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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1896)
Tb Ssux County Journal Subacriptioa Prtoe, f.M L. 4. Simmon a, - Edkor. Ewfed at t HmKw MMt ifflee a ecoae elaea Hu. ftcntY, Mat T, 18J. Vatea U o KeMHitarrr4. Iteolbltien aotkuiiaa tonveutlon, at I'itttr liunt, Hay K. EepwMtesn SiAWual eenventioii, at M. (Mia, Jaw 16. Deiueeratie Btftjwaal convention, at (til mro, Jrt-y 7. Fopullrft unina1 emivrntkm, M. Ixi, July . HeewfeHran mate nominating eonvention, Lincoln, Jnry 1. Popellrt state eonrentioii t elerfilele tle to mttleniil convent ton. Grand Islmxt. Jnly 16. Mirth dirtrtet rppablirun convention to Miniiiate a candidate for nuiigresn, at Nurlta 3'latUi. August Kl, at IS a. m. Cripple Creek hud another lire last week which -destroyed wliat was Wt of the business part of the place. the Spanish cruelties still continue in 'Cubuand the president, of the United :Ktates still cootieue to do nothing .in lite matter. la Spain more than 68 per ceat of the people are illiterate. That in part c coat for the cruelties in Cuba. A na tion can hardly be called civilized when tuily one person out of live can read or write. The last issue of tbe Xdyraiku Eilitor chronicles the absorption of one paper wy another; the consolidation of nix other by twos, and the suspension of suae others within the past thirty days. Much things go to prove that even news 4spers cannot exist on wind. Tbe shah of Persia was shot on last Friday by a revolutionary fanatic, us he wax entering a place of worslup. The MMBMiin was disguised as a woman. No trouble followed tha death of the mon arch, which occurred very shortly after .tile shot. Utill aew aspirants bob up for the state oMcea which are open this year. There seems to be more who are willing to erve the dear people in the capacity of governor than either of the other places. There are plenty who desire to be either treasurer or auditor so that noue of the Uces will go begiug. Tbe straight or administration demo crat held their state convention at Lin coln last week. Tobias Castor lieads the list of delegates to the national demo cratic national convention, and the rest sum the same kiod of people. Almost very county in the state was repre sented, the list of delegates having been published. The outcome ut Chicago will be wutciied for with interest. J. A. Habegger and Frank Currie, lioth of Dawes count v, are said to be candi dal for the republican nomination for representative in this district. This is tha year when the greatest .care should tm taken to select the best and most available men for candidates that suu cest may be hud at the polls. No one -should allow bin ersoaal ambition to interfere with the interests of lias party. Some of the papers are discussing the filan of an editorial association for the western part of the state. Such an or ganization would no doubt be of benefit Co those who ou Id attend the meetings, hut the way the lines of travel run it is very iaconvenient for rwople in tbe west ero art of tbe state to gather in any town is the part of the state interested. It M amen easier for most uf them to reach Omaha or Lincoln th in any of the towaslocated oa railroads other than the which they reside. The state superintendent of public in struction has issued an oflicial circular o the superintendents of the counties of tbe stute in regard to the enforcement of tha compulsory school law. Under it ' hildrea hetweeg certain ages are to be eot to ecfcoel fur at least twelve weeks during the year. Parents who do not comply with the law will be called to account if Uie county superintendents do what they are under oath and bond to do a a forcing the law. h is reported that an effort will be made to turn down Attorney' General tJhurvbill for a second term. It has fceoaarulein the republican party of Tfeoraaka when a state olHcial baa done Ms duty for ooe Urm to give him the woeaiaatioa for a second term. Uf aatim, a proves unfit for tbe po Mot) it would be the proper thing to retire him at the ead of bis Orst term. Tb Indications are that all the other re fMiWicaas who are serving their first i will he renominated for second i without opposition, awl the Igbt m OhttrvWU m most likely lite result of Ilk asftleos at. other Douglass county i to yttca o the state ticket. No I cum ssems to bt given for the at- Utupt U Mil biu off. One good term slewrruA ututU'b ' , Utah is considered to I a Rrent silver state, but site is just issuing $".'00,000 iu hood made siyable io gold. That ii a significant straw. The old Camp Sheridan reservation in Sheridan county in oowr open for settle ment. A settler ha to comply practic ally with tha homestead laws and at the J of live years pay the appraised value of the land, either all at once or in five payment. All necessary information nmy be ohtained from the officials of tlie Alliance land otlice. Irrigation matters in the vicinity of Ora ford have got in court. The parties interested in what is known astheOrabla ditch have brought suit to restrain t.U those above them from taking water from White river and itK tributaries for the purpose of irrigation. Water rights will cause a good deal of litigation, but once nettled it will lix the value of much property. , Ed Whiteotub, editor of the Frierd Telegraph, is said to te a candidate for state senator in his district. It has long been admitted that when standing with lioth feet on the ground Bro. Whib'omh can cover more territory thrin any other newsauer man in the Mate, and that fact ought to help him in his canvass. Should he pet there with lioth fet there would be one good member of the next senate. The result of tha republican state con vention in Illinois last week settles the matter of Culloni being a candidate be fore the national convention as the dele (fates elected are for MtKinley. It seems now tint it is simply a matter of majority with him. It is six weeks yet before the convention and that is time for many thing to happen, iiut un less something out of the ordinary hap pens McKmley will have a majority of the convention at the opening of the i session, ihe action of the people all over the nation in regard to him is un exampled in the history of the nation. There has leen quile a commotion in legal circles over a recent decision of the supreme court. It has been the practice of the judges of the district courts of the state to accept a plea of guilty by those charged with crimes and to sentence them at once, although it was not dur ing a regular term of court, thus saving the county wherein tlie crime was com mitted the expense of keeping the pris oner until the next regular term of court. The supreme court has held that such proceedings outside of term time was irregular and a numlwr of convicts have obtained their freedom as the re sult thereof. Auditor Jloore has withdrawn his at tack on the constitutionality of mutual insurance law and says it a as a mistake and he did not intend to heln the old line companies. He hopes thereby to increase his chances for the nomination for gov ernor, but it is more than likely that the people of the state will want a mnn for governor who will know that he is right before he goes into a matter of so much importance and one who will find out that he has made a mistake before be has been roasted for weeks by the press of the state. There may be some excuse for Mr. Moore having taken a wrong v sition in the lirst pla-e, but there is no excuse for his attempting to maintain it for so long. What War Xtiit .Uran far Spain. Thus when, for really effective pur poses of modern naval warfare, our pres ent fleet is compared with that of puin, it is not extravagant to estimate that ours is quite three or four times as pow erful. ' Our Atlantic squadron alone, now under the command of Rear-Admiral I! n nee, would at least with the aid of two or three ot!er of our swift cruis ers, quite ea:tily suffice to annihilate the Spanish navy. Tlie war, if it were declared, would probably be an extreme ly brief one, consisting of a naval en gagemeut or two in the general vicinity of Cu'a. The encouragemeul which tlie Cuban insurgents would derive from hostilities botweeo Spun and the United States would enable them to make speedy work with General Weyler's troops. The outcome, then, of a declar ation of war by Spain against the United States would seem unquestionable. Spain A-oiild lose her navy and lose Cuba too, in a few disastrous days. Yet it has for months been tlie opinion of the most competent observers of matters diplo matic and international, that the recog nition of the beiligerancy of Uie Cuban insurgents by our government would be met with a prompt declaration of war on Spain's part. Even Castelar seems ready to light us. From "Tlie Progress of tlie World,' in May Review of Re views. Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Tabultt. Tabules cure nausea. Tabu lea: at drumists. Tabules cure dizslness. Tabules assist digestion. Tabules rare bad hrpat!i. Tabules core biliousness. Tabules: one gives relict. Tabules: gentle cathartic. Tabules cure constipation. Tabtilee. pleasant laxative. Tabulr b cure liver troubles. Ciood rigs furnished on short notice. Reliable driver and quiet saddle horses always on band, (iood accommodations for transcient customers. Horses boarded. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL N. D. HAMLIN, PKOPR1CTOR. -TIIE-- COMMERCIAL BANK. (ESTABLISHED 1COO.J Harrison, E. BpjrwsT.n, President. D. IL ORISWOLt), Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. S50000. Transacts a General Banking Businecs. C0RRF,SI0N"DK.'TS: AaEmcAS Exni.vsdK National Hank, New York, Omaha National Rank, Omaha, Firt National Rank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. tJ-DRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. YOU WILL FIND ME AT THE OLD STAID WITH BLa-.I2STS FOR 6E0. Dl AM P V D . Drugs, Medicines, Paints & Oils. JEWELRY, CLOCKS A.2STID IFIsrCrSrT 0-003DS. CALL AND SEE. J. E PIIINNEY, HAnmsoN, The Inter Ocean H the Most Popular republican Newspaper of the Weft and Has thj largest Circulation. TERMS BY MAIL, DAILY (Without Sundcy) $4.03 per year DAILY (with Sunday) $6.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean . C l .00 PER YEAR P : r As a Newiparrer TH2 INTER OCSAM lrei abrist of t'le timira in'all tesiwcU. It t,itfe neitner poos exru tn fcflfarin;; ALL THE NEWS AND THE T.FST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. The "Weekly Inter Ocean At a Family t'aoff Is Net Excelled by Any. ffjSP'K has sinethint cf mun-t to nri wimbur 01 th frmilr. Its yOUTH'8 DEi'ARTillNT M fnu very bwtcf lU luud, lU LtTEd . BT JTCA'i UPE3 ar unnjult It Is a TWELVE PAGE F'AfEB i. t aonltvJnn Cv lUwtntihm World. POimCAi-LYITIdREPCIsUCA:. Ad fclrs iu refers tb btaeBt of ih ablest discussions un all lire politic 1 loplii. I: it tub ish4 In Oittai and la ia aooiri witn Uc poop of t he V nt in buh politic i s-i 1 11 trtir. Flsas remember 1 1 ill pricu of THE V.'LiILY il" Itrt OCL.S la OHLlf OSE 1MH.I.AU Il ViAlU AUr. - f 1 1 T tNTW Tr,!. fyri". LIVERY, Feed and Sale Stable. Nebraska. C F. f orm, Vice-Prcsidsot. H. TURNER. 11 1 T A P A I A nr NO TROUBLE TO 8HOVV 0(X)D8. PROPRIETOR. kebhaska. Sioux County, THE LAND OF THE HOME STEADER. Free Homes for More Than 5,000 Men. A new county with schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND 800,000 ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over forty-five miles of ..... . rail oad and has no county . , DOnGS. ,. . Sioux county H the northwest c ounty of Nebraska. It is about Hin t v miles east and west by iiUmt wventy miles north and south ami contains OVER 1,300,000 ACRES of land. There are more br;'ht. smrk. limr. small slniuus in the i omit v t ban " Kin lie found in the mint nn-a elst-wlmv ...... .. in the state. It has more pine tinitr in it tlian all the rest of the stale umbilici! Its grasses ure the rii be.-t mid most nu- tritious known so tint for stix k-rov i tr it is unexcelled. The sriil varies from a Iihivv day to u .. , . , , , . i i r li'ht sandy loimi nml is tnihle (if pro - ducin(rextII-nt rois. The iriiicipn crois nre small i;niii; and vegetal les, nlthou'li 'ihhI i oi h is grown iu the valleys. The wheal, nats rve and liarlev are ail of uihimihII v l.i.e , quality and coiumund the lushest mat- ; ket priijw, ; The water is pure mid iefishin4 nfn' i is found in abundant in ull jiiirts of tin i county. ; The county is practically outofilehlj t and has over forty-live miles ol railroad ! within its borders, has a good brick court ' house and the necessary llxluies lor run- j mug the coutily and there has never lieen one dollar of county IkjihIs issiistd and henc taxes will lie low. The Fremont, Elk horn & Missouri Valley railroad crosses Hioiix tounty from east U) est and tlie U. A 1. has about fteeil miles of its line hi the northeast part of tlie county. The climate is more pleasant Hinn that of the eastern iorlioii of Nebniska. There is still OVER 800,000 ACRES of lil"d ,n 8ioux c"u,lty -vel -n more uesirauiv locaieti j llian that lor whi.1, such rusls are made on the i of a reservation. Thei-e is no n.ij. roau lanu in uie county and lor that iwwi iw ntiuciiicuv iit ueen slow lor ....... c.u.i.i,ij I...J.... i. . . , . reasonable rates with governmen tul joining so that a person ul more tlian one quarter section i i it if lie I tag a little mean. There aw about 1,500 people in the county and Uie re is room for thousand more. Harriaon is the rotinty seat and is sit uated on the V. E. & M. V. railroad, ami is as good a town as the thinly settled country demands. School bouses and churches are pro vided in almost every settlement und are kept up with the times. All who desire to get a liomestad or buy land cheap are invited to come and see Uie country for tliemselves aud jtide of its merits. Homesteads will not be obtainable much longer and if you want to use your ri;ht and get 100 acres ol land from Uncle Sam free it is lime you were about it. Look at This List of neatern cities: Chicago 81. Josei h Omaha Lincoln Ht. Loui lJenver KausasCity Uead..od Itdoes'nt niatUr uhkh y0u iutend iMtinjf. Tlie Burlington Route is the beat line to all as it is to any ooe of them. Advertising matter and full iuforum- no special eirort to get settlers was ri'l'lMl'""-''!' V' B'"1 'truei tiMI,, , . l'r:tetleitl heliM, in every Menurl iiient ! made, as isus doilo III the eai lv davs ol I 'lomeMle ml t Ul in.. m.u.u. (he lorn the settlement of the easier,. ..In .h I t ,'." "!.J"'V"'"1'"!' ".' ". .,. j lion about trains and rates on applk-u-! tion. J. Ka.cih, U. p, A. t. A. ' Ouiitjiiii Neb. orriciAL GlRCCTORV. TATKl)Hl K: Minn V llr.Wmili irnmooT U K. Uootr .. l-M-""""' "nuf J. A. Piit - riT-Ui 1 state iuem U,,t- Awlit. Jum-iIi . Hurt ley - Trsl-r A. s. I hun'liiU .Alt.wwy -t:rl H.c. lta;i.. i.mti.4 i utiiiiiiMiMr IL H I urtx-ltl supt. I'ullU lurtracllou CDS.HIslOSAI. IH.r0AT1OK: John M. Tl'iinttou V. . ur. IHnnk W Mi, V AlK'll I S N-MSWir. JU'IImmi J II. stru.1... 0i,ii...iuu l-t Ult., Lmtl.i II. M. M.T-i-r. " - iMimlm I I Mi-ikl. John " " rollrrl.Mt i ! J. II iiiL-r, - " ur.. ' W . :. Aul:-. " " K.- 1 Uu. ! (J. M. hem. " ' " Pr'l""i J .11 ii'!Ai:V: ! . 1-1,-f I lol Jnliw."'"!"''''." i i H'. Miuii-xmi WifJn l.-...rmvl lln.t I. I.. Survil Jml(. . x.r l Ii. .. jiij.l ;... i. I U "'J l.-.i u I, I li.i um I in'KI-.NTII Jl IMI M. f. Kfiikii'l H . II. Kli'ii l M. J. Itl : I I.UITkI( T: ....J'l'llf. I'V.-I iiu.iniiw 4 Iff. IIIILM.rf mrNn omrr It-: l!fUrt Wt'.-ori l oinily Ju.lfe M J. Hl. " il t'lt-rk i Iim. lijrni.. linur-i V II ln -., I'ul.lll iHtrnrlloli I.. 1i1.1t. i ll tMiur J. K. I I, 1111.. oroiHT M. J. Itl. -ii I li i ol litrli I i.'mui I i.r.Mit i,utlir;v Allorm y lioAiiii y ruii!siin:: t r:mk Tinfch 1111' ( Ii urm m 1 ! Ilirii t M. J. W l l t'l H. t . uiiusui l lK.lsl.ATIVK: IU;. -Icwnrt..s.'iii.l4.r. Inst So. 14,1'na for-l W . licllipM.y ...Jlr(., Di-I. So. 'O, l..r.l ll.l.Aia: HI t K'l K: M. .1. t'.l.-m -( t i liairiiii..!i; in-l K. Iluli r " J. . x-olt " li. II. (.rtwo4 " W. II. M;ut.'ll. r I.. J. MlMlliOII. lTl i Ij'H i.i-riaru livuii-r j Sfiusil. tin H' K: j,, iur.-u.r ! If. 1. stinii-k ....Mii.'IKti.r j w. . i lrr,ui..r ut ml l!T: j tlilrlcl roTi,Al IturriMi.ii, i'oitiniriir- ' Miin-U tl i.l SnvrnitH r : t a. j ( ,,i, loun.-.u n.iim.iinra ; ,lf"1 "'"'".' - " '""'t1'- t lit li'TK AM) vmI KT) K. j Mt'MttKll-t tir!n V M-fMf it)i'rt-'rn' VMR : 'l;t tiHif liiujf tit il u9: j J. h. )LkM Ki.i.i it, , l, luvi Mil I ill I . "w-l-fi'lMf f , HooliVKN ni TIIK Hiilll.H. ! !'"rrl,"""., ' f"': S" "" '" ' i ii-niiiii i'iIii.-mi,.) fM-nt'iif ; V . . lm i. vv. 1. Hotr. ( iitU. I wii. I oiii. . . Mn.v V' i:n-:v o,- vIKl:l','. Mi-i-t- 'li ii l t-r;iti- siliinlij: evriiltiir rtt 1 ll'fiO.'k. A. It. li.l'. V. 4'. j J. i. swriii.llirk. , KI-WOKTII I.Kti.lT.. Ix'ttliini umiiiu cvit su.nUy vo iis i il .ilmi.'l Mii-i'ioiir o.i rail uf ir.i 1 ,,., rxu. Vasb-wkisk ! J!l"- " '- rn-.usi. j lf.irr ii'T.Ii.i.i; fur :i M.i-r Vf I he lU-1 Deforests AN UN "A Jt !.!.E'.i OFFtfC I lioiiiciie-i', i in l'nN.r l'.i Herns are the nnwl I imtellfiil u'i i-ie iii.irk.-l. Iliey are of sny ! fi.t :l lio-iiti r ill III- h..u-...i..:.l ei.jl I re. llire. Iti eneli t..;y III till- Mil? u printed n foiiimu enililliiK Hi'- iii.srr!lrr, or inreh.!er. to ji ttern ,i.rih suit le.i liri, mihI l.r s, or..nv hih.i'mt of for lour -eiii u'li to ent er Mt k (t. ah. I IMi.tuce. Vt heii the t ain o( t.. i dt'TTi 10 rulii.leretl lite miiIm'I f) r .ietu..;l) )(el IiEMOKESTS MA(1A.:NE FKEK Ami Khut h imiK.iziiie H 1! yut ii; ii nm Is- more brilliant ih.tii ever New matuiiremeiil, ne liiellMt.1-. new liles.. K:.eli t iiv eonl ,ln Ni eii(i.te r-nttie' lion III e,,orl(f liie eelrlil l.-,i 1,1. .... urli.l u...l.u. I .. . ieni nouns hi iu eoi.t.n,Mirsre. be.i.le WlZ'XXZTlW V"? ',;. , ' j ue mi'-y mini or Moiimu, h Uet (en' siel lor nil. Wive .11 nil kirn . i.. ..... . ' t r.. .. '. ." " ' " """if Ur... Ulu. Irnve yr .uh.erlptli,n st one. ? " ' for .i..r lotme, fh"7i I he Muirszlnr one yaar lor .. Ill' fix lilflflllitt Inr ' . . (Oner ri .lurerenl icnnnenu ah-"shown - - "V -hi w-iiirr SI 4e. eeh.) Hsmpic i- oii imtierii eouisMi , M.l for lue Hl.MOKH'T I rill.l.lllu , ll Klf th Avenue, w Yerk. A URI HtLoKKI H. oxli aj.r THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL un.t I.KMOMKSTS TAMILT MAtlAZIKK en.l Vour-iilw, rl.oi loiuuom,.,,. North-Western LINE V.. K. & II. V. R, R. j, th, to ami from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS -or- e , "int.- a nil. I HMUUIIlern , ,n tt.,,1 . i....i i. i w --- "i mi ic-s iirni'. ktriini omkiI (.. it laud .u i,;;:;:, ;'. io wants WulMr"1''- t-r.rt.-i; ,an obum !.-'"". H ...iwisu ,T : neuiiii. ii tr,,,!, t leuRii, onlf lwe soon., home Alllll.eiein. ..,.1 i...V:lUr the bllilren'. Iiertntent. ., 'MmrVlrl. - ..... . a xoiiuiiy syiujxwiiii,, hy I lrtrntl reoile,l whiei, re .u.,.,, ImiwrUnt