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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1895)
.If i The Sioux County Journal VOLUME VII. TIARKISOX, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 1895. NUMBER 37. GOWNS FORTH E BRIDE M4RROR SILK AND RIOH SATIN HOLD THE UIAD. Me MpllniM la tke Wedding Tail nd It Can B Want or Not Travel Imm DreUM that Do Not Advertlae fca Bride. Daaia Paahion'e Vendee. Haw Tork eorraapondauoei HE month of roees and wed ding 1i near, and many a prospect ive bride U now wrestling with bar dressmaker over the tronsssau dreasea. These must be had and of the latent fash Ions, even If their wearer tlroa her self eo mtii'h In the process of their making a a not to 'become them when they are done. The costumes of this depletion should lie of great assistance to the ever-busy planner, for here are bridal costume, traveling rig, house gown and afternoon dress, with a low-cut get-up beside the Initial. Thin dopHn't consti tute a very olaliorate outfit of drowned, but the purpose of each one Is dls tinct ami others that might bo added to the wardrobe would be In respect to the uses for which they were In tended, duplicate of some of these. Mirror silk and rich satin hold the lead for wedding gowns. The round skirt with a long train added at the back la the cut, and In the caae of an ; i : MltSRED FOB Tng CEREMOXT. laborate wedding where train hearers are part of Uie pageant thin cut la ex fremely desirable. Usually the foot of tte gown la softened by a festooning of lace. A round bodice, very short on the hips and slightly pointed in front is esteemed the most becoming, and all the bodices of thin season are softly draped with lace In front, thus render ing the satin and white more becoming. In many caws the neck is cut out a little and filled In with a tiny chemi sette of delicate tulle through which the Bean tint shows, a soft fullness of tulle Betting closely under the cliln and .bout the throat. The veil Is "real lace" If possible, and by all means an "heirloom," If one can be had. It Is not worn over the face, but arranged on the head to give dignity and beeomliig newa. The ends float dowu over the train. If the traveling dress be not the next thing In Importance to the wedding rig, It is the next item of the trousseau needed, and the next one pictured here. At It Indicates, the patient bride has revolted against the simple gray gown that Is such a give-away, and her trav eling dress Is planned along new lines. Above all It must be stunning, and In hang, fit and style Irreproachable. Ev erything like sentimental romance Is avoided, and there must be dash and el) .'sssesslnn In that gown If there isn't any In the rest of the trousseau. This la a departure that sulfa modest IOnes, for such a traveling gown be eernea without change a very accepta yoixjwoga advertises ths iiidi. ble street dress. Quite the moat ees reet choice of goods la a big soft En glish tweed plaid. The skirt Is made with all lines matched diagonally and not a seem to be traced except with a microscope. A plaid of green, tobacco brown, dark blue, and a lighting up of cream Is the best choice. The bodice shown here has a little sleeveless Jack et of leather-colored broadcloth, seem ingly worn over a plaid under-bodlce, but really all In one, for no ordinary Jacket could ever get over thoae sleeves. Time was when tbe very nlceet brides stopping at a hotel were privi leged to appear in the public dining room in their trousseau wrapper. Of two oowtrs IK ON s. course, it is blood curdling to merely think of this now, yet It seems a pity not to be able to show publicly the lovelv notions that are called morning and boudoir gowns. The sorts of these are legion, but the one chosen for Illus tration Is new and Ingeniously made In two parts. When the bride wears both parts, she appears, as in the pic ture, arrnyed In a billowing, organ piping robe of gray sslta, with below-the-shoulder-puff sleeves that arc held In place by bands of blue silk ribbon drawn over the round of the shoulder and finishing with soft rosettes. Rich laoe follows the rise of each orgau pipe, the gown sweeps the floor at back and sides, flts closely at the back, hangs free at the side, and Is open en tirely In front A simple gown of pale gray soft silk, belted simply at the waist shows beneath. A yoke of Ince discloses the soft pink skin and a high ribbon collar makes the face seem youthful. The Inside of the over gown Is llnod with turquoise blue satin, so there Is a lovely combination of soft colors. For the morning or afternoon trous seau gown nothing can be daintier than one of the many aecordeon pleated mull confections that are offered. One of the prettiest of these was of smoke gray mull pleated and worn over tur quoise blue, and Is portrayed in the ae- j mam, PIIWJ I'T.KATF.K AND RK-ltiniloSKn. cotnpanylng picture. Its skirt whs full and flared at the foot, and the bodice was of the popular loose blouse pat tern, bound In at the waist under the "overhang" with a folded belt of mirror-blue satin. Long ends of ribbon with big bows for finish gave relief to the severity of the skirt, and a pair of folded silk sash pieces crossed the bust, fastening with bows on the shoulders. Thlsaceordeon-pleated material comes by the yard, and since it sells 'pulled out" and It takes three yards plain to uiake one yard pleated, a woman may feel her financial standing sustained, If she have a couple of these gowns, even If she doesn't wear diamonds. Diamonds she doesn't wear, for the rule now Is that a bride must wear no Jewels, even on state occasions. Her wedding ring, the solitaire engagement ring, and the necessary watch are all that are In strict correctness allowed. Borne folks sre saying that this permits the young husband to "put up" the whole cargo of wedding gift Jewelry to help him keep up his establishment, but that can't be so, because "bride mornings," when the young wife re ceives ber girl friends and shows all her presents, are quite 0e rage, to make np for tbe taboo placed on the display of present at the wedding. Copyright, 108. A really nice girl Is not always bains "shocked" by the young nn. Mm mm YANKEC SHOES IN ENGLAND. Popalar aad the F.nalUk Aro van Taalaa Ut Habbara. "The suggestion that American boot and shoe manufacturers should take advantage wf the present trouble lu the Eofllsb boot trade to establish a mar ket there reiulnda iue uf the receut no table Influence uf American ideas ou the British shoe business of which 1 learned last summer," e&ld a traveler to a New York Hun luau. "Iu this, as In many other iua tiers, there has been In Kugland lately an adoption of Amer ican models and American ideas that has brought about sutue radical changes In fact, a complete reversal of type. "English footwear has been for many generations inoat distinctively peculiar characteristically Kugllsh. The shows of men und women alike have beon of the strongest, heaviest pattern, and the standard of excellence was that the thicker the sole the better tbe boot Half an inch wus about the ordinary thlckiiLnH for tbe sole of a man's shoe and few women wore walking shoes with soles less than a quarter of an inch thick. "Rubbers were practically unknown and this was the prluclpul reason for the thick soles. They wero intended to keep out the wet Many devices were used to attach the tongue to the uppers in such a wuy us to make the shoe waterproof even if submerged quite to the top. Then the soles and heels were studded thickly with steel ualls, and In extra giod shoes the welt extended half an Inch or so all around the. sole. As a consequencH, the average winter slide of the average Englishman or En glishwoman was very much like a heavy hunting-boot This Is largely the case to-day, but a marked change has set In. The? shoes are certainly waterpnsif and proof agnlnst almost any kind of weather or wear, but their clumsiness and ugliness when worn In to the office or house, as they of course have to be, Is very apparent "Two winters ago, whou Great Brit ain was visited l)y a real old fashioned winter, with plenty of snow and slush, some gonitis imported a lot of Ameri can 'arctic' overshoes and put. them on sale In London and the chief provincial towns under the name of 'American snow boots.' Their success was mark ed. The English people, especially the women, were quick to see tho advant age and comfort In being able to wfir a light summer-weight shoe for the house and office, with the protection outdoors of the snow boots,- and the cumbrous heavy winter shoes fell Into disfavor. Then the following summer a lot of American light rubber over shoes, for ordinary rainy-weather wear, were put on the market, and were an equal success. Previously one oidy saw rubbers, giilm-hes the English cnll them, once in a very great while, and one might wulk about London for a month of rainy days and never see a single pair. The people depended on their heavy shoes for protection from wet feet. "I could not find, however, that the American footholds the half rubbers so popular with ladies here at home for damp rla.vs. mid occasions when It Is wet tinder foot without actual rain were known at all. I have this last winter sent some over to English friends, who admired the footholds my wife wore while there Inst summer, and they are delighted with them. "The Introduction of the arctics and ordinary rubbers emancipated the En glish people from the clumsy, tiring, thlck-soled shoes so long worn, and as a consequence there has been a nota ble tendency to reduce the thickness of the soles, to make the uppers of more pliable material, and generally to adopt the American model In shoes. There has also been some effort made In the last two or three years to Intro duce. American shoes In the English market, and they are on sale at some of the best shoe stores lu London. The head salesman In pne such store told me that the American style of shoe was well liked, too, and that the model was being adopted to a large extent In their own factory. "A good Illustration whs afforded to me while I was talking to this sales man. An Engllsman came In looking for a pair of heavy shoes. He wanted a pair of tho kind he had always worn, strong tops and enormous soles, with a half-inch welt lie expected to pay a good, round price for them HO or 40 shillings he said. Hut there wasn't a pair of shoes in the store that suited him, although he declared he had al ways bought his shoes there wnen he came to Ixmdon every year or so. 'We are not making that kind of shoe now,' the salesman explained. 'We have little call for them. People want a light shoe nowadays, something like tills,' and he showed nn American shoe. The man ended by Uiklug a llgut pair for trial. "Of course the price of shoes will come down as they come to be made of about half the amount of material. A guinea or thirty shillngs has been the usual price paid for good shoes of the heavy, thick soled kind. This Is equal to $3 to 97 a big price In England. My wife bought an excellent pair of Amer ican shoes, of New Tork make, at a swell Regent street store last autumn for It. The same shoe would doubt less cost more here In New York, but difference In rents and wages might account for that I think there Is a good market fur American shs-s in Great Britain, especially Just now." lituo and Mouse. A mouse was put in the cage of a lion to teat whether, as the old fables assert ed, there was a natural affection be tween them. The experiment demon strates that each was so afraid of the other that no affection could exist be tween them. The lion saw the mouse before be was fairly through the bars, and was after him Instantly. Away went the little fellow, scurry ing across the floor and squeaking In fright Wluo be had gone about ten feet the lion sprang, lighting a little In front of him. The mouse turned and the Hon sprang again. This was re peated several times, the mouse trav ersing a shorter distance after each spring uf tho lion. Finally the mouse stood still, squeal ing and trembling. The Hon sUxk! over him, studying him with Interest Pres ently he shot out his big paw and brought It down directly ou the mouse, but so gently that the mouse wus not Injured" In the least, though held fast botwen die claws. Then the lion pluyed with him, now lifting his uw and letting the mouse run a few inches, and then stopping him again as before. Suddenly the mouse changed his tactics, and instead of running when the Hon lifted his paw sprang inlo the air straight at the lion's head. The Hon, terrified, gave a great leap back, striking the bars with all hit weight. Then he opened his Jaws and roared and roared again, while the little uiouso, still squealing, made hie escupe. nf tho two the Hon was thu more frightened. Nearly Ituii Down. An old French soldier, Colonel t Oonnevllie, In writing the story of hla military career, describes one curlout adventure, which hud nothing warlike about It, but in which for a moment he was in danger of his life. During one of his campaigns he had stopped for the night at a house In which lived a lady and her daughter. It was early May, and in tho evening, after dinner, I went out with tbe ladies for a walk. We took a road leading out of the village between stone walls about four feet In hHght. Here, at a place where the road made a sudden turn, so that we could not. see what lay before ns, I heard all at once a strange noise. It might have been produced by a tempest but there was not a breath of air stirring. At that moment my two companions, with sit'iis of extreme terror, clambered over the wall, and I Instinctively fol lowed I hem. We were hardly on tho other side before a dense drove of pigs, at least a hundred and fifty feet long, came round the turn with such fury that, no obstacle could have stopped them. If we had not been ont of the road we should have been knocked down, and the whole drove would have gone over us. The women told me that we should have been picked tip dead, or at least so mutilated as to be good, for nothing. The swine, It appeared, were driven out to a wood in the morning and at night were driven back to tho village and fed. The prospect of the trough made them so eager that they entered the village like an avalanche. Furls Vs. Ships. One of the facts brought Into strong prominence In connection with the re cent operations at Wei-IIal-Wel is the helplessness of ships against well-constructed forts, admirably located, and armed with disappearing guns. The Chinese ships and mainland forts and artillery, which, after fallinglnto.Iapan ese possession, co-operated with the fleet In bombarding the Insular de fenses, never succeeded In touching tlii-so forts once. They remained to the end absolutely unimpaired by the storm of Iron which was directed against iliem. Similar immunity was enjoyed even by an ordinarily con structed fort on the Liukung. The Jap anese ships did no harm whatever, while, on the other hand, the Chinese gunners in the forts, though not con spicuous for their skill, succeeded In hitting and more or less seriously dam aging no lees than seven of the Japan ese ships. The fact Is, the Incompara bly greater vulnerability of a ship handicaps It seriously In a fight wlih a fort A do7.en shells from a ship's guns may exhaust their energy upon the massive parapets of a fort, whereas one shot from the heavy guns of the latter can not fall to Inflict cruel In Jury upon a ship If It strikes her. The question of a moving and stationary target seems to be of secondary Im portance. Polite. Dismissals. William Itean Howells' father, who emigrated to Ohio half a century and more ago, used this formula to get rid of an Intrusive visitor who had worn out his weeome. He would be called out on some business, and would say to the guest: "I anppose you will not be here when I return, so I wish you good-by!" This was not bad, except In comparison with the superb stratagem ascribed to Oerrlt Rmlth In such emer genciesas that he used to say In his family prayer, after breakfast: "May the Lord also bless Brother Jones, who leaves us on tho ten o'clock train this morning." VINEGAR. How the Article of Commerce Is Made Bo Quickly. No farm cellar In the apple region, says the Chicago Record, is quite com plete without its vinegar barrel. Each fall, as soon as the sweet cider comes in from the presses, a part of it is funneled Into a dusty barrel that occupies a place In the corner of the room. It is given every opportunity to turn "bard" and then sour as sour as the sourest vinegar. Sometimes the housewife hurries the operation by add ing a little "mother" the thick, vel vety growth, a product of fermentation, which sometimes rises In her cruets and Jugs. Hy the next spring or summer, if conditions have been favorable, the cider has become vinegar and is ready for ue with the early lettuce. But that Is a slow process and only small quantities are made at a time. If the city epicurean depended on such a source of supply he would have to take his salads without the acid ele ment. For tills reason great manufac tories have sprung up, and many of theui weekly make more vinegar than all the farmers of Michigan or any of the other apple. States make In a whole year. Tbe visitor Is warned of his approach to a vinegar factory while yet a long way off. There Is a pungent odor not unlike that of loug-conliued smoke and the atmosphere for blocks in every direction fairly reeks with it. On ap proaching nearer it grows more and more acid, until Inside of the building one has the rather novel sensation of tasting the air. It Is almost equal to eating pickles. Vinegar Is of two or three different kinds. The most expensive Is made from red wine and Is of a deep purple color. It Is very strong in acid so strong, Indeed, that It fairly bites the tougue. It costs about 40 cents a gal lon. Then there Is the elder vinegar of farm fame and it Is the most popular of any for general household use. It re tails at from 12 to 16 cenU a gallon, and It may be said In passing that some disreputable concerns make a variety of "cider" vinegar that is wholly guilt less of apples. Great quantities of white-wine vinegar are also made, usu ally from corn and rye. 'It Is perfectly colorless, very sharp to the taste and Is usually used for making pickles and condiments of various kinds. The process of manufacturing this white-wine vinegar Is most Interesting. In the first place the manager starts out Just as if he were going to make genuine corn whisky, but when he gets part way through with the work he suddenly switches off and the product is vinegar. The corn and rye come to tho side of the factory In cars and are elevated to the top floor, where they go Into big bins. In the morning when the superintendent gives the word a workman pulls the side from a spout that leads down through four stories and Into the top of the cooler, a huge Iron boiler holding 100 bushels. The corn comes ratting down and It Is soon boiling away under a steam pressure of sixty pounds. At the end of two hours it. has been reduced to mash a well-known whisky term and Is quite toothsome enough to tempt any cow home from a June pasture. It Is now blown through a pipe lead ing upstairs to the groat mash-tubs holding 8,000 gallons each. Here about fifty bushels of malt, fresh from the maltsters, and ground to a pulp In a little mill on the next floor. Is dumped In and two awkward paddles begin to revolve, churning the mass until It looks like the surface of a geyser. The cooking of the corn separated the sturch and the addition of the malt, together with a temperature of 14S de grees, turns the starch into sugar. At this period of the process the mash has a really sugary smell, like molasses candy on the back of the kitchen stove. After being beaten and churned for three or four hours cold water It turn ed into a coil of pipes In the bottom of the huge tub to cool the In the meantime some workmen have been preparing the yeast in a little room at one side. Malt and rye are boiled together In a copper-lined kettle holding 'J00 gallons, aud, a little of the yeast ferment being added, the plant begins to grow. When the process has gone far enough Just the right propor tion of the yeast Is taken and "planted" In the mush-tub, where without more ado It begins to make Itself felt Now the mash is allowed to slide down through a pipe to the fermenting tanks, where It sizzles and bubbles away for seventy-two hours, hard at work fermenting. The alcoholic spir its are being slowly extracted by the "working" of the sugar. Thus far the process has beeu almost Identical with whlsky-niakliig. A lnis.v chugging link pump now sends tie mush upstairs to the still real whtsky stills, except In the use of ''worms" or colls of pipe for collectlug and condensing the alcoholic spirits. A "worm" would be used In vinegar manufacture, bin Uncle Sum Is afraid that some day a very well-meaning charge of com might by some mistake turn to vhlsky Instead of vinegar. Uncle Sam always looks after such things In a prompt and business-like way. The alcohol Is forced out of the nuisli and Into fhe still by means of steam, which rapidly vaporize It. The pipe In the stilt Is surrounded by cold water. which quickly condenses the alcohol and collects it below In a receptacle. All the rest of the mash "slops," as 1 is known to the vinegar man and the whisky man is carried off to one side, where it is stored up ready to sell to the stock-raiser for cattle feed. It con tains all the corn except the alco hollo parts, and it therefore makes very rich food. The spirits are now pumped to ttbl generators, the only distinctive vine gar-making devices in the whole proo ess. These consist of tall, cylindrical tanks made of white wood and bound with iron hoops. They extend from floor to celling, with an appliance oa top for allowing the alcohol to trickle in and a cock at the bottom through which the vinegar may be drawn off. Several floors are covered with thee generators as thick as they can stand and the visitor who goes among them Is compelled to sneeze in deference te the pronounced acidity of the atmos phere. The tanks inside are filled from top to bottom with beach shavings, nothing more. When the alcohol drips In at the top it spreads over the shavings where the air has ready acct?ss to it The oxygen pounces uKn it and changes it without more ado into acetic acid or vinegar, in which condition it runs out at tho cock aud into a trough that carries It down to the next floor into a huge storage tank. The. shavings in the generators are merely for the purpose of providing a great amount of surface over which the spirits must flow. After having seasoned for a time in the tanks the vinegar is pumped out into barrels, labeled and sent all over the country to the pickle manu facturers. Every bushel of corn makes about four gallons of whlte-wlne vino gar, which sells all the way from 7 to 10 cents a gallon. Tbe cider used for vinegar comee almost entirely from Michigan, Ohio and New York, enough being secured every fall to last a whole year. The barrels are corded up in endless rows a whole, great room filled full, with only little alleyways piercing it and allowed to stand until the cider Is quite hard enough to make an old cider drinker dizzy-headed. When at last it has sufficiently fermented It is mn over the shavings In the generator and be comes a light-brown cider vinegar. It is now run into old whisky barrels and allowed to stand as long as possible. The whisky barrels assist greatly la the ripen lng-proces8, which so much Improves vinegar. Only a few firms In the country have this method of mak ing their product more palatable. Red-wine vinegar is made Just like cider vinegar, a shade greater care being taken, perhaps, to keep it clean and pure. The wine used comes large ly from California and Ohio, which of lato years has been making a good deal of It The factory can easily turn out eighty barrels a day and where one considers that a teaspoonful at a meal Is a very large average for the ordinary adult it will be seen how far such a quantity will go. The prices are now so cheap that the farmer can hardly afford to make vinegar even for home consumption. He can sell the cider te better advantage. The Kiddle of the Cid. A mediaeval condottler in the serr ice of the Moslem, when he was fight ing to fill his own coffers with perfect Impartiality against Moor or Christian, banished as a traitor by his Costillaa sovereign, and constantly leading the forces of the Infidel against Aragon, against Catalonia, and even against Castile, he has become the national hero of Spain. Warring aginst the Moslem of Va lencia, whom he pitilessly despoiled, with the aid of the Moslem of Sara gossa, whose cause he cynically betray ed, while he yet owned a nominal al legiance to Alfonso of Castile, whose territories he was pitilessly ravaging; retaining conquered Valencia for his personal and private advantage, In des pite of Moslem and Christian kings, bei has become the type of Christian loy-! alty and Christian chivalry In Europe, Avaricious, faithless, cruel aud bold, a true soldier of fortune, the Cid still maintains a reputation which is one of the enigmas of history. History of Spaln-U. R. Burke. The First Wills. Wills were at first oral, as were also gifts of lands, and were only morally binding ou the survivors. Orlgen and other fathers of the early church cred ited Noah with having made a will, and in the fourth century tho Bishop of Brescia declared a 11 those heretical who denied Noah's division of the world to his three sous by will. The oldest known wills are those of Egypt Both oral and written wills not Infrequently contained Imprecations on those who should neglect them. The earliest written wll In existence Is that of Sennacherib, which wasfound In the Uoyal Library of Kanyunjlk. There is a great sameness about our own royal wills. They mainly relate to beds, bedding, clothes, personal or naments, gold and silver cups, and payments for masses, and are general ly as prosaic as one could contrive. The Westminster Review. When the elocutionists get too old to look nice saying the "Oobilns Will Get You," they can take the part of Little Kva In a.ii "Uncle Tom" show. j. i 'it - ,1 1