The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 06, 1896, Image 7

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A Hurt I.I
The Pari! Faiuaro It h the Hi.rv ,f a
fataou-i Lorn-breeder Lupin, to Hbom
a friend oue day ehow. i it list tl lirs.
V that were to comete . r a prire, at-kin,
hi opinion as to hich he should bet
on. Lupin (canned ;h list carefuli)
and exclaimed with an air of conviction
"Among ail these horj-g I do not eee
one that ie able to get there tir-t.'"
; Io not forget to water the calveg and
yearlings In the back lot.
Don't worry overtriies; the moun
tain! are harder to (jet over than the
uiole Ui'..
Navy blui and lavender combine sue- !'n the Kaudwlch Islands. That a Mrouj:
ceasftioy i just the rL'ht thad-f. arcjiuan. much lens a young woman, can l.
selccte-i. Uo much at home In the water n to
Tl,. i.l.f wrr v, n . . oi i- .1 .. !,Khl aml ,ne fiercest native of
lfie plioTi)j;riph tlia' palpah.y fhitti-rt- ,, , . . . . ,
"..,.. t.. . ,'hat element on lt own battle-unmud
ll toe only ont a woman con-idr-r.- i '.. ., . ... , , . .
j seems Incredible, but a recnt traveler
e. , jln the islands tells the following story
A woman in a ehi't waist wearing n experience of his own:
big diaiiou 1 earring is an iiicorurui-i happened upon my last visit to the
frequently inet rh inew mnritiiii:. jandwleh Islands. I am a very expert
A belt that look as though it ,1HJ,il',,,'lrn,nPr- and nothing pleases me Ix-t
twice around the i. ..,,.,
M litres .(imiI)
retreliln tit-y
nine ultli titoo-l mane jhio- I.
. Sarsaparilla
Hi One 1 rue Ii.ixmI I'ur.ner. Alltli i U. ti
HOOd'S Pills re the lift atier ij.imer pill-
Gladness Comes
With a better i!i..ii'rM;imlinfr of the
li uitM.-iil nal t.u- -.I the many phys
ical iil. which vuiii i before proper ef
forts pen tie cfTorK pleasant efforts
rijfhtlv iliie. t 'd. 'I lu re 1 comfort in
the knou l. ile, so many forms of
feickuesH are uolittic to ;in'v itrtiutl ilis
eaht", but siiuply to u rim .1 .ina led condi
tion of the sy -.torn, Wi'leil 'I.C pieilsilllt
family laxative, Syru ol' I , rnmpt
y removes. That is why it i the only
i remedy With millionsof fiiiiiii'es. atnl ih
. every where esteemed :.j highly by '1
who value jfoo.1 he i ;i. Its heiietieiul
effects me due to the fact, that it is tiie
one remedy which promotes iutcriml
cleanliness without debilitat iiitf the
or(funs on which it acts. It is iherofon;
all iiii(Mirtant, in u.-.ler to fret its bene
ficial effects, to note, when you pur
chase, that you havu thu ireiiuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia l'i(f Syrup Co. only and bold by
all reputable (h ue;yists.
Jf in the of ;-oih1 health,
and the syhtem l,s regular, laxatives or
other remedies) arc t'len not needed. If
afflicted with any ; teal dihcase, one
may bo commended t!e most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
otic should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Fi(fs htaisds highest an. I is most larpcly
" Hbed and f ives most nei al satisfaction.
your sVrt. cdes with
It keeps them dry and whole anl it
never fades. .
If your dealer will not
supply you we will.
StfPii'fS skcHtrf ittbt'ii end mattralt ir.a.'ed frf.
fcook by hyitt En.m-t.t HonpAr.ct thf Lsdiel Home
journal. KT,jr. K valuable poin'i. mailed tor 25c.
5. H. V, U., P. O Box 6v. N. V. City.
iiiiuru ir
it mri "arnrd
v.. mi. vi io i
I IMHI f Vi i-l-1 . 1 1 ,r r.u-i
liiim Aittna.
IllUIIU I wllb rnp. I t KirirlM.. MavnllU U.
tV It tB"
(-1 .1
Our Ts and Other Eyes.
Our I's are just as strong as they were fifty years ago,
when we have cause to use Litem, But we have less and
less cause to praise ourselves, since others do the praising,
and we are more than willing for you to see us through
other eyes. This is how we look to S. K. lioyce, whole
sale and retail druggist, Duluth, Mian., who after a quarter
of a century of observation writes:
" I have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla for more than s years,
both at wholesale and retail, and have never heard any
thing but words of praise from my customers ; not a single
complaint has ever reached me. I believe Ayer's Sar
saparilla to be the best blood purifier that has been intro
duced to the general public." This, from a man who has
sold thousands of dozens of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is strong
testimony. But it only echor popular sentiment the world
over, which has " Nothing
Ayr' Struparilla."
Ar alankt itxral lif Send for iSt Tureboek.1
It kill tbmbtt ind currl dnubitn.
AAlffJMI J. t. Aft Cc., Lomll, Hut.
j Oh lk farm.
i In nearly all r it is unwise to dis-
jc ird ail the old eowi at a time and
p y their places with younij unti led ones,
j If you have fence on vour farm a
'that they are properly kent no. Broken
ieti.-ea and tumble-down tj.ites trs sure
indications of indifference in the owner,
j One reason why many fail to make
ja they might is becameof lack of atten
tion to details.
i At I)anvers, Mass there is a pear tree
'.ill bearing which was planted in IC30.
Raved by Two Girls.
Whatever may have been the origin
of the fabled mermaids, "sea trills."
he real mermaids ar certain! v foii'nl
!''r ,f'an a plunge Into the Rait waier
The tenijieratnre of the Islands Is de
lightful, and I could not resist the
temptation to take a awlm.
I prepared myself nnd plunged In. Af
ter I had lx-eu In the water for half an
hour. I pushed out over and beyond one
of the reefs which surround the Isl
ands. All at once I realized that aome
thing was going on on the shore. There
were quite a number of natives there,
and they appeared to hegreiitly cxciled.
Suddenly two native girls swam out
behind me with long knives ih-tween
'heir teeth. I looked round, and to my
horror 1 wiw n shark making for me
with terrllic speed.
An Instant Inter the girls had dived,
ind the shark had nearly stopped. The
water around hlni was red with blood.
The girls came to the surface again,
mil again they dived and plunged their
long knives Into the minister. At hist
lie lay atlll on the top of the water.
Iiilte doad. The natives dragged him
ishore, and found that he vis one of
the largest of his species.
Hut for the wonderful bravery of th.-s-
girls I should not lie here to-uight !,
tell you this story.
;xkI Stoty Told on C'hoate.
Iwiglit Lawrence, librarian of the
senate, was down from Alhtiny recent
ly, say the New York Sim, and this Is
lils latest anecdote:
Joseph II. Choate and Kdward
terhach, the noted Jewish barrister,
vvcre associated In a suit a short time
igo and won. As the Jury left their
seats Mr. I.auterhach turned to Mr
CtioRte nnd said:
"Choatf, we won this verdict
we happened to know more law on
this subject than our adversaries."
"Ves?" queried Clmale.
"Our clients are rich, you know, a'
corporation, and all that," rejoined
I.auterbat'li. j
'"Yes'" again queried Choate. "What
do you think we ought to charge,
terbai h '!"
" h. $T."i't apiece."
"Tut. tul." broke out Choate, Impa
tiently, and he repented: "Tut, tut!
You let me handle this bill, Lauterbach.
I'll collect for us both."
A short time afterward Mr. Ijtutcr
haeh was In Mr. Choate's office In Wall
street, and Mr. Choate handed him a
check for $l,.r.oi) as Mr. I.uulerbuch's
fee lu the case, nnd said:
"I.aut i bach, what do you think of
Mr. Lauterbach looked at the check,
stroked his beard for an instniit, and,
looking Intensely at Choate, replied:
"Almost thou iwrsuadesl uie to be a
Christian." v
ilow Many?
Someone has been calculating the
'number of stitches that go to the mak
ing of a cat and w aistcoat. The .re
sult Is appalling. No fewer thau 4.V
i HI". sepanre and distinct stitches are
required, as thus: Machine stitches for
the coat 4l."J!4 and ".oil for thu vest;
hand stitches on t li coat VAAM and on
the vest 3.0l; bastings on the coat
").7!t'J. and on the rest t,4!!i; being In
ill HI Bl'J stitches on the coat, and 11,
Vj" on the other article.
The Difference.
Tommy "i'op, whal'a the difference
lieweeii a bouniot and a Joke?"
Tommy's Top "A boniuot Is some
thing you tell a friend and a Joke Is
something a friend toll! you." 1'hlla
drlphla Kecord. JtfW "-
'1 lie handkerchief la a very isscntiul
rticle in the summer toilette.
Anchovy s ndwiches are ad liciou-
addit on to the picnic luncheon.
Tut woi
words of pralM for
- - - it fe?s n
l! I'll . - W I iqmrW. U
Way to (ret Good Koh1.
liatavla (N. Y.) taxpayers are greatly
pleased with the experiments made in
roadmaklng with a steam road roller.
It la found that the machine will put
lu the best of condition TsiO feet of road
way in a day at a cost of S!i..".'t. In :io
other way can dirt or macadamized
streets of a city or village be kepi hi
good condition so cheaply. Every smali
city and village ought to have a nwi 1
roller. No investment can be made
that will pay larger dividends tha'i
giiod road.
Jtetter Roads.
Whether public Kent'.iiient ever be
come powerful enough to compel the
adoption of sensible methods In the
construction of permanent -ouii;ry
roads, the Improvements In the ma
chinery for road making have certainly
tirade the construction of gisid roads
possible tit a loss cost than at any
former period. In thu old time tlr:
broken stone spread upon a macad:i rn
l.ed road was usually avoided by those
driving over It during dry weather, ih"
clay or gravel slih of the roadway be
ing preferred. The hroken stone would
Is' worn down to a smooth track only
when the wet weather of the fall and
winter mad" the sides of the roadbed
The Invention of the steam slide
crusher a ml the ponderous steam roller
has changed all this. The stone Is now
crushed at the quarry at a much cheap
er rate than it could he done by tluvol 1
fashioned method of breaking It w,t!i
hand hammers. When It Is spread noon
the roadway the heavy steam rollers do
in a single day the work of many days
and thousands of heavily loaded wag
ons under the old system. The crushed
stone is rolled and compacted Into a
solid mass at once, and, with a lop
layer of finer stone, the surface Is roiled
as smooth as that of a gravel roao ri
dry weather, l iider the modern sys
tem, the iniieiida mixed road become- a
model driveway, so far as the surl'ii'
Is concerned, as soon as it Is complete I,
and for stability has no equal.
The Illustrations of the ease and com
partitive cheapness with which good
roads can now be constructed, wiii. n
tire f itruisheil In the suburbs of every
large city, should be sitllieieiit to sen "
as object lessons for all the country.
A good stone quarry can be opened in
any township In any county in this
commonwealth, a steam stone crusher
at the quarry will furnish an nnliiniie 1
amount of the best material for a so,;d
roadbed, and ;t heavy steam roller will
complete the wink, if properly ha lulled,
lu plain terms, good, substantial roa.'s
lire MkHsible In a II, sections of the com
Hioiiwrtilt.h, and If once construct".!,
would be found to be cheaper In Un
ions run than the existing country high
ways which are a succession of qnr.:;
mtivs a part of the year, inches deep
in dust the rest of the time and good
roads never.
To secure good roads eotistniete.l up
on sound principles It is necessary firt
that the present patchwork system ot
keeping roads in repair by scraping
clay from Die gutters into the center of
the roadway to be relumed to the gu.
lets again by the combined action of
rain, frost and heavy travel shall he
abandoned as on utter waste of work
and money. The next essential Is thai
the most Important highways be seleia
ed first for permanent Improvement,
ami that each highway so selected shall
be completely tnacadaml.ed wiiicn
township or county lines before n nolher
Is attempted. One highway In a town
ship Improved after this manner would
work ft revolution In our entire syst
of road making, nnd lead to the utter
abandonment of the cheap and nasty
pmds that now disgrace our Slate and
nearly every other State In the Union.
rhlladelphla Times.
- -
Street Cars in Naples.
"I was In Naples last summer when
the first electric street car was put In
operation, nnd was stoned by the popu
teo," said Dr. V. O. Terry, of Sacra
mento, Cal., at the Arlington. Jir.
Terry lias been in Europe for two
years, mostly In Germany, pursuing n
surgical course, nnd Is now going home
to practice his profession.
"The new style of street enrs," he'
continued, "give great offense to Hie
Neapolitans, simply because they were
an Innovation. The people over there
resent everyflilngthnt Is new, regardless
of merit. Naples Is one of the toughest
places In Christendom, anyway. It Is
u rare thing lu that town to meet with
tiny one who seems to recognize the
bath as an institution of civilization.
Men, women nnd children revel In dirt,
particularly the Intter. Hoys and girls
of ten years are often seen In public
without, n single garment to hide their
nudity. The ordlnnry refreshments
of life, as practiced In America, are un
knowu there. The public conveyances
are crowded with passengers so re
dolent of gnrllc that It la often prefer
able to get out and walk. Imnbtlea
everybody eats garlic In order to keep
from being overcome with Km odorifer
ous went, as a matter of protection.
"Rut worst of all lu Italy Is the ter
rible drain of taxation and the corrup
tion on the part of men In high official
position. The railroads, for instanc.
which ought to bring In large reveutteg
to the government, are a wiurce of ex-jciim-.
The explanation is that every
iody connected with their operation is
engaged in mealing. The charge is
made openly, and I never once heard it
disputed. "Washington Tost.
Tranquil, Hut heterc.
"My Isiy," sai 1 the examiner, in the
friendliest of tones, to a lad who had
jiust finished a piece of Iatiu prose, and
was alsuit tremblingly to place the
composition lu the gentleman's hands,
"my Isiy, 1 looked over your shoulder
while you were writing; you have every
reason to be satisfied with yourseif,
and with care, will get a scholarship
easily, and a good class in "Mods' as
The examiner whose kind manner re
assured the nervous boy had la-en sent
by the University of Oxford to test the
classical attainments of the Hath schol
ars. He was six feet in height, very
thin, very tranquil, with that studied
softness which seemed to conceal a
severity that could be merciless. That
side of his character showed Itself a
few hours later. Mr. Kseott describe
the c,!ilbiton, in his book, ""Platform,
Press. Politics and Play."
It was winter; the Avon was frozen
over, and examiner and examinees
were skating over the surface, the form
er no less at home upon steel shod feet
than In the teacher's chair hearing a
recitation in tireek.
. n overgrow n lout, whose ignorance
in Greek grammar had ls-cn detected
by the examiner, thought he wo.ild ob
struct tiie exa miner's progress and
sen! him sprawling. Fancying that
his act was not observed, he placed in
the path such obstacles as happened n
be fi t hand. A long swept I he examiner,
and as he en me to the obstruction, lifted
witii n single stride his tall form across
the barrier.
"My young friend," he called out in
a vol heard by all, "the next lime you
want to play any of these uioiikev
tricks, try them on one of your own
hek'iit. And now, remember that you
have in front of you for to-morrow the
verbs in Mi, which may pccsetit dillleul
tlcs In you, greater even than this truck
and broomstick did to me."
The laugh turned against the
ill-maidiered hid. w ho. as his eonqiicrer
left tin- river, shouted. "Three cheers
for the examiner:" The man was Mr.
Percival. Fellow of Queen's College.
Oxford, anil to-day Ilishop of Here
ford. Odds and l.nds.
The amount of money held by t lu
xurious London banks is not far short
Scarlet fever kills yearly, on the av
erage, about li l.i it hi persons, chielly
children not exceeding 111 years of age.
Kiehaii-Voung is the pleasantly suggestive-combination
of the names of a
couple married in f.-imdcu. Me., a few
days ago.
A I look of critical essays on Zola.
Pumas tils and Maupassant, by Count"
Tolstoi, lias just been translated under
Tolstoi's supervision, from Russian In
to French.
At an early date a cargo consisting
of la i,0(ii l song birds will be sent oil
from London to the Cape Colony, to be
released there, with the object of a.'
elinciti.atioii. A horse dealer In West Woo N;. ,.!.
Vt., has owned horses during ids
life, and has tieser told a lie about a
horse. Cue who has dealt with libit
was so impressed will) this reimivka hit
fact that he recently gave him a
Some tbne ago the Supreme Court of
Ohio decided that Miss Nellie G. Rob
inson, a la wyer of Cincitinat i. could not
be appointed a notary public. She has
now applied to the Supremo Court of
the United States for a decision on !'i"
question and the case will be consid
ered by Justice Harlan.
"It's a licet"
A good anecdote survives, but it pass
es through many transformations. In
the Atlantic Mrs. Lathrop. in "Some
Memories of Hawthorne," her father,
tells an anecdote which she heard when
a child from a Mr. Beiitioek. a frequent
visitor of the family during the Liver
pool consult! Ie -l her-father. Doubt
less some of our rentiers will recognize
this old friend In a new dress:
A Scotchman, at an Inn, was walking
disconsolately about the parlor while
dinner was being prepared. A distin
guished traveler 1 tli'kens, porhnps--wns
dashing olT a letter at the center
table, describing the weather and some
of yn otjd fellows he had observed in
his trn vcls.
"And," he wrote, "there Is In the room
at the present moment a long, lank',
red-headed, empty-brained nincom
poop, who looks as if he had not eaten
a square meal for a month, nnd is
stamping about for his dinner. Now he
approaches me as I sit writing, nnd I
hear his step pause behind my chnlr.
The fotd Is actually looking over my
shoulder, nnd rwidlng these words "
A torrent of Scotch burst forth right
here: "It's a lee, sir It's n lee! I never
read a worrd that yer wrort!"
College Kducatlon Free.
Instruction Is absolutely gratutloiis
In the universities and faculties of
France. They are open without re
serve to strangers as well as to nntlvJ
students nnd the grades established
arc the same for each. It la required,
however, that both foreign nnd nntlva
students should give evidence of cer
tnln preliminary study. Hall I mora
IlaptUt Publication Plant.
The Bnptlsts of the United Stales
have more money Invested In printing
and publishing machinery thnn any
other denomination.
A innn never complains of a girl be
ing cold If she tibowi her Iclness to
some other fellow.
fc. .trai JlellV
The oldest lell of which e have
wcord ie the To, t-truck with a wooden
clapper and mentioned in the Chinese
gacred books. It nag used by govern
ment criers to clear the road at funer
als and t announce the spring months.
In China belii; were used as musical
instruments together with drums at
.imperial banquets, minor sacridces and
official ceremonies The fabulous em
peror Hwang-Ti was said to have made
12 musical month bells.
Redomefctfcation or the Klephant.
j The Kurojiean "elephant herd" Is,
generally speaking, the property of the
I large circus owners, nnd these prefer
the Indian elephant, which they allege
to be more docile and more reliable for
their purposes than the African spe
cies. The trainers say that the latter
have bad memories, and that this
makes them uncertain performers in a
ring. They will learn a few tricks
without difficulty, but when called
upon to perform In public they some
times seem to forget their accomplish
ments, and either stand still or bolt 1o
their stables.
It has been recently pointed out that
this lack of memory, or perhaps of
brain power. In the African w hen com
pared with the Indian species may pos
sibly be accounted for by the descent
of the former from the mastodon, an
earlier extinct type than the mammoth.
The teeth of the African elephant cor
rwpond with those of the mastodon,
while In the Indian elephant they are
analagous to those of the more recent
mammoth. When kept in Knglatid the
African seems to have less respect for
"humans" than the Asiatic, ind Is less
trusted by Its keepers, who seem to
look upon It as unsafe. But is this only
l comparative estimate of a creature
Judged by the side of one w hich has
long held the first place among domes
ticated beasts of burden? Dr. Sclnter,
who has summarized the general ex
perience of the Zoological Society for
nearly twenty years, gave It as his
opinion that they are quite as intelli
eent as the Indian species, though, per
haps, not equally docile. The Satur
day Review.
Rice custards are dainty luncln n
d slu 8 for ho! tie ther ating. "
All wool iieus goods are not selling
fell these days.
ANY ONE who has lo-r-n benefited by ,
the nse of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will
receive information of much value and in
terest by writing to "Pink Pills," P. O.
Box "i!l'J. Philadelphia.
"A Handful of Dirt May Be a Houseful
of Shame." Keep Your House
Clean with
" Cut Down
1 m mm
A woman knows what a bargain
really is. She knows better than a man.
"BATTLE AX" is selected every time
by wives who buy tobacco for their hus
bands. They select it because it is an honest
bargain. It is the biggest in size, the
smallest in price, and the best in quality.
The 5 cent piece is almost as large as the
JO cent piece of other high grade brands.
KiMinado and 4t1c aa to Paaantahnitjr of In
.ntlm..SedforIBUT'OiaJj, or Row toOrt
a 1-ataat, Finaia OYaaaau, WMblnftoa, D. 0.
Weatuer Nlgn,
When the unger nails are dry ami
brittle the indication is for fair weatb
er; when they are tough and pliable
and can easily be cut without breaking,
rainy weather is probable within the
next tew dayB.
Carpets drawn very tight when laid
upon the floor furnish a tolerable ba
rometer. When a ttorm is about to
break the thieada contract with euch
foree as sometimes to tear the fabric nr
I draw out the tacks
I The stay at-hoinea can get a lot of
comiort out oi a bath tub and porch if
they only make up tbeit minds to do so.
J-Jven though pearls are considerid
the emblems of tears they are in great
demand in all articles of jewelry.
The lily is the July birthday flower.
A bicycle luncheon basket is a late
The bread fork ie a dainty imported
article of silver.
Special attention to diet is the sure
road to longevity.
Why will women tell all their pri
vate biisinete in the street cars?
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally. Price 75 cents.
Trousseau chests are among the be
longings of tiie up-to-date bride.
A novel way to serve ices is to haver
them in the heart of real rosea.
Mr. lVlnlowg soothing SYRnp for chtlr
rea teetliinu. HiltetiB the ?ntns, relures intlam
ii. a i ion, alia- pmn, cures wind colic. 'c UHlle.
Hirds as large as barnyard hena now
perch on the smart summer hat.
KamlHiina handkerchiefs are used to
effectively drape French bodices.
If the hair is falling ont, or turning gray,
requiring a stimulant with nourishing and
coloring food. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian
Hair llenewer is just the specific.
De adence in literature is a topic very
greatly discussed these days.
Sometimes a good cry is ev-r so modi
more comforting than laughter.
l'iso's Cure for Consumption is the be.t
of all cough cures. --George W. Lou, Fu
hucher, Lu., August. "Jli, lsiti.
A fluff v white parasol carried with a
shirt waist is decidedly incongruous.
The collection of monogram poker
chi s is the late.-t fancy of thejiutntner
Through Yellowstone
Park on a bicycle
Write to J. Francis, C.en'l rsjuV Ant, Bw
llngton Route, Omaha. Neb., for booklet glTla
full lafortnattnn atNiiit rami, roela, eto.
M . V. Mo. SSS.
Tork, NX
. fja aur rw "
la Uab fOfwr.