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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1892)
V A Jounty Journal. . rv I'.u-:-:. ahul 7, la2. cotiuu; . , lonat Cf ' 'jblit Si'h.jols of Amer Vii. tlie I'uliltc Srhools )t, 1 lie Executive 1 'oni lliiliiiin Public S iiixil lie following Mes.'ie: pher, 18U2, the 4X)th discovery of America, rved H.verj where in parkwl in Chiaigo ly Ve Coluinliiiin Exjws,- day luay nlso I ceM'r.itioii of wliiili jllie centre. I of the liriiulilio will cent re 4 for all the-e tA national publto (itiiniiltiiiK'oiis with i will u waken a J) coming b.siioMUon. IS the I art that tin- right lo occupy the in the i eluliration. the one (ii.'ir.K b r ill links all iieiglihor- can thus furnish a f. national celrlirulion. I the ripe fruit of the lurrii-an civilization. Of tolay swiiys Uit W. ) of this suggestion Wi soh'.wl si h. 'lars f; II.L- plan v.a- first Ttiu1ll't ('tiipm cm, WnilH of letter were I to the enthusiasm Jars responded. "jus Auxiliary of the Ml tJen tooi lip the pa ull the people of ve the day in their jiUKgystititf that the Uie it utre of the I lof education were liie fitness of giving the first place in ivcrsary. At their In Brooklyn, in Feb- biaic hssc ao?s.; erimr mtla ; UwfL "T.'took charge of the 'Joifited the under- committee to lead ionimenioration. innittee now appeals JSelves to be the first fjl you, scholars of the t Ssitools, to arouse a sen Molaand in ynurueigh agmod way of celelirat i "ot America, Educators UacLw will HMt you from their ZHt it U for you to begin. ju'will it succeed if you unite ty Unit U 0ght to lie don-'. The in ilofttw puMic Will be awak' lied il .'lxlaj(fl id tbt earnest request Um DcUool U aUowu-l to be the cen ( Ute day's ohtran e. Jr r tMr mill ions now in the i Mi'lieoU. ) hnve a chance to kiet H yet:' .jjuovement which wi II f ft phKW - -frfy :md will strurii; th )&' "!'"-0gii the coming cen- 'do is to determi ic, message, that you D i: dure ,! our schoi 1 Vn- Then show lliis Jers; every patriotic 1U'P J'011 'f J'OU earnest. Take the 1 conimii tee and the i fOii!;nt anl aid are I the support of all clioul vote that it ill ion. ter tlii.- public vote nt oi a strong com Miuige. This wini- ile up jointly from nd friends of the ittee shoul'I in all those who are most Be work may not be jble change of teach- jrci:es will be furn lve committee. It fcipted to any school, l more eiauorate ex I whenever desired ml protrahi will be "Jtecises may be the 1 1hellepublic;and tHro the Chicago rl program taay be us tlm 'do mi.ijj tliat tlm celeljration sl:all be worthy of the day. Tlie local press will lie tlie most vab'ihle of all supirts; and theenliest elf... . f your local c. iiiinit tw -iou!d lr t) enlist its syni)u:, , ai.d reiiiest its o ojvration. Ask our local I -. ' i - r to piiiit tiiis ok-s-si-i;. On J, to! r 13th the stars and striji. -lih iiild t floating from every school liou: in the Republic. it is the hope of the friends of common school education that not one public w.ho-d in the United States will allow itself to lie left out in this most memor able celebration. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Francis Reixamy, Chairman, represent ing 71ut Yiiuth's Cumianion, Boston. John VT. Dickin-sos, SecreUiry of Massa chusetts Iioard of Education. Til' -mas 13. Stockwkjx, Commissioner of l'iiiilic S li-iols of Rhode Island. V. R. UAttttETT, Superintendent of Public instruct ion of Tennessee. V ('. Hewitt, Suiieriutendeut of Michi- tzin Educational Exhibit at World's Fair. loe tlC HA,- oii, of vm p H:ndi'il of mi Niitive committee lie suggeiitioiMi on I through the 8up- v ni anu inrougli the duly of you Jimniiitee will flrnt iiih ivsl tin; citiaens nail to prepare hiiol. 1 ro(-esmons nfay be arranged, I 'dermis, bo(h North imd South, will Wi' no nmxitn for the hHiooIh. Th 01 "military, civic and religious organ- podWOfeuch tiwn wi.) lend ttleir ai OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE Ot KICKKS: .!.4iin s E. Hoyl fov-iiiii-, I.incolu, Neb. J. Mnjorii Lieutenant (.ovrrnor 1. 1 . illen seerotary of Silate I . H. Itentun - Auditor l.ilm E. Hill TrenHuror i. li.llHstli. k-i-. Attorney lii ufral '.. i!. llinuiiluey Lund CumuiU .Urn' i A. K.tioudy Supt. l'utillc lintrui tiou ' ii.VlillESSKiNAL UKl.KHATION: t. s. i'aiJiliH'k I', f. Senator, llcatrict- r. y. Miiniler-ion V. S. suittor, :iiiuli:i 'V. J. Ui yan, ('oiifressiiuui lnt Iiiat., I.ii-.oolii 'V. A. McKieUim, " 2'1 ";;oilU O. ii. liein, 3d " Broken Dow JL'DICIAKT: M iv ell Chief Justice, Fremont I.I. Norval Assocliito Ju'Ijjii, Soward v. V l'osl Af4-,ochite Judge, Coluinliu. ii. A. 1 iiiuplxdl.. Clerk unii Heportcr, l.lueolii 'irniKVlll Jt L.ICIAL I.ISTKICT: M. r. Kliiknid Jude, (I'Nuill . !l j-'"l H;irliiw " Cliudrou oni . 1 J.lndeiuuii Clerk, Unn-Uon COfSTT OKflCEK-: i Murker County .Tufle out td l.indeiiian Cler'n M. J. i.uylmrt Trc.miirer V. Mmthwortli supt. Puljlic Instruction l !io. Ileidy PlierilT cieo. f. sinilur Coroner . li. iiew . Surveyor i mil . J landuiiuin Clerk of Dlntrlrt Court il. T. Coiiley County Attorney IK1AUI) or COMMISSIONED: Jo'.in A. Creeu, (chalnnim) 3d Dislrlet f. W.Knott 1st " I. J. Wnlier 2d " LEGISLATIVE: vf. WIHon Snniitor, Dlst No. H.Cliartron El. L. Dentil Kep., Dist. No. M, HusliTillr VILl.AtJK OFFICERS: nioiiiua Keldy Cclntlrmiui) Trustee Ui'iuit Cntlirie " (!. E. Verity . " (3. II. Weller " Coorud I.lndcman.. . " W. II. I)avis. Clork J. Guthrie ... Treuunrer J. W. Scott... ....Struct Commissioner BCI100L OFFICERS: Urs. K. U. Hough Director W. 1!. bright Modarator . W. Hcbter ...Treasurer TERMS OF COUKT: District Court, At Hiirrison, commonces April IHth and November Slit, law. County Court, At Harrison, commences irst Monday of each month. CIV I'.Ci : 10S AND MX!I ET1 KS. il. K. I'lmreli Preaching ouch ultornuta Saml:iy Rt 10::iO a. in., and every Sunday even iui nt T::w. rtMV. W. (. Glkasnek, Piihtor. f:;ei;iil (Tyicesm tlie second Wednes- :iy of eueli niontU.iit. 7 o'clock p.m. Coin- muioll lit 8 p. 111. Cms. E. H.NAVKLY. Methodist Sunday School niei-ts evry Snii- d.'y iiiorniuK "t il:W. Win, V.". 0. GI.AKNKlt, W. H. Datih, hu perl n leaden t. Secretary. Mble School mi nts ut tlm ehnrcheaoh Sun day af tcrnoon at X o'clock. S. C. 1). UiSRETT, Supt. T iiiwi,Uon-. ibe mtjoHif ccl tiit-.r p vnrtvnitM, n from Hint enlir fn pfrxj n4 rfit In nbvrti i7 1 Hrrowlu deplr ta lb lot f iT. M 1'k harko)Mt, frrvrIoirt.TporfIty. tJfltr luwl oat. Bp in4 dtst. IraT0tyrP9H" niif, and Becareprmpvhtv, imuiiniM. IllMi4 byitiiUoplir, thai "tM Uoil4 f frri mtbn ?ntUm oiipoi ttuitr t Mtk tMm mm nH4 f lift ; uibi thckftnM,n4 i)ipitihr richM; Mlt IbACOLUMi opportanllvt 1bm41M mj P9m worthy, m4 U UJT fnmtm; UM U 11 mt eotful mm 4o. II r It ptorlwi, rack If art vittiiD um rac of iiMnii pw aiarovM, m vui iv. IE. atiMit, a fran a iin ia un, immlih prwvaiiy ir niauy t Lara, tfaawf la ba aiaaa rapidly aai baaofaata ty any luilutirtoai ptrwa of allaar AU a Ta aaa 4a tha work u4 liva U koaa. wkraarya ara. Iaa ka KfoncrtaraaMilyaarnlaf trvm 04t lo ! par 4j. Ta cau do ai wall If roa will work, aal Wa Iar4. kal iu4iitrl- Bly ; ui4 y oa cttalnrroaaa soar loaoaaMyoaaa- tea canidvotptro timooaty, or all vairtimatalkaverk. luy ialworn. Laplial aol raaalra4. Wa otarl ya illkim fMrnHvaly naw and raally woa4arfkl. Wa latlract an4 tltow roa bow, TrCv fr'aflara aukaowa auaaf air work ara. ho room to oxtilala bart. Writ oni laara all IVa. by ratnrn mail, t'ewlao lo 4alay.liUjaa at ant. II. UttllvU A Co., Urn wfcVO, rVrtUad' UUa. Dk3 1tok fit Rod. Mruilc Ptanrl, AOtaa Albvrn, HlMo, Kluwer AtAiid, to I aiajt, l-wfirt. -r, ULrruT, (;fTl.- Pk'ti-rfiary n.nd rbeck-r St&id fUi'l '"wL Hani wcxmJ, rufutJ rl hriaht 34 bin ht-a. li-i t .-i;t-ridw1. M iii-hs. W.hl U li..;Hiwof f.p ; i-' ii.:tJ K U. I'll ,t5. KEKIJ'.K A (., l'ur- I, (in- .'Ja.:'fl, Si rft V,.,a .vtuU it., iAi'.i.Il, MUM. ANA RANGE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT STEEL RANCES wtU, Cuarantsed to be the most eco nomical, most durable and most oerfect Range on the market. Suitable for hard or soft coal, or wood. Send for catalogue to INDIANA RANGE CO. F.V ANSVTLLE, IND. FOR THE 111 mam WHY f GLCAUSE It Alwr-ys Worts, tnrMrso Linlit. Ecoiior.ica!, K :r.diO.-sc. ri"r:i::ls, Si J , . r i. r. .--. - ' ' OP' FiSTtED i'iiC.VV'SL."L''!i' i I- I ?C .5 ltn nrlnr.ltfW. Ol Ji'."!!' t-rll OnUI. ul Hover' !.;- iir- (irii'i,rii itTiAn'nj'r u.r pulii ii. ii. t,l t r i k . - cir au4 h ooutlucjil, ui'-j buy oa; of JH'ur dvt.fir V,EYROE l.MP r. 3 c i S3. -; ri x t & 't' l( ' n ri o KJ j. " I 0 2p j o S P ' Mlw tSlri vvaaiawvae w a a aa as RACINE, WISCONSIN, Manufacturers cf "THE RICINE" FARM AND WAREHOUSE HVm MILLS DUSlXiUSS CHAIN SEPAKATOKS AM) UMI iiOLLKRS, These Hills and SrparaUirs have 32LF-CL08ING mm b txz L3 3 a. pAHKE:.f c Great Fis? Precaution a r-;Ec; 'ssity In the Factory, Dr.ifin itiorn.Maoh'.ncSlwip, Plumbiiri1 ami r.iln. :ir- Shopi, aiirt any pl&oo liere oilv r-.-ili or clothes 3ve nea. Thoy are ach:'.:'Tinl! liy nil to to the bort thing for the iMt.-ioso cvur lnvp' 4,G. send rcr. prtrcF." r -ca Fraak E. Fills M'f'g 1, Co., 76-7G Fcaii Street, Boston. El f:M CJOVEIJ WIRE ENCING BEST STEEL WIRE OF w imriidMLfiwiidTHf ataf firia.l5wfcittfRiibU. h 96.00 i Inniini ftp B Jr YnPYl WSpriifell X:.. til- .HI v m K r a, t . : mi m-T m .fy' W STAN! 'HO sell you - once means to always sell yoiu For a short time we offer this un heard of Bargain, Tha case It genu ine Sil ver! n e; fnr Hura- titlitv ftn- laa ana Appear Ailt kiuil ma i ah mi- fer, and are Guaranteed to aear aaa retain : i. . :r. lima. Stem wind and set. Remember wa do not Offer you an "American Style" movement, but ft Oefiuina American movement of the well known aiakei above mentioned. IKi unci fc', "7 ICxpreit C. 0. U. with privilege of 'xaminition. Seea for our llliutrated Wholesale Caulogue. Garden City Watch Co. 265 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL TTS IB inaorVwefTrj: (or Lmt, gjrihK, rlUUEi UEDUOKD. KoH b i)elri. rKIHT I elULMNH rOCLTBI KnTINO, Hew Thlm I cm. nuwu r0n aaox by KW HOMB 8, M. CO., NKIEHrt ESTABLISHED 1868. These are PIANO HAMMERS they alone actuate tlie tone. OTHER makers talk and think more about CASES. We have a process by which the felt Covering REMAINS elastic and uncom pressed after years of HARD PLAYING. All other hammers set MATTED DOWN like an old MATTRESS, and soon yield tinny tones not music. WE GIV1S IT AW AT. The reason why pianos carry high prices on the catalogues, and the SYSTEM of DISCOUNTS with frank and candid Inside information, worth many dollars WHATEVER PIANO YOU BUY. We also send, post paid, an elegant Illustrated Catalogue, explaining above, and venr 'ar?e colored illustrations The FURNITURE part of the "Wing" Piano is worthy of its interior merits. Learn what we have to whisper, then BUY WHERE YOU WILL. If we are chosen, distance Is no consideration We pay the freight. OUR PIANOS HAVE WON our own Confidence. Hence we send freely on trial, AND, with every WING piano bought, there toes a signed warrantee for NINE LONG YEARS. Write to-day a LITTLE BIT (postal) and get what COST US MANY TIMES AS MUCH-beautiful illustrationSjetc, WING & BON, 146 Brotdwiy, opp. City Hall, NEW YORK. 1891 aVAttd 130 Dealer Storea. ''' -'W -IWIi'-i H-Aii'l DRY HOP YEAST 5C-T tor THE UICK RISER Sim's A P5 long beou nted by the Farmers, pronimeut Miiiera Mrain and eea VatW at 3 Uealers throughout tbe United KVOt vtiiit in gin j rrvuiiiuii'im ut bpiiitr tho I'KT J1 A- ClIi.NES tver Iliads for cleauiug and riiding Wheat, liariey, Oatu, Coru and heeds of every descrip- LIU II They do the work more thorough ly, have greater capacity, built stronger and heavier ami better tf nlfthed than any other Mills. Six different sizes, two for Farm Use, four for Warehouse, Klevator and Millers one. The Land Kollcrs are the 15 EST and CHEAPEST for the muney. ,LL MACHINES WARRANTED. Write for Circulars and Prices before buying. We ran vouch for tbe reliability of ttui firm. Editor. v. 4 1 eUa i PIANOS Are strictly first-class in every detail, possess aa absolutely perfect repeating action and linniiKnme rnses. Fnllr war. ranted. (H but umS Are the best in the world, and hare led 11. all ethers fur years. Over 210,000 in I IK nse. The people are bound to have the U U best, and will have none bat the ESTEY. -J Tine B&vmrnU nr enxh. na cnutnmpra prefer. Call and see as, or send for Catalogues and fall information. 233 State Street, Chicago. f&St. Louis House, 916 &. OlS Olive St. Mention this Paptr. LOVELL DIAMOND CYCLES. No. I, Sslid Tiras, No. 2, Cushion Tires, $95.00 No. 3, Ladies' Solid Tiros, $85.00 Cushion Tiros. ARE Warranted ALL PARTS STRICTLY HIGH GRADE. Ho. 3 C, Ladies' Cushion Tires, $95.00 No. 4, Convertible Solid Tiros, $85.00 No. 4, G, " Cushion Tiros, $95.00 No better machine made at any price Iiiierchaiige-alilB. JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., MANUFACTURERS, BOSTON, MASS. Bund six ccnti in itsmps for tor ICO page Illustrated Catalotae of Cuas, IliflfS, Esvelvers, Sporting Goods of all kinds, etc. Bicycle Catalogue Free. $85.00 V NO WEIGHTS. SEALS OR CHECK R6DS. OU WANT A C30HARCH SCALE BECAUSE IT IS I7io Xost Simplt of Construction Any one can adjust it. The Most Durable The Unife edge ar freeand loose; canbetakenoutJsharpened or replaced by new ones. The Most Perfect Because of its simpUe city, and the only icalo which proves itt own correctness. The Scale of America. Send for descrip tion, prices, etc. It will pay you to invests gate. H. N. STRAIT MANUFACTURING CO, KANSAS CITY, KANSAS. $66 OO THE BEST RIDING THE BEST LOOKING I FOR THE STRONGEST BUILT This Is a spe cial offer. We sell them at this price to In troduce them, regular price Is $76.00. WE ARE WHOLESALE MANUFAC Sl VI Ka -n m i ism- Ever before offered, ULL ubber Top, Ellptlc Springs, Piano Body, upholstered In a fine grade of cloth, or leather If preferred, three or four bow top. Either wide or narrow track. We would also furnish Corning body In place of Piano body If desired. Send for Catalogue. FREDONIA MANUFACTURING CO., YOUNCSTOWN, OHIO. W.HHVOO Ail fXi 4MTW)ir MICH ' C.J DM ffc ix-ti-w4 rw oc'.fi v. r ;r'r:"'T ; ' r :