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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1893)
" MMaaaMiiiimaamaBamar -,,-rirn p w ifw ww aw. .npwmsmpanBBnBBBBBBBi V v. Mm ft fi? A DISTVRBAKCS it wfc you want, if your ttom- eU are iiTciuiar. Tamfa about all yoa get, tboah. vita tfce-erdlnarr pilL It mave lepra yoa for the mametit. biit yoae OHicJy in a worse ttate al barward than before. Tbie u just wUt Dr. Fien's PI .least PelleU do moet pood. Tney x in an easy and nam:.; way, very different from tt bug-.-, U-fMhwoad piUs. 'ihevYe tot aaiy ajtamnter, but there's no ia- anerwara, ana ttK-ir btlr One little surar-eoot neiii lor a gei i tie laxative or corrertive sa for a cathartic. C'onstirKi lndiresakjti. fiilioiis Ai-lii Dudnent, bu.fc and fciiioi, lleud aches, are promptly relieved and cured. They're the smallest, the rcsifst to take and the cluaprxt pill ycu caa bay, for they're ijMiiunitfd to give Batisfuction, or jour inouiv it returned. You pay only for the oooti you Cr. Scott's Electric Plasters. N'otldne In thie Wid? World equal tbeui. And ver,l:iiy knowslt. Cures Cold., ikiuclis, Chronic ftheuiualic I'aiTi.-, etc., etc., or money refunded. l.oc. ""5nJ for four i4i of tbeiu, aud itet free or ch.n ,-e- u pair of hid Electric Insole, unt mention "Comfort.," ai.d you will get bin new LO..K, iloetor's Story." free, tlii i the season fur torse aitMm. ll.".rn-rnU.-r 1 invented liuw will ui:iiirt: your health all winter. Agents send for terms to ie. A. bcoit, o: Broadway, New York. THE OI.DK1T AND OX!. 7 BC1.U1U.E El. KIM UK H"t'nE IN iMLBli'A (worth double the money. Ptf ttand i out tu Joy flrnA.TiA.s, . T. a. (J., R. Lit. H. IL. Chlcjfi, III., una melv-, jKi;tf paid, W tfcfcrM AmcK at cr1b you ?ver huucluti. Ofil WtM CJfT8 pr ptwk. U huwim or ovla. kAOIIIM Morphine IlaMt Currd In 10 Mr UeM.J.STtPH ILAHfldftT. ana, Leianin.wnKi. All cannot posrss a T SmHa I II I lU IWfmS IK I $10,000 Souvenir (This lum was paid for the tirsl World's Fair Souvenir Coin minted.) ' in the shape of a coin, but many can lwe fac-simiies of this valuable woifc of art only special coin ever issued by the U. S. Government for 1 each. , United States Government World's Fair Souvenir Coins Ths Official Souvenir of the Great Exposition , 5,000,000 of which were donated io the World's Columbian Exposition by the Government, are being rapidly taken by an enthusiastically patriotic people. As there early promised to lv a demand for these Souvenirs that 1 would render them very valuable in the hands of speculators, the Exposition ', Authorities decided to place the price at $T.OO for ' (nd sell them direct to the people, thus realizing 5,000,000, and using the (additional money for the further development of the Fair. J Considering the fact that there were but s,too,coo of these coins to be jdistributed amomg 65,000,000 people, in this country alone (to say nothing jof the foreign demand.) and that many have already been taken, those wish ing to purchase these mementoes of our Country's Discovery and of the andest Exposition ever held, should For Sale Everywher and Banks. If not for sale in your town, send $1.00 each for not lest than ire ttii.ts, by Post-office or Express Money-order, Registered Letter or Bank Draft, with instructions how to send them to you, all charges prepaid, to Treasurer World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, I1L TSIHTil tf'l'HAim A HO TOI .,f i...UQ Vnninr STUAVS UUIIV TO CHAJKJB lP,Tiy length or widOl you wmut, blacked and creased, ren.-ly toniake up at home, at less than prions. MAKm.liHV 11 AI AUK, Knaps, Buckle, Loops, Bit, Rlr-. fkiuanf!, Hanie C!:mend BupliH, ltivots,otc.,B a Ms reduottoa tv ib" j a. r ,.n 1 ! 1 h 1, vi u. ir.t, n nrliyi ioen3iiif Tinware. atx)ve Vi f iiU-siwio, mSSSSt Caet9 Ant WaMlcd el. .Bl iisi nc RDiun. , nf tBtiit ontn hartnt seaeseD' lae lee aMnaed on oulioa fSrvwy!'ana $3 A c-old .BEV fi ' i fal everrwaere. arf 1 fvfiM 1 ; 'Hit' 1 SI w k W til ei it r..vii w3k. 1 trrssrz ,. , ---vex. -i-v. inen una II wlwe esclM.lve enlr le laoe rieeJrr d geaeral aieru t s wre U-fl7.fir.riilniiiie. If net lor al?in year plaen eraadlract la Faotel rffiKCiZiZti!i: Postage Free, V. 1.. AaaaTaa, groofaaa. ftaee by return mall, full de wrimivi, oircalarn of aaS M OODT'S lalraOTID talks t tarsus or tmM. MS RjDvrurhled b: Ibyraar v w. suvui. e tilions. Aajr lady of ordi. are of imitations. BarTlnM' IMrenn. can rwnj uovuil-k- A Hint lo Feminise Balk ere. Wife I am thinking of taking swimming lessons. What part do von think will be hardest for me to iruru. cear? Husband Well, I should think keep ing ) our mouth shut. Inter-Ocean. Philadelphia Times: In Siberia the irroinui in winter is frown down some lift it-et. A person's lot there must he h:ird If be's got one. If liftrjfunji would bring to bear the name amount of common sense, in buving a reimiiy tor bronchitis, roueli. cold and "roup that they lo in the porciiase of uicir Kiiuiv supplies, tlicy would never laii t i procure Dr. bull's Cough Hyrup. The llnkeryilin Munchausen csn lem something to his advantage by appiyriif to Uie department of tut- Omaha I'akeroill. .O paa. 9 9 syrup Rc-'is Leblanc is a French Cana dian stoie keeper at Notre Dame de Stdubriiite, Ouebcc. Can., who was cured of a ;,;- cre attack of Congest ion i,f th? L'-'-'ivr; by Uoichte's Ger-m-iii Syrrp. lie has sold t:iany a i o'it.-or Cijrraiu Syrup on hih per son il reeour.ueiidation. If you drop iiim ;i lin he'll give you the full facts of tb'.' case direct, as he did us, n;d-lhat Uoschec'-S German Syrup '.pju'nt Iiim through nicely. It f ways will. It is a good medicine ' 'horo'igh in its work. 0 gach Coin secure as many as they desire at once. Realizing that every patriotic American will want one or more of these coins, and in order to make it convenient for Iiim to get them, vc have made arrange ments to have them sold throughout the country by all the leading Merchants B Mr Ovm Repairing By ualng Roc).' Hnneehold Repairing OaUU for nalf-soltne and renuli iiiK Ikots, Hliota and Kubbeis. Any one can usalk Frtoe Wi.iu, ::niiK. TlMiiMunds alnaav In use. - S for making and repairing U nrinctpal parte RimnlAfLi A It CI with oar&lottoa rivets. Halters, llrea.-it-str.ips. -W., at carropOTdliur price. Many of these ;rrlsfan batchiop!yandsafclybytnall. ROOT'S HOMIi 1UW WOBKKK, aflrst-clasa kit of black- Itmrivs N(HJ!KiINJ CA8HJBT, everything ntormar low ffmniaTl Kl sill uie eJMei. uuyw. Price, 65 cents. Every Ulbijr 1 ' mentVMted eomp)"ti andnrat4cal, no toZ JlsS KUur 0rva., weuinfl) wni W. L. DOUGLAS FOR GENTLEMEN. sewed shoe that will not np; cait, seamleas, siliooth inside, more comfortable, stylish and durable than any other shoe ever at t'.te price. Kverystyie. Jiipuue cuaunu- adc shoes costing Irom J4 to 95. The following are of the same high standard of ": . . . , , S4.00 and J.oo Pine Call. Hano-eewn. $,t.SO Tolice, Farmers and Letter-Carriers. jo. 50, aa. Jg ana i.oo ior wmuoi bco. aa.oa ewi l.7S ior nouuis ana noy. 3.oo Msoawea, 1 ru. 1 a an a. 00 uongoia, ) I AUICO. 73 lor lusaes. IT IB A DOTY yoa war yoaraaH to gat th beat atae toe yoal bl airtoee, wsua it tha bean rahia m tn prtoea adTerttaad erystailB( I h,M aa FARLY RISERS lafjajDe Witt's Little! Tfk Kurl lUaera, the famnns Little Pills for Constlnatlon.SlcIt Head- aotie, Drspepsla,hoNaiisea,No Paln.verr Small n, x. v. m. ai4 5 Tork, Neb. ITTirKK MTIUTINO TO AUrBKTUl TT uieaee say roe taw the aasvrU URKSj leasaeai TexuSiftinri: He I thtak It If an oatrage that the ladle wear high bats in tbe theater. fine Yea, I mint admit you men are much more considerate. "Of course we are." "Some of you who get in the front row are eren so considerate as to leave your hair at home. You are too good for this world." , liingbamton leader: Tire rebnmg of lard is not on of those things yon can accomplish und net half try. THE MODEM HVAIID Haa tastes medicinally, i" keeping with other laxurien. . retnedy mrwt be pleas antly acceptable in form, purely whole some in composition, truly beneficial in effect and entirely free from every objec tionable aoalitv. If really ill he consult aphvHieian: if ronatiuated he uses gentle family loxa'jve Syrup of r'igs. the AE- 0fTiMl, Some tierniK i scientists have ceutly furnished iutormation in re- gard to tbe agep of trees. They assign to the pine tree MO to "00 years an the maximum, 423 years to the silver Of 2".i years to the larch, 24a years to r;;d bech, 240 to the aspen, 200 to lh birch, 170 to the ash, 115 to the eldrr and 130 to the elm. ASTiimTie Trouui.c, Pleurisy, Pains ar,d lnMiimi1"! Throats, are overcome and healed by Jr. I). Javne's KxpectoraM.. a sovereign tmedy lor all congns ana coius. A flume.. SiiX t be Alhved, "Hello, Mr. (iraliall. you are early tbroad tliis morning." ' Yes, I'm fcoing to the dentist's to have a tooth drawn." 'Ha troubled with toothache?" "No, but Forceps is drawing teeth free today, and I can't let such a chance as that slip." There are a larpe number of hygienic, physicians who claim that disease is al ways the rciill. of a trans)4reiion of Nu'lnre's law. The Proprietors of JarlieM Tea are both nhvwiciaus. and have devoted years to teaching the people how to avoid sickness by billowing mature aiaws. iney give awav with every package of Garfield Tea a little book which they claim will en able all persons, if its directions are fol lowed, to avoid sickness of all kinds; and to have no need of (iarfield Tea or any other medicine. Elizabeth Cadr Stanton says that the first Pilgrim to set foot on J'lymouth rock was a woman. JUST A LITTLE pain neglected, may become ' RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA LUMBAGO. Just a little SPRAIN may make a cripple.. lust a little BRUISE may make serious inflammation. Just a little BURN may make an ujly scar. lust a little COST will get a bottle of ST. JACOBS OIL, A PROMPT AND PERMANENT CURE Years of Comfort against Years cf Pain for JUST A LITTLE. A copy of the "Official Portfolio of ihe World's Columbian Exposition," descriptive of Buildinirs and grounds, beautifully illus trated in water color effects, will be rtnt to any address upon receipt of 10c. in postage tamps by Thk Charles A. VoGuua Co., Baltimore, Md. YOU'VE SPOILED niftji vnnr waten. becatiM you didn't have proper tools. How would too like to beoowu a w.totanisker? We can teca you the trade in our boos. and rnrnlk you all the tools neenwarr. Book and tools, tin. These tools see picture) without the book cost at wholesale We also teach bow to do plating, aildina, etc. All in the book, 'loola are ltrsl-clas icwelrs' tools, not cheap trash. A areat opportunity for pi oiituMe employment. atohmakers mak big money. Will be sent by express oa receipt of prloe, oi'iknii 0.0 11. where ft sccompauies the order. luo)9 htunr with letters of inquiry. Mora n Sor I'lv Co., luiporten and Wholasuera, Springfield, O, EEDS O WaJUUHTED. O tot ii the World. By mall, postage paid. 1 teat a package and up. Grand lot of EX TOAS given with every order. Prettiest and only real Catalogue in the world wit jnotures of all varieties. Send yours and neighbors' address. 'avooxTOjui. iLUNOia. a. G(-OOX BOOK BINDER can find a first class location by ad dressing NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER UOION, TOItK. NKHR. PATENTS! PENSIONS! Send tot Inventor's Onlde , or now to Obtnl a Pale Sen 1 for Bicest of Tension hnd Ronaty PATB1CK O'FARRKI.1., Waablagton, D. C. Sin si .kVw,Mj. w race srr.iiiirw.friwhtfcwpirilL aZ Oasnmaxlves asd people who have weak langsor Asth ma, thoald as Piso's Cere tor Oont-mpUea. It haa eared thMeanae. It has nottnjar ed one. U Is not had to take. 11 IS the best ooogh lyrea. gold everywhere. . IT! 2 Itowppiag a Baerball BSS Feet. A few years ago in J 884, I be lieveseveral well-known baseball pit vers attempted the impossible feat of catching and holding a regulation Spalding dropped from tbe top of the Washington monument, says the St. Louis Republic. The experiment was tried by Trott, Hines, Baker, Knyder, and several lesser lights in the fraternity, but none of them suc ceeded in holding It or even materially checking ts progre.-Jstothe ground. The men named above were all experts at their trades, but it is evident that they gave their sports more attention than they did their phi losophy " durlngtheir school d a vs, otherwise they would have known that a body dropped from such a height would be traveling with a speed of 187 feet per second at the time of its contact with the earth. Tbe reason why no living man could catch and hold a ball traveling with such velocity is plain enough by making some hasty comparisons: The greatest distance a ball has ever been thrown is 195 yards 1 foot and I inch. The longest "hit" ou record is a few incites over 200 yards. In this last) instance the ball was sent into the air at an angle of forty-live degrees. Now, mind this: Allowing the same hall to have been hit in the same direction at the same angle, with sufficient force to give it the velocity at the starting point that it would acquire in falling from a height of .V5 feet, it would have gone 544 yards instead of a ture fraction 'over 20;t yards. And then, even think of t rying to catch a hall the instant It leaves the bat ou a 200 yards' trip! Ouch! Is ft any wonder that the bovs let the, hall slip through their lingers when it was on the -'home stcetcb" after having fallen from the aiK'X of the memorial to me laineror his cminirv? '-Footprints in tho Nuniii ol Tlino." muarryiiMMi operating in the Port land sandstone (iiarrles in the Con necticut Valley, reccnjiasted nut u block 130 feet beneath the earth's surface, that was spotted with very interesting and curious tiiarkn. The marks, accordinc to scientific men, are fo'.itprints or the anisichnus (iewcyanus, which was very common in the valley several millions years ajjo, the beast beinjr a combination crocodile-bird. It is the opinion of I'rof. William North Kice of Wesleyan University, to whom the fossil lab was sold for 100, that at the tit the deweyatius flourished there was no Connecticut ltiver, but in place of it a bay that was 15 miles wide, extending from the sound lo the binder 'of Mussuchu sclts. In that epoch, a jjootl many million years since, tins rrocodile-binl used to b;i.i he in litis bay, then come out of it, shake himeir, and gambol awhile on the plastic miseaceous sand, then on top of the earth; and so he left his mark on it. In time the sand became cclid, the world drew over it, and now workmen toiling in the bowels ot the earth, 10 feet be low its surface, come on the play ground of the anisichnus, devveyanus. and a professor studying the tracks imprinted in the sandstone is able to tell lust what sort of a creature I strode about in the Connecticut j Valley when time was a babe. Won 1 derful, indeed, is the eye of science, even when it wears spectacles ana follows the humdrum vocation of leaching the modern dude. Stone. A t'lond Picture. Dtitins a summer storm among the Catskill Mountains, the quests in the Mountain House Hotel were in the parlor, when it was announced that "the house was goinp past on the outside!" An eye-witness wrote: All rushed to the piazza, and there, sure enough, upon a moving cloud more dense than the fog that en veloped the mountains, was a perfect picture of the great building in colos sal proportions. "The mass of vapor was passing slowly from uorth to south, directly in front, at it distance apparently of 200 feet, from the house, and reflected the noble Corinthian columns which ornament the front of the building, every window and all the spectators. Tho cloud moved on, and etc long we saw one pillar disappear, and then another. "We ourselves, who were expanded Into giants in size, saw the ulf into which we were to enter and be lost. I almost shuddered when my turn came; but thero was no escaping my fate; one site of mv face was veiled, and in a moment the whole had passed like a dream." What a picture of human life! We are In the world but a few short years, and then we disappear. How are we using the quickly fleeting mo ments? That is the question. Gigantic Flak; Poles. Ten larpe logs which will be used for flag poles for the Washington State building at. tho World's Fair, savs tho Spokane Review, will he carried to Chicago on a train of three sections, each consisting of fourteen cars. With the exception of the two largest ot the logs, they will be placed two together on the cars. The length is equal to that of seven flat cars, and but two of the cars will carry the weight The two largest of the logs, however, owing to their great weight, cannot be carried in this manner, and each will therefore have a string of cars to itself. The two end cars of each section will support the load upon a raised block working on a pivot, this arrangement being neces sary to provide for curves. It is stated that when some curves on the road arc passed, the middle of the loati will bo entirely clear of tho car. A modest judge in Tiffin, Ohio, who had a reason tor not facing a ear tain prisoner, waa oonat derate novjh to tentenoa him by telepboa. None But Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure. No other equals it, or approaches it in leavening strength, purity, or vholesomeness. (Sec U. S. Gov't Reports.) No other is made from cream of tartar specially refined for it and chemically pure. No other makes such light, sweet, finely-flavorerl, and wholesome food. No other will maintain its strength without loss until used, or will make bread or cake that will keep fresh so long, or that can be eaten hot with impunity, even by dyspeptics. No other is so economical. The Baking Powders now being offered in this vicinity, with the statement that they are "as good as Royal," have been shown by the official analyses to be composed of alum and detrimental to health. The official chemists of the United States and Can ada, State analysts, municipal boards of health, and physicians indorse the great qualities of the Royal Baking Powder. tuu .-eicil Item. "Hello. Van. I hear that you are on the road now? Is that so? "Yes, I'm a full fledeed tourist now." 'Do you like the business?'' "Like it? I'm stuck on it." "What are yoa selling?" "Glue." Chicago News: Charley Did you kiss that Hoston girl you were making such desperate lovo to a moment" ago? Charley Can't you see the frost on my mustache? Plaster Prom fork. Samples of a new composition known as liegine are exhibited at the museum in the royal botanic garden .it Kew. This substance consists of powdered cork mixed with line plaster in the proportion of 10 per cent. The cork confers upon the plaster a solidity, durability, and above all, a lightness which it does not possess when used alone, and the new composition can iborefnra hn used lift moldings on litin partitions and ceilings without any danger of oversight. Leigine is also made into bricks, it can be used as a non-conductor coating for steatn-pipes and finds ready employment in various other ways. This new material is a very good illuitaation ot the utilization of a waste product, for it is obvious that the very smallest cuttings of cork can be used in its manufacture. It may be added that tbe cork is re duced to powder by the action of horizontal grindstones. Chamber's Journal. D. E. FORISTALL, M. D., Kye and Ear Specialist, York, Xebr. Cor respondence solicited. Kate Field's Washington : The ofiice seeks the mau, then the man recipro cated by seeking offices for his relatives. IMPORTANT TO FLESHY PEOPLE. We hure noticed a pase article in the 11 .. iinV, mi reducing weieht at a very small expense. It will pay our readers to send two cent stamp for a copy to ISetina Circulating Library, 36 E. Washington Street, Chicago, 111. Chicaeo Inter Ocean: "I'd think street cars would be built just alike at both ends." "Well, they are." "Oh, no! Any conductor will tell you there's always room up front." nhMof. Waeases and COUIDS, uRM', Rnmentn Troches," like all Other reofl. goorf things, are imitated, and pnr v,0ra .hruilfl he careful to obtain the genuine article prepared dv juiij 1. It Sons. . As the result of extensive improve ments Robert Garret's Baltimore house now has a hallway 30x10 feet with a ceiling 40 feet high." The upper half of the hall is covered with valuable tapes tries and around it runs a galery in carved oak. The library has a white ceiling and the walls are hung with wine-colored velvet. An Expert's Opinion. Our readers have doubtless noticed the numerous discussions by the scien tista and hygienists as to the relative Talueoftbe various baking powders. 1 A. careful sifting of the evidence leaves no doubt as to the superiority of the Royal Baking Powder in purity, whole someneet andstrength, from ascientiQc standpoint- An opinion, however, that will have - perhaps greater influence with our practical housekeepers, is that given by Marion Harland, the well knowaandpoPlUrwriter pon mat ters pertaining to the science of domes tic economy, of housekeeping, and of home eooktag.. In a letter published in the Philadelphia Ladies' Home Journal, this.writer says: "r regard the Royal Baking Powder as tbe best manufactured and in the market, so far as I have any ex perience in the use of such compounds. Since the introduction of it into my kitchen, I have used no other in making biscuits, cakes, etc., and have entirely discarded for such purposes the home made combination of one third soda, two-thirds cream of tartar. "Every box has been in perfect con dition when it came into my hands, and the contents have given complete satisfaction. His an act of simple justice, and also a pleasure, to recom atnd it unqualifiedly to American Mrutevritos, Makion Harland." Just as Good. Smith Were you ever at a millinery opening? Jones No. I re been at the theatre and sat behind a row of millinery, but I saw no opening. Miss Wanamaker countr among her various accomplishments the unusual but decidedly healthful one of boxing. Her tutor in a great measure, and the one on whom she moet frequently tries her skill, is her father, the postmaster general . Deeply Interested. Few people caa claim to have out witted Sir James Hannen, the well known judge. His lordship, however, was curiously "done" by a somberly dressed juryman in his own court. In a most melancholy tone, the juryman claimed to be exempt from serving on the jury which had been impaneled to try an important case. Sir James very sympathetically asked on what grounds he claimed exemption. "My lord," said the applicants, "1 am deeply interested in a funeral which takes place today, and am most anxious to follow." "Certainly, sir, your plea is a just one," remarked his lordship. The man departed, and the next day the judge learned that he was the un dertaker. Argonaut. Cheyenne has lost much of its charm for the old-timers there. Spectators, as well as lawyers and prisoners, are now forbidden to carry guns into court. Boston bad more newspapers forty years ago than now, and yet Chicago is promptly told to sit down when she says anything about the effete east. INDIGESTION. If you suffer from indigestion in winter caused by eating too heartily of heavy food, we can cure you and will do it easily, bend your address ou a postal card to the Sylvan Remedy Co. Peoria, 111., and we will send you by re turn mail free, a box of the Laxative Gum Drops. These gum drops con tain no taste of medicine and you would not know that you were taking medicine except by the result. We take pleasure in making this offer to you, because the remedy is so simple and delightful, It will certainly cure you. Mothers Friend" kikes child birth easy. Oolria, lav, See. S, 1888.-Hy wife naad OTHXB'B mxtm befbre her thM oonflnemant, and aaya alia would not b arithout it for handled of doOan. SOCK XJXZiS, Seat by etuicja oa receipt of price, U0 per bet lie. Book'' To Motlm"iBaUDd free, -BHAOMMLO ItMOULATO 00, ea eata at aueauaaaiTe. . . AJWafTM.aVa. . BiX a a. I al Tma on bt a I I III I i.miai nr MM I V W W V4 hadeatuw. Coras UMupetioaVaMara. CtoeaptaaaeaTSan. Doctor.' ' Bilk. Sample tret. Giarau TluOo.,IU W. Wk 81, N. Y. Cures Sick Headache I PAY SUBSCRIBERS M.WN! 100 for writing addressee. Send matt eta., nil-, ver ior one years snbeerlptlon end I wilt send' voa lii.t rn tiousfor writing- 300 a dresses at. tl prr 100 and send yoaraaaae to IS) publisher! who will send yen Sinplea of aafaslnea, c Addro-s, NaT Witxuaa, MorganaeM. Kv. Iteal&a Per a Lame haa. laah mi rmMiUatepBBtJBBl mm Cnraaf naM. uXzl 'ji-: ,-; ' , W ' 1 ' "!t;;.. ' : . aa taua paper. 11 am