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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1895)
lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGCC Queer Names. 'fssfajjt 8 " HUM P .t lleid XOxt r ail wellkunwoof flesh.boM, Qf Tirfihcftil nl nm.rlB and aliv mmxl JUCUUj Ull. , TALE OF A TRUNK. w jew; ft rfff UtJ';f ! V 1 1 f iVu- .sat The Cat Came Back Because there was no place like the home wlitre they used vUlSanta Claus Soap This Great Soap ii'skc home, home indeed. Keeps everything clean. K-i the housewife and everybody everywhere. Mad : only by W CO MP5 NY, Chicago. Highest of all in Leadening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report r happy. Try :t S THE N. K. ?i'r 9 KNOWLEDGE Brinfrs comfort and improvement and tends to r rti enjoyment when rightly used. Hie tunny, who live let ter than others aid enjoy life mure, with le expenditure, by more promptly adapting tiie world's licl product to the'nef-d of rhyidcal rifi, ill nttfnt the talue to health of the pure liquid laxative principle embraced in the remedy, r-yrup of FijM. It ex .liencc i due to ii.i presenting In tli fvrm 1110-t iiccc.ibible and pleas ant to tiw Unto, the rvf'm Jn:i( and truly beneficial pmperticM of a perfect lax ative; 'ffi-ctuuliy cleani-j il.c 'em, dtapellinir colds, hcadu. l.i i mA I .' and permanently curing eo'i. ti: n. It hai (riven natUf action to li :;nd met with the approval of the imdv-nl profcK-ion, bceuu-e it act? the Kid new, Liver and Bowel without weak ening them and it la perfeeily free from every olijirti.iniible loihftniice. Syrup "f I'i? i for wile by all drug gUti in '; and $1 b"ttlc, but it is man ufactured by tnc California Fifr fcyrup Oo. only, whose name wt printed on every paokape, alao the name, Syrup of Ftps and beiiiK well informed, you will uot accept any sulM-iilute if uftred. .tan IbKt Mik it, A new phase in the wonderful in of anta is the case of fonnica sinan'ddiriH of Malacca, nich makes banx I iieat in 'rees, joining tl e leaves to gilier bv a i tun thread of silk at the ends. The first step in making 'be ii S' is lor several ants to bend tie li-i.v s together and hmd on with their bind leys, when one f Oiem after some i: me funs up with a iHiva, and, trri -laiine it iih its, makes it pto!iice a thread with which the leaves aie j .i tu. hen one birv is exhaust ed a fecund is brought and repeated. In prop'Tlioo as ap;e.icher Oshes for coinpLTiieiiiM he loses the ability to IIkIi for niMi. The who knows that God is wIMi him will always tie very careful wl.e.e he sti-ps. If (hi I f . !y one ran endure us mis erable pititHTS for a lile line, we ought to be atiie to endure our leilow sinners occasionally. Youiir Mm's Era. State of Ohio, Citv ok I.I V in "I 1 I . I Frank J. Citrsnv inakei oiith that ho i the !"iN:r p;.il"iT ol llie tirm of V. J. t'HFf.f;V & 1 'I !i'i-i,is in the i t V of T-.a -tio. i o", :ir . :nil Mlif" lore(;iici, arM thai -ai-i liroi will pnv 111" hiiiii ol ONE lll'.M'Kl.ll HOI.I.AI fur e.K-h and every can; ol i.utu. rti tnal uinooi ue cureu nj the use of Hall's i'ti.i;u ( i'i k. rllAMi J. Cll h.N f-y. Sworn to belore tn and siili-cribed in mv prence, tuis oui uay oi jjecemoer, A" M. A. W. fil.KASON', !,tA1' Salary VuMic. What Story It Conveyed to New York HatmaK rmmtlicr. There are trunk and trunks. There are trunks which the law require Iu the spectacular drama for the march Iuk woiiian, and there la the trunk the elephant brake on the road, and the commercial traveler's trunk that al ways blocks up the passageways of the country hotel, and the steamer trunk constructed with tie view to certain spaces under the berths, and the hump backed Saratoga that is as big as a chicken house and as light as a grip, and the sole leather uusmashable affair that has been around the world. Hut the trunk that was bustled Into the Marlborough Wednesday morning be fore breakfast was none of these. It was In construction an ordinary, smart, new, medium Hissed trunk. Yet people lingered on the walks anil gazed at it and smiled and looked pleased at each other as the grinning baggageman took It down from the heup. They stopped across the way ou Thirty-sixth Htreet and watched him. Even as far as Broadway the infection spread and the public generally approved of this trunk. For it had dainty white satin ribbon tied In big bows on the handles. There were other still daintier bows of the same Innocent material attached to the locks and hugging the slats and kissing the cold iron plates and caressing the (solid comers. And how tenderly the baggage man and the hotel porters han dled that trunk! If It had been made of spun glass or stuck together with candy It would have come off safely without a scratch or crack. Other trunks were dimmed on the stones and and bruised and shaken up in the usual method. This trunk floated through space us If it were a pitcher of cream, and lis precious contents might slop over. I don't say that the rough baggageman actually kissed It, but lie really looked as If ho wanted to kiss It- while the porter gently s'mootli ed out the pretty bows ui."l the fring ed ends seemed to live been newly done up. And the pleased public looking on distinctly approved of the trunk and the white ribbon and the baggageman and porters and everything and every body concerned. New York Herald. AQ60H3JTE1V PURE Ho C'orafmrlAon. Cleverton Do you regard au engage ment as serious as marriage? Fasha way More so, old man. The most serious thing I ever did was to become engaged to three girls at the tame time. Bay City Chat. Letting clothes hang after they are dry, or letting them hang through a storm or in windy weather to slap about, is not conducive to long wear ing or to help the good man's pocket book. Hraiding, which this year is so high ly favored, is ueed on bodices made of plain material, or else handsome soutache appliques, which save time and the trouble of handwork, are ap plied instead; these appliques have much of the graceful and dressy effect of braidir.g. An old remedy worth trying when jufferinirfrom nervous headache, w dco is felt ot the bas-i of tiie brain try nib bing the paiufu: part of the neck with iHtnphor. Hub hard and for five mio a'es at a time. This treatment, in most cases, is apt to nnnc relief. Ail that is tinman must retrograde it u does not advance. The man who is ashamed of his r- ' ligion ought to be. I lie truly grateful heart t ever puts lind off with a pinch, and tuen boasts that it has done more than enough. Every Christian should live soihat :h'8ewho follow him will travel to vard Heaven. It will be found out some day that nany people wno mo me uevu uie lar.les- started with one iM-nt. Com. lt. ncy. A young lady, dressed in much false hair, was waibiiug at the piano, ai d when her mother summoned her to as sist in some hcuseho d duty her rosy lips opened poutingly and snapped out: "Oh, do it yourself I" and then went ou singing: "Kind words can never die." N. Y. Journal Instead of trifling with a had cold nse Dr. D. Jayue's Expectorant, which will loosen the phlegm, subdue iutiammatiou and certainly save your Lungs and Throat much dangerous wear and tear. Suicidal. Mi Prion (Quoting) ise men rnnke proverbs and losls repeat them Miss Smart (musingly) Yes; I won d r what wise man made the one you just repea'ed. Truth. IF YOltK MATTRKSS FII.MVfi'S OOOI) anil j'.ur tick worn ci" convert It Into the lV kt impriVMl r.dilhiK Haltreiw In 'jo inliinun. wttluiut n,init or uwrkinK iy ujOiui: our It dy-Mln Coinpart KMU Tim. Cimvi-nlilil; durable: l auill ul ; ln-an. Try toe auil you'U liae uo otlior. U 300. r rauHIln Oruva. ill. We can not nrav as we ought unless we live as we ougut. The way of holiness is a safe way, 'or it is Hie wav in wiiich (Jod is. No at At, J l'.l. Burglar Your money or your lift-. Weepy F.ither T..k both, but don't wake the babv. Detroit Free I'resa When some people go o ehure't, they always thma the preacher is shooting straight at tne ptople in the next pew. The golden age may be in the past. but. the golden opportunity in which we are immediately interested is in tii present. Tell me with whom you associate. and I will tell you who you are; if i know what it is with which you occupy yourself, I know whatyuomay become, Goethe. isii IiIiii1 iii 'hifr i"' -ii It IS 3 Pl33SUr8 To reeoiimiend Howl's Harsaparilla to afl afflicted with blood or skin diseases, iiy blood was out of order, and I snll'ered for years from psoriasis. I trirai several renk edies without benefit. Alter taking, Hood's Sarsaparilla li )M IS '.here, nor any ravenous beast. for two months I ivm restored to my for- :r goivi neaint mho lei-i iim: ttuinrrin. json. As a luooo punner l DiunK. The St Jos ph ann Or Tfllanrl V. R. I TKI SHORTEST and QUICKEST LINE T'l A I.I. POINT NORTH WEST BAST SOUTH 'Soi.'""; Union Pactfic System l 1HS FAViMlIT K'll'T To California. Dr. Ron aiel ll Wetteni I'otnH For tufiirma'ioti r-:-rilltig: mw-. eic, rail on r a-l.tnn nv a-.i-m ut s- M akit. M. Y. K mis. s, .la . Aft. l.eo'l M -linKi r. st. n h ! Jqrnll Udici or Gent. 171 19 i I... - P.-t- A. -. 4', th, tirf... .t lt 0l -HI. I'f ((' rtltj. . eio. W.rkk o-yi i. ' I',''. ASTHIVIA MHHAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC 01m rrtipf In rm minui. o-- ... r.,.,.,i of a l no. Su !. . i Fa. (,'fltarrh ('urn is taken internally, utM a;.'i3 Uireeuy on uie moo-i nno mucous snrt.u i of the svshtii. Send for te-timo- nin.Ii tree. K. ,f. CiiKNKV ,t CO., Toledo 0. jajr-Sold by l)ruggist, Nothing will give such a polish tc glass, even the finest, cs slightly moist newspaper to wash it and dry news paper to give the linishnig touchei. In n great many raws ot Asthma, Pis i' Cure for Consumption will give ri lief is almost equal to a cure. -" cenn, If vegetables are boiled it) soft watet it is said that the freshness and green iim.s of their color will be thus best nieservcd An Accommodating Man. A genial Philadelphia!!, who for ob vious reasons, does not care to have his nnme printed on this occasion, secured a parlor car seat on an express train for Heading a few days ago, and as he was about to pass through the gates was surprised to hear hlmseif accost ed in feminine tones with ihe somewhat startling question: "l'lease, mister, could I borrow you for a while?" Lools- in' around he found two buxom wom en who hastily and hesitatingly ex plained that they were riding on a pass made out in the name of a gentleman mid his wife, and the gentleman wa not present, they wanted the geulal looklug citizen to place his bought ticket at the disposnl of one lady and take the other one under his wing, while he personated the absent owner of the pass. "Which Is my wife?" he Inquired with an Inward qualm lest his own absent better half should ever hear the sfory. "You can take your choice, sir," said the lady In search of au escort, and he promptly did so by tucking the arm of the younger fall one under his own and lending her Into the car. The couple proved to be right Jolly traveling companions, and the citizen's only regret In the transaction was due to a fear that the story might lpnk out and get home ahead of him. Rut it didn't. Philadelphia Record. f oiiori Pn.MlirtArliin r 1 t"- tie religion and virtue give & cheer ful and happy turn to the mind; ad mit to all true pleasures, and even pro cure tor us the highest. Addison. man can not e at peace with hlm-i-rff while he lives in disobedience to known truth. A worldly atmosphere tarnis'ies the soul as sub hur tart.ishes silver. Young M-n' Era. Hood's Sarsiiparilia h:is no equal."' Cuaiu. L.,, Irving, Illinois. n S'-t with HOOu S r II Hood's Mir..i'trill. ST. V. N. L. o. 361--4B. York TO A KVr KTlSKlt JirilKV WRITING Vr piriaxe say you av llie advurliaeuiiii.l tha ComBaiion haa ton growing bettor, brlghUr awy 7" ,lxty J,ear, More than two hundred of the most famous writers in Great Britain and America have contributed expressly for The Companion for 1896 the 70th year of its publication. Every member of the family, from youngest, Distinguished to the oldest, finds in each issue amusemont and education in the Serial and Sliort Stories, lrf its Editorials, Anecdotes, Health and cellaneous Articles. For all the Family. 52 Times a Year. Mn Wlimlnw'a s.irrrni!o SYHiir for rhlh rcn tffthli K. .oi'Bim ih iiims, re iuoea lima: inauoii..,.i.- pMiii.riirrau-ma colic. ic boltl' Ti e lrg st b . c.islbig in th- L'ni'eJ Sm e' is the bi-ffalo's liea'1 w ill h hangs mer the eastern eiitnince f the Council KmlTs Umaba bridge. Fun ForAU l-:;..' aV".". 'full atrJ!o',. w lh '..'h t;a. i. .0 r.U . F.r pk by rn.ll. ';, "hoS. Y. 0. fcorWO, Mlimca)lt, Minn. FIT. AH FiiaamptK-drmhy Or. Ktlna't Great -erv Rctlorer. No Fmaficr ihe tin.i tUv' um. Mai t,.u cure. Trewliw: and f j nn lri.l bottlw rrvP t (l, ,tK,, -ndtn llr j!ip...o A- ' St .i'hila . I' - The new Baltic canal, has cost ?10, tXtOOO and is lifty-nine miles long. A night it will be lighted from end to end with electric lights. It is claimed that one reason whv there are so many tired people in the world Is became they insist if an Irish bull may be allowed on climbing lilIU before they get to them. -Standard. - I Sarsaparilla Sense, Any sarsaparilla is sarsaparilla. True. So any tea it tea. So any flour is flour. But grades differ. You want the best. It's so with sarsaparilla. There are trades. You want the best. " If you understood sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it would be easy to determine. But you don t. How should you ? " m ' ... When you are going w uu7 ; whose value you don't know, you pick out m i old crtablishcd house to trade with, And trust the,r experience and reputation. Do to when buying sarsaparilla. t AVer's Sarsaparilla ha been on the . market i fifty yearB. Your grandfather uted AyerV Lt-ii a: ' rentable medicine, inereare ranya-.- Bt only one Aycr ww. w. ; , , . , Street KdHTials. An apparatus for street signalling has been Invented by the chief of the Glas gow Fire Brigade, and is ubout to be extensively adopted In the streets of Glasgow. The apparatus consists of a post to be fixed at the curb of the pave ment; upon the post Is a box contain ing a telephone. The box is locked, but keys arc to be liberally supplied to odzens who may apply for them. The keys will e numbered, and once Intro duced Into the lock cannot be with drawn by the possessor, so that fabtc alarms will be rendered almost Impos sible. The telephone will be In connec tion with the district and central po lice offices, and may bo used In case of firo, robbery, riot, or other emergency, A signal for use by day or night in or der to attract the attontlon of police men In the neighborhood is fitted on top of the box. Six Holiday Numbers. 700 Large Pages. Si.75 A Year. The Companion la published every Thursday and Is received each wee'.: in more than thirty eix thousand post-offices in the United SLat-s, and by more than Half a Million Homes. Special Souvenir Numiers, doujle in sine and appropriate to each seaso.i, sie published at Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Wash ington's Birthday, Easter and Fourth of July. The size of The Companion p;.je is four times that of the leading Magazines. In ejeh VO' nearly 700 pages are giver., pro.'aeely Illus trated. ' The subscription price Is $1.75, paid in ad vance. No other weekly or monthly publica tion gives so great an amount of F.nt3rtainment and Instruction at bo small a price. Contributors. The Princess Louise. The Marquis of Lome. The Lord Chief Justice of 'England. Sir Benj. Ward: Richardson. Secretary of tiie U. S. Wavy. Secretary of the Interior. Secretary of Agriculture. Jt!(5ge Oliver W. Holmes. Sir William H. RusseiL Frank R. Stockton. -W. Clark Russell. General Nelson A. Miles. Hon. Thoma3 B. Reed. The Dean of Salisbury. Sir Edwin Arnold. Justin KcCartlty. CamiHe Faaur.arion. And More tbau ico Others. Lowell's Advice to Young Men. lie had enjoyed heartily bis own fre quent reading of the works of the great authors he wrote about, and he was able to convey soino of this enjoyment to bis own readers, and to explain to them the reasons for his liking. Ills favorite of all was the mighty Floren tine poet, Daute, whom Lowell steadily tudled from early life. Indeed, the advice he gave to young men seeking culture was to find the great writer whom they most appreciated, and to give themselves to the constant peru aal of this great writer, growing np to him slowly, and discovering gradually that to tinderstand him adequately would force them sooner or later to learn many of the things beat worth learning. St. Nicholas. ?rcs?2:LiS and! Sample Copies Free. RBI1AHHABI,D OFFER! Few Sntecriben who wd! cat oat this slip nC send It T CKCE with name an! address, ieC SI.7S, will receive: FREE The Youth's Companion every week till Janntry t, I8. FRFK Thanksrivlar. Christmas, Mew Tear's Doable numbers. FREE Our Handsome 4-pace Calendar (7x10 inches), litho- irraphel in nine colors. Retail price, 50 cents. rnMPAWios S2 weeks, a toll year, to January 1, 101. YOUTH'S COMPANION, aoi Columbus Ave., Eoston, Mass. Send Check, Post-0fUc or Express Order, or Reelstered letter, at Our Risk. Send for Full Illustrated 50-ct. CALENDAR f FREE our H FREE h THE SEND This slip with i.7S YOU WILL REALIZE THAT "THEY LIVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEAN LY," IF YOU USE SAPOLIO . 'Twaa All Right. The Rev. Robert Oollyer, while at the breakfast table of one of bis friends In the country bear Boston, was asked by one of the family: "Mr. Collyer, do you enjoy aa good an appetite as you have In yearn past 7" To which he re plied:, "My. dear, if I loae the appetite I now have, I bope no poor man will And It" . ' : ' ' 4 ' ' . . i I .1 , In I I' ' I ' Before a woman haa been married a week, 'an tells tbtng that makes) ett fagedglrUkwktbdughtftL ' ' the food for all such. How many pale folk there are I People who have the will, but no power to bring out their vitality; people who swing like a pendulum between strength and weakness so tnat one aays wonc causes six days' sickness ! ; People who have no life -thin rjeoole. nerveless, delicate! The food for all such men, women, or children is Scott's Emulsion. The hypophosphites combined witn tne on will tone up the system, give the blood new life, improve the appetite and help, digestion. ! The sign of new life will be a fattening and reddening, which brings with it strength, comfort and good-nature. 5 v, r ; i r , : . j Scott V BownevNew York, ah Dmriu. soc. and Si. ' .;:.! ) i, -i -.t tti-'i f. .tn v.uh a v iV'T; "' ," for resisting disease- Qo to California in a Tourist Sleeper. It is the RIGHT way. Pay more and you are ex travagant. Pay less and you are uncomfortable. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easie-t rid-, ing Tourist Sleepers are used for our Personally Conducted Excursions to California, which leave Omaha every Thursday morning reach ing San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los Angelas Monday noon. : You can join them at , ' ' any intermediate point. Ask nearest ticket agent for full information, or write to J. Frahcis, O. r. A., Omaha, Neb, ' r' I Ma rna7TaMaa (& Ua I I 1 tally tegp dnwrlwa " J 1 1 ;! i-':'T . ; ,-. , -, . i. .; ! tut