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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1891)
-V lit A. inn tJ 'Kit. i life;; 1 re. C. Hi tin ,1 fc'i sc. I .Una, ua to.: of i tt-w.'.er 1 o:- 'i.ttr lht fi'.'in h; ""liMiti lim,;. Miulu t.m toilir ;i wtgiia. tn.i htd I'.s fllilii rrfil. ei.n (V.j ruiii Ins li..e. 3 l)f Ci(,T;r w:u3 ImjIH mu til! on a rui other (Jd Tt ;a B...I : t jii an.l li.ft the u liiey A tit; rale: i ubeuult l'r, u far: tj- autliol erection ,.cr. it p'lvid Fl jii.-no awl on of El ;ird, Che; !or brokec 50. iiela of ) le county ion. It i there will bob retur iland had valuable ?he fiorse its wicd Clay wul i ofwnuwl i 210 LuslJ wing MO burn of Fl Ihtono, bo'. I wound. three-feet Ella etrwij Ixjng for ' ilnuble ' Tdred for Fremont, ,t,Na 4.0. tLe bum's i will nt 01 to put P all ocean' tor.'. given at net BtrwW tf the im' wu Ink child'! The Sioux County Journal. KSTABUHED 1SW.J liTICUt. Wl'NTY PAPER. wiT rArns is tjik txHs-n-. I -.1V:ST .1Kf1"I-.TtON OF AXY JO .... o ., b rii'tum Prk, 2.00 Editor I J, MH1U1)I" TiirKstuv, Oct. 1, SIOLX t'Ol'STT. 1 rt Ari-Mrl DKpUy From Sioux flinty' agricultural irosrity d natural resourt-es were liretntJ in litiurite exhibit, uwcouiwrt! fron luilh '"The old U, uibui' n. tl;ir di-awing card, repreMMitin the immitive rf.vle f daellinj; commonly awd bv tl iimscr hon)eHtidT of th;il tountv. It aa very sulrstiuituilly built fnmi iu I'MTft and artisticullv de-irat; over tiie entrain with lh green foluu;e of the Jar and piuo (native timbers nf (lie county) out of which K'i-rvd two pairsof nionstroiiH ox horriH, indicHtiiij.' that tire cattle miiusiry is an impiuUinl (turc of production in Sioux county. Tlx interior walls of tlm cabin were me- clammily thatched with all kinds of nature-lied small grains and grasses so at rjo;l to sliow plainly the full growth ofstniw to Hie l"st advaiitiiKe, oats that iwMirHt five and a half feet stniu piiwtli; twit, four and a half feet ami fWHSiot tl-' blue ht;ui varieties that twered the Ik-.uIs of the visitor.,. Tkirexliii'H " niaiiiinoi;i i aiiionna liit tint't'ts sixty-four j!iiids, ami iowzeul 'laill is fully th-e tunes a UrT tli ordidary rurieties of n heat KknoVJtv in grains. ihe general uremic of the wheat crop of the comity jnfliisetviilively placeil at twenly-td tirjd iinr-llf busliels per a i e; oats, tV-live hi liflv bushels. I lie. Mints and VfjfelablcK en; all tlm iiei-:.-iieii-., fully tftalilislmw the claims fnrtli by imrUitt eslom Ni'braskn in general pro duction; t.itH-s, Ciibliae, turnip-., pumpkins, tomatoes, onion-, beets, e rially were the mikim Uet varieties pod, fully e-,labhsitn; ttie certainty ol tlut section of the state, for the sugar in dustry. A hi,,' turnip measuring thirty Ki en und one-half inches in i ire uiiitYr HH-e ami weighing sixteen iioiuids at tr.u:ted tl attention of Visitors. Sioux county does not make are serial claim to svipenor mm production. The corn proKMil is, however, erirouniginn, ami a (rood yield will be luul this vear, if frost holds olf ten days longer. The samples ofiVickwK boildiiiK wera of ex- ttilent ijiiality, and vvitli the abundance w cheapness of vvoixl for fuel made a pot impression with land Keekers. The jmttenirn fn Hmrge of tfiis display were Eli Smith, C. K. Holmes and J. .1. (!iven. -Omaha World-lfanhl, Wr-'re After Von. Tlw greatest of western pairs, the KMyfilati! Jmtniul, is detei iBHieil to boM ts circul.-Uion this faO. To do ttii trfcpaierhijn been cnlurged to twelve ptfu every weelc; new departments add 1, ami even' column frvshcnel and KtiUnwt ly eriin and origiiml ideun. !U Jtmrmil in-the true iul able e.tponent etieni etitenirise nni thought. H growu ajioce with the progress of "ourcoimnonweulth arn statuls to-day the bead of western iiewhpacrs, lulled by few and excelled liy none. will be mi exceptional fall ""1 inter for rcatti njj. Kvery man who "Win for biiuseif ami wants bin lxys and tirlto.iin ado Mime, should luive the Jnumnl in his family. Write tomplc. You need only Co ec the N to upprw iute it, tend twnntlj'-llve fora three, inontii.' tiri.ivl bulxscriie You will' tlieu iieconio a regular Kighty-flre tier cent of trial sule Mhw Rtick. Tliat's a grxxl rei-ord. .wtaiwd ttt tlw tate capiud the Jour H l ni,ir iti touch with the great (s eC th iwHinli iitifl. flm oiiesLnrvh i''tte the hour, thml any of its ipeUtors. Um't rurxi-t lo wnd for a "t'l p:per. We Wnn! miii lo see one. lr iUelf will do- ;i- r-4. One rr'ryear. Ad.lre.f U'nkhj Stair M Liin'oln. Neh. Bee Reduced ia Price. ('ru e of Uxr Omaha Weekly Bee ban been reducetl to JlJOO a Year. "Vi,!,,, to hirh.siislV 0 tb l,liir'iii tlm west, Villir nl ... . r "iirens winy oi TG HEB PUBIJlHllINd (X)." OiinsM, Neh. s i.,b,,.,,i.i ..r'.r njs.o'wiifk, "tnt ii.k'i,i' l'e . ,'uh. ft iilil Is ibr w . I.. Hjr,fi l,trivr Ihrf I V l-t Llw to the F.a. Tlw liiirlinrion It,..,!., n . ,r ... a., j tl """'""HMmlye,,,,,,,! m ssenirer num. n , l yoi.,;,,;dl(aw((mi Nrr ia. .iii- l j Nebraska, n.akii mg i nnnw -ti.m ! -'t 'bat int with tin iwir own ihi-,.i, .i, i -s for Lnver, Cheyenne, and mU:? Illntw ttL.1 1 r I .... " " I'l. tr naiisas Citv. St "---I'll, jsi. lAiuis, Omaha, I Peoria, I'ln- -5g. and all iK,jMts eitst I-.-i..ei,.kr this is the only Hne t,y " Inch you can take sleepin; car froi;, rawfoid in the eveni,,- amvin- in Lm "'hi and Omalm the next afternoon, illui in ' Im ago, Peoria and Kt Louis the fol lowing morning. For further information and tickets a For the ( uiiipaiirii. In order to j:ive every- reader in Ne braska and Iowa an opportunity to keep on the progress of the eaniiaign in Isith these states we have decided to otter the ltV.Hi ,,-fr the halanco ol this year Im- twenty-five cents. Soii.l in your orders early. Two dollars will 1 a. cepted for a lub of ten names. The Hi:k Pt iu.isiiinu Co., Omaha, Xeh. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATKOKHiKlts: John M.l l.ay. r (.oveinor, Lincoln, Sell. T. J. .MaJoi Lieutenant l.overnor J- Allen Se( retary of State T II. lie ii Auilitor John K. 11111 Tleami-el '.. M.llastiiiKs Utorncy (.eneral V K. Iluniihrey Land Conihiissioncr A. K.tiomly siipl. Public In. miction ( oSi.lths-luS.W. lil l.KI.ATIilN: A. I'll'I'lin k I'. S. Senator, lleatriee C V. Miin'leison ,.t'. s. siniiitor, (iiiinlm W.J. Il'-ati,l onrre-siniin Ht liist., (IliiilllH U . . Mehievlnei. il'l " Ite.l Cloinl . V. heal, " l I'.roke.ll Itow Jl UK 1 I!Y: n. .m ( ohli ( liief Justice, Lincoln ' t au cl! .-oc1Me Juilj;!', Krenuilll f. .' . Nor, al Associate Juilc, ew:ii-l H. V. I iiijils-ll . .( li i k iiiel l!ciort"r, Lincoln 1 v KI.HII Jl UK 1A1. lilsTUKT: . ;'. Klnkni'l V. U . Crltei. o carl l.jnileuian.- ....Jii'lj,"', O'Neill " ( hiell'oli ..Clerk, llalllson cm N rv omcKit-: I',arl;cr County JuiIk'c . o.mel l.lieleiimn Clerk M. .1. 1.;,;, hurt 'Ireiisnrei . oiitliwnrth snpt, IU I ! t- Instruction rims. Ileliljr,. Slierlll l.eo. .. shali-r oioni i A. II. Hew surveyor l onr.i.l l.lliilciiinn.... Clerk ol District ( ourl 1!. T. I onley County Attorney 1111 Mill OK CoMMlssloNLltS: Iib- r. tiiove, (clminuitn t Ulsiii'-t I. A. Orccn 3-1 " K. W. Knott -- ' I.KiilsLATIVK: W. V, llwin Mnintor, nut o. 14, L'liaoron Kl. I., lliwtl) liT-i I""1- No-M, Huslivllle VILLAi.K OKHCLKS: j s. L. 1(. Maine (cliulrnnin i rnntcii s. If. Jones " oriinl tiiillirle " Tlioiuns tlfiit y K. ii. lloni'h, ' " VV. II. Davis Clerk i,. (iutliric Treasurer J. W.-coft Street Coinuiissloncr SCIKHlL OKKK Klis: Mrn. Y.Ai. IIoiikIi Director W. II. W'rli-'M M.Klcrutor W. HCsier - j'1'rensiirer TKliMsoKCOUUT: District Court,-At llnrrlson, coiniucnccs Kelinuiry PitU hii scpteinlsir sth, Mil. County Court.-At llarrlson,- eomiiicnccs tlrst Mundiiv of eatli inontii. CIICItCIIKH AND.SOC1KTIKS M. K. Cliurrli -rcHcliini? n-li ullcrimtc suiiilsvnt 10:30 a. lie, ami every Sunday even nK nt'7 K- KonitK, Pastor. l-nisi-mml service, nt the cliurdi oil tin- L-...I..V -...h, l,elweui tlie Inst tv Sim- days of each mon ffli, conducted by He. J. M llntes. I nl.vl s,1Tiay wliool every Sunday nt 11 ;30 L. I". K. tfORICK.Siipt, oo.n.s, !,..,.! meets at the cliurcli each Sun- iUv nfterniMHi nt 3 o'clock. si. C. 1. IIASHKTT, Slipt. MP wK0Un mm '7"" IILL , ,t ii. In.!":, i (, 1-1.1 ! rnn m,i hlj )"' e-(,ft., If 111 BT" P" t b iir, tl' M.i.HtVBti UHl? hi to l' r . . r . ' i v.- rl "iii i""" ' .pimE-Arn iTAX SALE tllii-J. ..I W .1.. . r .. . .. ' ,r '""H rnii- 111 -il.UH C,M.;, Vl-niika, -..rTm, K ' fur iiie V,-r ;M). se1. 32 ill 32 ill ill ill : .'" iea.ur,.-of i . i-hi r. in i . . oi .111,1 , ,., l'""1-"" V1,!' e Itevenue l.a.,, lh.- -UW ol " 1. M. t.ityluirt. iii-a.ui.-r "I -ion- (ounlv, .Neliruska on in- iir.t MunH.!v ol No' JeailK-r, i. Ii., 11,'w,.,.,, tin hour- ol nine o', luck l si-1! sw'. "e!d M- Ill-l.. sv s; i e'4 w ;4 sw i4 '"i"'1. I ne', le', I, w i. ii 2 III 15 2S 2i :M 21) "'-.''Ml lour oclixk ,., -... . .... ..u,ilr Kin. ami - ll. lit my olure j tile vil mw ol,,,, ( ountv ol 'Xnw;4 -lMI :.,! M.,1,-,,1 N, jni,ti,, ues, s lie'. S "Ml. I ,M r(..S w n w i. Ol SJIUI Slui Cuimty, "". " I I'll- HIIHIW- UIK i-eal estate sit "lite.l in the ,.,,, ,(y (), sioil, li,r Hie .-onolllit ol lax 'III.- iliereon.ns sliite.i herein, levieil r stale, eitiliitv. vil SW '., i ' e: ne isio-, si'liijKjl listl let hi tor n WW nw 1, hw4 lies, s,-i, s', nev .ui oilier iu -jm.,-. lor the vear s , ;,, i,, njake Ihere 311 12 ironi me uiiioiint ol siii.l tax se', nw't is uo.eci Herein, lor tin- veal anin-sani, vntll Hlu.i, eiis-., ii,r leivcrtisiiin, inter loi -z. ni-S sw'i 7 ' NW'4 'l sei4 n w ', ie,-s ii s iimy nave nee, lien HI me lone, of sale i win luljoiirn saiil sali- ironi si-'. 'ia lo llaV tllll 1 a of tl... liuiiis, lots ami liloeks have w lie', IH-eu Ollereil. M. (. M luicT, rreiisurer, siiiui County, .ehrnsku. Vll,I.AI,KOf 1IAKK1SOX. lie'. nw '. ', w ne'4 lots I iiiul 2. LOTS. IILOCK. AMI' I2 . h m ', f t '""4 X set,. l:i 1 I Jl) I.'. V, i; I nw'4 mi;', lots I nud 2. '.i SI i liw' IS 44 -iw'., lie'! '"'' sw't se' 1'J I Ii 'I 11 'J! n ;ii ii -c. COT'MNWOOIl fu 7 in I i i, s j 10 lli 1 i .! ll 1! 15 ;i; SKC. :m 29 32 s 12 IS 14 !i ', V( M', '!' s.1 SW ', ii l i nw '. 4 Ii; 4 Ii-. se!i il .Is :tt si ,i:i s I1W', ne'. S ii" ne',, nw'x 7 Tl ne'. 7 7D sj n w '4 S 'i Jl v1' It "l 3 U -A is 44 III 41 e; lie', nw', nw'i4 !i se'a I : 1 -ll i t 21 si", se;4 11 W'4 sc'4 WJl SW', 111", s ', 1.', :i' 11 '2V I a :r 4 r. n nw'. il J m", n-'4 ne'4 .v i, ne'., amiiiI:s riiKctsirr. n w '4 Dksc. sr.c. T, It. Ami. lots.-; ami 4 se 'i sw ne 'j I :io 54 a iiv sw 1 i ne i, sw "i n ; -e i., ;n :n m ' .v till ' j .111 M a ':' in-14 is :m M : if.' se i , ii ;m .Vi Hi II V 1 v sW1 'i "fi,'"'', :i :v ia h !ih w tu-l4 ' 1 w 3-1 Ota .-', i'i :( 'il 543 .'', ;il w uw1, - "ki 'if M .'.'.M-ij M 31 loi I .ei, ne'i :i :m s i'l -el, :ia !ll lois I mid 1 2 :ro a a -Hi, 7 :sl M f in-', si'U -tl U.S. SH siri,iiu'4 M HI M SOS 11W1,, SC'! sw he't sei, n i4 :;i SI M ii 70 ll w', se'. -', .1-1, lots 1 and i s.Vi ne', ad, Mi, s , s ',( nu ',, in-', se', iiw' nci, hv '-4 a lie' l'ssu', "C'.l s'v 11 W ' , ll'v SW w 1 , nw uw' , sw', sd, nel, lie', se1., si", se'4 sw ', sw',' uw'i lift', ne'4 in"., III!1, sd4 M1, SW', c;-j sc4 ne'4 in", sc'i eSj seL, SW', NW1, UW':, 11W ', si"., SW', SW', s se', se', sw'.. ASTKI.OI'S l'llI'.CISIT. 11KSC. BKC. T. H. AMT. lots I and 1. e'. nwi, p.i M w; 1 5 'ii s, lie', ., se', 'Jl .11 -''7 4 K.1 ne'., -U : 57 4 III w '-. im ', w k, sv. 't 111 S3 5(1 4 .Ki lots :l null (. els .-'. ill ft! 4 .Jl ', :i :u ri : e. 13 31 ! !"" .'4 13 l 57 4 112 nw'4 sw1, s ij hl sw'. si", H-l 31 ' ' H aPi.. fl :H all 5 15 ,..' la .'14 -''i 5 H ia ill M 4 !S ,wi II M 5 in ,.! 17 31 flli j sWi, tt 31 511 4 Hi e, se', , se'., ne'j s sw'., ll'4 '.I 34 .il, fHli ,.i.' (I 31 . 5 Ill e!-, neU ' 4 IB IlollAIli: I'RKCINCT. Dksc. srx- T. U. Amt. so!4 nei we'; Ll a,,,,:., w : M UK lots I and 2 lu 3 m im ,.V ne't 'il iif ,'! 4! ,es, 1H il ' 111 Hi nwUliM', 17 S'3U :? s s is uvr'ne'4 11 l-' 31 55 n wl'sei, W 32 55 Stirt nc' nw'4 15 'i-.p. 10 "42 nVZ'l 11 '42 sVu s H ne'i n!4 11 " (IX so! 3 5;VA " 3'2 1184 se', se'4 9 wi w'4 1" .. nw'tiiwlii 15 3- 5S 801 s'i UW '., lots 2 nud 3 ntiuil 4. se.'.sw', 18 se'a sn l4 W'A ne'4 lit", ll'( C tl f SW'V shl nc'., FIVE MINTS si:. 18 17 t-lit' ne', w hi nw', niv', sc',sw'4 SW'., SC1, C 111 111'1, sw'i, ne',, nw', sc'4 u hi ne1, s hf se', 0 hf ne4 nw'-4 ne.1-. nc'ii w lif nw!4 ii Ill ne', sw'4 ne'.. w hi se', .se'-4 se'4 sc1, sTL4 HW'4 ne1:, lot 3 ne1., no' , nw''4 n lif neh ni'' ii '4 n 1)1 nw'4 w lit' m", swU se1-, lot 2 HW'4 W III' swii SW 11 ' '4 so1 lief, nw(4 iio;i n sw4 ITAT CHEEK 1 12 11 35 10 (Kl SO 9 91 85 5 92 nX se', sX nc1, nklHC1, se'4 hw! HWl, sr'4 pX''i nw''4 sw34 ic'j, n w 'a iii"4 ne1, llV) nwsi se')rseil' HWSi SW'n W se', ill se'i hi", ne't DKSC. SEC. 0 111 (" c hf nei 11 hf scf wbf aw hi c hf sw'i, e hf nh 0 lif se'4 e hf 111", ne' SWI4 hpM ynlf. HW'ji 31 55 8 89 yr .M sr. so (J 3i 83 1ft BJ nw' rU't 30 IIO'SBW1 11 hf '1 2fi whfa', I4' w lit nw'i 23 ",!' .? ne', Al lots 1 and 2. slifne'i 4 lots.') and 4. s lif nw'4 4 hf nVi n hf scli aVaei, 2 lie'., ne1. 13 lots 3 and 4. e.ViNVf', 1 lots I ami 2. c4 nw'j 1H "4 ",'' ,., seitliw'ji U l"!l4, .., lots I and 2. s.Vf lie '4 " lot. 1 and 2- Hkj ne't 3 lot 11 and sn nw't 32 32 32' 32 32 35: 5(1 10 82 55 10 51 55 10 4(1 55 " 47 55 11 85 55 11 86 SC14 35 65 8 90 LOWKlf HUHNINd 55 9 C'2 mi-U sw'. HW'4 HI1'. W.'l IM!1 ; bw' -e., IIW' sw ', sei4 nw1 lot. 8 ii '3 seU 1 1F.SC. seU 11 17 32 55 H 8B e hf sw'4 w hf se! 2(1 se'4 25 ne'i 21 8 lit ei4 se1 nw1 " '! sk.!w lots 1 ana i. 8hflie' 8 nei 2 awi ', 25 lot V nek n Wk j n hf ne1 ' 11 lif nwv ili r4 32 55-, fl fl Id (1 2(1 8 88 1 32 32 6fl' fl 41 ne'4 24 IIOWEN I'RKCINCT. tejs t. 11. A r. DKSC. IK'1 se', nw'l ic'l (li.llW'.l' ?i .11 5(1 6lll L HI 50 8 1(1 u :il fkl 411 .13 l W ""5 jf IB' l 4'f' i i 5 71 111 lie'-,' a III SW 1. I 0 85 ; e 28 28 28 28 2 74 3 44 5 50 SO IS DO 8 hi; 57 S ID SB 9 lis 56 Ii Pi .ri 10 40 :' in 56 9 lis 5li 7 22 ."Hi 7 22 sw1, se', 1 nw , ne'j nw ' , sw '4 ill lie1. a lots land 2. a and i 3 5 12 lots (i and 7. lit s '., C lots Hum I 4. hluw i. 1 29 29 5 12 6 20 nw t 22 HO.NTBOSe eKEClSCT. lot 1 5 44 ;t DliSC. SF.C. 28 28 23 :i5 :!5 29 9 4 T. iif 35 It. AMT. 54 9 .19 54 4 75 54 8 98 55 10 si 55 10 81 53 10 81 lie', nw'. lif nei, 111 -'., 9 H5 ", ti IU uf nwKi s til ne1, nc-i, ti hi lie', s 111 si-1-, eln in-1, 5 50 .'ili 50 5i '.I 36 :(4 54 11 01 8 'J 85 0 lk 0 PJ s 111 nw ', si-', lll-l, ne1, 24 34 55 10 91 is :i5 54 9 39 21 34 55 10 Bl 32 35 54 9 80 29 35 51 4 75 23 iJ4 55 10 81 20 35 55 11 00 19 :A 54 11 01 il4 il4 55 HI 81 29 34 55 10 81 23 35 55 10 55 28 34 55 10 81 10 34 54 9 i 3 34 54 9 39 3 34 54 9 il9 13 34 55 11 01 19 30 35 54 4 54 21 34 Mi 10 Bl 24 iifi 54 '.I iiil 20 34 .55 10 81 5 34 5.1 4 75 18 34 54 1 20 5 34 54 U 111 28 34 55 10 81 3 4 34 33 35 54 9 85 24 35 55 4 75 24 35 if, 4 75 7 34 55 4 73 13 34 55 11 01 33 34 .V, 10 81 22 35 54 8 17 25 34 55 1101 30 35 54 4 75 M 34 55 11 (II 30 " 54 II 01 19 35 55 10 55 31 " 53 9 311 4 34 54 11 07 22 35 f 1 8 58 22 " 51 H 58 13 34 5 11 01 19 35 " 5 00 20 34 " 10 81 20 " " 10 81 25 35 61 39 21 34 55 10 81 n 111 nvvs, 11 lit lie1., uw' lots 1 ami 2 (i 111 (1 19 s lit nef4 se'. 30 10 e lif nwi, H III tie;. :w 5H o pj s III se1,' nw', si!1, SI'l, 3W'4 s in' nwL, n lif sw, nel, e lit sei, e lit ne1 SWI4 i'. 30 50 0 1'J ISO M 9 K I 51 30 0 19 5 44 si-1, sei. 19 part ne', sw!. swU 50 Ii 19 nw", n w ', II W1!, .50 10 94 50 9 03 no ne1 .'si 10 14 s lit se1!. u; 7 oo 50 U 85 SW", seVj e 111 1IWI4 1'HECINOT. lots 1 anil 2 T. It. i AMT. si", sw'. lots 1 and 2 53 S s hf no1,' M 11 04 L nWs lit"', HWl, nwi,, sef. 53 53 53 51 53 sw', 11c', I! hf sW1, S w hi se1, se', III!', -2 Oil 9 (Ki llC, 1 1 se'. e 111 sw1, s III nw'. 24 32 53 1(1 54 21 3i 53 1(1 09 32 33 53 17 30 9 32,1 ,53 . 8 l!l 21 St 53 tt 01 13 32 53 8 59 5 32 53 10 (ill n 32 53 10 82 2 32 54 4 95 7 32 53 11 50 '29 :0 53 10 07 M 31 5il 8 37 V J Si! 53 8 (15 22 3 2 53 7 25 11 i3 53 10 87 il 32 53 7 02 14 15 32 '53 1 71 19 211 :KI 33 53 H 44 25 3.3 53 5 02 li 32 53 11 04 11 10 53 7 04 24 32 53 4 10 18 17 20 33 53 9 71 8 32 53 11 74 14 15 33 53 7 74 sw1-, ne', nw'4 se"-, lot 3 se', nw'4 "hi HW', lot 4. swi, 11WI4 w 111 aw?4 se1, n lif nw'4 sw 1, w 111 ne'4 w lif se1-, in". ltl'NMMi PRKC1NCT. ire;'. SFX. T. K. AMT e hi nw'. sw'. lie'. nw'.s,"i 31 20 60 5 00 si", ne', lie', si", 22 sw', nw', sw-14 lid., 21 29 511 fi 01 4 27 55 5 1:0 4 27 " 5 "0 2 15 29 5(1 18 1 28 " 4 83 25 29 0 18 .:3 Ii; 29 " 0 18 nw' , n 1;. ..'ll4 SC., . .. ', IOI, 4 S 111 M'!, 111-!, HW'l nw'i seJi s 111 se', se1, sw1, sw"4 sei. 11 w -, 11 w1, 11 lif nek, lot 4. nw , sw;, ne'i sc'4 se', SW1, SW1;, nw'i si'!, sw neJt 211 29 7 68 2! 29 2 W 5 9' 81IKKP CHEEK 1'REClN'CT )KaC. SF.C- T. It. AMT sw.'f 23 nw'V w hf sw3 lot 4 1 211 5 (10 54 10 34 lotH 1,2 and 3 2 23 58 5 60 SNAKE CRKEK ritrX'INCT KI 53 8 94 DBBC. SF.C. T. R. AMT. nek' 22 25 55 5 1 WAKUONNET 1'HECINCT 32 53 8 DESC. SEC. T. K. AMT. lots 2 and 3 so',' 11WV1' lit' Vf '.! lot 4 se'. gvih lot 1 nclj' nwjf swlf s hf HVH s hf se'4 9 hf hw'H' s hf wV 11 hf neif ne'4 nw!' KCH n" e lif swM w lifnwlt' seK 11 wit n'M' se-V s hf nwi, 11 hf swX s hf se! s lif hw)V ' w hf sw V seK iie)( . neH se)t w lifne!' w hf aeh n hf IH'Vl seW ne!' neX iiwV seV nw s hf seV 0 hf miii' sw"' ne.Vf nwX se.'i rlwW , e hf He'4 nek' neV 3 98 f!) ' 33 56 4 09 18 19 " 4 87 20 " " 0 21 17 32 " 3 45 18 " " 6 26 14 at 33 " 11 4a 14 11 ri 57 3 02 15 ' " 5 12 1 " " 5 12. 8 " l 5 1 t X " 5 12 9 " " 5 12 15 " " 6 12 2 " " 5 12 2 " 5 12 24 " 5(1 2 99 27 " " 8 27 24 " " fl 12 27 34 35 " " 7 38 )' " " 5 31 25" 20 " 5 3"! I'KKCIN'CT. 33 3i! li li 49 33 il", 9 00 fi 8' Sit 33 33 Hit 33 .13 itl 8 4G fl 0 04 ft 53 8 ' J 5' 8 0i 32 54 4 23 54 11 2' 54 8 2' 54 8 99 A4 3 41 54 8 53 0 90 7 08 7 08 nwM nw1 lots 1 and 2. 8 hf nek s lif sw !a swk seX se! sei. 33 33. 33 PKECINCT. T. K.- AMT. n lit sw'4 HR'H Ht". 25 55 55 55 55 5ft 55 55 Ki ft 04 r. m i 38 8 09 7 01 42 8 IA 6 (10 3 80 4 18 7 01 (1 04 9 80 8 20 0 37 neorseX 20 " " 5 21 seX 5 3? " 9 4 shlsey 12 n hf nek 13 33 57 4 99 lots 2 and 3 sivV new seX mi 4 32' i 10 25 lots 1 and 2 a hf nek 1 I1WX 8 " i 0 48 mo qr ho qr 28 55 ffS 55 55 55 58 65 55 6ff w hf sw ur BWqrnifiii'27 SH " 7 so qr ii3 " " 7 n bt so qr t swqraeqt? seqrswqr JS " "- 7 no qr 83 " 9 w hf nc qr noqrnoqr S2 wqrsoqr 29 " ". 8 gn qr )3 ' " nw qr St " " 8 so qr e qr 23 nOqrnoqr iltl thfswqr 24 " " 6 nwqr 84 " 8 WHITE BtVER PRECINCT. li 05 8 13 VATKB l'RK- umii. SKC. T. It.' AMT. 2d 53 S 07 W M1 5 07 27 53 ft 12 29 63 ft 28 2S 63, 4 01 28 ' 64 6 48 27 64 6 43 27 68 ft 60 27 63 A 12 2fT 6.V-' 86 DF.BC. HKC. sw qr so qr fl w hf tie qr noqr neqr' 7 w hf w qr a hf nw qr S3 sw qr 36 noqrnuqr 25 noqr 84 no ir 35 11 h f so qr fl swqrnw qr nwqrswqr 0 Bill noqr aeqr nw qr ,uoqrwijr 27' ii. AMT, 30 58 7 13 S3 6 05 3 21 9 00 9 00 30 8 7(1 ti 00 lit" qr e lif sw ijr iiwor seqr sw qr neijr 4 w hi uiel se qr w nr Hint sw qr nwor 23 11' .12 9 9" . e 111 1 'i hi s I lots 3 ami 4. l Ll uw qr 4 9 00 I M- ,(! 4 13 .13 j sw 'r s qr 3 w 111 uw qr 10 1 si)r n- qr 9 10 00 i s lit qr i nw ifl'ffW qr 27 13 73 se qr m- qr 28 9 00 j ne qr sw qr ; tt lif s qr ; swqr neqr 23 ne iir it; 111 M or lot 3 14 lots 1 and 2 23 iot 1 ami 2 lit ne ijr I 30 31 nw ,r .. 34 ne qr nw- qr . i5k yolir ijealpr for it I t 'HW1 U1 f PaVirA.rj it. I THE "EhSER PRICSUOTDrTTPl SE6B6E mm St CO- CINCINNATI, OHIO s H S157jSS8 "e"9Ei:, 2 zeiiJ.t!'. 9 J-ii!Si'3 .h - u sin v"3 0 im est 5rs.fl 0 Are strictly flrst-eltss in every detail, possess an absolutely perfect repeating action antt handisme cases. Fully war- ranted. Are the best in the world, and have led all others for years. Over 210,000 in nse. Tho people are bonnd to have the best, and will have nose but the ESTEY. Time payments or cash, as customers prefer. Call and see ns, or send for Catulaes and fall information. 53r4 LfSSVe. j EM ESTEY 233 State Street, Chioago. tarSt. iouis Hems, Mention this THE HEW LEVER SAFETY The Perfection of simplicity and ECONOMY of POWER. NO C1IAITNM. NO GEAB8. VARIABLE STROKE, only two sets of Revolving Bearings. Best Hill Climbing; and all around Safety made. H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO. SMITH VI LLE, N. J. e ii! nw qr bt neqr " " tw e hf m qr 12 30 " I t3 lots 3 ale! I. nt nw qr 1 - Jl 23 lot 4 -swqrnwqr 4 lots 1 and 2 5 31 ' 13 3$ lot 7 M-qr is qr 3 neqr nw qr lot I Kl " 13 3S is hf ue qr 11 hf M'qr ? M " 11 23 nv qr 33 31 " 9 99 seqr A " 112:! nc qr 12 " " 13 ol 7 37 9 ;.! I 0 2 1 9 Mi 13 Si " BUGGY iVatt ir thSigrv,. ifiii5l. PI 2! SaPI .-si- a esc 5 g eh$J 1. S 8 J , g3 si e 2 7T.B H kL. BB-ki-p-weiB WMja S"isa"a a a ha Iw IHb 916 & 918 GlM6 St Paprr. COVEN WIRE FENCING WIRE ROPE SELVAGE ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST for Lawns, Gardens, firnri, Ranches and Railroads. ! PRICES Kl.UUCEU. Sold bv dealer. FRKIOHT PAID. JlcMt'l.l.KN'S Itltil.TKV NETTIMJ. New Thing I , No saKijinirl No bairgnirl Extra Heary Helvu.. The MoMullen Wotw Win tunw Co., Obiuijro, SL lUMMt fyyj1 4 ' SW Home j.), ' ." two oltvo st.'," nt.' LuttW, M . BEST I IWMBtMRI ' ' ft 4 i '-is. t ' fi i i.'f, i i ! ' I- I i' T "' IW I. mnrr '"kwTIa' ! m iM.t4 nt. llAfil1- I flt Olirl. sisU. . . ' . .' V'