The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 26, 1895, Image 7
Tb lrMun4 for flutter. The people of the limed Hlitci est n the average about four pounds of butter for tacb bushel of wheat con turned as food. Kroir. thU it i eay to see that to tar at the home market it concerned but'er brings the farmer more money than wheat, and yet there are tome folks who think Hie dairy in dustry, which iiicludei the gate ol tuilk for food, and the manufacture of cheese u well at of butter, it not of very touch Importance. ASSIST NATURE a liltle now and then in removing offend ing matter from the tuinarb and bowels and you thereby avoid a multitude of distressing de rangements and dis ease, and ill hare lesn frequent need of your dot tor's service. Of all known agents fur this pur I'OM?, I)r. 1'ieri-e's i'lvasant I'ell, ts are the Ix-st. On re uwd, they Hie ul way in favor. 'i'lie IVIIt-u rurr b i 1 i oik ness. mi k and bilious head ache, dismiss, cos tivtness, or consti-r-Htion. hour iit. ech, loss of appetite, coated tongue, indi gestion, or dypepMa, windy bckhings, ' heart burn," pain and distress after eating-, and kindred derangement of the liver, Moinai h and bowels. Beecham's pills are for bil iousness, sick headache, diz ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste in the mouth, heartburn, tor pid liver, foul breath, sallow skin, coated tongue, pimples, loss of appetite, etc., when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most fre quent cause of all of thtm. One of the moat important things for everybody to learn in that constipation causes more than half the sickness in tit world, especially of women; and itcaoall be prevented. Go by the book, free at yonr Iruc gist's, or write B F.AHeaCo. ,365 Canal BC, Mew York. PilU.tot and 3J a box. antBalulii man thin t.flffl one bolva. The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Agt. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. (SKALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered In one of our common pasture weeds a remejy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried It In over eleven hutidred .Cases, and never failed except In two cases (both thunder humor). He has now In his possession over two hundred certificates of Its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity Is taken. When the lungs are affected It causes ihooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This Is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necesary. Eat the test you tan gft, and enough of it. Dose, one tab'espoonfuljn water at bed time. Sold bv all Druggists. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR The BEST FOR Dyspeptic.DelicateJnfirm and AGED PERSONS JOHN CARLE A SONS. New York. The St. Joseph ami Grand Inland B. B. IK THE SHORTEST and QUICKEST LINE TO ALL 01KTS f NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH .'oiVi'ir Union Pac.fio System a th k rAViimia bouts Jo California. Oregon ami all Weatern I'oliita. tor Inlurmaiiun regarding rale, etc., mil on ar aMrewi any AKenl or H. M. ArwiT, M. I. KoaiNno, J., ln. I'm Agt. . den'l Manager. Ht. Joseph, Mo. bibi ThomM r. t.tmpnon WMnlwrfm, PHTr ITS r- '" ; '''" "o- .ali1 WrlWorli'VeutoriOulue. WHENWRlTI!ia TO AUItMrWlK rW aUauwrr" aaw lha adfartlacmeui la thta pasr. I 1 I Bast (Juufb BrrupTTaMaaUood. Daal I I 1 In lima, a.44 hr nmajlaw f I M. W, V. So. 3S-3. . lork Nab DR. J. C. AYER'S The Only SARSAPARILLA Permitted at World's Fair. Honaa-bold llima j It it a preat saving of time and tern, j per to have a place for wrapping papei u corn. When washing anything that hat I rream tint, do not rinse in blued water but in e'ear water. A pointed naint briif,h will lm fnnnrl . " -- ; convenient for dinting the crevices Ir j mruuure ana an spots that cannot b reached with the dust cloth. Iid you ever face your gowns witfc den mi ? Ihmige of Heart. i Deacon .kiiiiirin I can't tell you ; how blessed I am in my son now. You Know 1 always had trouble fretting hiir to go to church, but of late he has beet trouir willingly, not only on Sundays, but on week Days. I feel atast thai his soul i safe and we will all meet to gether in that far-off heaven of lov and pence promised to the faithful. Neighbor Your son is in love with Miss 1m- I'nore, who sin;;s in the choir. Deacon kiimeir. hat! Does he in. 'end to marry that poverty stricken minx? If he goes near that churcli again, I'll disinherit him! j tor tr. run Make. j Hanks had just worked rivers for a loan of ten dollars, j "1 may as well make an entry of this," 'said liivers, taking a small passbook ! out of his pocket. j "Single entry, livers, " said Banks. Single entry, remember." "Of course," replied Hivprs. "I don't suppose I'll ever have to make an entry n the credit side of the account." Ihtcago Tribune. An Aunual Iftber. "How much do you charge for a sln le, bath?" asked a (shabbily dressed nan of the proprietor of a bathing es Hblishment. "Twenty-five cents; but if you buy 1 iozen tickets you will only have to pay wenty cents a piece." "Twelve tickets! How do I know that I am going to live twelve yean longer?" Texas Si flings. Great Memory. Schoolmarm, who had been telling the story of David, ended with: "And all this happened over three thousatid years ago." A little cherub, his blue eyes wide open with wonder, said, after a mo ment's thought: "Oh, ray, what a memory you've got!" San Autonla Express. A Rank Impnator, Blevins Old Scaddlsby looks ten years younger since bis marriage to May. Bostick Yes. The old scoundrel simply pretended to be so old and frail in order to induce May to marry him. Truth. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on (rood food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health, and her face, bloom with its beauty. If her system! needs the flensing action of a laxative) remedy, she uses tne gentle and plcasunt liijuid laxitire, Syrup of Figs. Kange of m MpUler's VMon Experiments have recently been made to decide how far spidi-rs can see, and us a result of these investigations it has been determined that they have a range of vision of at least a foot. It is not always possible to tell, however, whether the lower animals perceive by sight or hearing or by the action which air in motion has on their bodies. Experiments tend to show that mice are sensitive to motions of the air which to human ears creato no sound whatever. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure. Price "5 cents. A Complnceiit llowton Woman. Two ladies famous in Boston society for their wit and learning were heard solemnly talking to each othe, return ing in a street car from a luncheon. "There really were other people there who said clever things besides us," said one. "Yes; there were," returned the other "I believe the times were In our la vor when we began getting our reputa tion for saying clever things. People noticed It more when we were young II women were bright than they do now." Plso's Cure for Consumption Is an A No. 1 Asthma medicine. w. It. Williams, Anlioch, Ills., April 11, 18!. Caua for Alarm. Little tllrl Oh, mamma, come quick! Mamma Mercy! What's the mat ter? Little (Jirl There's a mouse in the kitchen and the poor cat is there all alone. Tit-Hits. Mra. Wlnalnw'a Poor Hi NO 8vanr for rhlk'. ren tn-lhlne, toftena Iba guma. re.lnees Inniun tiiatlou,aliiyiipain,curtwl!iu colic, 2.'ic bonis. jiilt lmposalhle, "In my business, ludv, It Is Impossi ble 10 get a day's work." "You don't say What's your buti-ne-s?" "I'm a night watchman." .Scrib tier's. The best remedy for all diseases of the blood. The best record. Half a century of genuine cures. A LITTLE FELLOW. Mo! liltle fellow- howdy do? Ixihk time since I've looked on you; Hut I know your eyes are the same bright blue April eyea, where the ami klips through; You kisaed me oft, and you loved me, too Ho! liltle fellow howdy do? Ho! little fellow howdy do? Ki-eui to see, as I ait and view Your picture there on the mantel shelf. The anna, the charms of your own dear ' self; Y'our king was aweet, and your love was true Ho! little fellow howdy do? Ho! little fellow howdy do? Hame little fellow ihut once I knew? Never a l imine for nil the year Same aweet laughter and aauie bright tea rV Oh, for a kins from the lips of you! Ho! little fellow howdy 1I0?. Ho! little fellow far awn.v! Dream sometime of the world I say, When the dark drifts over your eyes of Mite And the singels look through the luee at you! Dream that I love you, and love me, too Ho! liltle fellow howdy do? NO CERTIFICATE. The clork striking 9 sounded like a knell to the two old peopio sitting In their dull, hopeless niNery, one on each side of the table, like atrangcra, the first time In forty years. It was not death, this uninvited giient that had ob truded Its unwelcome presence, but something worne disgrace, and lis baleful shadow obscured the light of heaven. And the night without was as drear as their hearts wilhiu. The woman took a Hat tin candlestick from the table and lighted the bit of candle It held. "You'll be coming up soon, David?" she asked wistfully. "I'll rest on the settle here to-night," be said sternly. "David, you'll not be the one to sop' rate us that have been Joined together a lifetime? I couldn't abear that man, I really couldn't." "Wait a bit, Ttaehel. Maybe to-morrow It will seem clearer, but to-night I must think, and try for wisdom to see God's hand In this." "You'll wind the clock, David, and put Malty outside?" She was making a brave flght for strength, and It Is on the plain and homely duties of life that we find the firmest footing. Rachel knew this, and solaced her breaking heart with trifles. "And If you have a poor turn In the night, you'll call me?" she asked. "Yes, mother." She turned away with a sigh that rent David's heart, but waited with her hand on the stair door. "There's a shroud In the candle to night," she pointed to the guttering wick. "I wlnht there was I wlsht to heaven there was, and 'twere for me," said the man, bowing his head until the wisps of soft gray hair fell over his troubled face. "Good night, David." The pitiful note of supplication In her voice did not fall unheeded on his ear. "Why, Rachel, I most forgot good night, mother." "He called me mother!" said Rachel to herself, when she had reached their room, and, setting the candle on the lit tle stand, she sank on her knees by the bed. "God have mercy," she prayed, "and lay not this sin at our doors!" Then she lay down, removing only her tshoes. as If to be ready for any emergency, but she did not, could not, sleep. The pillow next to her was empty for the flrHt time. She closed her eyes and listened to in occasional movement below a groan words of supplication cries for de liverance from the awful thraldom of thin grief. She could not see the ten der, plaintive lines of that dear old face softening Into tears or hardening Into the rigid lines of duty. She slipped from the bed and felt her way down the familiar stairs. "Husband!" she called; "are you sleeping?" "No, mother." Again the most beautiful word In the English language smote her ear like a blow. "David, haven't all the blessed years that Ere gone meant something? Isn't our love worth more than a bit of white paper?" "Hush, woman! Tempt me not to break tho laws of God and man know ingly; It la enough that we have sinned through Ignorance. Oh, God!" he lift ed bis voice In Inspired supplication like tho prophets of old "If Thou canst forgive, It Is not for man to blame!" Kachel took advantage of this mo ment of apparent softening and kneel ing by hlin laid her bead on his shoul der. "David, let me stay with yon?" "Go back to your room, Rachel; we much each bear this cross alone." "May I kiss you, dear?" "No, i;o, woman! Who knows that It ro!ght not be a win? I'ntll we can see our viy rlear out of this dark shadow, we must live apart us strangers." "There Is n way, David, to set It right." "And to coorss our sin to the world!" "That Is yonr pride, David." "Just so, woman. My pride la a life of Integrity, and It's had a tore fall. I bad much to lose." "While I have only you. God help me! I have forgot the Creator more than the creature. My punishment has cornel" lie heard her crying as she went way In the darkness, but oald no word to comfort or recall her. She could Dot know that hla grief was equal to her. But It bad that granite fibre which gives a man ftpurage to die at the stake for his principles, and Inspire a 0"g ged resolution to suffer found ofleu l weak ua lures, aud sometimes called obstinacy In the minor events of life It was the first call to martyrdom thai David had heard, and It excluded al ol'jiT Voices. I. ut Rachel she could never be sun that she had fallen asleep and dream ed it thought that her husband cami and Iteut over her, that a tear fell on hel forehead, and that he patted her graj: hair with a loving touch. j The next morning repealed the an puish of the preceding day and night Suddenly Rachel asked: "Have you thought of the children David; what it means to them?" i "Aye, woman, and a sore thought I has been. Whether or no to tell then: of their parents' rdn, beset me like 1 machination of tb evil one. Hut 1 put it away. God gave me strength foi that. And this day I will consider it what way lo acquaint thorn with theii misfortune." Another blow for the loving heart o! Rachel. Her boy, living with his littli family far distant, had his mother'i j sensitive nature; the trouble might kil j him. I The girl, Drtisilla, was like her farh er; martyrdom would be a crown. It her stern renunciation she might nevei see either of them again. As the day w ore on there was inncl ! to bo done. God's broken law must b j patched up by one of his commissioner! the minister could help them out of their present diliictilty, but for the pas; not all the tears of all the angels conk make that whole aud clean again. These two who for rorty years ha( believed themselves man and wife whom no mnu had pot asunder wen to be married again. It all came about through a lawyer'i letter disputing their title jointly hek to property owned In a distant Statu and requesting them to forward a copj of their marriage certificate, and prov the validity of their claim. Once In a hundred years such a cast happens, but that It should have comr to those God-fearing, law-abiding, In offensive people who were as slmph and innocent as children, seemed unac countable. David took the matter heart as a personal sin. Their minister was accustomed to al sorts of sinners, but that any two peo pie, as simple and guileless as those twe babes In the woods, had gone througl life as law-breakers puzzled him great ly. He would have laughed, but the aw ful earnestness of this domestic tragedj struck him with tragic force. When In saw Rachel In her bridal finery of for j ty years ago, the little old man In tht coat that hud been laid away for lilt burial, both trembling with an excesi of emotion, he felt Impelled to savt them from themselves. "We have a heap of trouble, sir,' David began simply, and without anj circumlocution he told his story, whict Rachel accentuated with her tears They had never missed the certificate it hnd not been given to them by tht minister who married them in the old home, back east, and the lawyer's firsi letter acquainted them with the omls slon. "We can see now that It should nevei have happened, but we didn't reallj sense It till the lawyer man wrote again and told us wo were not married until we could prove It by witnesses or cer tillcate!" And David wiped his flushed face with his wedding handkerchief. A small folded paper fell from lit folds, which the minister picked uf mechanically and passed to Rachel. It was yellow and creased, but when sh unfolded It she gave a great cry! "Husband! It's the certificate! Yon; hnd It all the time and never knew it Thank God!" "I thought. It was a receipt for tht fee I gave him honest I did, wife, and ain't ever looked at It since that day, It's the hand of Providence that's glv It back. And we're married and hav been all those years? That's the bless edest piece of paper I've seen In mj life, and there ain't enough money it these Tnlted States to buy It." "We'll frame it and hang It where w can see it every day," suggested Ra chel. "Hooray!" cried tho little old bride groom, out of whose face all lines had escaped, except those of love and ten derness, "I must kiss the bride!" And as the minister turned. his back on the scene, he pondered long on th text, "The meek shall Inherit the earth. Detroit Free Tress. He Know Enough. The, esteem in which the sailor's call ing Is held In Massachusetts coaal towns Is Indicated by a true story thai comes from Oay Head, a primitive com munlty on the Island of Martha's Vine yard. A teacher was wanted at the village, and a sailor, with Indian blood In hl veins, applied to the town committor fur the position. lie had to pass an ex amination by the committee, and trem bled at the ordeal, being sadly unlearn ed In book lore. The chairman began the examination. "Mr. ; what Is the shape of th earth?" "It Is round, sir," the candidate an swered. "Mow do you know?" "Because I have sailed around 11 three times." "That will do, sir!" He received his "certificate" as 1 teacher without another question be ing asked. Injurious Weed. In some of the schools of Germany the pupils acquire a knowledge of th weeds which Injure vegetable. Th weeds are pictured on wall map in natural color. Female barbers are not having mod access. Gentlemen will not go to then because the dislike to be cut by lad, Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE K'tipe. for Giegr r Ale. Four lemons sliced, a tablespoonful tartaric acid, 4 tablespoon fuls of ground ginger, 1J pounds light brown sugar and two gallons boiling water. When bloodwarm, add a cupful of homemade yeast or two compressed ye;.8t cakes and let it stand 12 or 15 hours in a warm place. Strain and bottle it and tie down the corks. There Is a simple knack about this that is worth learning. In two days it will be ready lor use. Country Gentleman. I'rltitfrd Copy l'rererreci. Mrs. Twin. For heaven's sake, Ed ward, do tell Maria to take those chil dren out for a walk and leave me in quiet to read. Mr. Twinz Certainly, my dear, cer tainly. What, is your book? Mrs. Twinz "The Heavenly Twins." Tt.ey are too amusing for anything Judge. Where She Mlglit Kind It. "Is this the smoking car?" anxiously Inquired an old lady at the Albany sta tion. "No, madam," replied the polite roung man standing on the steps of the car; "you'll find the smoker on two tars ahead." Puck. The new color combinations of the palescent or chameleon silks are ex ieedingly artistic and beautiful. Many f these popular silks are combined ivith mohair veiling or soft wool crepon with charming results. A correspondent wants to know 'whether soda water Is a better drink ;han Ice water in summer?" "Well, we should wink! Chicago Dispath. Peculiar In combination, proportion and process, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses peenliar tnratire powers unknown to any other reparation. This is why It has a record it cores unequalled in the history of ncdicine. It acts directly upon the blood ind by making it pure, rich and healthy t cures disease and gives good health. Hood's Sarsapariila 1 the only true blood purifier prominent y ir. the public eye today. $1; six for $5. innrl'p til r c"re habitual constipation. lUUU S Ml S Price -a cenis. (0 OLLEGE OF IX CONNECTION WITH YOHK COLLEGE, YORK, NEBRASKA, 300K KEEPING, - SHORJJAND TYPEWRITING, PLNMAJNSHIft " TELEGRAPHY. Kxperienced Teachers. Modern Method, Thorough Work, Expenses very low. Write lor Catalogue and particulars. il. G. HARRIS, Prin. DAN BROWN. Ass't Prln. Follow the directions, and you'll get the best work from Pearline. Not that there s any matter how you . But Millions 1 71 i ) 1 . "A Fair Face Cannot Atone for An Untidy House." Use SAPOLIO Do You Wash? OF Course- 1 1 fDo you Wash QUICKLY? D IITDo you Wash EASILY ? H U I ) Do you Wash THOROUGHLY? (Do you Wash CHEAPLY? You may IF you will use Santa G - sjaia a w The best, purest and most economical soap Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. It FA1RBANK COMPANY. CHICAGO. Wt.riJa Which Kfij nie .Sol. The r umber of English words which have no rhyme In the language is very large. Five or six thousand at least are without rhyme and consequently can be employed at the end of the veree anly by transposing the accent, coupl ing them with an imperfect consonance or constructing an artifical rhyme out of two words. Anion',' other words tc which there are no rhymes may be mentioned month silver, liquid, spirit, chimney, warmth, gulf, sylph, music. ILinUy in tint rKencire Father-in-law Do you save any thing up for a rainy day, young man? boil -in law Yes, sir. "What, I'd like to know?" "Umbrellas." Town Topics. On account of the widely prevailing fashion of wearing elbow sleeves with dressy afternoon costumes, thousands of dozens of mousquetaire lengths ill gloves have been sold this season. Dandruff is due to an enfeebled state of the skin. Hall's Hair Henewer quickens the nutritive functions of the skin, healing and preventing the formation oi dandruff. Black alpaca aud black mohair skirti are immensely popular this year, these elegantly cut and bung and lined in color matching that of the blouse bod-, ice. Flounces appear on many smartly made gowns brought from Europe, and it is said that when trimmed skirts again prevail flounces will provide the leading garniture. Tne new dresden chalhes are of French manufacture, and they show many of the beautiful designs popular in dresden ribbons and silks and the small patterned chine satins of last winter. ' PROFITABLE DAIRY WORK Can only he accomplished with the very best of tools and . appliances. With a Davis JT& Cream Sepa rator on tho JS -a 'ann 700 BW sure of more -Tr . )StJ n bet'-- buttor, while X f the skimmed milk Is aval- I JL nat'e feet; Farmers will ll f makenomt. take to get a t y Davis. Neat, Illustrated J vej.- catalogue mailed kkff, Agents wanted DAVIS & IBANKIN BLDG. tfe MFQ. 00 Cor. Randolph k Daarborn Sta., Chicago. COMMERCE harm to be teared trom it, no use it or how much you use. to make your washing and f$J cleaning easiest, to save the most rzr rubbing, the most wear and tear, CI V the most time and money keep to the directions given on every pack age of Pearline. If you'll do that with your flannels, for instance (it's perfectly simple and easy,) they'll keep beautifully soft, and without shrinking. Pearline Aus Soap mads