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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1896)
h:. f) A ! nil hi t COLD IT H01UE, TM3Y TCU. NMI INTINCmNO AMCOOOTCS Or TMI WaVJt Uaaa Taeir Braiae to Bare Their Heade During reconstruction day Captain Kobe Clark and bit lieutenant, Reyn olds, guerrillas, were cast Into prison and sentenced to be ihoL Clark bad powerful friend, who were confident ef bla release, bnt Reynolds, from Memphis, was without hope of sue ear. The prison at Knoxville, TeniL, was an Iron care la a big room, whose window had bo sign of a glass, and through the long winter Clark and Reynolds were confined there. For awreral months they suffered the agon ies ef the damned. At last as the time for Reynolds' execution approach ed H was noticed that he was going erasy. Clark declares to this day that Reynolds did sot touch a morsel of feed for three weeks. He would moan and sigh and twirl bla thumbs after the manner of a craxy person, recog nise no eae and laugh Insanely In Clark's face whenever be tried to con sole htm. Clark waa sure of bla in sanity. Army surgeons and local physicians passed open the case and Reynolds was Anally discharged as a laaatlc. Clark's friends finally secured hie re lease and hurried bin eat ef Knox ville. Two entered a carriage with him two of bis old soldier and drove toward the mountains as bard as possible In the dead ef night Reach- lag a bouse In a dense forest they stopped and asked bhn to follow them to a back room. The halls were dark ened, and la the room there was only the light of a candle. On the bed In the corner lay a man, moaning, sigh lag, twirling bla thumbs and siring ether evidences of Insanity. Clark rec ognised Reynolds. "Poor, poor fellow," he said, lean ing over the lieutenant to stroke his forehead. , -A tear came in his eye as be looked at the wreck of bis faithful . officer. One of the soldiers shut the door. .'locked it and approached the bedside. "It's all right, Reynolds, this is the captain," he whispered. . Reynolds tore off the blanket, sprang op with a glad cry, and threw bis . anna around Clark's neck. "Great God, Captain, didn't I do It well?" be said. They made all possible baste and - oon reached New Orleans, where Clark felt that Reynolds would be compara tively safe. One night as they left the opera and bad reached a lamp In the street an officer touched Clark on the shoulder. "I want you," be said. "Make no fuss about It, but come quietly." Clark pinched Reynolds' arm and signified that be must fly. The lieu tenant needed no second warning. Then Clark asked tbe officer what be was wanted for. "Hansine?" said tbe latter. "1 have been on your trail for three weeks.' "But maybe you have the wrong aa. My name is Reuben Clark." Tbe officer took from bis pocket botograph of Reynolds and exam Ined It and Clark under the lamp. In stantly be saw his mistake and began to swear. "That Is a likeness of my friend, who has Just left us." said Clark, cool ly. "His name la " "Reynolds!" shouted tbe officer. JTve got tbe wrong man!" Well, Reynolds was never caught. Be Is living In Memphis to-day, I be lieve, and has grown rich. Clark Is rich, too, but that long term In the Iron csge affected his mind, and be Is the most absent-minded man In Amer ica. New York Press. Lyon aad Jaekaoa. In a graphic way Col. John A. Joyce tells In the St. Louis Republic about an interview between Lyon and Governor Claiborne Jackson. Rather, he telle it aa be remembers General Blair's tell ing It to him. Whether It Is exact his tory or not may be left to those who may have opportunities for investiga tion. Here is what Joyce gives aa Blair's account: "Well, there Isn't much to telL It was short, sharp, decisive. There were only six of us present 'Clalb.' Jack non, the Governor, Sterling Price and Tom Snead represented the Confeder ate cause, while Lyon, Major Conant and myself stood out for tbe Union. Lyon opened the ball by saying that I would do the talking fo the Govern ment, as the authorities at Washington had confidence in my loyalty. Gover nor Jackson first said: 'I do not want tbe Government to enlist trjopa In Missouri or march Its soldiers across the State.' "I could see that tbe only reason Jack son asked for the conference at all was to gain time and make sure Missouri honld enter rebellion. We talked pro and con for about three hour, and the more we talked tbe further apart we found ourselves. - "1 could see by the flaah of Lyon's cy,and his compressed lips that he was getting madder and madder as the discussion progressed, and while he suggested that I should do tbe talking, he soon took the lead himself, and threw out bis national Ideas like hot shell out of a cannon. "I saw at once that tbe fiery Captain was about to break up tbe conference, when. Anally, In reply to Governor Jackson, be said: 'Rather than con cede to tbe State of Missouri tbe right to demand that tbe national govern ment snail not enlist troops within ber Bwrders er bring soldiers Into tbe State whenever It please and move them at Its will Into, out of, or througb tbe tats; ratber than concede to tbe State of Missouri for one single momeat tbe right to dictate to tuy government in any matter, however trivial, I would see (pointing to each of us) you, and you, and you, and you, and every man. woman and child in the State dead and buried.' "Then, pointing directly at Governor Jackson, be said: This means war! In an hour one of my officers will call and give you safe conduct through my lines.' "And then, turning on bis heel, with out a look or word, be rushed out of tbe room with rattling spurs and clank ing saber, tbe personification of Na poleonic defiance and action. "We looked at each other In blank amazement for a few momenta, made a few personal remarks, when Conant and myself bid good-by to our Jefferson City friends, and from that moment to tbe dose of tbe civil war we were open enemies." Balablave aad CTaaacellorevilta. Letter to Kearney Republican: Yams Interesting reference to the Crimean war brings to mind Tennyson's tinea, which have Immortalised the "Charge of the Light Brigade." No one who was present In tbe ranks. as was the writer, can well forget tbe opening fire of "Stonewall" Jackson's 30,000 veteran when be surprised Booker's right after sunset at Chan celiorvllle In IMS. This wing of tbe army was rolled back upon itself with frightful loss and confusion by tbe advancing rush of tbe Confederatea For a time the worst fears were enter tained by those who were In Imme diate command of the Union force. At this moment Major Keenan, with about 800 cavalry, was ordered to tbe charge "to bold tbe enemy back at all cost" until tbe guns then "parked on the bin." were "placed" to save the army. Tbe order was weu unaererooa by this brave officer and Immediately executed, 300 against "twice 10.000 gallant foes." Keenan's command waa annihilated, "nor came one back bla wounds to tell" Tbe following la a selection from the lines, "Keenan's Chars. ChanceHorsvlUe. 1863," which should be read and remembered. With dank of scabbard! and thnnder ol steeds, Aad blades that shine like sooHt reeds. And strong brown faces bravely pale For fear their proud attempt shall fail. Three hundred Penneylvanians close On twice ten tttooeand gaUaot foes. Line after line the troopers csme To the edge of the wood that was ringd with flame; Rode in and sabered snd shot and fell; Nor came one back his wounds to telL Aad full In the midst rose Keensn, tall In tbe gloom, like a martyr eweitinc hit fall While the circle stroke of his saber, 'Round Ma head, like a halo there, lumin oat hang. Line after line, aye, whole platoons. Struck dead In their saddles, of brevi dragoons. Br the maddened horses were onward borne And into the vortex flung, trampled aad torn; As Keeoan fought with hia men, side by side. So they rode until there were no mors to ride. But ever them, lying there, sbattered aad mate. What deep echo rolls? Tia a death aa late From the cannon in place; for, heroes, yon braved Toor fate not in vein; the army w SSTSd! ALFRED KING 1 rested the Prteoaer. "When I was in Washington last Ave years ago," said Gen. Cblpman, "I bad a delightful meeting with Col. W Avery, of Georgia, which recalled one of tbe most romantic Incidents of my career In the army. "I bad been pretty badly shot up a Donelson, and at Corinth found It necessary to take a resting spell, being unfit for active service. A citlxen of that place tendered me tbe hospitalities of his borne, which I gladly accepted, for there were but few comforts In tbe hospital. While recuperating from my wounda I became acquainted with a young Confederate captain of cavalry named Avery- He was a prisoner, but was allowed the freedom of the place on bla word of honor. I never saw a man so eager to get back to bis com mand to resume fighting, and I soon began to take an Interest In btm. He Implored me to get blm an exchange, for be would not accept freedom on condition of not bearing arms against the Union. "This aaa a hard thing to do, but I finally got our general's consent to tbia proposition: That if Avery could se cure tbe release of a certain Union col onel the Confederates had captured, be might remain with bis own people; be was to be passed through the lines, and If be failed to have tbe Federal officer released Inside of thirty days, then he was to come back and give himself up. To this offer be gave hia solemn assurance, and we let blm go. I doubted very much whether be would succeed, for the exact locality of the Union colonel was unknown, but I would have staked my life on Avery's honor. "Well, he bad a long and tedious search for tbe man be wanted, and aa the time waa nearly up, bad started back, almost heartbroken at bis fall are. He would make bis word good and put himself once more In tbe bands of the enemy. But fortune was on hi side; In an out-of-the-way place In Western Georgia he came across tbe Yankee be bad been searching for so eagerly, and there were two very bap- py men when that meeting took place. The Georgian went back to bla com oanr. and when tbe war ended was colonel of a regiment." Washington Post No man can be batmr without a friend, nor be sure of bis friend till be Is unfortunate. HI Ff.LT INSULTtO. Old Iae Tee Umm apHsae to CH - of Me AMUtr as a Ceea, "1 was la a little villa In the south era part ef Humboldt County a fee days age," related a traveling man, and waa arttlag en a dry goods box In froal of tbe only store la tbe place trying tc sell the proprietor a bill of goods, when we observed a bare-beaded man tear lag down tbe trail a quarter of a milt us tbe mountain. "Wonder whafs arter 1m," mused the store-keeper, as he stopped the progress of bis Jackkolf e In tbe mlddls of a shingle. Bang! went a rifle, and a little cloud of dust flew up behind the man who waa running. He Jumped about ten feet sideways, let out a yell and then came floundering down the trail. Bang went another shot, aad a bunch ol leave dropped from a buah over his id. Then we saw a grtcsled old mountaineer a couple of hundred yards farther up the mountain in hot pursuit Every time be caught alght of tbe flee ing man he stopped and took a abet at him. A couple of minutes later a Ban Francisco attorney staggered into tb store and begged for protectioa. "'Whafs the matter T asked the store-keeper. He's trying to murder mer gasp ed the attorney, a be crawled undei a counter. "Tbe store-keeper locked tbe doon Just as tbe pursuer came up. " "What's the trouble. IkeT be In quired through tbe chink of tbe door. " Where's that tbar varmint? Let me at 1m. Let me burn a trail throogH hi vitals,' yelled the old hunter.. " Wbafs be been a-doln? " Why, be came along by our came this morn in', aa', bet' hos-plt-able, wt give 1m an Invite to Jlae us at break fas', an' what did the blamed ungrate fnl snake do but up an' declar that s frog-eaten' Frenchman aa runs reetau rants la Frisco made better bread than I could cook In a fry In' pan. Let me at 1m. an' I'll put a biscuit la bis stomach whafU cook him.' "Old Ike was pacified, and he started reluctaatly up the trail, stopping occa stonily to look back to see If be couldn get another shot at the varmint" Has Francisco Poet A Rmsetaa Hern. The hero of tbe Russo-Turklsh war of 18Tf was Gen. Skobeleff, the "whits general" aa all called him, the 'Intel ligible general," as some of bis devoted Russian soldiers named blm. His grea strength lay in his power over his prl vate soldiers. He was their comrad aa well as their officer, says tbe authoi of "Russia and Turkey in tbe Nine teenth Century," and waa never weary In seeing that bis men were well-fed. warmly clothed, and comfortable. Countless Incidents are told of Skobe lei's kindness bow he would take wounded soldier beside him In bis car rtage, or fling bla cloak over another a be lay on tbe ground; or bow be would dismount from his white charger, and march with a weary regiment reviving Its spirits with gay talk. Skobeleff always wore a white coat and rode a white horse, that he mtgbl be conspicuous to bis own men during a battle. He went everywhere, expos ing himself. His soldiers believed him Invulnerable. One wounded soldier solemnly assur ed Sister of Mercy that he had see tbe bullet that shattered his own arm through the body of hia general "I must ahow my men how badly tbe Turks aim," he said once when stand Ing aa a target to tbe enemy. Cruelty to a horse waa almost a abhorrent to Skobeleff as brutality to a man. When ordered to retreat h would sheathe bis sword, send hi white charger to the front and remain on foot the last man In tbe rear, saying. "Tbey may kill me If they like, bill they shall not barm my horse unless h Is advancing against the enemy." No man can feel comfortable In facing death," be baa been heard to say who does not believe in God snd have hope of ailfe to come." Each evening in the camp be stood bareheaded, tak ing part In the evening service, which was chsnted by fifty or sixty or ins sol dlers. No wonder this noble, fearless leadt waa both admired and feared by the enemy and adored by his own soldiers Nlgbt Work. It has always been said that the eo gineer of a railway train has a great deal of unpleasant responsibility, but according to a little Incident told by an engineer, tbe wife of a mra In his occu pation baa her trials as well. "It's trying work on the mind, sir, is engine-driving," said the engineer, in reply to some friendly questions, "and It ain't all over with when I go home, either. The switches and signal-lights and slde-trscks get Into my head, sir, and tbey bother me when I'm asleep. "And they bother my wife, too, some times," he added. "Tbe other night she waked me up crying, 'Murder! Murder! Are you trying to kill me. Henry 7 And there I was, sir, pulling ber arm almost out of Its socket with my foot braced sralnst the foot-board, trying to re verse!" Commerce on tbe Jordan. According to consular reports. It is tbe Intention of tbe Turkish authorities at Jerusalem to establish a steamablp line on tbe Dead sea. Tbe existence of asphalt In that region baa been as certained, and It Is supposed that petro leum will be found also. A rational development of the Jordan valley from Lake Tiberias down and especially the opening up of tbe rich mineral re sources of tbe Dead sea basin Is con sldered a very profitable undertaking for which, however, foreign capital will hardly be found, aa tbe legal status of property holders In those regions very unsafe. An energetic woman must be terrl blx trying to live, with. THE peaaaat stooa iece ui with tbe doctor In the background, uaar tha bed of tbe dying. Tb m . A a near the bed of tbe dying. old woman, calm, resigned, regaroea tb two men aad listened to their talk. ma about to die, bnt tbe thought not revolting. She was 93 and ber day were ever. Through the open door aad win-low streamed tbe July sun, spreading Its warm ray ever tb brown, earthen fleer, furrowed and beaten down by tbe wooden ahoea of four generations ef rustics. The odor of tbe fields drifted la, borne oa tbe scorching breeae, tbe smell of grasses, wheat aad leave burned by tbe noonday beat Tbe clicking sound tbe grasshoppers mad was dear aad distinct Raising bis voice, tbe doctor said: "Honore, you cannot leave your moth er ail alone la this stats, she may pass away at any moment" Tbe peasant grumbled "Must get la my wheat Been toe long In tbe fields already. Tbe weath er's just right What de yen say, moth err Tbe old, dying woman, still possess ing tbe avarice of a Normandy peas ant nodded "Tea," urging ber son to get In hi wheat and to leave her to die alone. But tbe doctor became angry and stomped his foot "Ton are nothing but a brute, and I'll not allow you to do It do you bear? If yon have to get In your wheat to-day, go and And Mother Rapet parbleu! and let ber watch your mother. I wish It do you hear? If you don't 111 let you die like a dog when It come your turn to die when your turn come to be ill do you bear that r Tbe peasant a tall, spare man, tor tured by Indecision, by fear of tbe doc tor, and tbe fierce love of saving, hesi tated, calculated and blurted out: "How much will La Rapet aak to watch r "Do you suppose I know," exclaimed the doctor. "That depends on how long you wsnt her for. Arrange that your self wltb her, morbleu! but I wsnt her to be here In an hour, understand, and he went out When tbe peaaant waa alone he turn ed toward bla mother and said In a re signed voice: "I'm going to get La Rapet because that man wants ber. Don't budge till I get back." And be left the roof. La Rapet an old woman, watched tbe dead and dying of the commune and It environ. Then, when she bad wrapped ber clients In tbe clothes they were never to leave, she took up ber Iron to press tbe garments of tbe liv ing. Wrinkled aa a last year's apple, evil minded. Jealous, avaricious In tbe ex treme, bent double, as If she bad be come broken by continually bending ever the ironing-board, one might say that ahe had a sort of love for witness ing the agony of the dying. She could only talk of people she bad seen expire, of the variety of ways they bad passed out of life, repeating ber stories over snd over again, with the minuteness of detail of a hunter re counting bis adventures. When Houore Bontemps found her she was preparing bluing for tbe col larettes of tbe village women. Well, rood evenlnc." he said. "How are things going. Mother Rapet?" Just the same, Just tbe same, turn ing her head. "How Is It up your way?" All right wltb ine, but mother's bad." "What's the mstter with ber?" "She's going to close her eyes." Tbe old womsn took ber hands out of the wster, tbe blue, transparent droits dripping from her Angers Into tbe tub, She's down as low ss that?" with a sudden sympathy. Tbe doctor says she won't live be yond sunrise. Whs til you charge to atch her to tbe end? You know Im not rich. Never could afford a servant tbat'a what broke tbe mother down; she worked like ten. Never stopped till she was 92-you see how it Is." La Rapet replied, gravely: "There are two prices 2 francs dsy, 3 francs a nlgbt for the rich. Franc s day, 2 a night for tbe other. Tbe other Is for you." The peasant reflected. He knew hia mother to be hardy, vigorous, tena clous In life. She might last eight days In spite of tbe doctor. He said, resolutely: "No; I'd rather you'd make a pric a price to the end. I'll take tbe chances one way or another. The doctor ssys sbe will soon go. If so, all the better for you and tbe worst for me. If she bolds on to-morrow or longer, I'm ahead you're out." The nurse, surprised, looked at the man. She had never made such a bar gain before. Sbe hesitated, thinking of tbe risk she might run. "I can't say anything until I have seen the old one," she said. "Come snd see her." She dried ber hands and followed blm. As thev neared the bouse Honore said to himself. "Ah, If It Is over at ready r And the desire he felt man! feated Itself In his voice. But the old woman wa not dead. She lay on ber back on her pallet, her beads extended on the purple coverlet, bands fright fully thin, wrlaaled, resembling crabs, contracted by rheumatism and years of grinding toll. La Rapet approached the bed and studied tbe dying woman. She felt tbe pulse, listened to the breathing, topped tbe chest, questioned ber to bear her apeak, then, after a Anal look, went out. followed by Honore. Her opinion was formed, tbe old woman would not pas tbe night "Well, tbear be asked, anxiously. - The nurse answered: "Well she ll last two days, perhaps three. Ton give me 6 franca altogeth er." "Six francs franca," be cried. "Have you lost your senses? Don't I tell you she will only but Ave or six boors?" And tbey disputed a long time together. A tbe nurse wa go ing away aad a his wheat would not be gathered la, be at last consented. "Very well, that's settled; A francs, all Included, until tbe corpse I carried away." "Tea, franca." He strode toward bla wheat lying in tbe field beneath tbe bnoillng sun that withered tbe stalk. Tb nurae entered tbe T ' Sbe bad" brought ber work, because by tbe dying aad tbe dead sbe worked without relaxation. Suddenly ahe ask ed: "Have they administered the sscra meat Mother. Bontemps V The peas ant shook ber bead, and La Rapet who wa devotional, rose hastily. "Seigneur Dieu! Is that possible? I'll go aad get tbe care," and she ran off toward tbe priest's bona at such speed that tbe gamins thought some misfor tune bad happened. Tbe priest soon came In hi surplice, preceded by a choir boy ringing bell to announce the paaalng of God's sacra ment Tbe men working In tbe Aeld doffed their great hats, waiting silent until the white vestments bad dis appeared behind a farm; the women gathering herbs rose to make tbe signs of tbe cross. The choir boy, la his red skirts, walked rapidly; tbe priest bla bead leaning on one side and mumbling prayers, followed; behind them came La Rapet bent double aa If to kneel aa ahe walked, ber hands Joined aa In church. Honore, afar off, saw them pas. He called out: "Where 1 our cure golngl" "He m carrying the good God to thy mother, perdi!" replied tbe cbolr boy, "That's good." said tbe peaaaat re turning to hia work. Mother Bontemps waa confessed, re ceived absolution, and tb priest went away, leaving tbe two women alone. La Rapet looked at tbe dying woman curiously, asking herself bow long she would last The day waa declining, a fresher air entering the chamber in puffs caused tbe picture of a saint on tbe wall to dance grotesquely. The little window curtain, yellowed and covered with fly specs, seemed to be struggling to fly away like the soul of the old woman. Sbe lay there allent ber eyea expres sing indifference to death, so near. Her breathing sounded harsh In tbe silence, As night fell Honore came In and ap proached tbe bed. He saw that sbe waa still living. "How goes It?" be asked, aa be used to do when sbe wss Indisposed Then be sent sway La Rapet after the Injunction: "To-morrow at 6, without fall, Sbe replied: "To-morrow 5 o'clock. Sbe arrived at daybreak, when Hon ore was eating bis soup, which he bad prepared himself. Well, hss tbe mother passed away?" she asked. He replied, wltb a cunning look In bis eyes: She la much better," and weut ou chuckling. La Rapet was disquieted as be ap proached the bed, angry to And tbe old woman In the aamc position. She un derstood that sbe might last two, four, even eight days, and sbe was furious st the man who had played her the trick and the woman who would not die. Sbe set to work, nevertheless, ber eyes fixed on the wrinkled face of Mere Bontemps. Honore came In to lunch. He aeem ed happy, even Jeering. Then be went out. He was harvesting his whf under very favorable conditions. I .a Itapct was getting exaNpcratcd. Kvery minute that passed seemed to ber to be robbing her of money. She bad a desire, an Insane desire, to take that old hag, that old witch, by the throat and stop, with a little squeeze, the feeble breath that waa stealing her time and her money. Then she thought of the danger and other ideas came In her head as she ap proached the bed. "Did you ever see the devil V she asked. "No," murmured Mere Rontcajpa, feebly. Then the nurse began to tell stories to terrorise tbe poor, dying creature. A few moments before one died the devil appeared, ahe said. He carried a broom In hia hand, an Iron pot on his bead, and be screamed horribly. When one saw It It was all over, life would go out In a little while. Mere Bontemps, moved with terror, tried to turn her head to look Into the ahadow y corners of tbe room, ae u sw expeotod sa apparitloa. Suddealy La Rapet disappeared at tne ooi -eh. h-t. In the closet sbe foaad sheet and wrapped herself la It On ber bead she pieced an iron po. w,w three feet curved outward, reaosafctod horns. Sbe took up broom la bs right hand, and with ber left she tlftefl a tin waahboller. letting n " floor with a resounding crash. Tben. stepping up in a chair, sbe dreT"J the curtain at the foot of tbe bed aad PDcared gesticulating and screamiaaj hrtnw nruW the iron Dot that covere) her face, menacing with her broom tbe old peaaant woman. Overcome with an Insane leoa. iae J- lng woman tried to raise herself to flee. Rh struccled partly out of tb beeV Sbe struggled partly clothes, then fell back wrtb a sigh. It wss all over. And La Rapet tranquilly pot every thing la tbe closet and, wltb expsrisa ed beads, closing tbe staring ayes tbe dead. She laid a sauce ef net water oa tbe bed. and sprinkled tbe room, tbea, kneeling down, began to repeat tbe prayer for tb oeao. taaw knew by heart, having them as a matter of boslaesa, When Honors entered ta tbe be found ber still praying, aad he cal culated that sbe bad mads twenty seee out of blm. because sbe bad watched three days and nlgbt which mads) only B fraacs instead ef which be owed her. Tbe French. - Taakeee Caa aboa." Onr Civil War emrectod wrone Ideas waicn. na a bee la a Scot's bonnet, bussed silk la bead of Southerner aad Northern Among these wa the belief that ! Taakeee didn't know a gu nuddlns stick." and "couldn't lb Washington correspondent ef tha Chicago Times-Herald report a eoa- versatloa between Southern gen til men In which Colonel Howell told how that notion waa quit Impressively taken out of blm. "Speaking of Yankees," said Col Evsn Howell of tbe Atlanta OonatrtD tion, "I recall Just aa tbe war was) breaking out, a speech Ben Hill made up my way. It waa a war meeting, and yon should have heard Hill talk. I remember distinctly bow be exhorted us to enlist Tbe yankeea,' he said, "are food people, but they are deficient In ssaary accomplishment. They can't shoot. they can't ride a horse; tbey ve been In trade all tbelr Uvea, and It baa sap ped them and left thera without thai stark manhood and Mgh courage which to-day, all untrained though be he, make every Southern man aa good a soldier aa ever marched upon a battle- fleld. " 'It does not present a case of num bers, this pending strife between tb North and South. Tbe Northern man Is by education, and by nature, too, Incapable of war. He can't shoot "Then," continued Colonel Howell, "Hill called on us all to enlist, which we did very generally. It waan't six weeks before we were la a Agbt, IM met tbe Yankees Hill bad been talking about There waa an hour In that fight which furnished tbe hottest moeketry Are I ever waa Introduced to. "We were In a bunch of trees, aad the lead wa peeling the bark la beg scales aad blotches, and wltb a patter like hall It got so thick that all a man of any sense tried to do was to stand behind his tree. "Those Yanks and 1 understand It waa a Maine outfit firing on as wouldn't let you stick your nose owl from behind your sapling. Stick It oat. and they'd wipe It with a dosen bul lets. I was planted on tbe safe side of a good-slsed oak, and waan't look ing out or trying any experiments. "A couple of rods from me waa a fellow named Dlsmucks, also behind a tree. Dlsmucks couldn't look out aay more than I could, and there he stood, mad aa a hornet Finally be looked over at roe. " 'Howell,' be yelled, while tbe ballets kept knocking tbe bark and splinter, 'Howell, do you recollect what Be Hill said about these Yankees not knowing bow to about? "I answered that I did. I was think ing of tbe very same speech. 'Well,' retorted Dlsmucks, disgust, edly, as a rifle-bullet sent down a show er of dust and bark from his tree, 'I wish we had Hill here. If these Yan kees couldn't shoot when be made that speech six weeks ago, all I've gel to say is they've learned mighty fast' " $80,000 a Year for Clothe. A French antiquarian has brought to light some Interi-stlng dressmaker's bills of the ladles of Napoleon's court Tbey are from the account books of Leroy, tbe Worth of bla time. It ap pears that Josephine's yearly bill waa about 130,000, and thla was a greater amount than Marie Louise or Queen Hortense dared or den I red to spend. Napoleon's mother was not a patron of Ieroy, which la explained by tbe fact that ahe preferred to receive her dress es from daughters rather than purchase I them berself.-TIt Bits. Hclence In Madagascar. A movement is on foot In Paris to send out to Madagascar a scientific mis sion. There will be two geologists, to study the soils and subsoils; two doc tors, to study the dlaeases peculiar to Madagascar; two mining engineers, two botanlHts, two surveycrs, two etfano graphlNtx, and so on. Hlltlns the Wlansr. Jack writes me that be has been playing ioaer with paps, aud papa writes that he can't possibly send me a check for a month." "Wbst on earth are you going to deT "Bend to Jack."-Life. Youth paints tbe drees bills for old sge to tear down. When a man has prosperity, bow tha people like to see blm lose ItJ flay f .. ' - at