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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1893)
Tha Sioux County Journal. ft-TAJJUSHED ousr r.vPEH is THEfonnrv. BEST PAPER IN THE OOINTY. PNLY REPCfcUCAN PAPER IX SIOl'X COUNTY. HAS THE LABtiEPT CIUCYLATION' OF ANY FAPEK PrBLISUEU DC SIOTX COCNTY. d . Subscription Price, $2.00 L. J. Siamous, Editor. Entered at the Harrison jaiatotnee ax ond clat, matter. Thi-bsday, AHfll. i7, 1803 - Before the impeachnieiit cases eud the people of the state will have an opportu- 1 1 nity to know Uiat a plan Mate office has something than to dmw Lis salary. who fiolds a The attorneys who sre the iiupeaclinient cases have come down a trifle and have agreed to take 2,500, each, for tiieir work. That is a Krt' deal more than they w ill be entitled to it hov to nmk tin- ..Imnre. Mick. ciidiKes sut-a. The members of the legislature who are J weakness in the indictment watching the proceedings lire to get -l' ! lawyers who put in liihs !i-r eut-U. The fees of attorneys on the last ' (,)r 30 lit in-. ari-aiigemeut will reach U,9.'0. Thtie ; u10 ,jrcW Uj, t(lrf ,aj,tis iu the .-jsc they will be nothing left of the appropriation .' niust have either been very cieless or by the time the suits end excejit a defi- j K0 1)ol j;,jow much oi tlse did it on piu ciemy for the next session of the loitis- j jK)j-j t0 u,ve the suits amount to notli latnre to provide for. j,ig, iu any of w hich events they ate en- . " -. i titled to nothing hut the condemnation Hallway managers eMimate that ll'j,,ftiw KJ,,U. 0f'"the uhl., state. Some farm immigration to JMrai l"r out. lo tt!ils to do the state a real the present spring nuuiKrs at least j ,ervi,e t.ouI, Oo M1 ,,v .u,,,,,;, tiie pay thousand per wee!;. This h.vy '"l!"x of t!,c ,-Uiims 'of the prosecutors is composed principally of native f"" ,.,ltll Ull,v sl,o-.v thev have done ers from the middle states, nearly all of . S(1!i,etllili: w,i(.h entities tliem to some whom are men ot moderate means '' are an immediate benefit to the state, i The number coming into the state is es timated to he three times as great as ai any time during the past leu years, and us yet there is but little sign of diminu tion. Kearney Hub. The reports from the east part of this I state and from other states in regard to the weather compels the ieople of north west Nebraska to admit that thev Lave nothing to complain of. There is a good deal of satisfaction in knowing that you are not going to be yanked out of bed by cyclone before morning when you retire at night. Localities outside the cyclone belt will be eagerly sought by many people in the near future, judging from the uumber of places being visited by destructive storms so early this season. Sioux county is a place of safety. President Cleveland is reported to have said a few days ago that he had not lieen able to devote a moment's thought to the important public matters since Jilarch 4tlV except to listen to tippeals for office. t.Tihe president also stated that '-lie was' nearly ' broken down w ith the work. .It would seem that the time was ripe for more- sweeping civil service rules, rather than the ignoring of those uLinh i'nv iviet Tf t Iip ntiK' thin?r Hint, the chief executive is elected for"is to put his friends and strikers into fat j pliices, to the neglect of the important affairs of the nation, it is high time some method was devised to do away with the Hpoils system. It matters not as to the party in power, for all parties are made up of human beings and human beings are very much alike in their essential characteristics, regardless of political .ifliliations. It is necessary that the Leads of departments be iu sympathy with (.he Jieafj of the gaveintiiesit, but it is not necessary for every little office to We put under the control of the-dominent party, regardless of the needs of the masses of the people. ' The Chadron Signal has come to the ;oncJusiou that a lack of wisdom was fctiown by the legislature in reducing the Appfop1"'-1'0113 for state institutions, and cites ttw fact that the dozen or more children who have been sent frpm Chad ron to the reform school at Kearney have been lienefitted thereby, and it fur ther says; "The plain, candid truth as it appears In this office is that the inde-jjendent-i have made the mistake of cut ting appropriations too deep and the next two years is likely to furnish proof of this proposition." It is beginning to -" Ijecome apparent to the thinking people . of the populists that there is a right and wrong kiud of economy. It is also becoming apparent to the public that those who make the greatest cry for rJuction in expenses when they are running for office are not apt to labor vry hard for such things after they get jo, unless it is just for political capital, and ttieu tliey are the ones who cut olf tiie wrong items in the appropriation bill and cripple the interests of tlie state. The state of Nebraska is growing aud ' tfo demands of the state institutions are growing in proportion. A reduced ap propriation may mean that tlie insane people cannot be takeo care of at the : asylum but th-t each county will have ' cre for it own unfortunate j, or that otiiMrea who could bs rescued uy -uemg Mttotbe reform school will have to grow up iuto bad, viseioun men because MOM wformw for oflle only cut down tha pprouriatioo. It i rather late in ieasoo for Pro. Sheldon to kick abou t H l(w. -at taouU kv seen to it Uiat ( MWt mudto no such error while the - I TittetM" M ia eesiom. Sluch ruattera . (CmM hmm of W'r pvti'M oatur rlUMdt W.Vt buiui spirit, -) V. mk iamn am t trd b all li miM l in order (or Rhodes, the c! ;:.:i. "i! j the engrossing cou:l. a-tee i'l loo i.-ji cf rvpresoutatn-es .' lh.- ii.'e Ui:ieii!t-J lei-itt:r, lo u.. j oj!u .f the state how it came tha : p ao tiT-T of s-iO.Ofirt on urn-d in the ippro- prill tioll funds to curry on U, " 14-ailiiiit!;; cases aiPiinM tne d ;c ua:s aui ..... ..." . , i ex-orticinls. As tl.e iiiatit-r now MuliOa it 1.;,. every nppear.iu. e or Uiug ft pfe - arruiiSi !au on the purt ot v.uie of the casts ajrninst the uurt active iu urgiujr the iin-eai'liiueut ; protteuiiijis in oixler to l:lel ttte jiriMtei'.iiijjs in oixler to Lleet the ii . . . . . trury for a good big ssiiu. the s.u.i-; . mg of tiie appropriation stacJs aunsT the f.pu!tst members of the legislature, j and it chows either gross carelessness oi ! , , , j malfeasance on the part of the engross-1 uioro to do i ni committee. The lulls of the atlor ! neys a are disgrace to the state, for it j shows (juite clearly that all they care to prosecute j for jH the boodle thev Pan get out of it. ; j would have Ixtn a ood plan to have ; ,aijH the fees of the attorneys contiu- ' cent on the success of the suits. From j ; preMrut indications it dot- not look as if ' ) ... ...1.1 , ,.. oft... . ... l ..... ... !inv ooial v.ulllU result oil lil'Ci aiid i the the e;.ch OIK1 ,.oll,1H:nsn.ion. As well have let tha old . f i.,t:,,n .r,, nn i tn t;mnlr -i.iii ii ,li.i.iii-,.i r. I -. let a new set of iecches Lave the public funds. mil at What Vin.i AecoiiipHslu'd. In looking over the result of th recent si-ssiou of the legislature one cannot hut ! oh-ei ve the absence of some of tiie laws which were most strongly urged before th-; meeting of tlie members. The h'i.ight rate bill; anti-Pinkei-ton bill; the supriiie ooutt commission law: one providing for the investigation of the records of county treasurers at least on:-e a year; that allow ing villages to I issue a larger amount of bouds to se ! cure lire protection or water works: the transfer hvvitch law; the law allowing 'juries to decide whether a murderer j shall tie hanged or imprisoned, and some laws relating to the practice of law and some in the interests of the citiesabout cover tile work cuisine in me various appropriation bills. For a year prior to the convening of tha legislature a great deal of discussion was indulged in by al most every one about needed changes iu the road laws, but so far nothing of in terest to the people who travel the coun try roads lias come to light. Thousands of people desired to see tho cultivation of sugar beets encouraged iu order that the sugar industry might be developed M to l1"-' wwurcea of the state, bill with OOl UlC Olll Oil II lIlllL Ul'Jtl.v in was killed by the populists and the northwest part of the state in particular, is injured in consequence. The late legislature was expected to right all wrongs and one of the greatest, as ac knowledged by all was the unfair, un equal aud ofttimes dishonest methods of listing properly for taxation. No change was made in the law and people will continue to list their properly as low as the assessor will permit in order to escape state taxes, and the showing of the state will be a great deal Jess than it should be. Rtform in assessment and road improvement did not suit the par ticular brand of statesmen who predom inated in the lawmaking body for they did not offer enough opportunities for making spread-eagle speeches Had Senator Stewart worked as hard for a good assessment law -and a bounty on sugar beets as he did to keep up a row With the presiding officer of the senate, he would have gained fully as much -notoriety and would have accomplished a great deal more for the good of his dis trict. It is well established that the west and northwest part of the state pays more than its just proportion of the state tax under the present system and it will have to continue to do so until men can be sent to the legislature w ho have more sense than to attempt to gel the members to pass a resolution that it is "an infamous'" body. Representative Woods goes down into history as being responsible for having made public, with out the consent of tlie popujist caucus, the fact the legislature of which he was a member got "fooler and fooler" every clay and Senator Stewart made a record for being the only member of the senate who ever raised his voice ill ft negative vote on a resolution of thanks to the of ficer who had presided duriug the session. There seems to be no question as to the honesty of the members from this dis trict as no charges of boodling were (undo against them. It was reported Uiat Stewart stated that he did pot be lieve tliat the passage of the Newberry bill would he a goo4 thing for the part of the state be represented, but unless he supported jt he would stand no show for a second term, and if he made such a (atementhe is not worthy of further recognition. ' Not a bill introduced by Wood was passed, and alt that got through with Stewart's brw id on was a iwworial to Congress in regard to U toctiea of two United State r-bor frmn t-Ji ttete by direct rott of tb ill I'iiJiM ( ritielsm. The Yolk TiiwiS takes 0 Cruunsb t" ta-1: ur vctolug lije , oor i ro- : .- . i" i . i- e , prr.uion for -fa Louse for U.a chief ) executive, and charL'es liiiu with La villi' 1 " ; done it for uolili.Jil capital because lie i . . i . , t : does, not rent a Louse at the seat of eov- i - i' t'-nmeiil anil Lis veto of the i'ein will ' , wulptl tlie future governors to da like- :wi&e or ll6 braDded as boodlers. It is furtlicr cluiiued that heiause the Matutes ( tr,,vide tlait tlie governor of the htate ... s'latl reside at 1U capital t is but justice j.jj, i0u!x rent should be paid. , f;tir-i,.indd inou will deny that with ) the ridiculously low salary allowed the ; ..oVl.rnor a lesiatui e should 1 provided ! for ,;IUi j,ut t0 attempt to pay his rent: contrary to law is a very poor way to j yet lit it. If it is 'desired to provide a I resilience for the governor let an txecu-1 live mansion be built and then there I would lie no occasion for that oiliciai to ! Iw out his rent or do an illegal act to re - uulmrse himself. The statutes also pro- vide that the couutv judjre shall reside at the count v sat, but' ue have vet to i ol a county i-.aru aliowiug any -ui:i to defray the iiit of a house fori th.'it ofiicial. ! Large sums of public iioi;. y are np-j propria! ed at every stssiou of tlie legis- ' , lalure for things tnat are not half so ue - simble as ti.e erection of a suitable house to ha occupied by the governor. 1 1 . 1. t !.!.. t . .. it You:u looa lai oioio it-iis-.-uauiu 101 the Tiiiks to make an eiTori. lo have a house built than it does for it to attempt to have a loophole left open whuvtly the rer.t ol a house for the governor may lie i paid contrary lo the provisions ol tlie i airainst Mm-v stiay anil the unknown statutes. ' di viM-cH of John shay 1 will on tile tf.ith day -Trrrrzrrrrrrrz ! of April, Isi'j, at one o'clock p. rnon saiii ... , i dav, at tiie Iron! door of tin- court hous", in Snow storms prevailed in Illinois and county, in Harrison, N.-hr, sell t lie fol Towa Inst week. In some places the i lowiiiirdearnlied real estate, vi: The North i -r. . .. ,. i .1... l.ii West uunrter of .Section 'I hirtv-thec drifts were over seven teet deep. Iv-all- .ownNlYj) cil; North of W, r-iiid trains were blockaded and a great ' i-iiiv ihree(W)M esi ol thenth Principal .Men loss was sustained hr destruction of i diaii in Sioux county, Ncln-a.,ka, at public A row is ou between President Cleve land and Secretary, c.f tiie Tiv.'sury Car lisle. The former says lo issue bonds and the later says no. The matter w ill he watched with a good of interest, as it involves the ijiiestion as to whether or not the creature is greater than the creator. The Etriking iron workers of the Union ! i -,- i i, ,.i .,. il.c.;,. -,,.-L- ,,! l'acilic have returned to then woik on , an agreement made w ith the othcials ol j the company. The strikers on the Santa Fe have also compromised and gone back j to their places. Jt seems singular that the differences which existed between ,, i,i ;. .... l, ..,.,, ..i.i : the companies and then- employees could - not have been adiudicateil witiiout a re sort to strikes. The strikes caused the participants to lose time and wages which they could ill afford and the com panies could not but be at a pretty heavy loss. All such things help to make it necessary for railroads to charge high rates in order to come out even. Final Proof Notices. All per-ons having limit proof notices iu this paper will receive a marked copy of t lie papi-i- an. I ;re. requested to examine their not.t-ti. '. :f any errors exist report the s.Mie !o i oilice alouce. .Notice, fur l'libli'-alinii. J.und Ortiee fit Ciiailron, Net), f Apr. is, hm. i Notice is her.-by given that tiie iollowiiiK named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make ii.i :1 proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will In-ni::ile lie tore Conrad i-iietemau, Cierk of tlie Idstrict Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on May Will, 18SI3, viz: Lewis Kicioird, of linihirr, Nebr., who made Homestead Kntry No. 8780 for the ne 'i, sec. tn X; n., r. 55 west of the 6th p. m. He names the following witno-scs to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: William S. Hall, Kli Smith, Henry Zim merman, Kruest nature, all of llo;larc, Nebr. i32 37 W. II. Jlct'ASN, liesister. Nutlets for ruiilk-iitidi. . Land Ofliee at Unulron, Neb., ( Apr. :), 18. t Notice is hereby (dven that the following named settler lias filed notice of his inten tion o make final proof in support of his clatui, and thai nalil proof will im liiiute be. ton? Conrad I.indeman, Clerk of tiie Dis trict Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on May 15th, 18t, viz: George II. Turner, of Griinuiicri-y. Nebr., who made Homestead Kutry No. H77 for the SK-M sw- H W, !4 SE. i Sec. 2'i NE. V, KW.iNW.HNE.U Si.30,Tp.34 N., K.S? west of tlie (5th P. M., - He names the following witnesses to prove lus continuous residence upon ami cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Wilbur . Klicp pent, James Davis, George. W. Cobb, Solomon It. story, nil of Story, Nebr.- also Elizabeth Murphy, of Bodnrc, Nebr., who made Homestead No. HIS, for tlie Lot 6 & sw. ' so. Ki & e. hw. i sec. (i, t. 32 n., II. 51 w. Glh p. ill. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cnltiva tion of said land, vi: Henry ('. Hunter, Joseph it. Morris, Michae'l A. I'.anuan, John W. Hunter, all of Bodarc, Nebr. W. II. MoCANN, 30-35J HeRistcr. Xot-ire for I'ulilicatinii. Land Olhcc at Chadron, Noli., j Jlnr. 27, ISH3. I Notice is hereby civen Hint the following- nemed settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make llnal proof in support of ids claim, and that said proof will Vie made be fore Conrad Llndeman, Clerk of the District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on Jtay Eight, IH'-ts, viz : Mary Abler, of Unyvllle. Nebr., who made Hnnnestead Entry No. 3118, for tpo lots I, 3, & 4 See. 5, Tp. 29 N., It. M West of tlie (ilti V. ill. ' He names the following witnesses to prove Ids contiiiiioiis resident e upon and rul(Iya Hon ol, wild land, vl?: oel II. Cadv, liobert Necce, Alva Wirecvc, James E. .Mc'Uoy.allof Iloyvlllc, Nebr.; also Fritz. Ftlch. of Montrose, Nebr., who made llomostead Entry No. MS for Hie SW. V See. 0, Tp. 33 N., It. 51 West of the nth P. M. " Ha names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, mild laud, viz: Jaeoti WasscrbHrgcr, Jacol) Korster, Perry White, Jackson Krelsler, nil of Montrose, 1211341 W. II. MottAJHf, Register. Notice, for Publication- Loud Cfflce at Chadron, Neb., Mar. 24, IM3. j Notine I hereby given that tljc following named settler has hied notice of his Inten tion to make final proot in support of his clttlui, and tbat said proof will be made be fore nriuj Uu(lioan, Clerk of the District Vuart at JlaiTlsou, Nebraska, u May! ... .., ., Marti Oa.vhart, of Montrose, Nebr., SoleHolrof KHKabetb C.ayhart. deceased, who made lrc umptlon D. 8. No. IUTO, for tlio 8. X SW. u 8eo. 14, Tp. 34 N., K. M West of the Uil.M. .... Ha names Ue following witness to prove bit continuous renldence upon sad cultivation of said land, vis : rrank NolU, Hsnrf Meksnbrock, Cord ItttMrt.Joba Wnry, All of Montrose, Nebr, lXl) if, U. MaAKM. Hvkter, fckeri.f Sale. I By imu oi .ii oruer oi n.ue i r,y county, Ni-hniska. m .1 a decree is ; ..-red i bv s-O'l Couit in favor of Mary U. -iont ; ,,, tiul.tbm ivu-r tmi.-imu- i . Mary AnChrita!i!ii, Western tan., j Mortgage 1-Oii.pauv. .t. I,, ilrowu, as-i!fiiec, Thomas lii-venport. lteile Madden. W illiaiu lit. Mauden ami Cet.i-iie I. Wrbrht, I will ",..... ... , luui uc jjiii uii) hi - , I v, nu t':n- . . P " KI,"i " ' uX ' ir..nt am oi ; the Conn House, in said couniv, iit Harri- xm, Nebr., wll ih fellow ii.g .iwr:ll l.eMnirter ?ad SoHb-w" ..uarr ol s"uiii:i iniiri.-- of mh-iuim r-.-nt- ivat quarter uf Metioa xit-ntyiislit In i i.i.;-ii. 1 1 in t M it-1 uini. in ii-i I. ii riiiun I- 1 1 1 v ; uree, U,t of t-lie Kh 1-riaciiwl M.-rWaii y I in sious nmnty, (Mirakii, at public nlli-1 tun i ikt order of sale iu the kuiu oi hka aiul ml, -rest, roeil-i aiij accruing eosl and tile lurtut-r yum ol J.1.0ij w im-it iiiimi:: Dcvfu 1 d from lieu.- Ma.l.i,-,., uiiam ! o. MaO'Jt-ll and Oirorpi' I. V riKht. " Ti. la.ii-r. sheriff of sious "o., Nclr. Sliri8"s SaK Uv virtue of an order of sale iissuoil liy Iha cli-rk oi tlie liisli-ii-t Court ol moux ! count v. Ni'tir.iska, uimjii a decree rendered . I... . .i.l i . .... i.. Hl.ii.i- l f..i.t. ' a-,,inst Jmue It. Johnson. Western j i arm Com pan y, a llakola l-orpo- 1 port. 'MnnKie tH-vennort, and' Thiu i "venpoi I, 1 win on llie l.iiu uay oi nay Jsi:l, at 1 o'c.lK-k p in on aaiii day, at tiie front door ol tin-coiirl uouhc in aaio county, in Harrison, Nchra-.ka, s'li tlie foilowinfcr de-M-riia-d real etati!, viz: 'i lie southwest i)iiarlT of section tw-entv-ltve in town--Inn thirtv i.Hii North of rauKe liltv-four (54) i Wel ol tin- sixth I'rineipu) Meridan, iu Sioux cuuntv. .S'ctira.-ka. at pniilic auction, to the luiftirst Imlder l.r cash, to asuosly said 1 order of sain in the sum ot J'.d. i'l ami Inter- . ,,4t ami co,-i uud aceruinK costs. herltfVSx o,.. Nebr. . . . . Ilv irture of an order of naie issued by tlie clerk oi the district court of Sioux County, Sebruska upon a decree rcn court in favor of ' American tnvc-dmerit Company ilUCllOli Ol I liC llll!IC-l lllilill-I nil c.ifll, ?u II- jeel to lieu of 1 rs t lnol'tifiite lor priueiji.ti ' lllli lit s:i.j K Mini ol s.'CiO.m) to sati-.iv said order of sal ' I he sum of ?1 H.9s and interest, costs and lie cruinK costs. Taos. Ki:iiy, I (i:Hj stieritr oi said County. hhtril's hiili'. Hy virtue oi an onier of sale issued by tiie cieik ot tin district court of sioux county, Nebiiiska, upon a decree rendered by said court iu favor of The American Investment Company against John I. Davis, Ia.'wia 1-ischer," risclier, his win-, Hist and ( luist:an niuic unknown, 1 will on the '2.itli (lMV (lf Al,rili im Ht ,. .t.,,.k, p. ilav, at tin- front door of tlie court bouse, in said county, in Harrison, Nebr., ,,.,. S(,.m. (,i,.-i,.r iotio of'seJ-tmn Thirtv two Township Thirty-two (3-ii North of Uiuige Kif ty-six .') West of the t li Principal Meridian in Sioux county, Ne- h k , lu. !luclil1 lo tht. hiehest bidder for cii.-h, and subject to a first mort- Kiie toi- .ii. i.ik) to satiiy saiu order ol sale, in the sum of :.:15 and interest, costs and hc cruinK eo-ts. Tuos. hkiot, lis ;ctj shrrilf of Said County. Sheriffs Kale. Ity virtue of an order of sale issued by tlie Clerk ol tlie. District Court ol Sioux County, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered bv said couit in favor of Tlie American invest ment Company airaiust Irving Wilson, Klin M. Wilson, Thomas Devenport and Hannah Ucvcuport, I will on the -2KI h day of April, ls'.U, at one o'clock, p. in., on Hairt day, at tlie front door of the court house, in said county, iu Harrison, Nebr., sell tin; fol lowing described real estate, viz: North west (junrter N. W. h ) of Section twenty six (-it,; J'owiejhip 'thirty (30; North raugtt Kif'ty-fonr (M), West of tlie nth Principal Meridian, in Sioux county, Nebraska, at public auction to tlie highest bidder for cash, subject to lieu of first inortirare for principal sum of $-200.(10, to satisfy said order of sale, in tlie sum of &1G.45 and interest, coats and accruniK costs. Tuos. Hkiot, '2s 33J Sheriff of said County. Notice. Charles J. Smith, impleaded with Henry Warneke, Hlinnali M. VVarncke. Thompson F. Martin and George J. Sharer, dot end ants, will take notice that on the 7th day of June, A. I). ls!B, The Western Security Company, plaintl!! herein, tiled its petition in the "District Court of Sioux County, Nebraska, and against said del'eudaut'i tlie object and "prayer of wiiich are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendants, Henry warneke and Hannah M. Warneke, to the plaintiff herein, uj, on tlie southeast quarter of section twen-tv-one, in township thirty-one, north of range fifty-six, west, in Sioux county, Ne braska, to" secure the payment of certain promissory note, dated July 2d, 1H8H, for tlie sum ol 'i00. Oil, that IIujfk is nov dne said note and mortgage $;1SI.00, with interest thereon from Hie llrst day of January, IHS3. Plain tiff prays for a decree that defendants be refjuiri-d to pay the same or that the said preiniues lmiy tie sold to satisf y tlie amount found due. You are required to answer the said petition on or before the 8th day ol May, IM. The WfcsTKKN Security Compant. Ilv Geouob Wai.keh, Plaintiff. Plaintiff 's Attorney. 30 33J Dated March 2!l, 1HM. SlieriiPs Sale, lty virtue of an order of sale issued by tlie clerk of the district court of Sioux county, Nebraska on a decree ren dered lu said court in favor of Sarah C. D. ltassclt and against Franklin Simons, Mary Simons, Sar.lll E. Davis and 11. P. Davis, I will on the tlth dav of ilav. 1S03. atom- o'clock, p. m. on said day at tlie front door ot l lie court nouse in Harrison, nurir., sen the following described real estate, viz: Lot number Six (() iu block number Sixteen in ttio vitiligo of Harrison, Sioux county Nebraska at public auction to tlie highest bidder tor chsIi lo satisfy said order oi sa c in me sum oi line i nousa nil seven teen and 4H-KM dollars and Interest- ad costs and accruing costs. Tuos. BKinr, J-34 Sheriff of Sioux county, Neb. Notice of Attachment. P. L. MnCrea will take notice, that on tho day of April, Is'tt, S. Barker, noun v Indge of htoux county. Nebraska, lusued an order of attachment lor tlie wuin of Seventy-one dollum and twenty-live renta, In action pending before him, w herein K. A. Wcirand S C. 1). Itussett, u firm known as Weir and Couioany. is plaintiff utr! P. McCrea it defendant, that the property of the defendant consisting of moneys in the sum of seventy -two dollars aud seven cents has liecn giirulsltod under naid order. Saiil cause was continued to tlie 20111 day of May, ISI-S, at 9 o'clork, a. in. IJ) Sl E. A. WE1K AND rt. ;. D. IUHSETT, a lirm known a WBIK IS'll COMl-ANf, Plaintiff. Hnrrinon, Neb., April loth, 1893. Notice to Non-lhvhli'iit iKfrmlmit. Janthie M. Hrunillge, defendant, will tnko notice, that, on the aoth day of Starch, ll. Henry II. rirtindlge tHalntlff herein, llled Ills pntithm In the district court of slonx county, Nn-iiWa, flgivinst said defendant, t he, object and prayer of which aro lobe divorced from said defendant. The plaintiff alleges that said defendant has for more thai! two years last past wilfully ahucutcd bereclt from said phontlir witboul rcnon able or Just cause and that he may be de creed to have the, custody of the children of the marriage of xld plaintiff with said do fondant. - - kou. tire required tq nuswer 4td nlltlon 0U or bef or lue Htb day of May, I SIM. IIIENltT , DKDspios. . '', ' . Wslkw, PlnlnjlB, rl!A WW. ) DO YOU WANT WATER? Seethe ' Old Reliable' WELL DRILLER, T. O. WILLIAMS, Harrison, ... - Nebraska. V. A. HESTER,' -bKALEtt IN Lumber, Grain Lime and Coal. Sash, Doors, Blinds. Hair and Cement. A Complete Stock Alwavs on Hand. s n,UV.i" a niXLl'Y, Lawyers. WlI.I. PHACTIi e IX ALL THE LK AL, STATU and federal courts aud V. S. Land ofliee. LEGAL PAPERS CAREFULLY DRAWN. t i t t I i tsf Office in Court Mouse, HARRISON ... - NKBltASKA B. 1,. SMUCK, ! Fashionable Barber & Dresser. ! ('lie lioor Soutli of Hani: of I'urrisoii. OPEN DUCIOAY FROM 9 TO 12. RAZORS AND S.C1HSORS PIT IN' ORDER. Sewing machines cleaned and repaired Give J me la? Call, GEORGE WALKER. Ulorney-at-Law. W ill practice before all courts and the U. S. Land Ofliee. Business entrusted to my care will receive prompt attention. HAUHLSON, - - NEBRASKA. NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH I'nrcliase Tickets and Consign Your Freight via thu F., E.&M. V.S.C.&P. RAILROADS. H. G. BURT, General Manager. K. C. Morehouse, J. R. Buchanan, Gen'l Freight Agt. Gen'l Pass. Agt. OMAHA, NEB, GEO, H. TURNER, roceries AND (GJeneral Look at my Goods Before Placing Orders Elsewhere. We can Accomodate Every one and Garry Everything From a Carpet Tack to a Threshing Machine. We are at the Bottom for Cash. A FULL LINK 1 Furniture, Window Shades, Pictures and ; Wall Paper. Undertaking goods embalming. T PROMPT ATTENTION Geo. IMt ntE M BOLAMHIM At any rf the leadii g Colleges in (he 4-t uuliy Yale, "assar, Ilarvsnl. Ann i Arbor," YVelltsly, Universitv of ( Liiiigo, I (ieoigetowu; the great fcfioois of Art-, j Medicine, Music, tlie leading Convents, ' t he schools of Science or Agriculture ALL ARE OPEN TO YOU. The CjtipoufA" Mauavcine has sio naijzed rrs rutsT edition of 150,009 I txipisis in Jam ahv, 1803, j scut out from ita own printing house and . bindery, tiy ottering line Thou-and M-l;o!ar ; ships at ti:e leading college and schools of i tlie country in considei-ation ol work which ' any amliitiouo young hoy or giri can readily i dt) work at once hoiior'aLh- and eahV of ao ! coinpilsliuient. i If you Wish to Educate Yourself ! to have vour tuition, board, lodginr and washing paid at any leading school or college without putting the expenaa ujion your own elforts send for a pam phlet giving lull particulars to The Cosmoidijtian Magazine, l'roadway, Fifth Avenue and 85th St., New York. I E. HELUEK4 SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Itepairlng done on abort notice. Good work and reasonable charges. Shop south of livery barn. HARRISON, ... jiKB. MCGINLEY STOVKR, Harrison, Nelir. own follow ing brand : Dr. Leonhardt Limits his practice lo diseases of tha Nervous ystem, (Such as Iioss of Memory, Feeling, Mo tion and "Will-power, Cramps, Fits, Gen eral Nervousness, and all forms of Neuralgia.) HEART, (As shown by Shortness of Breath, Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Numb ness in region of the Heart.) BLOOD, (Such as Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Exces sive Paleness or Redness of the Face, Faintness, Dizziness, etc.) CONSULTATION FREE! ADDRESS WITH SJAUP DR. LEONHARDT, 1432 O ST. - - LINCOLN, NEB. lU'Mention tills paper. Merchandise. and Prices 0'IVKN TO HAH, ORDRBS, G. Reed; f Crawford, Ne