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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1893)
5 ? V - r .. I, if:-', ! TbCa Cecity fcund. in ii i ii ! fin nnnrrr hr fato a in ooumtt. flBLT UFCM2CA PATCE IN SIOCX OOCNTT. kM m labqwt cibculatkm op ant PAPBt PCBUEHE) Ot SOCX COUNTY. Subscription Price, $2.00 I T. fhn i -. - E4iter. bland at the HairlMa post office a ho Ski class matter. TBVSSDAT, 8EPTBIBBR 7, 1893. many instances those "robber 'of whom we used to read in lllin ulii papers, have been succeeded ky receivers. Toledo Blade. The loss of life by the recent storm along the Atlantic coast exceeded six hundred while toe 1 oss of property is well nigh inestimable. With aa assurance that the tariff would't be touched in ten years every factory wheel in the United States would turn within a week. Toledo Biad. Tbe Irish nome rule bill passed the bona of commons last week by thirty four majority. Now the wielders of tbe bUckthorn will have to fight among themselves. Dodge county has two candidates for the republican nomination for supreme judge. Dodge county should remember the election of 1890 and profit thereby. A democratic county should not claim til there is to be had. .. Charles T- Jenkins who was one of tbe pop candidates for district judge two years ago has just received the nomina tion of his party for tbe office of coroner of Box Butte county. The motto of the pops seem to be "anything for office." W. H. Westover and Judge Orites bare been engaged in an attempt on the pari of each to prove that he was a bet ter democrat tbaaribe other. The row ended last week when the former was an active member of the pop county . convention of Sheridan county. It Jsmm Crites with a clear field. Some of the papers last week stated that President Cleveland was a pretty Kick rqan and fears were entertained of bis reeovery. Such reports are denied by these who claim to be in a position to know. Tbe death of tbe chief execu tive just at this time would be a calam ity to the nation for it would bring on another season of suspense until his suc cessor eaade known the line he proposed to follow. - - The celebrated pension order of Hoke fttaith has been reversed. The veterans rare gathering at Indianapolis far tiie patioaal encampment and the admistra (ion Vuear tint it would be roasted to a turn, on its pension record and concluded to hack down before the storm came. Ro suspensions will be made in future except in cases where fraud was practic ed in securing the same. Such pension ers ought to be dropped and prosecuted. Xb fifeoux, county populist central commjetee met and selected delegates to . the state convention. It seems that our pop brethren who have been lying awake rajny days to deplore the usurpation of Cower and authority by old party rings now bow to work things just as well. n Sioux the state senator, post master of the agnate and two county officers wp appointed. The rank and file for Wfcosa tbe average patriotic pop bleeds wasn't in it Great snakes, whither are sjdjcMtfbFrem.ont Tribune., atpflg effott is being made by the ygu,tfc to, wdwoa the west to join it. ift ? tfyoajtioa. a the east . Before making W$ an arrangement th west should feYMtigttte carefully. The democracy j tfaftsputh would- control the move ftyMpW of the representatives from that Mtioa and so. long as they could, control tj! whole tbjng. U would be well for ti?a44,tbe west would get the same gyKton that the northern and west fgi paocrate did in the matter of chair- fysupa of house committees. Ull " I i. Tlobrara Pioneer baa entered, its VSSS 7.m. it destinies, for the but TfcSW, lvi guided by m W. 9ntry ha noordjaA that Tho ipitiii, nun t3t VW two? W printed on green Q3rttflii safe to.,pra)atbat tni3?Srt. mm ww ' . r- A - ill . a- I r Airs wfa w um w- . "-"- J 4H SMdtlsaar i Senator Stewart ought to to well "heeled" if there were any contests for him to vote on at the late pop convention. Daily the reports are that the banks and business bouses which were forced to suspend a few weeks ago are resum ing business. Tbe panic is past and has become a matter of history. Barret Scott, the defaulting treasurer of Holt county has been located in Mex ico and steps are being taken to get him. There seems to be doubt as to whether or not be can be compelled to return. He should certainly be made to suffer for his sacking of the treasury of tbe county which elected him to a place of trust and profit A good long term in tbe pen would be a warning to others that they must not do so. For years it has been charged that the republican party was a sectional organi zation and tbe claim made that the democratic party was the real national party. The administration is proving that tbe democratic party, or at least that part of it which dictates the party policy, is the most sectional of any that has ever been in power. In the make-up of the committees of the house of repre sentatives there were twenty-six chair manships. These were given to ten southern states and the tui.ty-four northern and western states were utterly ignored. This and Hoke Smith's famous pension ruling ought to be proof enough to satisfy any one that the south is the dominating power in the United States today and legislation will be made to please it regardless of its effect on the interests of tbe nortb and west. As the fuss and excitement, attendant upon the financial crashes which came with such alarming rapidity during the late panic, pass away it is found that most of the failures are not nearly so bad as at first appeared. Many of the banks which suspended payment for the want of available cash have resumed and are doing business to the satisfaction of all. The large manufacturing and jobbing houses which went to the wall have been found to possess enough to meet all liabilities and to continue the business as soon as funds could be real ized from the assets. Taken as a whole the panic will prove to have been made to appear much worse than it really was and people should profit by the example and not Ket scared by every idle rumor set afloat The best reason that could be asked for the republicans to refuse to make Max well the party candidate for supreme judge has come to light in the fact that the Omaha Bee has opened a campaign of tbe same kind as it waged when Beese was a candidate for re-noiMiation. Rose water has started in to brand every one ruO dcas not support Maxwell as a railroad tool and capper. If the republi cans of tbe state have got to keep mum mies on tbe supreme bench in order to pacify the pilot the sooner it cuts loose the better. There are plenty of men in the state fitted for the position who are just as free from railroad influence as is Maxwell and who are young and vigor ous and will perform tbe duties of the office in a manner that will reflect credit on themselves and their party. In the careful perusal of the papers from all over the slate in regard to the coming campaign it is noticed that un usual care is being used, in tbe selection of candidates. In the past it has been a fbzht to eet on the ticket and then a great deal of the work for the candidates was done by party workers. It did not matter much what a man's ability or iiis record was if be succeeded in setting up the pins and was named by a conven tion he was all right, for tbe boys, were on band at the polls with the tickets and the usual inspiring words of "vote'r straight" and the fitness, honesty or past record of tbe candidates of the various parties was seldom challenged. Now new rule is in force. The new Jaallot law prevents the party workers from buttonholing the voters at tbe polls, the straight vote is a matter for considera- ationby the voter when he is in the booth, and the record of each candidate is called up as tbe voter marks bis bal lot Is it any wouder that men who have wiggled themselves lato, office un der tbe old system, knowing themselves unfit to fill the position either from, a moral, intellectual or educational stand point,, dp not like the new tow? As it is now a set of men may go. to, work and set up the pins and capture convention and nominate whom they plaaae, but petition with a small number, of, attached will put another mail on, an equal footing with $ shemera, 0 far m being on, the. ticket is, concerned. Again there is great deal, mose ipc- peodeaoe m the way of um popi of U partiest swept the nop go t politic of kte. The oew party i working the otHnc party eve &V tbft 9 MrtWi vum,iffOtM to, dtyim, whaA pP0 JJX IpflPij flpwdwijt' Ift lPflwA DJUff- aa' a& t i niaa 4B JemsMb "4 lei Me4 tW Te Be Tested la the (arts. ' Inter Ocean. Colooel Charles P. Lincoln, ex-deputy commissioner of pensions, and nr, , ..i ti dier now practicing law in Wasiituiuu, proposes to test in the courts the legality of Secretary Hoke Smith's action in sus pending pensions granted by his prede cessor. Secretary Noble, under the act of June 27, 1890. Colonel Lincoln main tains that a pensioner has a vested right to his pension after it has been properly adjudicated, and that even the secretary of the interior has no authority to sus pend or reduce such a pension unless fiaud in procuring it is shown. In the cases suspended by Secretary Smith there is no charge of fraud. It is simply a difference of opinion that Secretary Smith uses for his excuse. Secretary Noble made one requirement for appli cants under the new law and Secretary Smith has made another requirement As secretary of the interior Mr. Smith may make rulings to govern the acts of the department while he is its chief, but Mr. Lincoln contends that lie cannot undo the work of his predecessor. He quotes many authorities to show that Secretary Smith's action in requiring pensioners to produce evidence showing their title to pensions already granted under the law is illegal. One of these is a decision by tbe interior department in 1888 during Mr. Cleveland's first admin istration. This decision reads: "It is forbidden by a rule of adminis trative practice, which was stated, and the reason therefor ably presented by Attorney General Wirt in 1825 (two opin ions) and which has since been frequently restated bv other attorneys general (fourteen opinions) that the official acts of a previoas administration are to ne considered by its successor as final, so far as tbe executive is concerned." This opinion given by a democratic ad ministration is in direct conflict with Secretary Hoke Smith's actions regard ing the pensions granted by Secretary Noble. The young man from Georgia seems to think that he can not only formulate rules for tbe department during his ad ministration but also overturn tbe rul ings of all secretaries who have preceded him. If President Cleveland should as sume the same attitude we might expect so see him rescided the emancipation proclamation of President Lincoln, be cause the democratic party is now in power and the south is dictating the policy of that party. We have no doubt Hoke Smith wow sustain Mr. Cleve land in such an assumption or authority, for Hoke is one of the young Georgians who believe that tbe south has won by ballots what they lost by bullets, and because that section is again in power it can undo everything occompiished by the xoFpuus in the last thirty years to restore the conditions before the elec tion of Lincoln, Hoke Smith is a smart young man, but the country is too Dig for such a smart aleck. Let Colonel Lincoln have tbe encouragement of all old soldiers in his test case against the young man from Georgia. Fiual Proof Notices. All ncranna havinir flnal proof notices in this nnner will receive a marked cony of the nanerandare requested to examine their notice anu u any errors ejiov icyui, same to this olbcc at once. Notice for Publication. -- Land Office at Cbadron, Neb., j Aug 31, 1803. Notice la herebv iriven that the following named aettler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof In support of bis ,.i,ilm. mid that said Drool win ne maue De- f ,ira Conrad Llndeman. clerk of the district court, at Harrison, neurasia on ucrooer 16th, 18B3, viz: William Keith, of Ardmorc. S. Dak., who made homestead entry No. 4004 for the sc. u sec. U, tp. n., i. M west of the 6th p. m, He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon ana cultiva tion ot, saia isna, vie: Joshua H. Plumb, Isaac Hoy, David An dersou, George W. Hembry, alfof Ardmore, S-Dak. ,. 52-SJ Beglster. Notiee for Publication. ' Land Office at Cbadron, Neb., Aug. 21, 1803, Notice is herebv given that tbe following- namivl xcttler hjui filed notice of his inten tion to nTuke final proot In support of bU claim, and mat saia prooi win oe maae ne fore tbe Beglster Receiver of tbe V. 8. Land Office at Cbadron, Nebraska, on Octo ber Third, isvs, vis: Michael D. Jordan, of Keatrose, Nebr.. who made homestead entry No. 12B for the se. ii sec II, tp. M n., r. H west of the 6th d. m. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said bind, vis : Ohj-tsttaB Burgel, Joseph Boffer, Theodore nekenoroca, ueruarut luMuuers, au ui Montrose, Nebr. IMIfSJ W. H. MOOANN, Beglster. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Cbadron, Neb., Aug. S3, J8HS. Notice Is kereby given that the following named settler has Bled notice of his in ten Uon to make, final 1 claim, and, that said in surmort ot nis f will Be made be- foreCcmad Clerk of the Dutrlct Court a Barrjbujn,, newasa,, on, sept. Belontou Berk, of Ardiaort, 8. Dak,. He names the following witnesses to prove U conknaon restdenee upon and. ouitlva- ikon, cd- said land, vis : Mrl&Andarmnn. Peter. Btersack. Joshua WUUMtS- BU. of BoOare, Nebr. nwv ho, WW for use : kX n)4 ., teipro eoataawi SaAwTJttlialBk are. LawlaBlok- Banit,W. "atl ef Bodare, Nebr, iPSMor tb F ' a m 't ,r-J. i'.M; -.Ci, 'ry mm mmt mm wianr In Chicago tbe other day a gnng of Italians parading as an army of unem ployed, with a banner declaring that they wanted bread, looted several bake shops and groceries, destroying and tramping under foot ten times the the amount of provisions eaten or carried away. It is a fair sample of what tbe class really want They want to de stroy something and that is all. Lin coln Call. Wanted Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy nursery stock. Many special varieties to offer, both in fruits and or namentals, and controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary, give ex clusive territory and pay weekly. Write us at once and secure choice territory. Mat Brothers, Nurserymen, 6-12 Rochester, N. Y. .Notice fur Publication. Land Office at Cbadron, Neb., f Jul. 31, 1883. i Notice Is hereby given that tbe following named settler ban flled notice of his Inten tion to make flual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Conrad Lindeiuau, Clerk of the District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on September 11th, 18S8, viz: Charles T. Snyder, of Bodare, Nebr., who made homestead entry No. 3614, for tbe nw. Be. 4 ne. sw. X 4 s. X sw. see. 22, tp. 33 n r. 54 W. th p, 111. He names tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz : Michael mining, Henry V. Hunter, Josnua Baker, John Christian, all of Bodare, Nebr. .J47M Register. Notice for Publication. Laud Office at Cbadron, Neb. I Aug. 14, 18U3. I Notice is hereby aiven that the following- amed settler has fliediotlce of his Inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore conrau iinneuian, cierK oi ine msinct Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on Sept. xfitn, 18S3, viz : Eli Smith, of Bodarc, Nebr., who made Homestead Entry No. 787 for the lots 3 4448. nw. K sec. 4, tp. m n., r. oo west of the 6th p. in. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion oi saiu mud, viz : JuIIub B. Burke, Alexander Steele, Lewis Bickard, Ernst Bunge, all of Bodarc, Nebr. 1 4-aj w. H. Metis , uegisier. Alias Setlee. -Timber Culture. V. S. LAVD OFFICE, I Alliance, Neb. S Auk. 4, 183. Cnmnlaint bavins been entered at this office hv Peter Maas asainst Mahlon A. Sny der for failure to comply with law as to tlm- Iw-r pullurn entrv No. 10316. dated uec. lo, lHt), for the ne. section 83, township 24, range 87, in Sioux county, Nenr., witn a view it t. ir (MinceuHxion oi hhiu enirv . uuiiwjsv- ant alleging that "claimant plowed about nve acres or said tract auring me nrsi yar of said entry; but that since the first year of entry claimant has failed to backset or cultivate said live acres, or any portion of same and has tailed to Dreak tne secona nve acres as required by law and the said tract Is and hHB been for the last live vears whol ly abandoned and grown up to grass and weeds, said detects remain uncurea to mis dn- i, May 87, 1883." The said parties are herebv summoned to annear at this office on the 27 day of Sept., IHK1, ut 10 o'clock, a. m.. respond, ana iurmsn wsumony conceru iar sM r!!ced failure. Testimony of witnesses will be taken be fore W. H. Hulbert, V. 8, I V. Com., at Ms office in Gerlng, Neb., Sept 20, 1893, at 10 a. m, f)t-ij jas, ii. UANB&IN, neceiver. W. Gardner, Atty for contestant. L.E. BELDEN& SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Bepalrlng done on short notice. Good work and reasonable charges. Shop south of livery barn. HARRISON. ... NEB, B. L.8MUCK, 'ashionable Barber & Hair Dresser One Door South of Bank of Harrison. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO t. RAZORS AND SCISSOBS PUT IN ORDER. Give I ine t t 1 Call. gJUIXIVAN CONLEY, Lawyer". Will fracticb in all the local, stats and federal courts and V. S. Land office. LEGAL PAPERS OAREFULLY DRAWN. t $ 1 i t i t t3f Office in Court House, HARRISON -. ' t -. - NEBRASKA 00 YOU WANT WATER? Seethe "Old Reliable" WELL DRILLER, T. O. WILLIAMS, Harrison, Hebraska. Dr. Leonhardt Liuiitt. his. practice to diseases of the Nervous system, (Such aa Loss of Memory, Feelings Mo tion and Will-power, Cramps, Fits, Gen eral Ntrvouaaess,, and. all. forme of Meunlgia.). (Am shoMBv bv Shottaem eC Pain, PaJilattcHit nwUMhsy mi V-tuth oessja cef at tf that) BLOOD, efwtelmm o bte it Urn Faee, D2. LIONHARDT, ,v"'r t,44 imtt H VXe DEALERS IN Lumber, Goal and Sash, Doors, Lath and Windmill and Agents Buckeye, And Walter A. Wood MOWERS, REAPERS & BINDERS. HARRISON srans Harrison, Real Have a number of bargains in choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring estate should not fail to call on them. School Lands leased, taxes paid, for non-residents; farms rented, etc. CORREvSPGNDENTS SOLICITED. GEO. H. TURNER, IDTJJLlJmEbtJST - - (general Look at my Goods Before Placing McCormick Binders ttvers. We are at the A FULL LINE T car fcsff Arajrrio : Geo. Rbe w, Farm Implements, Blinds, Lime, Shingles. Pump Supplies. for the . v Deer i rig NEBRASKA. & smiley, Nebraska, Kstate Agents, to buy or sell real roceries AND - Merchandise. and Prices Orders Elsewhere. and Bottom for Cash. s atnis, tq mam. qrssxesl v