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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1889)
at 1 li t r The Sioux County Journal. Published every Thursday. Subscription Price, 2.00 L.J. ilnw, - Editor. Kntered t the Harrison post office a sec ond claw mutter. Thtksdat, Octomb 3, 1889. Repiblirai State Convention. The republican electors of the at tte of Ne braska are requests to send deieg ites from the aereral eountiesto meet la convent'oo at the opera house in the city of Hastings, on Toeaday, October P. IPS?. t 8 o'clock p. in, for the purpose of placing In nominaton candidates for one associate Justice of the supreme court, and two member of the hoard of regents of the st ite university, and to transact such other business as may be presented to the convention. The several counties are entitled to repre sentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for lion. Geo. H. Hastings presi dential elector, in 1, giving one delcg teat-large for each county, and one for each ISO votes or major fr ict'oa thereof. This piper gives only those counties in north Nt braska from Madison west. Antelope - - 10 1 Key Paha - - 5 Box Futta - til Knox ... 8 Brown - M rlerca - - - 4 Cherry - 6 ! Mieridan 8 Dawes - I Sioux - 3 I?o!t . - - 1 It is recommended th:it no proxies be al lowed to the convent'on except such as are The constitutional convention of Wy oming adjiuroed on last Monday having performed all the work for which it was called. The prospect are that it will not le long until the territory will be admitted to statehood. The Srr fleet I Bthntry. On his return from North Platte I ep uty Labor Commissioner Jenkins stopped at Grand 'sland to asc-ertain what pro gress had been made in the investiga tions of sugar l?et industry Uiat are be inj; carried on bv H. N. Oxnard and Tlie indications are that in the fon- hrother. Mr. Jenkins was informed that pressional contest In t!ie second district , advantages of Nebraska as a supir Laws has attained the highest point pos- j pr(Kjut.ins state were unexcelled and the sihle, and is now losing strength. The j qUW,tion whether beet sugar could I outcome is very unceitain, but the J rM.lured profitably in the state was set- proiects of Senator Xorval are good. f -r-le investigating that h:ve been , , i-T i t , , made indicate Unit the Kaccharine niat- Tle W. C. T. U. advert;sed for bids . . . , , . . . ter in the beets amounts to 15 per cent for the location of a state temper- ance temple. The structure will be four " stories high and is to cost somewhere School Report. from f C0.000 to f75,000. The bids were Wkx.1 report for district Xo 7, (White onened at Norfolk on Tuesday, Oct River; for the month ending Kept. 11. i jijjg WJ. Number of pupils enrolled, 1": ! number of days all pupils attended, 20"; The firm of Cx.lwon, l'arnsh & Lo. average attendance, 11; number of vis- Chicago, recently askwl tliat a receiver i(ors2. The following pupils were net 1 appointed as there appeared to 1 a a,ist,nt during the month: Cora Hemp. clerical error in their Irfxiks of ? i,0W. Willie MjIer am Fannie Me'ntosh. :t has len found that tlieir book- keeper, Martha CaDV, Teacher. insttad of having made an error had ta ken that' sum of money nnd skipped. Some time ago the store of the firm, to- .....l.,... ',l ! itc ,l.- u :i lltrovwl bv lire and the memliers of the firm now be- B""" "" Itoggy Items. There was a hop on east Boggy and a held by persons residing in the counties lieve that the emliezzler also set the (ire from which proxies are given jn order to cover up evidences of his dis- WALT M. SEELT, L. V. KICHARI , hoctsly contained in the books. Mr. Cassett ban gone to Newcastle to work. J. Bowser has been to Crawford on special business. C. E HOLMES, ttDrney-ct-Law. All business entrost-d to his will re pro npt u ' "1" v Olfice with JO.MS3 HAKRISON', NEBRaMA. H. T. CONIXY. Attorney-at-Law Special attention given to LAND PRACTICE. Office at the old stand with K..-idy &. Pollard. Nbkiaska. Harrison. MRS. L. J. S-MMONS, Dress Maker. 8;it:sf ict:n gu raiitwd. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA. W. E. POKTER. Contractor aud P.ullder. Vstinu-tes on bll kinds of carpenter work Cheerfully g.veu. ntlf ji t.on guaraiiteeH. rians furnished t reasonable rites, HARRISON, NEBRASKA. Captain Kellogg, of the Oss pee, de- James Arnsb'irger and A. tuinas iue C. W. McCune has from the j , i'n-il to cotmiin nd the vessel on the gone after a taw mill south-east of oditM-ial work of the Crawford Tim s, ri , Hnvti with Minister Fred 1 ouir-khatlron 15 miles. It will be set on and has eone east. hiss as a nassenirer. It has l)een sug- west uoggj-. wstwl asatrood idan for the secretary Loutzt-nhiser has cut and shocked all , n r , - , A Terrible railroad wreck occurred on (,f the navv to issue an order compelling of his corn. the New York Central last Thursday Kelloire to to to Havli as Mr. I ouglass' Story has fenced his claim and a nizht causing the loss of twenty-five hodv servant. It is cerUin that he grangers are cut olf from the timber. lives. could learn a goenl deal by associating There is some business for the road com- with oii''!ass. The minister to Hayti missioners. The old highway is shut u The district court docket of I ouglas -ii . jjen to his fill 1 of labor in a and no way left to travel except by county contains 1,911 civil cases and at nmnntr U'fitting his station, and Kel- opening gates. Togoarouud is impos- leaet fifty crimi'ial casts. There is some r),r,T rrt.eive the censure be so sibte. War is declared. law rr.u tice for th attorneys of Omaha. ;. i,i A.rVi W, T. B. SNY.ER. Watch and Clock Repairing. Will b! In HarriHon every altcrnaUi Mon d; va.m.. U ginii.g-ept '. th. 1WW, and will givtM. 't ueut oa to ia the alK.'e line with headquarters -t GUlsWOI-l) MABSTF.I.1.K.K . noil fi?nriF NOTK'EI n nri . bvlilt fli!l P'0" n01'' Jn ,i , .f nTwIll r- v COI.T of the tbi.p Prwllir j it-it ilorre"Uif riif eirors exl-t aiue to tui oOice st wiu-e. report the l.1dtfflst(1ndroj..Veb.. J sepl. i. I- f ourth ' Marri-iu. ( . ,H. ' : fib r M tr"T o-'llarrlwii who nde!". filing So. I fr the nw, see 14 tp.i: rMw-, tonrove Gardser a tHTinttn, ( who mad 1 s fliiuf ,o irr twx,ipxa,rM. ne llnl !lnnn to urot hlsconiiJ upon auu t'u.iiTai 'on G( , t rsuk almoin, f rsnk Itm. per, 1 ronaitd Lout, all of ,s.-i H. Moutgon CO.NJl-lOATKO NtjTtce fnrl Land OOice at ( Ij.iilro.iJ Agu-t Jl, 1-4 Kot'.re la here.jr (;n tut named seiiier u a o:ei not,i t on to uiae nui :iKrf u cl titn, and that itil pt.Mjf 1 ore C. C. HiiieMjii. clerk coni t, tl Harrison, .Seb., on 4 s Wlnfred T. !(iore, of H: r IZw'rU and ruitiv, whomsde U.S. No. f.M for f, n.sco't . hi on. i flirt M. lrrier. tp . r lie n.n.e. the Inh .,'.. '( ixvi i tl rle4l. lubt. e.toprovehis coi.tinuou, , ,Jh'i t oil., i. Ass i i H '"V . i,d eullivt on of suld Uml all of ii-rri' br u-H o,tp.n. Lllx-rt U. Carrier I. r.tav ..' eiMh.of Ts ll'on. homde l. . Sling Vo. K1 for the k-c tf, nr'i bi" S, n ! nw Vi sec a.,, ituesws to prove h'a CO it.i.uous re.Mluc Ua an.l cu,l:v. t .rnof, id l..nd. vrr . ohn r. Mliu.r. Isi Sm" Kich-t-1". . ..rl rcyei lierm, lories t. m bilt, .1. ol -"';'V0,,. Hcgter. C. d clii a' it .v l"f F r Pnli'l a'i n. Land ( ttlce at chadron. Neb., ( rept. . I-. ( Kot'ee is hereby given th .1 tn 1 following ol h late., t 0.1 torn ken 1.. I piW support ol 111. cl .i.n, and lb t .4.1 pns.f will I m ,. b fre h.s.l.JoiM-s.....c.-rk of the di.trict court, at Harrison, ib..on .Nov. i.'i, IssV, vis: John llini.'f Montrose. whoniKdcl). H. .No. 2llforlhcsw)- sec 1, ' lU nun'.es the follow ing witnesses to prove bis continuous iM.i.l'iuce Usm and cultiva t,on of s,,lil I ind, viz : Heter Henry, John -trlii r.ol Montrose, b.; ('arlton knott, rreUerick Knott, ol ilodsrc. Nebrjoka. also: Vil!il:n (ii.liile, (d Harris .n, who mada I. s. No. 1411 for tha ae'i so 30, tp lie mimes the following witnesses to prove bl continuous resioence """in biiu tion of s.ild linn, via: " r" ......... Andrew Dahliuati, Auifiist U. Mohr, t b.irles (xiu:nhjupl, all 01 n,.rrison, i-ki.. jjSJ W. II. MiXAXS, uegiawr. W. W. ilall, all of lijrrisou, : llernard Hans, of .Montr who made 1) ft tiling No. t3'. f.,1 IV. tp.. r. lie 11 hups the I ui'. to piove hin (siiitaiuoul iu auu ruiliVHt.ou ol tid l.nd .okholt, J .o.b M hh t-i )n 1 r.-H tepiieu rertvs, an 01 Muntnt I barles 1 .11 k. of Harris who msde H K No. Its. 4 for thel . 11 s ue qr sec a, tp S3, r . lolloping witness's lo piove 1 rHlim-e uikjii and cuiliVHt:.. .a: John nen.ian, hamu.-l en A. 1.1 u 11.0 . Ukrh. uohn 1.. ij rlao.i. ebraka. M. .oT0O' tlx- Harvev Smith was convicted of mur- The lir t action uniier tne new man- iien items, dcrin the tecor.d dtgrce, in Wheeler ing law was commenced in tlie supreme s, hool has commenced in district No. county last week, and received a sen- court a few days ago by Attorney Oen- ig wjth Mjsg lhMe Rji.mson as teacher. tence of tweuty years in the penittnti- Ural Us-se ask. ng mat a receiver oe up- j0iin yhay lias been running a hack at 1 miinii.i on i ho k ihir vi nunirn. 1 ' r- t . ary. P"1"" e.-. -- ti)e encampment. -- kins county, me supreme court, p,.te Shuff is repairing our achoo rri . ! . .. .(. nF Ikn r-rn. i A t.,.. l , 11 1 m. 1 110 nt r .'! T inn 1111(11. liie iruiiiiiiLiuiii3t 1. 1 urc o..v. v.... I., uc. 1 it. v... ..j j....... house. gressional district have called a conven- the proprietor of the tmnk was notniea jr. jj. (jreen has commenced to . ban L. E. BEL ENT & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Uepilrlng done on short notice. (iood work mid reison tble chirges. hhop soatiiof livery bru. It KB. HARRISON. J. Ii BARTELL, Contractor and Buildrr. Plans drawn and specitlcatlons uiado on application. Estimates carefully made. HAHI'.KON, - - NEBRASKA. tion to be held at Hastings on the 11th to show cause by 0 tober 3, why a re- ins-t, to place in nomination a candidate cei ver should not take charge of the bus- for congress. incss. The auditor, treasurer and attor ney general concurred in the opinion wood to Ft. Robinson. V. II. Johnson is living on the Me- onald farm. S. W. Kemp is stacking his millet. John Fry is building a house and get- LEW S II. MYERS, Plasterer and Krlrk Layer. All kind- of plain nnd ornament il plusler Ing done to order. I'nderst mils cistern cu iirt iilinR. ibel..ying of brick Huns a sped ulty. W ill Kive absolute sjtisf.ict.ou or no p..y required. A detail of fifty thousand troops was that the interests of the depositors were made to occupy the line of railroad 1 e- being jeopardized by the cond.tion of the tjno. readv tQ mQVe on his t.jajm tween Berlin and St. Pet.-rsburg over Kauk. 't cannot which the Jzar was to pass. be a very pleasant l.fe that august per sonage is l.ving. Montana's output of gold, silver and copper in 1888 amounted to 140,000,000. This puts her at the head of the list of mining states and territories on the con tinent Butte is now the greatest min ing camp in the world. Tlie report of the Utah commission has 1 ten handed into Secretary Noble and indicates tliat polygamy is slowlj but surely leing wiped out. L uring the year end ng Sept. 1, 1989, ' there were 357 convictions for violation of the mar riage laws, but those convicted consider themselves as myrters and are so looked unon bv their associates, and il is The Sunday school still continues to flourish in district No. 1. J. W. Frazier lias built a new house on his claim. Banker Hall has fenced in the lake ranch claim. Al Reed is staying at S. W. Kemp's. A. E. Gates is still haying. Everybody has cut their corn and are talking about husking their pumpkins. I. Jewet's saw mill has been moved to Gov. Thayer has' issued a proclama tion calling for tlie election of a success or to Judge (!roif in the third jud.cial district it is not l.ktiy that an appoint ment will be made for the short time be tween now and the election. ihmnrl.t tt 1 nn flispraf.e to be sent to .ho .n;h,nim Wilh tlu. nrr.ner work " ""!' " u.c ,-U.v...w.. j I..UI 1... . j,l doe Lecaer i wearirii; an cikoi- l' rtn t .a r,nft -.f ilia f-nm n I issif ill nnd en- 1 u f5 r. . I . r , , ..-in t . smile these days over the arrival of a eourairement from congress it will not be ..... lonir unt.1 the sin of pol vgamy will be cran nl;w B'" Bl "1B "" blotted from the records of the growth and development of the United States. HARRISON, KOtKASKA. t ( ni'll'!ab d Notice tr Pill ll'allon. Ijind ( fllce ut h idron. Neb., i :, IS. t Kot!ce is hereby given th .1 the following ,1 u-ttii-r li .s niwl notice ol ma inten ion to ui.ike n.ial prool in iio "i "is l.,iui. and th l sji'l piooi win oe imu - n.ili,L i . J.miesoii. clerk of the dilncl court, al Harrison, .Nebraska, on .NOV.14, 1"V, MAKY STAIIL. of Fiouare, ho made Ii. H. Ming No. IMS for the gwj( c. 1 1, tn. 33. r. w wi .t. Hie names the following witnesses to prove hi r continuous rciienic uin anu euiuva tion of s.ild land, vii: ( Ureuce K. Iiolilng worth, Jnnies M. lMniels. V alentine Wolil ln-t.:r. Kdwsrd llollinKtaorlli, all of Bodarc, Nebr.i-skii, also KKKl'KliU'K M. I'iiOl.rNint. of Crawford, who made II. K. Filing No. 1 V, for the eX u.w mw 3 iiixl a w Is sec 1. tp 3i r e3 w. tin u. ones the loilowing witne-sn to prove Mm cot tainous ri-snleiice lllMln and i:.llliv .on of. s .Id I ,ml. v.j, : jolui ,.ta m iiobiueti. John i-i lee, i.eoige I. row ii, t.rovo. all of I rawlord, .M'br..sK.t, also: a.dlll.KS.Ol.IM.Hi. nf Harrison. who made II. K o. KUfi for the eX nej si.e wtt nw s sec . tp ri w. He ii-iuic tlie lonowing a n.ifsi.fl n j.iu. e Is continuous residence iiii and cultiva tion of s.ild Und. u: t.iurse w, Hester, 1'i.vson llici low. Homer A I rnldy, "lllisiu U. Mnltll, all OI llurrissin, .'i-i)ra i. 8-0 1 . it. in cl as r, ungisier. TRUAX, SNWER&CO. Dlacksmilli, Cnrrlage and WagotiShop, Horse Shoeing a Speciarty. Satisfaction guiranteed in every partleti lur. shop on Mulii street, HAltRWj.N, NEBRASKA. KlCKKR. L. O. HULL, Attorney-at-Law- HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA. There is nothing certain about what a Dun's review of trade .indicates a railroad company is going to do until steady increase of business all over the they do it, but the indications are that countrj". Manufacturers are showing it will not be long until the line of the more life as a greater demand for their Elkhorn passing through here will be GEORGE WALKER, goods becomes apparent and a season of extended. The company controling do Kwneral prosperity is predicted. not, as a rule, stop their lines at points where no outlets can be obtained and Will practice before all courts ana tne i, efore all courts 8. Land ilUce. business entrusted to my will receiv HARRISON, - NEBRASKA. William Walter Phelps presented his that is the condition this line is in at ,.are Wjn receive pro.npt attention credent als as minister to Germany lafct present. Another incentive to build lur- week. The reception he received was a ther is the rap.d development of the oil hitrh compliment td the United States regions. A large amount of drilling, and indicative of the good feeling be- easing and piping material passes up the tween this eovernment and Emperor road every few days, and a great deal ot William. money is being expended. Lhe omouls -rxx J V of PT1 QPT1 of the road are making frequent trips up v w ku-uw-, The conference of American nations at this way, more frequent than they Washington this month promises to be a would unless some important move is grand success. An arrangment has been contemplated. It is to be hoped that made to give the delegates a railroad the work of extension will soon begin trip of over five thousand miles. The and that it will be puslied with vigor, train will require a crew of thirty-six for it will give the people of this place men, and as it stands ready to receive better train service and assist to create a the party will represent a cost of $150,- market close at home for the produ. t 000. of the soil of Sioux county. F. L. MORR SON, WATCHES, CLOCKS AM) JE1YELKT, A well selected stock always on hand at lowest prices. REPA.R.NG ANj ENGRAVING A specialty. 2?" Satisfaction guaranteed. HARRtKON, - NKHRASKA. MRS. L. A. POST, Millinery, Keeps a nice line of millinery which she sells at prices tliat defy competition, GOOjGOOS, GOOJ WORK And fair prices. Second street Harrison, - - Nebraska. t'fanoll 'a'"l Notice V'r Publl'a'lon. Land tfllce st I brdron, Nebraska, .'eptcmbcr II, Isrtl. Notice is hereby given th'it the following iiHined hi ttler Ii .s lliisl notice of his Intun t!i,u to mkc Anal ptiHif In supKrl ol ins cliilm. and thiil s.tld piooi will jje madn ls fore ( h i". . Jameson, lerk of the 1 lstrlcl i ouit, i.t Harrison, Nebraska, on November 7, lS', vir.: John A. rrutt ol Jlontrose, beo.. who n.-'de II K Kr. Isl,', for the ne W sec. 10 tn 34 r !. w I'e nii'lins the follow Ing I Incss es tn piove his co iUmnim residence upon slid i u tv,. i on oi, ..ii i.iiui, v.r. : urn w Hory. llliiini II. tiimieriniiii. I ih ,er cli. r o;o,i!ori 1(. urn y nil in uoiurie.1;, jisii And Pettis A. 1- 1 oth. who m ule 1. . fll Ing M. Kb, to the 1 1 oe ile-crlls-d trsct, I cll.-d to none ir Hi the stone lime and pl-.ce, and snow c ni.e wnv me sisive nrooi enouiu not tie allowed and bis tiling canci-ieu. Also Klbert M. Carrier of llnrrison.Neb. who nmile 11. H. tiling No MiO for the eS sw w nnd wu,rv s,-e. 13 to 31 r rs. w He names the following witncsM- to prove liU continuous residence iiikiii and cuiiivs t on of. said land, vlr.: XMntoril T. Moore Arthur W . Kmerv, Ida nni L. t.alpln, War reii V. Hall ll of Harrison, Neb., Also Kriedrich Todtenbuupt of llarrwm, Neb., w ho made Ii. S. No. tisn for the lie ne i m'c 4 and n H nw '4 wc a lp 3s t isi w. lie nsmes the follow Ing witticsses to prov lila continuous residence uisin and cu.l va. ton of, ssld bind, vln; William I,. I'nrish Isldor liichsK'ln, Wi)ln-!ni orcin'b, l lias. K Miilt, ail of Ilurrisoii, Neb. H-l M. MoNToomiiRV, Register, Wholesale and Retail Wells! Wells! The, undersigned have a fine, now drill and are prepared to put down wells on SHORT NOTICE. and at living rates. It will pay you If You Want a Well to call on or address;, Amos & Armstrong Bros. HARR.SON, NEB. Hardware The Droscects are excellent for a irrand ine repuoiican mass convenuon on kick heinc made bv the Emrlish ceotde Tuesday as composed of men of against the manner in which the flnan- intelligence ana .nuigmy wno mu lor cesof the country are conducted. It is " o' J1 u,eir am"ung, me oest, quite probable that a change will be interests oi Bioux county at nearc. iv made before many years in regard to the noi a oouy oi men eager w aecur. matter. The people of England are be- on". "ut 01 w" "av comimr tired of sunnortine a horde of "ie auairs oi tne county in sucn a manner as win rena w aitrdci people to come and locate and build up .i , i i A,. : l , nA Th- mha tnKI in tk. Mn.k nt.n. e couniry as ihmi oeeii ... om . . .. ......... er settled of the state. ine ill various locaiiues. juia quenuon i i will l.ov K n,.t r aoftUd hv nn, piauor.ll oi iiriiicipi i.i.;- . , la, it i. Perfect harmony with the principles laid -rtaily problem worthy of the best dw" by th PlaW"rm of lh,s -PWiJ A CORN STOVES. BAREE ) W.RE ffort of the greatest statesmen of the """'' uu " ' - aristocraU in idleness and luxury. A large and well selected stock ALWAYS ON- HAND. B. E. Bhewster, President. 0. F.I CUAS. C. JAMESON, Commercial (acOltPOBATB). General Banking Bu! -TRANSACTED. - IUltKWON, C. H. Andrews & -Ialers in- Drugs, Paints, Brush) WEBSTER THE CCCT INVESTMCNT Tor th rtniily, School, er frorcsslonal tibrirj. wusrsf. em iumsv as. notk k run rrnurATios. Land Cftlce at ( h"dron, Nebraska, AllKUst 31, IHsH. Notice is herebv Kiven th it the followln nsnied h is filed notice of bis Inten twin to initke n rial piiKif in stimsji't of bl clsini, and Hi it ssid prisif will lsi iniide be fore M. I'. Kinkiild, jiidue of the district court, or in his absence ''. '". J unewi, cleric of the district court, at Harrison, Neb., on t.cioner iy, is3..i, viz: Solomon K. Hory, of i.rammercy, Neb., who niHde II F. entry Vo. 11" for the e X ne V e m ne fjr see s, anq i r nw rjr )c v tp M W. I'e iisniea tbn folloa lnir a Uneaten to prove Ills (witiiinoiis residence noon and cultivation of said land, viz: John II. Warn, joun ( . I . ItiiKlHinl, (.eorije W. robh, John ., a in i.rsininercv, M-t). (!- 1 M. MoKToOMKiiy, Ib-Klster. -AJJD- , NOTICK FOR rt lM.H'ATKiN. ljtnd Cftlce st ( hsdron, Nebraska. ) AiutU't, .11, law. ( Notice Is hereby Rived tint tlie following niuiiiHl wttler h.i Hied notice of his Infn lioti to n:m proof in support of Ills cl tlin, and lliutssld pro d will la- made be fore ( . c. Jntneson, clerk of the district court, ut Harrlsou, Neb., on Cclolsir 'tl, iiMSi. vii: Kdward rtemsbtirir. of Harrison, Neb., who niHde II F, Vo. S7 for the s X w nr a X se qr, ee i7, tpS , r SA. den ones the follow ln witnesses Ui prove hi coutlniio n res. (tenen upon .-nd cilit'v t nn of .l,l i.n.l ! . i . o imc, o.epn tv.Hariinl, bols-rt ,. l arrisb, llnvndore 'I nmbur, all of Harrison, m. aioniijoiiiory, lleglsur Nel IM-4! CONWL1DATK1) NOTK K for PI RI.1CATIO.V. lnd f.ltlen at ( h -dro-i, Nebraska, i Alllrll .f S' Iwd Notice Is hereto given th t th followbiB named, ,t,er h 11 led notice of bis liilen t o-i to in. ke Dm I pirs.f In snppoii of his ! .Iin, and Ih .t s id puaif will m in .In be- .'. ,-. ci,"rk "' lhe li-t-1it i., . v n,iirion, ,veu., 0:1 1 ctoucr S4, IM, The almost daily reports of mur- conies out hoblly for a free ballot and a " I . . . ' .u.. - ...... t.A In lk.n. sUm ,asi Utwi ilio -hitH u,) liar wiuui, ins 1 x aa.n" bUcksu certainly calling for adjust. U-y the laws of the nation and st-ite, Lt ppice. to Buit Uh, tin,,.. . Agenta for pnti - w iriiK.ijica ii iaiiivu uw vskmuw vmv result in great good to the interests of Judm Hopewell, of the 8rd district, the republican party and to all the resi- ..... - TlsAra KM IIA ntll. impMoeuea tne grand jury recently. w-..v. j 4Uirumoied in IoukUui count v, and tbey " or ul" uc"" ,uco " Are now herd at work on questions ol the convention was done in a crookedneee of controcU let by the manner which indicates that those pre- oounty Doard. In giving his instruc- ent were thoroughly in earnest and de- tiooe to the grand jury the court im- Uirnjined to have a straight republican preeaed upon them the fact that it was organiattioo in Sioux county and when tfaetrAnty to either indict or cler par- the retuww are counted on the 5th of tiee chained with crime or fraud, m that November it will be determined that the wetfce only way to do jaetice to the ialsoni of the convenUoo were not In f ' 'a twl ani ilfl .... Wk CHAMPION BINDERS AND Mowers. Chadron, - Neb. Has been for yearn Standard Authority In the Government Printing Ofllce and U. 8. Hu promo Court. It is highly recommended by f!H Slntl. Klllt'ta nrska.,l. Vo.l- -il "'tS" J""" A- Crern. of Hi rrison. Neb.. it "r"trr, nsaitrst- fd by tho leading School Book Publishers. ,3000 more Word nnd nearly 200O more Engwlngsi than any other American Dictionary. SPCCIMCN TESTIMONIALS. Tk lew Tort ffor!d ys : Webstar Is nio"t"uiiierrahy.oBeedylto he the bttU TheBottoi Olcfcasayii WstwUr is th so. koowledged -toiHiard in lukxtfruhr. fteAtoUCmtltJIttoll hts, wabste, has loot U-en ii.u suuiusu J authority In nr oflloa. Tlw ttlcsgo later 0cm ut, .w. Fine Toilet Go( STATIONERY & rKRFUMI bestciga: IN THE CITY. J. H- COOK. Aoatb SntLNofi Ranch. Tirandcon left law. MiikOT"' of breeding Roadsters, 1 lafl sn"1 Horses; also red and blk PolM iMnt Iced lias slst.r a t..... v. j . 'Ill l "" T"M a . " www, poKwr Tork -MeWss.: Ithrsssoni lll'S.e. tO 11IOV.. ti ll I'll. 'ill. ill., ,. r... I. .... z : v " " i nn, vis: n .run h. (,.iw.-y, Aitlnir if i t ., Andn-ir J.,cob., Al Vd f brieves, all of Harrison, ,cb. Also: is.iuc , Hi-ndrix, of llurrison, Nsb., wbo nisdo I) s fllitiK No. W for tti i s qr as , tpi7, rl. he 11..111CS the fo.loa-lng w, n.s.s, to niovi. bis I-,, , ii, .......,. ... on and cuitiv t o i of s.ld 1, vit: h '.ties K (owey, Arthur K.,rt ,, Andrir J ,cobs, Al tL hrevc " "f ll.irr.son, .Subr .sk i. i"'-i 3i. 3 ontgou.ciy, hcfisit-r. JS"XJMOATKI) NOTICE for rflli.ICAT.OX. Land effloe ; t b dion, Kebr.slt. ( v ,. . AUfflHtH , ,!. !fot:cpts u.,, tn t the following V . ' KU,"" 'J1 a'-A ""l" u' ''its' " tloii in ;k dm p.uof in support, of b.i ( I -.iiia. ..nd ih .t h ,,d p.oof win JTa,S tm i I. ". uwctot IU district lis?, " A",l'- " c-tooer M, James M. Daniels, of Moutroae, Keb., t.o itiade k No. sr. for la. m qr nee II. tp S " n,""M lii0 va lrov b j miitinuou , ttn.iiaat a pou aud S,'l''-t-'l ..dl.i.d, vit : SnotL SnMh ,;'0J",,1"0,U, s-Urenoe Hollluf ledd, of Montrose, eb. Also . , Range on Runoing Water. ILuouhox, - NE Smith Bros. Of THE ONLY FIBVT I1.H LIVERY, FEED AND $ STABLE Wish to call tbe nttentioo of tl to the fat t that tlwy are preperl furnleh at rwMwnanitJ w First Class Bi On abort notice. A Dray Line Run in Cone F.E (est ! Cavstl tut v i , f ' ; 4 , 'f.i . V, vlf , "if a