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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1894)
UNDAUNTED BY POLAR COLD. fa FaraaJi B)ra la. at Wmm tUi Ia the countries bordering on the Polar seas, where tbe changing eea eons bring alternately the two ex tremes of dearth aod plenty bird are more nuineroiu in the snort sum mer than anywhere else all the world over and io winte- are absent alto gether. All a e imniig anu the.e by force ot circumstance. I a like man ne the hi ds of tempe ate climates a e affected by the seasonable changes, though in a lem decree, th.ough the influence of cold and beat i.poa their food seprlies, rathe than enVct of cold upon their well protected bodies. Accordug to Llt teil's Living Age, a coat ot mail ia not to be compared to a coat of leather for safety, so fa" as a bird's life is concerned. Layer upon layer of feathers can withstand any amount ot water or any deg ee of cold. In proof of this, see bow the delicate tern, after wintering incom paratitelr mild weather, go back to the ice floes of the Polar Sea and lay their eggs on the bare ice. For two or three weeka the tender breast of the &ea swallow is pressed against a cold block of ice. Again, as another example ot the ln.ueoce of food rathe than climate in governing bird action, take the colony of beccaflcos. The beccadco is a Mediterranean bird -common on the wuthern shores of Spain and Italy, in the Grecian Is lands, .-icily and Malta, and on the northern shores of Africa. Formerly it was quite unknown in the British Isles but some yea s ago a large wcnari of tig trees was planted near Brighton, and the beccatlco have dis covered the fact and come over to bare the spoiL Doubtless the night ingales told them the story ot En glish tigs and showed them the way over. Be this as it may, the little birds from the warm sho es of the Mediterranean bid fair to become es tablished as naturalized British sub jects, jfviT A Clever Farrot. 1 "Parrots are not supposed to be gif ted with a sense of humor, " said Lee t dwards to the corridor man at the Southern, "but there is one In a 1 ttle Illinois town that showed a tine appreciation of the fitness of teings. I had to stop at the town to ell a bill of goois and found that there was no hotel. The storekeeier, out of a pure spirit of accommoda tion, kept the few travelers who topped in the town,charging the n i a day fof accommodations worth S3 a week and impressing upon them his elf-sacrincing spirit is taking them at all One ot the features of the entertainment alTorded and the only one that could possible be worth the : pri e charged was fa nily prayers, la which the guests were expected to join. We. hart adjourned to the sitting-room for religious devotion and the good old man read a chapter la Deuteronomy, his plan always being to read tbe bible through from the first chapter of Gene Is to tbe last ooe of i evelatlons, one at a time. With great solemnity he stumbled over the long list of names and when be bad finished we kneeled in prayer. Upon a mantel wasa parrot seeming to listen with great attention. Tbe prayer commenced with a supplication or the entire world, then followed the national government, then the i relatives of the family, each being named, until it had lasted for about twenty minutes, wben suddenly tbe parrotin loud and angry tone cried. K.b, shut up shut up. I say!' a suppressed laugh from tbe members of the household followed and the prayer ceased." St Louis ulobe Demccrau Bound Robin Out at Date. "In trie old days, wben dissatis faction arose anion,' the working classe-1," said an old time manufac turer, -'the leaders of movements ought to hide themselves rather than to be heralded as being at tbe head. 1 remember wben a petit on came into me from my men it was imp esible to tell who was the most active or master man upon the list. They adopted the idea which origi nated at sea wben the crew wished to protest against anything the cap tain did. In those early days, if any one had been ca gbt stirring up dis satisfaction am ng the men of a ves eel, no time would have been lost in stringing bim up to the yardaim. S the sailors, t make it impossible f r the otlicer to know who was the first man to start the list, invented the 'round robin.' The grievance was written in a circle, around which the names were signed, out like the spokes of a wheel In s ch a document one man was just as prom inept as another, s the captain wo Id have to forego any p nlsh ment Well, that's the way my men did. The e pet tions were always round robins.' I' never knew who were tbe leaders and who were the f llowers. But now ro ni robins' are out of date, and committees have taken their place. There is now no attempt to conceal the names ot leaden. In fact, there Is scarcely a manufacturing establishment In the country that bas not 1U recognized Ubor leader." Pittsburgh Dispatch. Tried by II U Peers. Henry W. Paine, the eminent Bos ton lawyer, once went to one of the Interior towns of Main, where a boy .waa on trial for arson. He bad no coaoaaL and Mr. Paine was assigned bv tba court to taka charts of bis cue Ha dlaoovarao. after a brief in tarriww with tba boy, that be was balf-wittad. T Jury, however, was muipcaMfl of tamn who owned bana aac m dafandaat wm attend to btTC Mt " -r aad, ta asita of tba bofa avMawt waakaatfl of guilty- Tba iwaaMiag JtMtaa to Mr. -Hara yoaaay bcCM tr Mr. Piloe arose and. In his dry and weighty manner, answered: "No. your booor; I believe I have secured for this idiot hoy all that the laws of Mala and the Constitution of tbe L nited Mates allow a trial by bis peers." Books Were a Troaanre. In Mr. James Demarr's "Adven tures in Australia," a chronicle of fifty years ago, be speaks ot tbe lack of something to read as one ot bit worst deprivations, For man naturally food of books. It was pretty hard to go two or three months with out seeing a book or newspaper. One day, at a neignboriog sheep station, be found a volume; but alas! it was a book about "tbe right use of reason," and 40 dry that even a man who bad nothing else to read co-Id not read it. It was no better than a Dead t-ea apple some time afterward one of tbe men rode in from tbe bead station with a copy or '-Nicholas Nickleby." That night Mr. lie mar r began read ing it to bis companions. They were delighted, but In the goodness of I their hearts, suggested that be should ; wait till the men or two or three of the Dearest stations could be invited In to share the feast I The next day. therefore, word was passed around, and after that night ; after night, tbe but was full or at- tentive listeners. Tbe o.ghts were cold, but they had "a glorio is log j fire," and for a lamp, a piece of , twisted rag st ck into a pint pot full of melted fit "It wauld have delighted the heart of a DhilanthroDisL" says Mr. De- marr. "to see how those fellows en joyed the book. If 1 could have read till daylight they would not have tired. Two of tbem came from a station seven miles away." After tbe reading there was always an animated conversation, and, be fore lung, calves, pups, and pet birds io all tbe different stations around about were named after tbe charac ters In the atory. Youth's Com panion. Hard on tbe Hn. A gentleman employed bv one of the largest arms In the city took a sudden notion for raising fancy ' chickens as a means of Increasing bis yearly sum. Ue purchased an incu bator, several hundred eggs and some full-blooded Plymouth Kock hens. The Incubator was filled with choice eggs and at tbe end of three weeks a goodly number of cbickecs bad hatched. The care of the chicks was left upon Mrs. , who boiled eggs, and made hash for tbem to eat. In the meantime, one of the Ply mouth lioclr bens bad ren given a sitting of choice eggs. Tbe time elaDied for tbe eggs to bat h and no chickens made their appearance. Two or three days passed by and still no signs of any chickens from those eggs. At last Mrs. decided she would break just one to toe If some thing could really be the matter. Sbe found that she had made a mis take and got tbe eggs from the wrong jar. She bad placed fifteen hard boiled eggs wb ch sbe intended to feed to tbe little chicks batched from the incubator under the old hen in stead of the choice ones purchased expressly for tbe purpose of etting tbe ben. The sympathy of tbe Hu mane Society will certainly be aroused when It learns that that ben was given another sitting of eggs and compelled to sit three weeks longer. Indianapolis Sentinel Engineering Education. A system of education, says the Electrical World, that tends to broaden the mind and thus render it capable of dealing confidently with large questions is not only most like ly to make the engineer educated under it more respe ted by those with whom he comes into contact in pro fess. on al lite, but It gives bim wider range of opportunities, and more ambitious scope to his btrlv inga Owing to tbe desire to start on a professional career at the earll est possible moment, most technical courses are none too long for the bare Durooee of teaching principles, and yet tbe tendency seems to tie be com ing greater and g. eater to subordi nate the theoretical grounding to "practical work." Pattern shops, smith shons. and even foundries are becoming features of technical schools, and testing work is carrier! on more with a view to teach the practical manipulations than to llus trate principles. The difficulty with many of our engineering schools is that they attempt to combine three different courses, each of which in turn s sacrificed to tne otners. in ! Europe in soroe sases tbes ; are dif ferentiated Into engineer ng, indus trial, and manual training schools. Some of our technical schools pa take more of the character of the French industrial schools, a graduate of which does not expect to become i anything higher than a super n tend - ent of a manufactory or plant, or an expert" in bis line of training. Lost In Hli Art. Sydney Owenson, who was made su denly famous byber novel, "Tbe Wild Irish uirl," met a great actor at sapper: Mr. Kimble (she says in ber mem tors ) waa evidently much preoc cupied. H? was seated vis-a-vis and repeatedly stretched b s arms across tbe table for the purp e, as I sup posed, of holding himself to some boars head. Alas! my head happened to be tbe objactiwntch Oxed bit atten tion, which, being a true Irish caihah bead, dark, cropped, and croly. struck bim aa a batter Brutus than any in his repertoire of theatrical perukes. Sunoeedlof at last In his purpose, ba actually atrack bis claws In my locks, and, addressing me to tba deepest atyoksral tooea, asked: "Little girl, wbere did yow bay roar wig?" So vax aad kit wife afar agreed s Eacaocy aaUov Well Dows, Job! J. A. Owen tells a touching story of shameful wrong done in a mcmeot of passion to a faithful dog. Tbe In cident is given in the wordj of a fr.end ot old John, the keeper. "He was a rare 'un for shootin' was the Squire, an' the best pointers that could be bad for money he'd have ia bis kennels. But Cvrus was the finest d'jg of the lot both as regards s i mi an' looks an' worn in tbe field. "He'd never made a miss, all the time the Squire shot over him. Well, one day wben they was pa tridge shootiu', tbe biids went out J ooe field and dropped over a bank into anotbe . There was a gate at one end o' tbe bank, an' 'twas half-way open like. On tbey comes after tbe dog, tbe S juire an ..onn. An' bow it co:ne about no one knows; tbe dog mlgbt ha' been iealous, for there was an other dog out with 'em, an' be might ha been thlnkln' about bim. Any way instead o' draw in' th ougb as usual, be cante ed th ougn, jest as if he'd been rangin'. "Up got tbe cover, they was be hind that bank. Cyrus turned round an' stopped dead still. He k no wed, poor feher, be'd made a blunder to ' once in bis life, an' old John told me be looked up at b'm real pitiful like. Befo e be could say a wo d, tbe Squire swung bis gun up to bis sboulde , an' shot Cyrus dead, an' then turnin' ound to old John, be says to him quiet, very quiet, though bis face was white with temper. ' 'You b oke that dog in, or tried to: now break me In another that ill not make a mistake ' "It was quite enough for the old feller, an' too much. Layln' tbe gun down, an' takln' tbe game bag Iro;u bis shoulders, be says: '.Kjulre, I've been in your father's service an' yours for many years, an' se ved ye faithful to the best o' my means an' ways, such as tbey a e, but as long as I live, I'll never break another dog tor you.' "Tbe S.uire looked at him for full minute, and tben be ald, soft like: " 'John take my gun, an' carrv it home. I shall shoot no mo e to-day. An get Cyrus burled.' "Au' then he walked away bastv like, as if he was glad to get away from tbe place. Tbe old feller said be K no wed he was sorry for what he done; but be uever mentioned Cyrus after that, nor John didn't to tbe Squire neither.'l Florida Cisterns In Tree-Top. A writer tells of a surveying party who were resting at noon in a forest In Floriaa, when one of tbe men ex claimed, "I would give fifty cents a swallow for all the water I could drink." He expressed the sentiment of tbe others; all were very thirsty, and there was not a spring or stream any where in the vie n tv. While the men were thus talking, the surveyor saw a crow put his bill Into a cluster of broad, long leaves growing on the side of a tall cypress. Tbe leaves were those of a pecul ar air-plant. Tbey were gieen, and bulged oat at tbe bottom, forming an inverted bell. Tbe smaller end was held to tbe tree by roots grappling the bark. Feeding on the air ana water that it catcnes and holds, the air-plant becomes a sort of cltern Tbe surveyor sprang to his feet with a laugh. "Boys," be a!d, 'that old crow is wiser than every one of us." "How so?" tbey asked. "Why he knows that there are a hundred thousand water-tanks in this forest" "Where?" they cried, in amaze- menu The surveyor cut an air-plant in two. and drained nearly a pint of oure cold water from It. The men did not suffer for water after that, for every tree in tbe forest bad at least one air-plant, and every air- plant contained ajirlnk of water. A Broom In the Poultry Iloune. "Cleanliness is next to godliness, Is a good rule in ethics, and is one which should not be too exclusive in its apol cation. Wben the house hold is made to conform to such condition the work should le ex tended to all tbe outhouses, barns, etc. as a consistent procedure. The Fancier says: It is a disagreeable task at all times to clean out tba iioul try -houses and coo s, but like every other undertaking much do. p mis on the systematic manner in which the work is performed. We have seen pe sons labor bard all day, in the midst of tilth, with shovel and hoe. cleaning the poultry house, and wben the job was finished but little aniiearance of cleanliness was added to it. There is an easy, neat, effect ual way of cleaning tbe poultry house, which. If adopted, removes the dread and disgust of the woric and makes It a pleasure Instead o an annoyance Tbe first consldera tlon is the construction of the I'oors. Dry dirt will not, answer, for tbe reason that it absorbs the Im i urlties and the filth can only be re moved with the dirt, thus enta ling the necessity of changing the entire floor and substituting fresh materliL The Hllk Holder. The silk spider of Madagscar spins threa io of ti goi lea color, and strong ennuirh. according to Malndron, to hang a cork helmet by. The female snider may attain a length of 1 cm. while the u ale does not exceed 3 cm. A single female Individual, at tbe breed. ng season, gave M. Camboue, French tsslonary. some 8,000 m. o a fine silken thread during a period of about twenty-seven days. Tbe thread waa examined with a view to creating a new industry. Small tex ture woven of these threads are ac tually used by tba natives for fasten log flowere os esaebedae and for other parposoi. x Baomus PeodBlataa. WHAT WOMEN WEAR. STYLES FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO LOOK PRETTY. Ballsaa IImtm An tul la F Wom an' IUI HaMu Bin Kspartaaead a GrMl Cbaat Shirt Walati tba Domi nant Fart af taa Ostlnf Draaaa. Oakham finaalp. Kw tork eorfapocdao: LEEVESon fash ionable summer dresses are quite a b g as those worn in the spring and winter, and the shape remains much the same abiut the shoul der and upper arm. It would certainly be non tensical to retain big sleeves till hot weather was at end and then resort to tight ones, but it teems as if tbe next change would surely bring small sleeves, though knowing ones still asee't that in the autumn even more material will be put about tbe arm than is now used. Big sleeves are comfortable wear in hot weather, and the omission of the tight cuff still fur ther permits of ease. .Sometimes the big shoulder putts end in a short tight cuff, little more than a band, but an e"en better flnUh is a frill of laoe, or tbe sleeve puff is caught in at the ei oow and ends in a frill of the eloeve stuff ornamentod In any one of a variety of dainty ways. Thus completed are the sleeves of the first pictured cos tume in this column, which is a very stylish dress in dark-blue flowered ohallie, the tkirt having panniers of (silk ore p' in with hemstitched cages. At th s top the sleeves have challie st-aus fastened with velvet ouitons, and the bretelb-s end In a " lain llt that encircles the walsL The over- oowkeo roa a oahdb party. iklrt of the figured goods comes to about six inches of the underskirt's hem. and is looped up at loth sides, while the underskirt beneath Is from plain blue challie pinked out about the ed.ze. Tbe sleeves ot tbe second gown shown are much larger at the bottom than at the top. end niKt above the el bow, n nd are finished by bands of mousse line chiffon- V. ith them are worn long cloves, which U not so com' fortable a thought, but summer maids when dressing for garuen fetes, will fir t consider style and appearances. Tbe bodice of this dainty cotitume. which is composed of gray eilk. comes insidi the skirt, hooks In the center, and the draped plastron of white tnousaeline chill on lap over. Its lower part forms a fined vest, from which straps oi ine aress stun exieaa uiiwara to the shoulders. A belt of wide rib bon ties in front In a large bow, with fancy passementerie, l he skirt may be either gored or circular, and has a front breadth ot the moussoilne chif fon, the corners of the stuff at the bot tom being ornamented, as shown, with st. el passementerie. Even cooler are tne sleeves on tne next dress chown, which are puffed full t? the elbow and end in a lace rrl.L There is a suggestion of coolness, too, In tbe gown s cut at the neck. The whole constats of a slightly trained skirt of cream-colored figured pongee i and a princess overdress of gray ere- j pon, which has a Bma.i vest oi wius- or sriiiaixo cit. red slcllienne let In at the fide seam. The vest is finished with large reveru of vellow tafieta. and a deep bloui-e i . v,i, mi. w I Ml nil ivuiai u. Women's riding habits have expe rienced a great change of late and now are not unlike street dresses Tailor mades are responsible for this, because the latter are now so much worn, and they combine so many louche of nvue j cullnlty tbat the mannisn suggestions have departed from the riding habit, till the only pronounced one remaining la tbe footwear. When women first took to the stovepipe and skln-flt habit, It was because it was about her only ehanoe to copy the severity of a man get-up, aad she felt teen a ehanoe ought to be made the moit of. Now tba girt oa horse back need not look a fright unlaw she haslets on It Very wall effects are gotten out of choco late cloth with scariet waistcoat, putty color with white, and .tone-gray with dark-blue. The acket may button oloaely to the thr oat if the linen i to ba avoided for any ream. Verr slen der wotcen wear a bodice that has no skirts and which thow. off the f gura strikingly, while the old-time basjuw witn the postilion back bimpiy ruined woman's contour. Shirt waiets are the dominant part ot outing dresses, and a charge of wa st temingly puts the wearer into an entirely diuerent costume. This is a point taken advantage of by n any a maid of slender means, and bv an ither trick she may make herself doubly en vied at little expense. She can easily give the lnipreseion that she has a sailor hat for tach shirt waist by providing heroelf i 7- i MU. tf7 4 voa scMMca arrERKOosi. with a lot of hat bands. These are cut lust the right length aod have button holed places for the prongs of the buckle to go through. The burkle is silver and a modest outfit is complete with one or two of them, which mav be adjusted to each change of band, though It is better If each of the bands hasltsown Duckieai passea tnrougn. in this cane the buckle has a little under row of hooks and those catch into tiny stlvor rings on the hemmed end of the band. Thoro Is ju-t a single move ana the new land is adjusted, buckle and ail, and after being put In position it can bo tightened or loosened. The ribbon should match the color of the waist or of the trimmings. It is deemed the very best taste to have the waist trimmed with rlotxm and to nave the band of hat and ribbon exactly maU-hinp. This sort Is very htiffly filled ard has a decided r?p. with a white duck gown, the cwaggor thing is a made band f duck that runs through a strap of the name, and fastens with a single pearl button, which fits In cuff- button fashion, more is a rancy aiso for 'studding" the hat Instead of running It through a buck'e. In this cae three dress ttU'is are inserted along the width of the band, just be fore Its taiior-mado point, ana go through both thicknoKsos, holding tne band quite secure. Thoy may be con nected by t ny gold chains, and the et of little studs formerly sold for fasten ing baby dresses are now dignified in the shop window with a placard call- Ing them "hat studs." It is much bet ter to bave "oouventr" studs instead of purchased onot, and, if the summer s men are nice, it will provo much cheup- er. too for the girls. While tailor cuts predominate for mornl, g wear, they are away In the minority by the middle of the af:er n on, wuon gowns cannot be too daint ily designed. An example of ta.tulul elegance is shown in the fourth Illus tration, whe eln hellotrojie mous-ieliiie chiffon and black point d'e-prit tul'e are combined. The ekirt is made of acc rriion floated ehitlc.n, and the overdress con ists ot the tuile. nooks in iroilv, anu u a v ui pirmcu m ussflline ( nitron which laps over. The pleated skirt U lined with silk, may bo slightly stlTonod, if doidred, and is fini bed on the inside with a gathered chiffon frilL Tbe bodice part has a fitted silk lining, and the tulle fronts are rounded at the bottom and draped from the middle of the hklrt t ) the shoulders. The sleeves c onsist of large puffs finished with a triangular piece of tulle bordered with holioiroe and black tinsel galloon and a deep hell trope silk fringt. The long cuffs are plain. The final picture shows a natty ten nis costume for which blue anl wliiio striped flann -1, serge or cheviot will be serviceable. The gored skirt is perfectly plain and the fullness in back is pather-d The blouse is worn in side the fkirt, hook-i attho side, and is Slue tne miri ouoa nJ muo, aim in ng polnleil revers, turned down colar and double epaulettes, while the sleeve have big puffs tbat reivh to the el Imiws, and long, light ouffs. The eton iacket should be made of rlld dark blue stu ;. et her serge or cheviot Copyrltfbt, IS". There were Il,43r,,487 barrels of salt pn duoed In the United UUtes in the year 1MM, aa against 11,7H6,7S barrels In l"f'2, a falling off of 3ftO,2fi7 barrels. Each barrel weighed 280 pounds, mak ing a total of 3,101,891,000 pounds. DRAjanoi are violent purgatives, auoh aa fambrgs, etc. rOtt AKOTIIKB 8HT Of AlTEKSOoS FACTS IN FEW WORDS. I Holland tbe peasant girls who are swalnless at fair time hire young men for the occasion A handsome who is a good dancer has a blgb val e, so much so tbat sometime three girls have to club together to hire o e wa n. The Argand lamp was discovered byArgand.Jr. While Argand, Sr., was studying bow to produce a white light the boy ciapped the broken neck of a wine bottle over t e dull red flame of tbe lamp and the work was done. Tub Congo Free State Is really a colony of Belgium, having a central government at Brussels, by which affairs of tbe Free .State are ad min ster ed. its area is estimated at bou.OOO siuare miles, its population at ie,ooo,ooa To make animals unconscious be fore slaughtering Is considered hu mane In Berne, Swlizerland A test was recently made there by lc.'al en actineni, and It took six quarts of alcohol to render an ox unfeelingly drunk. Box elder trees are said to furnish a sap so closely resembling the sap of the maple tbat It can be used as a t-ubstltute, and experts cannot detect the difference. hu cessful experi ments bave been made In Nebraska. Thkuk are four round churches In England, Northumberland possesses one; Little Maplestead In Essex an other; the Temple Church, Lond n, is the tbl d, and Holy .Sepulcber, Cambridge, Is the fourth. When suddenly frightened llards will oft 'n diop their tails and scurry away. The discarded member, bounc ing up and down, attracts tbe atten tion of the enemy and enables au es cape to be effected. An astronomer calculates tbat if the diameter ot the sun Is daily di minished by two feet, over 3,000 years must elapse ere the astronomi cal instrument now io use could de tect the diminution. The East India ship worm will In a few months destroy any vessel by eating outtbe Intcrrior of the beams and planks. Tbey will be left a mere shell tbat can be shattered by tbe fist. So great Is the echo in one of the r oras of the Pantheon tbat the striking together of the palms of Ihu hands Is said to make a noise e ual to that of a twelve pound tannon. A Oeumas scientist has succeeded In propagating sponges artificially. Ills first cost was .u, cost or main tenance almost nothing, and a crop of 4.000 sponges as a result At Lafayette, Ala., recently, two persons were married wbo bad walked seventy Dullest' find an oliclal to lerform tbe ceremony, it was a run away marriage at that. It Is estimated that fifty persons have been lynched in the inlted States since the beginning of 1U4. Of ibis number thirty eight victims were colored, Wiikn the dague reotype was a new Invention the face of the sitter for a portrait was dusted with a white powder. QThb most costly medicine In the world Is metallic gallium, which Is worth (loo,000a po md To Hake Toast. Toast is regarded by many as a dainty. In fact, to some It Is ab solutely essential that all bread they eat shall be toasted. And yet, In all these, years and years that toast has been made, Is It not singular how few peo le understand the making of the perfect article. In the first place the bread should be rather stale. If too freh It will be apt to burn In stead of browning. But even the fresher variety may be browael to a nicety, if proper fare be taken. First, lay your sll es In tbe oven a few moments, not In a pan,' but across the burs. Tnis will permit them to dry off a little all over. It laid In a pan the underside would "sweat'' and becomes softer than be fore After this slightly drying pro cess has taken place, put It between the wires of your toaster and turn briskly i ack and forth over a bed of coals, regulating the distance at which you shall h ild it. by the heat of tbe tire. By this meant the en tire i o tlon of the two sides will be come a beautiful even brown, more or less deep a co ding to tbe length of time. The great secret In making all toast is this turning back and forth In the beginning, a moment , later it may be allowed to An loh en- l t)rey Upon one s'de. I'referre l W hite Meat. "Though lions are timid enough ia the day-t ino," said a well-seasoned I African hunter, "when tbe sun has set and darkness comes on they le. come bold and fearless, and often urged by hunger reckless and daring. It Is by no means unusual for oxen to tie seized at the yoke or horses to be killed Inside tbe stable, or wheu tied to the wheel of a wagon; while In Mashonaland alone four men were carried off and eaten by lions during the first two years of the occunation of the c tuntry. One i f these unfor tunates was a young man wbo was i about to start a market garden in the neighborhood of I mtall settleu.ent. lie had gone away with a cart and four oxen 1 1 buy some native meal at one of the Ka l.r kraals, and bad outspanned for the night at a spot about six miles distant from the little township The oxen were tied up to the yokes and Mr. Teale was lying asleep under tbe cart, alongside of a native, when a lion walked up and seized bim by tbe shoulder, carried bltn off and ate him. Tbl lion, be it noted, showed a refined taste Io disregarding the Kaffir and seizing tbe European." Although; thla li a free country, oo man ha tba right to chocse be tween smallpox aod vac. (nation.