. The illustrations of this sermon arp from the scene in a court room, with which Ut. Talnutge became familiar when he was studying law, before he toadied for the ministry. The text ii L Jofcn, ii., 1, "We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous. ' Standing in a court room you say to ywaraelf, "At this bar crime has often been arraigned; at this witness stand tbe baa often been taken; at this jurors to verdict baa been rendered: at this ja due's desk sentence hag been io ttoonced." But I have to tell you to-day f a trial higher than any oyer and ternw er or circuit or supreme or chancery. It la the trial of every Christian man for the life of hia soul. This trial is differ t from any other in tbe fact that it is both civil and criminal. The issues at stake are tremendous, and I ahull ia my sermon show you first what n the grounds of complaint, then who Are the witnesses in the cause and lastly wtio are the advocates. When a trial is called on, the first thing ia to have the indictment read. Stand up then, O Christian man, and hear the in dictment of the court of high heaven against thy soul. It ia an indictment of ten counts, for thou hast directly or indi rectly bnrken all the Ten Commandments. You know how it thundered on Sinai, and when flod came down how the mountain rocked, and the smoke ascended as from a smoldering furnace, and the darkness gathered thick, and the loud, deep trum pet uttered the words, "The soul that stirwieth, it shall die!" Are you guilty or no guilty? Do not put in a negative plea oo qirck, for I have to announce that "all have sinned and come short of the sslwy of iod. There is none that doeth pood. No. not one. Whosoever shall keep the whole law, yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." Do not there' fore be too hasty in pronouncing yourself not guilty. The Lawsuit. This lawsuit before us also charges you with the breaking of a solemn contract. Majiy a time did we promise to be the Lord's. We got down on our knees and aid, ') Lord, I am thine now and for ever." Iid you keep the promise? Have yon stood up to the contract? I go back to your first communion. You remember it as well as if it were yesterday. You know how flie vision of the cnws rose be fore yon. You remember how from the bead, and the bands, and the side, and the feet there came bleeding forth two words. Rememlter me." You recall how the cup of communion trembled in your hand when you first took it, ami as in a washoll you may hear, or think you hear, the roaring of the surf even after the she'.l baa been taken from the beach, so yon lifted the cup of communion and yon beard in it the surging of the great ocean of a Saviour's agony, and you came forth tmm that communion service with face thiiiinir ns thomch vou had been on the mount of Transfiguration, and the very air seemed tremulous with the love of Jetras. and the woods and the leaves and the grass and ihe birds were brighter ami sweeter voiced than ever Itefore, and you aid down in the very depths of your noul, "Lord, thou knowest all things thou knowest that I love thee. Have yon kept tbe bargain. ( Christian man Have you not sometime faltered when tni ought to have been true.' Have you not ?been proud when you ought to have tieen humble? Hare you not played the toward when yon ought to have been the hero? I charge it upon you and 1 char: it upon myself we have broken the con tract. .Still further. This lawsuit c'.aims dam aces nt your hands. The groitcst slain! on the Christian religion is air inconsist ent .professor. The Bili.e says religion i one tbiirg. We, by our inconsistency. religion is some other thing, and what is snore deplorable about it is that peopl t-nn fault in others while they cannot nee set in themselves. If you shn.l time find some miserable old gossip, with iuijierfeetion from the crown of her bead to the sole of her foot, a perfect Ukitch of sin herself, she will go tattling, tatl'ing. tattling nil the years of her lif- about the inconsistencies of others, nuv ' inz wo idea that she is inconsistent her wuf. rod save the world from tbe gos nip, leroale and male! I think the male re the worst. Now the chariot of Christ's sJvation goes on through the world, bu ll is our inconsistencies, my brethren, ohv-k lip the wheels, while all along th; line there ought to have Iwen cast nothing bat palm branches, and the shout shou'd bare been lifted, "Hoaanna to the Son of David!" Nw you have heard the indictment read. Are you ready to plead guilty or not guilty? Perhaps you are not ready yet to plead. Then the trial will go on. Tlie witnesses will be called, and we shall bare the matter decided. In the name of tlod I now make proclamation: Oye., yez, oyez. whosoever hath anything fo nsTer in this trial, in which Uod is the plaintiff and the Cbrisitian soul the de sfeaVlant, let him now step forth and give tjssfttaoiiy in this solemn trial. The reatimonjr. The first witness I call upon the stand Sa Ijebalf of the prosecution is the world, all rrbtical and otwervant of Christian character. You know that there are is le around you who sTis'tuaIly bampiet on the frailties of God's cUiWren. You -it know, if you huve lived in tlie conn- tnr. that a crow cures for nothing so much an carrion. There are those who imagine that eot of the faults of Christians they can make a bridge of boats across tn naneani of death, and they are going 'o irr It: but ala for tbe mistake! W heu tt set midstream, away will go the WAa, and down will go their souls to a-M-tiiiM O work! of tbe greedy eye mi Cm fcnrl heart, corn on the stand now in tabalf f the prosecution ttbh Christina soul on trial. Whs 4 t mm kasrw a boat tola Christian man CV m MrMt "I now k1 bMt htm. Ha tofts about putt Inn I nhm hi hancea, but he is tho ' L wt aatn ta nanW 1 ever knew. - He -fri Wnni M beHeva that be is a lf QeL hat h ht Jwt Ml of Imper- f Tnv 1 4o not taow bat I an irsat ' ' I 1 Itdtr than he hi tw. Often tlae , t vbtasaqr mtir. ha Wlka so llttW t ' Oriat Ml wuh about hlaweW. I am very glad to test! fy that rhia is s bad man." Stop, O world, with the greedy eye and hard heart I fear yoa are too much inter ested in this trial to five impartial evi dence. Let all those who hear tbe testi mony of thia witness know that there is n old family quarrel between these two parties. There always has been a vari ance between the world and the church, and, while the world on tbe witness stand to-day has told a great deal of truth about thu Christian man. rou must take it all with much allowance, remembering that they still k-ep tbe old grudge good. O w-ld of the greedy eye and the bard heart, that will do. You may sit down. Tbe second witness I call in this case is conscience. no art Uiou. w conscience s What is your business? Where were you tiorti? What are you doing here? "Oh,' says eonsTenee. "I was lorn in heaven. I came down to befriend this man. I have lived with him. I have instructed bim. I have warned bim. I showed him the right and the wrong, advised him to take the one ami eschew the other. I have kindled a great light in his souL With a whip of scorpions I have scourged his wicked ness, and I have tried to cheer bim when doing right, and yet I am compiled to testify on the stand to-day that he has sometimes rejected my mission. Oh. how many cu of life have I pressed to b:s ips that be dashed down, and how often has he sto! with bis hard heel on the bleeding heart of the Son of God. It pains me very much that I have to Unu fy against this Christian man. and yet I must in behalf of him who will in no wise lear the guilty say that this Christian man has done wrong. He has been world ly. He has lsen neglectful. He has done a thousand things be ought not to bave done, and left undone a thousand thiikgs be ought to have done." That will do, conscien'e. You can sit down. The third wlrness 1 call in the case is an angel of Jod. Bright and shining ime. what doest thou here? What hast thou to say against this man on trial? "Oh." says the angel, "I have -been a messenger to him. I have guarded bim. I have watched him. With this wing I have de fended him, and oftentimes, when he knew it not, I led him into green pastures and beside the still waters. I snatched from him the poisoned chalices. When bad spirits came upon him to destroy him, I fought them back witb infinite fierce ness, and yet I have to testify to-day that ne has rejected my mission. He has not done as he ought to have done. Though I came from the sky, he drove me back. Though with this wing I defended him. and though with this voice I wooed him. 1 have to announce his multiplied imper fections. I dare not keep back the testi mony, for then I should not dare to ap pear again among the sinless ones before the great white throne." There is only one more witness to be called on behalf of the prosecution, and that is the great, the holy, the august, the otuniixitent Spirit of !od. We bow down Is-fore him. Holy Spirit, knowest thou this man? "Oh, yes," says the Holv One, "I know him. I have striven with him ten thousand times, and though some times be did seem to repent he fell back again as often from his first estate. Ten thousand times ten thousand has he griev ed me, although the Bible warned him. saving: 'Grieve not the Holy Ghost. Quench not the Spirit.' Yes, he has driv en me buck. Though I am the Thirl I'erson of the Trinity, be has trampled on my mission, and the blood of the atone ment that I brought with which to cleanse his soul he sometimes despised, I came from the throne of God to i-onvert and comfort and sanctify, and yet look a that man and see what he is compared with what, unresisted, I would have made him." The Rehattal. Tbe evidence on the part of the prosecu tion has closed. Now let the defense bring on the rebuttal testimony. What have you. O Christian soul, to bring in reply to this evidence of the world, of th conscience, of the angel and of the IJoIy Ghost? No evidence? Are all these things true? "Yes. Cm-lean, uruiean." says every Christian soul. What? I you not begin to tremble at the thouit of condemnation? We have come now to the most interest ing part of this great trial. The evidence all in, the advocates speak The profes sion of an advocate is full of responsi bility. In England and the i'nited States there hnve arisen men wbo in this calling have been hos.orcd l-.y their ra-e and thrown contempt upon those who in the profession have been guilty of a great many mealinesses. That profession will be honorable as long as it bas attached to it such names as Mansfield and Mar shall and Story and Kent and Southard and William Wirt. Tbe court room has sometimes been the scene of very marvel ous and thrilling things. Some of yon remember the famons Girard will case, where one of our advocate pleaded the ause of the Bible and Christianity in masterly Anglo-Saxon, every paragraph a thunderbolt. Some of you have read of the famous trial in Westminster hall of Warren Has tings, the despoiler of India by splendid talents, by courage, by brilies. by gigantic dishonesty. The whole world hail rung with applause or condemnation. Gathered ... . . Lll ..1 !.!..&. in V estminsier uaii, a place in h mcu iior- ty kings had been inaugurated, was oih of the most famous audiences ever gath ered. Foreign ministers and prince sat there. Peers marched in, clad in ermiue and gold. Mighty men and women from all lands looked down upon the sceie. Amid all that pomp and splendor, and amid an 'excitement such as has seldom been seen in any court room, Edmund Burke advanced in a speech which will last as long as the Knglish language, con cluding with this burning charge, which made Warren Hastings cringe and cower: i impeach him in the name of the com mons house of parliament, whose trust he lias betrayed. I impeach him in the name, of the English nation, whose ancient honor he has sullied. I impeach him in the name of the people of India, whose rights he has trampled on and whose country he has turned into a desert. And lastly, in the name of human nature, in the name of both sexes, In the name of every age and rank, I impeach him a the common enemy and oppressor of all. But I turn from the recital of theae memorable occasions to a grander trial and I have to tell yon that in this trial of the Christian for the life of hi soul the advocate are mightier, wiser and more eloquent. The evidence all being in, vera and stern jnstl-e rises on behalf of the prosecution to make hi plea. With the Bible open ia hi band, he read the law, stem and Inflexible, and the penalty. "The anal that ahmeth, H shall ue. The he Sara: "O thoo Jadge and Law cirer. thia ia tbiae own statate, and. all thn evidence hi earth and heaven agree that the man baa sinned against theae en actments! Now let the sword leap from its scabbard. Shall a man go through tbe very flames of Sinai uusinged? Let the law be executed, i Let judgment be pro nounced. Let him die. I demand that he die!" O Christian, does it not look very dark for thee? Who will plead on thy side in so forlorn a cause? Sometimes a man will te brought into a court of law, and he will have no friends and no money, and the judge will lMjk over the bar and say, "Is there any one who will volunteer to fake this man's case and defend bim?" And some young man rises up and says, "I will be his counsel," erhaps starting on from that very point to a great and brilliant career. Now, in this matter of the soul, as you have nothing to pay for counsel, do you think that any one will volunteer? Yes, yes; I see one rising, lie is a young man, ouly 3.'! years of age. I see his countenance suffused with tears and covered with blood, and all the gal leries of heaven are thrilled with the spectacle. Thanks lie unto God, we have an advocate with tbe Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." O Christian soul, your case begins to look better. I think, perhaps, after all, you may not have to die. The liest advo cate in the universe has taken your side. No one was ever so qualified to drfeud you. He knows all the law, all its de mauds, all its penalties. He is always ready. No new turn of the case can sur prise him. and he will dead for you for nothing as earnestly as though you brought a world of treasure to his fi-et. Besides that, he has undertaken the case of thousands who were as forlorn as you. and he has never lost a case. Courage, O Christian soul! I think that, after all. there may be some chance for you. for the great advocate rises to make his plea. He says: "I admit all that his been proved against my client. I admit all these sins aye, more but look at that wounded hand of mine and look at that other wounded hand and at my right foot and at my left foot. By all tbesetwounda I plead for his clcarawc. Count all the drops of my blood. By the humiliation of Bethlehem, by the sweat of Gethscmane. by the sufferings of the cross, I demand that he go free. On this arm he hath leaned, to this heart he hnth flown, in my tears he hath washed, on my righteous ness he hath depended. Iet him go free; I am the ransom. I-ct bim escape tlu lash; I took the scourgings. Let the cup pass from him; I drank if to the dregs. Put on him the crown of life, for I have worn the crown of thorns. Over against my throne of shame set bis throne of tri umph. Judgment Well, the counsel on both sides hav sooken. and there is only one more tliiiu now remaining, and that is the awarding of the indgmeut. I f you have ever been in a court room, you know the silence and solemnity when the verdict is about to f rendered or the judgment about fo be gir - - i ... ..l.n : I. . 't in i. l. lost? Attention. above, around, beneath! All the universe cries, "Hear, hear!" The judge rises and gives his decision, never to be changed, never to be revoked. "There is. therefore, now no condemns tion to them who are in Christ Jesus. The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose I will not, I will not. desert to his foes. .ni-- I .fc 1, ll kH .l,l,l n,lm-,.f im so.,., ..,.... - la sunnr-. Ill never; no, never; no, never, forsake. But. my friends, there is coming a day of trial in which not only the saint, but the sinner must appear. That day of trial will come very suddenly. The fanner will lie at the plow, the merchant will be in the counting room, the womlman will be ringing his ax on the hickories, the weav er will bare his foot on the treadle, tin- manufacturer will be walking amid the ,..,r1I(,u exclaimed warmly, ."and t ex hnfhT": ?vr mr surprise a, his darln to i linn i j, "r .- i pleading the law. flic minister may be in the pulpit pleading the gospel, the drunk- J ard mav be reeling am:il Ins cups, anil the linn is io ne iierneu irom mis .I'ucu hlasphemer with the oath caught between I l.,.js game. I told him, and then come his teeth. to me to abet .von In such fully, but not Lo, the snn hides! Night comes down) t j j j xl,on." at midnoon. The slurs appear at noon to- j day. The earth shudders and throbs, j There an enrthnmike opens and a city j sinks as crocodile would crunch a child. ., - ii ... )...; ..l-..iu .,,! Jlouninins too in n-r. . . ,,., rr. ,., down their granite cliffs in avalanche of i rock. Rivers pause in their chase for the sea, and ocean uprcaring cries to flying Al and Himalaya. Beasts bellow and moan and snuff up the darkness. Clouds fly like flocks of swift eagles. Grest thunder best and boom and hurst. Stars shoot and fall. The Almighty, rising on Lis throne, declare that time shall be no longer, and the archangel's tramp re peats it till all the living hear and tbe continents of dead spring to their feet, crying. "Time shall be no longer!" Oh, on that day will you be ready? I bave shown you how well the Chris tian will get off in his trial. Will yon get off as well in your trial? Wilt Christ iilwu! on vour side or against rou? Oh what will you do in the Inst great assise team ""sienco one io uielr g.wuun if your conscience is against you, and the slum with all possible speed; they had . .... I a . . . . . I . . . I . world is against you, and the angels of heaven are against you, and the Holy Spirit is against you, and the Lord God Almighty is against you? Better this day secure an Advocate. Rbort Strnonn, Itellgion and Silence. Religion la the knowledge of life, science Is systematic knowledge. Religion ia separated from science ouly in the oiwe that you can speak of religion and sculpture or re ligion and history being distinct Ite llgion Includes all knowledge In the world, so far as that knowledge Is ee- ewwiry for the worship of God or th bottonnent of humanity. Religion Is not morality, although it inelud. it Religion ta not science, but it does not deny the uefui!ies of sclence.-Rev. m v v lilt , A 1 ' Wealth Our PerlL-TIie peril of Amer- lea to-day is hs enormous wealth. We. are becoming so alwoTbed iu the pur-, suit after tlie material orospemy umt we are neglecting our mnenmnce ana allowing tlte country to become a Ix- bed of secular license ana lawlessness. ( trftck neilreBt hm ne MUgbt sight of God ta drummed out of poHtlcw; the ( one train ,,! down npon him. and Bible la out of the Beboota from which ( he now, nUkKgmi back and was about must pome our future crUgens. We are , t() p)ung, front of the other down ao far from being good Chrlatiami that COIn)ng express, when auddenly some- we are not even gooo jrww. meaocnu and political regtilaOooa or tinlay are not even an approacn to me ivo uotn tmutdmenM, wnlcn fc in) rnixiamen tnl law of tbe moic ewnomy. iter. Dr. Mag ruder, Memoaist, t-incinnau. A FOOTBALL HERO.; I T WAS a great cross to Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett that Hoger was ap parently finite devoid of any worthy ambition. Their two older boy, were so utterly different. Cred had been graduated from Yab- with highest houors, and Horace wa mak ing remarkable progress at the Sci entific School; in fact, they were both exceptionally fine students, which made tbe contrast all the moro strik ing. For Koger was sadly unlike Ms brothers. He seemed to lalior under the Impression that he bad ben n,-nt to college simply and solely for the purpose of learning to play foot ball. Apparently nothing else had jsiwer to kindle the slightest enthusiasm In his sluggish breast, and bis futhr and mother argued and expostulated wltU him In vain. "You are frittering away your valu able time," they argued agiiu and again, "and are letting slip golden op portunities which, once gone, III never come back to you; and what have you to show for it all but a broken nose and a fractured collnr-lone?7 "Is there any prospective benefit to be derived from these hours ss-nt In scrambling after a foot ball?" his fa ther questioned, severely; to whtc'j Itoger merely responded In bis usual .iff hand style: "Why knows bnt I may be elected captain of the 'vnrslty team next year?" "Is that the height of your ambi tion?" his parent returned bitterly. "I m terribly dlaapjsdiited in you. sir. Are you to go ou playing foot ball for ever and ever, or what do you propose to make of your life? Perhap you think that your reputation as a foot ball player 111 prove an "open sesame' to all desirable positions? Io you sup pose that anyone wants a fellow wli' lias willfully wasted his best opjsii tunl ties? I had hoped to make a profession al mati of you, not a professional atl l'-tP. and had even aspired to seeing you some day In our leading law nfrict with my old friend, Wilkinson Suiiil Iey, but it's no use. Small -y want, only young men of the highest prom ise," and Mr. Bartlnt sighed wear ily. "It does no good to lalk to R'icer." be confided to his wife afterward, "for hardly ten minutes had elapsed niter j ,tw,n r,.mollHl rating with him alwMlt the evils of foot bail before he Imjilired If 1 wouldn't bring you down to see the game on Satunhiy. and in formed me that he had saved two tick ets for us." Mrs. Bartlett regarded lier .iusImik! helplessly, - "What did you suy to him then?" she queried. "I told film Vortaiiilr nut'" Mr. MK'U a blstlng benefit suggest Mich a thing. Show me some t, or any abiding 'vsl. And so Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett failed lo witness that memorable giim? In which their youngest son gained for himself such euvllble laurels. Oinv in the Held, Itoger was like uv- t-ans-f or ined. Keen, alert, cool, rlshi'; splen didly to every emergmicy. iio one would have known him for the sum? slow, Indifferent, easy-going specimen of hu ijinnity who grieved the ambitious sonls of his parents by Uls small aptitude for Greek. Not that Itoger-wag by any means a dunce, for his cIams standing was fair ly good, bnt wont pained his father and mother wir the recognition of what he might have accomplished has! It not been f'r the ajrvll-enc'niy, foot bill. The great game over, the vlctorian some little distance to go, as the gym tmsiur.i was not very near the ball grounds, so that la order to reach It they were obliged to traverse the cen ter of the towa and cross the rail road truck. Roger, who had been detained a mo ment or so longer tban tlie othera. readied the station a short time after they had crossed, and found the plat forms crowded with people who were retornlng from the game, mingled with those who were alighting from Incoin ing trains. As he stepped upon the platform he became conselou that something ununal was going on, and j he Immediately perceived that the eye f the multitude were riveted upon a fre half-way acros tne track, a n Thorn's a train eomlnir enah way; I . J ...1 . U...V.. ...mofkAtv tpmmtxitA' "urhv iinaint lift ffi TJr ;7..,Vi,V. T,ie' ilaton a(fpnt and one or tw0 other official were shouting loudly. he who WM ol(j and t.ry df ttppparwi thoroughly daged. As hp wm preRr,ng t0 Btep 0l0n the ti,lnf TerT uneipected happened. , A tne crowd 0f bystanders shrank - t)ack wtrn horror stricken faces, con - , rncej that they were about to wltneas horrible fata which tnuat Instantly overtake the old man, a figure lu uiucb-liegrluied canvas Jacket sprang out from among them, and clearing the tracks at a bound alighted beside the swaying form of the other. A shudder, and a wave of pitiful re gret swept over the motionless crowd. "He can never drag him bavk In time." fliey breathed; "they will both be kill edoh, the pity of It!" But our football man bad no thought of dragging the unsteady figure In front of either approaching engine. In an instant he bad tackled the man and thrown him flat niton the ground be tween the tracks, for all the world quite as If be bml been an opponent on the football Held; then he dropped light ly on top of him and lay there motion less, while the two trains thundered past on each side of them, and the crowd stissl waiting spell bound. In much less time than It takes to de scribe the episode It was over, and what might have been a tragedy bad proved to be only a bit of melodrama after all; yet as Roger Jumped up and pulled the old man on to hi feet, ap plause and cheers louder than any that bad greened him on the football field rang In Ills ears. Abashed and quite overwhelmed by such an ovation Roger made haste to elbow his way through the crowd, and In so doing nearly overthrew his own brother Fred, wbo happened to be standing directly In his path. "For heaven's sake was that you, Roger?" he cried, confronting him In astonishment. "IK let me get out of this," his brother responded Impatiently, "they needn't make such a fuss because I knocked the old duffer over," and he tsilted In the direction of the gymna sium. . Saturday night generally brnnght the scattered memljers of the Bartlett fam ily together, ns the collegians always made a point of coming home to spend Sunday tinder the parental roof tree. On this particular Sunday evening all were assembled before Itoger came In. Fred was all agog to describe the scene that he had witnessed, but he un selfishly held his tongue. "Ill not spoil his story for bim, but will give him a chance to do Justice to It," he mentally ejaculated, as he watched his limthpr swallowing his soup with un ruffled composure. But Roger said nothing; about the vital subject, and Fred looking at him with Increasing surprise as be Judi cially set forth the rcsoctIve merits of the opposing football tennis, and called attention to their most vulner able points. "I'll turn In early to-sight, I think." he yawned, as he withdrew from the dining riMim. "I put pretty Kolld work into the last half of tluit gnme," and lie leisurely wended his way upstairs. "t wish that Roger would put a little solid work Into something else," his father volunteered. Jus he disappeared from tike room. At tills Fred- who bad In times past repeatedly scoffed at his brother's ath letic proclivities. Instantly fired ap. "Father," he burst forth, "you're making a big mistake about itoger. He's got more geuuiue stuff In him tliaa all the rest of us put together, and If lts football that's dose It, the smb- er w all go In for the- game the bet tor;" and then he proceedeil to give a graphic account of the afternoon's experience, ' which caused Ms father t blow his nose loudly and repeatedly while Ills eye glistened with happy pride, and sent his mother weeping in search of the sleepy athlete, who couldn't understand) what he bad done that was worth making sncti a fuss bout. A few day Inter Mr. Bartlett re ceived a note frmn bis old friend Wil klnson Stnalley, which ran somewhat as follows: Pear Burnett l bear that your Roger Is going In for tlie lnw, and If so, want Uim. When be gvts through with the law school you can hand him over to me, for he' Just the material that I'm on the lookout for, and you may well be proud of him. He senrefl me out or a years growth tbe other afternoon, at the station, the yonng rascal, but lu splto of that, I wish you would tell hlin to come round and take dinner with me some night, for I want to talk to him With kind regards to Mrs. Bart lett, believe nie, ever yonr friend, "WILKINSON HM ALI.KY." When Roger came home the follow ing Saturday, his father handed hlrn the note, remarking: "I'm nfrald haven't appreciated your football, old man, but I'm going to do lietter In fu ture; and, by the way, Roger, I hen that you're to play In the gnme at Springfield next week; Is that so?" Roger nodded. "Very well, then," Mr. Bartlett con tinned, "your mother and I would like to have you get ns the bet seats that can be bought fr we've set our heart upon going up to see you make ttio first touchdown." Toledo Blade. Watt Been reading anything about these Cuban atrocities? I'otts No. I've got a box of them at home yet that my wife bought three month ago from an alleged smuggler. Cincinnati Enquirer. No wonder beea are profitable; they steal all they eat from tbe neighbors. A SPANISH FETE. One Ho Longer Hear Inc tinner ana the Castanets Another time we went down to a fete In the I'la Nueva, the square in rroni of the governor general palace at tbe foot of the bllL It was held arter oara, which wa an Inducement for us to go. Tbe waiter, from whom we got all the gossip we ever heard, said that it had something to do with Columbus; It might bo the little affair of the egg, the discovery of America, or hi own death, or anything else, for all they knew or cared. Tbe celebration itself did not help to explain matter. lan terns hung from every tree In the plaza. There was a crowd of water-carricra, and donkeys, and women, and priests, and children, and soldiers, and men selling big round cakes that looked like undersized New England plea with noth ing Inside. Rockets were let off at rare Intervals, and a baud, all drums and cymbals, played with Juat such a brazen, barbarous beating and clashing as tbe Moors must have made as they marched past to one of their periodical muster lu the Vlvarrambla, That was all, so that tbe connection with Colum bus was not veryobvlous. But tbe prettiest part of tl pageant was on our way back, when at tbe top of tbe t'alW de los Gomcres, we saw a group of girls In the gateway, a white barricade against the darkness' of the wooiL They broke away, danc ing us we came, and we followed them up the steepest of the three parting rood lu pursuit of a distant sound of muxic. The wt-ue held out promise of the traditional Spanish night attuned to the ( lick of castaueta and the thrum ming of guitars. But within the Al hii mbrii's luclomire we found nothing more romantic than a man with an ac cordion, and a few couples waltzing under the trees.. Far tbe national dance it ml song the stranger must go to thn show held by guides and gypsies some where on the Albiiyclu; it Is supposed to be Improper, though It Is at the most only stupid, and for this you must pay In iicsetiu. But never once In Granada's open streets and courts, or In those of any other Andaluslau tow n, did we hear tho nHtnnets nnd guitars that play so ductlvelv through the Andnlusln of romance ii ml Murray. That they should 111 tie expected really show s how hard rndltlon dies. "Am I, then, come In- o Spain to hear hiimstrum and htinly- urdlos?" Bockford nsked Indignantly hundred years ago. Bnt every new traveler goes to the country, sure that for bim. at least, there will Is- the sweet tramming nnd mad fandango all tho mg Southern night unilur the stars. cntury. Freaks of Photography. I have read, with the comment there on, the account of the spirit photograph- US of a child's foot upon a window lass. I have something equally strange to offer My father In-Utw, J-.manucj Uvder, lives a trifle over two miles orth and east of here. He and bU fn mlly are stanch splriruallHtR. In the fall of lTD they had a valuable horse culled Nellie, which was tjuite a favor ite. It took sick with colic, I think, and Just before It died sat upon Its haunch- with the forelegs liutiglng down, then nipped over dead. Although the day was clear tne sun uni in kiuii- on mni the west) side of the housn, a few rods from which, in front oi a window, the horse died. Alsjut live months afterward the low er right-hand paw of glass In the lower sh of that window began to look smoky, and when thn-sun slsine direct on the glass the correct picture of the horse was depicted In the sitting pos- ure mentioned. This remained so for en years, in tne rati ot isra me glass became clear and the picture faded away, and in plaor were five diagonal inc. which remained atHiirt six months and disappeared; The glass begun to look cloudy or smoky asralu. and tha profile of the horse appeared as before. urn! Is there to tills day. It doe not look like a flaw hi the fciass, bnt ns If pictured In the glass. When tbe sun does shine In a direct line on the glass the Image cannot be seen, but In tho- night. If a light Is held against the win dow. It can Ik.- seen by person on tho outside, and vice versa. This picture hits been seen by huDttreds and Is ap parently a mystery to everyltody. The fact of this, phenomenon remains Just the same, but the query Is open for an swer: How, why aad by what was tno picture of that dying horse photograph ed on that window nn lie? Nye, Ore., letter to the rrogretwlve Thinker. Why Hontbern Towns 1H Not Flour it h "Southern towns do not flourtah, In a great many Instances, merely en ac count of a selfish and old-fashioned government," snys the West Point Forum, and It contends that rity offi cers should comprise the most vigorous ly progressive business men of a town- men who realize that anything that la a public benefit Is readily appreciated by an Investor, eowequently enhancing the value of all properties In the entire community. Many Southern towns are ten years behind what they should tie, merely because officials try to bo econ omizing, and are not of sufficient brain capacity to realize that a few hundred or thousand dollars spent would he a most economical measure. A Projected Hallway. The survey of the volcano Potoente petl, Mexico, for the purpose of deter mining tlie beat location for an uerlal cable railway to tlie timmlt, has Just linen completed. This new railway will be a great attraction to the tourtats, who will now be able to make the as cent to tlie summit 18,0(10 feet above the sea, and also descend to tbe crater, where tbe procea of extracting sulphur U being carried out The woman can always Dud some ruse for the alna of gallant man.