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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1893)
( I u " " f, i HE Sioux County Journal. K. r 1 THE SIOUX COUNTY i J. NUiiMttu. Editor auJ rro))i'icttir. K K,i II, V Jl. U.Tiui.. mUv, t.uing Wut-t. OuiiiB Lut. fm, 5 niUi-U, ,-U .15 Ku. G, mi V", C:5U HARRISON MARKET, vusa-'i-iiiJiu .... .... I:iti- r Im-iirl : .Vf5U ;) 10 i I 25 ' 31 '.II I VI i .w ; 30 ( 'M'U- 1HT l,ll:,ltl'l Ii.ji W l.innlyi'.il it lii'an- jwr u.iihIi.k) th...... . rm'il- - JVC llMIKlrc'l ft... i.i:U'ii.- - H'i im'.U' .... . il'ilirr iii r ..,.. ,.t :C4- per l.a... i'n'.lllry l(iz ......... .... (ln'im jut 1tu, M'-tii's- pT th. .............. ........... !':! I" r tun.,,-,,. oifl - wr rent---.,--, I iiiiibi t- unlive- h-y mi. 11.. ....... ' i 'uri:ti t every Thursil - HMes li.iu-lit lit tlm harness shop. IVjn't iiiiss the hill I'eUrii.iry Hlli. Siimlay inglit was rather i-ool iirumul illii wlyun. (Kilo Turners to buy your Units, alines itiul overshoe.!. Olil (inputs iur fit TIH JiH HKAl. Oltli"". .1 c:llts l'T ilo.t'li. -Don't bi ratcli- your puper, but buy ii i heinicai crusor of J!. V. . (io to Turners to ilo your trading fliid save 10 to 20 vents on the dollar. Hilie&t market. priee paid for Wheat. Uuavt Ci'THuui. If you wuut to sell your lanil, list it with Simmons & Hmiluy, reul estate i:jjiits, Alex. Lowiy had a horse injured while drawing a log' in the timber a few Jays a-jo. 1 lappy and ountont is a limnc with "The Ro chester," a lamp w ith the light uf the morning. itdogues,write Rochester LampCo.,Ncw York. Do you want to rent your farm? Jit it in the hands of the real estate firm of Sinimous & Smiley. Supt. Sou Mi worth was wearine; a stick Saturday as thu result of allow ing Ins team to pull a log over him one day Jisf week. No bones wei broken, : While in the east County Attorney Oouley Hold two quarter sections of Sioux county real estate. Western ar.dar coming in demand and Siotlx county is becoming; a favorite. A real estate firm lias been formed by 1 1. J. Simmons and J. M. Smiley. They propose to buy and sell real estate und do a general land business. They will have correspondents in the east and will liberally advertise the advantages of Hioux county. A board of trade should ho organized by the business men of Harrison. The talis for information in regard to Sioux county, the prospects of a mill being tsrected here during the. coming season, and various other matters of public im jKirt as arc coming up should be met by some sort of an organization. Will nome of the active business men take liold of the matter and get a board of trade started. IT. 11. Russell while in town Tues day informed us that be had not fed his xtock anything at all this winter. He lias cattle, horses and sheep, anil last month he sold 19 sheep for $94, not hav ing ever fed them anything but salt, and they were dressed by the butcher in Crawford and people objected to buying the mutton Ijeenuso it was too fat. Will ieople who want to (ind a good stock country make a note of that? The stock misers of the eastern states, as well as those of the eastern part of Kits state, who have been feeding high priced bay to their cattle, should tome to Sioux comity. Here many of the stock owners have not fed a bit of any kind of feed to their stock cattle and none have fed but little. The rich native grasses which grow here and cure on the grouod are a source of profit to the farmers which is not yet duly appre ciated. 0. W. Hester will start next week for trip to Iowa to tell people of the aJ'-'iuitnges offered by Sioux county. Hi will visit a number of points and be ftbsL'tit for some time. Some action should be tuken by the business men of the town to supply him with printed matter. Here is a demand for a board of trade and the sooner one is organized the batter. For the case above mentioned mm informal action shotild be taken as titer ii oot sufficient time to organize. -Oot of the batieat men ia Harrinon in H. A. Cunningham, the haraeM-maker. Since tie hau been in business here he has tV.a Wished reputation for good work nad fair prices which tinag Urn orders, not only from all part of Sioux county, t-ut from South Uakia and Wyoming. Mi lumen work pJejvws lh teawaters, hl utdt ' k nut tit riders and hi rk- )iit all, and many coma and leave . 4"rx without i-en itfkiog iite pricr. r rrolM(arMdi jNiy. ,. j Masquerade Ktb. It!;. Turnei waiiutyour buttfct' and egiJjs. ; Uliddeu liuvbvd Vire 3.75 at Turner's. j Get your Rial's midy for Hi. Vaten : tiuu"s balj. j It, is iieportwl that ilie W. K. Smith j buijdiug has been sold to some one iu ( badron and it is exjiected that it will j 1 i not lie long until a new stock of goods j will lie opened up. Rev. J. E. Wallace i;.'.'tij.ied tiie JJ. E. pulpit last Sunday morn intr and even ing in the absence of Rev. fll.isuer. He als) raised enough iiidik-v t:i meet the interest payment due on the elmrch pro petty. Coi-i esjjiidince u 1-eing luul in re gard to a mill and the iudiuations are that it will not he ong unti) definite action will be taken. A mill at Harri son would prove a i:ood thing for the town andalsn for the nimi who builds it. The young folks went to Commis sioner Johnson's last Friday evening to skate. They e.Neeted a nice moonlight night, but. had failed to consult an al manac on the subject, but with the aid of some lanterns they got along fairly well. We have been handed a list of names of parties who have written to J. K. Iiuchanan, general passenger agent of the I'. E. & M. V., in regard to lands in Nebraska. The list was scut to U. H. Griswold, cashier of the Commercial Dank, and was given to us with the re quest that sample copies of The Joi'Kxai. be scut to them. No better index of a town or locality can be found liian a local paper, if such paper i-; advocating ti e advancement of the country. The JontN.u. is in receipt of a letter from Supt. O'Brien stating that he will be here with the (kh car about the 1st of March. He will have a supply of young trout for all '."ho are prepared to care for them and a large number will lie put into the stratus. Any who desire to got trout should leave word at this ollice. Unless you havo clear spring-fed places for tnem trout is not what is wanted but some of the other varieties of fish which will lie distributed later in the soiiion. The JiX'Knai. was in error last week in regard to the hoisting rope used at the ptrnrphig siititii. The rope belonging to village has been gone longer than the riiomory of man runneth back and the one which gavo out belonged to Julius Sievers and tho one obtained when that broke belonged to A. Hasselquist. Had it not been for the courtesy of those gen tlemen a new row would have had to been ordered before the pump could have been raised and that would have delayed matters still more. Thus it is shown that another reason is added for the tet ter protection of the property of the vil lage. Some people expect when they go to a new country to get a homestead that they will find quartet' sections of govern ment land with big houses, barns, wind mills, etc., and part of the land in a high state of cultivation and the rest sowed to tame grasses. When such people come to look for a homestead in that condition they are very apt to be dissatis fied, and it is just as well that such do not come. That class of people never did much to improve a country, but those who are seeking homesteads and cheap farms can come here and look around and see advantages olfered by no other part of Nebraska in the early days of its settlement. Men who are in earn est looking for a home will bo pleased with Sioux county for they will know a good thing whim they see it. Within the past week County Attor ney Conley, Sheriff Heidy, Treasurer Oayhart and Cashier Verity have re turned from eastern trips and all re port bad, unpleasant, cold weather at the points visited and all were glad to get back to Sioux county. They also report a. great rush of people toward the west and a great demand for land in the east at the high prices. The result of such a condition will be that people will flock to the west to secure lands at low rates or use their homestead right and secure 100 acres of Uncle Sam's domain. Every effort should be made to let people know what is to lie had in Sioux county. The fact of there bavins; teen no railroad land in this part of tht state made it unnecessary for the rail roads to work to gtt it Settled and hence it has been advertised only by local ef fort Tho railroads will be benefited more that any one other interest by the settlement of the country, tint they do not work as tbey did when they wished to settle a locality in which they owned a lot of land on which t hey were paying taMsand from which tiicy were deriving no revenue. Beal estate in Sioux county will not advance in value until more gat here und hence it in to the in terest of every one who has any real estate to do all :.o t'f . tci H'lIlt'l'V PERSONAL. O. . Coil'ee w as in town Tuesday, i Attorney Walker was at Chash-pu last j week. i : J. B. Bradley w;u up from liodare I Monday. j T. M. Kutton went to Crawford Tues day livening. J. W. Hunter was in town a short time Monday. , Mrs. (Jlasner went to Ft. Itobinson : Monday evening. ; Mrs. Christ Chrif-teiiiTeii was up from j Andrews Saturday. j Mrs. J. Stimson came up from Glen j Tuesday to visit friends. ! 11. H. Russell, of (lien was doing busi ' ness in Harrison Tuesday. 'lias. Xewman left for tho Homestake mine, S. IX, Tuesday evening, A. ifeUimey called Saturday and added his name to our list of readers. Mrs. S. C. J). Hassett returned yester day after an extended absence. County Treasurer (jayliart returned j Saturday from his eastern trip. A. W. Mohr was over from (Jilchrist I yesterday and called at this oflice. ! (Jet ive Harris was up from Cook pre- Icinct Monday and called nl this office. j Vm. Sc'liul. sends us a remittance 1 from Wisner to apply on his subscrip- tion. Rev. Glasner has been assisting in re IvivalworU at Ft. Robinson during the I past week. A. R. Dew went to Children Monday evening to help W. R. Smith invoice a I stock of goods. County Attorney Conley and family returned Friday from their visit to the east part of the state. Mrs. M. C. Doau and Mrs. Clarence Hollingsworth called yesterday to learn something of the art preservative of arts, C. E. Verity returned Monday from his trip to the eastern part of the state. He says there are a great many people com ing to Sioux county in t'19 lluar future to i;eek homes or investments. Bhcrifi' Reidy and bride arrived from Om; ha last week and are at present re- sidim; on the place belonging to the I latter's pa rents but they will mov.jon thei: o.v.i homestead as soon as he can get a house built. They were accom panied by a brother and sister of Mr. Reidy who will visit here for a couple of weeks. It is rumored that a new bjacksmith shop will bo built in the near future. J. W. Eangdou has the ice in the ice house of E. Rolrwer and is now put ting up some for other parties. Tho Hov, aid Grain Co., has stopped buying wheat here, for the present, at least. That leaves Guthrie in full pos session of the grain market bore. The masquerade ball at the court house on next Tuesday evening promises to be best ever known in Harrison. Don't forget the prizes for the lady and gentleman having the best costume. Mrs. J. H. Cook had the misfortune to run a needle into her hand a few days ago which broke off, leaving a piece of the steel imbedded in the flesh. L)r. Gibbs, of Crawford, was sent for and came up Tuesday and went to Agate Springs to remove the broken needle. Prof. E. H. Barbour of the stale uni versity, who was detailed to make a col lection of the soil from the different counties of Nebraska for exhibition at the world's fair, states that the soil of Sioux county is as good as that of any county in the state. That comes from as good authority as can be had on the subject. The following appeared in an eastern exchange and shows how the people are feeling in regard to tho intense cold which has prevailed there most of the winter. We advise all who are sick of the climate in which they live to come Sioux county and be happy: "Back ware, turn backward, oh time in your Might, give me July again just for the night, soften the soil where the frost king has lain, oh, let me hear one mos quito again; I am so weary of snow drifts and ice, weary of paying the coal trust its price; weary, so weary of frost bitten pie bring me a slice of the fourth if July. Backward, swing backward, oh season of snow mercury fifteen to twenty below turn on the heat of the tropical zone, roast me until I am cooked to tho bone, I am bo tired of freezing my nose, weary of chilblains and corns on my toes, weary of trying to sleep with cold feet turn on the heat, mister, turn on the heat." U E. BELDEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. HnpAtring dune on ihori notice, tkiod work and reuonitbln cntirgea. ;:....) wmtli of jivery burn. H !DJ?fl?O.V, - JfKB. it public auction on Saturday . February jjth, at 10 o'clock, P- ip- 3-t rjteyeris' livery barn, Harrison, Neb., the folio;;": iiig ;(escri!eU property, to-wit: a mares, 3 geldings, 'in l;ea;l of powii and heifers, 1 wagon. 1 mower, 1 culti vator, 1 breaking plow, 1 stubble plow, 1 harrow, 1 buggy, 1 set double harness, I saddle, hay ral;e. Tkrms: All sums of fji and under cash: on all sums over $5 a credit of 13 moutlii will be given by purchaser giv ing note with approved security ; 10 per cent off for cash on all sums over lSAIXlK RliJHiiTEiy, Tugs. Rkidy, Auctioneer. Nothing Else Like ft. Wfion the publishers decided to ipe the Journal twice a, week at the same price of the old weeklies, $1.00 per year they struck just what the public wanted somethiug between the old-fashioned weekly and the high-priced daily. The success of the Scmi-WeMi Journal has been immediate and continued. It has distanced every one of its once-a-week rivals. It doesn't take long to convince people that a good live paper every Tues day and Friday is tetter than only one a week, especially when you apjieal to their pocket books, and give it to them at the same price. Headers will testify that- it is almost as good as a daily. Its markets twica a week are worth the money. Four complete novels eaph year by "The Duchess," Miss Bradcion, and other widely known authors, alone are worth the dollar, its legislative news is its strong point just now. It is wide-awake, spends money for news, and is always in the lead. You can see its superiority over the old-fashioned week ly. Everyone who subscribes now gets a Seaside Library free. This offer won't hold good always. One of our big offers is tho Scmi-XVr, Mi .hmnml mid Wivkly A'oir Vw'A' Tribune, both quo year for $1,215. liegular price of Tribune is if 1.00. Our great premium, History of the United Stales, Stanley Book, or Life of Spurgeon, prepaid, and the Journal, 1.40. Either book is worth ift.50 alone. Your choice of these books and tho Tri and Journal a ycaf for only sjl.OS. What a. combination of reading matter ! If you send us your own and another new name, we will send you either of the above books free. Subscribe now and get 104 papers a year, which is less than one cent per copy. Address Nebkaska State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. V. A. HESTER, Dealer in -r Lumber, Grain Lime and Coal. Sash. Doors, Blinds. Hair and Cement A Complete Stock Always on Hand. B. E. Bkewsteh, C, F, Coffee, President. Vice Pres. D, II. GRISWOLD, Cashier. Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED. Genera! Banking Business -TRANSACTED. - IlAItltlSON. Nebraska I Going to Buy m isicuunary CET THE BEST, I Webster's International. A Choice Gift v v v v ; ; A Grand Family Educator ', ! A Library in Itself '.' v ; ; The Standard Authority SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. The Icteruttoiul ii a new book from J cover to sover, fully abrewt of tlw times, T m4 la .Via . . n Ua ...V. .1 - V f "Unabridged." Ten yean were pent lux T nvuUnr, 100 editor! employed and over T X VM0,000 expended before the llrat copy T x waapnniea. i X Do not tmy reprints of obsolete and I Z comparatively worthless editions. z X Bend for free pamphlet containing X X specimen pages and full particulars. to. i: c. BtRRiAM to., ruoiisncrs, SPRINGFIELD, MASS., U.S. A. Tl.e imderoigned vilj stU SUONS & SMILEY, Harrison, Nebraska, Real Bsmt Agents, Have a number in choice Jand jn Parties desiring to buy or sell real estate should not fail to call on them, 3chool Lands leased, taxes paid for non-residents; farms rented, etc, CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED. 30 CAR OF Emigrant Goods will be here in a few days from one place and many are Coming from others. To provide for the wants of the newcomers GftiSWOL Have put In the Largest Stock of General Merchandise. Farm Machinery ever brought to Harrison which they are selling at lowest living rates. Come and see us before you buy. GRISWOLD & MARSTELLER. THEY ARE THE NEW SETTLERS, we mean, and we are here with an increased Stock of Dry Goods, Hats Caps, Boots, Shoes, etC. HendeoonV'Red School House" Shoes Will Wear Well and Make the Children Happy, A FLOURING MILL Would be a good thing for the com munity, but until we get one we will sell Flour at lowest prices. mt v':4ar: rii:nwuai)n. - STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. All FiVih and New, all Rejidy for Old and New Settlers at Lowest Living PrlCM COME INSPECT THE STOCK -A.XSTID O-ET PRIOBS: RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, L. GEELACH, Prop, of choice bargains $iQux county, 0 & iMRSTELLER Hardware and G DMING! ,1 1 ' 1 V ....,.. -J1.. , i