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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1891)
the sax ccmr joumi L. . elatMOXS, fraartetar. HARBISON', - - NEBRASKA The AM tin at the Jfarfr.'rfe Buk rally raaevetea. Bottom, Mml Nov. C Th Jours! eaye there ie nothing io the affair of tbs Maverick bank of which the clearing house com mi tie of the Boston aesoci- atad bank baa not been fully advised Tbe cooiaiittae baa guarded every point. It arrsinged that T. P. Beale abould be received for wall eooaidarad raaaoi Tha facta regarding the loans of the bonk hare bean in the possession of the comptroller of the currency einoe laat January and it ia no intimated that another comptroller is likely to be appointed before loos. The general loan account outside of the 3,400,000 due from director and the Eras bases, ia good and ehowr good judgement and careful banking. The directon' loans have considerable collateral behind them. Speculation ia the one word that ex plain all speculation in stock anl grain with the Maverick bank funds backing the deals. The first greal speculation of the Maverick back was by Messrs. French and Potter in New York and New England. It was suc cessful from a pecuniary point of view, but in the success lay concealed the ultimate ruin of tha bank. In the New York and New England mj sterr deals the banks funda were used to a startling degree, and the ayatem of operations then begun culminated in the ruin of the bank, and all ita directors. Although the Maverick has been known aa a speculative bank, no on onteide of Mr. Evans and the bank di recton could have imagined the extent of the speculations. It ia now not to be wondered at that when the death of Irving A. Evans was announced that Potter, tn the director rocms, should have physically collapsed, but it ia a wonder in the light of present revela tion that be should lor so many days have patched up affairs and stemmed the current The Boston banks brought over Mon daynight many millions of their reserve held in New York and are tn a stronger financial position than ha been the case for a long time. Money will rule very easy on approved collateral. Om log-leal Discoveries la Illlanla. Spbingmcld, III., Nov. 6 Dr. Lin dahl, state geologist, has mad the dis covery that there is plenty of raw ma terial in Illinois for the manufacture of glazed earthenware of vral varieties of a very high quality. - The kaolin, cn porcelain day, xiU in large quartities ia southern IUiuo'urJparticulerly that sec tion of the state in the vicinity of Union county. A few week ago Dr. Lindahl was at Anna, Union county, and pro cured a small sample of kaolin and for warded it to a friend in 8weden. He received a reply from his friend. Prof. Almstrom, in the shape of a amail. well finished white dish, mad from a mix ture containing 37 per cent of Lindahl'a sample, the balance being plaatic clay, feldspar and quartz. Mr. Almstrom ex presses a desire to make Illinois clay into a aet of tableware far exhibition at the World' fair, and Dr. Lindahl will asnd him tha nacsa ary kaolin, plaatic clay and other material. Dr. Lindahl says it will be remonstrated that there ex iata in Illinois practically all of the raw material for the manufacture of faience of a high grade. The plastic clsy is found ia large quantities in several part of tha state, notably near Dan ville and Oalesburg. AeeMcat la a Mia. Bern, Mont Nov. 6. At midnight Wednesday night when one shift of men at tha Anaoonda mine was relieving an other, Mvnteec man ware killed by the falling of the cage and two were, fatally injured. -' Tha oag was fall of miners retiming front work. Aa tbey stepped out into the open air their places were at ones taken by nineteen man who were to Uk np tn work tbey had just aban doned. The cage started toward th depth beiow. Tbe rope had been unwound bat a couple of time from th slowly revolving windlass when tbare waa a sudden snap and a cry of horror from th abaft. Th rope had brokaa, and th cage with its nineteen inmate waa precipitated to tha bottom of tha mine. It waa some little time before assist no conld bs sent tbem. A number of tha minora who war through work and waiting (or tbe cage to take them out. Amfcsst U., narrowly missing some, tha oag dropped. Little could be don. Of tbe nineteen men who mad th fear ful rid seventeen were dead, their form crushed out of all semblance to human beings, whil th two yet breathing have no bops of reoovery. aiertae: aa A raw. Psosa, Nov. 6. Th coal miners front Edward Station to Elmwood, in this oownty, ar on a sink for higher wages. Tha rest of the district hsv been venter! a ad tram Is Latest Owas. If Mien) Editor (meeting composer) IlaCo, TvWmHk 1 1 haven't mm 70a Ham jron gwt anlid, Doing nny rrj ga amy a7 , . , . ' Ccr-El2i mtfc. 0Cr i CT--cxr tszj fca A Cat-CM A MreMrtMeTia;?. Cuk'ago, IIL, Nov. 7. A mysterious tragedy which ie exciting muoh interest, elicited a provokingly unsatisfactory verdict at th coroner a jury trial here yeaterday. The victim waa a wall dressed, but unidentified girl of 18 tc 20 yea fa, wno must have been very beauti ful in' life. Her mangled body waa found in a lonesome railroad yard near Artesian avenue and Kinsie streets, in a maize of track and standing freight cars. Tbe theory has been advanced that the young woman waa murdered and tbe body thrown on tbe track to make it appear aa if death waa acciden tal Tbe circumstances of no blood baing found on the rail or roadbed favors th suggestion of foul play. It ia argued that if the girl waa instantly killed on .be track the scene of tbe slaughter would be blood spattered. While the front of the woman's clothes is spatterec with gore, not a drop had flowed on tl. ground. Polios Captain Kipley s io that tbe most remarkable circunistanc. of the case is that no one b as come for ward to identify tbe young woman or to report auch a girl missing. The un fortunate waa a blond with perfect feature and curly hair. She wore oon aiderable jewelry and several bangles, which bore tbe inscription "Eftie,'' "Will," "J. R." At the inquest the switchmen gave evidence confirming the murder theory, saying that wnsn tho body was discovered it was cold. Notwithstanding thia testimony, tbe jury's verdict aays death wss caused by being run over by an engine. Tbe con clusiou is based on the fact that the heavy underclothing might have ab sorbed all the blood, and the body been horribly mangled by tbe car wheels and no knife or bullet marks discovered. Mil Peaes Will be Tilled. Coax. Nov. 7. Today is to b settled tbe question of th succession of tbe seat in th house of commons from tbs city of Cork mad vacant by tha death of Cbarlea Stewart Parcel!. The Pnr- nellite ia John E. Redmond, while Mar tin Flavin stands for tbe McCarlbyito interest. The day'a work was opened with vigor, 1,500 votes being cost in the first hour. The streets are full of noisy horse playing, but so fsr, fairly well behaved ciowda of people. Priests, members of parlimsnt and candidates for political bonoraare incessantly driv ing from booth to booth encouraging their followers and looking after tbe in terests of their respective factions. As the leaders rush from place to place be hind gesticulating orivera and flying horse tbey aie greeted with com mingled cheers and groans. After each stop and before each fresh start some tlv or ten minute is wasted in remon strating with voice, flat and whip against th attempt of all tbe way from three to a dozen persons who wish to get upon the conveyance and ride along to the next station. Proclaimed meeir D e alar. Rio Dk Janeiro, Nov. 7. President Demora da Fonseca ha been proclaimed dictator. After the troubles in Rio Jan eiro laet Tuesday between riotous citi zens and tbe soldiers, in which severs! of the former were killed, the chiefs of tbe army requested Fonseca to assume the f unctiona of dictator, saying that the emergency demanded it tie ap peared to demur for a time but at length gave his eoceent He then issued a de cree relating the cause of disagreement be.weea him and the congress, and de fending hi position. Wednesdsy a con ference of ministers was held, and at its conclusion Fonseca issued another de cree in which he proc. aimed himself dictator. He said that tbe dictatorship waa to laat until the political revolu tion were at an end, and lawmakers learned to keep in progress with repub lican ides. A dictatorship, he added was (he very best thing for tbe distract, ed country. He disclaims any inten tion of prolonging it after peace has been restored. Telegram received from Porto, in the state of Rio Grand Do Bui, declare that the authority of tbe dictator is not recognized there. Thia state i one of the most prosper ous and independent of all th state. It baa a population of nearly 700,000. Th republicans in it say that they will not tolerate a dictatorship, and ar demanding armed opposition to Fonss ca. It ia officially announced that 'he preaident haa conceived th notion to elect representatives at a date to b de termined upon later. Th governor of tbe leading provinces faav congratulat ed Fonseca on hi success in maintain ing peace. It ie believed tbe election for msm br of th new shamber of representa tives will occur in January and, whil retaining iU representative and federa tive features, ths congress will revise tbeontitulioii. Person charged with being enemie of the republic will, upon conviction, b exiled. Treekle Ie the Mlaae., Tenn., Nov. 7.-Getting rid of th convict labor compelitoo, at least tor th present, th East Tennessee misers ar looking around to ass Low th can improve tbeir condition in other ways. Aa a result they have demanded of vry owner that record of thoir work b kept by a chock weighman. Antrim hat resulted at th Thlsti miss, owned bv tbe Ten Masse Mining Company which also own Um BrlosviU miss, and it is feared that all to mia sm hi th district will strike. Th rs east cmtorbanoM har greatly injured saw awnnssnsa, Beard Vrmtm at Laat. Nw York, Nov. 7.-Arch Duke Johann of Austria, who a year ago gate up hia title and position at court and contracted a uorgantioe marriage -ilb Jennie Steubel, a beautiful opera singer ha been heard from. After his mar riage he hired a abip and sailed as its master. Th ahip waa not again heard of and waa giren up aa lost with all on board. Jennie Steubel's brother, Camill who is a singer in the Casino chorus, received a letter from his mother in Vienna, in which ahe wrote that she had heard from her daughter. Tbe vessel on which the arch duke and his bride ceiled wss wrecked off the South American coast and tbe pair went to Chile. He took part in tbe late trouble there, but it ia not known on which aide be fought Between, thia Country and Hawaii. Washikgtok, D. C. Nov. 7. Dr. Molt Smith, Minister of finance of Hawaii arrived in Washington Thursday ac companied by C. K. Biahop of Honolulu, ex-member of the cabinet and at present persideot of tbe board of education. Dr. Smith calltd on Secretary Blaine. His special mission is to secure a modi fication of the reciprocity treaty be tween this country and Hawaii, tbe operation of which, so far as Hawaii is concerned, haa been seriously affected by the operation of tbe new United States tariff law. Aa this lsw grsnt bounty to producers of sugar, tbe bene fits heretofore reaped by tbe Hswsiian producers from free admission of their sugar into tbe United States under the provisious of the treaty are negatived. Dr. Smith will also call tbe atteo tioo4 the secretary to tbe matter of lain a cable between tbe United States and Honolulu. Hawaii, he say a, is ready to pay a subsidy to any .oomaany establishing a cable 'line between the two countries. Dr. Smith has 'been absent from Honolulu some years and returned there only a abort time before he was delegated to come to tbe United States. He found on his return the detire for annexation to the United States to have grown greatly during his alsenoe. Tbe feeling, he thinks, however is based more on a wish to participate in tbe commercial benefits to be derived therefrom than aoy hope of poliiiacl aggrandizement From the tenor of his conversation it. is evident that he haa no fear of English interfer ence in the sffairs of tbe island. In regard to the reports of the serious illness of Queen Liliooxalani, Dr. Smith pronounced them humbugs. The queen haa now turned 50 years. She haa been aerioualy ill, and now suffers only from cold or other slight indispositions incident to persons of her ace. The queen, the doctor explained, is often confounded with the quean dn water, who recently suffered from a stroks of paralyais. I'ariheBeaeB- af their Cr.dlton. Galvkstoh, Tex., Nov. ft The firm of Wels Bros., one of tbe largest whole sale drygoods bouses in the state, made an assignment to Gu Lewey for th benefit of their creditors. The liabilities will probably foot up 1105,000. The firm consist of Albert and Robert Weir, and baa been looked upon as perfectly sound. The asset include the store property on the strand and warehouse, the stock of merchandise, consisting of dry goods, boots, shoes, bsts, etc., to gether with merchandise now shipped and en route, which may be rejected or or returned. YaleStadeets Bespeadtd. New Haven, Conn, Nov. C As a re sult of tbe disturbance on the campus tbe Yale faculty voted to suspend five of the sophmores engaged in the affair frsm college for the rest of tbe year and also from rooming on th campus next year. A motion was mad to witbdrsw from th students the privilege of hold the spring regatta next year, but in view of th assurance received that there would be no repetition of the disturbance, th faculty showed their confidence ia the honor of the stu dent by unanimously voting to lay the matter on th table. Chiaage Maraet. Nov. 6. WHEAT:-96396, corn 43654, oat 32334. CATTLE: prim steer 4.006.00, choice 3.506&QO, feeders 1.509&00. HOG8:-light 14063.85, mixed &50a 136, heavy &55H20. Omaha M areata. Nov. 6 WHEAT:-3690, corn 40054 CATTLE: prime steers 6jOO5.70. oboio 4.264.30, feeders 3563.60 HOG8:-ligbt 3.66413.86. mixed 3.75ft M6, heavy 3.8003 90. A Jwah Caaavass. Losdok, Nov. 7. It is reported that Baron Hirsch I arrancias: for an inter. national Jwlh ooagress to bs hld in im in London. Theobjootof tbs pro nosad courses is tooonaidar. and if m. ibbtsoivs the problem of Jewish colon. tattion. , aew ere Swaw SMe aa. ( Lomdo, Nov 7. Tbe severe enow storm coatinu in Bulgaria. At aom point th snow ia ten feet deep. Many pars hav died from thffotaof th ants) and thousands of sattl aadsfc pWpOCwttd 0w tmv SawvvaOwC 0Gn SERIOIS DISURBAKE. The Convention of tho National Federation at Dublin. Mr Haalr Daaa " bf Bit ChU- ,l, sal IWpaau lha OSIa.lta 1 - la Uablla. MR. DILLON ARRIVES O THEM KMC. Di'BM.i, Nor. C Dispatches from Waterford, where tbe conventioo of the national federation is being held say that great eicitement prevails there The streets are crowded with uproari oua mobs of people resdy for any kind of a disturbance. The police in their efforts to control th mob have r-een mrkiDg a free use of their batons, with thereeult that several civilisns hsve been injured. Mr. Timothy Healy, who was horse hipped by Mr. McDermott nephew of the late Charles Stewart Parnell, r-nd solicitor for the Tarnell fsmily, was one of the speakers. He said, among other things, that he would not be deterred by violence from pursuing the course he bad mapped out for himsel', and re peated the language in reference to tbe widow of the Irish leader which he used st Longford on Sunday last, and which led to the chastisement be received st tbe hand of Mr. McDermott. Mr. Dillon on arriving st Wsterford, was received w ith mingled cheers and hisses. Three hundred police guarded the federation delegates on their sy to the convention, wbish w ss held in tbe city hall. The police repelled repeated charged made by the mob. The Parnell ite sympathizers tried to rush tbrourh the entrance or the city hall, but were beaten back. The convention proceeding, Mr. Dil lon confirmed Mr. O'Brien 'a Boulogue revelations, and added that the men now calling bira a traitor had tele graphed to him while be was in New York, offering him the, leadership in succession to Mr. Parnell. Continuing Mr. Dillion said tbst io spite of tbe continuous calumnies heaped upon him, he bad never before revealed this fact. Messrs. Hsrrington snd Redmond Bad other prominent Parnellites had joioed in the request, which was made after he bad drclaired agaioat the leader ship of Mr. Parnell. He refused tbe leadership because it wss a painful and difficult position a position which be had never sought or ished, end one which be would be slow to accept After arriving at Bologna he told them that he could not accept the position unless all concurred in promiaing loyal support Ihose men, one snd all, prom ised that if he took the chairmanship they would be bis loyal followers. He hsd don D3thing since thst altered bis podilion a hairsoreatb. For weeks at Boulogne they were as anxious to get Mr. Parnell out of the leadership as the majority were. If they had steadily adhered to that policy they might have saved Mr. Parnell from an impossible position. If any one in the world waa reapodsibls for Mr. Parnell' fate, after Mr. Parnell Limself, it was the men, who, when the supreme hour came, had not sufficient courage, manliness or hon orable friendship to take a firm stand and impoae tbeir judgement on him. Cheers. Mr. Dillion left the convention ball on bis way to the railway atation guarded by police and 100 priest. A mob followed and kept up a continuous attack until Mr. Dillon obtained shelter in the stttion. A number of skulls were cracked. Thirty delegates, whiie crossing a toll bridge, were thrown to tbe ground and trampled upon, naty being hurt and bleeding profusely when rescued by tbe police. Several thousand Parnellites held the approaches to the convention hall and everywhere struck down op ponent. Th whole quay, a mile in length, was the scene of savage fight ing. Many persons were takan to th haspital. The lateat from l he ramies BMelrM. 8t. Petermbcro, Nov. '6. The latest advice from th famine diatrict in Samara state that nearly all able boo'ied mala peasant ar now at work on gevarnment roads, and that th death rat ia diminishing, although many nombl cases of starvation ar still re ported. As these atatemsnU are from ami-official sources, they may be too roy bued. Chleaga Mataer. Chicago, Nov. 5.-Wheat 83J,'94; corn 61J,e52Jli oat 30X031. Hogs light 3.7j33.8i; mixed 3.9034.03; heavy 4.1541455. Cattl prim ateera iJOOQ COO cftoio 3.504P.00; feeders 1.5003.00. Omaha Markets. Omaha, Nov. 5. Wheat 82891; corn 39 40; oat K30; ry86; Hngs light a70U3.77K; mixed 3.75H3J0; heavy 3.75 63.90. Cattle prim etesrs 3.75fc"i5; choio 3.5004 50; feeders 22.0O. msahBahha y. Laoeakce, Or, Nov. .-Ioformation ia Nomvad hr that th Farmers Mort gag nnd Saving bank of SummarvilU. Or., was otred by two masked um, wno, at um point or is vol vers, compelled th eaabrsr to give then, scout $4,900. Will th freai h Uagnage. Ron! Nov. C.-A! tha international ssaos eimmm. on motion J ti n. man ilsgatia, it waa decided that tha Fiwaon langaag should b spoken our lag tfe prooMdiega. 1 -esiy Caa as tha Detler. Bomou, Mass, Nov. 5. A member of tbs commit las of tbe eesociated bsnka, expresses th opinion that th ti poeitors of the Msveriok National bank will alternately receive a dividend amounting to about 30 cent oo the dollar. Asa P. Potter, president of th em barrassed Maverick National bank on acccuctofica dealinga with Irving A. tvsDS will be about 1300,000 if tbs col lateral could be judiciously disposed of. The banc's dealinga with Evan can in no aense be considered the direct cauae of the eu pension, Potter declared. The real causei of the failure, he says, is somewhat complicated. Potter de clares the clearing bout committse which examined tbe assett of the bank p'aoed their value far below what tbey are worth, thuaahowing a large deficit He added: "If 1 am allowed to wind up the affairs of the Maveick bank no de rxaitor and no stockholder would lose oae dollar. All tbe fact about !h bank's condition and about it manage ment will officially be made known in the course of time. Pending that 1 am content to await tbe outcome of event." Distrct Attorney Allen ha just re ceived a telegram from the attorney general at Washington. The attorney general request Mr. Allen to demand that the bail of Measrs. French and Potter be heavy. It ia understood that the bail in Mr. Potter's case will be fixed at 1151000. Asa P. Potter was arrainged before Commissioner Hallett Tueedsy. He pleaded not guilty. He gave bond in the sum of 1100.000. Orenville T. W. Bramon is bis surety. Ha Thoucht It waa a Ier. Gle5wooo Smiitos, CoU Nov. 5. On last Saturday O. W. Price, son of Dr. Prion of Chicago, and member of thr Price Bskicg Powdsr company, A. C Fischer of the noted Extract company of Chicago and J. B. Cobb of the Den ver Omnibus snd Csrriege cunipscy, with W. II. Hubbard of Spring Valley, near Glen wood Springs, as guide, out fitted here snd started for a week's hunt on the Big Muddy. Tuesdsy night they camped in Jerome Park, at tbe head nf Thorn peoo creek in Pitkin county, in a place called Dun's dugout Some time during the night Mr. Price, who, it is claimed, waa a so nambuliat, went outside of the dugout, leaving the others ssleep. Upon his re turn, as be crawled into tbe room on all fours, Hubbard awoke and called out, "Who's there?" and called to the dog, but aa the dog aeemed frightened, and no answer was given, Hubbard ex claimed, "Uoj a, I believe it'e a deer; iiive roe a gun quick! ' and Cobb haatily handed him a 44-calibre Colt's revo'ver, and without fi rlber thought Hubbard fired tw3 ahots, one of which pssaed through the top of Price's bead into his body, and canting bis death i3 about two hours. Tbe party leturned immediately with tie body to Marion, where an engine was procured and all came to Glen wood Springs. Coroner L. G. Clerk imnieJi ately summoned a jury an J a verdict of accidental shooting ss rendered. Tf III la at Harbadoa. New York, Nov. 5. The flagship Philadelphia aailed from tbe Brooklyn navy yard. Her first stopping place will the Barbados, West Indies. Thej ara lathrat . WAJiHWGTOH, D. C, Nov. 5.-8Cr- tary Tracy has mad publio th instruc tions issued to th United States squad ron on the coast of Chili at tha begin ning of th Chilian disturbance. Sec retary Tracy aaya: These instruction hav been vigor ously adhered to throughout In no single instance hav they been departed from. They proved ooncluaively that the charge of partiality mad by th English newspapers ar untruth and that they have been invented in order to prejudice the Chilian against th United State for oommercial purposes." The instruction were dated March 26. It was explained that Insurgent vessels, although outlawed by tha Chil ian goternaent, were not pints unless committing act of piracy, and the ad miral waa ordered to observe strict neutrality and to take no put in th troubles furtbsr than to protect American interests. It waa further ordered, however, to taks all necessary measure to protect from injury by in surgent vsals to live or property of American cititens. It was ordered that endeavor b mad to delay bombard men t by insurgsnU until American cit'. tens and property were removed, using force, if necessary, but only as a last r ort American vasssla, it was staled, izd by th insurgent without satis factory compensation, were liable to bs recovered forcibly, but it was ordered that every precaution abould be taken to avoid auch -assures. HI. leteteet la (ha Saalh. 4uocta, On, Nov. C-Th Augusta sxpositioo reosntly BMt President Har rison a copy of th resolution adopted t a mam moating on th return of th exposition delegation from the at and Washington. An invitation was .. tended the president to attond tbs tx posiUon. Ht Utter in reply aoknos Wdtb rsosipt of tn rwolntion S a aa. ana snowea bis lAterest i th ityof tbssnttrssoata. I HEBJtASKA STATE SI flnr 1 fnf-na V . in at rasas ouumy. Tha itw .. v . n. z ?:'--r. u- iwj jiaaiinaa uaoceciuo. On ranch in T , -uuuio CO,, raised 8.f 00 buSU..r , l-JiaioeaJ Over 3 000 have bee0,uU.ri wain ootaimng a mile race Hasting. Winter apple are Uing de'.i (ll.pliii. TI.- .. i- -a- w piviamng pru oenia par ouou Ti I J I n uunurwu ana sevecty.fl: tosos of grain hav beeQ ship yon in tn last year. An 8-year-old daughter of Jok west of Ksvenns, while playm ia it-. . ine oarn issi oaturday rU ,L tured her arm. Brt Harpbam of Keneenw - - ""a"- j ii mi cylinder of a threshing machine, be was feeding. Miss Oca Douglas waa ibib,i curiosity in th ehape of four growing on the end of a atem four of the apples grown together. A large amount of broom co been brought to Gothenburg during the laat week. The bulk will be ahipped to the Chicago & M. Cole, of Weet Blue, F, county, threshed twenty-evo of oat and th yield was I,' Hi b or an average of aixty-aix butlx acre, of common whit oala. a .j n rt . , , a auu m o. r . iwuue ria ai AUuur the misfortune to fracture the boi bia forearm, w hile playing acrobat one of tbe cbaioa alretched Lett hitch post on th etreet Mia Effi Campbell, musical in tcr in the Nebraska Uity inmituts th blind, attended bar aister's wd ba weel', which took place at borne of ber pareota near Tecuoiteh! G S. Piel of Wayne, by mistake a dose of horse medicine Sunday, (I a bottle tbe same size and aha; bottle in which he bad medicine fiJ sore throat. He became quite ill f. short lime l a result. The old skating rink building Pooca is being coved by tbe Duuij Horse and Land company of that to a point near the fair ground, whri will be used aa a bam for their lal stock of thoroughbred horses. Some days ago a little boy about year old or xs ute Jiouges, living n S'lls, while trying to climu into rear of a moving wagon, waa caught tween the elacaeru and itie wheel at before the team could be stopped ceived injuries to his spine w oauaed paralysis of the lower limbs. Six carload of sugar we slu'ppt; from th Norfolk factory oo the -id an1 four mors carload went forward on l( 24tb. Th output ia about O.M pouof per day, or 00,000 pounds of lugf while the best run of beets yet mat 158 tons in sleveo hours waa accoi plished. James Anderson of McCool Junctia who hss been in tbe employ of Jul Fahrang in the harnss shop for tl laat six or eight weeks, pulled out vti unexpectedly for part unknown. 1 left a number of creditor to hold tt t i, 1 esca lor amau amount wnicu ne uwa them. The water work at Schuyler are ing pushed right along, tbe brick fou uauon for ma imuar ana anirine uou ara alraail labl ami tha mncrata of t tioo of the works, north w it of tl: s m wu b pwiuv yviwt, will iw -" A 1 t . - . . rvuwj auiajivai i mivu " j - WW I mJ I W .V - - nmnar v naaii i-i tt. araa rauna li auvum uiraraMtm waa w wuwi m-v eaeary. Mors than a year ago bo lost leg wh'le playing about a awitch en tint. Harry Riad, tho S-ysar-old boy of Chat Read living north of Elmwood, mot with a srriou nooittent laat wssk while riding in a spring wagon with hi fatbr. H lost hia balance and fall ovsrboard, fracturing ton thigh bone be tween tbs kbs and hip. About four ysara ago, tbs 2 yeir-old dauyhter of Simoon J-wes of Ravenna fall out of a wagon, injuring th spise in suoh manner thai the girl ba finally giwn to us so Mara it ooipi I'vy Mr.Joo haa xpsndsd hundreds of dollars for various appllanoe and medi cal treatment but tan cas baa baffled bast physicians, and th ohild bu grown steadily worn. Miss Emily Bsaiiea, Miss Clara Rood, U' Montgomery u J. T. Hoffman white returning from a party near New man's grov had th misfortune to be tipped over ia their buggy. Mr. Hoff man' right arm win brohsn, miscel laneous ovwtav and cute falling to ths lot of tb rest. After running n short dioteao th boos wsr atoppod. B.A.Msrrittof Msdisoa township, FUlmors oouaty, ratesd night aom of onto this ysar. which nvsragsd nighty om bnsiiste per aors and awvonty-eifbt aorsa which avaragsd fifty btmhsM. Tn . , . i j. . i t : .. ! . eight aorss wtr aowsd srly aad on arty fall plowing. A part of tn ssvsn tf wight wstw waa aowsd on ground stowd In tos Syria aad th rwmainder wnafoiradaBonga(M4ujg ssrn stelki and snltivMwi ia a tha aowlag was dsnrly. XXI th Ml oiowiag mak thnff riiwiiitoCteyteUT Tha tsote bow that it dii.