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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1891)
The Sioux County Journal HARBISON, NEB., SEPT. 24, 1891. 2STO. 2. t.ri,'V (Vlt'VTV .iut to take, from t e J. VrirW. any ho lave not ordered the ' irju T.f.i H. V B. R. Time taltlr. Wt- Uolufl Kurt. mUrd, )JO!S. C mixed Vio - r-r.. Money! t-J.'w to Win OQ fa. amount. A of Harrison. ftlH in imull iyut once at the Bank .shoes, Tr V A NTTVFRSs LEADfcK Ur the U-xt in tlie countrv 3RCHHT TMLORING.t- .,, UTT STYLES, rwmed tbeir iirst-born son, who arrived LOW EST PRICES, j ftt Uye'r 'wine Tuesday. PERFECT FITS. ; -Tell your friends jn the eu4 that uwre ii a large amount of government land in hioux county own for settle- WooH in all in- , - rtiM, W ram yunlay afternoon .,.., Kr a up until well into i,e i.,.(. 'i"1' l water fell and put the ground m good condition for fall Mow ing and seeding. Satisfaction Guar anteed stances. -tftOMPT ATTENTION GIVEN To CKAWroUI Kt ALI.IAN'CK, NKHKASKA. FA R MS HOttniT AND HOLD by the aska Security HARRISON, NEK. Infurrsiralod.l IiIJI IT CiTf AL Co., y),000. Of) fn,ooo.oo Offlfr: it l,i!:i. Pnwldrtil. Uwi i,r.m.icn, Viee-I"rvldiiit. rt. II. JnM, wrrUiry. ', K. Vnm.lreiv.iirer. II. T. luxtti, Aiutrnry. y?hnwtm on our H1.j over thirty I whMi wmn wll on LON'U I T1MK and EASY PAY MENTS. rrtie wishing to MlV or sell idiould Vt the Secretary, mds bought ultd iwid on commiAUon. MR EM 'OX DK VCK SOLICITED Mire, JlKlllU'-IUmrHIt'Tf'O. Ilarrlvri Ncbrnka l - w wiH Jfive The JoikxaI, one vear ! to the party who will bring us the tirir- wt watermelon. A record of the weight of ctu-h melon brought in will be kept and tlie award made at the of the season. diaries Iliehlehas purchased a black (tolled hull from J. II. Cook. It in pleas ing to note that the farmers are prepar ing to grade up their cattle. It costs no more to raise (food stotk than ior and Jjtlif returns aro much moro satisfactory. (;. S. Scott has moved into town sind oc-ciipies the (ialpin property, in or der tliat Ids children may K to x hool. Tlwre ore a )-'osl many in Sioux county who have children who are deprived of j school simply there so few jo plp. Every parent should try and "coax" otlier settlent to hi.s nei'hlKir IhkkI, - Oo lu'count of tlie storm even ing the entertainment by Miss Chapman was postponed until Saturday evening, S-pl. 2th. All who can should avail theinselvps of the npxrtuuity to hear this gifted lady. Those who have heard her pronounce her an artist in her pro fession, so if you want to spend an even ing of pleasure, bt sure to lie at the church Saturday evening. -The work of threshing will likely lie pushed along (piite rapidly in this local ity. J. E. Wallace ha-s started his nia- JTmOAnnton at the rhurch Haltir kmtiiog. cJiitw up and the Dove machine from Wltonvwiod Is In WartKinnet precinct and a fnndiine Ik expected from Wyom ins in a few dayn. The work will Iss di vided tip so that it will not Is; lout,' until the grain will all be ready for mill and market. Democratic Conrratioa. The democratic county convention was called to order at 11 o clock a m. on Mondavi September 21, with Jacob Mark ing, or rive roints precinct, as tempor ary chairman and J. 15. Hurke, of IMarc I -Ilk-hest market l.n.'e Jaid fur grm . ' 0n m conventiott adjourned until K lie Harrison Lumber 1 nrd. I 9 A couple of Hirht rait visited thisi At 2 p, tm the convention was called lnlitjf during tlw pwtt week. j to onlef by Chairman, and tliere liemg no Wlien pfi ratit U pKKl nmokc ffl to 'urn's nrl if one irf tile t'liarnier" contesting delegations, oft motion the following-named wrsous were eniuieu 10 seats ax deleiites in this convention: Amelttw (.' o. II. nirnrr -A'lrew-Clni. Scott, by Jrh. H. ott pruiy. mslafft-.l. IfThirkn. Ilowvn-W' K-Hoyt, JuflKsWeTursmiflk.. lK'l!t?olTi'ts--J:oh Maftlng. Kritz Sttcb nml IjiiiIs Hufflim. Hul ( reek ('. . Coffee, Win. Miller. Ixiwer, Ames. Montro-(J. Itnlnerj, M. I). Jordan, Jacob WerhrBir nnd Jot'n Jiellcno, Wurboiinet-Jerrv WIH nd John Merman. On motion temfiorary ornizatioq mu mnd tvPAi:(nen. Th ronven(i6D Chen proceeded with JMS!,a tilt: n rfkU the ff (be nifnination of candidates for t ie : sev- ,ini i ,.t,M.v which resultea in ine runRi win nvB bit. rt Biam ( (Mnir Treiisurer Jacob Mf KlnK, ol -J. H, (,o1; loalletl a car Of fat caH PI ua Tuesday and also Miipped a iWt pnLttk on the same ilsif. wTRr: Two iroat wood-:hopfifrfs RlfHAKI) IH SS. Tilt Jot mxu iwitl eh UWkly lit m now until January li ftfr 13 Vaah in advance. -Only M c!t in 'i!1i wil wrirej tie who fflti e suS rl Rraiu Ml WiW ret it be Known. -Krtri5int for (enrhef'd cerf f(i- "Piwieoted theinsehes last rmtcy ifiturny fr examfnutfoB. "or( yive l'6int I. r R Tturkewi1 V"x ("Xh' fill. Tiff M.'t). Jordsu, hi Mont r'r.,i)'-A-.i,,,l.--Juli,m SlcWiV-of Ho . A , ri'l wiv.t rt cwk.of Cottonwood prwlnet. toi (omity Surveyor-JoWn K !"' ' I".'-"" H- .1 Shnr.,rf ttit County rn nrectncfc door its "nt (. ftnlK A hoiV rnW buve, huir-csr? or' linumpV'.' . votiib nnu N9 ii we 'jon u M. Onjfiwoi.f A IhtiSrtttM- A. t'unniiiKttt-ni' nA cA c u Jwboilding north d the rsrklvsui ffteiweM a oW-mnlTii jr enUBn- itfW.-.KirsU:las native . IliniBfr wufrten dmatantly on bund ut iV.V JjW Eairf Ronryi 13 miles eaiit of v J. E. ARKB. Vj Tuewl A. M. DnnieU ent u a melon wnicS weighed 23' pounds, rpratty fair,- ieioff the lieaviest Wit to our offle ad fr tliii imaiton. Wlwa to aay thaW te mlon as are ii faittr ttW rrons: fcckin Uiraahed M BiWieln , of flwn the product of flired buahelt SiZ, Tni SUA laid mtflet! three feet Uof ralllet and tut fedt HJ flaw (tf Moux county vs. G C, ffW etoat itn In the countv court on 39 Coutfty Attorney Conley prwc j l""nl ruse and Oeorm Walker de- J.I). The Mnl'w.. itui iviuntv a few day iudirmrfnt fnr MR. Uai bal-1 winter at H -A j. Tucker, of The officers and meiVibefs of the cen tral committee were electee Miouo thftlnnan-K. I), wiiif rieo. V?r5i J "d VrlU H(KS'i "at Cre.ek.--C. F. of; ZL.. i.,r Kunlilnifwater Clint Aims, rmtn--i. "! and M. P, Jorrtan ; JOn moSSS' the colialy cereal com mUtee wan empowered to (llV any and Wancies which .aHffht ocfttlr on the . B. BCBKE, finalKman. Secretary PERSONAL. Charles Peterson' callerf tf.&n'ty ltcimblican ( onuty ( onfeiitiun. ! Republican county convention met at 11 o'clock a. m., Sept. 19, luftl, and Uriah Adams, of Montrose pret im l, was elected teni)oniry chairman and A. R. Dew, of Warlsmnet precinct, as tempor ary Secretary. Moved and setximled that the conven tion adjourn until one o'clock. Lost. Moved that tire chairman appoint a committee ou credentials. The follow ing committee was apiinted: A. Mctiinley, F. Tinkham, D. AV. Woody, J. W. lluntt-r, A. R. Kennedy. Moved and seconded that the chair ad. point a committee on permanent organi zation and order of business. Carried. The following committee was apiointed: Wm. Dixon, A. Nicholson, JohnCur ren, A. R. Dew, Solomon Stoi. Moved and seconded that the commit tues retire and prejarn their reports. I'nrried. HKPOKT OF COMMITTEE OS CIIKDENTIAJUS. Your committee on credentials find the following persons entitled to seats as delegates in this convetion viz; A!i1i'1(jm; None. Andrews J. W. Kobliison. Hixl hit -Wm. Dijioii S . I.,ilfei'ty, J. W. Hunter. Cottoim-txid- Five I'olntH-M. J. O'Conni'l, K. Tiiiklinm. Ijiwer Hiiinihi('utcr Alviii Nicholson, O. J. iiowrv. Hat ( n ek - A. W. Molir, I). V, Woody. Moutrosc-Ja. Clark, r, Adams. I). K. Mack. ItuiiiihiKwater- A. Melilnley, It, Addie. Stiske Creek -John Curren, Jr. sheep I 'reck - w hlte lliver- WnilK)iim:t-A. U. Keiitiedv. A. Ii. Dew.K. J. Wilcox. nowi-n -(.rant i.utlirie, Ceo. Walker, Aiwl nip. cliolcc ot one otlier (lelcijalc mil C. K. Verltv, and hi.- elioiee of one other lelcatclpr howen iireeim-t. A. MclilM.KV, 1 i. W. Woouv, A. H. KkvnkiiV, VCoiii. 1 RXK TlNKIIAM, I J. W. 1ICXTKH. I Report of the committee on creden-! tials was amended as follows: bj' strik ing out the word "none" after Antelope precinct. On motion the reiort of the Commit tee on credentials was adopted as amended. C. E. Verity named David Bartlett as lis associate ami tieorge Walker selected E, (j. Hough as his associate delegate. RETORT OF COMMITTER t)X TKKMANHNT OR GANIZATION A-M) Oi:lt'.It OF BUSINESS. (IentU'.mes: Your comniittee on per manent organization beg leave to report a;) follows: For Termaiiont Chairman, Uriah Adams. For l'rriiinaent Secretary, A. K. Oew. The order of business as follows: 1. Delegates to the state convention. 2. " " judicial " 3- Noinlnatlc.m for county clerk. 4. " " treusiircr. 5. " ' " Mljerltr. B. " ' " aiiiieriiiU'iidunt 7 ' " coroner. H, " " " jlto- y, " " ifi'vcyor. Wm. Ilixo.v, 1 A. Nichoi,on, i(, JOHN CCI1KES, pul"' A. It. DiJW. I On niotiori the report of cohimittec on permanent organization and onler of business was adopted. Moved that the convention adjourn until 1:30 p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON HESS10N. 1 ::0 p. m; Convention met pursuant to atljournmeftt. Moved that all nominations he made bv taking first an informal ballot. On motion E. G. Hough and Grant Guthrie were selected as delegates to the state convention. Moved and seconded that the conven tion proceed to baflot fof delegates' to indii ial convention, tarried Geo. Walker an9D. W. Woody having received a majority were declarefl duly lected. The convention' proceeded" to ballot for l candidate for county clerk; candidates, M. J. O'COnflell, James Clark and A. R. Dew. Infornial.hallot:. , -i M. J. O'Cohnol received s voted. JamcagjarK " l ' A. It. Dew " First KoTmal :' , U.J. O'Conncll Janios Clark A. K. Dw sreohd Informal: M..I.,0'Connoir Jaihc.-Clurk o n.,v M. J. O'Conncll was declared' nomfnee and on motion' the nomination was rmuie ..nnritVnnlVv:' A. W; Mohf lieini? thrf only candidate ribminated' for cortnty treasurer ny resulted: C. H. Andrews, 10 votes; W. 0. Patterson, 3 votes, Geo. Sliafer, 3 votes. On motion the informal ballot was de clared formal and C. II. Andrews was declared elected. On motion A. R. Dew was nominated for surveyor by acclamation, On motion Geo. Walker was elected as chairman of the county central commit tee. On motion E. G. Hough was elected secretary of the count' ceutral com mittee. On motion the following were sug gested as the committeemen for the dif ferent precincts: Antelope Andrews J. W. Kobinsou, Hodarc Wm. Dixon. Bowen Uraut Outhrie. Cottonwood Five Toints Frank Tinkham. Ixiwer Ku uniiiff water Iiuis Larson. Hat Creek-O. W. Woody. Montrose s. Hwinebank. Kiinningwatcr A. McOinley. Snake Creek John Curreii, Jr. sheep Creek White River Warbonnet K. J. Wilcor. Moved that the chairman of the county central committee be allowed to name the committeeman in each precincts not represented at this convention. Carried. The chairman proceeded to name the committeemen from the absent precincts as follows: Antelope S. R. Story; Cottonwood-"- Robert Tally: Sheep Creek T. B. Sny der; White River David Calville. On motion the minutes of the convex tion were adopted, as read. On motion the convention adjourned. TJ. Adams, A. R. Dew, Chairman. Secretary. Geo. H. Turner. DEALER IN G ENERAL MERCHANDISE. I Ua lrtv of Sioux Indians and a band of Ovnsies furnished amusement for our 1 ' - . . A ' 1 -1 people iuesoay ami eacn coninveu w oo- tam a sum ol money irom uie people. The former had war-clubsi moccasins, pipesj etc., which they :;old for cash or swapped for provisions, dry goods or ammunition; while the lauer naa some bears and a monkey fof attractions. Fires haVe destroyed a large amount of crass in various iortions of the County. This is to 1 regretted for the feed thus destroyed won id i e of great benefit to the stock and th burning of the grass in the fall is a detriment to the roots of the grass and the growth will not be so good next year. A great deal of care should be taken to orevent the destruc tion of the grass by Iire( for in addition to the above it endangers hay in the stack and buildings of the settlers; Notlce-Hnlliesteau Knl ry, U. 8. l.AMlOKFICK, j CHADHON, NKHKASKA. Complaint havinK been made at this office ir n,.rvnv ii. Kiiasitll acahist Marrlot (j- Howe forfaiftiro to comply with law as to homestoaa entry ho. mu auuiu am" . iuui .,. n,o u V neV-ae.V nwV ncV 8WM nw.V seK section :U, townshift 31, range S4 . m ainnr enimtv. Nchrakii. with a view to the cancellation of mid entry; contestant allCKiiiK that the said Marrlot G. Howo has wholly abandoned said tract that he has Bnanifcu uis resilience uicmiium than six months since making said entry, that said tract is not settled upon aud culti vated by said party as rerttiired by law, that claimant has never established a residence thereon since filing on same. The said par ties arft hereby summoned to appear at this otllce, on the 24 day of September, 19J, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged failure. Toatimony of witnesses will be taken be fore S. H. Jones a notary infblic at his office in Harrison Neb on the 17 day of Sept. 1891 at 10 a. in: 1. r OWfctia, imumYui. We have now on hand a first class stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gloves, .Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, High Patent Bon Ton Flour always on hand, no better in the land. Corn, Oats, Chop, Bran and nil Kinds of Feed. A complete stock of Hardware, Tinware, Barb Wire, and all kinds of Farm Machinery, Which we will sell at Lowest Prices possible. We invite all to call and look at Our Goods before buying. t xi We Shall Endeavor to Treat all Fair and Square. Respectfully, GKE30. TXTlTEKy. ilverware GIVEN AWAY H. T. CONLKY, Cb'ntciitaiit'1! Attorney 4fi-2 .U-I hi. name to Olir Iisioi reauers, f C Jfcal, of Ashland, called on Mon d.W aHJ Trdered The JoCbA1- sent U j'"l) Cltiffhor'n arrived' froni Chicago . w divf ago. w, rnd "1 f.;l, at H. WtacLachfa..' place and T33? UWrtofTh. ."ooHtir; a locati6n for hoe o, . i , ; - wnnei coarv j w, u. noB" " Sg$t TdomAI- .tinwlU(i town, Satunly. Mi. -rrs'.w yy""?srix!r . ... of the week I "uivea wiird way nwu niawi, who m - s?! u prtJpi yaprillcaUoo fof U Ml) In thSr locairty and to cOtoa and taka up warn Mack 1. """" 'o ,i ,tit , rf rt? f Ha own ma w . r, v Treasurer Oaylwrt D. t. i : - um nvmr niiuuui , were w - j vmlilM,., ., f! D. F mpion uinc" " u ' '..i. An Hubicrition. Frank Hman - wood the first or t cea ittrMfl" n 12 i n o 2 was n.,lum.'it.inn! Johri ElrstWrher beini? the only can didate was nominated by acclamation for I,, office 6f sheriff, For the office of superintendent there i..,.,l In nomination S. Ij. R. Maine, Miss lW Connor and B. F. Thomas. ... luiiiot.'voto an foilnws! K L, It. Maine received ,9 "" Miss Eva Connor hiving received a EstraV Notice. , , Taken dp by the undersigned in Harrlsfih, Neb 1 bay .horse, weight about, 950, branded Ml on left shoulder ai)d something like N op right shoulder; 1 brown horsp; weight aboftt 1 nm pounds.' branded something like N on - .ri.t uiwiniifiir. white atrine in luce and four white feet: J9-,,. . KEI"r DaUsd, llai-risbu, Neb., Au 17, 1891. Notice to Land Owners. t i, who' it may co'Scekx: .nw. MnimiHHlnnnr annofnted to elstablisfi a road commencjingat the southwest corner o sei tion n, wjwiiHiii i m, ;"hv " ...i ....o.... siiiii Mini tv. Nebraska, run thence east on tn seciioii un ue,i,TO" Hc-ctlons 5 and 8, 4 and ft, 3 and 10, 2 and 11 to a point 10 cnallis eilHl Ol uieeumei ......y.. lections, 3, HI and 11; tKenec mtheasterly, J I Ml H' A ticket given with every dol lars worth of goods you purchase tot CASH. ooQo ; 8 Tickets gives you a Silt'er Plated Sugar Shell, worth fl 0d 10 Tlcliets gives you a Butter Knife; worth 1 25 12 Tickets gifes you a tiew style Lace Pin, worth i 50 25 Tickets gives you ft set of Rdger's Teaspoons) worth. 3 Oil 35 Tickets gives yoti a set of Roger's Knives, wW'th 3 73 35 Tickets gives you a set bt Rtjger'fc Forks; wOr'Hi...!...: 3 75 50 Tickets gires you a set of fidgers Tablespoons; wdttH .u 6 00 W 4LEASE COIE AND SEE THE GOODS. Our fail stock ef Brjr GGods Boots, Shoes, liats, Caps, GldVes and Under wear has just arrived. Complete stock of Cloth'irig of Latest Sttlks just reyeived tP which we tall your specjatjeofi: Low PficeS aild Fair Treatment of the same J, thence east H nine, leniuuav iir at the X coi;ner on the west side of section 12, township 82, range M has. reported in favor of the establishment thoreot, and all ohiections thereto or , Claims for damages must lie filed in the county clerk's office on or liefore noon of the 21st day of November; A !., Mil p'r said road will be established without reference thereto.. , County Clerk, f-i.' Grant Guthrie majority of the voles cast, the informal ballot & declared' formal and Miss Eva Connor aeciareu o,cvi.. ,. i ,. For the' office df county judge tliere I were placed in' riomimitlon 0. W. Pester, and 8. H. one: Tlie informal ballot resulted:. 6. H. Jones,' lb votes; O. W. moS informal' ba.iot was de claretl formal and O. W. Hester declared ll,Ko7S oTiice ot coroner there were C, H. Andrews and pinceu in uuii" I m .',-0,TaVsdU':' Tlie liirumiul mW -Dealer ftf Ltimber; Lime; -AND filOMB Ranch Supply House.- MacLachlari So CdQki ProS; Dr; iiedntardt Limits his practice to diseases of the nenrous mwm (Such aB IiOsA of Memoiri, FJP&lJw tion and Will-fower, Craffif; Fit Gen eral Nervousness, and all forms of Neuralgia.) 1 i (As shown , by a&iffteM pLBreai tin, Palpation, Fluttering and Nun ram, rimrwnjiu", ness in regioh Of the Heart.) Ah.' umb- (Such' as Skini Diseases; Tjicers, Exces- jive filijinessor ,eaness oi me iimx, Faintness, Dizziness, etc.) , CONSULTATION FREEt ADDRESS WITH TAflREHr DR. LEONHARDT, 1482 O ST. LINCOLN, HIS. i-?fiitlon this fpir. atxikdE waIker; - . (i ,,Att6ray-at-Law; , ,. Wnf .practice before a(f Courts and tlie. C' jAid Office, Insf ness ejitrusted' to m care wfll receive prcnipt attention.' HaMISON, - NKHUXSKA. k t: suck; Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser EvervtlUnor in his line clone m a neat!' iiM rtisuc manner. . Razors fend Scissors sharpened iinet put" in order ai reasonable rates. Give him a call.' First door east oi pos'toffice. Haioukon - Nebraska. L. K BEtDEN SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Repairing doue on short notice. Good work and reaaonafale charges. Shop gouth of llery barn. . i i J -A j UL