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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1893)
4 , , . . 1. The VOL. 6. InE33.. SS3FT. 16, 1893. Sioux County Journal; THE 8IOUX COUNTY jott is, it 0 L. J. Sinuaoas. Edlter ana Prearletor. F.RAM.VE.R. Tin table. Going West. Goinf Kut. Met, 5, mixed, 11 :1a So. 6, mixed HARRISON MARKET. Whemt per trasheL. Oats per bushel MgJO 30 40 1 00 m Cera per baahel. Shorts per tanndred t Bran per hundred t reed chopped per hundred Potatoes per bushel Batter per ft -.,, . ... Eggs per dot... Pool try per dox Onions per t so is 10 340 M X t SO S 10 IS 00 Bean per . Coal per ton- Wood per cord. Lumber native per m. f I " Corrected every Thursday. Old papers for sale at The Journal office. 5 cents per dozen, If you want to sell your land, list it with Simmons & Smiley, real estate agents. All kinds of wood work done at Priddy'g blacksmith shop, opposite The Journal office. Take out a policy in the Preferred Mutual Accident Association, it is cheap and reliable. - L. J. Stjoionr, Agent Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Newlin are the proud parents of a bran new daughter which arrived at their borne on last Sunday,. For Sale or Trade for Stock My saloon business, bar fixtures and stock. I. RlCBBTEDI, Harrison, Nebr. J.' Jensen has a comraoaius new bouse nearing completion at Glen. It is a pleasure to note such signs of pros perity. Remember that The Journal office is headquarters for job printing. 160 acres adjoining Harrison for sale at a bargain, if taken soon. Simmons & Smiley. H. A. Priddy. moved his family out to the homestead the first of the week. Wanted One hundred head of cattle to winter. For terms oall on me at my place northwest of town or ad dress me at Harrison, Nebr. Geo. Ounqer. Samuel Jenkins, practical boot and shoe maker. Cowboy boots a specialty. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop second door south court house. A daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hollingsworth on Wednesday of last week. The mother . and daughter are doing well and with careful nursing it is thought Clarence will survive. . A sort of cankerous sore throat seems to be quite prevalent in this part of the country. It was reported from west of here first and a number of cases have been reported in this locality. So far no one has been very ill with it. It is confined to the children. The worst case in town has been that of J. W. Scott's eldest daughter. On last Thursday Peter Scbaefer ' and bis eldest son arrived from Seward with a car load of stock and goods and they are busy preparing land on which to sow fall wheat Mr. Scbaefer will remain but a few weeks now but -expects to move his family here before the end of the year. He says there are many who want to corns here from his locality but owing to the poor crops they cannot get away. J. G. Morris has disposed of nearly all of his stock and will start for Bakers fleld, California, where he has agreed to work for a large stock and farming company operating there. Mr. Morris knew some of the managers of the company when be was in that country aome years ago and they offered him a position as superintendent which he sjoospted. Mr. Morris has lived here for a kmg time and has many Manas who regret to have him leave this place but II wish Wat prosperity. Mrs, Morris nan the children will rentaia bore for hm months at least Last Ttmrsdi y evening the editor ad bis wife took the eveaioc traia to Ote and on arrival there tbsy ware met fry ff. 8. Johnson, of the Arm of W.8. Janannn Js Sews the ebjeesa snnjEarSt sad 4atM to their place. They have qaitoM jswstry,ttnttkoeaetwea thirty and forty cows having ansa mmi this season. Twyfaasa lsoa mttt tb as- ItfoaUtks work thtwissivas so lis light and tarn the is saade prefttaUe. Oa the tatakKa-tfaai f nana a fan aoa as, M aysxriajsjit is SsMwiaMlM team atw 1 tin to rmfttta I-portest Notice. the Journal has entered upon its sixth year. In the five years it has been published a great many accounts have accumulated on its books, each one small in itself but amounting to hundreds of dollars in the aggregate, It is desired to call the attention of all who are indebted to us to the fact that we need money. A few dollars from each one who is indebted to us would enable us to meet our bills and make improvements as occasion demands and we trust that all who know themselves indebted to us will respond promptly to our request. Respectfully, The Publisher. PERSONAL. J. H. Bartell started Tuesday evening for a visit east J. H. Cook was v? from Agate Springs yesterday. J. W. Earnest was in town Tuesday and called at this office. Mrs. Thomas Reidy returned this mora ing from Custer, S. D. E. J. Wilcox called on Tuesday and gave us some cash on subscription. uscar wara, irom near Lai8K, was. doing business here the first of the week. M. C. Doan and daughter, Miss Daisy, were in town Saturday and called at this olfice. Mrs. H. A. Cunningham expects to go east in a few days to see a sick brother. Mrs. E. P. Mtrine returned last Friday from Minnesota, having been with her mother until her death. Mrs. C. W. Croudson and children re turned this morning from Illinois. Her brother-in-law came with her. N. C. Hutchings, of White River pre cinct was at the county seat on Sat urday and made a pleasant call at this office. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pontius and daugh ter, Miss Jennie, start Saturday night for the east Tbey will go as far as Washington. J. E. Marsteller arrived home last Friday accompanied by bis family and sister. He is somewhat improved in health but has not regained his former vigor. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wright expect to start Saturday evening on a trip to the east They will be gone about thirty days and will spend some time at the worlds fair. School opened here on Monday with Miss Minne Smith and Nettie Marsteller as teachers. T. O. Williams is putting down a well for V. Wohlheter on his farm near Gilchrist. All the new comers tell of some who are to follow and others who want to if they can get away. We received word from Julius Sievers that be had arrived at Avoca all right, apd that it was pretty dry and hot there. On account of the sickness of the editor and his two eldest children for the most of the past week The Journal is issued somewhat late. P. N. Kirkpatrick went to Box Butte county the first of week, to get his goods which be could not haul when he moved here. - Another fire occured a few miles east of town the first of the week and a num ber went out to put it under control. ' If care is not taken all the grass near town will be destroyed. Rt Rev. Anson R. Graves, of Kear ney, and Rev. Irvine, of Chadron, ar rived this morning. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon Bishop Graves preached a very interesting sermon at the church and at 5 o'clock the holy communion service was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Guthrie, after which their infant son, Basil, was baptised. Bishop Graves and Miss Minne E. 8mith being sponsors. On Tuesday W. L. Baldwin and family arrived from Seward county and have gone into Fred B tec hen's house near Mr. Baldwin's homestead south of tow. Mrs. Baldwin wanted to see the country so they drove through with two teams. W. T. Jones will come in a few days with a ear load of stock and goads and then they will build houses. Ail are glad to welcome those who come bere to get hoses of their owa and stop paying reat The asm throat prevailing has de veloped tato eVf heria sa soot in stances 4 parents sboaU watoh their children aad give them prompt trant- atsatas soon as nay symptoms AAraskkarai warn there is sigas will ho ant un no tajst mm ataaaat-wt with taa s-rwktib'. to tor Kb a af nant syne aad with, aroaet ears It to THE PIOUEEfl Pharmacy, J. E. PHQEY, Proprietor. Pure Drugs, lledicines, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. tJT ARTISTS' MATERIAL, School Supplies. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. A band of Indians were camped at the edge of town on Sunday night, They were from Pine Ridge and going to one of the western reservations,' It would be a good plan for the par ents of some children to warn them to keep off the cars. Agent Pontius has repeatedly ordered them to keep off but they do not heed him and some of them will get killed or crippled for life. Last week the Independent shrunk one half and came out as a two-page paper, one page old patent and the other home print The supply of ready prints came with a C. O. D. of $25 on it and it has not been taken out of the ezpiess office yet. Last week W. B. Wright's mother and sister came up from Whitney for a visit Early Monday morning the form er was taken very sick and some fears were entertained of her recovery. Dr. Phinney was called and had her on the way to recovery as soon as a person at the age of seventy-three could be expected to improve. She expects to return home on Friday evening; Pecnllaritles of the Siamese. The wealthy Siamese, including the king, practically turn night into day. All important political meetings are held in the night and four o'clock in the morning is the hour at which fashion ables retire until four o'clock the suc ceeding afternoon. There is a serai-European theater in Bangkok, which was erected by one of the present king's predecessors, and there are plenty of out door theatrical performances by natives, the Siamese being a pleasure loving people and fond of all sorts of entertainments. The worst thing that can happen to a man in Slam is to get into debt, from which there is never any escape, owing to the exorbitant interest charged. Once in debt, there is no appeal; the debtor being stripped of his clothes and compelled to work in fetters, generally for the rest of his life, to pay the inter est Drunkards are not permitted to give evidence in the law courts of Siatn. The Buddhist priests, clad in yellow robes, are to be seen evory where in Bangkok; and it is quite common for young men to enter the priesthood' which affords them an easy and luxur ious existence, owing to the liberality of the populace toward anyone sanctified to the service of Buddt.x From "Siam's Capital," in Demorest's Family Msgs ae for October. Best Mm to the East The Burlington Route B. A. M. R. R. is running elegantly equipped passenger trainee without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all points went, mud for Kansas City, St Joseph, St Lotus, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all points east, Boom her this is the only line by which you can tabs sleeping car from Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and in Chicago, reoria and St Louis the fol- fW fatar tstfannaUoa and tick sfe ne at to astoist agsat of stoutest AM, K CTBRCSHES. Wanted Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy nursery stock. Many special varieties to offer, both in fruits and or namentals, and controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary, give ex clusive territory and pay weekly. Write us at once and secure choice territory. May Brothers, Nurserymen, 6-12 Rochester, N. Y. J. E. PHINNEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. All calls given prompt attention. Office in Drug Store. HARRISON, - NEBRASKA. B. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. One Door Stmth of Bank af Harrison. OPEN SUNDAY FROM O TO 12. RAZORS AND SCISSORS PUT IN ORDER. Give t in I i ! Call, gULUTAN k CONLEY, Lawyers. Will nucrricE in all the local, stats and federal conrts and IT. S. Land offlca. LEGAL PAPERS OAREFULLY DRAWN. t II s T Office in Court House, HARRISON .... NEBRASKA DO YOU WANT WATER? See the "Old Reliable" WELL DRILLER, T. O. WILLIAMS, Harrison, .... Nebraska. NORTH WEST it' EAST SOUTH TnrehsM Tickets and Consign Tonr Freisht via the F..E.&M. V.S.C.&P. RAILROADS. H. Q. BURT, General Manager. K. C. Morehouse, J. R. Bcchahak, Oen'l Freight Agt. Gen'l Pass. Agt OMAHA, Nil. McQ INLET S STOVER, Harrison, Nebr. owa following brand: THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED ISM. Harrison, Nebraska. B. E, BRNwrnx, President. D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General CORRESPONDENTS: American Exchange National Bank, New York, United States National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. HTDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. You i ' Hpri Want J Good C Cook fS" Stove 3 ( gsy GRISWOLD & ARSTELLER Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves. COME AND LOOK AT THEM. They Have also put in the Largest Stock of General Merchandise, ever brought to Harrison which they itre selling at lowest living rates. Come and see us before you buy. GRISWOLD & MARSTELLER. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS PROCURED Press Claims Company. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the Government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuations because of the incompenteccy or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With a view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless atttorneys and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY has retained counsel expert in patent practice and is there tors prepared to OBTAIN PATENTS, CONDUCT INTERFERENCES, MAKE SPECIAL IXiMINAXIONS, PRESECUTE REJECTED CASES, REGISTER TRADE MARKS and COmMOTO, RENDER OPINIONS as to SCOPE and VALIDITY Of FATUH, PROSECUTE and DEPEND INFRINGEMENT SUITS, ETC., ETC. If you nave an invention on hand send THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY s sketch or photograph thereof, together with a brief description of the Important features, and you will be at once ad vised as to the best course to purswe. Cassia am not necessary unless the invention is of a complicated nature. If taan aiv infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with Infringement by atfaM,' wfc. roit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the mattait Thk Press Claims Coxrffr, 618 F street, northwest . ...., WAKffltOTON. D. X P. 0. Box 46. jcs.v WEDDERncRX, managing attovney. c. F. Corm, Vice-President Banking Business. Hardware. RY THE 1 :-4 r vw taw u i nu hh n wiw jvui HUlTsJn t , J' i" " , vi 'i'l '-A' " .- r ' .L:'.ir.- - ' . !rt,r.r.