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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1892)
V r i r. t ' 1 ! 1 ? . 4 ' i i1 rtrfHitlfk M1-IUiii. The Sioux County Journal. fESTABUSHED 18 official cofNTY papeu. OLDEST PAPER IS THE COTKTY. i iiIwi vmI Iiave led to tbefolloum HAS THE LABisT CIBCCLATIOX OF AXY PAPI3 PCB1XSHED IS SKXX OOCSTY. j leen miles iov. w.i. e-tablislied in live Jiiotirs and tak--u up tu i tie l.-mi . : 1 an order of assault, setting- ia n 1- iwo j ar.i.y corps, was iteived and put ... es- Subscription Prioe, ?i.00 L. J. Simmons, ... Editor. Kntered at the Harrison post oftice aa s OJid clas mutter. VARIABLE STARS. Over Slid stars are now know;; i., vary ' in Im'ghlne. Differences in the phenom-1 ution m ttu minutes. A .NATION'S fHOTl aiRAPIL ' lass'li.f.lion, pressed l.y prof. Picker-! A national ..W,-.!.!,. ,w j of the IWvarJ ClleseOlrvat0rv: J lroposej lo Um, rir-upinc jl .Temporary or new sU,rs, of uhi I, j iety of lireat Britain, an amount l-eing I iMiiv very lew nave iea record, lliev! Thitkday, Dec. 22, The Joi esal wishes all its readers a Meirv Christmas. llaze out suddenly, remain visible fur a short time, then disapjiear, never to re turn. A small temporary tar discov ered in 14S in Ophiuchus isrtill perotpt ible, but has faded from the fourth mag nitude to the thirteenth. Variable stars, with regular periods of considerable length. The iriods range from about iuuw,wuays, ami me tiuctuations in given of a local plioio-urvry of War- I'ittl Proof Notices. All -rsiiiis Iiavini; final proof uoti Ihi pais-r ill rMt-iv a m&rio J cop.. -.ajicr hihI are requested I. -ninin-' notice, and ii any error i-1 r I '' same tu Ihi omit ftl uuce. .ncir , llie Notice for J'tiMiiMlioii. l-amt Ojliw at !.! l. N-l., I .Vi.v. )i. 1-".. 1 Xolic' i. lierrbv ll llinl l IuIIowmi naliHHl M-ltler ll.-l- lil-fl l.iu' 'l inl.-H , f ....... 1... I1, ifi 1 t.n.if ii. ..:.i...rl ttt iim tvicksliin: already in urouress. Hie Mea ' !ire4irat Uud-iunii. rh-rlL of lii.- .dstrii i 1 1 rt v,-r -aui tiew r any m tlu-n-ut ; limi l, Ii4 1 LMlllr .M HM.&I, " u( I'uder CNlt, I 'l.rl-r.i-V. B. H iiiiEWsTtt Voliu-Utn-n-lv (riven tlJHl l.y ir-of a ; ( Lam 1 Mrtff ilat4 ou il.i- Si I i ' i J Jum- ttfi ami 'luiv flkil in I lie "1!" - '! -inntv( k-rk of siiMix hii, Mnu- i "e tua-ka. m IlifUli ituv of June. Mt, I ' u . -liK-k mul 3u mimiii- ill tin- ili'riux..i ami i-i.,-:itl l J. K. ir lelrlli-r. H. H. Mrallun anil .lolill I., stratlon lo 'n-l ft U-li tu tui Hi. jMViiifiit ol Ui' sum nl -'iil lioliars TOi mill HlMHi ilie!i llu re i- lion il'l(- Ilrt sumo! xn iilv llirt- Dollar ami liliyljve nts 73-.5 ,' itti Ten Iw.iuri nluun 11 iuilatii ilaiiiafri. lor iion suiiiiiiii'-iU l i-mi U-iK-t lli'liiull linvinu Ot-in ins'le in tin- na uii-ni oi jaiii J.IHU iinl lui "in' oi otln-r istosei nre the cooj-ration of all plto j "4't ir, VjZ: toffiapliers in the preparation of a pictor ial iword of the country's present condition. inla r I lin reiori! 1 ill M il iSk jri.i i l lluniu The Hay Spring lr has 1U,PH ! - to more than Lv;! udis now the Shton County Den,, t 1!"' to - " the hours b and not. It u ,a3.-uliar how easily some j " J " ! ny directions that mav lie left with the I aides, bavin!,' no definite jieriod, and usn i.i t, . . . auv finiv s l''-tir vari:ituin a ..i- .. pars aim xneir eouoi-s ctm ciiaiijre tlieir j - lapmratus. political coats. , I f s!,f"'t Pe';!- most of them under j ei-,nt oays. . ariaLles oi tlie type of A .'ii ,f n i i ..1.. I... .. !..,., .1;,. coered. At regular intervals the iigiit suddenly fades, and continues diminished for only a small jiortiou a few hours of the star's period. THE JIKIU-JLVIZED 7JJ K. All extension of the clock's use! tilness has lieen Kouglit by a St, Petersburg in- I ven tor. His dial is a human face, whose is ut The legislature will convene one week from next Tuesday. There is much leg islation needed, but it is safe to predict that that which is needed the most will receive the least attention. Under the circumstances there should lie no foolishness among the aspirants for 1 1 1 3 United States Senatorship. The re election of Senator Paddock is the only consistant thinr to be done. Nebraska this year produced 2,?34,ii0fl pounds of beet sugar, California Ml,! pounds and Utah 1,094,900 pounds. And this is only a small percentage of the suar consumed in this country. O'A'i'ZZ Frontier. Congressman Butler, of Colorado, has introduced a bill in the House to estab lish a national floral emblem and names the pansy as the most suitable flower for the honor. "Will that bill lie the cause of the revival of "Only a Pansy Blossom?" The population of Nebraska' is now eighteen persons to the square mile, and Oliaw-fcHor Canlleld states that the slate is capable of supporting an average pop ulation of two hundred and fifty to the square mile. It will be some time be fore the state will be over populated according- to that statement, - "'The reports are that James G. Blaine is rapidly declining and, will not last mucli loDger. ' He will be remembered as the. foremost statesman of his time, and his great plan of reciprocity in after years lie proven to be one of the test pfans'evr 'devised' for the advance iiient of tfitjuatiooa interests.. ..'''The. report of the postmaster, general shows that in the year 1892 the govern ment printed return requests on 813.855.000 envelopes, " That is a large .tmoiint of business for the government to take away. from the printers and the eraft will have reason, to be glad when government competition -in that line is ended. . Some of the Chadron people "blew in" for a great write up of the, town iu the Woi-ld-ITe)'ald ahd from' the papers of Ijii'toH t) it does not -appear to have been jtisfaftery.. . As , a rule the same amount -of -money spent with the local papers w ill accomplish a great deal more for a town than an exhaustive write-up in an eastern paper. The home papers telt oi tire good points of a place every week and should be encouraged rather than an outside paper. ''At the state convention of county clerks held at Lincoln last week a resolu tion was introduced to reduce the num ber of official and simple ballots 50 per tent.' ' That is a starter, bnt it should' be no that for the fraction of fifty voters in a precinct there shall only be ballots for the number and not for an additional fifty voters. Under the present law a precinct containing fifty voters is fur utelied with two hundred ballots and a precinct containing fifty-two voters nnst be furnished with four htiodred fcallots. That is a needless expense io lire county. An average of two ballots k the voter is all-sufficient as bnt very tew ballots are spoiled. A provision thould be made for getting tire ballots properly delivered to the various pre net. The law says the county clerk shall do it but it provides no method by hich lie can leave his office to drlit or iceive anv compensation for the work. Provide a Penalty, tftirolit Call. , , , The discussion is o air over the state h favor of assessing property for taxa 5ion at its fall value. A good many pa ,fers art? demanding that a law of that mad be-enacted, but that is unnecessary, . fc thef e )m low of that kind on the tUtate books. It is violated continuous ly ad openly .because the . lw provides penalty fir it vtoliaijon.. . What is Wanted iita penoBtjr elnww,. one so' rigid id severe ttot' not an aessor m the ae wilj; 4m ;i violt it; With a fena4y eteuse-attaclied,' tlie present law wilt bt found al satBcta, and the bme p iiM.will wjr.fapf an: iwpa&i value AMMMmeiit will bV fcunui'(o 1W all that ii-espectiedi A ' pampnign! forupeaalty ilMiNe to tlie' aia)eHneii laws ought to lb pifia4d at once, and every mem f;tfjh'lw'eomiinr lefrmiatuM nhould TASTK A.Vll SJIEM., Recent curious olisi'rsation-i indicate that our ai preciatioii ,' fdml deiends largely if tot chiel! upon the sense of smell. A student 21 years old had in herited from his mother tlie defect ac ipiired by her in childhood of complete absence of smell, taste and other sensa tions being unaffected. He i-oulil detect no difference lietween lea, coffee and water. n three trials out of five he con fused bitter almond water and water, but distinguished between ether and water and ether ami ammonia. Fruit syrups were simply sweet, with no difference of flavor. Cloves and cinnamon were recognized, but mustard and pepper gave only a sharp sensation on the tongue. AN APPLICATION OF KUXTRIC HEAT. The warming of conservatories 1 electricity, the idea of two Swiss electri cians, gives promise of good results wherever, as in .Switzerland, cheap mo tive power may be had. A dynamo sends the currant into receivers of special metallic composition, which liecome rapidly heated to a moderate tempera ture only, and give forth the heat like steam-radiators. . The advantage s are considerable. The apparatus is very simple and cleanly, injurious gases are avoided, and the temperature can h readily controlled without risk of fire. I'EAMT P.KEAU. Health authorities in Germany, find ing mat tlie rel use lelt. after extracting the oil from peanuts contains four times the nutritive matter of wheat and rye flours, have used mixtures of peauuts and of peanut refuse with rve Hour for making a very nutritious bread. A NEW Bfnjil.Vi; MATERIAL. A hotel of Hamburg is built entirely i tympresseu wood, Wlncll is as hard as iron, and by chemicaljreatnient I,,,., i .... ,. . .iTSf uas uccu nnuie prooi against fire and in sects. J - . ITi-pODEJtjlOKI.VSIS. ' Certain physiologists have been able, with injected fluid, to wash out the sys tem through the natural channels of cir culation: and Dr. Max Hildebrand, of San Francisco, stales that it is possible to infuse into the veins, without danger to the organism, an amount of fluid equal to four times the normal quantity of blood. In experiments made about three years ago, a 0.7 per cent solution of salt was injected directly into the veins of dogs and rabbits. At a certain rate, the salt water could be forced for hours, and was promptly discharged in the urine, but too great pressure was fatal, and the in jection was safe only when the heart was healthy. By a new method, due to Cantani, the injections are now made hypodei mically without risk, this process be called "bypodermok lysis." It was lirst employed to prevent drying up of the tissues after great loss of blood and in cholera, but has given promising results in cleansing the blood from poisons, such as those of typhoid fever, uraemia, septic blood poisoning, J gastric or intestinal ulcers, and snake bites. In asphyxia from chloroform it has saved life when electricity and artifi cial respiration had failed. The salt water, with anfeseptie precautions, is in jected into tho cellular tissue under the skin, usually of tlie abdomen,-causing a tumor which lasts two or three lKiurs. The usual time for injecting 30 ounces of solution i about live minutes. RECENT TELEPHONY, . During the last two or three years, trials have been made in the French army of the quite remarkable telephonic system of Capt. Charollois, which de pends upon the use of the Martin bi-met- tallic wire of steel core covered with copper. This wire is stronger and rusts less readily than that ordinarily used With a magnetic receiver at either end, tho wire is unwound upon wet or dry earth, or even in waterr and without in sulationcontrary to- hsual theories- conducts sounds to a considerable dis tance. The military telephonists are or ganized in sain of t wo lm, each set hav ing equipment for a mile line. The sim ple recti ving and transmitting apparatus are fixed to the military cap; and the wire in carried on reem in a sort of breast plate,, being so light that a man's ordin ary equipment weighs less than: six pound; Tlie wire is rapidly laid by foot soldien, cavalrymen or bicyclists. By uooM8lve seof 0wii.'v ivIlnefW- The annual rm-eting of the state l.oard of agriculture w ill convene at Lincoln on January 17, Pfli:!. An interesting pro gram has been prepaivii for the occasion. At the same time the winter corn exhibit will be held and oilier matters of import ance will l,e taken up. DavW Hurtle!!, nf Hmri-oii, Vl.-r.. ho niaiie Hnmi-sti-ail Krttrv Sn ;-K'. !r the sH i, St. i7, T. 31 . U., m W -1 o; tin t in 1. M. lie nam Uie fullow ing rit'n-i'- 1 lirove hiscimtinuou r-iitem-; iijam ainl . ulnva tinit ot saiii laml, viz: Julin E. Mar-teller, Thomas K'-n'y, Henry IVuruiki'. lA wif h. lli ljiii. ;.ll oi iiarri-iMi, Ncbr. Also: K. Kiiwan! bivrnimrt-. of liarii-un. lio li. mil- Iloine?.tia't Nri. inTii lor t In- N '; si-. S2, 1 . ,11 N. II., ut; H evl ..I lln- Dili r. 1. He ntttiir the lulinwi'i w ituei' to jnnvi' hi- i-ontinuous r-MiclH- iijahii niiil culliva tjoil iil'l laml 'v. '. Ilavnl llardett. I-nil I! tx licn. l ilarli j. t alnliU'llziiMl, lli-iijamiii 1. Julnwili, allot llarrisim, Nciir. ,lu ir. W. II. MrC Y.N. l:i-i;ii I. The "Next of Kin" Snimller. I'es Monies RcKi-u-r. The men who luamifai tine and Mdi bogus diplomas are not (he only persons who must lie avoided in this country. The "next of kin agents" are even more hungry and more persistent in trvinir to defraud innocents of their money. Tlie lleqialoT has frequently Ix'cn asked by American representatives abroad to warn people against this species of de ception. A few days ago it received a letter from a solicitor of the supreme court, dated London, again asking it, in common with other American piijiers, to warn the jieople against the frauds per-' petraled by these irresponsible agents. VI ,.!:,.:.... i . . "" soiii uoi- 1-(iiiipiains mat it is impos sible to punish these swindlers iu Eng land, liecaiise the witnesses are gener ally several thousand miles imav Uo calls attention to tlie fact that very er roneous ideas exist in the '-stall's" in re gard to unclaimed funds iu chancery. The chancery division of the high court "f justice holds large sums, umoiintiri"- to about SO.000,000 pounds, but the bulk ol this money is held by tlie court as a quasi trustee and the dividends are an nually paid to the iienelii'iai-ies. The actual amount of unclaimed money in the chancery division does not exceed 2-10,000 pounds, and this is spread over some hundreds of accounts. This dis poses of the stories told by agents about the enor.uoiis amounts of unclaimed money in England. Another Tavorite resort is claims against lands. In regard to this tlie so licitor w,-ii,.s tlie American people I hat genei lly shaking, no claim airainst land can be substantiated aftur "n vn.n. ici verse possession. Tlie British govern ment never sends out agents to hunt for rightful owner". In conclusion tlie solic itor gives tlie f.iilov. ing advice which f lie ItegMn- commends to those who are thinking of parting with money lo pros ecute claims which exist only in the minds of aje:il: 1. Never nay utivtliimr to anvnne for enforcing a next of kin claim.' if the claim is genuine tlie costs can lie paid Viilirr for I'liblicaliiiii. I-anil Office at lia.lioii. Sell., Nov. la, 1-S.2. 1 Notice i- hereby eiven llinl Hie lolliu inff nanus set I Icr liart lileil nitit-e oi lii jnt--n lion tu make tinai prmif in j.ii;ijjorl ol hi claim, anil that said proof B ill he :uale 1m lore ( onl'ail i.iiKlciiiaii, 1 ierk ol tin- l)i-triet Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on lleei inln-1 . lsV, ,. : Iliiaia llii haiii-mi. id Ar.liue-..'. S. i'ai... who line;- I'ri- cmpl'inn 11. s, yi. mi Utr tin N K-, see. '1 . X, s. li. r,t, i -l ol the OIli I'. M. . He name the following u i t:n-sss to jn-inf: his t-onlitinoiis residence njioii am! cuttiva tain ol, -still laml, iz: JoNi-ph shton, Auirusl Meiei-, Jo-ph lloll'er, .Joiui 1 lel.aiio, all o! Ardinoi-e, s, liak. Also: Josciili Aslitinii. nf ii-ihniiri-. S. liak.. j who llnule Pre emiition II. s. "Till for the sE', vi sm-. .n, i. aa ic, ai w esi ami laii":.:! A 1, sci . 4, T. M S. it., M ll r. ol tiie l,th I'. M lie name the loijon inn vt itnese?. to provi in-, continiioiis resilience njioii ;'tnl en ll t a lion ol, sinil laml, vi: Hiram i.'icllalilsoli, All?nst Meier, .losi-pli ooiiei , .jonn iH-iiiina, auoi Ai-umore,.s. iiaK i 10 I.-.; w. li. Mcf.VNX. liej-itir. liecrilKI. iz: ne hlaek liors1. H years nhl, i.amcil lan. One bia k lior-. In jeal ohl. uuim-d Prince, tormerly owiumI Iiy Irvin W U-mmi. one os ; dark ful, 14 yeais ohl i ali-,l Hans. One Imllt rul ot, ii Vcars ohl ealle't llle,. At unction at Hie hoii.-e ol J. . Hunter, (notice ol the i-acti of llmiare pn'rim t in -ioux cnlltily, state ot Nchraka on tile H1 h ilav ol Janllarv, i'':t, al one o'elm-k i. m. ol -ji'l ilav. " Hil l) - I K II. I.OI l 111 H IM., jloriira !. . Hmtalile. , I . I. Illltisl le elnlM'l Ititll. l.-i . lit ice - lioiiicleiiil liiiln Presid.-nt, IK II. (JIUSWOJ,!, Gommercia jlNi -nttPiil: 0; .A- General Banking THANH Ti, II ai:!;!s;iin-. j Jl. L. SMl'CK, Barbt-r & H line li.Mir Snlli tjj :;;i uf OPEN SUNDAY FROM; li AZdHs AND SCIsnoih ,., ? lii.ichines ib-anej i.t p me I". l.ixn orrirE. t HOil!OS,.rn., Dec. i;. Is-J. omihi!:il i-Vfc-: havir. la-en elltclC'it at this nihil- l.y illlain II. Pliillip. uuaiii.-l Sewiti, AllK-rt liahf lor lailnrr In comply uithi httt as lo Homcwteail Entry No. Hi. (iateil j July M'th, lss7, niioii the s.1, Ml', and i S sV i4 siM-tion :il, ToH-n-liip:ri North 1,'nntre lit Vift ill Sioux County, Sehra-ka. withal - - - 1 vie- to the cancellation ol said wntrv; con ivr C lt'TIiliroa. tctaiit Mlh-nini,' that tile mod A II rt " x " r' A ' 1 .l I Uahr lni!. wholly aliandoni-ii said tract; that t ; he lia chaiiKi-d his resiilema- iheretroiii tor j ' till. more than six months since m.iLini; -aid j . ! enlly : IhaKiod tract la not -etla-d llpoli UIVIAnA V'L-'l ny law, tniii I'iaiinaui lias not re-Meo mi i aiil Iraet any u,-ll,,n of the time lor the j la-1 tour year, the said jiartie, are Mini- limned lo alieaf at lilis oflice on the II diiv nl Kel.rinuy s!i.i, at IU o'clock a. u... to re , sioll(l and' lillnill testimony euliceniint; sjtid alleged failure. ' I Tctimnliy ot uitllCAses will la- taken he 1 tore l.eortfe W alker, a notary jmblie al hi-I olllec iu liarri.on, Nehr., on the 1 da'.- ol ' l-ehruary in'.;!, at in . m. II. T. ( OM.KV, riiiitc-tiint's Attorne- T. I . I'ou l lis. lie -eh , r. World -lie Tu i!i:ci:ivi: Subscriptions for Nntire - !Iiiiia-.i-ail Kntr.i . V. s. i.vmi orrii r, i CIIAIIKON, Nl:illl SK A, Dec. Kith, IS'.i-.', I ouiplaiiit hav inu' 1 " i n entered at this Olhce hy Isaac II, Hoy at'limit .lolill l.aliahealiamdl lor tail Hie to comply Willi law a- io uomrsiellil l-.niry .so. -Jl. tluled .Marell i:;, Iss'.i, uiii tlie Ijili land anils'- NKij -ei-iion ionsiiii .... 1.11111: ai. in iou Coiinty, Nehriika a view to the 'aneellatiriH of aid entry; contestant iilii-if nil," Dial claimant nas whoilj alitiniloned .uii niici, tnat uc mi-. cuaiiKi'il Ms icsKicm-c thcreironi lor more than molitlis since mal.liiL' said entrv: that there is mi house on said tract nor has there been any cultivation then lor the pa-l two ears, iiiv saiu parties jire hereby sum mimed lo appear at this oflice on the :i day ol t-chrnury, t".c, at 10 o'clock A.M., to re pond and luniisli testimony conceniiuK -ai'l aii' eo laiiuie. Testimony (it witnesses H ill be taken he fore liavid Anderson, a notary public, at bis oiiice in ,ii ou i rose, Clitic; county, M-brnsku, in inc '.,tu da- ol .lanunrv. Iw.i;!. at Ki I'cloek, n. m. Iiiai- T. K. I'OW F.HS, Kcceivcr out of the amount recovered. i. 11 anyone represents that be is smt out by tlie British government to look for claimants put him down as a swindler at once. 3. If any one renresents tlml. mn nra claimant to a fund, ask under whose will it- tinuer whose intestacy the claim ansesanu tnen conlirni this information by independent inquiry. 4. Do not trouble about a claim at all unless the case is a very deaf one. v.vV mis uianu iu a. nunurea sue .Vol ire In Xiui-Iicsiileiit Deft-iiilHittr. Slim I.. I;. Maine anil Metta I;. Maine will lake notice thai on the lilth day oi Iiecein her. lw-4, .Marxarct Cox plaiiilill' herein tiled a petition iu the district, conn of Mionx cimnty, Nebraska against. Silas L. U.Mninc and Mettu I Miiiuc, dctclidan t,s. the otilccl and prayer ol u hieh arc to fons'losc a cer tain morlioiKc executed liy the ilelendantH Silas I,, li. Maine ami Jlctla I,. Maine to V. S Ormsliy, Trustee, ilium the W.. olthesi-i.. and the sK, ot the sE'-, of See. : and 1 he " H of the swi , of sec. st, Tu p. :a n. iing w! in, .mi i. i ii sioux 1 OlllllV, i brasku, lo 'ecurc 1 he payment ot u lu-omi sory note dated Septi'iiibcr s, Isss tor !iij.m ii,n imeiesi ai inc inn- ot seven jier cent, per annum payable semi anuiiallv and rep resented by ten conKins for i.i:i each and ten per cent alter maturity. I'laintitl Is now the holder and owner oi said note, unit morljfufte, anil default law been made in the payment o! said cmipiin.i and hv I lie terms and conditions of said morlKae the whole umount sreui iil thereby has become due and payable, and there is now due the plaintiff on said mite and moriiciue the sum of ;:m.(,o with interest tliereon at the rate ot ten per cent, per annum from December , lata, and plaint ill' prays that said iireiui,. i. decreed to be old lo sali-fv the aiiioiml ',1,,.. thereon. Vou ate l-collireil to aiwu ev v. i.l petilion (in in-before tile 'iiril duv of .lanii- ".' M K ItliAIIKT CoXf I'hllntili. liy . U . mm, her lill.iruey. Eu-st publication liec. in, 171 I- K. flELiiK-V & SON. Wagon and Carriage Makers, Ki puiiiiiK done on -.horl yntice. f..ood work and rc:isoniiliUr charges, Slioji south ol liiery bi'.ru. HAIiltlSIlN, ... fif A ay ( nt Suliscrihi v, li.f. an KIVK IT THK I "( I'.AI ANCE THW YE!t ) J1 S 1 I.I.IVA.N A '0I,K. l.m,M ILL 1KACTICI. IN A 1.1, Till. LOCAL, T 1TB and federal courts anil I.', s. Ijmd oflice, LEGAL PAPERS CAREFULLY DRAWN. 1' ' f 1 Z: Oflice in Conrl House. IIAKHISOX NEHitASKA J. K. Fl.ETcilEii. F. H. SrnA'rroN. J. L. Stkatton. Sioux County Lumber Co. MAXCFACTLTfEIiS OF Lumber, Lath and Shingles. A flood Supply of Native LurnM Ahvays on Hand. LI'MHKII Iil-'.l.lVKltKI) AT THK MILL l. IIAKIUSUN. MILL NEAR FIVE lOINT5. I'll Make $5. How Masai Women Dress. "The Masai women were very inter esuiig. iney wore no dress except a full cow-tnue lastened over the shoulder and another around the waist: but they were fairly loaded down with coils of brass and iron wire, which formed earrings, leglets, collars, and armlets, often amounting to a weight of forty, fifty, ano even sixty, pounds. Those who can not afford to wear the heavy coils, wirar as many of the lighter bracelets as l.hey can procure. The higher the rank of the woman, the more of this sort of jerfelry she wears; which betokens the fact that fashion lias her slaves eren m Central Africa. The Masai women are fall, gaunt, and bony, bot noj, well developed! probably owing to their wearing so much heavy jeweiry while growih.r Tl. - - . " xney are very neet and strong, and are unmolested everywhere, even h times of war." From, "1M Ha-aw," i, DemwcHfH Family Magazine for Junior, 00 VOU WANT TO ADOPT IlAilYl Siayl-e ynn think tln-i f ; a n-- im :,.,.! seii.iiiaroiit nab n apiiacaiim, : ii w .,.,; don- bei.iie. hnwi-Ver. leu iiev i- !,. Hl.-i-t' 1 in iihe ! been so near ' he oriifiiml sample a ; tins (,,,.., lAcryonc will cxcliiini, - Well' mo " f,v(',,''it, ,"'I'J' I ever law Tlu little blaek-ami-wliite i-nirnu -inir can yiye you but a liuiit idea ot tUetsipChiteorinii ul Don't pay $10 for Something Vou can getforfl, THE Lincoln Daily Call Nebraska's best and che.'ijiesl daily, has liecn put within the reach of every liody by reducing the price to S5 PER YEAR. Everybody conceded, two years ago, J mat I jib CALL printed the fairest, most fearless and most readable reports of the proceedings of the Legislature, The next session will be of especial in terest because of THE SENATORIAL FIGHT, j And THE CALL will handle this in its i own original way, as well as the pro- i cepdmgy of the session. Tllit ("ALL IS AfWIPU.TE Nf.WSI'U'E!;, All for : a iear. M.50 for o Months, for 3 .lltmtlts. THE WEEKLY CALL i?l a Year in ml vance. THK CALL 1 IJLISHIXi ( ()., Lincoln Neb. ! 64 Columns a Week PricoONE Dd T"-S -W- n vv. ijeonnan Limits his practice to ' diw-aw. Nervous System (Sudi as Iiss of Memoiy, lion and Will-power, Cramps, Fl era Nervousness, and i Neuralgia.) HEART (As shown by Shortness of r.,:.. ni. .i..i. r.i , , . ,1 . mil, 1 iiipuaiion, i'lUueriugDWI ness in region of the Heart.) BLOOD (Such as Skin Diseases, Ulcers, sive Paleness or Redness of tb Faiutness, Dizziness, etc.) CONSULTATION FR ADDRESS WITH STAMPS" DR. LEONHARD'I 1452 O ST. - - . LINCOLN Mention thin paper. (iKOWJB WALKEIt, .Ulnriicy-al-Lau. ill practice lx-torn nil nutria and K 1 .11 lift Olln-i , Itnine?i. etitnulwl care will receive prompt attention. HtKMSOS. - - NKIIln i Scientific Amtnflfj f,k Agency for J I M 'A J CAVEATt. TKADE MXlC DESIGN PATEIt) covvairHTl i For Informition and free Ilnmfbooli !rni' L.N it CO fcl BlUMrot AV, M.-I Olden bureau for oi uriiiu paimiw inW K'w pateni taki-n nut. h n i bi-mclii m duoiio ut a uutice giTen Ires 01 cimju Lwvrat eireliUtlon of n iciratillc ptpff Wurld. SnlendidlT lMnf roi.l. Kn inm mm thmiUl be without It. WecUf. M fri ILWiKii month. Audrey IU'.' Jlest Line KMlie East. The fitirlington Itottte B, &. M. R, R, is running elegantly equipped )assenger inttnes witnout change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebrafittrt, malting connection at that point with their own through trains for Denver, Cheyenne,- and all points west,- and for Kansas- City fif Joseph, St. Louis,- Omiha,i Peoria',- Chi cngo, and all points east.- Keniemlier thin iw the only line by which voir can take sleenirtu. e r... Crawford in the evening aiTivino- in 1 ; coin and Omaha the next afternoon, and in Chicago, Peoriuaml St. hmiiv the fol- miring morning,- For further information And tif kefnaf 1M A llAIBV, will, li 0 nrnpow to nd Ut you, transport totio 1 paid. Tlie Ititle dartintr repts oifoinst i p How arid ia in tho act of drawing off pinUsoek, the mateof whidi bas U-vn pulllJd The llesl, t ,llUi are r-rfect, nnd the eyi fnlTo you. no matter where vou stu,i A.. . jitereproduct oiisrif t&lu irreutept paintiri f Ma WauRh (the most celebrated of m'Zn imlnteiwof Irahy lifei are lo bp ,riven tofli'iS who sttlwrlbo to Jicmoresfii Vumilv I in rlne for iki. The rcprod,,ctlm,s"un,? 7 told from tbe priprinal, which cost m j re tho same s'ai ilTi:.-; Inelieo. Tli bnl,r 1Z'U "n,J "''"Oiut-ly belike. Wn b fro alwTin ,re,iiriitl()ii, to present to mtr Bub: ktIIk.ii I . luring wri, other irrent plct i s I v uchartisisaslVrcy'Moran.Mu ml fl ,, ephry r 11 ; Juk"0,,1y two cjrntiiple f t weili J during the past yer. ' A V-ini of l SUfii , ''"'."t H'irrlsoa, and you will' -a Th0HMVHlkll1ll.anpitw. lS m.t JOHN A. LUCAS, PitmiriENT.-A,- CAS'fLK. Vick.Phks)j:xt.- vuu&uilm, 3 til Urotuxnif, New Xutl CHAS. E. VEB1TY. C F. A. CASTLK, A-T.( a- THE BANK HMtaino that cannot Re cmnlrd Vv oov i5 ine world for Uh beaullfiil llluairat'ir ,tl linl otic post- imbjtwt mBtter.tbat will keopcvcrv .1. ,',2? l"I '' "i nc day, and ai t ho fo.l nnd , (fforcnt Kerns of Interest l ,, , 1, botiwliolil, bculdos rurntshlnii nu'11 reatl tilr mat ter, both pnivc ocd r,"v hfi ,. whole famtly ; and y,KM f)r'fvA ' fanhloo MuKazine, iu fM,o , nrc -' , 1 ivvt, ma we ffive ynn. frrt. nf col, all the re, &!'-h mTyZ win w 91 rivor Btin vn in, .1.1. ,, OF HARRIS lESTAFlLISHEiD 1887.1 Harrison, Nebraska;, f Atm-IORI'ZKI) CAPITAL 2") 0(w' Transacts a General Banking Bn mm 6i-,i.;s,- 'ortty' an,t VMt WitVrif;'" , -v wew York Cite. 1; Onial Bak Li fc'b urt iii- .ilat ini Mi- Eon" UH1:' fle OH! an .he evi-! art Jl 1 Cit an thr occ rail wet o the far (it tire r-as to 1 we pro rai: llii till! fl'hi ver if latersit ?aid on tit . 1