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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1896)
Tin: s:ofX( ocnty o J .1. Simmon, I Ml tor ami Prop. r. r..t m. v k. it.Timfini.i-. iil ii It Went. Loin Kant. Ko. , h.ixed. 10 ii I So. 6, mixed. (iUANT fJUTUIIIK. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention e,iven In nil le;;:il mutters in Justice, County ami Instm t j Courts and before tlie Tinted Sut.-s . ImA Ollice. Fire Insurance written in reliable: t'Ofl'JKinie. lglnl ajers carefully drawn. IUrkikoN. - Nkbhamca. H. L, SMtVK. Fashionable Barber &. Hair Dresser. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. K.VZollS AND SCLsWIlBS ITT IN (ililiP.ll. (,lv I me a t (nil. J. E. FIIINN'F.Y, M. I). Pliyslrian Ami . Siirffrmi. AM ra'ls given prompt utiul ion. Office In 1)1 UK More, IIARKW'N. - - NKHKAKKA. -Tin:- RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE has just mi t-;:ve: a law si: in voice of W1NTF.U INM.UD'.Nij Overcoatf - O Coats, Vsts, and Pants nod nlieii you lie il nnyihing in that line you should villi ly go to He also has a line assortment of win ter ondTWeiir, glov-s, unMi'ii". bats. Cap--., Imols, hIiik-1, lin hr. etc , etc. His slock of staple ,.u l fancy irrocericy is full and cnnipl.'te mi l on all jjud. bii w ill m ike voti ! lro k RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. The Toledo Weekly 1JI'I ""'1 t'"1" imlgn of ism;. CLOTHING. BERLAOK'S With a Kal P''csi,le..t,al campaign t!.at they need not appear at the March coming next year, every thoughllul t,rm of the court, ns there are citu-n will need, lies,,!- his local ,.afs,r, m jury cases to I tried The case of u great national weekly. The greatest I Timiin vh. C. H. & Q railroad has Uen nud most widely known of these is the ; 0 by agreement of the parties Toledo WeeklvBlade. For Unity years an 1 that was the only jury case hence ,t ban been a' regub.V visitor in every ! tin, order of the court. This wul save part of the Union, and ,s well know at , the county mute a hum, of money und fclmost. every one of the 70,000 post-1 relieve those who were drawn as jurors o!!ke in the country. It is edited will, from havim; to be absent from homo ut . , . ; i. ia a Reason when their luteresU demand reference to a national circulation, it is ( " H n'publican pafnT, but men of all poll- pres.;,ice. ( lien take it lirt ause os its honesty and -The job department of TliK Journal fairness in the discussion of all public ollice is engiged in getting out the bur vuentiohH. It is the favorite family j docket for the March term of the district paper, with something Tor everp of the court. There are 2 criminal cases and 22 l.oimehopl. Serial stones, poetry, wit civil cases. The former are of no con iiiid biimor; th.i boiisebold d-pnrtment n-.onctice und simply nwuit the nocessary (bct in the world), Young Folks. Hun-'order to dtsapear from the docket, llnv 8..IkkiI L-ssous. Tulmage . S-niioiH, the Farmstead, the ynestion Hiirrau (which uuswern (jiieslifins lor mibsi iiV r), the Nuwk of the Week in complete form, und other si eciul featured. Speci Inert copien gladly sent on nppli.'dt ion, and ir von will send us a 1st of address- fs, wa'will mail k copy to each. Only tl a jear. If you wish h lo raise u club, rilo lur terms, Address The Blade, Toledo, Oluo. - TIm- (fill ill y commissioner-! will lw in esMon next Tucsilnv. - 1'nr llie lnln-it cmhIj price for wlwut see (Jrarit (iutlirie. ' - Fine line of jewelry and clock at Pioneer Plinriincv, - For S U.e liroonworu millet Need. Impure at tliis ollice. The annual meeting of the assessors i will occur on next Tuesday, March 17th. j llorcbouixl 'omoiind cou'h syrup ! the treat r -meilv for fou'lis and colds j ! at '.lie pioneer l'liiiriiiiu V. -Tlie Iidies' Aid Society will c-jve a mite tu tal at (lie home of Mr. and Mrs. 1 f' ir.sold on Tuesday evening Ijo to the iluni li for Kiippcr tomor row. Suimre nn.ils served from 15 to i'M. Adults 2" cents, children 10 rents. Butter has Iieen a wnrce article of I. lie. Alkmt the, only thing in that line j we have si-ii was a hilly goat which A. i Mi-fSuih-v brought here for llulf Cotfee. I ' i - IeW. I ierlai h received this week l.'ie finest lot of ihhiis' ii1 Isn's' suits ! that were ever brought to Ibis county. and he is sellmir them ;it a s.-:n.d.iloiislv - i low iri(e. - Wanikh .i.iii 0Q cattle to herd (luring the coming season. (J.iod range and!.. wiiler, and careful attention j 1 trios, Ml iciits lor the serson. P. N. KlIiKTATItH'K Harrison, Nebr. -Bob Keel brought in the report on Tues day that 'K.iiire ( has. H Scliilt is tlie proinli i-l man in the Woodcti-sline Hat" or iK'Cooiit f the arrival of a Pi pound hoy at the S hilt home on last Saturday. 'utility Treasurer fiieble bus rented Ins pluce on Monroe and w ill move bis family and stoi k to the. place he recent ly purchased on Antelope. He must liave more room lor his stock than be can control in his present location. S. S, Scott has been busying him self during the past few weeks in work ing diamond willows into canes. Some he has embellished with ligures of birds, animals, etc.. w hu h add much to the apliearance of a cane made of lhat nat urally curious woo. I. -'.'. F. (Jollee received a new leveller a sliorl lime ago to use in preparing his Innd for irrigation. He savs it will cost him as high as twenty dollars ail acre to get some of it so the water will How ull over it, but it will only take a few crops lo repay him. The sttte Mill cur will lie up this I, ne on Saturday, Mali h 11th, with a upply of trout for those who had sent in applications. No other kinds will 1h d slnl.uted at this time and none will lie who hail sent in w ril ten ! pplicat ions. -Steps were talo n here a f days ago to procure allitlavils to lie to pre veiil the Moirisou miir l. r cue coming here oil ii i b.inge of vvnue. It i hardly I kely that Sioux muily would be e-bs-ted for tic? at li-ra arj lo few ligdilu to serve as jurors. K. E. Liwrmoie caiiie to town last Saturday expecting to tal.e the evening train for his old home in M issachusetts to sis' bis mother, who was Very low, ( i lit on going to tlie po-t-om. e n louuu i a letter containing tlie mroriii.i lion that i ,l,alh came to h.-r on M nvii 1st. She j bad reiiched tlie ripe old age of S."i years, j - i. W. Tandy .is up Iroin Belmont tin- last of the week looking over the place w Hh a vi-w to coming here ntid i establishing. :i hiacksiiulli shop. Before leaving be left word for a residence to lie procured for him and expect to be lu re ready for business by the 2.1th of the present month. He is b'gbly rec ommended bv those who have known him for ears bold as a workman and a rili.-ll. While in town tiie hist of the week S L KHis informed us that he. had Ins reservoir and ditches completed and the water runmiig. Hj has forty acres w hu h he can irrigate if the supply of water holds out but be will only water about ten acres this year and add to it ns the water supply will permit. He Inn three acres of alfalfa which is doing (Inelv. Tin) m vi wh 1 has ten acres which he curi irrigate an 1 owns a few head i f stock and lias no debts comes as near lieing indeieuileut as a mini can w. II lie. Z unity Clerk Blewett received a let ter on Tuesday from Judge VVeslover to iintrucl the sherilf lo notify ull jurors The civil cases are nearly nn lorecose uri-B and old matters whii-h have drag ged along and burdened the docket for years without h'"S ft l't '"'iirer the end. There is not H new foreclosure on j the docket, something which has not j occurred since early in the History oi inn j cm.aty. n. to ' cmuu up which will occupy mucn lime, tint term Is not likely to last more thun a couple of days, Ami .t may complete Its wurlt in one day. I'EKSOSjtl.. V, Woli I lieter wan on our t.treet on Monday. John Herman in overfrom Indian creek. Mrs. Will Pliilliji wax visiting in town Mnnduy. Mrs. peler Hourrett returned" from C'liadron Monday morning. ('. F. Cofee wan torm -bound at Har- rison the liist of the week. fiev. 1. J. Clark went to pleasant Ruh.e Monday to conduct a series of meetings. F. M. Hiuitli was in Harrison a couple of days the first of tlie week and called at this ollice j Commissioner Tinkhnm was up from I Five Points and dropped j,tto this ollice for a few moments. j Frank Xutto was over from the north , isirt df the county the last of the week j and made a pleasant call at this ollice. j M. J. OVonnell was at the county j seat Tuesday, having completed a term; , , . ,,ia,pi,.t - fw -h.vs . .' . ,, ,, I u-lore, and lie litiule iill iigreeiioie (.ill ai ; liiisoiiiie. iM !ln,i fctenhen Serres 1 - , u,, i... , ,...m,i i ! riC ill I" II iMiunmi mm v u .. . lis ollice. They stated that they m- tended to put out a larger crop this year t ban ever before. V on A. Hester returned from C hlcago. last Saturday morning. Tlie j sheep market was not Very good, He savs every one he saw was com-.vl' plaining (d bird times but predicted a change lor the better when McKinley is . elected. - Be sure to go to the church for sup- H ' s-r Friday evening and stay to the en- lertainment anil see what pretty girl I . , I gel the cake with the ring Ml it. . . i r ,i i lie pa-rs in me a(iir,ii in um i against the village of Harrison on those old wurrants have iieen sent to the clerk of the district court but they have not yet lieeu filed. The prediction for a stormy March seems to be couiin;v true. No twenty lour hours has elapsed since the advent of the i ith during which it has not stormed. Some of the time it has also Iieen pretty cold. People do not com plain, however, as they prefer to see the rough weather now to having it come later in the season. Slock is in line con dition and can stand lnul weather now a great deal better than after new grass starts. Alllftiii'O Ahead, The nnniliil rnort of the cornmiHsionr of the general land ollice has Iwen re ceived. The business of llie Alliance ollice compares favorably W illi lint of any ollice in the United States, and is away ahead of any ollice in Nebraska. By way of comparison, we give the fol low ing table, ol the entries upon w hich the business of the olllces may be based: A1.1J.VXCE. Homestead entries Final " " nnoKKS bow Homestead entries Final " " LINCOLN. Homestead entries.. Final " " -. M.'OKIK. Homestead entries Final " " ..367 . 425 .119 . lo:S (!2 70 2 271 NORTH Pl.ATTtt. Homestead entries , fl'i Final " ---M7 o'NLU.L. Homestead entries .102 Final ' " 30 V Vl.KNTlNE. Homestead entries 2'!) Filial " " 112 It was the only ollice that paid the i A.n .i...t: i .. maximum salary oi f?i,uuu, uie "i"-"i" ollice being the lowest, paying $2,77!) This is caused by the land in the Al liance district lieing more desirable. The larger portion of it is watered by la-auiiful streams of water, hay and grass of luxuriant growth, forests of great tries furnish cheap luinlier in un limited supply, and everything calcu lated to build up line homes and farms are here. The proportion of land in the drv belt in this district is very small, and that lias been proved up on years ago, leaving only desirable land yet to lie II led on. Alliance (rip. In this connection it may be of inter est to add that in Sioux county during ISM there were 19 homestead entries made, ngainst M in 18114, to which in each case should be added any entries , , , . I 1 1 which may have been made at the land ollice direct. lluring lHfl.") final proof was made on HfJ claims in Sioux county, lidding 13,780 acres of deeded land to the tutu I real estate in Hioux county. Sot Ire. Notice is hereby given that nil School Land Leases on which the sunii-annunl rental now due is unpaid on April 1st, 198, must be reported for cancellation. ('HAS. HlKIILE, County Treasurer. Public Snle. The undersigned will sell nt public sale at the Kickurd fiirni, li miles went of Bixlarc postotllce, oil MONDAY. MAR;il 10, 1M9I5, a lot of personal properly, consisting of cuttle, horses, farm machinery and household goods and utensils too numer ous to mention. Terms cash. Hale to begin at 10 o'clock. WllJJ.tM ItlCHAKD. w Eiltt4 Kappar. TIm Junior League will give a New England siiipr at tlie church tomorrow (Friday) evening. Bupfier will 1 served f rom 5 to 7 :30. A literary program will follow. All are invited to come and get a gocd square meal. Tlie proceeds are to lie applied on tlie church debt. Supper 25 cents for adults, and 10 tents for children. Iliiuieseekers' F.irnrion. The F. K. & M. V. railroad has ar ranged for four honieseekers' excursions. The dates are March 10th, April 7lli mid 21st, ami May 'ill. The fare will lie one "are pius .o.. lor me rouno trip. All tickets must lie to )ints 100 miles or '" Wtst " f t" Missouri river. Now i the lime to have your friends come (,,,t lo .vo" und the --oui.try. For further particulars ask any agent. h. t. FoNTUH, Agent, Harrison, Neh. final Proof Nolice. All s-r-iii li.iviii; hirnl )irMif notlees In this puH-r will rect-ive n markiHi copy ol lla . ...--...i ...... ..... ... i.,,. notice Hint ii any rrorn exist report the same to tills oltlee lit once. Niillce fur I'ulilii-Htiun. Land Office at Alllauee, Neb. I Keliy i4, lsuti. ( Notice Is licrchy K' ven tlmt the followlnn to 11I(k(. Hlllll ljof in H(,Kjrt l his lni, utiil tli-it hM pnmf will Is inmle tie j court, nl llurrisou, Neb., on April l, ts'jd, Nldiiila-i llitm. iif Umlnrr, Neli. I .,, ,,. K o. :ill'.i lor the nw. '4, we. I M- ", r. w. He imines the fnllowinK wltMesses to prove his coiitlniioiu re-ldeace upon mid caltlvu- lion o( suiil hold, viz: J-lcsoa kr.-l-l.-r, Iteriuird Hum. Stephen .series, John .sorrex, nil ol Itodarc, Neb. uUo j liuniurd Huns of Ho hirr. Sell, j who iinide II. K.; for II ', ne. ',, Mi-e. i, ill, .1.1 ii.( r.'hi w.iiiuii iiiiMJii n, w.b, lp m r. w w. 'I' iiHines tin followlNK witnesses to prove M eoiitliiiianee resldeuuu upon and eulti Vittioil Ol Hit 111 l;ilt(), VI7. : .Jtjlin ntich, Mihi'ei srr', NicholiiF IIhu!-, Jackrton KrU'sltT, ull ot ItiKlurr, .tD. uimi Tic w In (irrlttch. nf Ilnrriui. NVb. who iiiii'tc Jl. K. No. w40 for th in. i we, H, I p. :H ii.. r. -Vi. Hi ituiiifH the InllowiiiK w itiu'H-ttn to pro hi coiitiiiuoiiH n"UJ'ticn it jkii itnii rultivu Itoit ot , Nittd Imi't, vl. : Mm. lUHih, IhaiIoi- Hich-lt'ln, Ih-nry Mu tli'inaii, Anton Moravck, nil ot llnrri'u( Nfli. i'tV) J. W. W KH.s, J H., lU-niWr. Stipritrw KhIp. It y vlrtun f nn Onlor ol Sut tuRned by thr 'l.-i k of lint D.Hti-fi-t Court ol lui ( ouu ly l stniix, and stuUi of Nitbrxka, upon u lii'iTre riMiiUM-fct hv Miiftt 4 Ourt hi favor ol AllM'I'tt'Hll III VtrtlltMll ( Olllp.tUy Hllfl HKutllttl Joliti I'lrtiTMOii itnil I.hin( i'lftri'Mon, hiuI to nn il irfcl'(l, I will, on tint tt)i day of Marcli, A. 1- lr.K, lit tin? nonr ol 1 o i' lock, p. in., til tlw K"t t rout ilir of tin Court liou-w In llMrrWon, In hum Coutity, offVr and hU tin follow Ink Ut-ri.x'l riaf eitut towit: Tin outhwHt ijimrUT (S. - 1 1 1. tlion Tvvi'iity lour Stc. , Towunlilp 1hlrty llv4 (Twn . U tnif.' Kllty llvc (Kif-iVi) WfHl of ttl' illl p. III., til MOIIX ( OUIIiy, CIrilMKIt, hi i public Hi tion to tli hilnvt Imlilvr tor a-h lAt II y Mill' i M m i M nnir 111 hid niim twn so itnd Interest lit 10 pel' cent per annum Iroin Muy 1st, mid costs hiiiI iiecruliiK COslS. IIAVill l A K i I.K T T, yi& ' Slierlrr of .Siiid l oiiiity. siicriirs snip. 'Mv virtue of nn Order of Snle IssiieiJ hv the Clerk ol the lilstrh'. Court of the I oillitv of Hloiix. and Mite of Nebras kii, iiMin a decree rendered by said Court In favor of CominerolHl Investment Compuiy mid against Isadiire Hlclisti-ln, Ktinny tinny Klrh stein, Tlioiiiiis y. scliilt, Mnrv Neliill tind Chill ies K. Selillt, hiiiI to me directed, 1 will on tne Kith dny of Miireh, A. 1). l.iii, at the hour of ten o'clock, a. in., nt the Kitst Iroin door of tlie Court House In llurrison, in snid Colllllv, offer mid sell till) following de m rlbeil rel estnte, to wit: Tlie Northeast iimrter ot the Southeast quarter N. K. '4 s. K. '4)of Section 'I'weiity six cAo. ami tlie North hail' of the Southwest iinarter ( N. S S. W. ) of section Twenty live (A'i), and the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (N. W. S. K. i) of Sec tion Twenty fl vo l i'o, lit Township Thirty three (T p. .13;, North of U.iiikc Kilty six in the county of sloux hiiiI state of tin br isk i, at public 'miction, to the lilitliert bid der for isli, to itUfy mild Order of sale In Hiiiii of H Ki.TS with Interest at 10 per cent per annum from November 13th. 18V4, and costs and accriiiiiK costs. i.l-ASj lnvm lUltTt.eTT, Slicrift'ol Sulci County. .SherlH's Sale. Hv virtue of nn Order of Sale Issued ly the'i 'ierk of the District Court of the coll.. ty of Monx, and Stale of Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said Court la favor ot Commercial Investment Company and iig ilnst Philip Keeker, Jacob Marking, I-vl I . l'ollard, and Mrs. I'ollard, his wile, chrls tl in iiiiini! unknown, und C. II. Toncray, and lo inu directed, I will on the liitli dny of .M a re 11 . is'jn. til, un nntiroi zo nui'K, p. in.. : t ,IB wi fmnt (loor of t, , our, nollw la llurrison, in said county, offer and sell the following described real estate, town: The southeast quarter (S. K. of section Seventeen (See. Ii), Township Jhlrlv Three (Twp. :), Haime KII ly-r'our ( Htf. M), in the County of siou and State of Nebraska, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cimh, to "itllsfy said Order of Sale In the uin of vi'i."4, with Interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from November Al, IS05, und costs and accraliiK cosU. pilfj DAVIIl IHRTI.ItTT, Sheriff ol said County. Order of Hi'biIiik on ret It Inn lor Appoint ment of Administrator or Admin istratrix. STATU VV NEIIIUSKA, I H. siotix Coc.vrr. j ' At a County Court, hold nt the County Court Koom, In and for for said County, February 17th, A. D. mini. I'rcMint, Kohert W llson. County Judge. In the matter of the Kiilutu of A. II IMnueo, Decensi'd. tin readitiK and filing the petition ol A. K. I. men, praying that administra tion of said estate may be grunted to him an aumiiitsirator I uniiniMi, liitli. linn, ,1. i.. i"i", ; t two (, ei,i'k, I". M , 1 asulgned for hearing said M-tiliou, when nil Hirsoiis Interested In said matter iiiay appear at n County Court to be held In and for sMld county, and show cunse why the prayer of petitioner should not be grained ; mid notice of the pendency ol said iictltlnn, mid the hearing thereof, be given lo all persons Interested in said mut ter bv publishing n eopv of this order In Tim 'siol'X CocuTT JoURMAi.. a weekly newspaper printed In said eonniy, for lour successive weens, prior to suiu uay ui neni lug. ltollKKT WllO.V, . 4iJ County Judge. RKAL. 1 -.s i A true copy. ShorlfTa Sale. Ily virtue of nn Order of Sulr Isniimt by tlie Clerk of the District Court of the Coun ty of Sloux mid state of Nehrnska, upon a I 'ci'rcc reiiderisl by said Court In favor of Horatio licke and against Daniel Klein, Amelia Klein, Joseph . Armstrong mid W. W. Wiml and S. :. basset I, I will, on the -Ird dny of March, A. D. Istm, nt the hour of 10 o eliM'ic, n. ni., at the rami r roni uoor oi inu l ourt Mouse III llnrrlson, In miu i ouniy ol fer and will the following decrlbed real es tate, to wit : The northeast auarter ( X. K. ). of .Section thirty three (M), Township thlrty oiia (SI), range nny tnreu (.13) west, in Sloux county, Nebraska, ut nilbllo auction, to tbu lilgliast Milder for cash, to millsf v suld Order of Sale In the piiiii of fcmM-a with inleret theis-on lit 10 per rent per annum from April tit h, nun, iinu cos is nun accruing corns. H 2l DAVIIl HAHTI.KTT, sheriff of said County. Alfred Bartow, Plaintiff Ally. Ir FOR JMIoney, Than EWER. Marsteller Bros. The Old Reliable." Isador Ilichstein, XDEA.XjEE IIsT Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. AGKNT Pabst's Celebrated BEER. HARRISON, Wh jjf M to mm Jm y iiy ?s!Ss;$j Horaahlfh.Duli atron, pi. and chlokan ttflit. A man and boy oan maka from 40to Orodaaday. OvarBOatylaa. Illuatratad CatalOBua Fraa. KITSCLMAN Wldyaviif. THE SIOUX COUNTY JDORIIAL ESTABLISHED 1888. Always carries in stock a good line of stationery consisting of . Letter heads, Statements, L3gal blanks, Book stock, Cards, Etc, Etc, Etc. When in need of such things do not forget to calL YOTJB YOU NEBRASKA. too. a red for f anoa whanjrou can make tha K. CtST YlOicn HIRE FcRCc 03 URTN FOR 13 TO 20 CENTS A ROD? BROTHERS Indiana Note heads, Envelopes. Bill heads, Poster stock. Invitations, V; ' 5 sV.''.- f I'M -s- ( f" 'J v t. , . t 1 ji . '-Ii A i " '(wCuV'ws