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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1891)
The Journal. oux OUNTY F.roUX fXjt'NTY jggISQIr, 3sTCTV 5, 1891. 3STO. 8. For. Important Notice. me time past a number of -vd,. piof The Joiknal lave . I llo,rtlowernotrllarsutv I J. Mntwon. M;l.r ami I'i'oiriei..r. v .,. . , , " sul ; , -r.W .Any who tlUre to have us (ioinif Went. Crdag Km. J please tlotily us a( ju. S. ml id .-II I S. . I'lij. d l ;,u , . r. 12 I.hAl'f.K lit MERCHANT TAILORING. JATKST STYLEH, r)vEKT riua-;s. PERFECT FITS, Satisfaction Guar- . anteed in all in stances. Ifi'KOMPT ATTENTION' GIVEN Te MAIL ORbF.RS. t ItAWfOKIl Au AU.UV'i i , M.1111.UKA. FARMS JiUUOHT ANUSoLI) by the Kebraska Security Co., HAIUUSON. NF.Ii, jlnuriurutid.. Amiorjr.i CiTitAh PilD If I'AllTiL Vt.iri.(i to them oik, otherwise Ufc-ir names will I. t,.t: fmnl ,.,.,, ..v,u llJC ln ftsr "'e'next issue, so if you want Tin.- J'A-bnal, make it known. The I'luuMitit. Tin; kind of eatW enjoyed, by the people of thi locality so far 'this fall iR pretty hard to beat. (. Guthrie is movm- his lumW yard and buildings )0 ljs lols a juje northwest 0f TiiKjoUiXAl. ofliee. J. E. Fl.-tclmr and C. R. Wadsworth lu vp leased the H'juaw rmek sawmill arid will oimte it in future-. They Jro xs to run it to its full capa-ity. Tli. shool lioard has not ified the tea. li no! to ti(, children of until U tuition of THE OFFICIAL COUNT. Abstract of the vote cast at the gen eral election in Sioux County on Nov. 3rd, 1891: , . . , ",: . Vujr.tu l.iM'bV . l'r"ikltit. . t.BVi f .rRi.M ii, Vi.-f l'r'-f'l' !it. K. II. Jovr.t, nirmtary. C, K. YrtiTf.Ttwwirw. II. T. (xivi.ii, Aitorni-y. f,: Wanow hatu on our U-! over thirty UIOiCF. K-UiMS in this ..unity wliinlj cmii 11 m LONG ' ' TiME and EASY PAY MENTS. , Piirti wishing to buy or soil should m tteVcrelury. Land Wight and wld on 'ommiMou. ' C0RW.SPOXinCi;- LI CI TED sr.itu.irKAuvKivrco. ' IfurrliMH), Ncliratka. We nol wiiimi on wiWription ted uxi it ot oiii-e. F'WS.m.e A lirsbtlasn wwiiig inv chitio, iww, - In-pure at. this oflie. '-llorw WanliC'ta ut the liariicss Shop. Buy and get a largnin. -Four wmiwJs of Arlun klcs eoffee for (fit-8t f iHWWIJl.1) & JUtWTDJJilt'H. '- 4'artK- in cf a frrmiiii; mill ill do will to rait ut this oi'if. "' -llifihtiht" tnitrktt 'n-ict? nid for grain attlk' Itam.ion Liimlr Yani, kiU-Iirti work at tlw Harrison hmiwi. -l'ot! Sai.u A Wljer oullit, com f!e!e at Harrison, Ntb. f 1 (.'HAS r'ALMKH. -.Scvi!rilen pounds . wf gr.mulattS'l "lugarfor I,fH)ttt nonresidents oiipdi)l!:ir a monlh. u h, is jtiid. Tlw rat', charuwl hy tha hard is too hili, und -r tho existing eir C'UinsUtiic'i. SnnY0 From my farm (i miles ""nth of Harrison, 1 polM-angus hull, tuoyearsold, biaiidt-d jj on nyht hip, and Imth ears wdit, A liberal reward I paid for information leading to Ins rti.ov'irv. t has, I !aMMIZI.N'I), Harrison, Svbr. A or-,'1 .snnijvk- of the produc tivn.;fss of Sioux county is reported. H. Komath last, spring soweil H tislmls .f ":its, hv weiL-ht, and throshed there- fr. 'in ICi) bushel" of outs, or a .trillu le.-.s tli.iH 3lj hiishuls of crop from each bush el of seed. His corn will yield from !!"! to '-Hi hiishui.s jier :re, and is well ma-litr-fd, If ueli crops are firownnow "hal will th? r.'iiult wlrfm tiifi land is thoroughly MlUliail and well cultivated? The only intimidation of voters on last TuewJay of which any report has 'weu received occurred here in Bowpii pre iiu l, II. A. had been in Iowa some months during tho past year, hav injr o.itamwl a leave of absence from hi.s hoineiit'-ad. He returned some time ao and is again occupying his- place. IIu went, to vote and his vote was chal loiiged by one of the members of the election board. A discussion followed and J'riddy mated Uiut he would mvoar im voto in, and Uien a momber of the board stated that the vote would not bo accepted even though lio did swear it in. Sceiiw there was no chance to vole, ha left the polls und did not return. If that was uot intimidation of a, voter, what was it? That in the first case of that kind wo ever heard of. If a man swears in his voto ha asumes all rcMponsibilty and tho board ha no alternative but to accept ai.d have the poll books show that Mich vote was challenged and sworn in. Thu penalty for depriving a voter of lu tights io a severe one and it is a irt-ettv'grave ollenso for an election olli- cer. sworn to act according to law to 1 guilty of such a thing ought ceitainly to t invalidated. The fact that a mem !er of the board has reason to believe that a voter intends to vote contrary to the wUlies of such member is no excuse but rather an aggravation of the offense Knr l'i For Suprffiui .fm'itf. Vlu Sl. Hi44fl!ijenili'r, I'roliitiii.ion J. W . t-iK'Tton, I'l'-ilile'rf liMleiA-'i'lent Allr. 't -I ri,st, K"mij!ieai! F.ii lh 'iiV -ni iL- 1 i;i . i -i i . A. !r;!ll;uiiiintl( IVoiile'pi I let 't-piideii t Wiiiiain t:oist. i'miiibiiiou A. H:i'li'', I'.-oi'ie'f I'lfl' i'riidfnt I'Liirli'j Jcfjil', lic'iulilicun . II. I. 'hn,-'t.y H'-o'llilii'IHj C..rn;im' M. S omit' aril. I'ritliihitrun . .. For lli-lri' I. Juili' . ifn-'! Hsil.iw, l!")u)i!!cun A. W.i ril-. Iii'.lep''iHk'.nt Non jmrlisau I N. llm lii"irh. n'lpeiileijt M. I'. kinkuM, l;c-liuh!iCMli .'. J. rur niiinj l''; l. .!. I;. liui'U';, Iittiuocrut u:.riia !.in'l' i'copifi's I'urly M. .1. i t'tjni.e'.;. H''rmbiinn Ii. A. 1'iiblrm-, JVojiIt-'s Ii''.lfFuUeut I'arty- iiiny i ivdmiI' r. i iioi t in ..;iicn. reopic y. cufpi,. rariy M.-liii iny'-;.'.! t, IVti,).'V I'mty . A. V. loiir, ilr pu lil I ran I-'or t .liiul v -ln'liri' :!' ii:i'ti,.'ii.i!'' lti.ikt-r, I'oopl cj. V, . Hi -.)!. HrmihlifMii. sl(.V(.rUi Jlt-riKK'I'Ht ( nan. -I'uill, l'eupl'b independent Tarty V.... !. Li.... ' c. 1.. ' i.lmnbin, feopl'-'fi Tn t'n-inlent Party John Khf r.pi'i-hi-r, Krpuniietui , if. .M.rii 1.1. ill' iiin'riii. Thoiuui li'-'i'ly, l'eopu-'s i'urly i:i'i'riii!i'Ii hi. A.J. n.'iiK'o.'H, in-riorriii 4 I.vh K. ( iinicr. 1;. ;i:iljiiciiii. i -'i oT''m Indent A .im -on -'iiii.ii ivk. Mi, i'eopie ' 1'ia'ty - l.i iiKinyn i!. .smith, nidppciitlfnt Knr (jjlintv i-iir I'Vdi. 11 !l,. Iei.,illilic;ii N. 11. I'.i'ins, I'itijiUVs liidi.pcndi'iit I'urty Mli'li''! Ifiillin. Indepi'iideiit , ,1'il.n s. 'Picker, lJimioci'Ht S ot (.lllllltV Ci.hIi'".'. I . II. Mi'lunvs, tlcimlitican.. i.ivi. J.s,.i( ), iJfin. ; lVop. Ind.; l'oop. l'arty Pol-( i.i;lir,i-.-.i"H'-r i'mi l)i-liii:l. w in rum s. .lonnson, reopie ts cany Silverware GIVEN AWAY Ms n; C.SCjlS 3jl3 10 10,'A.i D 7 2H7 1 4! li l'-l ' 1 :i:"i0i ;i9!!( Hi 5,2li 4I3S l'i' 1V2 ,10j 8' '3li'15 5,:J5 16I 2i 3 1 5,1 101 'lj! s 4:l(il - 3 tillilO 8Sd5;I3 "'Si! 12 4;10! 7 i,ll 4 'U.ISI 1:-. 1.. , 7 ill 8 7 3 211! ll 3 -in 121 sd6i i )'J.2s!l73 S 1' -Jft J5 24ij:i ll 4 llll-i! 8' 2 11 : -in! lUI'i'J 2 1W 9 4' 147 8.148 ,j 11 lira mia I'.Xx'UH ioi il ( 1! 1 13:17 21:14;i2 47 9 1 ilOUl IMrty. Kr 8! S'10 7110 )5l 9 7 s'aoi 3 4!44j 2j 3 o'nl 1I1 OwM Shi 'M 2 1!- 2 48 : 'J 9118 - 1 U.32 112 U 18 3 IS 3 18 2,32 5 23 2; 4 9113 17 ..I 3' 1; 3 14:35 8'33 1SI 3 il.Sl!T 1 1! li S 31 7' I 1 Q 2'5(l 9 !:) 3 30 I i I2l - 7i 8.24 si fi;in4 'Willi: 237 el. 8 S8 88 ;'$Voo J 1 '25 ; 1 50 .. 3 00 3' 75 .."8 75 .."6:00 H'23 I213 -US ,29' - 1' - 1 1-19 10 117 10 201 b ri 4i 28 20:140 1 1,16 70 -I 2! 2 m Ml u i lu 9101 724ul7S M L Jl if.. I 7' -97 83 njl2jl2;i4 9 1 9 ;''H4 3 II Mj 7 3 -M 1 01 51 3 1 12 3 40 is! f)ll 12'l2ll3 4 si i'44 .J, t.j n 7 2; 3 27: 3L. 35 312 2i 0; 2 8 I ! 2 31 13! 017 17 0 37il2!4'.UH " U'.J. 7! 9 . M.J. Wi Vr, l'cople'' IiKlcjieuiiciit l'arty...! 5i....'l6i47,-i L- 2 4 9 11 5:411110 7 .10! 7 ; I '! I 9U55 -- M 21 4) 44 al laol 2:ir,o 2i 1 4 5! 93 Ll! 7 5! UllOO '1 5,171 70 .- 14iIbW 8 25 171249 14 42 261 94 A ticket given with every dol lars worth of goods you purchase for CASH. 8 Tickets gives you a Silver Plated Sugar Sliejli'worth.V.. 10 Tickets gives you a Butter Knife,"wirth ...1.1 12 Tickets gives you a new style Lace Pin, worth..... ......... ' 25' Tickets gives you a set of Rogers Teaspoons.' wbrth 85 Tickets gives you a set of RogerV Kiiveb, worth............... 35 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's Forks, wort'h.l '460 Tickets gives you a set of Roger's TtiBiespooris, worth ......... . I3T PLEASE COMEiAND-SEE THE GOODS, .. Our fall stock of Dry Goods,' Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,, Gloves and Under wear has just arrived, Complete stock of Clothing of Latest . Sxyijisvj ut , . received, to which we caTl your special attention.. Low Prices and Fair Treatment Guaranteedi. COME IIST jk.T$lD SEE TJS. Ranch Supply House. MacLachlan & Cook, Props. Uig Potatoes. World hiniM. Habkihii.v, Sioux county, Kub. Oct. Ill Agricultural editor. 1 see in your columns of October 7 that J, E. Shirley, Inrtlett, la., raised live potatoes that weighed twelve pounds seven ounces. Mr. Shirley is anxious, to hear from the Nebraska potato raiker. . Mr. Shirley is very good for Iowa, but Nebraska conies to the front. On Octoliev 11, I dug, on the farm of J. ii. Morris three potatoes that tipped the beam at ten pounds four ounces; two weighed three pounds, eight ounces each and' one three pounds four ounces. .1 (I Morr rabkd 300 bushc Is ot pota toes and twenty-live bushels will weigh two pounds each. I raised potatoes on my farm that wuighed two pounds, eight ounces each; they are of the Blue Victor variety, it. is a common owur countv to raise potatoes that will weigh two pounds each. Now if there is anv poiaio raiser uiu uu ovtvn this we would like to see his report in the mid-licnua. J. V-'AKKOWj. B. E. Brewster, C. F, Coffee, .President. Vic Pres. 'fl ' W llnulur iiuH t'iMll tin the yurthwfchU-ta hotul uml has n.nved back to hifi farht. ' i Tlmt was it terrible snow, norm on !ant Tueday, conwderit.,; th fact that tlmnky M.fta cfea, : , 1 A. It. lew urrived livni Wyoming 1 Vadiiesriay, with a (locU of WO s'h-'P t ,dd to Uwm he luid Mar. M.sThe lor-ttl Bweuring tr,itn was 'ell loilel -with deftraled ti.ididats when the re-tilt of thfl elect ten v.. -is learned. ;--Bliy one'liounds'uf '.Whip phig to ' KO !or SO ct-ntd and get a' lirst class baggy Vliip' for nothing. . " ' ; ' .' MAirWHiiB.' , '.'-'fwitut First'la.'W native luml.r and shingles wiimkintly on hand at my . "mill '.ou East lioj;). I'1 ,lliIcK e:tsl of v Jlarrison'. , ' . J, E. Ahneh. 'Mr. JJ. A. Cuim.nglmin has moved Jw ruillinery Uick to the nouUl rooni of "i'th Bank of Harrison building, on the tst ude of ii mi n street. - -A men running for ollicc an n rrpub-"-'in on th&opi)Iarity of a democnit to hom ft dpjwtysliip lw lieeii promised Is Miwiilim' kiml of n pnf ty nrau. . -Arr.tniriiMir mv heiinr mwle f"1' a nd mawiiifcrad lll lit Harrison on ttiaiiWstfiviiijy evening. Tins detail ' tyet oompletf bu e un'leraml Hmiit-(l,l pri-d will be offered for btr(rt eofciutno worn at tr boll. Pi" ioulam later. '"'ntc rtrtiirii-ifi'oni tlio Ufe aiitT judi tlalclwtiotuicf.h)e In nlow-ly. Kinkaid ' eletUdamlit ft belk've,! HorUmgli i wfh'r inniK nlTliough Crtrtow Is ftftcf m. It. nlw, .-h.imn Uiat POst It from Snake Pl!KS0AI. C'o.irles Palmer was up Creek Thursday. John Speas, i,S Cotton A-ood was Harrison on Friday. t t. fhniels contributed on subscrip- ,,-, on Thnrsclav. Chs.s. 'Cammeuzind contributed' on ul- 'rip'tioii on Friday. J. C. Shipley was up from Lower Run ;..,r Wnler on Wednesday. v. Uuim Miit us a remittance on ,,..v,.' .,:t;,,n the first of the week Christ (.1iritnsen railed on Saturday and addl his name to our list ol re.iuei t.-l,.chlan. mother of H. W. ',Am blan. has W-n visiting in town for some davs and ivturned to the farm ,..,,.- , Ki. kcls and Miss Ten Lyck ,call,c up on Monday from visit with J. H. Cook and at the f,.,n,. The former is a 1.. ,, r- Kickels and wa formerly ip.,1 of the oncy -W. .nd ' 1 ..... nM- fa r commission MW."MO ' Indian exhibit. .HISS ITO "J . ... . ( IU ,, - udeutot some m ThevaremaK lllg IHV..-I' ing'atourof nll the fetal l.u v.t.un... (tliUi enti is'riubli . 4..w .id Ohio !o(r wvntfintlio also corresliou t:... niinnr ""J."'?1 T' . e Indian agencies in !??. "rn .ho exhibit at the worms fair, V HiouxiM.t the only comity m-si-lntho-slH-aofw L ,tafevdayso ";oodde:.l thing for wi-s.i-ii' - ee government Lt it l" ril i e f. sjox laud y-l "I1.""..'? whiell in the untv iu the laii'i "',., -w, a.'rcs, whiell is county hO.OOO a re ,'n i bo state. J-" ;ttsi Wtorne Hfitls8.111 CHAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank. rSOOEPOBATED. Geo. Mil DEALER IN i' " " , GENERAL MERCHANDISE. : We Iiave now on Hand a First'dlass Stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Glovei, Lawt, Ribbons Hosiery, Boots and Shoes,- High Patent Bon Ton Flour ' Always on Hand, No Better in the Land A. .fimiks and Tliiiikcrs. A givut manv country boys imagifle that th'V can never make the . atuun meuls that are pos-.ihle to the city Iaos because tlxy are cut off from the great city libraries. The home library is small indeed; the circulating library of the township is not. much better in the num ber of books and inferior in quality, and ., , .... ; ,;., Ilmf: he. is cut oil from uie "in iiii'v,"''-. - . . . the fountains of learning. In this he falls into the very natural error that books make thinkers and doers. This is not always true, and, in act se Worn, if ever, true, on tno oinei n.oiu v.... ..... of reading a veiV giwit number and vari ety of books will time me .im.ui. iv out. of a boy about us quick ly asany thinirelse. He unconsciously falls into e habit of allowing the authors to do ,is thinking, and his mmd becomes a bucket hito which an.-thing may mured, hut with no power of assumlat m'aud digesting Urn contents. Books ! .e valuable in so far as they furnish such acts as cannot be obtained by the r valuable for sug gXns, valuable as n,nn can become successful as a thinker u , "ss he digests and assimilates as wel b reads. He must the hah t of tle mn-e, of independent thought, of reason ng f ont known facts and form ,f .o, and he is more elv to do Ibis if he is not, an omn.vor 0 i , fine of the best schools for r,murvb y is a "veil conducted de- ti Z Stv. where the questions-dis-Ijatiug sock, v country at portumt.v of taci i ' hl.ed have Ablest 'V'V4;'11c dP half so good General Banking Business TRANSACTED. Harrison. Nkckabka. Corn, Oats, Chop, Bran andall Kinds of Feed. A complete stock of Hwdwwe, Tinware, Barb Wire, and all kinds of Farm ' "Machinery, ' Which we will sell at Lowest Prices poasibl , We inviti ,. .. , t. all to call ami look : at. Our Goods before buying. We Shall 'Endeavor to Treaf all Fa'r and Square'.; Respectfully, ,. GEO. 0?TJlsrEI2- AGATE SPRINGS STOCK FARM. JAMES 11. COOK, Proprietor, Harrison, Sions Co., Ncbr. STANDARD-BRED HAMBLETONIAN TROTTING-S-TAt LION, MENDONIAN, 7928. i i.n,-, a ur i r.r siinr m t tirt'iifi u . wits tunicu iwl A. W. Mnrintr. Mendon, Mien.; na is a oei uiinui .ov ... i,..,,,, .nnnrtioned on tlie 271 fi day of May, S84, and uuiu8 ' " ' ,?nt,r well ns fu.HiooWi lir.HiiK of the und ol uttraetivo style; hl general makt-nnwoiw bi i i trottinir families on both sides. Bret order. His blood lines, us will oe seen nun. ura t...b . for generations. .. '... ,i,w, ,i,,me1o..2:SW. KniCiinOE-Mimdonmn was sired .W'V'Von bv Marshal Chief, dam Kitty Itatos by u nam Liuui ma '..;na Af . tilor. Jr.. nut 1"'J" n- fi,nirt hv American i'.ciinse, uy ' - - - KH"?"1 n;vul(!or. Ui; lie ,y Kentucky Clay. Graudduui by IniK)ited Medley. . , tcxlngton t'hiof, Jr. 2103 Siro of Frort S 8:21 Watting IM Spider 2:2i Daisy K 2:jBH l.itlle.'TiiTk.-2:!l Lottie ) Faith 2:23 Hope -2:SX Lcxiue'ton Chief, (776) ( Cftssius M. Clay, Jr., (22) Tcntnckv Clay, (1MT ! Sire of 2 in 2 :30 list. s"ro of 1 in tlieS:80 ltet. ( Dam of Lady Thorn, 2;18. Two Dams in 2:30 list- Lady Warficld I Bt -Mamhrino Chiof, (11) I Siroor Lady Tlioru, 2:18i. Minnie . Xlambrino Chief, (111 siro of Lady Thorn, 2:18?i Kirn nf five in 2:30 list. Mambrino Chief, Jr. (2141 Siro of 24 sons and 18 Hire of Mainbvino Sparkle, diuiKhtcrs who havo pro o.,7 " due.ed 2:30 poiforraora. Sireol 3in2:3" list- (.Danghtor of Birminghami Siro of 4 dams Of 2:30 trotters- Daughter of Imported Medley. . ' Second .lam by Xl I ii! trotters; one of Ms get, "cJiVn. 2 30- arno ig hVs get. Is Jessie if, ree. 2:24, keatlnc the best nve-jeur old recor. In t ho Mate "Wg, b Miwwrlode, the siro of BellO K, 2 :15 ; Edward, V-H Lewis, iw. 2:1.1 ; le '.' .i i' nd under. ' v' z' ' , ' , . o., and under, It will m found tbitt one-half of them are rterenllfmtof Of tho 3.1X10 trotters n the 2-30 -Iiws an i mi. , ni,.,,1I1-1,.rtf .,,. .... iroirt tho Mambrino Chief ,n ihu V'ft wni'he i MiVt ' th i lliu.iWolmitan, Mambrtnos and Clay, are the three greats fan ll"'" om'oVt"rs In the world: . tli ' , .u.wrssr,"""-"'l"",,r'r . " - -x "" -.' '. .'-AMMttM -"--'- -- r -1 liiHin-iin