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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1893)
(V.. aU awa-At jftW- Hi1 v a?' 1 - tor i 5 Kl S1QUI C UJITT JOIIIKU BARB1SOS, NE RASKA A tiroaa of trMk. Haw Tore, Oet. Not. L .Sargeant Fagaa, of the East Tbirty-Gfth street Station, was behind the desk yesterday Wben a wild looking man entered snd to ft Sere voice demanded 5,0 ). 'og that he had a crank to contend wiia, and in order to gain time. Fagan tevitad tbe man into the waiting room. T a two were talking wben Patroman Juun oh entered. "I owe this man $5,000," Fagan said to the officer. 'Take hi a down to tbe , hank and see that be ge it." Ube crank joyfully fallowed liose. As soon aa he came in sight of tbe Torkville police cou-t, however, be realised the trick played on him and efosed to enter the building. A rough aad tumbled fight resulted, the police Man being victorious. Pending the arrival, of Judge Grady tbe fellow was pat In tbe prisoner's pen. Aerank called ou Chief of Police Brruaa yesterday afternoon and de aadod a hundred thousand dollars wtoieh he declared Byrnes owed him. Of this $25,000 was interest, which be wanted in peonies. He was locked up. Another metropolitan crank was ar rested early yesterday morning at West aa ' Court land streets. The man was ca Ut endeavoring to convince an It '.an fruit seller that one of his ap ples was a part of the moon. At tbe Chorea atreei police station the pri ansr gave his name as Henry Frank, tor refuses to tell where he resided. Jfr k dec' i red that he had been se leeied to kid Mayor Carter Harrison of Cl ago, but having sold his soul to Eeral liussell of New Haven, Conn., acting ynder tbe latter's orders, be Bad stopped in New York to kill the Cuban consul, in order that the island eould be annexed to the United States. The prisoner was poorly dressed. Justice Martin committed him for ex amination as to his sanity. ANDKEWS AUKAItiNhD. Mongolia Andrews, the man who was arrested yesterday for annoying Edwin Gould at his office in the Western Cnioa building, was arraigned before Justice Martin in tbe Tombs yesterday asorning. "This will break my wife's heart,', he said, as be buried his face in Ms hands. "Then what makes you act as?" inquired the justice. "I did not know I was doing anything wrong," was tbe answer. Andrews sars he came to New York a week ago Friday. f am a telegraph operator." said he, ai came from Kansas City to see if 1 .00 Id not get a better position than I bad there. I have a wife and two chil dren there. I called on Mr. Gould be cause I knew him. 1 met bim a year ago and asked him to giv me a posi tion and he said he would look the matter up. So after waiting year I thought 1 would ask him about it. I d) not think I was doing anything w ng. In the city wiiere I came from w are privileged to talk business to all awres." notice Martin held Andrews for ex amination as to bis sanity. James Brad l. r, the man who shot Bnpsriatendeut M tit hies at tbe new building of the Po.-tal Telegraph com pany yesterday, w not arraigned at aha Tombs police yesterday morning, as was expected. lfiattaf la Varus. Chicago, Not. 1. Shortly afu saidnlfht yesterday morning two meu Sroaght a Mary turuk to tbe Rock Island railrSad station and asked to have ff rtfceked to Columbus Junction, la, bat their tickets were to Ansmosa sad the trunk was checked to that ftlta. An hour later tbe baggageman, wrfpMttag that all was not right, sent 3 tbe police and had it opened. "I bey Os bonified at finding that it con i1af the boay of a man. perfectly axcS of clothing, but wrapped in oil es4 The body had a full gray beard. Tkaraeasra no marks of violence on it i,aas nothing to idewtlfy it. one of the feet wrs a tar I s) issued at the morgue of the koeptUl. It is supposed the laff was tateadod for dissection. Tiim aftemeoa, a man preasfltM a : far tbs truak at tu station. m4 i at aaas arrested on tbs aart of ry. He gave his bbsm as U. W. F. BekJey, of Fart Madisoo, la U at Stat aati ho got aa body to warkoabimsetf, bat aftaasraras said aawaa workrog tor rroaeessr Tan Cary of the Chicago Poat-Graduat aasiloga. frvas M lalaa. liST FhAMOMOO, NOV. l.-TbS Viking arrivsd with the two i who wan auraoood on C lie per- f-Jk fcaad tet May. Cllpparton island 'Ifttiay sawek in the south Pac lie, L-f-ttt awvarad by a guana deposit. v r dllif Com par was sent out to aCwlomof swea.aadoo IU return y mnetseo for suppiies and plasty tat two sailors wore left, ' lttaVkiioas tor Uu-eo asoatbs. The J isaaasolsU spot, and as lite wj tzi w&givings one of them sent rto afrlawi ia this city by the "' -Jiit3 of tboir fears. Too yrt3 tMOaadiaat Awgnot l was saat ant. Tlw mti iklfaas ewadittoa, hat in ' '""frrrif liatoas by ,.:rzl prtcri t :4 c i -.ulltr Patrick Eugene s:nge4 before ! and tbe touts could ;eet awa, plended rot guilty. Bail 'U aud deputy sheriff who had bcnr) I'trtbuted about tbe courtroom promptly quelled any ex citement cause! by the crowdug for. ird of bpectators, and the, prisoner r lied from his paroxysm of fright s rhciently to inform the court that be h d uo attorney but exacted soon to engage one. .It exactly 11 o'clock the door that connects tbe old criminal eourt build in r with the jail opened iuieky and three men entered. One was jailor M-Tris, another liaihir K. Kearney and between the two was the uta:i who murdered Mayor Damson. Heavy j beads of sweat stood on the aiurierer's forehead. He trembled l:Ke a leaf fhaken by an autumn wind. His hoi was limp and the miserable wretch wa fairly dragged before the bar of justice. "Is this I'renderpastr" asked the court. At tbe sound of the judge's voice tl") prisoner inclined his bead upward, rolled his eyes and paiiedbis (bin lips as if to siieak. J vhleiuiy lie bad p. aimed an outburst ol ravings, uui the prsence of the court and tbe crowd aweu Mm. Pl.KAUS NOT liLJLTV. John Fitzgerald, clerk of tbe . oji t rt d the indictment, v bioi had been handed in a xhr.-t time before by the grand jury, and Judge Hortoii said: "Patrick E. J. Prender?st, on Novem ber 2 the grand jury indicted you on n charge of murder. Are you guiliy or not guilty?" The murderer's lips moved, but uo so nd came forth. Ho was speechless wi h frigiit. ''Guilty or not guilty?" again sternly demanded the judge. 'Not guilty," answered Preudergast a little louder, as be looked at the judge, hU face worked nervously. 'Have you an attorney?" asked Judge Horton. "No." answered the assassin. 'Do you expect to employ one?'' con tinued the court "Yes, I expect to," answered tbe prisoner, as he shifted abut uneasily his small eyes darting from one face to another before bim. "Well, he is entitled to a continuance until be secures counsel," remarked J dge Hortoii. MIf be does not get an ai .orney I shall hare to appoint one to defend him. You may to I- him back, to jail, Mr. Sheriff." T Adjuum Today Wasiiinutox, Nov. 3. A re lutioii to adjourn today at '.i p. m. wa epor ted to the house yesterday by Mr. Catchiugs of Mississippi, from tbe commit tee on rules, and the previous question was joyfully and vociferously ordered. A lively debate f ', in which Representatives Tuny of Ar kansas and Clarke of Missouri opposed any prolonged recess or adjournment Mr. Henderson of Iowa asked Patch ings if there was anr t iixm-o, nf th ir. iff bill being reported from the com mittee if the house remained in session. aicnmgs replied (cat there was not tbe slightest chance, when Henderson stated that he was decidedly in favor oi adjournment. Mr. Holman argued earnestly in favor of a recess, instead of an adjournment. He questioned the power of the ways and means com mitte to sit after adjournment and held that a recess was in every way prefer able. Tbe yeas and nays on the adjourn ment resolution were called for and re sulted in its passage by an affirmativ vote of lg-1 in tbe negative. Ta Alexandria Harnrd. Havana Nov. 3. The -.(earner city or Alexandria, belonging o New York and Cuba Mail Steamship company, from Havana and Matai.zas, for New York has been burned off Cojimar. 'Che news was brought to this city by a small boat, in which were tbe sec ond ollicer snd eleven other p ons off tbe Alexandria, entered the baioor acd reported tbe loss of the steamer. They sav that an explosion occurred oo board th steamer and shortly afterwards she was burning fiercely. - Slot Vary Cragy. Xkw Yokk, Nov. 3. -George Bock, the dangerous crank who wrote threat ening letters to the scenic artist Gus Vol, and when arrested tried to kill Police Captain O'Connor, was arraigned at the Jefferson Market police court yesterday ; morning. He acted so rational that Justice Kock refused to covirmit bim for examination as to bis saidty. Ha sent 1dm to Clack wail's is tai.d for six months in default of $300 bail. Mentlfllratlaa IaMfal IWTTf.r. Ckkkk, Mich., Not. I -The haa bodies taken from the wrack here Wore sent to lilssnberg, Oat as tbe bodies of Oliver Dtrland and wife. They were burned so badly that Identi fication was Impossible. Ti ase persons, it is claimed and tbe coroner has de cided, are the Dor lands. Drand was aprosperoas farmer near Tiisenberg, and loaves a family of large cbildroo. KfeawaS fight. Najhvillk, Tsnn., Nov. 3. fba at ac S. Lowrey. tbs tolagraaa raoaatly mnrdersd sad rabhaf wfelto at wwrk at night at shall Moaad. Tarn, hsahsaw aspturod sad to aatr to toU. Bh) nassa to Data had at was saataral la i 'tmfiamm kaawa as r-rrt E-Zzx, Crr stawti trk&m cn i Me l lr... ClllCAUO, Nov. 3. Prendergast was Judge liorton at U trembling wretch, i scarcely be beard ! . ... CHICAGO'S MA'rR SHU1. Carter H. Htrriioa Shot D w.ia Cold B ood. l P. PRENDERGAST FIRED THE SHOT- H Ou-t ta the Mi)ur Hiwh anil H. Three -h"l. Two Mkluc Wouade NoOiGieut ta Cauae llh. CuiCAGO, Oct. 30 Another crazy crank has done his deadly work and Carter H. Harri-.oti, five times aiayor of Chicago and one of the best known men in the west, lies dead at his home, No. 231 South Ashland boulevard. Tbe murder was com mined by Eugene Patrick Preudergast, a paper carrier, who bad declared that Mayor Harrison bad promised to make him corporation counsel aud had not kept bis word. This, be said, was bis only reason for commuting tbe crime. The only persons in the house at the time of tbe shooting, Ix-sides Mr. Harri son, were his son, William Preston Harrison, aged twenty-live, and the servants. Shortly before 8 o'clock the doorbell rang, and when Mary Mauser, a domes tic, opened the door she was confronted by a man about live feet, five inches high, with smooth-shaven, clean-cut features,' lit up by a pair of dark eyes. "Is Mr. Harrison in," asked the man in a quiet pleasant voice. "Yes sir;" responded the gtrl, as she threw open the door to admit of his en trance. "I would like to seo him, please," said the man as he walked toward tbe back end of tbe hall Mayor Harrison was in the dining room the door of which opened into the rear of the hall. Hearing the man ask for him, he stepped into the ball and walked toward Preudergast Without saying a word, Preudergast drew a revolver and commenced to tire. He pulled the trigger but three times and every bullet hit the maik. One bullet shattered Harrison's left band. Another passed into tbe lower right side of the abdomen, making a wound that would have been mortal within a few days. The third bullet entered the chest slightly above the heart. This wound was tbe immediate cause ol death . As soon as Preudergast began to (ire, Harrison turned and walked rapidly toward the dining room. He passed throtizh the room into the butler's pan try, where, weakened bv loss of blood, he feil to the Moor. Preudeigast did not follow up his victim, but replaced the revolver in bis pocket, with the ame deliberation thai marked ail of bis actions, aud staru-u toward to door. Jut as he was pan. ing out, William Preston Harrison came tearing down the sta.' s and the coachman ran to the rear erxl of the nail. The cries of Mary Hansen di rected the sou to where his father lay, but the coachmen was after other game. BL'LLKTS MINT A 1 t:H THK A.S8A.SS1N. lie had a revolver of his own, and as quickly as be realized what had occur red be sent a bullet after the disappear ing form of the murderer A second time he fired, but both bullets went wild. Running to lite door the coach man prepared to continue hostilities, but several people were entering to learn the cause of the' shooting, and by the time the cosicliman reached the sidewalk, Preudergast had disappeared. Twenty minute .Iter receiving tbe wounds Carter II. irrison was dead. rOI.ICK t,) T I UK AJ.AltJI. Wben young Harrison came down stairs and learned the cause of the shooting he turned iu the burglar alarm, and even before lie reached his father's side s patrol w agon, tilled wltb officers from the Lake street station, was dash ing toward tbe m yor'3 house. By the time toe officers arrivod all trace of the murderer was lost, and even before the mayor breathed hia l ist oflicors from every station in the city were on the outlook for the mmderer. Every possible effort was made la scare medical attendance for Harrison, but when Dr. Lynn the first physician to arrive, reached the mayor's side he was a dead man. About twenty-five minutes after the. hooting Sargeant Frank McDonald was standing in the office of tbe Des plaines . street police station. Every available officer had already been hur ried out to work on the case and Mc Donald was preparing to follow wben the door was pushed gently open and in walked a small, smooth-shaven, poorly drossed man, cairying a revol ver In bis band. . My name is K. P. Preudergsst "I hot Mayor Harrison snd that is what 'I shot bim with." ' Tbs ceil door bad berely closed be hind the murderer, when an excited crowd began gathering about the police station. J'atrol wagons rattled up to the place, cabs and carriages came by tbs score and their occupants crowded and pushed their way Into the office. Persons! friends of the d r..i mayor, city officials and U o curl... crowded against each otbe ma ,; ndeavorto learn If thes ry. vh.V spread liks wildfire througu tun city, was true. A boat Coaat Tea Taaie., Oct. 30. A private dis patch received hero today say Count von Taafo has resigned. ViKNN, Oet. 10. Emperor Francis Joseph arrived bare today from Godo o and gave a recaption ta Count roa Taste at 340 p. m., at which Um po litical situation was disoaassd. An official communioaUoa hat boon saat Hie proas, ataucf thattta aaatoat has not yet roatjaad, hat iatyartaai eMwtMy ba rrirai twilSa few beer. A Mayor (a b Klrrtcd. Chicah, Oct. 31. It was no disre spect to tie dead executive 'kat, even in the shadow of the jrave, citizen of ail political belief and nil rank of society discussed r ith all earnestness and gravity the problem of successor ship It is the first tmie iu tbe history of Chicago that a mayor has passed aw-ty during his incumbency of office. In the charter law there is no provision ten 'emporai ily tilling a vacancy in the lu.iyorahty occasioned by dea'h, the question apparently having been avoide.l. As a result trie city is con fronted with asi'ui.tion that demands on the part of all law abiding an i or derly citizens the gravest and most serious condition of mind as to the public weal. For nearly ten hours Corporation Counsel Kraus and bis assistant attor neys. Palmer and Defler, searched the statutes of the state for some law, clause or section that would have some beariug ou the particular emergency. They were on a point at a la'e hour of abandoning the effort, w hen by the merest accident they seen vd a sec on of the old city charter wh. n prov led for just such an emergency as has now arisen. The new city charter, adopted in 172, under which the government is now being run, piovidelhat such sections or provisions of the old charter as are not inconsistent or in conflict with tbe new city charter shall be con sidered operative. It pro. ides that tbe city council shall call a special election for the selection of a new mayor with in ten days after the vacancy has oc curred. Under the provisions of the1 new election law a special elec ion may be held within twenty day's i uce, the only provision being that the names of the candidates must be certified to tbe board of election commissioners fifteen 'days prior to ttie d,ty of the election, it is possible there; ore to elect a sus cessor to the office made vacai; by the late Mayor Harrison's death before the 1st of December. Close or the World' Fair. World's Fair Grounds, net. 31. In harmony with the World's fair city's sorrow came the closing of the World's' Columbian exposition yesterday, as directed by the United States congress. At sunset (4:45 o'clock) the colors of all nations, which have been flying at half-mast since sunrise on -Sunday, were lowered together, as they were unfurled within sight of President Cleveland at noon May 1. , Six months, witb the exception of a day, have passed, and I lie glories of the eip-igitlon have been woven into the history of the world's progress, i At the word of command from artll- lery ollicers the guns of a battery fac ing the blue waters of Lake Michigan belched forth the signal in blank pow der telling the world that (he World's fair was dying with the setting bud, dying while dirges were lelng sung and tears shed and heads were bowed in griet over the bier of Chicago's murdered mayor. (hopped O.riUrllrwI., Oct. 31. A woman w as ex ecuted in this city vesterday, she being tbe fit st woman to suffer tbe death pen alty since Berliu (was made a kaiser stadt The last woman to suffer the extreme penalty of the law was execu ted in 146. The victim today was Emllie Zlllman, nee Kuebene, of Ham mer, Prussia Hilcsia. Mie bad been convicted of the murder of her hus band and the facts elicited ut the trial showed that the crime was most delib erate and cold blooded. Frau Zillman was forty-five years eid. In Germany capital sentences are carried out by a headsman and Kelu del of Magdeburg acted in that capa city. The preparations for the execu tion were kept secret. Even lieindel did not know until last night who he was to decapitate. Tbe condemned woman, who had been Incarcerated in the Moabit prison, was only appraised of the nearness of her fate at half past one o'clock Monday. Up to thai time she bad firmly believed that tbe Em peror would grant her respite. When she was told that she was to die today she broke down completely ami her actions were pitiable. Tbe prison has no execution yard and tbs prisoner was therefore transferred to tbe Ploetzenze prison. At 7 o'clock the execution at tendants appeared in the cell, accom panied by a clergyman and several other persons. Frau Zillman was then told that it was time for tbe final pre parations for death to be made. The I'arehaalng C'laaea Kepealml. Washington, Oct. 31. At 7:30 last night, by a vote of 43 to 32, the seaa e, after one of the most remarkable p r liamentary battles of the generation, passed a bill unconditionally repealing the purchase clause of the .Sherman silver law. The ond was reached at tbe conclusion of a continuous session of fourteen days, after sixty-one days of debate, during which five volumes of tbe Congressional Hecord have been filled with speeches amounting in tbe aggregate to about 'A),U00,0U0 words. The Shaft :Hapl., Oct. 3I.-Wb,.e a party of miners at l.rehum were sinking a shaft, the shaft partially coilapsea and buried five of tbe men. A Crank froaj Keaeae CHj Kansas City, Oct 31. Monogolla Andrews, wbo was arrested In New fork for demanding money from Edwla Ookd, has bean employed as telegraph operator in this city most of tbe Una taa past twelve years. Hs has ( wlfs and two children. Heobtaiaod isars of abssnos two wsaki aga, say ing that ha wlaMd to visit afci nid to Wast yirgiala. Hs baa garaat as aeesntrte by Ms hat waaaat Oaajht laaaaa. A Sire t nllwa.r Calaetroplie Portland, Ore, Nov 2. - Portland's s ond hlieet railway cauuuopl.e with I a year occurred early yesu-r.iay J Tning when an electric car from 1 .lwaukee, an eat siile suburb to ibis p'ace plunged through Ihs open draw of the Mission street bridge aud in the Willamette river. 1 here weio ei.etcenor twenty passengers aboari tvh'.-n the cm stalled to cross ibfl bridge, and all but seven of liini sav-d their lives by lea,. ing from the car on the brink of death. Five corpses Ii ve bet u recovered from the rivei, and a man und a boy are still mis:n?. It w as about (5:40 a. m. when lha car arrived at the bridge. A dense fog en. veloped the river and k sharp frost cov ered the rails with a coating of ice. The draw bad just been opened to allow the passage of a river steamer anr tbe usual precautions of ga and displayii g red signal lights bad been taken. ( wing to the frost, however, the car c. aid not be stopped in the usual distance and crslied tbr ugh tbe frail gate and into tbe riv niHtiy feet below. The motorruan, wh l;e saw he could not s . the car, gave the alarm to the passc.erx. nd as i iy as had time save theuiseives by jumping. Tbe coronet's inquest "-ill be held today. ATieetjr wltb Franca. Paris, Nov 2. The explorer Soler, in an Interview published, that Hie Giand Duke Alexis of Russia has arranged a treaty between France. Kussia and Spain, by the terras of wh eh the lat'er's ultimate occupation of 'iungier is pr vided for. It is added that even sh.-uld (his last mentioned portion fail to lake effect the powers have determined that British occupation of Tangier must be prevented at any cost. Several of the newspapers of this city and other important parts of Fr. ice join iu declaring that Europe cannot afford to allow England to occupy and holt, the key to the Mediterranean and tbe newspapers continued by urging tbe . .eminent to immediately dispatch a powerful French Squadron to Tan gier in order to support Spaiu against any interference upon the part of Great Jiritaiu iu the disturbance about Melilla and to enable the French to be in a position (ocheckiiiate any attempt, upon the part of England to land troops In Morocco, in fact it is Intimated that it is the plain duty of France to take the initial step should any inter ference be necessary upon the part of ;my other power than Spain in the af fairs of Morocco. Aud it is also urged ;hat the present of a French suad :i)n at Tangier might be used to lorce .he sultan to take steps to support the 'ipanbh roops agalust the Moors, now inr ui .ing Melilla. I an) case it is estimated that Spain ihould nuist that the sultan of Moroc :o ake immediate action against the Mo rs ant) that when the latter nave, tin; y been driven from the heights sunouiiditig Melilla the Spanish gov ernment must insist for reparation for the loss of life sustained in the mgag uie ts in Morocco, aud that the Miltan iho 'd lie compelled to pay thr cost ot all .se war preparations and other ex penses to which the .Spanish govern me. t has been put through the rvolt f I tie Moors. A World' fair Halir. CHK'.AtiO, Nov. 2. The management ) tne childeni's building at the World's fair nviurii and refuse to be comforted,' not "vei a loss, but a gain, iu the shape if a ti y bit of humanity, left on their, hands at the eleventh hour in the midst tl tboir self-congratulation that, al though ladies bad been checked luring tin- last season, not one re mained in raw n. as it were, to tell ths tale. Hut .Saturday the record was bvekm. A boy, two months old, re gist.'ieii as Wit infant sou of John ,lo; iison, was checked, and remains to. thi hour onclaimed. At tbe children's... bu. ding it was impoosible tolind dot :tn).hing further regarding the little oue, the matron declaring emphatical ly: 1 w. i.l not tell you anything about it." At Paris, when the babies check room was closed up, an inventory de veloped that something like 100 aban doned children were left on tic hands of the exposition corporation. A Nair.ia Ker, mot-Ton, ., ov. intra was a 'arrow escape from a double murder growing out of insane jealousy in this guh-t village last night. John Floyd was shot dead while sitting with his arm about Mi l.ncy White's waist and the yooug woman received enough shot to disfigure her for life. Floyd and a young fellow named Harry Smith were atuiieltme rivals for the hand of Miss While, Site looked with f Ivor upon Floyd aud was engaged to uarry him. Floyd railed iu the eveu .eg aud at 10:30, when be was about to say good by and held his sweetheart In his arms, Young Smith lired t lie con tents of a shotgun ii to Ins head, tear ing away (he whole uck of hia head and killing him instantly. Several of tbe shot struck Muw lute in the face. Smith stood just ouih le window ben be lired, no: fifteen feet away. Us made His escape but omcers are after him. We. a Dime Kevrl Klraa. O a, Cm I., Nov. 2. The body of Frank Pai rick, a nineteen year-old orp an boy, who lived with Captain J. J!, i ennot at Lot In, has been found la tbs bushes, The boy disappeared twa weeks ago, taking a rifle with him. A gaa wound caused his death. It to ha liatad that tbs hoy want lusaootbrawk dime noreie and Mswittaa hwraral hundred vataawaiaf yaSaw eovau wars foand lathatejft traakst ala howla knltat. XEHKASKA NEWS. J. A. C emenU has taaen charge C the Eimwood Lea er. The new school building at Liberty will be cedicated with fitting exercise soon. A. Gordon man has an Indian mummy. t:ie only real one of tbe kiud in l be world. A man at Valentine bought 1,612 prairies chickens of hunters in two days last week. Albion children are sintering witn the measlei au-I tbe attendance at school is small. Crawford's lire department'liai made all arrangements for a grand ball en Thanksgiving eve, Sanford Moss, a young colored man. was arrested at lustincs, charged ith larceny. Mobs is accused or having stolen a gold watch in the posesion of U H Geurnsy. Professional ctmipeti'ion at I Iat m :s. caused U. Howard, a hotel timii-rto forget himself and pound a rival bote! puJler. The police judge brought How ard to bis sences, ami later h ws dis charged irom bis position wimi tl.o b tel. A reward of Ht) has bcti olfere j for the arrest of tho iu eumary who saturated a lot of corn husks with co. oil one night last week ami tine v them into tbe granary of Wib am hixnu, near Nelson. I'ortunat r y ihe com bnstibles fell into a bin of bran ami went out dilef Beckett, received a letl-jr Irom Wurburg, Germany, slating that small fortuite had been lelt a man named Andrew schniitt who lives in South Omaha. 'J'he author of the let ter was anxious to locate Thmitt It' order to pay over Ui money, M-hrnitt has not yet oecu lo. aual . Wimdow pott at Mdierd gave a beau supper to the V. 11. ('. The llorchestei veterans drum r . composed of liilien, Willhelm .. ep and lime, ac couipanfcd liy their a.vcs were Drew. i it and euDffh'.eued the orca-ion with the Stirring no:es of by-gone .lays. Songs, recitation aud the recital of army ex perience tUJed an enjoyable and proli table averring. SnperiiiUoideiit Allen of the Stand ard Cattle criti pany cf Fremont reports that the results ol the tests ma4t) 01 Ue diuVeti! kinds of soil ou wlilcli lieir 5J0 acres of sugar beet were yxo duced give the palm to the soil known as gumbo, and is the lowest of nil Platte valley lauds aud Mjj h were heretofore considered auotV.l worth less. Tbe product on that sfiil was U.e almost unprecedented yield of oi twenty tons of high standard beet w the ace. And when it is considered tiial this veil land, until the ditches ol tbe past few years were constructed was under water several mouths of thr? year and produced nothing but In most worthies grasses, one may realir. tbe Inmieiiesie benfil the system drainage that has leen so ear ties? advocated by many Vebraska-farmei Tne iir! department at Wymore, w given a hard light to extinguish a fii in one of Wymore's best brick block The blaze started in some nuknow way in the nail between tbe stor. rooms occupied by the Latliti tfc Ton drug stoie mill the Wj more Meicantib company. The loss of Lafiiii Sou will be r."i,im on stock and .Vl0 o- building, insure-! in the German tl Fre p rt, Niagara, I rider's and one oi two others "llm Wymore mercantil company t in l ie i i stock of ilo,0U'. half of which wit 'jv a Iocs, covered by insurance iu ihe vpringO d of Mass Chusels, Ph.Kliix of I'.r.M.klvu ami Home of trnaha. The bmlumg owned by Ed. Winier of (iiiiaba. wus.ianiaged to the eit-nt ol .V The above lirm are compose I of wide-awake gentle men wbo w ill be in business at the old stauds again in a few days. For a week Miss .iie Warn bold cams! the mail on the llnrwell and Almera route, her father, Jerry Warn bold, the regularly ordained carrier be ing otherwise engaged, says the Gar field Killerpnse. The Mag ou this line maket daily trios and considering tbe distance travel' d, which is fifty-sis miles, it is no picnic to make the trip, even when all runs smoothly. Last Thursday evening, while on the way down from Almr.a to JiurwaU, at about dusk and when site had retched a lonely pan of the road, somewhere near the Sioux creek, she was accosted by a str iuge man mi ho seback, whs Inquired if she was carrying the mail llelng answered in the Hlllrmative h continued his ipieslioos, asking about bow much tinil went over the route tc. Hhe answered bis questions civil ly, she says, but when she told him that there wasn't much mail goina oyer ths route he grabbed the pouch and informed her in language mors forcible than elegant that be "guessed be'd see" This roused the young lady's Ire, and before lie could got the pouch out of (!, buggy lie was looking into the unfathomable depths of tbe barrel of an ugly looking gun. Keeping bim covered wiib the artillery ha then politely requested that bo be gone, iiiid be got. Miss El zie is about 18 years or age. hut has plenty oi nerve. Special Agent W. E Kaueon of ths Union Pacific, arrested a couple of fel lows at Kearney who, be believes, bsld up and roblwd Station Agent Dtogana at Cozad early one morning last weak. They give their names as Oeorga ai d Frank Cook and claim to lift twelve Dsn uorth or Lexington. Diagaun waahtrs and UeatlBed on of taa men as .ha fallow who bald taa gun on at. The wars taken beck ta Lasiagtoa to. rt la hat tastr examination. U was a sVeveTr sapta re. f t 3:; I? ?., i if.''. 'Si . I -