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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1895)
W. VAST ' V 'J- V SEKVED IN TWO WAKS in, :. . , jfn ihen -"' e ei' wel.t U-' !( i') my 1 Mir d o t il not risK aiiotiier if"." j "(in. already tire- Highest of aJ in Leavening To. er. Latest U. S. Gov't Report i or er.iliin-, usw - lia.e 1. in e i i new thfl' 1! 'If! I' nearer and nearer the e.jKe oi THE GRIP ALMOST VON WHFRE THE GULLETS FAILED. a pr, i - Qnr Hvmputhirii Aly Knliatrcl a tbe InHrmilit of thr Vrt-run. I Hrrali. l(iVir I 'j ) Tle-rc i n old wddier in WimhIkIim-k, V tn -rvi-d in the war with Mi-Xi,-,J t.l in t!i f "I tin' r tn lli.iii. Mr. ; M.liitiirff. Hi- iH.-(i Ik.ii, ((!,. nan without m rioiiK .,!,. !,. b.-irdsiui". hiwn-T, told scri.,iily ,,n bun. fer l"ro tlx- crip anii.-k.-t hue fmir )t-arif aU' ll nearly Lilifl him. Who -i, l,Hik iii th- iiitirniitim of n v.-t.rmi with ,,! H fft of tliH i.'. ;.. st s'. laimrln ? tlix him i..i,l,i,..,i I,, j, k Limn' ruled Willi ;(. m ii,-rv,.ii-D...S that in- could not held m kind. Hn4 f.,rk at lb table, marei'lr able r,, v,mk, ton. urn! bHi iiiitiil it. In- i.fti'ii miiiii tied Bll'l Ml. The) aw llllll treated uv (hi- 1m mi talent In l- had - luit hi ill In. ,i,f. fVr.-. on f'r Mir years, ami hh- n,i (itiullv in despair. Hie day. how-wr, he n irm k !' tin1 aeemmt nf a cure hi, j h:i,l b.-e:i effected liy the use ,,f ir. Will iams' li nk Pills, lie ime.hntely ordered IhiX al.'l ioiiiiiieh.e.1 t.ikuu; th.-in. Hp tutyn lif wan Krcatly ri ln-vl uitlnii t iir-- . "--'" way i" In nni?iT Biiu inn muni v in, ii nun m-.-n (uiini'd Bmiiiii a nuturuJ o,,l,.r. uiid Iih n mmii i-imliltil tn iii- liiii kmfi- hi-I f,,ik Ht the talde. He lum riinvered !,n utrenvth tn bui-Ii an uti-nt ttiin he in ahle to c h,ii wikiiI, hIiih k l orn mnl d,i liin rejrii ai werk nlnMit his Inline, lie now ay he ran rmt mily walk t'i WiiniUtoek, Imt run nnlk airunii tlie iii'iiiiii.i,n. ,. ,s utile t,i lift iii a tilly-twij n,J hi-ik it with one liiiliii mid siiyn he , .in rmt liimw what I'r. Williiinm' l'ink I ills liHe ,,,i e f,,r t hem, Imt known that they have done a ti, al wurk fur Uiiu. He wt. In tow ll limt Munday, i-mirt I d.H. and wan Imid in hi irainea nf Hie I mediiiiii' that had Kiven him no (treat re lief, Hi; iiuri hiiHed iiniiiher lea and tn ,,t I it irnini- with him. Mr. M Intnrft in will- i Inc to mnkc athdavit tn then- la, is Thi" iirnprietiirx nf Ilr. illinin-,' l'ii lj l'llli nlHte that llii'V are lint I ii 1 1 -1 , t me,l irme hut a liremriiitiini mud (,,r mniK yearn by an eminent praetirinner who (iMdiieed the tiioat w nndi rf nl r-fult wenkiiiw fiiriiiK all forum f wi-ukn-.H anmiiK from a watery condition of the l.lood or "hattercd nervex. two frciitf il r nuea of alinont every ill to w liii h flesh m lo ir. The iill are alao a h i die f,,r thi- troutdea pecnliur to feinalex, me h iih iippremtiniiH. all foriim of weakm, i li roil ic coiiHt ipatioli. hearing dow n pain, etc., and in th' cane of men will irie ulieedy relief and cfleet a peruuini'iit cure in ali caaea ariaine from menial worry, overwork, or exii-nrna of whatever na tiiit. They are i-ntindy hiirtnleHu in I rat; be Kivcn to weak and snkly i liildr,-n with Inn Kf'atcH! K,,nd and without the lisrhtcMt danger, l'ink 1'illn are sold ly II dealers, or will be dent pnntpaid on re ceipt of price CM cenu a bm. or mix box-; for t-.'yilfy are never aold in bulk er by thp by addrenHing Ilr. Williain' ilodiclue Company, Schenectady, N. . M?r. and women want half their iven in insiini! each other's aoiinanii inre and the other half in regrettitijf javing done no. N.-W l.i. flquil Itoitell ItiftCtllt. For raliwil tiiMeuit set a aponirD to rist i for bread at fi o'clock. At half past 3 ruu into a ijuurt of Hour a tablespoon fill of lard, h little white gujjur and a ie;f,.oonful of wait. .V'ake a hole in the middle and put in your uporiK-. Knead .Xnehlly with enouch lukewarm urlk and water lo make It Into a soft douti. iM U rise. Karly In the morning knead tt down, and make in'o lnirnit' and set before I ht (ire tonne. Hake half nn hour. WOMEN'S TACliS ami wither v. itli tunc ; tlir blfMiiu tijr rone in oiil v kii'fv n t't the health y wmi.m chf ks The Tlr TV- the :iih;if nt and (f lUllUH p'TIMJ-J li HI-" V'W&-JLr.iV i.ti-1 tlie !ui...t 11 .V ' i r . . mm win I v il 1 f .11 mi( a fatiiiK. can o!P n be tracrd by ttir linen in tie- woui.iu s f:icc Dull evr?. the a.tllow or wiinkh d fare and thoM- "ferlmes of wiakiiri ' liav, (leir tiir in the dcticifrenu'iit aad it n kuLii itics p'-riiliar to wotiini The fiiuc: iwu' ! taiie nien!, painful disoidi -is. and chinuic w riin ni'l'wrs of w otlictt, call he I'll 1 1 il v illi l)t'n I-avniiic Pii'sciiptioii I'm tin yminn (firl jn-it cnti-iintf woinanliniiil, for the nioiiiei and those about to tn rotu lnnllnis, and htct in "tl:-:- (.lunge of lib-." the " I'rinciiptioti " js (u't r lint they v, l . it ai'J" nature in prepaiini! the -v-!i in In: tin" fii.ine. It'n a iin dicine prc-i t ib, d lot thiuy ycur, in tiio Ui ai ol v.oni'ii. by fr it. V rit-rre. 'jjef r,,n:-!':::-r pliv i-: u to tie: Invalids' Hotel and Siiririral In-ti Duiulo, N V. Dr. lit. J'iypjv ? avmjte In- cluoini mi,.,;i;:."i rrc-M-ription will cuu- t!i lion ol the lining tnrmbmiiin whicli ran" nut h rxhHiistiitv drains inein tie sv-eiu Ilnov i nervous oiostt.iiiini. siet -nit -ssin sv laiutiu s. nervous debility and ail disordt-is ait-iiiR from dcratisteiiicnl of tin fetii ilc and functions. Mis, Williams, of .fohnu k htue d , Miction, writes " I was,v-i( f,,f merlin re yrar wal, l,l,,,il iliy tlli. rs-ilpuatioii itf lur heari. jnhi m i!,P hack md head, and l tunc w,n;! l hnv irh a weak tired (e-. hlft when I Un k h nn in lie- motttuiK. and al tiiuri nervou .lull. Thr phvHiitATt ihf :t-ii a o what niy tc niu- wm !,( ol,e " oieui tint nir rnv tM. As wii a I ' i lnkinR I)r I'lrrcc ravonir 1-re- i-'iPUoii. lK-yau io tl ts-ller : mnlil lren Mhs William r-l inirhla anU llwl Pel ui-lvi.ii. f- I' ll" in my la, 'k tu,-i k-fl ne I , l rro.r wilhmit ((eltin!( turd I took I i -ill Ihrse oiMlleaol prrstnpliou anil Ivrnol Ilinuv-rj " NEW SHORT LINE TO 1 J FJUNCII,ftMlPM'rMt,OIUIM, HB. lb-- f I I sill OIAI-TKH XV.-rontiniii-rt. l'hp niuht was liaimy. fiut the great oi uif day im netl. How tlt-lt tit f l is itiitidrivinualiout III (lIK'tl rBITill 'iw in tli i.i t,.,u ' , "Vi-iaimed or.ildino. Iioundint; H tf' ni-vcr drive Hlti-rdiiincr in ; oi'inianil. I wonder whv " Jht) evf-nini'ii art- t-nlHom warm fnnuh. ' replied He lend-n, Htndinf by the (l.Mir for (jranny had not jt come out. "Vim have not many even ing liko this at Inchiiiui-ew." 'Hut they are warm enough for tn at Inu'- or, at li.-BHt. we no, whether it in warm or not." naii nho. lauhinif. '.Not clad like thin. ' and ho L'lanced at ttie Milt white cam'.rie ilonnd for eain'iric her aiit h party, and conaidered auitn lile to end tins day in, the while, in his mind's eye, he beheld the routfheat. warmest, thi kest of Herire frocks over whicli c en a do tile-folded iitu.i l 'hud no' n unwelcome. "Don't you re in, uiUt." he added, and aw he Hwike lie looked her fully and Ixidlv in the be e, dou t you remember how cold it j.'i ow, and how you nhivured and trem liled that mtrtit.'" 'iranny ca i.e outere he had an an bwcr. (Iranny was much pleased with her entertainment. The scene altogether was as novel to her an to ( .eraidino, for there had been noth ntf of tho kird ill Ikt y., n(f days, and ohe looked and won, ered, and admired, and trotted hither and th liter, and jfavo herself up so ent irely to the eniyment of I ho evenini;, that ahe, too, once more Im; camo the t'ranny of Inchmurew, not the stately dume Uellemicn had found in Mo ,nt Street. After desi eiidinif from t he tower, the three pioeeeded to wander alwat.. hornet lines looking at thlnobjeet. some times at that, o -canionally listening to Hi- niiisiciaim. now taking a eat. now wa kinf to and fro-all was pleasant, mid each one was p!e jbed, lint we must really uo some time,'' cried the old lady at last. "We have been beguiled into staying much later than I inten led. and our poor eoa ti maii will have wonnered what can pos sibly have happened to mt. I had been jrroinir a little lidycty bttiore jou came luck ust now'' - from which it , may be interred that the chaperon hat. i more than once been ie't lor a few minutes to resl herself, whUe the I other-i had just stejiped round the cor , Per to sen HO'nethint' absfiliil-ely ini I perulive to be seen 'we tnust lose no ; t me now," she said at last. '(.ieral I i i in: your bhawl It m un).ng ,,iuU'. cold. 1 have put on mine home time ' nco Now." and she set oft briskly. and either did or would not notice that it was lielledden who slowly drew the I shawl round her chaiye. the while he l bent bin head to murmur somelhinc; which told her that lie was ttiinkint; , o; auot her darkened sky and deepen , in"" chili, when the sel. -same wrvieo bad been turned into a close ca ess I le parted from t hem at. their car ' Hatre iloor, saying be would walk 1 iioufe. ' Hi' wished to be alone-, and felt t hut . (ii Tallinn: did a!so. "-lie has won me, and I think I base won her,'' he told himself. "She is a noble croat'ire. and I deserved richly that (should be despised 'or inv i nn 1 1 1 t towards her. Hut now we are I-, clieo- i nie iled now I may say what, I e, limit what , choose, make any Hi- I choose How ijuick, how heiisi e she is' How read, Ij she s inv meaning and interprets sign! She ni si know all. She uinlerst :iud me. i have been urn-! i i.i.ii (oioii.'li. I have -aid every I h i ne; i o, il 1 in- one lliin. and t nut, I shall not , hnger oi er now. An I 'o think tba tin- little I ie t behill on the I J' ,.liian 1 lot-h was to be my 'utc aftec I Was he. or lit tit: too fast: was lie no', gettinir on a II A I'l l II X I. ( I.i ll. A I J J I K Klv I.VTTA, When tn, it I', by had tiie wondrous change iiiit i-ouic a i it ol Itself il lul l res it of no e orl, of no i li no alii 1 , 1 1 . en liic1 simplv iBirne his pun It ha I been hi gcnu'l.'. !lel;ei: isluuent i" p. it lellci an I after th li-st. had Iieilln'1' da. lieu it. and in rercnlo .. nor dis this had lam his ii.'' h. Wnat woman i an long re : the meek endurance of le-r wrath" ml h feiirioii t h" old eh irin hal lie-, ii to work. I 'el'lll!'H licit her lllte Knew nn, ll It ll.ll H) ticeilll ecl'lHilll i .cd ne tiid no , and w is lain to con 'in e in i ' or.iii e but .if: er that even ing i i I lie ai 'ileus, nay. even ufler the 0 her sn nt in tiie hoi and 'l (evdeil 1 heater -Ic could nil long er eom'ea I iru ii 'm i sei t hat it, was there she would ' nd her-el lo king lis t -n Hi.'. re-O'Ci iiny :'s o! yorii. Anon -In- would ii '.ai.e with II sill. I wil with le-r-.-., anil with him nil ton la I . lint was Hi b done." The w ,i - ill Was ,-e. a', ll hee.lil , tie" let 1 ! h 1 u - -:i el I .:uly a', iii'ind. fi.t w i - a i.ei son o It ore e net Ml ill el 'I' 'Ills I'l i e, op ll e ins tnau her other and she had not a t,, -el ci' ai'i''''' '1 ol several inn si ne nt-, to whi b ' .crnlilliie h. el been hiKeii: tut Hen , y lo-eatta was L u line (estiva ol thii veal' of whi h she w,.-wuli! lo pa take with un iialilied nlisfaclio'i. Her sister Maria, y: ill le reineml et'eil, was the other a' nt oceiisionnll V mfetred to at Inch tt a t'w hml now issued her customary invitation to "t" at, The I awn, u iiown the river in Imals lunch ou the ban n, and en oy all the pleasures Oi tin' icgalta with Bone o' its to. Is. Ma ria had hoped that hot' mother and niece wn lu lie 'h's yeae of the party Kiwi and in her letter instructor ( 'har loitn to concert wlih tbm as to pro-j ouccanei. "You have got i'ouc invitation, I ! know, said her ladyship, cominsrin early tine morning, ' and 1 am no if. ad that i.eraidine will have the treat. 1 con ider Hemey Heatta dtiito the prettiest of the summe KiKhU.'' Whereu on granny couched and liyiked at out her, but made no an swer. " ) ou n.ean to tro of cour-eV de manded I-ady liaymond, soim what im periously. "1 - we have not quite made up minda, my dear. " The truth was that ecil was the diltic lty. i .eraidine iiud not. it wan true, put into words the burden whi h was daily pressing upon ner in the shape ot Cecil, saying to herself that her t'ranumother Haw nothinir, and that she would not lie so nellish as to diHiurb her poor dear serenity and peace of mind; but granny had in rea ity been carefully ou the alert, watehinif at every turn for what ini";ht next betall, and ready to catch her cue in a moment ot time, at anv emer gency. She also thought it benttosay as little a-n need be, ami only to do notliinir an I a cept nothine; without her granddaughter B Bam tion. Cecil had pone with the two to Ascot, and to Hurlineham, and had spoilt Inith nays: was he now to sjioil Henley also? (ieraidine had announced her inten tion of Kointf no more to either ol the former resorta. Ascot Bho sa d, h d been very i retty.J very bright, very fjay, the horses thomsel en had been i eautiful and the racinir delijrhtful; but she had not liked it an a whole -and there had been a quick shake of the litile resolute head and a tie ting of tho stern younif lip, which mirht after all, have hud no reference to her cousin. Jiut in regard to llurlingham, he had certainly been the chief of fence. There she had seen nothing but a harm ess polo match and had drunk tea on tho lawn, ami dined later on in the club-hoime, and certunby whatever evil had been present, it had not presented itself to her in nocent eyes, so it was it must have been Cecils presence on that occas ion- which had caused the alfairto lind so little favor in her si":ht. "It was altogether stulo,'' she told liellerilen. afterwards. "Stale:'' exclaimed he in surprise. "1 did not know. I fancied you had never t een there before.'' ' Neither I had. And," said (Ier aidine impetuously, "1 never wisli to V,o there UL'aiu." "Your cousin tn st have been disap pointed." observed he. "Ho meant to please yon, I know." lie hud not hi . self been of the party, and knew very well why. ' it wits stupid." cried tho sjMiilt child, "stupid. We felt so foolish, (,'ranny and i, and Cecil, sittini; up therewith no vine to talk to and no reason why we miht riot as well have been at home. If Cecil h id invited a nil'" be " oj nice people " "iyseli. for Instance." ( erald ne laughed. "Defray it,'' continued he. only hal' in jest, "because, yon s, e, 1 was so ter ribly anxiors to go, and :-o greatly dis appointed that I was not asked." ow there was no chance of his be ing askeil to Aunt Mariu's Henley party- and that in itse'f iiht Ipive taken the edge oil so ..eiaiJy's pleas ure but if to ; hat were to be added Cecil liuymonds uninterrupted com linionship for two whole (lays, the outlook might e regarded as black indeed, in conse , nonce came granny s co.ign w hen tier (laughter s pressing tone seemed to coin pel an answer "Yea" or ' Nay'- she read consterna tion on the brow of her fa r barometer. You will go. of course," pro 'ceded ! ndy liiiymond, however. "1 know yen are disengaged, and Maria is co nting : -pon you. She told me long ! ago that she hud not worried vo ' with invitat ions before, so she bad reckoned on you foi the regatta. We sha I bo a family parly so pleasant The I, awn always ,'ooks lis hi st at regatta time, lied a lew days in the country w ll do us all goo;!.'1 "(ier.ildine and I yes I think we can go but really we mu t talk il together limt ' protected granny, do ing as well ascould have been expe ted of her. "You see you are our I rst Intimation of the news for though we had got the letter, ' had really hardly looked at it. " nervously turning the envelope l aekwards ami forwards in he:' hand. "Wit will endeavor to un. , b'U - ' i "i ih you must really make a p sh for il All along it has i een uniler sloiid that I teraUiine was to see lion ley and I can assuie you both, that, as a sight, it is 1n its way. unburn. My girls en oy it of all tilings. The row iiown tint river for The l.awn , three m les aiiove Henley the crowds of boats, the music the br.giiln.-ss, the gai 'tv o er all, ' c 'ied l.udy IJiiymond, w il Ii renewed animation, 'and Maria fi ally eer s her.-elt to get the right p.'up.o together. I have net e,-met any on! pleasant people there. Tin; girls wiilteliyo tliu same. She invites a cons:d, ruble ii'i nbcr to luncheon, in addition to thoseslop, ing at the hou-e. i used to take Kthel and Alicia when they were still in the school room - I lelt so sure ot t hei-e only uiuelitig the right s rl ol people. 'I hat, and the I ton. an! Harrow match, were the onlv galas we permitted t hem, HMyoung girls "i ih, '. o.i must come to t he regatta," Ethel win s.i, iui aside lo ( .eraluine. ' II is really good f u, ami wo snould all be s i d. -unpointed if yo did not. I doubt if Aunl Maria wo dd ever forgive il. Tell grantiv she must go " Which i-ornlduie ilid with a sigh. Mio saw I here wm no lieip i,r it. since to eli . 11 out wo lil bm . b,.cn " ! ! fui e ,; i y 1 :uii!.ot ,011 ol a. 1 I III lo Ih) ik.lixled I't the pf' Sll.'lt Cl'isl; now all 1 hut n n aiii' il lo bo dou to try mnl vtriiyyli- ll.iouh lis and lis tu-iiveiy a- sho ronlil. " ou lire vi i ti lT to Hi'iili'V." ' 11 no w its tt'ell Sllill I es. I'.cll. nili'ii. when in- hcarc of it. Iloiiley ti 1 K 1 be very yiioii lun if you i are I Ii the ri'hl sort l people ' he j milled. uiiKinscio sly piny uiri inLiuly! 1,'nyinond in his choii e o ioeas. "Whi)' Hi e vou to be w il h'f' When he heard of whom the party ! were 10 consist, anil that It. was to be eonliiied to the t amonils and the St. tieoi'tfOH, his laco changed. "I don't know Mrs. deorye,' he sub, "but 1 xhall see you, I dare say. o re how. I shall fo down for the ila. It Ih a miserable way of doing It. bull nave no ouior. 1 am too lulo lo u'ut a room anywhere now." .-o fur. she h'id prevented the nniU 1 dnkT si-tkeu whicii she had f it were tr, III 11 nL' more than nin e iiikiii I tie ' lilis hard , 1.11(1 haa list Inanaet-d to turn asi- e more than one moment in stinct with opiori unity, bo that fclie had got as far as another weekou, since l:,e night in the gardens, with out any adiance having been made: but she had learned more anil more to distrust herself, and to watch that other one. Was iiellenden but toying with her young heart a second tuner Si.e (.id not think o but how was she to be surer' vVhut if t hike; meaning if uuee ,, those dulcet undertones, the pains he took to be near her, tile trlooin on Ins brow when parted lrom her, were all but the cunning of a master hund play intr again its delusive, magic music; r, e had thought he had loved her once - not lo ed like this, of course but still iiad granted her a place in his altections and memory which she had lieen proved never to have possessed; and as she ad refused to doubt him then, how was she now to trust herseif to judge h m aright' TO UK CONTl.S'ftD. The Future of the KmmU About ti H) miles of the great trans Siberian Itailroad have been opened for ! travel with befitting ceremonies, savs the Huston (ilobe. This is less signilieatit in itself than in what it portends for the future of European and Eastern civilization when the whole road, covering 5,tJ(() miles, is pushed across Siberia. We generally think of Siberia as a desolate province where the victims of "darkest Kussia" are locked out of the world; but this immense region of the earth has vast tracts of fertile land, and the new mad will prepare the way for a Hood of cheap grain to inundate the markets of Europe and appal the European farmer. Such a vast speculative enterprise as this, with rails spanning over a lifth of the circumference of the earth and costing li"i,M),i)(Wj for construction, could hardly be carried through in any other country than Kussia, where the co-operation of the Czar counts for everything. When this load is completed and unites Asia and Europe its inllueiice upon the destinies of the East will lie iiicalcuiibl". Every European country having possessions in the Orient will b; fleet d. It may iiiean, too, that Russia, and not the t 'nited states, is yet to supply Europe with bread, for another I'nUed States, for purposes of supply, will be set up in the heart, of the i.asteni con tinent. The world is wide. The vast re sources locked up in the almost bound less Russian empire are relatively un touehed as yet, to say nothing of the possible capacities of tiie oriental masses when aroused from the long slumber of antiquity by the new on coming forces of progress. All Depends on the Heart. Jl ; who rudc'iv iliiius a crust to a beggar hits, indeed, supplied food for a hungry body, but has robbed both him- j s df ami the b 'ggar of what was their , due - hmise'l of the privilege of show ing forth the spirit of .Jesus, and the begga" of the glimpse of a nobler life. Sell -isolation is self-destruction. We need the incitement to virtue which comes fnuu association with the lowly and needy quite as much as thev need "Iir n,'lP- '' lifts so ordered this world that none have greater need tt. be th,'i:i the self-sitlislied; and none are so poor that they may not become God's almoners, if tiiev will. All de pends on die hea:t. if the Spirit be within, His fruits, gentleness and good le ss, the kindly heart and the generous hand, will be manifest. -lev. (I. W. Mcl 'ormick. The Oldest Stamp. Parisian stamp collectors liave been discussing the qu"St.ioti whether the English stump of IM!), called the Row land Hill stamp, is really the oldest in ("tisti-m c, and the conclusion arrived a' is to this view. They claim t i:it the first French stamp dates from n 'iit lv two centuries earlier, in lti.VJ. ! In that year people used to buy at the ! P'!air de .Justice, in Paris, ''biilets tie j p nt p:ie," or carriage paid tickets, j with which the cauiagc of letters for j any place within the capital could be i p epaid. One of these tickets is said J 1 1 be in the possession of M. Feuillct 1 de Conches. It was used by PcllisKon, i the famous inmist t and academician, j on a letter addressed by him to Mile. ! Scudery, the no less famous romance writer. lllsuipoiiil mif a I'riillil I-ill her. A jirond father had, just before din ner, been Mliug the visit or bow clever ,JiiH little girl was. He naid it, was not, j p-e;'o"i'v; it wits itit"! . Wrien 1 slit- l"U'ii''d h t Ii tritr slit' knew its vain -, j and she was never known, like other chi'dren, to ask foolish ipiestions. Y ou'll see now. If that child asks ,1 jiii"-i'ion about, anything itwillsnr- p. is you with its sense." At, dinner ; the conversation fumed upon Austria. I The in!" i e'tilal child was l.tliillL' it u:l in. ,,( In a iiti "Papa!' i'l the ta'k. "Wlct is it. she pip"d my ilea'"?" ;i ile;isin visitor, as send He' p smile, its h t I pirent, with In ikciI at the tunc 1 as ; you list ,.; (riches in ".Now is your chlinc.'; .'tia, are thev all os- Austria?" Iti'ncnicil the 1 11 rtovnl Ion. Pr. Klvey, in his recently published iiC'innit'S, t' lis the siorv that, on une occasion. wh'Ti th sernion had been changed to jileiise some visitors, the orjrun-blouer, uitich ollended said: on cm play Holers in 1) if you like, but I shall li'ow Attwood in ('." In BltVeial i'.Ulopeall couilllltii, in--l I iiif Kmc-" md IM jiuin, elections are always held on Sunday. Crisp Comment The less money a man has the more he talks about nuance. A fool always burns his fingers be. cam-e he cannot remember that the fi-e ( Is hot. Ham's Horn. Chicago has a dog show. Its other exhibition of high moral perception is the city council. Chicago llecord. The constitution under which t hitia is now operating must have been modeled after a Gilbert and Sullivan opera. Washington Post. Humor at the Altar. Some funny stories are told about the marriage service. One of them re lates how an old man, brought rather unwillingly to the altar, could not be induced to repeat the responses. "My good man exclaimed the clergyman, "1 really cannot many you unlee von do as you are told." But the man s; ill re mained silent. At this unexpected hitch the bride lost all patience with her future Rpouse and burst out with: "Go on, you old toot! Say it after hlra just the same as if you was mock in' him." '1 he same difficulty occurred in an' ther case. The clerg'. man al ter explaining what was necessary and going over the responses several times without the smalless effect, stopped in dismay, whereupon the budegroom en couraged him with: "Go alidad, pass'n; go head! 'i'hou'rt doi.i' bravely." Up on another occasion it was, s'rangely enough, the woman who could not be prevailed upon to speak. When the clergyman remonstrated with her she Indignantly replied: Your father mar tied me twice before, and he wasn't axtn' me any of them impertinent ques tions at all." . Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved me inunv a doctor's bill. S. F. Hahdy, Hopkins' 1'lace, Haltimore, Md., Dec, Vi.'VJl. When a woman ceases to dress find put on airs for a man, you may know that she is in love, and that, he soon won't be. lioston Home Journal. How's Thi. "We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for anv case of catarrh that can not ht cured by 11 all's Catarrh Cure. K. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O We, the undersigned have known K. J. Cheney for the last In years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and nnancially aide to carry out nn obligations made hy their tirm. Wkst it Tkuax, Wholesale druggists. Toledo, )., Walihnb, KlXNAN it Makvin. W holesale druKgists, Toledo. O. Hail's Cutarrh Cnre is taken internally, acting directly upon the blond and mucous mirtaucn ol the system. Testimonials seni Irce. l'riee Too. per bottle. Csoid by a,l Ilruggists. No woman Is a natural liar. She on ly tells untruths when she thinks by so doing to please the man she love1-'. Texas to the l'ronl Agnin. That the cigarette habit can be com pletely cured Is demonstrated in the Htatemenf of Emerson M. Noble, of Houston. Texas, to the Stcl'liug Itemed' Co.. of Chicago, manufacturers of Xo-to-bac, who writes that after using one box. of No to line, which he bought at the drug store, he had no desire for cigarettes, though having smoked them for eight years' that there is souieliiing indescribable in .nci'llcet- of No I" b:ic, and thai he has nothing but good words to say for it. Silver cones and stoppers to ph. as bottles are pn-lened perfectly plain with monogram mnttw vtu ta that there is one rheumatic, neuralgic, sciatic, and all-pain remedy, as harmless as water, and sure as taxes It is J3t. Jacobs Oil used by everybody, sold everywhere. "Thoughtless Folks Have the Hardest Work, but Quick Witted People Use SAPOLIO For suing clothes rquullcd. Try it. h N. K. Fairbank Koth Probably KlKht "You are always talking about how ciiiiaren ought to be 'rained, Maria," M,-. H'i'.us, "but I can't see that Joiinpy improves a particle in his be havior at the table." "And you are a ways telling how easy it would be to put business on its teet again and make every :.o -it pros perous, but I can't see thai yi u leave any more pin money Iviiik about die house than you ever did," return d Mrs. billus ( hicago Tribune. THE "CARLSBAD OP AMERICA." What !l jor Tyaon of r i ie, , Aljolit i.otSpriuca, S. U. 1 left Erie, Pa., about Nov. 1, surrounded by my friends who 180,. very much doubled my reiiini in betier health and arrived at Jiut Springi, S. (., sit weak and dishearti n tl that 1 required aid to leae the cars and reach the hotel. Tne iir.t few weeks I felt no im provoinent, then I experienced a change which continued uuiil mt oeparture. I returned to my home very much stronger and almost tree from pain. 1 uo not hesitate to sav to anyone seeking relief from p.uu thai I believe there is no place where 411 invalid wili feel the benefits of the curative powers of the waters, the pure nr. ihe tjran i mountain scenery and the hospitable treaunent more than at. Hot Springs, South Dakota. A11 eleeant hotel with every provision for sum lore and ail that goes to make one leel at home, can be found there. Wm. W. Tvso.v, Commander Peun, Soldier's and Sail or's Home, Erie, Pa. Send to J Francis, G P. A. Burling ton Route, Omaha, Xeb., for a beauti fully illustrated folder, descriptive of Hot SpriiiL'B. WALTER BAKER & CO. The Lartrertt .Manufacturers of PURE, HiCH GRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES i fWk t-ontmnt, have rrtiMTea lfrm Ulf;:)ECT ADftQ Vein the g-at EXPOSITIONS In Europe and Afflerica." T'niiki UK' Utiffti Vn.cfnt, nn Alkn- x or UIht i'li( iili'iils or Jycn tro I'll tn inv :il flifir tirclia .MiI, Ttu'it (Iciiciuua UHKAKl- AST COCwA 10 ibiw.utely pure tod noluble, .-rtt ''-un vie n '-up. SOLD BY GriOCE.-.S J.vLHvotf(. WALTER BAKEtli CO.lCRCHtSl'ER, MASS. No Slyle Excels . In sirks or in sai ind In linen or wool In trill? that are milled, In folds that, are full; A t all sue:; 1 f unenons Where fashion does lurk, There is untight that excels Our Fine fjJiuniirv work. New Pearl Steam Lanudry, - 2Uo"fc. Agency Woik a Specialty. x . n. i . -No. aa7-i York. Nb. illl KN WltlTIMi ' pli-a-i- say ymi 111 llus puui'c. ro in 1:111 iskhs saw the ticlverr.lHi-mi'iit women Above All :rs There i no oap in the world that 1 stands so bik;h in tbe opinion of 1 thoughtful women as SANTA Bum nisina 1 1 m Othc CLAUS SOAP or doing housework, it can't be I Sold everywhere. Made only by i Company. - Chicago. 1