The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 14, 1896, Image 4

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    The Sioux County Journal.
Subcriition Price, f-.OO
fj. .f. Simmons,
Entered at the lurriou port oltiee u
jecjui clw4 IliUtter.
THUltS2AY, MaV 14, 1K.
iitlr 4u be Heanilrf-rf.
Prohibition national toL.u.-ntiim, t
parg. May.
Republican nutiwuul convention, ut 't.
J-oais, June In.
JX-UKX-ruUc national convention, :it !!
:sro, July 7.
Vopuliat national i-uuvention, St. I oui-,
July at.
Repuliliran state nominating com en t ion,
Lincoln. July i.
J'opuiist stute. convention to fleet dele
jiiU' to national convention. Gram! Island,
jaiv i:.
sixth district republican cpnvi-.iitUm to ueit her iaifeastd nor diminished dur
noiuiiiuti' a candidate for i-onsre,-s, at North i j,,,, tnr. itriii for which these oliiccrs
JM.July3.ut IQtt. - Uhal! have been commissioned. This
The call for the republican congress- j proposition provides that tiie legislature
ional convention has lieen issued to meet S held after the adaption of this auiehd
at North Platte on July 3. at IU o'clock, ' ment shall establish tlw salaries of all
a. m., to nominate a candidate for con-
gress. Sioux county is entitled to 2 del-!
. gates, the same as in the state couveu-j
" '
r rr-. r.
The last act in the tragic career of II.
II. Holmes, t lie multi-murderer, occur -
ed in Philadelphia last Thursday hen
liie wreicu was iiuuneu. utc eec-uuou
' i ,r -.i 7 :i i . '
passed oir without accident or mci-1
dent. It were better had he never Len i
Tlia vftimtr retwiliiti :kw of (inlfilel. n.
, , i , .- i i
few days ago passed resolutionH endors-,
,,..,, i . r ,i '
ing Jack JIact. .oil as a candidate for the'
republican nomination for governor, it ;
js refreshing to learn that there are some
Jieople ill that city who are w illing to
ecat;'iize the western part of the state.
There are forty-six mutual insurance
.companies in Nebraska, carrying ?2-V
.457,882 ip insurance. This explains the ! legislature to create auuiiiouai execu
animus of the light of the old hue com- j live cilices by a thrve-fourtlis vote and
paniec against the uiutuuls. It also ex-, at the same time authorizes the legisla
ilams the numerous devices resorted to ! ture to abolisji any olike which it may
tor the purpose of bleeding the people
w ho jiaironize them. Kearney lluii.
At a meeting of tiie republicans of
pruabu List Thursday evening at which
alt wards were represented a resolution
was adopted endorsing Attorney General
.Churchill forii second term and declin
ing to endorse VV. J. Broatch as a candi
date for governor. Those republicans
recognize what is right and act accord-
Dawes county has another murder
fase on its hands. A man named Glen
Santee was shot to death by William rclnlfl.-u nlw.tit lanli.
miles south of Chadron. U was claimed
to have been done in self-delenso, but the
coroner's jury held that it was done
wjth felonious intent. The man who
whp was killed went to the house of the
.other and during a quarrel was killed.
The interest manifested here the lirst
of the week indicates the importance of
irrigation to Sioux county. It is shown
beyond doubt that there are claims for a
great deal more water than the streams
ipf the county will supply. The only
vay to increase the amount of water to
)e used is tor 1 lie people to build reser
voirs and store the u,l waters lor use
at the time needed. The necessity lor
Much work is becoming more apparent as
f inie passes.
Judge Shiras, of the lederal court at
pmaha, on last Thursday- decided that
the military authorities had the right to
allow a post canteen to lie operated on
the Fort Kobmson reservation and that
liquor could be sold there without re
gard to the state laws, and oidered that
the officers who had been arrested be
discharged. The cession of the reserve-
1 ion to t.ha TTniteii Stril,-a -:Mswt thu
Matutes of Nebraska to lose their f0lc-
within the territory of the reservation.
Hay Springs has a candidate for the
republican nomination for state senator
for this district, by the name of 8.
Bockey. He is said to be a good man
for the place. TE JotRXAL is for the
nian who is the liest and strongest can
didate, no matter from what pari of the
district he comes. It is time that the
pprthwest district made an effort to re
deem itself from what it has had in the
ppper branch of the legislature for some
" years past. '
There is a good deal of talk alwut
Thurston having a cabinet position as
sured in the event of the election of
McKinley. Such a result would be right
und proper when the time comes, but. it
is not just to either Thurston or f Km
leV to intimate that anv Promises have
(wen asked or given, (or that would put
4 1ah I.. .... r
them on a level with the lowest class of
IKihticians. Thurston s record in Ne
iraska proves that he does not exact a
firomise to pay before he will help a
qend. '
A great deal is being said of late of the
extension of the civil service rules which
arc being put in effect by the adminis
tration. THE Jot'HXAl. has always been
jn favor of such rules but (he attempt of
(lie democrats to claim credit for reform
when it is simply a scheme, makes pete
rile tired. Th administration, like all
pf its predecessors, lias been putting
(ueoiber of its party into oltiee us fast
a it could ever since Cleveland was in
augurated, which under the precedent of
kit the years gone by waa perfectly
Er, and the result is that about
place is now tilled by a democrat,
dministration recognizes that the
people demand a change in the policy of
be government and that the party in
power will step down and out on the 4h
of March, 1897, and in hope of keeping
a many of It adherents at the public
crib as poswUe an extension of the civil
fervice rulea U proclaimed and credit fur
Ceforai is claimed. Civil service is a
(wnutiful thing, but its beauty is mdlv
ptarred when an attempt is nmnV to dse
ft fo oer up political liiricH.
Constitutional Amci dineut.
At the coming election twelve propo
sitions to amend the constitution will I
submitted to the people to vote upon.
Tltf? following summary which appeared
in a recent issue of the World-lleruld
covers the most important points of
eai h of the proposed amendments:
! First To five the legislature power
! to pas a la providing that in civil
1 actions five-sixth of the jury may ren
der a virdict.
! toti-ond Provides for three railroad
' fOii:ti!'-!!'M to !e elated hy the peo
l Je. each to hoid hi-, cth.s? three years.
Vi.nilt:t has bng lieen in Deed of capa
bi.! railroad commis-sioiiers. The value
of sin h an ainenJiient would d pend
((on the character of the men elected to
toe po.-i lions, hut the adoption of this
proi.tion au 1 the suWsj'tent selection
if good na n for the commission would
la? of incalculable, is-nelit t.J Hie state.
Third. Authorizes the legislature to
fix the salaries of the governor nt.d
other state oS!ie.-l-s, which salaries shall
j stale officers, a three-bf ths vote ln-im; j
net.ess.,rv jt j,rijVide that the!
" . , , ,. , , , , I
Hnninsation so estabns.ieil siialt not iw i
i , . ,
I changed ofteiier than once in four years, j
j n,j io evWlt unless two-thirds of the :
j cf ea( n house of the legisla-1
tur(J t(,m.ur. Under this amendment !
, . . . ,
the legislature would 1 empowered to
" 1
fix the salaries of tiie three railroad com-
niissioners, as well as to re-arrante, i.
nwessiirv, tiie Siilaries of all state
ollicers. The autlioritv so.i-lit to h
conferred upon the legislature is wtl
guarded hy the provision th..t. a thre.
lil ths vote is necessary to ux salaries in
the first place and a two thirds vote to
change such salaries after four years
shall have expired.
Fourth. Conveys authority upon the
have c reated.
Fifth. Confers upon the legislature
authority to create other courts inferior
to the supreme court. The purHse of
this is to give the legislature authority
to create a state court of iipieals for the
purpose of affording relief to the heav
ily burdened docket of the supreme
Sixth. Increases the' numU'r of
judges of the supreme court from three
to live. It also provides that the legis
lature may fix the term of office of the
supreme court, provided, however, that
"u'-! teri11 hha11 uot for ltss tl,arl Uve
Seventh. Authorizes the legislature,
by a two thirds vote, to increase the
number of judges of the supreme court,
as well as of the district court, as the
constitution now provides.
Eight. Authorizes the legislature, by
si three-fifths votu to lix the salary of
judges of the supreme and district
courts, such compensation not to la?
changed -ftener than once in four years,
and in no event other than by a two-
thirds vote of each house.
Ninth.-Is to confer authority on the
legislature to authorize the use of a
voting machine if that shall become
Tenth. Provide that the tnte per
manent school funds shall lie invested
only in United Stated or state securities
or registerd school district bonds of (he
state. When any warrant upon the
state treasury regularly issued is pre
sented for payment and there shall be no
money in the proper fund to pay such
warrant the state treasurer may, on or
! der of the state t-sianl, pay tliis warrant
Irm f:'i,," """ls :,"a ""u um wrfr"
nun as mi in escioei i. ji uic
school fund.
Eleventh. Authorizes that the gov
ernment of any city of the metropolitan
class and the government of the county
in which tlw city is located may le
merged wholly or in part when a major
ity of the voters of the county and city
shall so declare. To accomplish this il
will !e necessary to obtain a distinct
majority of all country precinct voters.
The purpose of this is to give the Omaha
and L'oinrlns county governments a
chance to mute in the event that the
people may consider hucIi a move desirable-
Twelfth. Amends the constitution:!!
prohibition Against donations, hy city,
countv, town, precinct or municipality
to railroads or works of internal im
provement, or manufactories, hy str k-
in? out ti e worn raiiroan--. nai-u
: . . . . i 1 i ti t. i -
nrovifle that a two-third" vote of the
, ' .
people slmli he necessary to vote a dona
tion to any worK oi internal improve
The Fasliinnablft Type of Mirl.
Every style of girj is said in society to
have her day; and just at present the
type of feminine looks in greatest demand
and admiration is she of the very sallow
nay, of a distinctly yellow, complexion
whose countenance shown no animation
whatever, but who can boast of a pair
of large, gloomy, black eyes. Can you
trace the likeness? These unfortunate
eirls have come to the fore since
Eleanor fuse has won such popularity
here. Well, 111 sallow, dark-eyed girls
are enjoying their day hugely, and do
their hair in soft, languid-looking folds
about their faces, and drop an occasional
Italian, instead of French, word into
their conversation. In fact, lJuse has
made the soft language of Italy wonder
fully popular since she has been In this
country, just as she has brought into
favor the custom of wearing a large
turquois ring on the first linger of the
left hand. It's the only jewel she honors
with daily usage; and the unique orna
ment is ' at present one of societies
whims. From "Society Fads," in I 'eiuo
I".!-; M.i.'pziii" fcr May.
Good rigs furnished on short notice.
Reliable drivers and quiet saddle horse always on hand.
Uood accommodation for trauscient customers.
1 lories boarded.
?: E. Bi:K'.vs--rs,
D. H. GRISWOLI), Cashier.
Transacts a General
American Exciuxije National t4ank. New York,
Omaha National Hank. Omaha,
First National Hank, Clmdron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
wits: bzro-AuIeets for
J h H
Drugs, Medicines, Paints & Oils.
The Inter Ocean
Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper
of the West and Has the Largest Circulation.
DAILY (without Sunday).. $4.00 per year
DAILY (with Sunday) $6.00 per year
The Weekly Inter Ocean C I 0()
jU a :iewpsr;r THE INTKS OCEATT ktnr.3 hbrei-ttof the tlm In all
tespects. lipar ueitaer r-nr. nor txpenst- ifttcurt.i
The Weekly Into;- Ocean
As a Fi'milv Paer Is Not rxcclhd bv Any.
rVTTp'It has smefhir.n or intere t ec:t m-Kib-jr ot tte famllv. It
i -J YOUTn'g ULFAriTiMUCT li the vory Uej-.of iu kmi. Ito LITK.i
, RY FEA. i UHJSB rr ua-,uU (l.
It is a TiYELVE I-on ft.Pi.ll kn-i cpntaiac Co ITr.j of '.he "o'orli.
P0-ITICA-LY IT IS itirj'UBIJCAN. S.r. Ita r'.-id.- the hent-Cil of
the ablest d.aeiisui'iiison e il il io,'ii I tc'! -l. . I; 'it tuh Irbtt tn Chifa;o
and la in aecTd vit.t t.hopnori of th Vf H Tiitr-- ns ! 1,'trtnr.
PP'k rirti'.-rft'-' t"' tl zricu (. TIli Wi.lK.iY .iN i .xt C VitE it
l.Y VS1C UttVLtt Vli IfcAM. AJ.'lftm
' twit rrv ry ..te.ft
Feed and Sale
C. F. rorm,
Banking Business.
TiTT A T J f A f
Sioux County,
Free Homes for More
Than 5,000 Men.
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
Contains over forty-five miles of
rail oad and has no county
Sioux countv is the northwest county
of Nebnoka
It is alxiut thirty nules
east and west by about seventy miles
north and south and contains
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
of land. There ate more bright, si a rk-
ling, small si reams in the county than'
can be found in the same urea el here ,
, , , I
ill the state. It has more pine t iml-r m
it thun all the rest c.r the state combm, il ;
Its grasses are the richest and most no j
tritious known so that for stock-growing '
it iu nneTi-elleil '
It is unexcelled.
The soil varies from a heavy ' lay to a i
light sandy loam and is capable of pro
ducing excellent crops.
Tiie principal crois are small grain
and regetables, ullhough goisl corn i
grown in the valleys. The wheat, oats
rye and barley are mII of unusually line
nnulitv mill the hii-lii-st iii.ii-.
1" J -
ket prices.
The water is pure and refreshing mal
. , . - i . r.i
is found in abundance i it all pints or the
The county is practii ally out of dtjd
and has over forty-live iinh-s of railroad
within its borders, lias a good brii k court
house and the necessary lixtuics lor run
mug the comity and thelo has never
been one dollar of c ounty bond-, issascil 1
and heucu taxes "ill lie low. ;
The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri !
Valley railroad cros-es Ma.ux county I
from east to "est and tiie Li. & M. has j
about f ftevii miles of ius hue in tile j
uortheast art of the county. j
The climate is more pleasant, than that
of the exsteru irtiuu of Nebraska,
There is still
OVER 800,000 ACRES
of land in Sioux county yet ojien to
homestead entry. It is better land and
more desirably located than that for
which such rushes are made on the ot5ii
ing of"i reservation. There is no r.iij
road land in the county nnd for that
roason its settlement has U.-en blow (or
no special eHort to get settlers was
made, as was dona in the early days of
the settlement of the eastern uirt of the
Good deeded land can be purchased at
reasonable rates with government land
adjoining so that a person who wants
more than one quarter section can obtain
it if he lias a little means.
There are about 1,500 people in the
county aud tlmre is room for thousands
Ifarri-n is the county seat and is sitr
uated on the F. E. & M. V. railroad, und I
is as good a town as the thinly kettled
country demands.
School houses and churche are pro
vided in almost every settlement aud are
kept up with the times.
All who desire to get a homestead or
buy land cheap are invited to come and
see the country for themselves and judge
of ito menu. Homesteads will not he
obtainable much longer and if jou want
to use your right and get 100 acres ol
land from Uncle 8am free it is time you
were about it.
Rlpans Tabulei.
Kipans Tabules cure nauaoa.
Rlpann Tabulei: at druggls;n.
Uipans Tabules cure dizzlnms.
Ripana Tabules axilet dlgentlon.
Rlpans Tabules cure bad nrcatx
Ripana Tabules cure blllouKnocs.
Rlpans Tabules: one glvea relief.
Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic.
Ripana Tabules cure constipation.
Rlpans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Rlpans Tabules cure liver troubles.
Look at This L,t
of western citien:
Chicago Rt, Joseph
Omaha Lincoln
St. Louis lfenver
Kansas City leadwt,oed
Itdoes'nt matter which you intend
visiting. The Burlington Route is the
best line to all as it is to any one of
Advertising matter and full informa
tion about tralos and rates on applica
tion. J. Ytti'-t 'tL r. pat t
, . , ..... .... , w 4l ni
. Oiaha,
Mlm . Iloinmib liiwitnor
K . Moore... J.iru wnmit .tveriml
J A I ii r sn-rt-urj o( nuui
hueue Auditor
J.h-iIi luriw-v Trewurer
A s. mi n-h ill Aiior..eyt-Merl
li i Hu---ll Im4 oiiuiilrtoKer
11. U i orUcll u.l. 1 uUi- lu.lmi Uiiu
Jolin M. TliiHsloii I". S. senator. Omsk
v Mi. v Alien I . s. S-llUir, .UiKltaon
.1 P. strile, i oi.le-iiniU l"t llt , Uiicolu
l. II. liereel. " '-'I " tlll
I, 1. MeikirhfhH " " Kullef i.f.l
L I I' " 4lU " AurolA
A . . Aiidr. i
o. H. h-u.
l Ke I lou.
bill " Brokro liuw
Jt UK 1 UtY:
p,t . li ef Ju-tii C'olillnlrtls
I U lii:Miu .". A. leju.lie.t.rlli! llH'i
1 ( rv,.l v-.K-nt Jioii-'e, M.r.l
i. a. u..i-ii-.t i urjioi u.-r, Uirt.:u
f tTI KSTII Jt I'll I VI. lilsTUKT:
M IV kinWi.t Ju-lire. --..nil
W . W e.l..ver...
i. J. l'.iewi It
l U-rk, Hri'iiHKi
cot MY I'iHt FKs:
,n oiiiitr Jwlve
If.iU rt W'r.-oil
M .1. l.le-. lt..
I 111- B:eil e .
i . li I'.n e...
. 11.11 lletl . -
J. K. I'lim ...- .
I ai k
I 1 UMure!
si. i t. i'ulllt In-lrui iioii
i urouer
M .1 llleuell Ciel l ot li-tril t Court
1 l. unit oilllill-- t olllity Atloluey
IMIAHII Or riiMMl-sioNfcBS:
trunk Tinkhaiir-1 li urui in ll OUirlut
M. .1. elu I -
ft. t . Jl'.l!Oil
II. ;. -tcir irt .-eimtor. tU-t o. 14. i rswfofl
V . len;i. ) ...Itejl.. I.i.l. O..U. Ili'lUlbtftoril
Ml.l.Ai.K orHims:
I i: liolirrr icliiiiriimn : Trute
I J . V . Moll
l II i.riil "
I . H Vat.ti n. r "
IV tt Oii.l'i. . .
i j . ,," lletk
1j i- Li-rim II Ilrurer
scmwil. or iri:i:s:
! .!. v. s-ott
I li. i. iiuick
I L. W . ilenlel
. MiMleruior
TKKMsor' rol'KT:
ln-tri. t ( ourt, t llrnii, ronmirm-e
Mi.reii in mul Uli.
( ,11114 iiiit. - u ihirn-jn, cuiiiiik-hu
"l ot cu ll
m isi hks ami mk IKTIKs.
M-t Ii.mI i-t siimUy Iiool im-i-u every Sim
''",v "'"r.uiiKiil II M.
j. k. .Mu-i i.i ni, V. II, lunn,
.-uiei iiiii-mieni. srcretnijr
trisiliMKN or TIIK WOIU.D.
ll;irrl-on I'tuiip. No. .Vi, ineeti on each nl
tfl IIKte li eitMl-lllV 1-Veilll'
w . il. liAV.. . I., iiotr,
llelk loil.lolli.
Nleet i-u li iilt--r.itttc s.itnriltiy evonliijf
! "t " " 1-lo. li
A. li. li.W. . t .
j. w . ssiTH.Ork.
; Ki'iVnltTIl l.KAH K.
1 IK-Ilitilililil llifl-TinK every Sll MititV fvilllt
. ul h , , , .,.Ihll f ,v-(.
(ileni. r twin V'ASftosRiRa.
i M.n. II. I.. iHm. I'lKM lrnt.
j -m-. ti-iry.
lli'forr -sii u-cribiiijf for ft Vutf.-.r.!ii
See (In- Lest
liiMi-oict ( ut I'uper l'atirrii are the Mont
lr u'l iinl mi tn mitiot. Tiiy me of ny
ie " inenifj r of (lie timin-lniia i-oal.f rr
ij'.nre. In t-in-li ij.v nl Hie Mug rlnv U
pi ini.-'i i-f,nm i-iiiiiiiim tin- miUicriiier,
or iniii ti.ii.. i , t a p iti-i a we, rlli nn.l ri 'i
I irly iw!i f..r ;i -. or unjr iiuu.lH-rof p ilU i in'
for lour eeiii i-:u li to i-im-r lurioiRo siul
puiiliiKf. When the value of the u..ttrti la
cuiiflileri-tl thu (ulMerilo r ut tuiiliy gaU
And hnt iiisgn.ine it t! f or 1 It
. will
lie more lirllllMtit than ever IWnrc
mnniiKeiHeiit, new niitlio-l.. new lili-.
Kadi t-iiiy nini ulna mi eiin.i. repi-cniee
lion In eolnra o( illie n-teomml llrl ilrr hy
a Inmoio urtn-J, irm Uiv Io hiIuiii tli wall
of tin; moil rertiii-l hu,,,,.. it iBrtirme,l that
Mr M'lliKs'l '. , thB ov coinplrlM Kauilly
Mnifn.iiie eoiiiiiiniiid all . th mtnt axcri
lent ..iliit. ol isii iMiiiixii-Hiieii. tM-fliira
lmvlhit Milinllalile feuiurea ol IUon. Hk,M
iil!Ki s laactuAlijr a 1);.K.N MALAZ1SKS
hi one.
Ills a D!jML of Current KvenU am) Idas
for t!i Iiu- innii or uonian. lo-vlea- anil a
". ' " '" ior an, w ivea, mom-
v.a.atntn bmI flauRUU-ra van rtnd narllr
lint they need io aMiu. and luairurt tliem
itlw Iilai-tli-Kl lieln III every ilep.rliiinu ot
loii.i-.tlc iiml wm;I.. llf, including the furn
KliliiK and ornitiiientliiR of ttie boitie, m.
Iiltililerv l.rle.a l.t-.... u. t.. .
....... -.'.i, u, ,.r nut, inuc-y work
ol all kind., etc-., etc, and auKxeaiiuiia and
sdvicereKiirdl,.,,. the w.-u , u,i dr".',..
infill l imriiui. .....
1l)e i.- oni,.. artii-.e. for 1-15 Kni Itm
will rover lliea hole country an(l lu vtrivi
i, inr,-.i. and IhH article, win ,
llu.lriiti-d with the niM-.tenrrori!, an I
In addition. It ,,, 7r;
Sour", il"; ,l.lP,'"' "tlellRtllDut of HM.r
, , : ' "' "'" ! Kntertaln-
ii. no ,v,r- lof attvution Io
UK-( lill'lreii . Iirjiartmeiit.and "iinri.lrl. "
VI', . d."l w",'!", "'"""O '7 .lebratad
leoiile, In which arn i ii,.,.J luiimrtaui
'leaded'" """r"f 1",,re' I" ' Older
iJ tu. have your u nrcrlptlon at once.
Ion K. i ,r vaine for moner than It
1- iim, i ,le to aure ay ot,r ,ut,tKia.
I lie Mii(tai,r ,,e year lor -i.0u.
or uli iiioutha lor - i .
u hvrar. iMilti-nnuf n of wlilel, arc ob
tainable l,y .ul-r;lr. at , Mamril.
copy (with puttnri, ,.,,,, aai.t "or
Kiinoitist ITm.iniuco.,
11 HI Hi Avenue, Snw York.
a i in r if i. one g. oM.ts.tfn
N nd Vour iili-ilptiou, tothl.fimco..
I North-Western
F., E. & M. V, R. Tt, i. the best
to and from the