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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1892)
The Sioux County Journal. THE SIOUX COUNTY JO U -EC JN -A. J. U; Simiiiou!. Editor a4 Proprietor. F. K. 4 M. V K. H. Tiuif table. .-..lull CSV- owing r.j .11 : ! 5o. , mixed 7:00 A-iToiu Williams who took r 1 . ..oil .l.-ill won " " -All kind nf fruits at Scott's Con- Ltiooery next Saturday. wj.nrry a full line of farm machinery. O. JL TURNER, -Geo. )i. Turner and (i. W. lkste, 4slii'lil a ar load of cattle last kitunhy. 'Priikly lias re-arranged his black- -.1 l . - 1 ... nniv tinintr Jl' rfu 1 rll a I''"' WUI R- -John I.. Kay brought us some P'ie rrvlcf hi Krow'nff crop. All look .nvarJ to a year of prosiwrity. The rye in the valley is cut and the rmersare now in their wheat harvest. ie grain on llie table is ubout three etb loler than tlat ia Hie valley; LtniiEK. First-class native IuihIht id shingles constantly on hand at my on Eust Iioggyi 13 miles east of arnson. ar-vek. To nee tin hinders; mowers, raks, adiujr twine and wagons leing iur- jliased by the farmers one i.s forced to mit that a season of proserity is upon is locality. Roliert Wilson left O'n Monday for F. Shepherd's with his self binder id will cut aliout one hundred acres of in in that lotality before his crop on table is ready to harvest. -From July 28 to Aug. 10 the F. E. M. V. will sell excursions tickets to at Hpiinps Chautauqua at one fare for round trip. Tickets good returning ug, 11th. E. F. Pontics, Agt. Having employed a conictnt tlrtig st to rnu iny store. I Till give my hole time to the practice of medicine. 'alls answered day or niht. W, E. Bmduman. We hear frequently of new tet- Acts in vsirious parts of the county. The fountr in so large that Jieople come in, pate and live there for some time bc- fcrtllie? hai'e occasion to borne to the IDdntv seat. -Non. k. The party .. who took our agon from beside the road between our 11 and Harrison is known and lie will Ive himself tiouble by returning the nie at once. Sioux County Lumber Co. J'rof. narbouf and Messrs. Marsland Morrill returned from Dakota Siin , the othef members 6f the party hav- returned florae last week. Prof. Har r will Rpend some time in Wyoming lis geological search and vvill be fund hero for some time yet. The fty reKrt a pleasant and prolilauie HABRISOIsT, STEIB.. JlJJG. 4, 1892. UTO. 47. outing party brol'c creek yesterday and -llOullfl,r I........ 1 (, mure nas iieen goin; ion tiy tli9 wagon load of lat.-. Salt f .C5 jier barrel at Gwswoij) & Mahstkjxek's. -Peter Henry took out a new binder on Tuesday, as did J. F. fy hulz and Win. Norvisch. -TImi sawmill men are all crowded with orders. That is an indic ation of the Prosperity, & ott has oned his ice cream anil confec tionery store in the building north of the Ranch Supply house. JWrison is without a saloon. C. It. Wailswortli lut business Tuesday tiiglit and has not o-ned his saloon since. '' - L- Ulery has purchased the shoe maker's out lit of II. A. Cunningham and iu future will mend jople s soles. He occ upies the (ialpin buildup. A little girl by the nuiiie of Kerns, neur Bodure, got her elbow dislocated last week. Dr. lindgniart went down and put the bones of the joint in place. Judge Ha 'tow came up yesterday and opened the special term (if c ourt. There Was no jury and all the business transacted was the disposal of equity cases. The Moux County Lumber Co. broke its engine the lirst of the week and had to shut down a couple of days for repairs. They are now running on full time. Xoth b I am Closing out my lumbe stock in order to devote my entire atten tion to the grain and coal trade and all persons knowing themselves indebted to nie will please call and :,ettle as soon as possible. Chant Guthrie. J. W. Ernest, -A. McGmlcy, J. G. Morris and Henry Erdtnan made up a tram load of cattle at Van Tassell which were shipped Monday morning. That train load would no doubt have been shiped from Harrison had there been facilities for watering at the stock yards. The railroad company got out a lot of advertising nlU-r for the harvest ex cursions and in plao of Sionx county it reads "Harrison county." In writing to your friends about the harvest excur sions call their attention to the error so they will not lie mislead in regard to it. G. Guthrie gives notice that he is going out of theluml-er husinewiaiiil will handle irraiu and coal exclusively. This makes on opening for some one who de sires to engage in the lumber business. With the good prospects for prosperity und new people coming here a good stock of lumber ought to Is a paying in vestment. Owing to the fact that the farmers are very busy with haying and harvest (he attendance at the meeting of the agriciiltuial society yesderday was not larfa. a- committee composed or jmi Smith, M. J. Weber and F. M. Smith was appointed to act for the society in r.uiiiiu' no an exhibit. H. W. SfacLach- lan, 1. H. Griswold and C E. Verity were appointed as a finance committee and opportunity will be given to all to contribute to help pay toe expenses. There is no reason why the exhibit from PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Arner were in town on hat unlay. u. j. uowey was up from Cook pre- cinci .-Saturday. Commissioners Knott and Weber were in town yesterday. .r it I- 1. ...1 ir. . ... xwn a,m Jlrs- uranam were in town on Saturday. rp . .-. ireasurer Gayhart came up from Montrose yesterday. i u. Amos sent us a remittance on subscription last week. r red m. Hans writes us to send The J'll'KNAl. to him at Omaha. 1ifi-s. Davis, mother of jolm I. and W. H. Davii went east last week. vv.O. Patterson moved down from Wyoming the first of the wceK. K. A. Walker was up from Sheep Creek precinct the lirst of the week. D. E. Brewster called on Saturday and enrolled himself as a reader of THE Jol R- SAL. Presiding Elder Julian came up Tues day to huld qaarterly meeting of the M. E. church. E. r. .daiiie is able to be around afler a siege of several months of A complica tion of disease. F. Piper, a tailor of Crawford, was in Harrison last Friday looking after the want of our people. Mrs. H. A. Priddy and children went to Wyoming on Saturday for a visit with Z. G. Deiiel and family; Mrs. Heath, sister of Mrs. J. H. Cojk arrivdfrom Cheyenne Saturday even ing for a visit at Agate Springs. Commissioner Green was in town Sat ursday. He he expects his father and mother hero in the near future. Postmaster Hough left Tuesday even ing for Lincoln to represent himself and George Walker at the state convention. J. W. Wright of lieloit. Wis., a friend of Jtidge Bartow, came up with the Judge from Chadron yesterday ai:d re turns this evening. D. B. Jenckes, A. G. Fisher, Judge Crites and Fannie O'Linn, of Chadron and W. W. Wood, of Rushville, were attending court here yesterday. It has been suggested that a band lie organized. The instruments are here and (here me enoiigh who will take hold of the matter to make it a success if the start is only made. Some one who wants to see the plaii carried out should call a-meeting of those wlio would 1 e come members and thus get the matter under motion. nereu inues. i only complaint to be heard from ners in regdfo the wheat whh hed for Hot Springs, S. U., by team. I y made a large collection ol insect Brasses much of it being in tne H of tho exhibit at the world's fair. also secured specimens of a Dim noi by any of the author...- - feathered tribes. The irmam in i-nt pntin prcpcrlv and a - is that there is a goon r i . This is another argu found in it. l" , . ,, tlu in favor of winter wheal and the in luvor ui ,i4or nn in ks should Uvke n- A letter "a.lstcer.ioandU.rquaJ- Vd consequem'y v - feived. n, time ago, A"--" .Cottonwood n-""'" llk vicinity and last weeV he ""B. .... i..,..,i ,r,tliy came up u. scik ' Sioux county this year cannot excel that of any previous year, tne products are T'io Lincoln p at buuaw Ire!-! and a.l that is needed is for the peo ple to select the samples and bring them in. All should take an active interest in the work and make it a grand success. A number of the farmers of the val ley clubbed together and sent off and purchased binding twine for tying up the crop now ripening. They say they saved money thereby. It may be that they did on the lot now received, but it may not prove a paying investment in the Ibn'S fi!n. It is a good plan for the people of a community to keep as much of their money at home as possible and &s d rule the same quality of goods can be purchased of the hofne dealers as cheaply as they can be obtained from outside houses, and the home merchants pay taxes and extend credit to those en titled thereto when they have not the ready cash. The outside merchants neither pry taxes !ri lhisi county nor ex action a short distance south-1 tenu cretin, ine interests oi f-town and place K fWertead and merchants, are identical. What is hereon. Mr. Tally ha3 fbsided in I to the interest ami weuare oi one applies iwood precinct for a good while equally to me ouier aim euc.i suumu e liest ot the ta:d i" that locality deavor to do the best by the other that taken he decided to' come up on j he can. We and get a good quarter section ; To t(C of mtx tmmy. the rush. .'.'..-Iwi sioneJ iiavinir been appointed t would be to the interest of those rnmniittee to arraiitre for an exhibit wn sto:k , to arrange to organize ; , ,j tate f,llr wouu urKe a assist iy a good big bounty on wol ves j jn llnking t(le exhibit possible. We ,, The loss Hus'tained by tork 1 renuest that tlie peoi.le make it a point , ?wm .the ravagBs of the beasts samples of grain, vegetables and ,iU'fe'c to be allowed to cphlinne. raa naflinr nil samples lust as they J. i . . . . - ' il -i ' . B1"-" T i.,iniur irM, n rinA toil a s an Ago and it ( reixirted that some arc losing tooM of their calves al A Prize Heu Party. If three hundred hens lay three hundred wh i" three linnurvd days, now many hens will it tuk-e to lity one hundred eggs in one Imnilrcd days? To the lirst person answer iiiRtho above problem correctly the pub liidicrsof the Ladies' l'ictorinl Weekly will Rive an elegant I'prlbt l'iano valued at fcHS or Its equivalent in cash, as pn.'ferred. To the second person will be given an ele gant Safety Bicycle, valued nt lis, or its equivalent in cash. To the third person, a handsoinetJold Watch, valued nt 75, or its equivalent in cash. The next fifty persons sending correct answers will each receive a prize, valued tit from twenty-five dollars to live .dollars. Prizes awarded in the l.S. will lie sent free of duty. Contestants must un close with their answer a U. s. Postal Note for thirty cents, (or fifteen U.S. two cent stamps) for one months' trial subscription to the Ladies Pictorial Weekly, which is one othe haiirtsoiuet and best ladies' weekly publications on this continent; the object in offering this prize contest is to in trounce it to new families, and increase its permanent subscription list. We guarantee that prizes will be awarded strictly in order of merit. The date of . .postmark on letters is t'lvcn reccdciiecso that persona living atadis- ance havo Just as good un opportunity of Atnirei securing a valuable Pictorial Co., "K." Toronto, Canada. prize. ss ijidies' Notice to Xon-Resideut Defendants. Louis Fischer and. Mrs. Fischer, his wife, Christian name unknown, will take notice that on the Uth day ot July, 1KH2, the Ameri can Investment Company, plaintiff herein, Hied Its petition in tne iuir.ei court oi sioux county, Nebraska against John I. Davlsj Lou.s riscner ana i; s. njsencr, nis wile, Christian name unknown, defendants, the oblect and prayer of which arc to fore close a certain mortgage executed by John I. Dat'is and Alice A. Davis to w. i.. leuoru upon the S. W. & of Sec. 82, Twp. 32 N. ligc. 86 w. in sioux county, ncui-asaa, to se cure the payment of a promissory note lor foift uateu rjcpiemoer i, irw, u".-j mu rears from date, and. interest at the rate r)f .seven pe cent., per annum pay Hhle semi nnnunlly, nsevidonced by ten in terest coupons for tm.13 each, and ten iwr cent, after maturity. .The plaintiff is the ..u-wr ,,f sitid liitiuest counons which lie- came ilue on the flrst day of July, lsftl and thenrstday oi January, inra, im now due the pliiinlltr on said interest cou pons and mortgage and for taxes paid by the plaintiff on said hind the sum ot fid-M wnn interest ui. ui him; ui w:h i. i" annum from tne ursi uay oi ju.y, .. IMaintln prays that said premises may uu ilceveeil to be sold Hiiblect to tlic principal sum of .'i"5 and Interest coupons maturing after January 1, IH-.I2 to satisfy the amount due plaintiff on said Interest coupons. . , You nru requlrwlj to answer gala fetltiou on or bi-lore the 2Sd day of.AugnsC, law. AmBkican Investment Company, HVW. W.Woou, , Plaintiff. Its attorney. 44-47 First publication July 14, Ml;., m " organtion each i L in the.,boBt f00d .r. "Trr?. i. the frfaUreand put them away carefully arid notify the committee of what you fiave or defiver. it ftt Harrison not latet .ft Ik. 1 .'4.- - J ' . . ' ' imv m biw ugunw rnn.1 ' - - - . .... , i . ,1 Ttf WWU IU UBU.H.I- 1 ...... . - ....II I . . . ...... 1. 1 I 111. IT to the amount of rtocf, owned ' rsT P V . L- .... r" W 0J",,n?? ! the neonle ran deliver their samples 'rpm While River ;and Cottonwood at the residence of M. J. Weber or at Craw ford. X unteil effort is desired. Eli Smith .then Uie nssesHmenta woulil noi he yy on any arid ft would be a ooji better to nav the Mi value of uJ. W,"tock saved as boiinttban ip'lj gpw fat ftnd jncreM, at the vj me lurmers aou sweif raieew, M, J.. W'FMtji. GEbRGi; Walker, Attorney-at-Law. Will pract ico before all courts and tlif t'j S. hand Office. Huslness Mi trusted to my attention, HAHRISON, - , , - . NEBRASKA. How to (iet Fish. The Jocrsal is in receipt of a letter in regard to fish for stocking ponds, from Supt. O'Brien. He has a large variety of fish and any one sending in an applica tion will be furnished a supply of fish during the next year. The different kinds of fish are distributed at different seasons so that all are not supplied at the same time. It would be a good plan for those having streams and opportuni tunities for fitting up fish ponds to do a little work and get a pond fitted up and stock it with fish. It will prove a source of pleasure and profit to every one who goes to the trouble of making a pond. Application can be sent in direct to the commission at South Bend, Neb., and we will gladly assist any who desire us to do so in the matter. The following letter will be of use to those interested in fish: South Bend, July 27, 1893. L. J. Simmons, Esq., Harrison Neb. Dear Sir: In response to your letter regarding a supply of fish for the streams In Sioux county, will say, if you will have the parties send in their ap plications they will receive a suitable supply of finh from our next annual de livery. We will distribute Black Bass, German Carp, Crappies, Sunflsh and Cat lish from the 15th of September until the loth of Novenilier. We will distribute Brook Trout, Rainbow Trout, Salmon Trout and Lock Lev-en Trout during the months of Feb'y. and March and we dis tribute Wall-eyed Pike in May and June. Any person having a suitable place may obtain a supply of any of these kinds of fish during the season in which they are distributed, you can have the parties send in their own applications or you can send them in for them. We will be pleased to hear from you again on the subject, and hope to get better ac quainted when we go up in your country. Yours Truly, M. E. O'Brien. An Appeal For Aid. Mason City, Neb., July 14, 1892. To the Charitable People of Nebraska: It is generally known by the tele graphic dispatches to the daily jlapers of Omaha and Lincoln-, that this village was visited by a very destructive cy clone on Friday evening, July 1, 1893, which totally destroyed many of the resident and business houses and all the public buildings of our town. Qur school district is already bonded to the limit of the law, and the financial condition of the people will not allow the repairing of one loss in ten. The losses are not confined to our town, but many of the farmers in our vicinity are Without shelter, and it is the feeling of our citizens that t'.iejr Share equally with the town in any aid that may be given us. The loss is estimated at from thirty to fifty thousand dollars, abd we are greatly in need of help. It is with pride that we! refer to the fact that Our people have always responded liberally to any of our neighbors who have met with such dis asters, and we would ask each and every person who may be aware of our loss to contribute as liberally as his or her finan cial condition may allow. We have selected Mr. John A. Hall, an old and respected citizen, as treasurer, any funds may be remitted to him1, on a guarantee on the part of evel-y btisiness man of Mason City that such funds will be extended for the rebuilding of our school house and bhtit'cliej. A. B. Warrell, i W. C. Elliott, Com. M. C. Warrinoton, ) Notice to Land Owners. To all to Whom it mat Concern : Tim commissioner appointed to establish a road commencing at the northwest corner of Sec. 9, Twp. SI, It. 5T; thence running two miles east, thonro diagonally to a point K mile west ot the quarter corner between sections 11 aiid 12; thence one mile s-mth; thence X mile cast; thence X mile south; thfaihe H mile Cast; thence diagonally to the quarter corner between sections 24 and 1, thence lnllo south; thence one mile east; thcriee one. mile .south; thence one mile east and there terminating Uns. re ported in t'avor of the establishment thereof and all objections thereto or claims for damages must tie died in the county clerk's office on or beforp noon of the 15th day of October, ISfii, or said road will be established without reference inereio. CONHAU I.INPEMAN, 46-49 County Clerk. Wells Drilled Reasonable rates in any locality and to any depth; Satisfaction Guaranteed; Call oil or Address Scott & Moore, . ( HARBISON - - NEBKASKA: NORTH RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, DEALER IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Furnishing Goods and Crockery Sold at LOWEST CASH PRICES. FAIR if HONEST TREATMENT GUARANTEED, The Celebrated "TAMBOR MAJOR" Cigar for Sale. o PRICES CALL f GET MacLACHLAN & COOK, Proprietors. L. E. BEJJDEN a soi , Wagon and Carriage Makers, Ilep.dri n g done on short notice. , Good work anil reasonable charges. Shop south of livery bam. K8- EAST . SOUTH rtuiliase Ticket and Coimlgii Your Freight via the F., E.&M. V.S.C.&P. RAILROADS. H a. R'JH'T:.' General Mananer. K. C. Moh,'!ik.' . P- Buchanan, Gen'1 Freight Agl. Uen'l Pass. Agt, GEO. H. TURNER, (General Merchandise; Groceries, Dry Goods, urnishin Goods, Flour and Feed :and a Full like of: Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire and Machinery. Binders Mowers Rake, Wind Mills, fttxiipsf and Buggies; . - -- -. - -. - When in towii bail and see oiir ... . goods and get our prices. Respectfully GEO. H, TlJRNBRY BUY the nonotro THE CHAMPION V, A FB-M is Will guarantee It to please or too sale. ,,No-. whipping- of tongue and no aide draft, no majtcr. now ronjrn tne road. Parts peculiar to the Champion warran ted for three years, Write at once' flr prices, terms . and agency to ... Jouet Q-rnoneniDGS q0;