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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1894)
THE SIOUX COUNTY JOTJR1TAL. o L. Simmon. Editor and Proprietor. F. E. t 1I.VH.K. Timetable (kriiig Wet. doing Kat. Jio. . mli"l. 1 1 :1S I So. , luiiwi Are you ;''"(? to Mnutrone. Aug. 8'r Will llougl) Mill on trutHies from the fall he gut in the bull game. (ret rauiv to go to Montrotw on August ftth to take in tlie lull gume and dance. The Junior Iaue gave an euter t&inment at the church lat Friday even ing. For reliable, Hrt las dental work of any kind, go to T. J- Oibson, Craw ford, Nebraska. A train load of cattle went east Monday w hich indicates that the block shipping Reason is at liand. Itev. K. I). Irvine will hold Episco jial services at the church on Friday evening, July 27th. All are cordially invited to attend. Uctave llarriH had two horses so liully cut with the wraiier w hile work ing on the irrigation ditch that they had to be killed. If you want to preserve your har ness be sure to buy Vacuum father Oil of J. V. Smith. If it dixs not prove to be good all you have to do is to return tlie can and get your money. CharleM Lcwia and Miss Minnie Ilen- nis were married on Wednesday, July 25, lHill, at the residence of A. McOitiley, Iiev. J. W. Kendall olliciating. II. J. Smiley and family and Tiik Jol KNAL family went to While river last Sunday, and we had trout for dinner on Monday and we did not use n seine to catch them either. SthaYEU From (he residence of the undersigned, near (!cn, two dark bay mares, three years old, weight about 1 ,2IM) pounds, each, branded colt's foot. A liliera! reward will be paid for infor mation leading to their recovery. Jamks T. Mason, Glen, Neb. Ilon't wt-ur out yourself and your mower sickles by using the olil-fashiom-d grinding stone, but get a ( line sic kl grinder of K. E. I.ivermore. J In will lie in Harrison each Monday mid Saturday and will show you all about them. Thev will save more than thev cost in one haying season. The fourth ami last ipiarterly meet jug for the present conference year will be belli at Harrison August 1H and 111. A full attendence of the oflicials of the church is desired as matters of import ance will come teforo quarterly confer ence. STRAYKD 1 chesnnt sorrel gelding branded N K connected; 1 grey gelding branded I C, Ixilli 4 years old and weight about nine hundred Kunls. A libera reward will be paid for information lead ing to tlieir recovery. Eujot V. ISnowx, Hal Creek, Wyo. Rev. T. L Sexton, I. D., will organize the 1'resbyterian church nt Iiodurc on Sunday, July 20th, at 11 o clock, a. m. Dr. Sexton is a minister of ability and all wlio can should attend the exercises. A. W. Molrr .report that, it has been very dry wlicra lie bus been in Iowa. The tame gmsn is a failure ami if they have not bud rain by this time, tlw corn will bo badly injured and potatoc and small gram will amount to Imt little. It seems that tliere are wor-c pluces to he in tlran Sioux county this year. Commissioners Weber ami linHliam returned Friday from their trip to the south part of tlie munty wliero they Viewed ami appraised tlft; additional educational lands recently selected by tlie irtate Authorities; They report hav ing IkicI a good deal of hard word bnt. in other reiets a nnln'r pleasant Hobt. rerirwsoiif of C rawiorct, is Htimkiy school organiser for northwest Nebraska ami will Assist the jit;ojrl in Mjirting tlieir Sund.iy fVhool nt ev'ery Weigbborliood wheie :ifool are needed Tlxme wanting H. S. He.tse write to Mr. Ferguson, ns he will,, if need-d, grant wipdie of Isvm Helps and picture "lrr lor tlie schools organized, -"-The Jegislutive committee f the )oftbC?t Nelififska Irrigation Amia lm m failed to meet nt Hnrrison on eat Tnrlay( The irrigation cpiesticd H the ! ftder in Nebraska and the north wl orifaniwitioiT is the pioneer m its legMntive work and invite the eo-opra-tiot of I ! other organization in the tafe Wecfneidny, Acignt fth, hiiH iVen decidec o as f he data hit the HaiYison hall M to go to Montrose to play the return' game. TIk- Montrose pieopfe are preparing to' make it iw pleivsant m prm sible for all whey attend'. H h fhe in tention to give a dunce in the evening And keep tlie crowd there rnitir next clay, tyuite ft number besides the pltiyerW con femplate going to Montrose to1 enjoy the port and' it in aafo predict tlSut a' good (Mine Will be had. -'-A' meeting at the' people of Harrison Wan held last evening and it wart decided fo help get) Hp a comity fair, O. W. WesUir. T. O. WilliainH,1 I). If. Oriswold, J1. Ki Mnratellor ami 3. E. Vhinnoy w ere apjmlnted'a gvtleral committee to act ith H agricultural society in the mat ttei. An soon as a muetitljf of thu society can be cftiled, if tfie peopla in' M parts of A county will all take hold of it there Hi oo rwiwn why good timo cannot be CRACKED THE SAFE- BOLD IlOllllKltV (W THE TOM OFI'ICE. The 1'aperK and Cali-box Found, But Money and 3Nen Still Mi-dnir. X Slick Job. The discovery early Monday morning of the fact that the ostollice safe had been robbed -aused a gcd deal of ex citement amoug the Ksiple of Harrison. Attention was lir-.t attracted by the broken windows in the front ot Mir steller Brothers store, in which the jhjsI ofliee is locatet. Investigation as to tlie cause soon led to the discovery that the safe had lieen forced ojs-n and the cash Ikix and contt nt -i c arried off. The mon ey drawer at the stamp window bad also b-en relieved of its cash contents as well as the ca.h drawer of the h'.hv, The robbers had first vi-itcd the black smith shop of W. O. r.ilt.Mson and drew a staple from the door an! helped themselves to tools. The front door of the store was forced 0en by the use of a large chisel and a rasp. The perpe trators evidently understood their busi ness and did riot propose to be given away by a lire so they went to the tin shop at the rear of thu store where they procured a large sprinkler which they filled with water, a jiortion of which was used to wet the floor in front of the safe. A hide was drilled thr nigh tlie top of the safe just far enough back to come inside of the inside door another evi dence that it was done by men w ho un derstood the business and a charge of sullicieiit strength to blow both doors oir the safe inserted. When it exploded most of the glass the window was shat tered. The crashing glass awoke I.ew is (K'rlac h who was sleeping in his store and he got up and looked out toward the postollice, but all was still again and he returned to bed, others heard the re port of the explosion, but as it occurred between two and three o'clock it did not thoroughly awake any of them except Mrs. T. O. Williams who thought there was a fire and aroused Mr. Williams, but after looking out and seeing no sign of lire they were soon sound asleep, The cash box of the safe contained alxmt $110 in cash, a check for tf22, vil lage warrant to the amount of fl) and a lot of vouchers, receipts, etc., no use them, and a gold ring. From the draw er they got aUmt a dollar in pennies and from the store till in cash. There was also a registered letter taken from the safe but the supply of postage stamps representing epiite sum were not disturbed. e Yesterday morning the cash box from the safe Was found in W. li. Wright's garden along the snow fence east of the section house, and all that had been taken except the cash and ring. The letter that was registered was also found anil it suileu thai if ) was sent in it so that tlie robbers got 1 1U and the gold ring for their night's work. So far no clue has been obtained as to the perpetrators of tlie deed. On Sun day a man got his dinner at Sheriff IJew's, there being no ou at home hut his mother-in-law and the children and in payment left a new silk handkerchief which had never been unfolded and some one entered H. J. Hiuiley's house some time before midnight Sunday night and look about all there was that was good to eat and also a gun, but what con nection, if they have any, with the rob bery is not known. Postmaster Marsteller, Sheriff Ilew and every one else are doing all in their power to run down the robbers An other indication that, the j ' was done by professional safe crackers is the fac t that all the tools used on the job were found except tlie chill, and us no drills were taken from tlie blacksmith shop, it is ipiite likely that they had a special kind. The ptst few days seem to have been very hard on mowing machines. Knori Bros', team ran away on Tuesday and Andrew says tlie only pieca which was left wliole was tlw sickle bar and that was bent. Frank,-tlie llve-i'ear'okl boy of W. C. O'Connor fell from a hore last Fri day evening and tlio animal stepped on his arm between tiro w rist ami elbow and broke the bum.-. Dr. Shi'fer was ailed ;nid reduced tla) fracture and he will soon lie all right. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Neece were in 1 larrisotr on Tuesday and rented 11, T. (Jon ley 'if bouse and Mrs, Neece and the children w ill occupy it about the Hrst of Septemlwr that the children may go to school. We are informed that others contemplate moving to' town thiif winter in order to a."ix1 tbvnTseKert of the school advantages; It ii desired' io' get a! Complote retard of the subject of irrigation in Sioux county. Jit order to do' tliinf it will be necessary for all Who' httve irri gation ditches to iwsixt ntt We desire to know of all ditches built and in opera tion; number of noresT Under ditch: liumlier of acres under cultivation'; re nulls-,' proposed' schemes" and1 air 6ther information in' regard' tV thb mtvftcr. There it no moi'o important matter to mil' people than irrigation and alt should MiUt In tfettiny thu lofarmttrotr aikti PERSONAL. A. McGinley was at Chadron over Sunday. W. S. Johnson was up from 'H"n Thursday. Slteriff Dew was at Chadron last Fri day night. Mr. and Mrs. Will Phillips were in tow n Tuesday. W. Ii. Wright and family sixent Sun day at Whitney. John Warn was dow n from Ardmore yesterday. Mrs. J. M. Smiley was a pleasant cal ler last Monday- C. F. Coffee was at the county met ropolis Saturday. I). 11. Uriswold'g mother arrived from the east lat Friday. (ieo. II. Turner was in town Saturday j and called at our ollice. J. W. Smith spent some days at the camp meeting at Crawford. Frank Nutto was in from the north part of the county Saturday. Win. Stiill was up from Soldier creek Moiidiv ami called at this office. D. It. Cov.dry. stale bank examiner, was in Harrison last Saturday. Attorney Clark was at Montrose on legal business the last of the week. S. It. Story was in from Antelope yesterday and made an agreeable call. T. I!. Snyder represented Sheep creek at the county seat the last of the week. L. E. Lawrence was up from the east part of the county the lirst of the week. 1'at W. IJunn has returned to Rongis, Wyo., where he is engaged in the sheep business. Wilmer Phillips went to Chadron Friday evening where ho has recieved employment. C. E. Oowey was up from the south part of the county yesterday and called at this ollice. Elliot W. Brown was in Harrison the last of the week. He says the (locks of sheep are doing finely. Kobert Ferguson was in this locality the last of the week and called at this ollice on Thursday. Ed. Case, brother-in-law of Henry Cov ey, arrived from the east last Thursday and will spend some time here looking over the country. Correspondence. Be HiAito Neil, July 21, 1804. This is good corn weather and the corn looks line and potatoes, millet, and the grass on the range is as green as in the spring. Paul UeBock has a fine large truck garden and five acres of potatoes that would lie hard to beat anywliere. John Pfost and wife are home now looking after tlieir interests it the val- ' . July 211th at 11 o clock a. m. J'r. Sex ton from Seward, will organize a Pres byterian church at the Hodarc school house. Mr. lelkeks family entertained the families of Eli Smith, Mr. Arnslierger and Mr. Lull'erty. Also a large number of young folks. "Are you going a berrying'' of "I would like to go is tho order' of the day here now. The Presbyterian numiliers seem to be successful in getting up a subscription towards building them a church here. No one seems to poor to help a littla. drain cutting will begin here this week. Call for (.'oniHiiysitmcrs' JfreUiig The board of county commissioners of Sioux county, Nebraska, are hereby called to meet at the ollice of tlie coun ty clerk at Harrison, Nebraska) oil Wednesday, August t, 1HS4, nt 10 o'clock) a. hi., for the transaction of ordinary comity business. M. J. Blkwbtt, County Oerlt. County Clerk Hlewett has a pair of fine young Hamblekmian horses which he expects to develop into a tine carriage team. Ieonard Hani's team KtaKled to run the other day when attached to a mower and Ion w as mieeremomotrsly stood on his head while tlie team continued on their course imtil the double-tree broke and lc?t tltem loose from the rpacln'ri. Wlrile returning from Harrison hist wceK Octave Harris had a little exien- euce with Ins team, rue nmnmls be came frightened and in his efforts to check tlwm Mr. Harris w.ts pulled over the dash board nnd jammed up some what. The hidies escaped wrth a stare ami livefy shaking up. Ki A. Bigelmv hud a rrtnrtwfay' while nrowtiTg a fcw drtysago and as m result is the po'sessor of a: nev machine.- His rnitles started irst a he was1 getting bit the machine to" renwve ritt obstruction from' m fr6h( 6f the sickld and the machine' w-ar torMidera'm'y demoralized before he Cbljtd stop thenfyk ft. T. Conlcy filed hiM.igna(fott as county nftorrtey the first of la week and last evening he left for Saward1 Itf settle up the estate of his mother,- of which he is executor. He will (herf Aeefc a, new locution- Mr, CfcftW resided here for nearly six yeaW aiw warf twice' toMted to' tho 6fflc 6f cttufrfy' hiiomfi and" hit friendt whih him pronperity whirfar fat roottaf,' TAKE XOTICX. All jiersons indebted to The JcX KNaL on any account and all indebted for subscription to the Iiiib'jwndi'iit are I urged to call and settle at an early date. We desire to have a settlement with every one on our books and want to raise funds with which to meet our bill. If you cannot pay cash, notes on which we can get money w ill be acceptable. Llo not delay this matter as it deserves' your immediate attention. Aiiiimiiicciueiit. 7 the TVwier of Suiiij" Count ij: The sixth annual teachers institute will liegin on August 2l) and continue two weeks. The services of two excel lent instructors have been secured, and it is the purpose to make this institute the most interesting and instructive of an- yet held. In order to accomplish this it will necessitate tlie attendance of entire corps of teachers in the county. While the superintendent fully under stands and appreciates the dilliculties with which the teachers have to contend, Iw feels that it is his duty and that it is but just to those who do attend, that he refuse certificates to persona who do not attend institute for at least one week (which is required by law) unless a very reasonable excuse can lie given. Every effort to curtail expense to teachers will lie made and the superin tendent will endeavor to secure board and rooms for the teachers if they so de sire. Very Respectfully W. H. Ha vis, Co. Supt. Public Auction. The undersigned will offer for sale at his place on Warbonnet creek, on Tues day, July 31, l!lt, commencing at 1 o'clock, p. in., sharp, the following property: 2") head of 2 and :l year old steers, 1 good milk cow, Ii horses, broken, 1 set of double harness, 10 tons of hay, 1 farm wagon, 1 sulky plow, 2 walk ing plows, 1 hay rake, 1 drag, 1 cock stove, 1 heating stove, and other farm tools and household goods too numerous to mention. TERMS A credit of one year will be given on approved notes drawing 10 ier cent interest, on all sums over iflO. All sums of $10 and under to lie cash in hand. A discount of 5 per cent for cash will be given on all sums over $10. AtorST W. MoilH. TH'is. Rwiry, Auctioneer. Public Sale. On Saturday, July 2H, lHftl, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the undersigned will offer at public auction in Harrison, Neb., the follow ing property, to-vvit: 1 work team; 1 lumber wagon; 1 set of double harness; 1 mower: 1 hay rake; 2 stirring plows; 2 drags; 2 cows; 2 calves; also household goods and other articles loo numerous to mention. TFJiMS OF HALE. A credit of 8 months will be given on approved notes bearing 10 per cent in terest on all sums of $10 and over. All sums under $10 cash in hand. A dis count of 10 per cent will be given for cash on nil sums over $10. J. V. Sfnn,z. Tiles. RkidV) Auctioneer. ALVIX T. CLARK" ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, HARRISON, - NEBR. Practices in all the courts nnd before U. S. I and Office.- J. K. I'HINNKY, M. 11. Physician amf Snrgeon, Alt Cult tflven prompt attention, onicc In Driftf Store. HAMIWOSi - - SEMtASKA. b. h. Rtttrck, Fashionable Barbor& Hair Dresser. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. BAfrmH Anb scissors rtf i rmriWt. (.if t ipm i cn-ir. JtllAFF.R; (. J. I'hyhKta anW n'fniEoX, HARRISON,- - NEBRASKA. lJipntberia, Hheinmitism,' Kerfntfu trod all Chronic Diseases it Specialty. O'ftlce upstairs in SMITH BUI FjOlfto. HARNESS -AND SHOE SHOP, l "V7.- SMITH,- Proprietor. New Work and re pairing neatly executed, (ibai ork, tax nratcrtal and rotnomiWe arlfioi Ut'ARAHTiWn. f.-ive m a tail. NllAA, flBOOTS&SKQES IMS. b I tGt 5. 1 BUUI IN lilt WUKUI 1HAX MARK COPrnGHIui The above picture is intended to call Attenti on TO THE MARSTELLER Have the largest and most conudtte stock of BOOTS JNJD SHOES Ever offered to the people of Harrison, and we are confident that we can suit all, both in STYLE AND PRICE. Our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries;; Hats, Caps, Underwear and Furnishing goods is Complete. CLOTHING We have for Men, YOUTHS and Boys, which we are selling at Bargains. We also carry a full line of Hardware, Flour and Feed. MARSTELLER BROTHERS. Harrison, Neb. HESTER S SOU DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies. HARRISON The Harrison LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE, GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES, GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS, TERMS REASONABLE, GIVE ME A CALL GEORGE OLINGER. I'U'Ol'TRlETOlt Jlllfe E LI MAX vv ah ntrll nKAf.KflLR ran yon machine cheaper than yon can C qtomwhere. The NEW HOIHB la Avfpt, mi iir malre cheaper klttoaj nch i the CLI11AX, IDEAL an Othey mch Arm Full Nickel Plate flewtna machlnea for 15.00 an up: cfcall tH our agent or write n. We raot your trade, and If prlcect, term a eqoare deallns will win, we wilt ha- It; We challenice the world W MiiiiM m RKTTKR tso.OO ftewlasr fWi-haA ih A ka aci. a m tittr iHO. I nMmvmmamv v r , v v , - -. tcwiaa; machine for $40.00 than ftrtt eatt hnj from ne, or onr A sent. THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHIKE CO. w?Hi)niB flowing Mauhine Co., U1U Nortlr lUlT St. ; St ttmlny WV AGENCY ro. ii' - - .- '-!! j FACT THAT BROTH NEBRASKA. PUREST AND BEST LESS THAN HALF THF PRICE: OF OTHfcKBRABM M- POUNDS,20 4; HALVtSJO .QUARTtRift SOLD IK CANS ONLY MM mm mm mw mm km .r mm v. U It II