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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1896)
'Li ' r' The Sioux County Journal, VOLUME VIII. IIAUKISOX, NEBKASKA THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1896. NUMBER 28. i TH I AT q7rl AT LA AYOL'.NG Englishman was Bit ting In the ball of a hotel In Ctit J. X. ca(0 gnawing big mustache. He was a journalist, and a week ago no less a personage than the editor of the Chanticleer had offered to consider a series of articles from bis ieu If he could bit on a new Idea. He had been cudgeling his brains ever since. "A uew Idea?" He must eer talnly find It a new Idea! Charlie Hartlett watched the crowd musingly. He contemplated a pretty woman coming dowu the staircase and the youth at the cable couuter and the boy behind the book stall. Then he wiped the perspiration from bis face and bought a newspaper. Scanning the sheet he snw an adver tisement that suggested possibilities, and he read it through again. It ran thus: "INTEMPERANCE Refined home for a limited number of patients of both sexes, suffering from stimulants, chloral or the morphine habit; Judl cleus supervision; luiury aud recrea tions; highest references. For pros pectus and particulars, I)U. FERGU SON, The Retreat, Lake Lincoln." The life in such a place ought to fur nish very good "copy" Indeed. The "patients of both Bexes" should make a peculiarly Interesting study. "I think," said Charlie Hartlett to himself, "I think I may cry 'Eureka.' The thing hasn't been done and I'll drop a Hue to the worthy doctor this afternoon." He wrote as a "victim to alcohol." He said that be wished to place himself under a firm, restraining Influence. Fearing, however, that If he were at afl bored his recovery might le retard ed he would be glad to hear how many ladles and gentlemen were at present residing under Dr. Ferguson's roof. The reply, which came by return of port, was satisfactory. The terms were very little higher than he had expected them to be, and the establish ment contained twenty patients, of w hom eight were ladles. Lake Lincoln was a little over an hour's ron from the city, and when the trail deposited Rartlett at the plat form b found that 'The Retreat" was well known. Dr. Ferguson welcomed him cordial ly. "I am happy to see you, Mr. Rartlett," he said; "I guess you will not regret your step, sir. I guess If you are in earnest, sir, we shall soon have over come the propensity complained of." Certain Interrogatories followed, for which he was partly prepared. Among other things he was anked bow long he had la-en a victim to the habit, and rcmenilx-rlng that his appearance did not resemble a confirmed drunkard's he whs careful to say that It was only for a short time. And then the doctor rang for the col ored servant to show him to the bed room allotted to him, and warned him that he must not feel offended at his baggage being examined when It was delivered, In order that it might Ui seen whether any spirits were secreted in it "It's, like the customs," he said, "that's all. One of our necessary 'cus toms!' " He made the same Joke to even-body In the first interview. Borne patients laughed, and some smiled wry ly. Charlie laughed, and the doctor was pretty sure that nothing was being smuggled this time. "I am allowed to smoke, I suppose?" "Why, cert'uly," said Dr. Ferguson. "You are at liberty to do whatever you choose here, sir all but one thing, aud don't you forget It. We take sup per at 6, Mr. Rartlett, and afterward. If It Is pleasant, summer evenings, sit In the grounds." It might have been a "spa" hotel, he decided, as he seated himself at the table, and the suggestion grew stronger as the meal proceeded. Kveryltody here appeared to find the same delight In dwelling on his symptoms. A man next him, sipping Anollinarls, turned and remarked: "No craving to daythis Is the third day without any craving, sir. Wonderful." A woman opposite, groaned audibly and shook her head at her neighbor with a word of significance. "Low." she said, In a whisper, "mighty low! How are you, dear'" This patient, be subsequently learned, was suffering from the deprivation of her chloral. Gazing about him, his view was met by a girl who could scarcely have been more than flve-and-twenty years of age, Her pale face was extremely Interest ing, and ber beauty, In conjunction with ber youth and the situation, madu ber a pathetic figure to behold. Ho wondered for what particular rice she was Mug treated, and If she would be cured. He hoped be would be Intro duced to ber later. The hope waa fulfilled. They were made known to each other by Dr. Fer guson In tho garden "Mr. Harriett, Miss Vancouver." She smiled gra ciously. "Hay I," murmured Charlie, "If It isn't indiscreet ? But, perhaps I oughtn t to ask." "What am I here for do you mean?" she said, turning ber big eyes on him frankiy. "Oh, my trouble is morphia I'm a nrorpbo-manlac; what's yours?" "Er-drluk," he said bashfully. "Rut I'm not a very bad case, you know; I've put myself under restraint early." "Oh!" she said. She laid her hand on his arm, as If by a sudden impulse. "Don't you crave?" she whispered "Aren't you burning to bo at it? Tell me all." "I should enjoy a little whisky, cer tainly," he admitted. "And how about yourself? You are getting over the er weakness, you say?" "Don't you believe it! I'm hopeless, that's what I am; nothing will ever cure me. He thinks I am getting on, and I'm quiet, and I deceive him, but when I'm out " "You will do It again?" "Oh," she gasped, "I'd love It! I'd love It this minute now. Haven't you ever tried It? It's beautiful! Don't let us talk about It Talk about some thing else, quick! Tell me the fascln atlon of whisky; I can't understand that" So he explained to her, as well aa he could, being a temperate young man, the fascination of getting Intoxicated on whisky, and Bbe listened with avid ity. Then their conversation drifted Into pleasnnter channels, and he discovered that, her passion apart, she waa a sin gularly bright and Intellectual compan ion. They discussed a variety of topics. from literature to lawn tennis, and said "Good night" at last, with the arrange ment that they should make up a match on the following afternoon, a couple or decent courts being among tho doc- tore "recreations." In one way and another Rartlett found himself In Miss Vancouver's so ciety a great deal during the next few days. Primarily he thought It was because she was able to supply him wltb so much material for the "series" she was acquainted with the details of ev ery inmate's case but by degrees he was forced to own that It was because he liked her. Strange as It may sound as it did sound to Rartlett she at tracted him, no longer as good "copy," but as a girl. It was only as his Interest in her deepened that the painful fact con stantly oppressed him, and then he came to the conclusion that she was occupying his thoughts much more than was desirable and he determined to bring bis investigations to a close. He told her one morning that his stay was terminating. "I have been hero three weeks and I have not tasted a drop of whisky the whole time," he said. "If I can do without It for three weeks I can do without It always. Miss Vancouver, I am cured." She gazed at him sadly. "I hope so," she said, "but I never yet heard of so quick a cure. Have you spoken to the doctor?" "I intend to do so," replied Charlie. "Anyhow, I have not been placed here I can leave whenever I like." They were In the garden as usual; Miss Vancouver was lying In a ham mock. She had a white dress on, and her hair was ruffled by the cushion aud the breeze. Ho thought he had never seen her look so charming, so subver sive to bis common sense. Her dark eyes wore regretful, almost tender. "Sha'n't I go?" he said. "How bow can I advise you?" said Miss Vancouver. "You must do what you think best." He stood frowning at the grass and, more than ever, he knew that it was true. He was In love with her. Noth ing more hideous could well have hap pened to hlin. In love with this girl. Y'es, indeed, the sooner he went the better for his peace of mind. "Do you know that you have never told me your name?" he said huskily; "I should like to know your Christian name." "It's Frankle." "'Frnnkie Vancouver' It's curious; somehow It suits you. I shall go this afternoon, Miss Frankle Vancouver. Will you say good-by to me now?" He knew as be turned away across the lawn that she understood be was fond of ber, and she, as she lay watch ing bis receding figure, knew that she cared for him. And, of course, it was one of those things that he ought to have ridiculed and sneered at and forgotten. Only he could not It remained a horrible con sciousness with blm that tbo girl be loved waa shut up In an establishment at Lake Lincoln for treatment for the morphia rice. Sometimes the picture of what aha might become forced Itself between him and bis work, and the face of Frankle ten years hence glared up at him from the manuscript Then he shuddered and left his desk, and the article did not prqgrew very rapidly the rest of that day. He found it so difficult to concentrate bis attention on what be was doing that It was a fortnight before No. 1 of the Beries was finished. After that, however, he fell into the swing of tho thing, and went on apace. He bad decided to submit the six papers he meant to have alx all at once, and, when tbey were done be rubbed bis bands. Tbey represented an editorial compliment and a very sub stantial check, he calculated. He was staying In a boarding-house, and be was Inclined to be careless In bis habits. What was his dismay the following morning, on unfolding bis copy of the Chanticleer, to see that ho had been forestalled. There It waa with terrific headlines, and a "leader" calling attention to it besides "The Liquor and the Ladies! Life l.n a Dip somaniac Home. By Our Special Com missioner. To Be Continued Day by Day. Dainty Dames Demand Drink Desperately! Startling Stories of Soma Sinners in Society!" He caught up his hat and cane and jumped on the first cable car that pass ed him. The editor of the Chanticleer was In, and, as It happened, accessible. "I want to know who's doing your 'Dipsomaniac Home' series?" began Charlie. "I suppose It Isn't a secret who Is he?" "Well," said the editor. "I guess It ain't your affair, but I don't mind tell ing you. The stuff was sent In by an 'outsider,' and I thought It a good Idea. What do you ask for, anyhow 7" "What do I ask for?" echoed Charlie excitedly; "look here and here and here!" He showered his manuscripts on the table as he spoke. "You told me to do you some articles on a now subject; I did the articles; and now this Infernal outsider of yours has robbed me of my matter. I leave my desk open and he baa been at it." "Well," remarked the other, "alt that don't concern me." , He whistled through a tube, and pres ently announced that the "outsider" was George It Wllbrow, and the ad dress given was on the North Side, Charlie drew a long breath and da parted. , It was an awkward road to find, be got to It at last He stood on the hearth rug and felt the suppleness of bis cane. Then the door opened and admitted Miss Frank le Vancouver! Both started violently; both uttered the same monosyllable at the same mo ment "You?" "Rut but, bow 7" gasped Charlie. " 'George R. Wllbrow' is my pen name," she explained. I am a Jour nalist That Is why I am at the 'Re treat.' I only shammed the morphia- had to be something terrible, or I couldn't have got In. I hope you are keeping sober," she added. "Solwr!" he cried; "why, heavens alove! I am a Journalist; I shammed the whisky; I, too, have written a se ries of papers, and that's the reason I expected to find a man, and had come to thrast him. Will you let me shake your dear little hand again. Instead?" And she did let him, and he kept on shaking it; and then, somehow or other, his arm was around her waist and she was crying on his shoulder, and aud the rest was banal. The Sketch. T Deer May Ho Exterminated. An effort will be mnde at the coming session of the Legislature to amend tho game laws so as to set back the open season for killing deer one month, hav ing It begin In September InNtead of In August. It Is estimated by competent authorities that there aro not to ex ceed 25,000 deer In the Adlrondacks now, and that If some precautionary measure Is not taken within a year or two they will be exterminated. The reports received by the State Fisheries, Game and Forest Commis sion demonstrate that the fears of those who wish further protection ore we:l grounded. These reports have beeu received from all but one township In tho twelve counties In the Adirondack region, and these show from conserva tive figures that 5,083 deer were killed during the last open season. This num ber is under, rather than over, the ex act figure. Of the total animals slain, 2,(109 were does. Thus It will be seen that the does shot outnnnilered the bucks by 815. In Hamilton County the greater slaughter took place, the animals killed numbering 1,400, of which 724 were doe. In tmt two counties Essex and Franklin did the number of bucks kill ed exceed the number of does. The re port states that In Essex 408 animals were killed; In Franklin, 934; Fulton, 04; Herkimer, 508; Lewis, 423; St. Law rence, 813; Saratoga, 14; Oneida, 40; Warren, 282; Washington, 40.-New York Times. Germans Come to America. German emigration Is chiefly to this country. In volume it varies. It waa 27,834 In 1875, rose to 200,180 In 1881, fell to 75,001 In 1880, rose to 108,011 In 1801, and fell again to 84,210 In 1804. Men, as a rale, do not like to lie, but their wives ask too many questions. NOTES ON EDUCATION. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO PU PIL AND TEACHER. Thm More Prominent Dot lea of the Superintendent Outlined by A. W. Kdeon of the MuHchiuttti Board of Education. Datiea of a Superintendent. The duties of a superintendent may be classed as general and professional. His more prominent general duties are to Inspect the School premises the grounds, buildings and outhouses; to know and as far as possible to intro duce the most approved methods of beating, lighting and ventilating school buildings; to select text aud reference books, apparatus and supplies, and to see to their distribution; and, in brief, to attend to the endless details accom panying the business part of the school administration. From an economical standpoint the superintendent often proves himself a profitable agent, sav ing a town, city, or district In a single year no small part of bis salary, and sometimes more than his salary. If prepared for his work, the superinten dent is a thorough student of the science and art of education, of psy chology with special reference to child study, of applied pedagogy and of the aims and work of our great educa tional reformers. He has had large and successful experience In teaching, es pecially In elementary grades. He has an intimate acquaintance with the best schools of the day; be attends ed ucational conventions, Institutes, and summer schools; in short, he keeps abreast of all advanced educational movements. Only by such preparation Is he fitted to arrange a course of study for his schools. This keystone to any educational structure should be the work of a scholarly and progressive educator. It should Indicate the princi ples underlying, the ends to be attain ed, the subjects to be taught, the order of their presentation, with some gen eral suggestions on 'methods of teach ing. And after the course of study has been prepared, It must be wisely In terpreted and Intelligently applied, The further professional duties of a super intendent may perhaps be best shown by a discussion of bis relations to four classes of people ibe school commit tcr the teachers, the pupils, and the public: . - 1. He is the executive head of the school committee. It Is the province of the committee to legislate, to give a candid consideration and final decis ion on the general policy to be pursued. It Is the province of the superintendent to study every phase of education, to suggest to the committee what in his Judgment he thinks for the best inter est of the schools, and, after decision of tho committee, to execute their wishes. He keeps the committee well informed on the actual and compara tive condition and needs of the schools freely aud conscientiously recommend ing changes where Improvements are needed. He Is their professional lead er, and makes his influence felt on all questions pertaining to the welfare of tho schools. 2. The value of skilled supervision rests largely in the ability of the su perintendent to select and retain good teachers, and to assist all, both strong and weak, to the best results possible. He secures a list of desirable candi dates, examines carefully into their qualifications, corresponds with per sons able to speak from personal knowledge of their worth and work, visits them in the school room, and In a variety of ways exercises a judicious care In their selection. He places each teacher where she is most likely to suc ceed, visits her often, suggests good methods and encourages her In every way In bis power. Ho is a strength and Inspiration to tho entire teaching force. Superior teachers are recogniz ed and upheld, mediocre ones are stim ulated to better preparation and great er efforts, while those who have no abil ity, who are hopelessly poor, are soon crowded out of the service. Many of our best teachers refuse to teach In towus having no superintendent tbey recognize the value of the help he is able to render. In the school room the superintend ent follows closely the work of each teacher, notes mistakes, omissions, and weaknesses, and give occasional test aud teaching exercises. This constant contact with the schools enables the superintendent to understand and ap preciate tho difficulties of teachers far better than can any amount of reading and theorizing. Even a brief visit en ables a superintendent to observe the spirit and order of the school and tho value of the teaching. Tho superintendent confers frequent ly wltb his teachers at general or grade meetings. Here he unifies and strength ens effort, compares tho work of teach ers In tho same grade and of several grades, considers with them the ends and means In all school exercises, pre sents model lessons, Interprets the va rious stops In the course of study, en courages and directs professional read ing and study. Teachers' meetings without a superintendent to direct aro rare and of little value. 8. The superintendent sees that tho schools are provided with everything necessary to the bodily health and comfort of pupils, as well as with every appliance for tbedr instruction, ne as- slots In examining, classifying, and promoting pupils from time to time, and by his discriminating oversight prevents the machinery of school or ganization from destroying all Individ uality. Proper gradation and frequent promotions lead pupils to be prompt and regular at school, and to this end sees that the truant officers do their duty. He excites the ambition of pu pils to obtain a gxxl education, and as a result the attendance In grammar and high schools Is greatly increased. 4. The superintendent often renders the schools invaluable service by inter esting the people, the fathers and moth ers, taxpayers and voters, in their pres ent condition and needed improve ments. He gains their attention and support by frequent teachers' meetings, where all interested can learn of what Is being attempted, and of modern edu cationits puriK'ue, means and meth ods; by evening meetings for general discussion of the work of the schools and the relations of the people to them; by school exhibitions, where some of the more tangible results of the school work can lie displayed; by arranging special visiting days, where the regular dally work of the schools can be ob served by providing monthly and year ly reports of pupils' work and progress for the inspection of parents; and by Interesting the dally and weekly press In reporting school news and attracts of addresses at teachers' meetings, in stitutes aud conventions. When peo ple hear much of the schools, visit thorn often and appreciate their needs, they aiipropriate liberally for their sup port. Again, he often acts the part of in termediary In settling differences and misunderstandings between parents and children on the one hand and teachers on the other. Educational ma chinery will always work with greater ease and efficiency If the cogs, wheels and bearings are kwirt well oiled. The School Journal. What to Do for Boya. Much can be done for boys from twelve to sixteen. Physically, we can easily aid them to be lithe, stalwart, strong, enduring, establishing hablta of physical care and exercise. Mental ly, there should be no overloading, but much exercising. The effort should be to develop quick, reliable, persistent thinking, nablt of the best mental ac tivity is Indispensable. If the boy Is not bookish, If he has no scholarly tastes, no tendencies for Investigation in science, or activity In Industry, there Is need of great care to discover the line along which he can be lead to think individually and vigorously. It is more difficult to know what to do with the boy emotionally excitable, Imiatient and Inconsistent Each child needs treatment specially adapted to himself, and every varying mood needs varying treatment. The will Is not to be broken, nor is it to be allowed to run wild. While goodness cannot be whipped into a boy, it is not at all sure that some boys at some times do not need a very firm restraining hand. It is impossible for a mother to we(p saiutliness Into the boy, and yet, rare tears and great occasions may be most efficacious. The rod, the scolding tongue, the weeping mother are not specifies, and yet it is as sure as any thing can be that any boy who has no birthmark of fatal moral deformity could be trained, If in the hands of experts, so that he would come of age In a thoroughly balanced, well modulat ed, emotional life. The great demand of the age is for expert treatment of boys and good sense on the part of the part of parents which shall place especially freakish sous in charge of such experts. There Is little hope of expert home training for the boy who needs excep tional home care and treatment, the only hope is in the ttMicher who has prepared himself for such effort. The public school teacher cannot expect to be a specialist, and If he Is, he has no right to give to one child the time, thought and energy that belongs to fifty. Public sentiment must be toned up until tho vicious boy is cared for as specifically as the physically deformed or mentally Imbecile. Columbus School Journal. The Kindergarten Summed Up. The kindergarten develops the three fold nature of the child. Its object Is the formation of character by the means of an harmonious development of body, mind and soul. This Is ac complished by means of play, child like work and constant exercise In right doing. The kindergarten recognizes and seeks to develop the Individuality of each child. It furnishes him with the companionship of his equals, through whom he gets his first lesson In citizenship. It affords the best transition from homo to school life. It provides the best preparation for school life. It strives to prepare the child not only for time, but for eternity, by enabling blm to grow into what he can be and what God .meant him to be. School Libraries. Children will read and teachers may do much good by directing them there in. We suggest that as far as possible they arrange to have the State Pupils' Reading Circle bookB purchased and that additions to the list of suitable books owned by the school be made for tho several grades as fast as possible. Choose well, and you will find life very good, and very well worth living. Hints to Housekeeper. A dish of water placed in a hot oven where pies, cakes or puddings are be ing baked will prevent tbem from scorching. Great care must be exercised In wash ing glass ornamented with gold. Use only castile soap and do not have the suds strong. Wash one piece at a time and wipe Immediately. The skins of fruit should never be eaten, not because they are not palata ble or digestible, or are unhealthful In themselves, but on account of the dan ger arising from microbes, which may have penetrated into the covering of the fruit. People who are susceptible to the cold should make a point of wearing loose clothing in cold weather. Loose garments are always warmer than tight-fitting ones, not only because they allow room for circulation, but also because they permit a layer of air between the skin and the outside cold. If you have butter that is not en tirely sweet, put it in a porcelain dish with a little salt and a tiny piece of soda, place over a fire and bring to a boil. Turn it into a stone Jar and set it in a cool place. The butter will be found perfectly sweet and not too salt for eooklng. The impurities will set tle to the bottom of the Jar. Dr. M. Hammond gives It as his ex perience that, In convulsions of chil dren, to turn them upon the left side will cut short like magic the convul sion. One case was remarkable; the child had been In convulsions contin uously, more or less severe, for twenty four hours. I made this change, and the relief was immediate. Epileptics treated In the same way are always as promptly relieved. Celery Soup, An approved and Improved recipe for cream of celery soup requires that two roots of celery be chopped fine. In parentheses it is stated that these roots are those of the knob celery that comes three roots to the bunch for eight or ten cents. Add to the chopped roots one cup of rice and cover with three cupfuls of water. Simmer for twenty five minutes, or until both rice and celery are tender. Scald three cupfuls of rich milk. Press the rice and celery through a sieve, carefully saving the water drained from them, and add rice, celery and water to the scalded milk. Let it cook In the farina boiler for fif teen minutes, season and serve. If In cooking the soup becomes too thick, add a little white stock or chicken broth to it It Improves the soup to cook the rice and celery iu broth instead of water, and a slice of onion may be add ed while cooking. The rice usually makes the soup quite thick enough. Should this not be the case, rub to gether a tablepoonful of butter with two of flour, add to the scalded milk. Stir until smooth. How to Set the Table. Have something green for a center piece. A growing plant is better in many ways than cut flowers. Water In a decanter or carafe is cleaner and easier to serve than in a pitcher. If the family Is large and given to drink, and the hired girl has everything to do, a carafe on each cor ner of the table may be ornamental as well as useful. The ordinary butter-plate Is a little nuisance. Use plates big enough to hold the roll as well as the butter. Have as many forks at each plate as there are "soft" dishes, which includes fish, vegetables and pastry; and as many knives as there are meats, butter Included. A "cover" Includes a plate of any size or design to protect the table from the steamlng-hot soup course, from two to five forks, between two and four knives, a couple of teaspoons, a water goblet aud wineglasses, nap kin and a bread and butter plate. A Bright Idea. A clever mother has hit upon a new plan for keeping her children well and dispensing with the doctor's services. At the beglnuing of winter she gava them a talk on keeping well, called their attention to the many ways In which colds are caught, serious Indiges tion brought on, etc. Then she offered to each child in the family a prize for keeping well all winter, and thus far has found her idea to work like a charm. As doctors' bills In a family of five children arc frequently no trifle, the prizes will probably be worth win ning, but the greatest result will be that In all probability the children will grow In love with health and lenrn self- control. Bnnse Am Harenara. Choose a good red herring with a fine, soft roe, soak It In milk, skin and bono. It carefully; pound all the best part of the flesh In a mortar, with the yolks of two hard boiled and some finely chopped shaloU grate a small, sharp apple and add It to the rest; press all this through a sieve, together with tha roe, and season It with oIL vinegar and " plenty of pepper. P ft 4 v f mm; i r . I-"- 1 V 1