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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1889)
i J V. Tk Wml Tewllasamlal yet published for soy bloo,! me.lirinei.tlif printed fusrantm of ilie tiiaiiufsrturrrs of Dr. Pierce's Golden Alsriisl l)-coery. which warrant that woii.ierful medicine tm beosfit or cure in all cawH tt lli..e dim eases !or whicU it is reoiiinieniie4i, or money payed for it will be returned. It cures all diseases srieirjj from torpid liver and impure blood and their uames are le fin. All akin, scalii and scrofulous affec tions, eruption, core and swelling, salt rheum, tetter, erysipelas and kinlred di aaea, are anions those in which tbe "Dia eovery" effected marveloua cures. When everything else fails. Ir. S;e's Catarrh remedy cures, 50 cents, by uruk-(ists. One food mother is choolui asters. worth a hundied The siosr prominent ptirsii-lans Id the citr smoke wo rctou.iuriju i aaao r uocu. In Frame they have applied electricity to me playing ni organs. AJIONti I IIK K l' l'IIOOF Of the real value and eflicacv of nrotirietarv uiedii-ines. of their purity and careful man ufacture, is, is hen the uiHiiufarturers. them selves, together with their asniatHitts. uss theiu in their own hnine nnd recommend them to theirrelativesaml Trieiida. "ltiaa poor doctor, who doe not believe in his own pre'riptinH." Fora nuntlMTof ypitr. Me-sr. Jler & Co. liHve been nmnufrictnr lug Kennedy's East India Bitters, and there is lint a ieron who is, or has been, connected with their establishment, with whom "Eist India, letters" have not be come a household friend. Of two evile, chosen. the less is ulwars to be Buy Union Soap and make a guess, your grocer about it to day. Aslt They are as sick that surfeit with too much as they that stiirve with nothing. Koda riii, Iclnl.o. The splendid, new Manila Hotel erected lust rear lit Soda Spring', Idulm. ia now open for the season under tli direct man agement of tha Union I'si-ilir. Ky, This hotel is first.-cluss in every rKpect with all the modern CMiivenierue. and will accom raodate comfortably several hundred 11 ''St 8. The medicinal springs which nbound about fc'oda iSirinpsnte noted fnr their cur ative properties and many ren-irkal!e cures have been recordeil. Splendid hunt ing and excellent fishing is to ho found a few niibs Iroin Soda Spring'. ("od livery and guides always to be had. Fur further information address, E. L. I.OMAX, Gen eral Pusseoger Agent, Omahn. Neb. Grief counts the seconds; happiness for gels the hours. "There is a tide in the Hffuirs of men which if taken at the flood leads on to for tune." If your affairs era at a low ebb now, don't f.'il to write to H. F. .ImIuisoii fe Co., 1(109 Main at., Richmond, Va., who have plans that will enable you to make money rapidly. Truth ie the highest thing that man may keep. R. IIAIIVPKT KXt I ICMON. 5. Via the WAI5ASH LINE to Missouri, ArkniiSHS, Terns, Tennessee, Miss'ssipni mill Louiaiana at half faiik. Tickets will lie Bold Aii'.'iiat. th and 2Uth, September loth and 24th, and October (S'li, good tor 'M days. Iteinember the Wabash is the quickest route south with decant reclining clniir anil Pullman Buffet sleeping cars on all trains. For tickets and further infor mation call on or write 0. '. ( j.AYTON, X. W. 1 Agent, 1502 Far- nani street, Omnha, Neb. May jihost y men silo's?" warning be called "dead Illinois Central Railroad Excursions South. For a free copy of "Southern Home-Seekers-Guide," "Farmers' and Fruit Growers' Guide to McComb City, Mississippi," address the undersigned. A. H. HANSON, J. F. MERRY, Gen'IPass. Apent, Asst. Gcn'l Pass. Agt., Chicago. Manchester, Iowa. Tin wild oats of youth change into the briars 01 manhood. A Hi-mi tlrul Fit lure I'ree. For one 2c postage stamp we w ill mnil a panel size ph -to-ens-rn ini of our popular picture "Kissing at 7. 17 and 70." Ad dress the milkers of the greut Anti-Bile Remedy, "Kile Heans." J. F. "M it ii Co., St. Louis, Mo Virtue is ita Mods asked. own reward, and no ques- When Eab7 wea rick, we gave her Costorla, When zhe was a Child, dc cried for Castoria, When she became IIi3, cac clung to Costoria, When die had Children, she gave them Castorfs. Nothing is so strong us gentleness, noTn ing so gentle na real streiith. Itiiy m Home in Kill., Kansas. This town is one of the most promising in Kansas, located on the Union 1'ai ilic IUilwav. It is a divisim station of that road and ha division shops, rour.-l house and eating station. Mills and f .dories are springing up and it is becoming a thriving place, iu the midst, ol aprosperous farming region. It is a healthy place and the soil and climate are excellent. Albert Wood cock, Genernl Laud Commissioner U. P. Ry., Omnha. Neh., or Leroy 8. Winters, Land and Kinig. Agt. V. P. Ry., Ellis, Kan. Men may bend to virtue, but virtue can not bend to men. For two two-cent stamps we will send you one of the hiiudsomest almanac in the country. "Homestead, " OiiihIiil, Xub. Bilenre is worth its weight in gold in many crises ol human experience. GPIlAirJG. Tmr M tmn. Thayer, Is., Aug. 22, IMS. I fuTcred 10 years- sine 187S with stmined back And was In bed 4 months. Bt, Jacobs Oil Cured me. Xo return. J. C STOUT. Ar Dwcooirrs an Suim CAOT nitl I CNAOWICriBMUAL 'esjp sssf sspiii 73 T FR. stesssv ky a. eaawawsa; eae tA KXLAet, f. i. 11 IM. fklieV. rBV i It) IlnJs' R)R THE FARMER. Let yoar horse stand loose, if possible, without being tied up in the raaDjrer. Pain and weariness from a confined position induce Lad habits. Crude petroleum, remarks the Con. nectieut Conrant in a betterpreserva. tiveofwood than linseetl oil, and sosts only one-nfth as much. Half of the wear to tools, on some farms, comes from unnecessary ex posure to sun, nnd wind, and rain A convenient bhelter is far cheaper ana looks less stintless. The ordainarj red paint, made of red oxide of iron and linseed oil, is that can be used, and should be applied on the roofs of the barns and other out buildings. If a o;ood account of expenses nnd sales is kept there will always be a balance in favor of sheep-breed ing; not so much as a specialty, but its an assistant to other farm animals and crops. Prof. Gamg-ee recommends that ani mals sick from eating smutty corn should be given some purgative, as a pound of epsom cults or a pint of linseed oil for a grown animal nnd that the animal should be induced to drink water freely A Wfuk solution of carbolic acid and water, says anexchange, applied to cows with a brush will protect thorn from the attacks the odor which repels, of flies, nnd a iroes ti It is little carbolic acid for odor SXent wav. As a rendezvous for skunks and rabbits the hedge fence takes the lead, nnd wIiph we consider the amount of labor necessary to keep such a fence in good condition nnd pieasmg to ti:e eye, we much preler the barb wire, although as a protec tion to stock in winter the advan tage is lurgelv in lavor of the hedge. A 2-year-old steer requires in his daily food, to enable him to make even, well-develoded growth, about one pound of flesh-forming food to eight pounds of fat nnd heat-pro d u.eern, and this is about the pro portion in which these two classes of nutrients ore found in good hay rruitanu vegetable growers are opt to look at the distant city mar ket with a magnifying-glass, and to overlook the udvnntage of the home market in consequence. How foolish ro reacn ior tiie stars to liglit vour pipe with, when you have a match in your pocket. American Garden. Speaking of weeds, a Western jour nal says: "It is a most costly mis take to let them grow till light culti vation will not destroy them. Among small plants no cultivator is better than a good sharp-toothed rake. Stir the surface every few da-s with this, and the labor and co.-t of cultivation will be reduced by half, and the better growth secured will be surprising to one who has never tried the plan of killing the weeds in their early youth." A couple of acres of rve sown the third week of last August furnished an acceptable bite of pasture for a dozen milch cows after the frost had browned everythfng else, served to start up the quantity, quality, and color of the butter from the cows this spring two or three weeks before the regular pasture was available, and cut a full crop of grain nt harv est time, which was as good in every particular as that on an adjoining lot which had not been pastured, though it was ten days or two weeks later in ripening. Carrots are not appreciated in this country as they are in Germany. In Germany they are fed to nil kinds of animals including the poultry. They do the horses good, make more milk and butter and of a rich color. They may be fed to cattle nnd horses, or cut with a spade in a box or a root cutter. For poultry they should be chopped fine. When mixed with mangels, wheat chaff and a chop made of straw or hay, put in a half bushel of the fodder and a peck of the roots. This is good for horses when not at work, but when at work put in some oats or bran. We huve always believed that our farmers would find sheep profit able, if the land w dry enough. It is of no use to attempt to keep sheep on wet land. But a small flock on a a farm will certainly ordainarily prove profitable. As has been said many times by us, and by others, sheep furnish a convinent way for the farmer to obtain fresh meats, a very desirable thing for the o veruge fnrm er ana his family. Diet is such tin important matter thnfc it might almost be said that too much atten tion cannot be given to it. If our pork which is eaten in this country to so large an extent, was not the best in the world, the health of our people would be severely affected, for our consumption of pork is very large. We have always believed that there was enough in this point alone to induce farmers to ffo to raisins beep. Then comes the profit, ana we believe that a profit can be made from sheep, taking all things into consideration, evea under unfavor able dmimstaBces.--Western Rural. slarr J. Ilolmra. A mono; the writers of fiction no name is leller Luonti .r better loTed tbnu lliat of Mary J. Holim-a. hhe is an m-li-fatip-able worker, nnd while tbe boms from U until ''i are usually sin-ut at her leak, it is no uiiCuuiiitoii tiling to M-e Iier Waiiderinir anions her flowers ill ln-r larse ell lille l vard; the latter fci-jai-ruted by a trellis from the stuootii. eveu lawn iu front It it Terr pretty, 1 lie low, luo.i.l rottnire with its broad piazza, its cosy nooks and comers, ita bay win do s, its ferns uuil flowers, with while iiiatlilo statainy .lenmiti tliroiiL'h Ibe trees. Veeiit"-r first Ibe wide liall with ita nnrm lights uml birda ami kx from these to t-bedrauiiig rooun.; the arrange ments of the rooms are wholly iincoii vetitioua!. Here e find rare ami costly I n i tit! n N. from foreiu lauds; there a rare bit of eliinn, no fragile that we fear lest it melt like n Kiiowtlake mid vanish from eijlit. Wh enjoy to the utmost our that visit to Kionrt cottage, ami we listen to the full, soft, ri-li toues de scribing a visit to Vesuvius ami the but ied city of i'ompeii, we are charmed by onr charming hostess and conic au ay delighted with our visit. When Dobbins' K'ectric Soap was first made in 1S0I it i-o.t 'JO rents a bar. It is precisely the same ingredients and quality now and doesn't cost half. Buy it of your crocer and save your clothes. If he haen't it, he will jet it. Opium 4 lilna. A Tellow book, recently published by order f the inspector u'cnt ral of cus toms in China, discloses mi enormous development iu t lie native production of oi'iuin. There ftfo ten dislriets in which the native article is hiraely in use. Iu some fuses it 1ms driven the f'ltein opium out of the market, and in many the two an; blended. Ju i dis- tii t the n it 1 1 tin 1 production is i-stinnitod nt x,(KM),(,(ii) in value, and the funny lliiu about it is Hint this all noes on iu spile of sroveniiiiellt prohibition. At llii rale the opium tihde ilidii-uity in Jndiaisiu a fair nny to settle iisoif. London Truth. IJrrlrl'in I'il j S . Julv SI. The luCLiett man in Meridian, for the pnet month at leHHt, is Mr. S. Weil, proprietor of t he Kxchange saloon, comer of Second street and Twenty-second nvciiue. He true-it tbe i.ouininna State Lottery a t its .'uly drawing for the neut sum of $5 000, bi ticket being one-t went iet ti oF ticket No. r 8 (107, nhitli urew the $1UO,000 capitul pr ze. Mr. Weil hns bien n citizen of Meridian for about a yen r, coining here Troin L'uion ( ity, Teun., and oliile be ban at times been iiitensted in clubs," his purchase for this month wbh the second time he had in vented in the Louisiana .State Lottery in dividually. The on. nth before he was lucky enough to draw $10. Then he and Mr. 'V. 11. Hall sent to New Orleans- Tor $5 worth of tick et; lo for eiich and one in partnership. When the tickets arrived Mr. Wells- selected his two, one of which dreiv the $5,000. He sent his ticket to New Orleans by the Southern Express Company, and as soon naihe return could be made he received hie S5 00(1 through the same medium. Mr. Weil takes- his Rood luck modestly, hut acknowledges that the drawinc of the J5. 000 as an agreeable and a welcome surprise. Ilnw to I .e Hammock. She hail purchased a hammock from a store on Wood word avenue, mid aa alio received her clume she asked: ' .Arc there any printed instructions to iro with it?" "No. inii'iim," replied the clerk. "You awing it, to two trees, wait for iv dark ni-lit malpractice, fulling in uml rolling out. In a week, if von lire persistent and don't mind thu bruises, volt can ( to tlnit point, where you can full in bi fnru a dozen people; but, us to -citing' out. vim had better put iu another week on falling down stair find brin-ing up graceful iu the full." Tid Lits. a m.w m:i' aim ( it:. S..IM Trnlna Itclu.-ru IIhooIIiuI. and All.llll, leliis. 'I hrolluli Sleep ing HI. Mrltve.-ll il-HU Mill! .a- T.-.K.n, M. Lniiii uml Au.llii, and linn.a. 4 ll) and Kan A Iu. On Aucustll. Ih8'.), the Missouri, Kan- shb & Jexus I'hiiIvvmv iiiaii"urt.ed a new quick train service on ita lines, reducinc the time lllliterially between St. Louis. tJniiiiiuHi. ami ivausHS V.IIV limt 1VXHS points. Solid trains are now running be tween Hannibal and Austin, Tia Sedaba. Fort Scott, Il-nison, Fort Worth. Waco and Taylor. These trains carry through sleepers between Chicago and" Keniaon, herin;.n, Dallas, Houston and Galveston, also through sleepers between St. Louis and Austin arid (Jalveston, and Kansas City and San Antonio, via Taylor and Aus tin. The equipment of these trains is strictly first class nnd of modern desisn roiiHistiuf! of hnndeome day coaches ami comfortable smoking curs, in addition to elegant free rerliniiu; chairs (bet ween 8eda lia and Hannibal) and Pullman buffet sleeping cars to ooints above mimed. 1 nuns No. I. and 4 enrrv thronzli sleeiiers to and from ('liiiiiK i and (ialvestun. in nnection with the "HarliiiL'on Route " and the Houston t Texan (V.trul Rail. way. leaving (..'hiciis'o at 5:45 p. m., arriv itiKat Kansas and Missouri points next morning, and Texas points- the following day. Leaving Kansas and Missouri points in the nltei-noon and eveniui?. iiri-iva (,'hii'Hgo !);lr next morning, connecting with eastern iii"rniug trains on all roads out of Chicago, effecting a saving of from five to ten hours tu all eastern points. See that your tickets read via the Missouri. Kansas it Texas Railway. For tickets and further information apply to nearest M. K. dt T. ticket agent. Gsston Memlikb, U. T. A T. A., Scdalia, Mo. The last of the Mohicans was nrobablr designed for a Lo ii step. Hie n-XYel. In addition to the uneoiinled Dinine Car Service between Council bluff and Denver, the Union Pacillc, "The Overland Route," will on Hiiiidny, August INth, and daily therealter, run Dining Cars lietween Coun cil Kbiffs and Portland. Ore., on "The Overland Flyer," leaving Council Bluff at i joo p. tn., Omaha B:15 p. in. J heae cars are models of excellence, and the best meals the market affords will be furnished at 75 rents. ' One may lie' belter than Ids reputation or his conduct, but never better than bis principles. Eend two rents in stamps to K. L. Lo max, General Passenger Agent Union Pa cific railway, Omaha, Neb., nnd secure a handsomely bound ropy of Outdoor Snorts and Pastimes, containing complete rules for Lawn Tennis, Croquet and liall, free. Just issued. Early and provident feur is the mother of safety. Borne persons, ir-etead of "putting oft 'lie old uan," drees hisu up iu a new shape. Allajrt Burch, West Toledo, Ohio iaye "Hads Catarrh Cure nave. I my Hie." Wilte him for particulars. Sold by drus-ftsU,7Ge. ASOTDEB CniLD LOST Wholly DersnseoflUe Criminal farcies Bfssofthefareiils-Huwrarepts. bya Ijnk4.flr-antienam(arf, aif le- .pansiblefurlUeUciiths uf their Cliil- tlrcn. Loi: Sot Is the streets of the ritr. not In tiie .., but lost U Ihe l'reninhrtith desis: Tus report ol the atsnluflleallS is New York shows thai mm thsn oot-lhlrit of sil deaths durlne Uie summer are children. Coolers luUatum. leelhlns. ,,,.,!. ui.hdo trmi-sil re st wsr who tlieliulecreslurewbomim ibe psrenn sr.lems dulTtorro'eet. Nesrlvs esessil deslhs nilsht win .,a !eJ. Ksrents tSouslillely neslwl uis.r chilaiva. but Ibe) sre none Hie le tTlsiinslly rrm" ale. Wu the lenJer rhikl th.l he.fea L trul " lJ no "ail lor the piroseli of ml B,s hul'lonlfy ill. mile scsiusl Hie IrrnOle laiaiv slts.nns snrl hnj uer Some lo III child. k"1 tli.-e.-riil. r.iesiuilelsn.tuiel w lo do rh',i,si-..lhebe.l. l-ut i..:e..'t '.'" ii, e.n k'lller in ll child ImuiU Usl. I I tl Uie fern, will prerrnt di.p.v- It IS wonder ful whal an elterl Ihia ailuple precaulloa DM. OUS m.aaer. wrltiniiou tbe aubjeet -Money rould not irinpl me lo so Ihrmim ine aunoner witlionts b..lll of l'err liarls s fa.n Kill !; st baud. I lol one .had that I am certain e,,ol.l uae hwn sared had I used ibis remedy, and I bse alars fell reapoiisihle for u death. .None it my children bare since len !- durlns Ihe suin "jer. which ladu. lo my car. ud lbs Ires uaa ol FTerJ'are thonsanda of parenw followlns the same eourse. and the i-..nlaat u.-allli ol their .Juldreii la tl.sir reward. No parrul can sft-rd lo risk III hie of a child when u sure sad ainiuls s mesas ot salo ly cma be secured. SICK HEADACHE I'oalilirli cured l) CARTERS (hear l.lllle nils. Tlier also rehere D.p trpaa front Pysji-jia,Iii dinealioa ani TooHearf -l-jtitnc. A iterfsct rem ITTLE SVER for Dlz7.iiis,Naiiae- Iirowalueiui, had la-U mi the Month, CoatiJ r'ucne,l'ain in the hiuV ToKHID l.IVlJt. The-i-e'tilale tha Bowola 1'ilrslv ratable. I'rlcr 2S Crnli. CAHTZ2 lilli:r.3 CO., 1SL Small Pill, Small Dose. Small Price. Ely's Cream Balm IV BELIFI' IT ftSrl KuC COLD IN HEAD. i m- CATARRH.! Apply r.H.m into wicli nostril. KltOs.. Wnir- u ... X. V. MATRIMONIAL Big Package el Photo A le full wntirti Ipst-rlfllons (inrlwl. iut, rreldrtvr:) at rf(rUW Who MsVlit to (WTTfsfitilid lisf fun OF BiAirirofiiit. roi (n p,aln tws.l-d -uwl-V fuf nail IU U. Waiir if mir livljr Hi 1111 Vrt rt tmftful ui vshhi. (iir lull Arwi (.(km of fourwir ejtd 4 eimt !-! of ih lsvli with mbm :! Wi.h l.rorrI-.L'l. Ad'lrcu. LOCK BRAWEB 697. CH1CAQ0. ILL READ CAREFULLY! VoDINP MOOFiNC." TIlP tif't f'-r il I H-fiii" njul C"il ! n, (J .t rMinntf n.nt !ur iihv of 11. Ml ,! 1 mil (!r t'l.j . llii 1 h -1 1 v-ii n h j f t v1 a- . .!,.-, i.r r"r.-r.r.-t ftiturc 1 .!tHiiltr 'ItiLt- Ui il., iwl W it in I'n mt , uutl I: I uinM t .,i rM 1, i.t. i.c, twillnts.,1. liirH hhie I- K in(- itmi himI Miii piy i , II -fii.Ki V !r-t Nnu mil lijiiik Oinli:i. Neh FIRE PLACE. ISf foir liuytiiBT (irulri, r'i our cir tiinr, Ment Free?. The Altllnr pruducer. Wnrtn M..ia, ffrfrcl lllii tlunt keeps (Ire orer nmtit and Ii cleanly, ilurni com, cunfj, wwd or gas Can be plpeo to cnriju;on thimni?y, nr t like other grate, and cn be run at . i-1. i i any mner. '5a5t2s3 ddre ALDINE MFC. CO., Mlcklcss. MUSIC IN THE AIR HrnilijiiartTS for Hau l 1 list minriita. Drum 1:1,11, l.ulli.r.. .Iiln-rs, llaniii,i,-:,. Ktiii- f. liialrmnf in ma,.-. F, ,., , p,,,,., M, ' Hut'l;. Ituh'l nu( n.-li, .1 lu.u- I1m F,'i... Iiulnicttoi, ll.H.ks r..r all 1 1., r.i n.,m s Any .,.-.;.,'. Itiir !n n..n.-r will m-rlvr a c,.y .,f llu, ,,J kind of icooas whuii "l"' "a I-,r priffl and -alalialll.a. .i.M,,,. 'i i iii:vi:u a hiio.. Oin..l,H, ,.h. cssmcnts GuasANTccD to nr PtHFECTwiTMOUT TSyiNSON. FREE . hy rftiirn mall full ri-r1 pi 1 v 'i'in-lihi rolMOODTBIEWTsII, 0 BT8TEH OF DIEII CUTT1H0. Any ludy of orilitiHi-v Hillli irrniv can fasliy ami' nulukly I'-srn to iut anil make any sar inciit. In any slyl to any nii-as-iirp (or lady or clillil. AriilrrHS M00DV A CO CINCINNATI, 0. r The oldest medicine 111 t!w r,:la l j.roliaUy Dr. Isaac Thompson's R bU.HKATI'.n I-.VK M AT1-- TIllR KttH'l. la. n.rlHU ...1 ... .. I Al, I ION. 1 lie only (ri.u.ue ThoRiuaun'a I've M Mrr l,a- ur-.n the hl, wrsp,.r , .".Toott iV,?, l-nraitof tl.. lorenio,' D IsaarTHoiw,' will, ,!,!,,. alirnatine: ,. , ,t. ,," ". "j slrne. John I Th..mK.. A i'.II oM,.r. T eu nine h-s Ha-jsrca.. boooutlnej from a)- U ti-',."," IQHN L.THOMPSON, SONS & CO., TROY. N Y. A MONTH and nioro Is earned b. a-railuates wno sueiu ii nlonlha or lens at the t,lleKe. f,,nli adilress of 'U rnends and -t tlrailsr nnd heautl. tul ieckwn of iti,n,...i.... l-huu ItolS se, , Ue,,d H.ortlisnd t,UBht'bT rrialh mAAttM l, I. ,:. Hlri line, H, ICIllK. 1 IVn. hamnlea. ca Ulc 1. 1 ,. .'. vv., jnwuin VHrUlt'L, LrtJlin. " -" VAIIU LVIfinrBie meviiiFA " ' for oinw 1 mint iptiiui rrUf sC.i-tft.miTmalL MOVKI,L i a,. Ctiarlcttto. u. Um JflUlii ""' ? cur- '" J- u bMpusiis, LsUaoa. ufels. It's handy Let THE ALDINE 100 mm WASHING COMPOUND rjpt CHEAT vitmout injunr To Tut T5ttt y;:ir'p inriin. Jrh!th DR. OWEIT0 ELECTRIC DELT ! i I I a xtn snsPT-WSORY, . -iJ-J'WW. h calvasio oar BEIT j -,; , -,t( ? ,.,t, a. sjasw-y: r-rM,v riv Rheumaua tamp. sis ta, '-'lumbafS, Oesersl eae ;'irerous Desibty. Cos--' t. vest aa. Badsy Diaesses Nerveusnas, Tremblisr, B .,! Fahauation Wsse ' .- 7T ir of Body, iiisesaes ! m. try Mfwrctiensh Te-th. Af. ar- j i.T ''T; ,!.hr !oalldi- errta!s.i.f r?edor in- lel-l ,",. f ,:. .r fraula. l J.?"L '." r.5 r." ... rn eRli K. saT TO sr-snia-isia r" ' ' V ' vauv i a ris ok i DH. OWEN'S I Wti" ELICTE10 lEtT APPLIANCZ CO. sbe North Hroariwny. ST LOUIS, KO. RUPTURE ELECTRIC BELT AND TRUSS X C0M2II.ED. DR. ISRAEL'S rLCTR0-CALVjI0 TRTTS8, 0d i Elrctnc Frit Attaehnirnt. oi o pimntfiifl fufjifui t, I " ptaJc Btt'4 etr atieuic. ltt 1 Ihe li t . r . .... mA I.. It a..r muAc. it with Dr. TMi lls rryl ! KrnplMr ! freM (ift f9 'r full slrrt-'. mt ilr. 0rii Kif-rlr- (;ttf; H Is -pinl A H Utters. TmM rtA nsr rn1 w litr v iu iiiM-tit4 msb.-H M whicfe WUi be) fjjgt too m p'slo ff4 fnif'tr,' ' i1 0WK ELECTRIC BEIT k APrLlANCE CO. ZJi uutl 3u Nocth ilfuju! Aajr, St. Lctuu, Slu I READ THIS! There art !n th Norfhw crcr W rltl- wht-ro you ctiM hv jurrhatNl few yr-ar aLo fnr 1?5 ft iMiil'linir lot Uiat u-1.-ir will fceli f.r uian1 of $lr),f-i. thn.k thvrn rc at mf prese-ni iini. own au.j control ovt-r HXKJ li'U in the most it jr of cne of Ihf iifw Mat, Jt ill irol.tllT be the Mal f3tll.ti. f-,r )0 A-ays .niy w n ii M-H IhfHM) (( foi $Ji Ii ito In ir.ontMy JnslalmcnUior fl.W (XT lll'tiilll f..r t ItlJ'-liVO IlltililtilL JSrtiti ui vour name arc, aJlr- .it fine: fur driu-rip-tiv rircut.rj, plats, Hr, Tbl mMjr hi- the chance of a lifts (la to you. AciUre,, THE WOKTHWEST INSTALMENT CO. 420 Wabash Avonuo, Chicoff. 111. The New Baxter Engine, Rope and Twine Machinery, aiv. Minufuc turer of Binder Twine, etc. 'III! M1I11' U Mlll'l'' W if h M llic hi T I Miiin.VfMiirnlB Inxn I Hi tf I, nil. I lift n !-f4'url until I'lKiM i ju tli- )nt(try f i".ini inoUir-. Lvprv iiiii h provl'l uiili oil unmnlr utt'l ;i(-tv .ti'iiiniiti kuin u, imi tf irtrritiii-i( hi fvtrr r "HFtt, ).-rv ) i-r((tt Inn of ll(tt nn 'I tn'Jtik'r, TwIi'W anil IsiitfcHCf1 Mm Irne-tv. Ami n;o inniiiifjii i f ii ry iii(Hr- i)r M'm'i',.' uf .)ut l:iFi'ir 'I iiii nt (.lit. A. drcirn. .InsMI'M I . Toii, Itey s: S-w of k. r,rp.rrlbf and full, an dor. His 1; aa tha only .I'fnfl'' lor ll.ei'trtsjn I'urs of lltla di-.ea. U. Il.IM.KA II AM.M P . AuiMtrdain, ,. V. W have aold I'.ir CJ for many yara. and it lias civon tim ucul of atttia fttf'tlon, JJ. IU DYfIIKfO.. (hh-affn 111 81.00. RoH by lirutjiaix Plao's Iemelv for rslnrrh la tho Bst, hah:l 10 If, nnd t hi.-u hy dniMlNU or nenr hv mail ml. i. iiuxmine. Warrcu. I ivsu nr- ' rL" "I r- S-HIH : Ik1. r..i rrsrut. S?e. mi mi f litis l,aT8. 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It saves yoi one - half their work, in fact, whr you have anything to wash or dead you win rind, sooner or later that I'yu: PEARLINE is the beet thin-? witl to do it. guods which ihty clsim to U " JAMES rVLf. New