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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1891)
THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL J. L SIMMON'S. PloplUUW. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA E-Gonior Sibley Dead. St. Pjcl, IIisn, Feb. 19.-Governor Henry Hastings Sibley, the most prom inent figure in the history of Minnesota died at i 30 o'clock yesterday morning, aged 81 years, at his home ie St Paul, after an illuess that has lasted for months. His life ebbed away so grad ually and silently that the watching family at his bedside scarcely knew when it left his body. Got. Sibley wus Minnesota's oldest pioneer and sprung from an old and talented family that tract itself back to the time of the Con queror. He came to this 6tate in 182S as general inspector of the Great Amer ican fur compauy, of which Jacob Astor was president. He afterwards became a partner in the company and gave the fir3t real im pulse of value to the embryonic com merce of the northwest He secured the organization of the territory of Min nesota in 1843. He was the new state's first governor in 1857, and the only dem ocratic governor it ever had. Ia 1802 he led the main military expedition against the Sioux, and in five severe engage ments crushed the insurrection. Lin coin breveted him major general for this. Since that time, honors both civic and military have been heaped upon him. He was president of the board of regents of the state university when he died, lie DrnouncM Qua. New York, Feb. 19 The Sun' Phil adelphia correspondent telegraphs '.hat he has seen every person mentioned by Senator Quay in bis speech of self de fense in the senate Monday. Ex Attor ns Wayne MeKeagh said: "1 was con cerned in Senator Cameron's affairs as counsel and I cannot give my expression of opinion about Quay." Alexander P. Tutton furnishes the sensational fea ture of the interview. Mr. Quay de nied that he had attempted to corrupt and iuhuenee Mr. Tutton in the dis charge of his duties as internal revenue inspector twenty years ago. Mr. Tut ton said emphatically yerterday: 'In 188DM. S. Quay, now United States Senator, did make a most dishonorable and corrupt proposition to me as super visor of internal ievenue in the interest of certain fraudulent distil era in this city." . Mr. Tutton refused to say anything further at present. Pullman Tragedy. Little Rock, Ark, Feb. 19. -A terri ble tragedy occurred in a Pullman car on the Iron Mountain couth bound train yesterday. Just as the train was pulling out from Bald Knob, Isador Meyer, a New York traveling man, was shot and killed by a man eitting across the isle. Conductor Leech pulled th bell to scop the train, when the man turned ana shot Liech through th head, killing him. Tne other passengers rushed from the car, leaving the dend men and murderer alone. An aimed posee succeeded, after a little strategy, in capturing the murderer, who proved to be John W. Greater, of Vincennee, Ind., who went insane while in Fori Wo th a few weeks ago. He was taken back to Indiana, but escaped and wat returning to Texas. GEN. SHERMAN DEAD. Tlie old Warrior Surcuiiibs the Conqueror of All, After a Urave Fight. A Skeleta of liil Career Briefly Maud Several Peinonn Killed. St. Lolls, Feb. 19 A special from Jackson, Tenn., says a feirfui accident occurred on the Illinois Central roao near that city. Several persons are re ported ki led and a number wounded. . The train was the passenger trail which left Chicago yesterday at 3:23 p. m. When near Medina at 5:30 this morning the train jumped tne track arid the coaches overturned and caught fire. Fortunately all the passengers were res cued from the burning coaches before the flames reached them.. An approach ing freight train was flagged and the en gine was attached to the sleeping car and drew it out of the wresk. The bag gageman and a newsboy sustained ser ious injuries. Several passengers rere cut aad bruised, but it is thought none are seriously injured. The wreck was caused by a broken raiL Iron Workd MU1 Submersed. Huotingtok, Pa., Feb. 19. Rain has fallen in torrents here for twenty-four hours and the Jauniala river ia a mile wide. The citizens of Portstown and Smlthsfield have been compelled to va cat their homes, and many bridge have been swept away. The joss has been very heavy. At McKeesport the iron works an' mills are submerged. Much dam age bas been done in ti.e lower portion of the city, many families being com pelled to abandon their homes. Killed and feralped. Dobcqce, Ia., Feb. 19. The remain, of Anthony Deweeter, once resident oi this county, arrived at bis home in Lib erty township yesterday. A few yean ago he removed with his family to th. siciniiv of Pine Ride. '. D. About i week ago he was killed by the Indiaur, aealped acd his head severed Iron) hi body. , It is reported that three of hi children were i-cul nl and bis wife an hired man escaped. The murdrrei were a small band of loving hoitile no yet surrendered. AViwM ' Band Auntin-My dafcr, jootmeQm usmww Wfotef to MMRIM 22M J JtA-Ym, MBtls); St 1 THE LAST MOMENTS. New York, Feb. 1'. All night lon General Sherman '.-avered between lif aud dea'h continued to fight bravely i hopeless battle. Early in the eveninj his physicians knew tte end was sp proaching slowly but aurely. Th. swelling of the face and neck disaj -peared, but with the subsidence of th symloms of erysipelas came the devel opement of lung trouble, complicate with the return of long standing asthma Mucus began to accumulate in th. lungs and the first signs of paisiv puevmonitis were apparent. DECIDED CHANGE FOR THE WORSE About C o'clock this morniDg a dtci ded change for the worse set in and Dr Green was summoned from the Utter', residence again. Auother hour and al the members of General Sherman's fain ily were summoned to the sick room Death seemed nearer, but the suffere refused to succumb. After a consulta tion of the physicians it was given ou that Geneal Sherman's condi'ion win hopeless, that the end was rapidly ap proaching and that the bronchial troj ble was making marked progress. AWAITING THE FINAL SUMMONS. At the time this bulletin was ise'id there were by the dj,inj man's bfrdsid and in an adjoining room the general', unmarried daughters Rachael and Lu zie, Mrs, Fitch, Mrs. Colgate lloyt, Mr Thackara, Lieutenant Tbaekara, Sena tor John Sherman, P. f. Sherman an Drs. Janeway and Alexander, besidt ths letter's assistant, Dr. Green. During the forenoon, as the hour passed by, every inquirer who called a the general's house was told all hop was abandons, and hs relatives ate attendants were meroly waiting for th end and endeavoring to make his tam bours as free from suffering as poesibl. Among those who called were Cyrus U Field and Mrs. U. S. Grant. As on pn ceding dava since it became known th General Sherman lny at death's door. UNCONSCIOUS Tf THE LAST. The general passed away withou speaking to any member of his family who were gathered around the be Four daughters were present and hi son, P. T. Sherman, and Senator She' mm and also the attending phyeiciat Secretary Barrett and 6ome othe friitds in a room below. Soon nfte 2 o'clock Barrett went to the Weste--Union office and sent off a number o dispatches to Washington, in which t announced the time of death as 1:". p. m. INTERMENT AT ST. LOUIS. The fune al services over the remab of General Sherman will t ke p a -Thursday from his late residence 'hough it may be deferred if his so does not arrive on that date from Eu rope. Thursday evening his body wil be interred there. It will b in chare of General Sehofield and will be accom nanied by a delegation from Lafayelt G. A. R post, of this city. William Teeumseh Sherman wa born t Lancaster, O., Feb. 8, 1123. H graduated at We3t Point twenty year later and was at various military post n the south till 1817, when he went t California, and was acting assistant ad jutant general there till 1850. He wa superintendent of the Louisiana mili tarv school at Alexandria from 18 .ft t January, 18C , when he went to Si Louis. On May 14, lsbl, he was ap pointed to the army, with the rank o Colonel, and on the 17 of the sam month was made brigadier general o volunteers and commanded a brigade i- the battle of Bull Run on Juiy 2L 1 October h was appointed to the com mand of the department of the Cumber land, but afterwards too't charge of camp of instructioi in St. Louis til! Feb ruary Jobs, wien he was p aced in com mnnd rrf the district of Paducah. Ky. lu lbbJ, in command or the t ifteenti n my corps he led the expedition whicl larrie 1 Arkansas pos1; by assault Janu ary 11, and till July 3 was actively e gared in the siege of Vicksburg. H was made bnga ler-general in the regu nr army, his commission dating from Juiy 4, and dunng the summer and au tumn was engaged in various operation in Mississippi and Tennesse. Havini r?Hr.ized at Chattanooga an army o 100,000 men he invaded Georgia, engag ing the confederate forces at Dalton, Resaca,CassviIle, Dallas and Kenesa Mountain and winning signal victories General Sherman was a conspiouou figure in the batt'eiof Averysboro, Bn tonville, Fsyettville, and Goldsboro. O July 25, 1866, he succeeded Genera Grant, as lieut nant-general, and Au gust 11, took command of the divisioi if the Missouri. Jn November and De eember he a emploved on a specie mission in Mexioo. He was made gen ral on the vacation of that erade b President. Grant, March 4. 1869. In No vernber, 1871, he obtained leave of ab- eno for a year, dunng which be trav 4iea to BiuroDe ana ine east ana wa everywhere received with marked dig tinotion. Oi his return he took up hit midenoe in W-ishington aBCsmiriander-ie-chief of the army, hut in Ocitober, 1817. removed his headquarters to St Louis. Sinoe the death of his wife, "omethlng over a year ago .General Sherman has lived mainly in New York. He was placed on the retired list with 'ull pay and emoluments February 8. 1881. at his own request, in order to per nit General 8t,riian tm nuvwwd h'm. Arrestee far JtobMac the XalU. St. Paol, Mim., Feb 20. John Spell, tun, son of Edward Spellman, the Peo ria distiller, was arrested at the Astoria hotel by Poetoffice Inspector Cbilds and Deputy Marshal Tim Shehan on an or- oar irom lospecior Stuart of Chicago on the oharge or having rob' ed the United 8tat mails at Washington, HI. The gmosta at onoe i jcatea Bpeunan and mMMMASwrut anats arrest fol lowed. Spellman has been out of the lUskak i insane asylum about two unng dsm oomsjitud last Oo- A WhUfcy Trtiet MwtlRJ Chicago, III, Feb. 17.-The uirtc'c.v of the whisky traet LelJ their re-u::.r unetini; at the Auditorium hotil urji morning. The principal work brfore i them after the d.fcposilion cf ordu.ary routine business w as thepreparaliut-i 'f 8 statement for the public detin:na the position of the trut regard, the charge ("gainst GtoTga Gibs?n fct-d tt: alleged c"or.p ra-y to icjure the t-fu feSJtii.-:i The report will net ready until evening. It is k'--n however, llut it will exonerate l bi;on and will mnke an emphatic of ury desire or intention ujn.n the part of the trust to mjure Mr.Shufeldt or h a dis tillery. In substantiation of tliie denial the report will contain a BUte:.!-:;t of the trust's business cLon-ing wny the re moval of the Shufeldt distillery woulJ biofto advantage to it It it a to shown that the famous satchel wt.s out of Gioson's pobession for at hast live hours. PrcsiJmt Greenhut und Vice President Woolner said to a reporter this morning thtGibsojwa3 s'.ill in Pe oria, and that all reports to the contrary j were foolUh. They declared ho km- here t" their certain knowledge ht night. Gibson would make no effort to escape, llie airectora ot tne v.iumij trust would, they declared, do ts inm-h or mire than anybody elM5 to t;! li e alleged conspirary ta the bottom. I he whisky trust at its meeting tins loom ing declared its usual monthly ditidend of one half of 1 per cent. The state grand j'jry will taka up G b60u's case at 2 o'clock this afternoon when a full array of evidence iigaiist tie ex secretary wiil be prei-erited to that body. '.EEIUSKA STATE Mi of lie in the to a Articles of incorporation Central City Lar k hive ii.eJ i-ouaty citrli's o1i-.,i. Wihinta Luther ditpo-v-1 of ti.e chaute hotel fct ?-uth Sioux Utv iject'.eman in Om:la for t Mr. Keutner J U iaiW-11 is buildin? au i..-e Iv.Ufe ar.d c.'.l tore bu.UiLg :m the Mistouti l'-tik- -rouuds. ThctUJ 1' d-e t Arlington will repUee their huii burn.-d a fw wet lu ao, wiih a line new bull l.i.g 20r fett. W. H. CVnut of C.ilU-rtson hat been appuiuted c;uu;;.-6.jiJer tJ till the va cancy caused by theredina'.ion of John H. Poer.-. The members of the M.nie fraler nty in aud a Lout bue about ct.wplcted their organization w.d "1 soon be in ruiiniuA' o'dtr. Mr. Fursn Frio'.a of G'euville htJ a hcrie fail in htm whiie cattle nd had his a-ft f-J"t baJiy l.uit, but no buses were bruit .'U. Peter V.. Jjnson, who li'.es on lU John From farm, tie ir lilair, has pur- ctiiisfd i dsiry i.c .r Fiorentv, and The I.Kt Spikw Driven, Faibhavex, Wash.' Feb. 17. The !at.t spike was driven yesterday which con- nects two important railroad fjpU-aiis nd unites the state of Washington uud British Columbia. Throe thousand people witnessed the ceremony at the new city lilaine, where the Fnirhavtii Southern road, the American lir.e iinu the Xew VVestmini"ter & Southern, the British connect ion, meets. TheC' n n 1 an band played ''(J id Save the (J ie..i -,' Ahile the American band renderd "Tin Star Spitgled Banner." Governor Laughton cf WBahinglon. luring his speech, deficnbed tle new line dividing the Btute and province ol British Columbi i as only nn imug:uar me and expressed friendship and guod A-ill for the people of British Columbia. The following telegram was icad from James G. Biaine: "To the Mayor and Citizens of Blaine It is with toe utmost kindly feeling that my thoughts are turned toward ou and your British brothers today, tfhile you assemble to perform the sol. did ceremonies of connecting your A-ocderful countries in commercial un on, an1 it is my earnest wish and hope hat the bonds formed today by you nay not be only ot commercial union iut of the grander and noblsr brotherly ove tnat win unite in too end two Da- ions in one perfect union and both ou and your pert of entry, which your :ongiessmen inform me will be estab ished, will be placed in the grand gate way oi two migniy nations. May suc :ess attend your undertaking. Good ill and peace be with you all." Big l'ire at Koclimter. Kociiesteb, N. Y, Feb. 17 -Fire jroke out in the second story of the ast wing of St. Mary's hospital a large ,hree story building, covering an entire block on Main street, running from Genese to Chili avenue. A bright light -as seen burning by a man passing by jhortly before the flames broke through the roof. The fire spread rapidly, and a general alarm was sent in. Owing to the great distance from the city the tire department was shw in getting to the icene of the tire. Fireman Frank Jayne, foreman of Hose No. 1, was on a adder on the outside of the building when a corniee fell from the roof killing "am almost instantly. The buildiDg is now burning slowly in the lower floo-s hut is under control. There were about 230 inmates in the building, but owing o ine neovy brick partitions between the different wards they were nil res cued. Loss about tOO.OOO. During the excitement of rescuing the patients Libbie Nursinggr jumped from the first floor of the building to the .pavement a ustance or ten f et, and was bruieed but not dangerously A Skillful Operation Sr-BiitomLD,o,Feb.l7.-An unus ual surgical operation, the first of the ind known in this state, was performed yesterday on Mrs. Emma Flora, and Known as tne removal of a loose kidney PLr.r A-J-H?w Cincinnati uJ, wiil niovrt to that J la-e the Ixit of I-e:ruary. An.,.tt, ti.e wi.lo' of Mr. Bon nett, who tasl his life tt L 'ih, Ieo. last Octib-T, is in a destitute cjruht.on in Schujlcr. Si.e has three children. The merchandise bubinetn conducted by F. I'. Uosoboom it Jo-, of Waliojhad terminated by the foreclosure of tne niortiMgy he'd by tha Saundors county national ban Is. James Thorndike sr. and jr., cf lilair have -d on builUin,' a t.aiu !bui ing mill at llaiiu-ilpii, 1'eiinr, ami last Friday they ordered the lumber ut Pa troa's )ard in lii J r. The new Union Pacific depot at Kear ney ii cumpiL'teu. Thutiios Lj-'ind, an old Ee'.llerof V.'y- aore and a nieinoer ot Itie -ny council, is diai!. The old s Idiers of llo'.t county have decided to hold their annua1 reunion at Atkinson the lirst woek in August. The Cedar County bank has been converted into the First National bank, of Hurtington, with a cup.lal of "j,U0O. Shtr.ll Anderson cf Uichardeon coun ty is tired of his job and announces that ie wiil reiiig:i and go back to his farm. The management of the Jeffers'tn countv fair have borrows! to'K) to pay back debts aud have fixed September (o in i thn diitea fur hnltiinr the next exhibit. An Arapahoe landlady smoked out one of her tem.n'.s the other day, and in retaliation the tenants' two daugh ters fired the landlad out of the back door. The end is not jet. i-lie iJeaver uresBing Journal an nounced the death of Grandpa Corbe'.t a week too soon, as he rallied and lived six days after his obitutiry appeared 113 was iu hi) eighty-eeuond year. 1 i,e tv onrney water worita company hfi3 at last decided to accept a reason able li'tire from the city to finish tho sewer, and the connection with L'iko Kearney on the bill will not be made. Louis Modin, who wbs p'nc'd in jail at Wahoo by Justice B.ysof Va!p iraiso for dipp'joing of mortgaged property without tbe consent of the mortgagee, was rcl. ar.ed by Judge Tarpenning on a writ of habeas corpus. The judge held that a mortgage given on, a crop before the crop was in exia.enoe was void on its face nnd no one could bo held to ac count for its delivery and sale. Burglars entered Homsnn's himbT jfiice at Yutan and secured H) cents in foreign coin and a new pair of rubber boots that Mr. Ilotnann had bought the day bsforj. They secured n hammer from a blacksmith shop, gained admit tance through a window in the rear of uib omce, oroice me combination with 1 it i aem.t Ael'ripaU. Cltir, Fell. 18.- Presi Jent Osge of the world's fair directory wut a letter to Mayor Creiger calling his t l.r.tion to the cafe tf intimida tion f workmen by the unemployed at Jackson park, the danger of serious labor riots and neswry police protects-tien. Tiie mayor d'reotcd the cor poration counael ta draw up an opinion and the conclusion wus reaebfd that he city coUd not undertake to keep a force of r-u'.ioe on the grounds in Kntici- at on of irotit l-s but in case of a r ot ti e police would le tent to suppress it. The refj ieht for ruch force, however, mu-tt ct ire from the park ommiiMODors net from ti.e contractors or world' fair ni ;:ain. altlo'Jgb Ihecou.mifsioiiers ire not on Hie ground and soldcm in eeion. The main ixunts ma le in the conclu sion are that the parks are under direct -Ninlrol of the commiMior. find provided with their ownem' police forto and therefore, the city hai no right-to inter fere, rx.-ept by request of the park ootu miHi'jiierg. Second, if the report ' true tbat the Italians are employnl by aliens '.hey are un', entitled to police protection as, under nr. act pawd by the state legis lature in lv'.', it is made unlawful for and board, roni mission, ofli.-e or con trac'or, i.cti.-.g for and under any muni ;ipali'y to en' ploy aliens. Tho point is wade that this law is ap plicable be a uo tho city haa raised ftW) in hoi. -is to support the fair. The force of park TKilico ir. Jackson park at r r; sent di8 not exceed six men and if, r f tiniw, wholly inadequate to witli a in-ill bich might number from i00 to "i,U)0 men. llrail V nl It.jMt It, Ni w Yum;, IVb. "8. A special cable gram from Ilahia, Brnzd, sijs that Americans who have boen led to believe that Mr. Blame's foiiim?!:al treaty with l! szil is a sett, e-1 fact will hs in Veresteil to know that the treat has not yet been ratdli d ar.'H that it is not like ly to be. o binding action can l taken by the Brazilian government un til the cotstituti n i- odopted, mid then it is safe to pred.ct the treaty will be Tit ji-ctxl. The tit-rcniitile crimtiiunity views the. pro -f.erl trendy with the greabti-l diKiiitii-f action. Brazilian ex porteu. I'.r.d ll.i.t l,y tre ternn of the treat) they mo no U-ttt r i t.ian they were before, fo far tig trade wi'h the United Statu is con erned, at d rs thev have dealt almoi.t entirely w ith Kr.glih lioureM heretofore they can tvo no reaoon why they should not continue to do bo, Iteeeli nt - rorlo-h merchant and itiitr e' f Loi.don lirnm will do their n"! i0 inchn-e tbn British govern ment to come to their rirtcuo, and in.s m Iw-n g drawu t'p to be. fiirward 1 to Lord Salisbury. President Fonzca tid his advisors are auxiountosee irnde ilatiot.s ltwren Brir7.. and the Unit d States ('evelopcii and filtered, but hey will I j o'a erliss ugaitisl the hos- ilily evinced towards Air. IJInineV 'reaty bv the iiinrctiiti.'o company. The money m-rket here is unn-itlcd, and will prob bly remain so until tliecocbli ution is adopted. 1 1 oan ana trut JMIIBii, ore was the -i.. made by the smi-v -i.;..i. .i . . nu'wi ins irw m.i.4 Tl . . t . . r genera; r',rs y will I-ay Jepit, balance. g Bank Lian,ir,,p. closing cf theU'l'r by unexpecudcea ings banks. 'J,0u ai kd to tihv wkv i. . amount, and il,L). cussing what ha-iut t here, ascertained lu; session.'' : When the lumcfy laat Friday, the u,, , the amount loaoej o- W.iatUvaiu.V " loured out. atnoiiut lo iihZl.s.; t deficiency is t-'V ,7ii ' Since the susper,, ." ton, "1 have been v eutial men ar.d lu,veri ' is potsible that cerUj, I estimate at a low jj, in full. If this is ; tt will be reduced to if then the remainder i.' by the stockholder b;- . may be placed oa it dent the depoBit.r, 1 The atlornevgejfrv7, czedings fur the iver. t O. I). BV.dwir, e ..tgi. ptesidsnt of ll,e trust oomp.'iny, w.thC," is (iiii-rg.jil by J irihCS and conkjiiriK y in .iv; chinee, contracts ami p eiectrio railwRj nois. Baldwin is -m, - oiualto teiegrapti tu t, badly h. lrr,ifo ,.,,J ... . -"-""an USeO 'm, oozen hx al nhv ticiacs. The o.gan became detache 'our yesrs ago. The kidney was twi?, ta normal size, and w. "n,1, hrough an eight inch slit ie A i . ? men. For two years the diseased TT had so atfecud hr ii,. .i ' ?HI' nastuporandslept'elm nJ"' ously. Mrs. Flora was " " ; night retween life and death "ft T physicians bebeve she will recover Hupportrra f Ju.tlc M.f ar(,r Lo.Feb.21. At a meeting of the supporters of Justin McCarthy held it was resolved to press for infn,m.. mm released from the Paris fund concerning which there had been so' much discussion, has or has not been pplie t to the relief of the evictel U.n. nta. 1 he meeting repudiated! h u. putations cast upon Mr. O'Brien'. hn. or. the hammer, secured the above nam articles and escaped, .eavlnj no clue be hind them. Miss Mary Neville of Frceport had tl,.-;i!;,. .i . . ......ut, luiguiurt snu a narrow escape i ram gray wolves recently. She had driven a cart to visit brother's place ...l.l.u : .i ..... r ' "J me sand hill country on tht north side of the Platte river in Cliey. enne county. On returning to her own place Abich is in the same district, her norse suddenly gave a virions plunge mm a .nun anu was away like the wind closelv nn i-miA.1 l. , r. u eeven large gray .."Uki j oivs,wiiosiiuceedod in net. linn nr. 1 i . " enougn to snap their wmte teeth on the rear of the cart eeat. The perilous chase was kent ... .... or nve miles, until th. frifvrii nr. n,l 1 .1 ... laUy arrived within a few ioub oi ner uome. Pmi;0 1 1 . ......n.u nRBry was brought Into (W lUlH 1ti n iUr. 1 t ... . . . yeauwood.S.IX.tohis home 01a uuvng run out of money t Alliance, Neb., he sUrted across the - a..... on loot and was overtaken bv the storm and laid out a Inhrht. aa... fllefi-ali-d (iiiVrrnmiit F'oreii. Pasis, Feb. IS The Uaulois pub liahesn Buenos Ayres dispatch which sta'es that the revolutiouiets have de feated the government forces a'-Ojuilloti and Co'iuiitibo. Tho eunie dif patch re ports that the inaurgents are rapidly in creasing in number ar.d advancing uj on San iago. Only a f,.w towns, tho di. pab-h continued remained loyal to the lnlii.n gi.veri.inei t. Ti,0 movement ' f he gov(irctii t troops is gTeatly re aided by ihedestru :iion of the capita! I'lep.dent Bahnacedu in we 1 enj.ported md in mid to fi-el coi,ii,!..f,t ,,,f h s abil ty to repel tint insurgent. Appreben- lor.smo felt that the effect of tin r volt i!I prove dirm-troiH to ll.o ("man c mtr.ere al inle'ests of t e inr.try. During theconr-e of the light t Ti,ri,pftf:i l),e n.inescf that p'Wf.e s. re h i en fire .mi then f! n.ded. In n a'.' totulif:o tho I;tUleH the rinan miner tnplnyed in ths mine tied into the interior. The work of de struction is hi j fI to have been done b. a binding party from an insurgent war veeM-l. A t ( Joronel the ccal Jepo, " I"i ged bv insurgent (nil orseent in bore to procure coal for fbc-1 warships. Tll A Ir, , j, ClIlf ACO, Feb. U I Tl annual report of of tti ton rood nhov.'tt gr"0 pn?t year of S7,'-"'JT, , uietits for the cainii ,r operating eiper.i.t-. ti - leaving a i alar. cf I ttml net eurmrgH r. gnwa earnn;g .. President Bi n .a At terms to the s-ctr'. '' s limner whereb) t business. The grt soulhweiitorn Mi i hb sayti, full very Ut' Deploring the te j tion the - group of nine dial a, in which ab who e railronu u, s,i States is local. J, t j more than four L'j-j failed to earn ci.j t' shareholders onil t ,. representing g ich mi t roads amounting tic O'Xi,000,undyeU!nH stono in the legisiats-eC jf ; in tliis group them ;; Coniiidera'iou llos '.ia, ther reduction of ri,r. k . l ; fietieml Sti.Tai- - Nkw Vobk, IV- J1-!, ns E. Shcrmaii nrrr.w fl, rope last night on tu j' ' tic. When his t: i I ? bherman, be an e Sherman was sun r- land of Joreoy, wh if at the Jesuit theolo took tho first tte.-ia e . word of this reac cJiS"' they made Brrar;gt)sSs poiiig vetsels lignal ttt" . eral Sherman' centa not reach shelter until four ' clock tin nnvt nfia.n i uoun. wnen he stumbled into o(6ofIr.P.ii,, Uwa.nearIyfumislied Ml fc J- having had nothing to eat .iDoo 5 morning of the day b.,ore uotb re badly frz,n 6nil ,t f-tampuuiuon would bo nJZry 'lettohUhomehytheTrlS Arm, nf .k ..i "rauu '"'""""nuuitionho tu , I'ifclil Uill, A Ki. Ditadwood, S. D. Feb. l?.News has just reached Dendwood of a frightful dght with nxei between two Dunes em olojed at chopping wood on Elk creek, :xUn miles from this city. There had een bad blood Utwwa uie two for ometime They ,et in the cabin of a mutual 'C(;,' y.-Herday after. n. Several dri. ks of wero taken nn l the tjniirn-1 renewed Beth grabbed nx.s. Matt' 8elbick jtwung lne around quickly, letting the keen edge of the ,.po fal wilh blm tul foire and e(fo,-t on the si.U t r'V.. les smith his l.-lverSHry's face. The ....... o . K.i ;ih cut wi ieopcn. He fII m a pool of blood, nn.l lu.f,.V .i . . " ' rifled bjstnnd.irs could Interfere Selbirk - or lour more blows on ns r roiitrate f,, breaking h.s back and ""oik hombie i?,i.... in I;. : v: In, s. " ",u" "nu S U.I! alive bul w ol ud to siur- ive more than a f,-w hours. 8elbe-k .-8 arrested nnd brought in ton.ghU !e preserves stoiid indifference lo miUi'.fi.teor.hstwiiU his own if i.o former diM ' Tha l-acinoNhnri Line. Calmer has just rfcturned from wiere he completed tho arrsngement,' or the resumption of work nnth. P.. cific Shor Lme bridge at this plar. lh bridie will b. I.,., it .. i...i .. railroad i. extended beyond O'Neil or D.t ll iH T'rU' TrlliAy Wortd that A.H Oarretson.whohasbeen In New a tV'V" "'"carry out th orW. exienaing it to or dl the Northwest i not known. Lis death totl.e.Mi.l sight her. bhe tu ship, however, arid H lioarded hei Mr. KU- abaut the general; I replied the pilot, ssiu' sf knew of General Srtf ho hsd been out ! When the mail nbaw 1 t r' Ul.r..,.n M.rtati ... I unci iudu 1 - quiry. The ajinwer aa eralfr'hermaii'fuiwr.1 I moriow. Clpeia Hwn Romrsrt.u, N. ' flrnnd opera hcus wa des',royed by C' about 4 o'clock. Ad lj before U 1 the flumes had mid3 tho buildup could 1 .IHILimi. HU'.' ' damage.1. The b ocupied. Thftl''J is lOn.noa, par ly insar" 000 Yatt-m bilhwd slips barber (l.n? ,I!t toiianle in the ei' :' Tlie oi.e-alioctxusa' ' Fiednt-it Cm-'.'--'' t1 o. r DTi.i lite. ii.."'. - hi. tl.n river tobe""1' halff.,t and r-" within five and ow-i r.slrisoofjS-l" VZ) road property i't. J whaellnit ALakeF.Mj aUd.snd It Willi road along the .J - . . HIV end of tnecny -balow are undef f' 3 i r c r. i foe ' f i - ..f -i-apyjanj