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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1893)
; 'V The Sioux County Journal BCA.RR,ISOIsr, NEB,. 25TOV. 9. 1893. NO, 0, THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL v u-u. e. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1868. Harrison, Nebraska. 0 L. i. Slaawas. Editor and Proprietor, r.r.lM.TR.Il. Time Uble. Going Wert. Going Kut. HO. A, mixed, 11 :)5 1 No. 6. mixed e: 0 POPPED OUT. THE CITIZENS TICKET IS ELECTED. Mnre me editorial pag wao printed news has been re ceived that Harrison has do feated Holcomb by 5,000, Hurrah for HARRISON ! What a snow storm ? The election is past and the people of (doux county haye decided that a change In county officials is desirable for the entire Citizens county ticket is elected A singular fact in connection with the election is that in the cases of the treas urer and superintendent for which three lUMties were on the ticket the Citizens candidate receired larger majorities than the others on tl ticket. The people have said that ring work and UitrU termers or perpetual snap hun ters are not -.that are wanted to fill the county offices. The returns also prove beyond question a man must have a better reaaon than a desire for office in order to get votes. Tna vote on romnussiooer was so clone faSat it is not certain but on the face of the return iPrieshoff is elected by one. The table which appears in another column show the vote aa reported. The official returns wilt appear next week. The election was a surprise to quite number, but when the matter is looked at in a fair light it is seen to tie the only result that could have been logically expected. Four years ago the present officials were elected because of a feeling among the people that a change of man agement would be for the best interests of the county. Two years ago they were re-elected on the plea that two terms would be do more than justice to a good and efficient official, although it was on a small margin thai they got in. When the officials who had been honored twice regardless of party lines began to use their official positions to build up a political party there was a good deal of objection on all sides but nothing could be done at the time, but when, in addi tion to that the officials asked, yea, they demanded, a third term the people began to grow indignant and when the plans were laid and the machinery of the polit ical party to which they pretended to belong captured and had theniMlves nom inated it is no wonder that the voters , regardless of party became aroused and lnea who had supKrted the present in cumbent in both their previous cant - paiyas took a decided position against them. When all things are considered there is do reason why the result of the election could not be foreseen. 8o far as the men who ran on their owe hook are concerned the vote as given in another column shows so much tlwt comment i hardly necessary. Bo nee people cannot take a hint notes a two-story brick bouse falls on then. " Concerning the editor of Tn Journal all that need be mid is that he did what Be cottU to bring about the results, bow Men or bow little that was the people ml the eouoty can decide for themselves. Met the campaign just past has quite clearly demonstrated that the people of Wox county do not eoaatcfcr name-!!' tag by a ateo who teJeee hold el the ep poeitton paper (hiring campaign ae Atfoac enough proof than all that W said ! Ut paper i ttte. In tbe ereliaw pjafjr week ale that tbe editor of thil paparaaM waatbat a titlcet be pmt taiiailiofaeco) for whom no- apoHgtea WObatobamadav Such ticket Mil w vtovwy ud for the pat jmn lb aCair at Sou eouoty wl bv in the oara of kflMaV capaMe ami Died. PniNNEY. At the family residence in Harrison, Nebraska, on Friday, No vember 3, 1893, Cal vi n E., second son of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Phinoey, aged 0 years, 4 months and 23 days. This little boy was attacked by diph theria when the disease was raging here and for a few days his life was almost despaired of but he rallied and bade fair to recover, but the disease had partially paralyzed him and gradually it extended over his body until death claimed him. The burial occurred on Saturday after noon and the memorial service was held at the M. E. church on Sunday evening and were conducted by Rev. J. W, Kendall. The bereaved family have the sympathy pf the entire community. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our most sincere thanks to all who so kindly aided and comforted us in our receiit bereavement. As we are comparative strangers among you we appreciate the treatment ac corded us more tluo words can express. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. 1'iunnev. The campaign is over and we shall endeavor to again run a newspaper in future. Being a day late with the paper we are able to report the arrival of a boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H, J. Smiley on Friday, Nov, 10th. County Attorney Con ley has been paying but little attention to political affairs of late on account of the arrival of a son at his home on Wednesday morning. Thanksgiving will soon be here, bnt tbe editor of Tub Journal is thankful now that he is a "little fool" instead of being a saiort man line Ringmaster Verity. On nett Sunday morning at 11 o clock, Rev. Kendall will preach the memorial sermon of Ungh Ounsford, at the K. E. chore hi. Regular servicee in the evening, Att are invite It is reported that whew the rettrra come la from . Maatroee they had the him effect ow Verity aa did the tow votes for ooaaty clerk on the candidate from White River at the independent cooveatioa, If you do not Me Bob; Keel i tow far some time you need not be alafttrtrt, for all that in the matter w that tat watte he wear i so bread that ha oaav HI frt II Bwoagfc tna aoyeo. Up; rMlMavlteimltlejf arrival af V s J Vj yi -if I AM ANTI-RING! 3 3 2 St 3 C C 5 3 ! m3 C""5C3 o 4 C f ,. 5- ft H si i I ri ! Ts ! I I I I I -.1 ! ! -! I I I I --.I ! QJ.l' j -j.,' I ! ttpi o! ! gxi 5 'dow 'oosijjBiro'O'I J j M SS! ! ! -il i Boi ""I 'A 'qnio;OH 'V 'K s V i , , I, (1 ! ! ! m,8I ! i - a'IAJi nirujj S SKI ! i -.1 I B55o. ""I M 'pjtiuiwjg "X 'Q 5! ! ' ?! Si I own- a 'muooa -h a .. . m ppi ! I l ! I -J.-S aH 'iojqaHaa'H i I i -i -I l ' -i t QA.I 'pin j r " I SS! I I oK! l I 8! j 1 "j m"8ll "t "A " , , g l ! I .! d ( S- dim 'Ciih "Ai 0 . xl ! ! 2t 51 I met! '""iiioiM 'O ? 1 -t SKI I ! KSI i I 1 A aaiuow -y y " i ' oat ! I mSI El I o.! - ma K f 5 1 1 n I ui i I 1 1 i -on 'yon 'a -v 6 -M; 1 1 -i I u - oj.1 uaiA ir;j'UH ? ( -iSI I i Mul at l 8e-M"lo Hniii,v HHft SSsi 35ZI i aSZZI I SSmS 8351 I 1 SIS!' Slt5S8Sg SanF ImZZmit wM " - I i3i i S55i i tax l'-wp'rim -n -si 1 5 3 j. '"I V nivmapui i 0 "a Vl.'HneH 'OK "1 A 'uo o K 'i T X "I A 'APMH soty "I A "it 'w 'BRjaeii H I d 'rew Hi m GO B. E. Brkwstlr, President. D. H. GRISWOLD, Casliier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General CORRESPONDENTS: American Exchange National Bank, New York, United States National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Cbadron, Interest Paid on Time Deposits, tyDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. I YOU -n,- I .fir, Want a J " ) Good -Cook ' Stove g( fc DlRSTELLEil Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves. COME They Have also put in the General Merchandise, ever brought to Harrison which they are selling at lowest living rates. Come and see us before you buy. FOB INVENTIONS . PROCfJRED Bf THIS , , ' . Press Claims Eqoat with the interest of those hating claims against the (krtatioml f that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of taxations bmm of the fncoraDentencv or inattention of f.h nMnmooa '.nmtj - uuwm tnnr fCMk loo much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and rehabto cotfcttoW tAt t,MHA w.nAH.n .... . I I . . . f,"v-"," H""i"f 'r nio aiue i a patent tlie care aud skill of tbe attorney With a riew of DrotectifMr. mvAninn . " ""rL"" or CTweieew eawwrir ana ef seems: that inventions, are wll nmiian.t k wr r, LLAIW8 OtJMPAOfY has reUined eouneel expert m pcwteM pnwtiay aaf j faVM rww m-rupuruu W rnosEteti and itrEf rNmjGitRsip ' ETt'. Etf.-' ' ii yoo nve an invention en nana send TBI PRESS' CLALISS QGZ&Alff A sketch or photograph tfwreof, together with brief dwacripCioff af the iaoiicCl' featorm. and yoa will be at onca advlsMl' uv t tu. k4 ... . v7 i.- , are aot necessary unless the mverition W M m hrfrtngfingr on your rights, of if yoi are chargpetf with infrtnaWMM U r" - . v, iiuv.i C, P, Corm, Vice-Praaideat. Banking Business. BDOTUEDS AND LOOK AT THEM, Largest Stock of Hardware MARSTELLER BROTHEfii Company, oepeods greatly, if aot eMfferj SaV ' ' rU .t,i- . u t pfora ictMig- oa tiw maner". , , " 'i i I ''4 - V .. '. - i ,1 , i A , i . 'I 4 j $ 1 ' r i , "it -i 1 7 1 lit iirma I V V. "A1 V,