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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1893)
! MWd til n.r.K... immtmo tree lath blood. This it i that pw th vifor, tbe elasticity, wm i mm vi-amy, ui overtlowW. thoroughly animal lif wHdi run rbn tfhrw-fti th ' of the sod He strong, Motent animal lif is Tkat renders lbm intense in all their sseOUooe ttiao their m .re lai jruid fel-low-orestlurea. Tbe eiceae of iron is also tbe cauaa of freckle oo the pecu liarly clear, white ebin which always aoooonpaoie red hair. 'August Flower" " I have been afflicted with bilious ness and constipation for fifteen years and first one and then another prep aration was suggested to me and tried, but to no purpose. A friend recommended August Flower and words cannot describe the admira tion in which I hold it. It has given me a new lease of life, which before was a burden. Its good qualities and wonderful merits should be made known to everyone suffering with dyspepsia and biliousness." Jesse Bakkkk, Printer, Humboldt, Kas.fc 1 V S r KNOWLEDGE Brlag comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly usea. Tbe many, who live bet ter than otheri and enjoy life more, with leas expenditure, by more promptly adapting tbe world's best products to the'neea of physical being, will attest the value to health of tbe pure liquid iazative principle embraced in tha remedy, Bvrup of Fi?s. lb excellence i due to its presenting In tlie form moat acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the rcf resiling and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; eBectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches anil fevers and permanently curing constipation, f t has riven satisfaction to millions and sort with tbe approval of the medical profeiwion, because it act on the Kid neys, lAvtr and Bowel without weak ening them and it U perfectly free from every objectionable substance. gyrup of Fin is for sale by til drug gist in 60c and $1 bottles, but it u man ufactured by the California Fig Hyrup Co only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if ottered. PISO S CURE THE BEST EVER KNOWN" 1 think "Two's Cure for Consump tion" is the best medicine for bron t'lltisever known. W. I). SoJ.OMON". New Brunswick, N. J.. July 17. IK Vou may put my testimonial in your . Almanac and say that 1 think "?iso's Cure lor Consumption" Is the Beit Med cine on this Earth for bronchitis and lung trouble. I am now In the druir business, and 1 will lell ruy customers If ihey want a cough fiirit.i use "I'lsos i will recom mend it to other people if they send to me for advice, and will leu mem wnai It has done for me. Wll.I.HM ! Sn.iilo, New llrtinswlek N. J.. Sept. . WU. Tfce Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, KXALD KENEDY. OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered In one of our common pasture weed a remejv that cure- every kind of Humor, from the wort bcrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried It in over eleven ImnJred cases, and never failed except In two t j-s (both thunder humor). He has now m his possession over two hundred certificates of Its value, all within twenty milei of Boston. , , A benefit Is alwavs experienced from the Srst bottle, anj a'penect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes hooting pains, like needles passing throus-h them; the same with the l.iver or Bowels. 1 Ins Is caused by the ducts being topped, and always disappears In a wee after taking it. . If the stomach Is foul or bilious it will Cause squeamish feelings at first. . , No change of diet ever neesary. l-n the best vou can get, and enough of It. Dose, one t.iWesponnful In water at bed time ke.iJ the Label. Send for Book. , "' " . - .-.. Ivrs '! P"P hohk"ii:ir Artie mMmMumi fwesCsrefor CaecsilMleti. II S mrr4 i.aaMes. It IMS lint Injur SSoo. It itlstas bi co" -7 r" e- mdam iTrTwiw. Parricide in AshanUse, Africa, are doomed to an uncommon fate. Tbey sre bound band and foot to etake driven n tbe gnund, near the ab des of aoU In forty eight hours tbe aoU eat them alive, leavmg nothijg but the bones. Od drink too much caused a Wilke Hsrre man to see a long anHke In bis g irden. If valiantly attacked it with ho si, and in a few minute aettled th minster The rent morning he dii covered that be bad cut up bie gardeo tioee. Ou Minion . obiter There is a lobster farm or pound as it is called twelve acres in extent at Southport, Me, The Bos'oo Globe de- -ribes this pound, the most sucoeeeful oo the coiuii' whence one lilljon lob sters are shipped each year. The pound is formed by building a dam a -rose a tide-water cove. Tuie dam does not qui e rise to high-water mark, but a -ross the top is placed a fence of iron rod, pr.venting the lobsters from es caping. In the spring and fall business is most br,k. When the fishermen bring th lobster, to the pound, tbe ".U-b" as they are called, are hoisted to he dm, measured, and those which are mora than tea and one-half inches 1 oif, the legal limit are thrown in. If . lobster is clever Lis life in the pound may be long and full of joy. If be is stupiu he w.ll be fished out with a drag ein a-.d packed in a barrel with a piece of ice for a pillow, and aent to Boston. Tt.e seine is made of stoat twine and is weighted at the bottom with a heavy ohuin. Along the top is a row of corks which sustain tbe weight of tbe sein hile the chain drags on tbe bottom of the pound. A single cast of this sein will bring up lobsters enough to fill l.von barrels. The chain as it sweeps ilong the bottom stirs up the lobsters, vhich iaiomdiately shoot backward in 'o tbe s ack twine. In taking them out ihem-n wear mittens, though even hen they are nipped. I.) the pound -bey are fed salt herring, men rowing b.ut in skifte and pitching the herring ' verbo-id- Tui is ca'led "feeding th. chickens," and it takes about sir bar rels to truktt a light luncb.Oa for the flock. There are sad to be a number of old hardshell in the Southport farm which for years have evaded the CBsts f the drag. Ttto of enormous size have become quite tame and erawl shout in the shallow water. Tbe age of the lobster is a debated queetion. Tbe mall marketable spesimensareireneraly supposed to be from four to six years ld, but some lobsters are believed to .ive to the green old age of twenty-five ) ears. Htuul One-Hair Million ('inrAoo Special The makers of No-To-Mac, the guaranteed tobacco habit cure, lately refused a syndicate offer of one-half million for their busi ness. No-To-Bacis an absolute guar anteed cure for chewing, snuff-dipping-and cigarette smoking. It is sold by nearly all the druggists in this country and Canada. Made by the Sterling tlemedy Company, Box 21,' Indiana Mineral Springs, J rid. Chicago otlice, 15 Randolph street. Thej print a book called "Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away." Kvery tobacco URer should read it. Mailed for the asking. Ireland is larger than Scotland by 1, 210 square mi'es. $100 Reward, 100. The reaiiiT of this paper will be pleased i.v 1cm ii I liul tiiere is hi leat one dreaded ili-ea-e 1 1 1 :t t science tins been a le to cnr in nil ill r-tiit,"". uml I lull isCaiiirrh. Hall's Catarrh cure is Hie only positive cure known in the medical Iratemiiy. Catarrh heiiiK ;i CDiiHilui iotuil disi-a e, requires c.ih-iiuuiimiil tntilmeiit, Hull's Catarrh t me is taken internally, aeting dins-tly on the liluixl and inui ims ttrlsees of the svxtem. thereby di"-troying ihe fntindation of the disene". and giving the patient strength bv lniilding up the co-'stitutioti niid assisting natmv in doing its work. ! he proprietor luivs so mneh faith in its cnriitive powers, that they "tier One Jlun dred I lo! Iiirs lor any ease lluit it lails to iMi-e end (or tes'iiiioniiiU Address, I". J. I'HKNKY A t'tl.,T..iedo, o. gajr-Sold by lrus;i-ts, The city of (ilaC3w will own ail the eleph ines within its limits hereafter. IT'S A EILLSTOrJE About young man's neek to b a mfferer from ner vous exhaustion, ner vous dnbility, impair ed memory, low spirits,' irritable tem per, uml tbe thousand and oiie di'i'uugements of iniuil and twdy that result from, uuiiatiiral, prrnieious habits, con t racted through ignorance. Hueb habit result in km of manlv power, wr k the eoiiMtitutiun and wimetiiues pro iluis softaning of Hie brain, epilepsy, -rslvsis, and eveu dread insanity. 'fu rtstob, re-claim and restore such un fortunate to bseltb awl happiness. Is the aim of tbe publishers of a book written in plain but rhaoto language, on tbe aature, synipUitm aud curability, by bom treat ment, of such dfmjn This kwok will be sent tawled, in plain eeveloi, oa rei-eint of ten cents In stamps, for puttef. Addrem, Worlds l)Uinawy Medical AssociaUuB, WO Main Ht., Buffalo. N. Y. "flOTHER'S . FRiEND" . Is a Kcii'iitillcully propurod Liniment and barmleHs; ovoiy ingredient in of roiwilwd vnlne Hid in constant use by tlie tuedical pr ifeMttioii. It tcbort olis Loiair, Jj-'Wi'iih Pain, Diininihbea DauKcr to lilu of Mother and Child Book 'To Mother" mailed free, con taining valuable information and voluntary tent tmoiilals. Bent by express, rliarRV- prepaid, on receipt Of pilot, $1.M ST Isitllv. IMOnELO REGULATOR CO.. AfoaU, b. H.iUl bv at) ilrnuglsn. X. K. I'. Kn -. 4H. Vorb. Neb. TTaTKH WIMTIKa TO AOTBarTIHKMi f pi MM rnr f mw Ike rtwrHnanl set (NBSsir. DOMESTIC ECONOMY. TOPICS OF INTEREST TO FARMER AND HOUSEWIFE. Boats Choklnc Water Coarse mud Tile lrl-- S-xpertroenti-ig oa the Vmrm A Fahle for Hard 11mcs lloas Appreciate Comfort Odds a-nd t-iida. ItooU In Tile Oralus. Come striking instances are given in tbe New England Fanner of the choking of water courses and tile drains by the loots oi trees. In these cases the roots enter, d at the joints between the pieces of tile. To pre v nt this cloKintf it Is legarded as Important to make the ditches straight, so that tuu tiles will come In clqse cootact at the end. Tnere is no doubt that it luay 1 well to lay the Jo nts in l.uic cement whn trouble is expected. The importance ol packing the earth wc.l around the tl e to prevent it from becoruinK dis placed in tilling should be well under stood. The roots of willows are found to be specially troublesome, an I have sp i led the value of wells In this wav with a rua-s of roots that seriously obstruct the How of water. Most of the tile thai is manufac tured is su .klcntly porous to admit the entrance of w.ler throutrh the sides when the Joints are closed w th cement, If the nature or the ground prevents making the drains perfectly straight very Ion.; curves should be resorted to, which will allow the j calculating to show yields ranging ail ends of the tile to be hiought into j tnc way from thirty-flve to seventv close contact The writer of the flve imshels t0 the a(.re. "What is article which wc have referred to, the use," suggests Mr. Swan, "in who appears to have examined many amwinr thlrtv-bushel when cases, says that however formidable the roots of willows have proved, he has known no instances where roots from fruit trees have.proved crlously troublesome; and he urcs a social reason why drains should be straight beside that given In that a crooked tile d. aln is sure to cause sediment to settle at the crooks and eventually to choke the drain entirely. A Fable for II trd Times. Once upon a time two frogs who bad been living in comfort and cafe In a cool pool of water were accl d ntally se0opcd up by a pious milk- I man in a bucket of water, which he poured Into his can In order to give bis milk more body, and thereby in crease his revenue The frocs were astonished to D id themselves in an unknown element, In which it was not possible to supiort life, and the. bad to kick vigorously In order to keep their heads above the milk. One of them, being disheartened by bein,' hut up in the dark In an element entirely new to him, said: "Let's Hive it up and go to the bottom; It's no use kicking any longer." The thersald: "Oh, no; let's keep kick ing as long as we can, and see what tbe outcome will be. May! things wlll change Dresently." No one frc gave up and went to tne ooiioni. The other kept kicking, and when the pious milkman got to town and opened b t can, behold the frog bad kicked oi. t a lump of butter large enough to float him and he was sitting on it ' very comfortably. doral. In hard times never give up, but keep kicking. Age of Steel. ! A Neat Arranfeuirat. Tt was an old-fashioned house keeper who Instructed her younger neighbor in th. art of keeping a mattress bright and clean. Tue rub bing against the slats or woven wire of the springs often rusts the ticking, or at least darkens and discolors IL To prevent this, take a piece of strong, unbleuchetl shet t ng several Inches larger each wav than the mat tress, and at each corner and In ihc middle, lengthwise, asten a twelve Inch piece of tape, sewing it in the middle to form strings six inches long. Lay this smoothly over the springs and thx. mattress on ton At each corner al iM in the middle of the mi 'tresi, straps, formed of mattress I bidding, are sewed by their corners ! only. Through these straps pass the tapes, tying them In a bow-knot! When you wish to turn the mattress, j remove the dust from about the tack- inps wim a sun orusn, untie tne tapes and turn, and the mattress will look fresh and bright for years riillfidoliihla ltccord. (Irowlua: Walnuts. 1 succeed by planting or placing in piles with the hulls on, not more than two layers Ihlck, cover with dirt one to two Inches, and the action of frost, of freezing and thawing will cause them to crack; then plant In early spring in nursery rows three foe six inches apart, cultivate one ye and then plant where they are tj .aniilln . lint, mtf lipwt. lllis hatl be n obtained by planting the seed w re I want the tree, riant the n in the fall where you want the tre. with a stake at each nut, to how where planted. Cultivate and keep clean of weeds for a few years By planting this way the tap roots 111 not lie cut by transplanting, the walnut being more sensntlve Unit way limn any other tree 1 know of. Faith, In Coleman's Kural World. . ,t -NiMl-llreeitlllir Cnw. Ten tier cent of cow tire failures as breeders. Nome to incorrigible, but others may be I. ought Into con dition by proper treatment Give some cooling laxative, as cp-om salts, dissolved in oatmeal inltision, or any similar lhtiid and repent, twice at In tervals of three days. Tin feeding should be light and digestible, but nutritious, as bnin mid linseed mash but never coiluiiM'od meal, which Is often the cause of the disability, lty dally meetings with Ihe bull it Is fre miAntlv mii'i'csHt ill. It Udeslrnhle tn keep cows rogularlv bred and to have i a calf once a year The animal is naturally disposed to this, and Ir- i raguiarltr Is the most fre uent eauee of introducing trouble into a herd. W. M. W., New Vork Times. Hoc Apprortat Co nfort. i Hogs ars very susceptible tochanres j in the w. athcr. ThU is shown uy 'their resiles- ues-s before storms and their c.tiefu! pieparation of warm iseds before the approach of a cold sneil of weather In winter. The un j comfotalile condition or the ho. in hot weat'icr Is evidenced by the ay In which it avoids the sun and -e :ks ' the coolest ret eats to lie found. With a knowledge of these facts it is a cruel man inde d who dues not pro vide every cotniott possible for h s swine. It Is not cece-sary that luxuriant or expensive arrangements be made ior their comfort, for hotrs are nut particular as to appearances. Tney are exactinir ar to the Ratiaiac t on to Ije derived from their quarters, ind i,o other class of live stock will -how more appiei iation for pleas; nt urrou!idins. Much lette- returns for the feed const, rued can tie expected I where Iiol's are nude us comfoita le , as possible. Stt.ckuian and Farmer. Esperlmentlns; on the . an A farnirtr named J. E. Si.n of Iinreland, Larimer County, is a be liever in careful experimental work on the farm. In the matter of po tatoes alone this year he has seventy two varieties, an I expects to show I that boo bu hel to the acre is not j too much to expect by the rinht kind ! of culture and irrigation. With wheat he has some (hi v VHrlpMas and is we can prdUce seventy-five bushels of some other variety with the same latxir and similar irrigation? Farm- I crs must mke more of an efTor' in the experimental way and not .e pend so much on our grandratner uethods nor the experiences of our neighbors. We must act for our- , selves In these matters and dig out our own salvation." Field and F'arru. Advantages on the Farm. The hard times are checking; the outfc-o of bovs from farm to city. As these intelligent boys sit at home during the winter thev will have an opportunity to read and reflect t" on the situation, as irhaps they .ve never doue before. Unrest and dis content have been in the air, and the fears of panic may prove a boon to many households. With a father who is in love with his calling, and vho takes tbe best of agricultural ap:rB, tbe son CiO learn of the great possibilities of agriculture. lie chances for men of brains, courage, and ambition are to-day greater than in any other branch of human activ ity. American Farmer. Th Cherry Orchard Professor Budd of the Iowa Exper- iroent station, says orchard does lest that a cherry wben planted thickly in rows running nortb and soutb, and giving a wider space be tween tbe rows to admit the sun and allow free circulation of air. Orch- ards where the rows were twenty four feet apart, and the trees ten feet apart in the row, have done bet ter than those planted in the usuai way. He also thinks root grafting ot the cherry Is better than budding, setting them in the ground to the top bud of the scion, which enables roots to be thrown out directly from the scion odds and Kills. In beating whites of eggs for mer inguo or frosting, do not add the sugar until the egg Is stiff. To kkki' cake from sticking to the pan, dredge the Inside of the pan with flour after buttering it. shake off all that will fall and pour in the dough. A bkski'k lAt. lotion for greasy skin is made of cither the tincture of ben- oin or pure coiogne water sprinkled into the water In which the face is bathed Kkki-the piano closed at night and in d.1IIip wealber; open on bright ,ayg an(l i,!t tne sun shlne on the k(,,s as the light will keep them from turning yellow. T ( i t fresh bread so that it may be presentable when served, heat the blade of the knife by laying first one side and then the other across the hot stove. Vinroar bottles may be cleaned by crushed egg shells shaken in them with soap and warm water. Kitise In clear, cold water, and shake as dry as possible before using. As excellent way to rid the hand) of grease is "dry washing" with corn meal. This leaves the hands feeling 1 pleasantly, and we all know how bad 1 f . ...... r . aunnk nil car at . rt tr II r ri 'ciu.-u- washing with soap and water arc for the skin, especially in i cold weather. j Whek It, Is desired to make a cream soup yellow and rich the yolk of eggs are used. They are beaten thoroughly. ' and after a little cold liquid, like i crcatu or milk, has been added, they I are st irred Into the soup jut herore : it Is taken from the Are. '1'iti-: air in a room may be greatly ! purllled by settniK a pail of water in ifie ro:mi for a few hours. It will . absorb all the poisonous gases, and ; the air will te pure and the water utteily bad. Tne colder the water i the more perfectly it absorbs the mi- purities. In putting up preserves for small families uso pint bowls occasionally. 1 A bowl of rich preserves or Jam is lust a nice uuantlty to put upon the table or to make a pie or a dozen lit tle tarts, lty putting up the pints in these small bowls thcro will be no worry whenever it Is oimned lest the remainder spoil: no forcing It upon the table for a second or third day In uucccslon to "get It eaten up." Nothh g can substituted for the Royal Baking Pcwder and give as good results. No other leavening agent will make such light, sweet, delicious, wholesome food. s. -4 j SP.$frssPfrfr ss. Mies Ella Earlingtoo, of the We Cieeter (Pa.) Normal School, althougt ioly twenty years of age, is a gracef snd fearless equestrienne. Bhe sits it a man' saddle, with a foot in euci. stirrup. The telegraph messenger in Easl thatnpton, Maes., is a girl, MtiEie G .ugh. Messages intrusted to her art promptly delivered. Unlike tbe boy messengers, dog fights, baae-bal, stree' quarrels, etc., have no attractions foi ber. Th Knfa.eil Girl. "It is all very lovely to become ei -gaged to tbe man of your choice and ei -j y those blissful moments that cow only once in a lifetime," remarked i. derly lady to a writer for the L mi nlie Post, "but wben the young Una i n -s to go through the ordeal of nio., g t er intended husband', pnivn , . e i, indeed, is a trying moment tlui very few giris pai-8 . through wilhoit rememberir.g very vividly. The bi iil. -tn-be may bave h en known to lie f imily for jers, and jet when the so announces 10 his paren'.s ihnt she is th ;iri of hW choice and the one whom b. wishes to make his wife, she at one l -oomes in a degree a d ff rvi.i creature and is crticu.d according!; . No one ever yet ma ried a woman whon. his father thought quite go.d enougl. for him, though the outside world dih think quita the contrary. Tho girl i al vays looki d upoa by the mother as nt nter.ofM.r who has come be w en hei nd her eon's affections. Wlwo, t en - fi re, the young girl, is brought in co -tact with bar fiance's parents, knowing the innate antagonism that reig igatnst her, she ia seldom, if ever, at, he Oi'St, and is more apt to court diefavn i haa co nplimentaaf comment from h,. r-Utives, simply fflam tbe fact that --Ii is half i c . red to dal.h. In my ix uerienoe I buve noticed that much of 1 1 trouble between a motber-in-'aw im. tu r son'- wife has been due to jea o s . .ind if at the very beginning thee, t . . ould forn a compact of mutal admir, -tion for the son and husband mi mutual forbearance with each otlie there would be fewer family jar;." See "Colchester's" Spading Boot Ad. In other column. Tee enraptured young man drew tli shapely head with its golden bair clo ', close to bis heart. "Do you hear it throb, darling'.', 'i asked. "Y-yes, Harold." "What does it seem to say?' lie win - pored. The dear girl listened a moment, tun I answered soft I) : "It says 'tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, Harold." Tribune Chicago. A Bore Throat or Cough, if Miillcrci in prngrcss, often results in an iiicunililr tlinmto' lung trouble. "Hrown' liruiirhin. 7ik7ii," K've iiistunt relief. Mure people ..te in tbe spring than in knv other season. 'I'm ii incipiil causes of cirw. hcaduclic, liiltio iHiiess and cold chills arc liiiind in the stomach and liver. Cured by Jlcech uni's Pills. In 1(1 1 2 the Whale fishing was begun hy vest-Is from N'ant ticket. Sure Cure for Sprain, Bruise or Hurt I ST.JACOBSOIL You'll Use it Always for a Like Mishap. I N3, V5sff;:u'! ,- I Va Vri Jr, ' I 1 ?' : '1 I inf. tWffi! HAY-FEVER aCOlDWll jr s v-iiMnsi vyi-siT:s All ay b raui Rrd InlUminatloii. Hull th Soraft im mm Ts. rfj nnrl Rmnll m.a V a. T W 4m mlt-A j.s t ' rv-i- tar i s fcH1aL Tsl ls1r1r t ' nr.tnA Tas AM-asi nAt OroffgUta or by -;.!. uX DKOTlffcHi, M WMTN Hm V-.S As a sparrow was drinking at a Loo l"ii fountain, a gold-fish sprang up and iz.?a tne bird oy tne leg; anomer vu clutch tne other leg; and both dragged the sparrow under water, and held it here until it was drowned. An old and very thin horse was lately ut up at auction, in Hartford and sold 0 m colored clergyman for fifth cents, 'he tiuctioneer gravelv informed the 1 irchaser that the bones were kept in ,- purposely, to show that none of h. in had baen ei' racted. E iglish dames of early days never 're. med of such sub'.leties a. gloves. i. ty wore their sleeves lonf, with n Ud fliij3 that rested on the backs . '.heir bands, or when they w nt forth i h inter drew the loose drapery of 'ifir outer garment over their haode. It whs not till near the cle ot tbe Mi.ii century that they thought of I ivts, and then tbey were them with oly 4 thumb and bo fingers, like the .ittens of tbe present day, and were so rou'l ot them that they emphasized hwiijby b Ubt colors, such as vlo'et, and blue. Gloves remained far nger and wider than need be, and ney were wonderonsly embroidered nd starred with j.wels Washington stains may be removed rom tbe arms of white woolen or silk iresFes by sponging with warm water ion which ammonia has been poured, ii I then with clear water. Press the ilace before it becomee quite dry. To boys at Medford, Mich., hiT titeotrd an appliance with wbieh tbe "uvea ot fheet music may be readily urncd by the performer at the piano. The Past Guarant es The Future he fact that Hood's Sarsparilla has cured thousands of others is cer tainly sufficient reason for belief tliat it will cure you. . art rouble a ii Rheumatism 1 haw !)CPn a urt'Hi surtt'rer from in flam umtory rhoumHl lni. I Imvc also had heart iliscue. wish short iieM" of iiroaib and sharp pain in ihe left aide. 1 d- fided to take riood s Sarsaoarilla and l'fii-e I hail tinl-h"l three b ttles I was well. Tivlsy no oinan tf my ase enjoys bet ter lu'itlili, I ( annul kii y tmlf i-noutb in praise of Hiiiiil's." Mkk. I,. M. I'aink, Kau'lc Creek Or. linod'a 111 Ih Cure I.her I Is. 'J".e. - .... h-rtr'k. j .. -tea rfi.ri'.'i a 'A . xa .'yvb m .ug MamjBjsju r afjswBBuwvp V.l ew 4JLl . 1 a - I