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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1896)
lb Sow County Journal. f ESTiTTLtSTTSft tS$K giibscriptom Price, 12.00 h. J. flmmnfts Klitor.- vfiered at the HarrWfih post oKc as t Cjuit claaa matter. f'rintsDAf. Arurmr iff, lrts. UrpaWllrau Satioaal Tirkvf. rw president, WILLIAM McklSi.LY. AltKETT A. lloliABT. State Ticket. lic'vernor, J. H. MarttU L. for Lieuwnanl-iioveriwr, ORLASIHI TKFKT. for Secretary ot talf, JO'KL A. 1'Il'EK. for Auditor; P. O. I1KUI t'M. rtfr Treiri-r, c, E. Asi;V. lor Attorney Irftieral. A. . fill Kill ILL. For Hnpt.of Instruction," 11. H. IXIKI'.KTT. For CouunSswoiM-r public l.Btul4 Enililiiig II. C. Uuiwli. tor Supreme Ju'lifoi, tiuHKltT l!Y VV, M. P. KiNKAlX. rr Rvireiit of tilt? Mat' I'niversity, W.ti. NVIUT.MIIKE. tor presidential Klwtorx, J. K. 1MHTZ, V. J.S4IMLLK. A. J. Ill'HSHAV, 4. 1'. Kiavrtit, Uil. IHiAPrlt. 1. A. I'KKKY, J. I.. NcPHKKl.EY, M. 1.. H(lrK. ConsrelMal Thket. for Metiits-rof ('onfrr.t;th lilHtrirt, A. K. CADY. Now is tlie time to subsiril. It seems that some people's letters-to Ijnt-ion hare about the same weight as 'some people's reports. W. J. Bryan lias had his name with drawn as editor or the VarUl-Herald. If he ever performed any editorial work a the paper it was not noticeable. He is a speaker) hot a writer. We rmw haVe the gold bug anil the silver bug, and when Hryan finally C4in vludestorun on the op platform we Vilt have a straddle bug. O'Neill Fron tier. Ex-Congressman Burleigh, of New orki SB willing to back his judgment With his money that McKinley and IIo vnrt carry Hew York by 1W,00) major ity, and that tltey carry Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, New Jersey, and Connecticut. The TiMitral committee of Iincaster vouhly has been making a poll of the Voters and the result shows it large in crease in tlie republican list and a cor responding loss to Bryan. Indications 4ire that Uie same will be true all over the nation when the returns come in in Jlovemlier. Tlie republican state centra! commit W has derided that the speaking cam- tign tinder its management will open in September. But requests from various places to the nominees on the ticket to nake addresses result, in numerous en Ihusiastic meetings. It is noticeable lliat the requests for trtrifT literature are increasing, indicating that the tariff ques tion is going to be more of a factor in the campaign than some are willing to iullllit. Ilet-e ire some facts for farmers: In lMtfJ there were thirty bushels per capita i if cortt consumed in this country, and in 1H95, under the Wilson bill, there were mt 16.98 bushels consumed. In 192 tliere were H9.7B0.00O pounds of tallow tised and In 1S95, under tlie Wilson bill here were but 24,377,000 pounds con sumed. Is it any wonder that the prices tif corn find cattle have slumped? -Fre-Inont Tribune. Three tramps broke into the hardware More of R. McNair at Chadron a short lime ago and helped themselves to some nf its contents. They were captured fend taken before a justice on a charge of burglary, to which they pleaded guilty, dudga Weslover held a special term of tiourt at Chadron on Tuesday of last week and tbe fellows renewed their plea rf guiRy and were sentenced to each fcefve tt term of four years in the peni leattary. The criminal who comes lie (or Jttdge Westover for sentence usual ly gets one which he is pretty apt to ve member. . Tbe populist state convention at Hast ings last week nominated the following fctale ticket: Silas A. Holcomb, govern W; J. E. Harris, lieut. gov.; W. F. Porter, see. of state; J. F. Cornell, audi tor; J. B. Meaerve, treasurer; W, R. tlackaon, superintendent; J. V. Wolfe, (and oomaiMiosMr; William Neville, J. & KirttpAtrii-k, supreme judges; A. A. tfaaro, ragmt A request from the tf acfsrtle aUtte oaatraj oomtnitte that Uw ptaoes ot trsissrer aad attorney gen nl to Itft vacant wm grMusl ! tha mm o Mm UtUf ofHo only. Tka elec towi HcM h to to Biwoni ti four e-MNi tl tear popilMi. Ttos 7 M si .or--n 'sSst ShSMSSSI B Sst , .istiv j- awaar ewir va swu T1ie heat during the past week in the ! east and south has been exwve aod many have been overcome thereby. Yesterday Bryan was officially notified that he hat been nominated by the Chi cago convention. It looks a tittle pecu Tiar that a candidate who expects to get his main support in the west should po from his home in the west to the extreme east to be notified of his nomination. Claude Hoover was hanged at Omaha on lust Saturday for the murder of his brotlier-iu-law. Every effort was made to save him from the extreme nalty of the law hut without avail. There wax no doubt of the guilt of the man as the deed was done in the presence of wit-ii-wses, and the malice and premeditation w as easily proven. ,Tlie noticeable fact iif connection with the case was tliat Hoover was drunk when be committed the crime, and the holding of th J courts of late has been Unit drunkenness, being brought about by the free will of a per son, is no excuse for crimes committed by them while in that condition. Tlie njitionulist jiarty, the split-off of the prohibitionist party, held a state convention at Lincoln last week and put in nomination a full set of candidates for state officers as follows: Richard A. Ilawley, governor; O. A. Kent, lieut gov.; J. M. Dil worth, sec. of state; E. A. Gerrard, ouditor; Tlionias 51-olloh, treasurer; Ann.t 51. Bunting, superin tendent; F. (1. CXIell, attorney general; J. P. Roe, land com.; F. P. Wighlal, M. I. Bower, supreme judges; Theodore Johnson, regent. Eight presidential electors wre also selected. It looks foolish to go to tlie trouble and expense of putting up a ticket and making a cuiuiuigti for the few votes that it will receive, but this being a land of political liberty people do as lliey please about such matters. " Thomas E. Watson, populist nominee Tor vice-president, says editorially in his; paer: "In the event Mr. Bryan contin ues to reject the populist overtures, the populist national committee has author ity to name a straight populist ticket, in lieu of the Bryan-Watson ticket; and if tlie committee slum Id take this action, the populists of Georgia would enthusi astically support their nominees. In that event., the electors selected Thurs day would not vote for Bryan and Wat son, but would vote for the straight pcipn list ticket put out by bur commit tee." From that it is evident that Mr. Bryan has not, got the south as solid as it was claimed. He seems to be keeping silent as to what be will do with the St. Louis nomination until the electors have been lixed in his interests in states like Nebraska, where the populist party is manipulated by a set of shrewd political workers who are getting benefits there from and tlien he will ignore the papu lists altogether and expect that party to walk into the democratic maw. The proposed amendments to the con stitution of Nebraska, notice of which appears in another column, should have the careful consideration of every voter. The first in the list proposes to increase the number of judges of the supreme court of tlie state, and to make their terms of olfice five years instead of six. Ever since Nebraska has been a state it has had three supreme judges. Tlie in crease in the business of the court inci dent to the growth of the state made it impossible for them to keep up with the work and as a result when a case was taken there it would be vears before it could be reached and decided. To re lieve this the legislature a few years ago provided for three court com missiones to be appointed by the judges, and while this has assisted in bringing the work nearer up to date it is not a perma nent arrangement, nor is it such an one as it would be desirable to make perma nent. The adoption of the proposed amendment would save to the state the salary of one man on the bench and es tablish a more satisfactory condition as to the highest court in the state. Mrs. Stowe'n Pit ratio for "I'ncle Tom' Cabin." In a very unique degree the factors of heredity, of environment, and of oppor tunity, upon which M. Tuioe lays so much stress in the determination of lit erary achievements, are apparent and emphatic in the creation of Mrs. 8towe's masterpiece. The Puritan blood and home, the clerical family, tbe atmos phere of evangelical thought and dis cussion, the imminence of tlie huge wrong of slavery, the opportunity of a practically unworked field, and a race of creatures almost as new to literature as were Cooper' Indians, gave this mod eat, inxeperieoced, retiring woman of forty her equipment. All these, how ever, would have been as naught if aba had not brought a tender and sympa thetic heart, a might faith, and a con scentration of interest amounting to ge nius to the task of summing up in this taw all the oppression or a eyatara trior ought y hateful and evil to her. From Harriet Beacher Stowe," In August Heview of Reviews. B!ELIt.E B NMNS. rtf. fMt- , pasaaM aeirke tZZZZZ ft CO. I 4toj9 .r5J 1VU..0 S PsstCS, llnr. Mti I sas tssal CtMia. list" . PROPOSED COnSTITUTIOIUL AMENDMENTS. The following proponed amendments to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska, as hereinafter set forth iu fall, are submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to be Toted upon at the geueral election to be held Tues day, November 3, A. D., 180G: A joint resolution proposing to amend sections two (2), four (4), and five (5.) of article six (6) of the Consti- tntion tf thA KtHtAnf Vlira1r.l rehitincr to number of indites of the supreme , court and their terra of oSce. Be It r-o!ved and -nartl by tba LejUla ture of thti S.aut of Nt-brSa: Section I. That wtbia two (?) of article six (n of tb Conititu' l-ja of th Male of Nebraska ha amauded ao at to read aa 1 ul 1om: Section i. Th'- luprrme otrtjrt nhall nntil otberwiM prt.rl lm by law. oontut of flva (i judfitu. a nnj'iri'y of bim Hali be ii--aari to form a qauruin or lo prooounou BdtcbdoB. 1. nhall nave original juiladl -tiou In ea rt-laimir to rerenua cm! caaow In wbicb tba state nbail ha a parly, tnandaintM. quo warranto, habeas corpu. and u b appellate jurisdiction, as may be provided by law. 8eettno 2. That ctton four (I) of ar'lrla six (Si of the Coiwutotb.n nf the rtutte of Neoraaka, be amended ao aa to read aa fol io : 8ectlon 4 The judges of the supreme court shall be eiectei br the pU-ctorit of ibe tate at larye. nnd their urm of offiiw rt cept aa hereinafter provident shall oe for a perl 1 of not 1-im thun Ave (.J) yrart aa lha iai4lafare may preecrib, tte.'tion a '1 bat ei tioo Are (V) of arttn Ix (6) of the Contitoii iB of ibeMiateof He braka, re amnted Ui read a f tllnwt: Kwtiin&. At the nmt genera! election to be held to the year 131, there shad lie elected two ('O junin-e of the hoiirm cuart one of whom rhsll be elw ted f r a ITm of two years, one for the tern of four (i) yean, and at each ffenera! aiection there after, ther shall be elet-ied one Jndye of the euprurae curt for the term of five (a) years, nnlese otberatsa provide by law: Proviled. that the iuditw ot the su preme oonrt wh'wi term have not expired at the tl n of h'lldintr the general ela tion of lr. shall eonilnu- l-i noid their ofnoe for iba rrtuain ter of the term for wbl -h they were respectively cum mis sion od- Ayprovwl March D, A. D 1SU A Joint resolntion proposing an amendment to section thirteen (13) of article six of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to com pensation of supreme and district court judges. I!- it rewired by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That section thirteen (IB) of article six A of the Constitution ot thj mate uf Neoia,ki be amended ao aa to read aa fol lows: heo. 13 The judge of the sunreme ani district conns shall receive tor their services urh oompena "l.o-i aa may be provided by law, payable quarterly. The letiisiature ehall at its first aovojion after the adoption of this aiuendmeut, three-flflh'4 of the members eleuted to aa:n house ereicurriu'?. ewtalnisb thir onmpeiiiatijn. The tMf.auensiijn ao tabiiahed "ball not bo charmed oftener than oiioe in four veara. and in no event UBieas taro-thirds ot tli4 members elected to eah house of the le-ilslur concor therein. Approved March 3D, A. 1 lfai. A joint resolution proposing to emend section twenty-four (24) of article five (0) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to com pensation of the officer of the executive department. , Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislators of the Stale ot Nebraska: Manikin L 'lb it section twentr-four (U) of article five (..; ot tiw i'.onsitutio i of tha btata ot Neursssa be auiraled to rejd aa fol lows: Section 24. Th offlTcro of the executive department of the state government shall revive for their service a cunipentation to be eitablihd by taw, whub hail be neither mcr,-aed nor diminlahed daring tba term lor which thev shall bive been com mWeioued and luey shall not te scire to their own af any feos. costs, interests, uikiu pu llo tnoneya In their bands or under their control, perquisites of offl so or othr compen BaUoa and all fees thit may hero-sfw-r be payable tv lasr for services uerformei b an officer provide! for lu this art! ie sbail be aid Id advance Into tho state treasury Tbe leislatur.) shall t lt first session at ter tbe adoption 'f thU amend ment, th'-ee'tltth-i of the memters eiectei lo acb house of the lesistature coa curring, tsLabhsh tbe ssiarles of the ofBoers named In tbie The coin-pt-n Btion ao esiaulished shall not be changed oftener than ouoe In four yean aod u ao eveut antes i tsotb rds of the members elected to each bouss of the leglsiaiaie uoajor thercin. Appioved March 28 A. D. 1KU. A joint resolntioo proposing to amend section one (1) of article six (0) of the Constitution of the State of Nebra ka, relating to judicial power. Belt resolved and enacted by lbs Laj la ture of tbe Utile uf Nebraska: Hection I. That section on CI) of article six ( of the Constitution of tbc Bta.e of Nebraska be ameuueu to teau as louows: rtc. tlou L The judicial post or of this state shall be vested in a supreme conrt. district eoorta, coonty coarta jastlcas of tka I a e, po i -e magUtratea. aud in aarh other eoarts Inferior loth i supreme couit as may be eiuated by mar lu which two-thirds of the tuembe. e.ectdd to each boas concur. ? Approved March , A. D. Ut A joint resolution proposing to amend section eleven (11) of article six (6) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, relating to increase in num ber of supreme and district conrt jndges. Ba It rasol va J sad esavetad by the Left tla4 Bra of tke rtlate of Neoraska 1 Seatloo t. skat a'luB eleven (11) of article- sis (I) of lha Uonsittottoa of tha stole of Xebraska ba aateadad lu read aa fol lows: irtlsn II. Tba la(ta atora. has em two thlrdsof iba metanera wacted to aa, k hoase shall eoacar therala. ma, in or fur the ysar oaa thovsasd hoasfrad ani alnety aavao aad sot of tester thaa onos In every luer years leenaa tha number of Judges of sc prensa and district oowrta. sod lha Jodloas otricta of tha state, da, h districts ahall he fos-BHsi of eoaiaaa terrttury. and bedad by ooaatr Unas; sad each la eraaae. or aay ehsate la the bosisrlsrVas of adleVUl shaU not vacate the offloa uf aay Aroved Marsk II, A. O. IM. A Joint iaolBtkm prapodng to iomI Motion six (8) of artlols on (I) of tto COMtianttkW of tb gUtf Of lteBg H thai by jrory. I B- tl reso1vt sod ensHfi Vt the LeS aUtura ot Ut tub uf V eaa : IKM-Uaa 1. Tea aMiua ail (") rUt-l e (llJ in (.'ou.llai.iou of i tie Mala ui he Lrasaa tM buiciid dunMlu follows: aavtioa . Utur n,h. ut trias b. jury shall laviolsui, hn tue ?fti I'an iuar pro vide ihxl in civil a turn. fli' sinks uf Mi Jury mar render a r-rul -(. iui i the legislator "f Bl- su nuns trial by a jarv of a ,m numb than iw hum. in cour.s lafertur to lL dm In 1 oourt. 4,pr e4 Mnrcli 23, A D- liOa. A joitit resolntioo proposing to mend section one ( 1 ) of article five (S) of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat ing to officers of the executive depart ment. Be it re4rd asd nart-i by tbc Iglsla turw tf ihi Hta i Nebraska; vMoi.,n 1. That action ooa (1) of ar-tlci- ( )of lhj VHiil.u!l,.a ot i be data W Neurusaa be uiad-d w mad m tu Vjwm : S-ti',B X Th" fxpcativa department eball couiat of a iTMiDor, lu-utnaQt'Sor-fTior, arerctary of vVt u -tt.'r of pub ij ac-uunia. trta,ur,-r. mn e inU;ndi-nt of pub bt in vtructioti. attorueMr U' mi . com m ii(n-r of puuiij lDd and but.diiiva. aod land and but.diiiva, aod ibi rai.rtaa -oaiaii-Mioa-s kh ot b jin. extvpt the fait rilroa t com m i mi, ,uera ahsU h. fid his office for a term of two years, f-oui the first Thursday after the flrt Tnesda lu .'antiary, after bis elnt'tion, and nntil bis anci-eeaor is e, and qualified. Ka 'h rsiiroad ron mi Mtloner shau bol I his offioa for a term of tbreayiani begtnuinii oil toe first Tnuraiar alter the first TumUy in a uarr a ter hU a.e.-tion. and nntil his suwr or is ele ut 1 snt quified: Provided, hoeever, 'lha: at the first general elec tion held a'ter the ado.tioj of this amend ment ih'r thai! be ele-'Ud three raiooad eonimisionert. one for the iienod ot one year, one tor ihn period of two years, and one for the p--nod of three years. 'I h irov entor. aecretary of auto, auditor of pub lic accounts, and treasurer shall reside at tha capital dunnir their term of office; thev shall k-u ilia public records looks ana papers there a4 shad perform each du ties as may be required oy 1 tw. Approve.! Hirrh 9u, A. U. 1S03. A joint resolution proposmrf to amend section twenty-six (26) of ar ticle fire (5) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, limiting the num ber of executive state officers, be It reoolvel and enacted by lha Leg islature of the Htate of Nebraska: Hection 1. Tha section twenty ix of article five (0 of the Couutuitou of the 1 Hi ate of Nebraska be amended to road aa follows: becilon 2&. No other executive slate offl cers ex rcpt Ih'Me named in ao tlon on'i (.1) of this article shall be crented. t-xo-p br an act of Iba legislature which W conmrrei In by not h-a thso tbrm f mrtha ot the members elected to each house threif ; Provided, That any offlcs created by an act of tha leilatura umr be aboiisbtsi or tbe leifislature, tero-tbirbi of iher mem-U-rs elected to each uoux thereof eoucur nng. Approved starch a). A. V . IKtt. A joint resolction proposing to amend section uine (9) of article eight (H) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, providing for the investment of the permanent educational funds of the state. Be It resolved and enacted by the Legisla ture of tbe Mtaio of Nebraska: tiewtlon 1. Tbst unci ion uine (9) ut article eight IS) of the toDsiitulioti of tbe hiate ot Neuiatka Le amended to read an fol low : (section 9. All fnnUWoniritig to tae state for educational purpoaws, ihe interest and Income whereof only are to he uei, hll ba dm-me 1 trust funds held by ibe state, and the vt shll suppiy all bse there of that may tn aur manner accrue, so that the name shell remain forever inviolate and undimiuUbed. and shad not be In vested or loaned except on United Htatet or state nucuntiea. or reitisiered county bonds or resitred echo .1 district bond of this state, and su-h fundi with thi inter est and income thereof are nrcbv solemn ly piediSKl for the purpose tor a hi h Ibey are grant-d ntid set apart, and siiall not lie transferred to any other fuud for other uses : ITovided. The boerd create 1 by section 1 of this article Is empowered to sell from lime to time any of the securities belonging to Ihe permanent s. hooi fund and invest the proceeds niiilnit therefrom in any ot thj securities ennmeralcd in this fectlott bear ing a hlvher rate of Interest whenever an opportunity for better investment ia pre sented; And provided further, That when soy warrant opt.s the stata treasure reg ulariy iued In pursuant of an approprl ation by tbe bmslature and secured by tbe levy of a tax for its pavmetit. shall ue presented to ih& state treasurer for payment, and there "hull not be any money in tha proper fund to pay such warrant, the board created by aetiou 1 of this artice msy direct the state treas urer to pay the amount due on su b war rant from moneys in bis hands tx-longing to ihe permanent school fund of the state, and be ahall h rid said warrant as an In veatment of said permanent school fund. Approved March Hi. A. I) litlo. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of tbe State of Nebraska by adding a new section to( article twelve ( 12 ) of said constitution to be numbered section two () relative to the merging of tbe government of cities of the metro politan class aud the government of the counties wherein snch cities are located. Be It resolved and enacted by toe Leg is Isture of the Hi ate of Nebraska: Section 1. That artlcls twelve (12) of the Constliution of the Mate of Ncor.iska be amended liy alding to said article a new sec tion to be numbered section iwo (Z) to read aa follows: Hection 2. Tbe govern meat of any oily of tba metropolitan class and tba gov ern meat of tha county In which tt la located mav ba marled whollr or la part when pronoaiMou ao to do has boeo anbmltlcd by authority of law to lbs voters of snch city and county sad re ceived lbs aasont of a majority of t votes cast la such cttr and also a majority of tha votes cast tn tba county exclusive of t huts cast to inch metropolitan city at sack election. Approved March 29. A. D. UBS. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to section six (6) of article seven (7) of tba Constitution of the State of Nebraska, prescribing the manner in which votes shall be cast. Ba It resolved aud enacted by tha Istftslae- nra of tba State or neoraska : aotloa 1 That section sis () of article aavsm n of lha Ooostllutloo of the HUM of Hour lha bo amended to read as fol lowat ilea . All vote shall ba by ballot, or sat other method as may bo preeortbed by law. provided tha soorsor uf voting ba Approved March s. A IX UU. A Joint resoiation proposing to MBtcd saotioa two (i) of artiole four torn (U) of. th Constlrntion of tba cat of Webiufca, relafrva to donatiotM lo works ( taumal iraxarovcmMt m4 manufmctorieC Ulatur-a of Uw Msto of Kurmi . , ft.rll.4i I Tk.i W i '' fvuri (lt l c..-.itB.a luilowi: ' 6m. t Bo city, eoouiy. . aiUkfcduaJlir, ur othor ulHTii . wu luoi uu to ay j works ul uktul Ui7ioBt. r nualKt'iTf, onl ir.(..iuoj. so to uu kUA.1 luiv m aaliflad -or ul miiiei by s IbirJa vot st aa .lrtu ir aothorliy i l.W rmnilad TKt Hit " eouBtr witk tk doailu of ao-b u" Tisioaa in ika atrffata bil Hot X'-nl an par nl of lb ad- yaloaiioa f ack eooalr : Provided, luribr. lht aur t or cuDly may. by a tbrw f,ina Tola, tarreai 'a h tndrbwdn- b V" onul. In addition to oib U a w nt aad Bo buad or ridn of m.Uoiauiitr" ItMDad kalt -a va.ld onleM lb- aio ki I km iad re 1 I h r a a wi.Jil' lm-d by lb aacrtary i.d a ait I or "f it-v tboattog Uui tka aaoia la ixaai iaruaut to law. Approved Uarcb 2. A. D . l-Si I, J. A. Piper, secretary of stnto of the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the foregoing piupissed amend menu to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska are true and correct copies of the original enrolled and engroesed bills, as pas-wd by the Twenty-fourth session of the legislature of tho Slate of Nebraska, as appears from said original bills on file in this ff-ice, and that all and each of said proposed amendments are submitted to the qualified voters of the State of Ne braska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday, the 3d day of November, A. O., 18!M). Iu testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and aflixpd the great seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 17th day of July, in the year of our Lord, One Thou sand, Eight Hundred and Ninety-Six, of the Independence if the United States the Oi j Hundred and Twenty- First, and of this state the Thirtieth. (Seal ) J. A. PI PER, Secretary of State. Uooil rigs ftirnisliBd on short notice. Reliable drivers and fjmet snddlo hor-cs alwuys on hnnd. Oood accoiiiniMlali"iis Horses luiunlttd. TERMS REASONABLE. -THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1603.1 Harrison, E. BSKWSTI.R, 1' resident. D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CO R R ESPO N D K N TSi Amkkicaji ExcnAXiiK Uatiosai, Ba.vk, New York, Omaha Natiojial Bask, Omaha. First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. HTDBAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. YOU WILL OLD STAID with B.a-isrs FOB m. UK.VST lU TliKJE, Anorney-at-Law. I'wnipt attention given to all legal .. t .. IV.,,., Iv nml Ilitr.. ! maiujrs 10 uij.t, . - (Courts, and before Hie tuiteJ hute (j)':,. Fire In-turarhe written in reliable .-ontiiiinies. g l-gal i-rs t arefully drawn. HaRFJWiS, - NtiiHAi-Kt. B. L. SMUCK. Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. OPEN SUNDAY rROM 9 TO I 2 . bazoih iju st-t'iw nT is mrju t;ive I M I I '!! Ripans TaLuies. Kipatit Tabulen cure nausea. , liipans Tabulcs: at druggists. Ripans Tabules cure d:zzm s. Ripans Tabules afaist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure bad hrehO. Rlp tns Tabules cure biliousness. R:pans Tabules: one Rives relief. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathanic. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. T li h North-Western LINE F., E. & M. V, It R. is the Is-st to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. LIVERY, Feed and Sale Stable. for ti.niNi iciil customer. GIVE ME A CALL. N. D. HAMLIN, pRoi'itiirroit. Nebraska. C. F. f 'OFnt , Vit.e-rrtsidnt ITND ME AT THE ii. Tun t ftsrmm tx em Rt, vjv-"-'''.--s. & v