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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1893)
Wt Trip M CUnf Separata W-O-B-L-D-'i K-A-I-K u4 uetoi letters to spell a many word . too ra by ( the leltore u many U aa toi wmb. Miner tiuiim or i inruli, bat not M6 bo ume letter In uiakla uj one word mora Una than H appaan la World' Fair. It la aald ivTT-riTB im all KoflUh words can ba spelled correctly from the ten letter cor.iaJaea in nroria"e elr. Ki mn e: Wad. wait, soar, MoL etc. It too are Rood at word-makint you can secure a FREE trip to ma n aria a lair no. return, as Tbe Scott Soed Company will pay all ex. peosea. Including K K. far, hotel bills, ad missions to tbe Colombian Exposition, and tM In cash (or Incidental eipeoaes, to the nrst person able to make ssvkxty word . from the letters contained In "World',. Fair." as above. They will also give a FREE TBIP to tbe World's Fair and re turn, with IS5 tor Incidental expenses, to tbe flrst person sending siitv words us above. They will also glre a FREE TRIP to the World's Fair and return (without cash (or Incidental expenses) to the first Denton sending. Pirrr-riM words. To tbe first person fend In 5 mitt word will be given isu In rash towards paying expenses to the World's Fair; to tbe sendloc ro'iTt words will be ! an tib lu cash towards paying espeusos to tbe World's Fair; to tach of the first rive per sons sending TiiiHTV-rive words will be given 110 In cash; and to each of the first ten sending tbihty words will be given Is In cash. Only one prize will be awarded to the same person. Write your name on list of words (numbered) and Inclose the same post-paid with fifteen United States 2-cent stamps for a large puckaca of our Choice English Gjttage Garden Fiower Seeds, This combination Includes the latest and most popular English flowers of endless varieties (same as will be contained In the elaborate exhibitor English flowers at the World's Fair). . This -World's Fair-- Contest will be care fully and conscientiously conducted solely for the purpose of Introducing our b uslness In the United States. You will receive the BKiUEHT value In flower seeds ever of fered, and If you are able to make a good list of words and answer promptly you will have a first-class opportunity to secure a free trip fhom your home to Chicago and KKTIHS. We are spending a large amount of money to start our trade In the United States and want your trial order. You will be more than gratified with the result. Send to-day. and address THE SCOTT 6EKD COMPANY, Toronto, Cananda. Hood's Cures Even When Called Incurable Terrible Siege Sciatic llhenmatlam Mr. Arthur Simon Uttl ti'8, Oh:o. ''Tbey said I whs Incuruble, ttio doctors (lid, but the result has proven that Hood's Hnr aparilla was able to cure. I had Sciat Rheumatism and w.b confined tc my bed six Months. Three physician did not help mean 1 Was Given t'p to Die When I was in the terrible condition, tmalil lo wove hand or foot, I he-an to take 11 1 rt' Sarsparilla The first bottle Jiad a ,ltt e c feet, snd while taking the st ootid. I (ruined riplilly that I could fit up in my chair. Mysv, lein had Ivcn so run own by other med:ci t ifhat it took me quite a whi e to r, cupcrute. H; iltietime 1 had takeu four bottles of Hood's m sparilla, I could walk around, and now, J hate taken six t.,lt:ea, I am cured and can .iloa good d iy's woik. I do not feel I can praise Hood's , Sarsaparilla 'tiough.-' AKTin.'h 'mo.N Galatea, Ohio. Hood's nils are ile best sficr-dlnnei if Ills, nssiet digestion, cure headseli . 26c. Fresh Air and Exercise. Getallthat's possible of strength apd nerve force. There's need,too, of plenty of fat-food. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil builds up flesh and strength quicker than any other preparation known to sci ence. Scott's Emulsion is constantly ef fecting Cure of Consumption, Bronchitis and kindred diseases , whtre other methods fail. Prepared br Scott A Bnwna, N. Y. All dnunrists. SUGKER TkaTOH BKAKD 8LICKXR la warranted watrr trod, end will Here yen dry In Uw hsntettitoro. The saw rOMIUtb BLlCKBK Is a perfect rldlni coat, and smntheaMlnsaaalo. BswarsaflmluUotts. Don't bay a east If bo" FWi Brsid"U not on It. Illaetra gOatasagas rrr. A.J. TOWEB, Bostoa, Mass. KDCCATIOJUX XOTBI. In Vew York and Brooklrn that an. ply of public school buildings 11 much low than the demand. A bill has been introduced In the legislature of Wisconsin, which if ear. ried, ill give a pension to teachers m the public schools, This ia a move in i!w right direction. A bill has been introduced In the legis ature of Xew Jersey, asking the State to aid all private school that com ply with certain conditions. A woman was recently elected State Superintendent of Public instruction in Xorth Dakota. If reports are true, she is administering the affairs pretain ing to the office in a manner acceptable to all. St. Louis recently held the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of its first kindergarten. The event was celebrated in a befitting manner, in connection with the formal opening of the public library building. The serai-annual apportionment of the school fund to the various coun ties of the State was completed last week by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The total amount of money so apportioned was $224,337.60. Tfie pupils entitled to draw from this fund number about 233,685. A society was recently fouuded in Germany for promoting education upon tbe principles advocated by Herbart. The first general meeting was attended by more than two thousand masters. Concerning the training of teachers it was pointed out that Herbart and his followers treated education from the theontical stand point, as a science. From its practical side, as an art. This it was thought defined in itself the necessary qualifications of the teachers, and hence what was essential in his train ing. rJ he territory of Arizona seems to be ibreast of the age. At least, there is to excuse for ignorance, in that portion of this great Republic. Every child in the territory can receive a free education, and if too poor to' purchase ten books the school district must furnish them free of cost. In the school sectarian instruction is abso lutely forbidden. The teachers are paid good wages and from present indications there seems to be no reason why Arizona's educational advantages should not be the pride of the west. The receipts of the Harvard Athletic association for last year were 958,441. President King announced at the Harvard dinner recently that 854,000 had been raised to aid in the building of a new club house. The Troy Female Seminary is to have a new dormitory which will accommodate K0 boarders. The money to be used for that purpose was the gift of lttissel Sage. Yorily the mauonaries are not vmnout tneir virtues. The chair of oratorv in Cornell university has been tendered to I'rof. L). C. Lee, who was a graduate from Colgate college in 1801. He is to re eeive the assistant prolessorship. The Medical school at Johns Hopkins will be onened next October, although the special building will not be com pleted at that time. Every Inch a Duchess, First Duke Why don't you travel incognito, as I do? It's far pleasanter. Second Duke Yes, but my wife al ways goes with me, and 1 married an American. Life. Indigestible. Young Farmer Medders (at supper) Ouch; Wonark! Kah! Jeeminy jeeswax! What in heaven's name is the matter with this cake, Glonoaa? Bride (a city girl) Why, darling, there can surely be nothing the matter with it. I followed the recipe exactly. "Tastes as if it was made of clam shells. Kah!" 'Oh, dearest! May be it was the fault of the eggs. I always thought eggs were soft and yellow inside; but these were white and brittle all the way through, and I had to powder them with flat irons, and" "Whore did you find them?" "In the hen house darling. There was only one egg in each nest, and" "Glorlosa, yon have used my new china nest eggs!" Puck. A grievance to a man is what a sore heel Is to a boy. There is nothing the devil works harder than to keep a bad man from thinking about his good mother. When a member of a corporation wanted his picture in an heroic attitude, the artist painted him in the act of refusing a drink. One day of sickness will do moro to convince a young man that his mother is his best friend than seventeen volumes of proverbs. Before you kill yourself trying to nppn mn late wealth, co and ask a millionaire how much money it takes to make a man rich. ,- "As long as she was merely my wife's mother," said a young husband, "1 had bar pretty well under control. But now that the is my wife's mother and tbe baby's grandmother also, she is imply one too many for me." Policeman Well, my little dear, if you can't tell me your mother's name, or where she lives, how are you to find ber? Little Girl, lost while out shopping Jes' put me in aatore window an' roamma'll be sure to aw delicacy ' finest cake, biscuit, rolls, etc., which expert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent Get An Envelope Quick. "My wifo and I," says a traveling man, ' were once in a hotel where we couldn't get any boiling water. After we had discussed tbe situation my wife asked me if I had an envelope iti my satchel. I got one out, when Bhe told me to fill it with water and hold it over Ihegasjet. I hesitated, but finally did it, and expecting to see the envolope blaze up every moment. But it didn't blaze. Tbe envelope took on a little soot, but that was all. The water boiled in time, and the envelope was as good as ever when the experiment was at an end. I don't know the chemistry ot the process, but try it yourself and see if it will not work. If you have no gas light a lamp it will do just as well." Foreign Travel Improves. Successful farmer "Son George got some sense durin' that foreign tour anyhow." Wife "I hain't seen it." "I have. You know he spent a good while in Lunnon, as he calls it." . "Yes, an' I'd like to know what it did." "Use y'r eyes, Miranda. He learned to turn up his pants when it rains". Mere Matter of Money. Mrs. Suburb (who loves peace and quiet) "What! Trying to collect mAnavr atnrf s drum OtlH Hffl P fit Tift Huh! I'm not anxious to have any drum and fife corps marching past my house, I can tell you." Leader "Well, mum, if you'll set the example by givln' li'brally, perhaps we kin raise enouirh to start a brass band." Only One Living. Friend "Does the new landlady at vour boardinc house appear to be getting a living out of it?" Boarder "Yes, she is, but we not." are The trreatest of all duties is the present one. Twelve average tea plants produce one pound of tea. Iron is to be made at, Chattanooga by an electrical process. Wherever there is sin it is sure to be followed by sorrow. Every good man on earth is a pillar to hold heaven up. The best answer you can make to self-conceit is to keep still. Modest appearance, good humor and prudence make a gentleman. No man is good who behaves him self simply because he has to. There are too many men who love to preach but hate to practice. Many there be who buy nothing with their money only repentance. A young athlete in .New York city breaks horse-shoes with hishands. Yellow Canalian mush is a gastro nomic fad since the eminent doctors recommend it. Many are indifferent to the rumor that there Is likely to be a great scar sity of lobsters. There are people who think their neighbors' houses need painting because they neglect to wash their own win dows. North Carolina lays claim to the pos session of a colored man 105 years old, who one day last summer walked a distance of twenty-five miles. Putting your enemy in the wrong in the sight of men is the worst kind of ilefeat, against which neither individ ual nor notion can long presist. The average French family embraces three members and the average Irish family five. In England the average uumber of members of a family is four. It is hard for a man to bear his own is harder still for his Iriends to bear it for him, and but a lew of them ordinarily can stand that trial. Lunacy appears to have increased in Scotland to a startling extent. In 1858 there were 5,825 lunacies on the register of lunacy commissioners, but now there are 12,595. Watts I don't like this reincarna tion idea a bit Potts-No? Watts No. Just fancy yourself occupying the body of a mule and hauling stones for your own monument. A Sunday school teacher was trying to impress upon bis pupils the care of the Deity for all living things, great or small, and getting to the peroration of his address he said: "The Lord who made the mountain made the little blades of grass. The Lord who made the ocean made the pebbles on the shore. The Lord who made me made a daisy." And then he wondered why the class burst into a laugher, Pure grape cream of tartar forms the acid principle of the Royal exclusively. The Royal imparts that peculiar sweet ness, flavor and noticed in the -t Absolutely Pure Curious Wet ,(r. In 1172 the temperature was so high that leaves came out on the trees in January, and birds hatched their broods in February. In 1289 the win er was also very mild, and maidens of Cologne wore wreaths of violets and cornflowers at Christmas and Twelfth Dav. In 1421 the trees flowered in the month of March, and the vines in the month of April. Cherries ripened in the same month, and grapes appeared in May. In lo"2 the trees were covered with leaves in January, and birds batched their young in February, as in 1182; and in la85 the same thing was repeated, and is added that the corn was in the ear at Ea?ter. There was in France neither snow nor frost, throughout the winters of 1538, 1607, 1609, UH7 and 1059; finally, in 1W2, even in the north of Germany, the streets were not light ed, and trees (lowered in February. Coming to later dates, the winter oi 1846-7, when it thundered at Paris on the 28th of January, and that of 1869, the year of the great inundation of the Seine, were very mild. They Are Iucky. It is a lucky thing for the natives of Southern Patagonia that the naviga tion of the Strait of Magellan is dan gerous. Ye3sels often anchor in the strait for the iiight on this account, and this gives the crooked-legged natives a chance to come out on their canoes and trade with the ship's com pany. The chief articles offered by the natives are furs of various kinds, es pecially of the sea otter. These they sell for a trille, or more often barter for a few things they need. The best otter skins are worth as much as $G0C to 87000 when brought to civilized mar- Keis, our, I'aiagonians oner only poor skins. A Philadelphia architect contem plates the erection of a building which will be a complete village in itself. It will include stores, telegraph and tele phone offices, a cafe, reading and con sulation rooms, wine cellar, Turkish bath, gymnasium, swimming pool, bil lard hall, assembly room, public and private parlors, kitchen; laundry and offices. J. F. Smith is Co., New YorkCity: Gen tlemen 1 find Bile lieans Small to bo per fection, and cannot get along without them in the house. Please find enclosed 50c., for which kindly sent 2 bottles. Mrs. A. A. Tobias, Oaverdale, Cal. Oriental gardeners produce "change able roses," which are white in the shades and blood red in the sunlight. Otto Seibling of West Scio, Oregon, who recently killed his wife and him self, had been married three times and his wife five times. One ot the most extensive concerns in Maine has been experimenting on an ingenious process of burning lime with oil instead of with wood. A Paris toy merchant has brought out a novelity in the shape of a doll, wearing a Panama hat. On pulling string the hat disappears and its place is taken by a convict's cap. As a Cure for Sore Throat and Coughs, Brown's Bronchial Troches" have been thoroughly tested, and maintain a good reputation. A Baltimore man has patented an apparatus for breeding, rearing, fatten ing and salting oysters. People who have tried it say that it is worthy the trip to Shanghai to enjoy a bowl of rice as the Chinese cook it. Beecham's Pills cure billious and nerv ous illness. Beecham's Pills sell well be cause they cure. 25 cents a box. Works for the manufacture of alumi num cooking utensils are being erected by an Illinois company. PROMPT, COOP WORK. My wife luffered with such Intense neuralgic pains .in the : face, , she thought M :. She bathed lier lace and head with ST. JACOBS OIL, and it cured nerio would die. lour hours. NO HATCHET NEEDED TO OPEN THIS CAN. for HOG CHOLERA this LYE la anrra cut if m4 In time. for making Soap, Claaatnf Hoaaea, Boftaalag Waur, Is ass no sanaL Tho honaa. wlfa! aat rrtand. A ! lr waaktac rmrtsm In . lOT.-aaHhmy av fno If TBS BVQIOTX05 Of medical agente U gradually relegatmc the old-lime herbs, pills, draaghta and vegetable extract Urmt rear and bringing into general nee tne yiaaaaiii ana etwwre linniri laxative. fivTBr, of Hra. To set the true remedy see that it is manufactured by the California Fig Byrop Co. only. For sale by alll eadmg druggists. Protit-Sharlef BMabUahmenta. The following list shows the number of profit-sharing establishments in the different countries: France, ninety two; Australia, three: Sweden, four; Italy, four; Switzerland, sixteen; Ger many, t wen ty-six ; Belgium, five; United .States, thirty-five; Portland, one; Spain, one; England, sixty-four; Denmark, four; Holland, five; Russia, one, which makes a total of 255 in all. D. E. FORISTALL, M. D., Eye and Ear Specialist, York, Kebr. Cor- respondence solicited. Some one has computed that the col lage endowments of Massachusetts foot up $10,050,000. The buildings and grounds are worth $5,013,000, while scientific apparatus of all the higher institutions is worth 81,020,000. TOV CAN SEE IT, perhaps, one of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets but vou can't feel It after it's taken. And yet it does vou l a i uiure gouu uian y fJdjanY of the huge, HSfJ'old-fashioned Vj) pills, with their 'x piping and vio lence. These tlnv Pellets, the smallest and easiest to take, bring you help that lasts. Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious Headaches, tnd all derange ments of liver, stomach, and bowels, are permanently cured. f A square offer of $500 cash is made by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. for any case of Catarrh, no matter how bad or of how long standing, which they can not cure. ssmths firing A remedy which. If used by Wlvea about to experience tbe painful ordeal attendant upon Child-birth, proves an Infallible ppect fic for, and obviates the tortures of con finement, lessening the dangers thereof to both mother and child, .-okl by all druggists. Sent by eiprofs on receipt of (il ice, S1.&) per bo! Uo, charges pre paid. "RADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. G. Garfiold Tea Cures OoQutipati uu. Restores Coin, b Ss. Orereomi results of twwi eating. savins Doctors' VV.45lliSt.jN.V. Cures Sick Headache FARLY RISERS hDe Witt s Little H m Klaers, the Famous Little Pills for Constlpatlon.SIck Head ache. D7spepsla.N0 Nausea,Mo Pain, Very Small. WATCHES FRKK. GoM Finished Ladies' or Gents coircct timers Hunt. p'goropen ihco. Adnrs itt once, p. ii. i"g or open WATCII CO., J fajl I pa Morphine Habit Cored in 1,0 I1KII1I 1 to 80 dart. No par till cured. Ur IWIal DR. J.STEPHENCUbanen,Ohio. PATENTS THOMAS P. SIMPSON, Wftflhington, D.v. ho any a roe until rateni or taloed. Write for Ioveutor'sGiiide. Rooks bound- f?BY NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER UNION We do Binding -an Guarantee Magazines, and all Periodicals, Old Books Made. OUR PEICES AEE SEASONABLE. ELMER E. LESH, FREE PQKJ38 II fcond us at onoe a photograph or tintype of yourself or any member of youi Atl nml uitu m.k. from um. nni nf our ..Inrfrd iiO.llke Dortraits together, with frame cou. plet, AllrSOI.I TK1.Y FREE OF f'HARCJK. Tlito offer Is made in orHer to Introduce our portraits and frames in your vicinity, for one of our Bne portraita placed In your home wilt ? than anv other advertisement. Thta offer Is made IN CJOOD FAITH and e will forfeit ONE IIUNDRKD dollars to anyone semllnr us a photograph and not securing his portrait and frame FREE, as jier this "ft" We guarantee the return of your photo, so have no fear of losing it. Addres. el your letters to Nat onal pVrtrmlt Society, 3 and 5 W. 14th Street, New York, N. Y. References : AH banks and B?"rS5 Co.. New York ami Brooklyn. Pat yaur name and addres. back ol photo. RHEUMATISM. Mr Wiliet F. Cook, Canaioharic, N. V., writes: " Awoke OB morainl with excrnciatinK pains in my shoulder. Tried various rdM U "Lidde I pains without effect ; went to n.y office ;the nam became insufferable : went home at n o'clock and used 8T. jMISoT magical, pain ceased, and at i o'clock went to work; cure permanent. " NEURALGIA. Little RapiOS, Wis. CARL SCHEIBE. MlaiMI b sllnmtethll.toU rBCf u . u H.M.Y. Wimtebwk .lamb PATENTS, TRIBE-tURKSV Examination and Advice as to Patentability of In vention, bend for Inventors' Quids, or Row to Get a Patent. l'ATaica OTiaaau, Washington, D. O. M. N. U. Mo. 9817 lork.Moh, snUM WRRUia TO ADVKRTISKKa. Tf Imsm amy joa saw tfco aamUssnaani BtMapatx. "German Syrup William McKeekan, Druggist at Bloomingdale, Mich. " I have had the Asthma badly ever since I came out of the army and though I have been in the drug business for fifteen years, and have tried nearly every thing on the market, nothing has given me the slightest relief until a few months ago, when I used Bo schee's German Syrup. I am now glad to acknowledge the great good it has done me. I am greatly reliev ed during the day and at night go to sleep without the least trouble." M WORLD'S HOLUMBIAN Exposition Souvenir coins Sent post-paid to Any address On receipt of 'One Dollar. NEBRASKA YORK, NEWSPAPER HMO!!. - NEBRASKA. ARE YUULUUKING FOR A FIR8T-CLA88 IP YOU ARB, SCNO TO THS J.I.CASET.M.CO., RACINE, WIS.. For their Illustrated Catalogue, MAILED FREE. $12590 A Moith ud Exptues! TO AGENTS TO SELL CIUARS TO DEALERS. JOHN G. RISING CO. St. Paul. Minn. SMPIES FREEI THB in All Styles, iD- First - class Work, Books re-bound, New Manager. your family, living or I THE LATEST SENSATION $ world f mT souvenir riajinK vrun, wuwawui t. Deck ot M erds. Tlx. : Kin, Queen, Jack, and Spot cAm On tae fact of each Card i wn tvtlarM. otu of the 43 different 1 t National. Portion, " fair, making th " , nr tim u ..(' matin 1 most beautiful and uulaue Deck of Flavins' Cards ever put on the market the best-selliuff novelty yet produced. Afeots wanted. Hampie ueca. no ren Specialty Publ ng Oo Ui 6. Habited St, Chicago. IE by return mall, fall de scriptive circulars ol aa MOODT'I IMrBOTID f AILO ITlTlat itrisu or Dana cottim. limited to date. These, only, are the zenulneTAUOB TBTIals Invented and copyrlahtedbyHOr. D.W. MOeDT. Be wareoi imiuKions. any iwy di oni- ly learn to cut and make any aarm.nt, ; in any style, to any measure, for ladles, men ana cauoren. uannents and children. Oarmenta cuaran- ess3WT Meat Consamnttvea and people who have weak lungs or Asth ma, should use Plso's Curs for Consumption. It has eared tfcowsMSle. It has not Injur ed one. It Is not bad to take. It Is the best couch syrup. Bom everywhere, sjac, up. OR eS