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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1893)
County Journal .1 HE IOUX TJLtt&T&02T, NEB.. SEPT, 21, 1893. NO. 2; THE SIOUX COUNTY t. i. StmoM. Editor Proprietor. F. E. Atf. V E. B. Tine Uble. Going West. Going East. Nt. 5, mixed, 11 :1S I So. 6,' mixed 6 :25 HARRISON MARKET. w"het per bushel--,. , Oats per bushel Ceru per bushel . : Shorta por hundred !... ; Bran per hundred 1' feed chopped per hundred t Potatoes per bushel : Butter per ret Per dor ; Fdultry per dor.... -.. : - Onions per : - - Beang per lb . 40 1 00 80 1 25 so 15 10 i 40 X AX 90 t 60 15 00 (Xml per ton. Wood per cord;- Lumber native per m. ft ... WCOrrected every Thursday. Old papers for sale at The Journal office.- S cents per dozeft. A platform scale has been put in in front of the office of Hester & Son. ' A number are expected to arrive here from Seward any day. If you Want to sell your' (and, list it with Simmons & Smiley,- real estate agents-V TOuthrie has had his grain bouse moved from its location on the side track to his residence lot; All kinds of wood work done at Friddy's blacksmith shop, opposite The Journal office. J. C. L. Raglartd and James Farnam have taken the contract to put up fifty tons of hay for O. W. Stevens. Take out a policy in the Preferred Mutual Accident Association. It is Cheap and reliable. L. J. SiiiJioffs, Agent. For Sale ob Trade for Stock My saloon business, bar fixtures and stock. I. RKCSTE, Harrison, Nebr. Remember that The Journal office is headquarters for job printing. 160 acres adjoining Harrison for sale hi a bargain, if taken soon. SlMltONS & SMLEY. Wanted On hundred head of cattle to winter. For terms' call on mo at my place northwest of town or ad dress me at Harrison, Nebr. Geo. Otjnoer. 4-&amuel Jenkins, practical boot and shoe maker. Cowboy boots a specialty. Repairing promptly and neatly done. ' Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop second door south court house. There will be a meeting of the W, C. T. fj.j on Friday afternoon at 9 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. D. H. Qriswold. All are cordially invited, Mrs. A. R. Dew, -." Secy, pro tem. A good deal of hay is still being put tip by the farmers. Every one is pre dicting a bard winter and if that proves to be the case the hay will be needed. All the diphtheria patients are im proving. All three of J. W. Scott's children are sick and he was compelled to close his restaurant in order to give them the needed attention, On Monday afternoon after 4 o'clock the notice of tbe appeal in the case in volving the license money Was served 60 tbe school treasurer and the ap pearance day ras set for Tuesday, the ' day following. . As a result the school fcoard bad to be to a good deal of trouble and expense to notify an attorney at Chadron, as Mr. Conley is attorney for ' Mr. Guthrie and there is ho other law yer here. But it matters not how much it costs the taxpayers so long as the lit tle ring of cute people can keep1 that money, " Tbe scheme evidently was to Secure a reversal of the decision of the district court by reason of the school board not having time to appear and make a showing, but the prompt action Of the board blocked that part of their : littlsgame. Last week Chas. E. Verity, grand dicUtor of the little ring of cute people, thought be would put something off on the people as being said by Mr. Baum- gartner. Ha said that D. H. Griswold and E, H. Hough were candidates for the office of treasurer. Now we have it on good authority that neither of them aspire to any office. He also said that tbe editor ot this paper desired to go to tbe state convention. As the editor of this paper has not yet learned the art of holding up a candidate for xpenssi as has the six per cent a month shark who fixed up the article in question we can not afford to make such a trip. Mr Verity seems to know all about tbe plans of all the parties. He is a very wise man and awfully cute, but if ho bad not had his name as publisher of the Independent appear in tbe subhead on . the patent side of tbe same issue in which ha tried to put such words into tbe mouth of Baiimgartaer he would have come nearer getting people to be lieve thorn. Pooplo bad a little codB Itaportaat Motteei The Journal has entered upon its sixth year. In tbe five years it has been published & great many accounts nave accumulated on its books, each one small in itself but amounting to hundreds of dollars in the aggregate. It is desired to call the attention of all who are indebted to us to the fact that we need money. A few dollars from each one who is indebted to us would enable us to meet our bills and make improvements &s occasion demands and we trust that all who know themselves indebted to us will respond promptly to our request. Respectfully The Publisher. PERSONAL. Samuel Jenkins spent Sunday at Crawford. J. H. Cook started last evening for Chicago to see more of the worlds fair. John I. Davis left Saturday evening for Alliance. His family will remain here. L. E. Lawrence was up from the east part of the county the first of the week; Judge Barker returned Friday from a visit to Chicago and his former home in Wisconsin. William Bradley, of Rawhide, Wyo., was doing business in Harrison the first of the week. Presiding Elder Julian was up from Chadron Monday and spent the day with Rev. Glasner. - J. G. Morris started Tuesday for Bak-erstielJ,- Cal.j where he expects to re maihof a year. Mir. and Mrs. E. F1. Pontius and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wright started last Saturday evening for the worlds fair. jM. Smiley and family are expected home today from their visit to the eastern part of the state. The Morrill boys after an enjoyable time at Agate Springs left - for their home at Lincoln last evening. r liarles Newman received word of the ness of bis parents and started last evening lor unicago on weanesuay. . eter Schaefer expects to start for ward tomorrow evening. His son will remain here and he will return with his family about December. Commissioner Johnson and W, A. Bigelow left for the east Saturday evening and will see the big show at Chicago before they return. V. A. Hester is wearing his head in a sling as the result of a horse having fallen with him on Tuesday. He lay unconscious for some time after the ac cident and had considerable difficulty in getting home as he was pretty badly used up. It will take him some time to recover. . J. F. Pfost was in Harrison Tuesday circulation a petition to have the laud office at Crawford. It there is to be but one office for the territory which now comprises the Cnadron and Alliance districts the most convenient place for the people to reach would be Crawford, as it is the railroad junction. It cer tainly would be the most convenient for the people of Sioux county and as a consequence people here would like to see Crawford win. The sickness among the children in this locality became so prevalent that it was decided by the school board to close school this week, and most people have been keeping their children pretty close to home and taking precautions to prevent the disease from spreading. It has been the worst in the families of J. W. Scott, G. E. Lunsford and the editor of The Journal, although cases nave occurred in a number of other families. Dr. Pbinney has demonstrated that be knows what he is about and the people are congratulating themselves on the fact that he came here before the sick ness began. On last Saturday Eli Smith returned from the state fair. The Sioux 'county exhibit missed getting a premium for the lack of three samples of threshed grain. Second premium was taken on native grasses, one exhibitor having had one mora variety than was in the Sioux county collection. A great many were making inquiries concerning Sioux coun ty with a view to coining ben to locate. The number of county premiums was reduced to six so that tbe exhibit from hero must have compared favorably to have come so near winning a prise. The needed samples of grain could have been easily obtained, but was doubtless over looked in gathering the stun. Wo must profit by the experience and next time bo sure that nothing is lacking. It Is expected that the exhibit will bo the means of bringing many now people to Sioux county. THE PIONEER Pharmacy, J. E. PHINREY, Proprietor; Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. jy ARTISTS' MATERIAL. School . Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or J). M. Sutton has applied for a pat ent on a contrivance which he has in vented for trimming horses' hoofs. He says it is a simple, durable tool which can be manufactured cheaply and we hope be will make Some money out of his irivention. A pound party Was (riven to Rev. and Mrs. Glasner at the church on last Saturday. The attendance was not large, owing to the sickness among the chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. Glasner expect to start Saturday for Alliance where the annual conference will be held next week. StraVeU. From triy place hear Gil christ, two sorrel horses, weight about 1,200 pounds and one buckskin, weight about 1,000 pounds, all branded circle arrow, and AM connected, on left shoul der. Information . leading to their re covery will be suitably rewarded. . A. W. Mohr, Gilchrist, Neb. The attempt of the managers of the little ring of cute people to lead people to believe that Judge Barker is their kind of people will do them tio good. Judge Barker has never participated in nor countenanced any of their cute tricks. He is a republican and a man of honor, both in business and politics, which is more than can be truthfully said of the little ring that is trying to claim him. A train of twenty cars was loaded with cattle belonging to Sioux county people, on last Saturday afternoon but they were loaded at Van Tassell and Andrews for the reason that there is no water at the stock yards at this place. The shippers were Coffee, Cook, Bigelow, Bourrette, Hester, Lew is and Johnson. On Monday A. L. Baumgartner ar rived from the east and remained until Tuesday evening when, he shook the dust of Harrison from his feet and de parted for his home in South Dakota having disposed of his interest in the Independent. It is not known just who furnished the cash, but it is reported that Banker Verity, when not engaged in loaning money to the homesteaders at six per cent, a month, will run the pop organ and send out sample copies to tell tbe dear people what a fight there is between labor and capital and how he sympathises with the poor, oppressed farmer and laborers and he loves to help them at six per cent, a month and how they must vote as he tells them to if they ever hope to see any better times. It seems that even after the outfit had bought him it could not get Baumgartner to do enough dirty work to suit them and they have been forced to buy the plant and will do their own dirty work. It is supposed that the name of the paper will be changed to "The Third Termers' Advocate," as t,hat would be much more appropriate than that by which the paper has been known in the past. Kotlcel Notice Is hereby given to all persons who have been using tS. waters of Hat creek and its tributaries for the purpose of irrigation, and those who have con templated using the same, are requested to meet in Harrison, Sept. 27, 1893, to discuss and devise as to the proper course to pursue in the injunction suit now pending in the district court of Sioux county, Nebr., wherein J. C. Meng is plaintiff, and Charles F. Coffee, B, ' E. Brewster and others are de fendaata, E. J. Wuxxm. lyBRUSHES. Supplies. Night. Wanted Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy nursery stock. Many special varieties to oft'er, both in fruits and or namentals, and controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary, give ex clusive territory and pay weekly.- W rite us at once and secure choice territory. May Brothers, Nurserymen, 6-12 Rochester, N. Y. J. E. PHINNEY, M. i). Physician and Sai'sreon. All calls given prompt attention. Office in Drug Store. HARBISON, - - NEBRASKA. B. L. SMtJCK, Fashionable Barber & rkir Dresser One Door South ot Bank of Ilarrisr n, OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. RAZORS AND SCISSORS PUT IN ORDER. Give t me I a I Call. QTJLLIVAN fc CONLEY, Lawyers. Will l'RACTicfi is all The Local, statu and federal courts and U. S. Land office. LEGAL PAPERS CAREFULLY DRAWN. t t i j .t Office in Court House, HARRISON .... NEBRASKA 4 , ; DO YOU WANT WATER? See the "Old Reliable" WELL DRILLER, T. O. WILLIAMS, Harrison Nebraska. NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH Purchase Tickets and Consign Yonr freight via the F.f E.&M. V.S. C.&P. Railroads. H. G. BURT, General Manager. K. C. Morehouse, J. R. Buchanan, Oen'l Freight Agt. Gen'l Pass. Agt, omaha, Neb. McGINtEY RTOVKR, Hnrrlwm, Nebr, own following brand I C j THE COMMERCIAL BANK, ESTABLISHED 1868.1 Harrison, Nebraska. Bv tu Brewstls, President' t A. CffilSWOliD, Cashier", AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000, Transacts a General CORRESPONDENTS: American Exchange National Bane, New York, United Staves National Bank. Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. jyDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. Stove 3 BRISIVOLD & Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves. COME They Have also put in the General Merchandise, ever brought to Harrison which they are selling at lowest' living rates. Come and see us before you buy. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS PROCURED Press Claims Company. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the Government 1 that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuations because of the incompenteccy or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their 'patent. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitor! to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney, With a view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless (attorneys and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY has retained counsel expert in patent practice sod Is there fore prepared to OBTAIN rATKNTW, OOHDtTOT INTERFERENCES, MAKE SPECIAL KXAMIN ATIOM, rRBSEOUTK REJECT KO OA8K8, REGISTER TRADE MARKS Slid COPTTIOHTH, HKHDEtt 0PIS1OH8 M to RCOl'K ml VALIDITY of PATENTS, PROSECUTE Mid DEPEND INFRINGEMENT St,' ITS, KTC, ETC. . " If you have an invention on hand send THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY sketch or photograph thereof, together with a brief description of the import features, and you will be at once advised are not necessary unless the invention Is infringing on your rights, or if you are mit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. The Press Claims Compact, 818 F street, northwest ; " WASHINOTOW, D. O, P.O. Box 4M. job wanwtBcmx, mnnging ttitormj, TQnt thl. nat nt m4 K vtth yr laqttrf.i e, P. cortta, Vico-Presldetft, Banking Business, MARSTELLER AND LOOK AT-THEM. Largest Stock of -A-1ST ID Hardware. GRISWOLD & MARSTELLER. BY THE as to the best course to pursue. of a complicated nature. If other churged with infringement by others, 1 -4' iff ",4v.