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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1889)
The Sioux County Journal, aft r g'OUX COUMT I pittern. Proprietor. -Pi ; wi a. K ! -Summer hat and lrinmw at COsl, JHAgggscnS-, 1TBB., SEPT. 5, 1889. 2TO. SI hiser'a. Tim. TM. l iM V. By.. Pawner. 4 lv Harrison at l" a. m. Lt 14' I!iUTlson Bt 2:51 P- M- girrM Sarkft. C iv. rt p,,r lW 5. IV. .turfed. Pr fl "'- itoes pT bu. V. bun. ner bu. It.M. U, A ifap Frw. JfTTWAl. has made arrangements U it run offer an indnif ment t. Wrupof clulw. Any person who ,ureforu four new sulwriUrs t for a year in advance we will lymoMof Banil, McNnlly 4 Co'. irtinoal map' of Nebraska. The s,ta small, clwap affair, but is aches on heavy rmer, mounted Ln !t is the latest map ismied.! Lriht nf June 1. I1"9- ftml ,"r ' as to show all tli new counties .ami railroad. Now is llio time to Lone of tliese ma) FREE. Tlie V price of these maps is T2.0O, and Winy one to purchase one ol te will order it for them. A sam ( th map ran be Keen at thin office. lywirfteighhors and get tliem to nub- tor The Jours At, and assist you to mif All lubscrihers in clubs will sjttva our premium paper, the Faro Aca, without, extra -fmb brown and white bread, cake, trd cookie at tins restaurant fimi Brooks the west side butcher. unomr our advertisers thin week. innta all to come and nee them. -I. it 1 aniels brought us a sample of Vn and lito one of sugar cane which tot fcnd to make people feel at all Vwnuiwlwith Hioux county. When i - aaUiubdued good crops will fol- 0& lart Saturday afternoon Sani . formerly of thin place, shot a man name of Fred Bishop at Alliance. ouoded man died the day follow i itto in under arrest awaiting the '-It if In tor ner's Inquest. ... i t ftr. rnlimmr at utmost pltn of the Kay and night of late. pnst number of cattle are beim; sent fietnatVetat present. And v..t we ar' !ormA lal the shipment this seiison ui . mum waller tton formerly. Tl) contract was let on lsixt Mondav fortliciKw rwidtme of L. J. Simmon. It it to be built P court bouie. W. E Porter has the "uct, m tha houne ig to e ready wunnicy by the first of NovemW. H. Andrews O---.. a win . . . j trunk to him at Home pl.ue down "isrht b. had rmiiA htern in remain r"0'. but in thia we were diHal- Nted. -Tht impeachment caae against E. D. , 'Xrlee tornm up before th county ""iwonen. at 1 o'clock, p. n., to-day. rVe niimk- - i -. t , WoV0f interct la being taken 19 wtwe. -m. O'Conner arrived Uwt week Wa.vne and on Tuesday his family o that he Is now a citizen ol unt,. Mr. O-ixinner was here PriK and secured land and proceed to make a home for ro'snd family on it. He brought J 1 "umber of cattle and horses with Dr. Fiah., o i Ml L ' wnunrn A. ai. juyioi, I ns ben verv sick, but is now im- l!u' but It. Fisfier will be up again "day. He is seriously conUmplating "BK bare to IkU, and it is to be thatna will a . ir 1. t,iu-hlv nenuad bv soma of ourneonle who "mDlfiv.l .T0" lMt ThunwUv a spark from an W1M l ! ... . I.. v iirv u) iiu a-ntu a faw mil"" f town. n. i.. the V I w, , I UU. VI. WW t-od the Hr preud rapidly before C T0" "ind. A lanre amount of hay "n Dul. 1111 In k.. l nliln and a - 1 t.mi i'. w j " MysUcka were consumed, and , -uoa nay land burnei over, me Jtdsd to the pine ridge nd w I. 'TwI ft good deed of timber wa ....IT! ji. - Elegant Those 5 cent prints at W a. 1 Tti(.nin's caJ, st,,re. -I o not fail to call on The .ukusal if Jou want a ni. e job of printing done. -J-onley. P, A Pollard liavej.lenty of money to ln on improved farms at the m.t ivawjnal.le raWx of unv firm in hioux county. Ifyou pro. ure a loan of fV.nUv ReidT A lol!:inl you can pay it off and prrK ure a larger loan wxt year without additional cot. ("4n.lidate. for 1 -nunty ofTn e, are can vassing thi town and count v to uAA with tlie filit i. i.ins. and K a A Thomp son are llm' I t pouuls of evajwrated j Jiint as we 150 to pre- we learn of I the death of the daughter of Mr. anil Mr. S. L. R. Maine, who has Ln sick I for some time. Tlie parents hav the 1 ttvuiliaihv of all in iiieir I he puoiie m'IumiI oiensl last Mon day w ith Asa I avis as princiil. Tlie , a'U-nd.tnce was imt lare hut innnv more w II prol al Iv ! add. d to the roll in a vhort t.iii".. Tin re is some talk that an ad.htioiial h-:u her will lie needt-d, but none will I employe.) for the present at hast. 'A. A Weir entertained a numln r ol his Uu helor friends last Thuisilay even- 1 inir. Of course Mr. Weir deis'iided on his mother and Mster for assistance, but the repast was served in tlie bachelor ouart'-rs of the voiuuf L'entleman. A pleasant time is reHirte7 by those who were present. In our loliiinns this week th mlvertisetn.'iit of the City Restaur ant This is under the management ol Henry Snyder, and all who wish board bv tin- (lav or week, or if vou are in town and want a good dinner, give, him a call. He is located one door north of the black smith shop on Main street. The entertainment given by the la dies at the church on last Friday evening was well attended and the program was highlv enioved by MLTherejsnojpjes: tion hut such entertainments can lie made both interesting and instructive and we hoie the attempt will re peated in the near future. W1 the names of your friends in the East who ih to visit you, or who ,.ra MH-kmir new Imations, to J. K. ti chunan, Cen'l Passenger Agent of the iw,nt F.I I; horn & Missouri Valley it R, Co., Omaha, Neb., that he may send !l.,... infnrniul ion ft lativeto the "une- iiuriii niM.'t -- Fare Harvast Excursions," which occu fjnptembcr 10th and 21th, and Oct 8th. SOT It El A Word to the Wise Is Sufficient. We have a large and complete stocl of General Merchandise, and desiring 1 1 r vr oatn.natre we have made ; great reduction in prices in order to make room for our Tall unu .....t, . worsted dress goods, flannels .,t tens, woolen hose, tobogins, , etc. We have made prices on our .summer pwds w tlt you can well alfonl to buy no and save at least ... ..... ,.--.., IhinL's. ov is jo one-nan PERSONAL. Mrs. W. H. Fjaniell is imnrnvino- fiv,m tier rent severe illness. Countv r.immiuui.vnu. ,'.;i .'e.wiuir j was at ( hadron last Friday and returned .Tuiuroay. j l ave Bartlett is down in this vicinity living on his claim, and visiting his many friends here. W. IL I avis Is assisting Mrs. Carlton in the post office during the absence of ins latlier. S. W. Cox went to Chadron Tuesday: E. I). Satterlee went down the road on 1 uesdav 14 pounds of new '88 prunes for f 1, at Rosa &. Thomuson's. For the best 5 cent cigar in town go to Rosa & Thompson's. To get the lowest price3 in town go to Rosa & Thompson's cash store, Nebraska State Fair. Excursion tickets on sale Sept. 5, . to 8 1 inclusive, eood returning until Scot. 14 inclusive: to Lincoln and return at $15.88 for round trin. At the meeting of the board of countv commissioners last week a good deal of business was done. A large 1 number of hills were acted on, many be- ZTHE New Road T. I'' . , , I ing allowed, but we did not call until it U I. f-av.s left on Tuesday on the lhe ds in fu east-bound train. Attorney I). B. Jencks, of Chadron, came up on Wednesday on legal business. Joseph II. Montgomery called on Wed nesday and lianded us some cash 011 sub scription. J. B. Cherrington gave us some cash on subscription yesterday. L (). Hull left on yesterday for a busi ness trip to Oelrichs, f'uk. He will lie ahs-nt aliout a week. S. B. Colfee and wife were in Harrison Tuesday. Marshall Trimbur spent sfme days at 'amp Crook last week. J. II. Truax made a business trip to 'raw ford on Monday, returning Tuesday. Mi's. John I. 1 avis left last week for an xtended visit to relatives in Valley countv. y Miss Ida Staimard accomiianied her father on his return home on last Monday. B. Rosa returned to Chadron on Wednesday. He is well phased with the business of the firm at this place. J. 0. Armstrong was up from Rush- viile on Monday on business. W. R. Smith made a trip to Van Tassell on Wednesday. D. H. Griswold Uule adieu to his moth er and cousin on yesterday when they Warded the train for their home in Iowa. Gcoree Bowen returned from Hot Ht INKY ij ... Springs, tak last Saturday, where tie i,..,l lpn for some weeks, lie receiveu for this issue. A tilun submitted by D. I Klein for a bridge in White River pre- . , 1 cmct was accepted and bids will be ad vertised for. Bids will also he called for to complete road No. 33. the road par tially made by M. J. Carroll. In the White River precinct saloon esses Han dy & Stetson filed a bond which was sat- I isfactory and the clerk was directed to issue license upon the presentation of a voucher showing that the .r)00 license fee had lieen paid to the county treasur er. Ho far no license money nas oeeo paid in and we are informed that the sa loons are running without license, the proprietors prefering to take their hances on beinsr prosecuted. Hie Mon trose bridge was accepted and warrants ordered issued. Will lead direct to the Ranch Supply house, Harrison, Nebrmak. Without Change of Cars, - Where you will find U Largest Stock of General Merchandise -real benellt from the nanisms rue... ..-,, . T a nn atT. HnTTRS tism almost entirely ,., k, c V. A. Weir and hisl -ail ana see us .T ' . . .. p , lrt (nr the east. Thel sisier, -uiss juiiuu.i i-.v time to buy. , ,, unit secure a bar Rijka & ThoMI-son Ithe formal change in the control of ,ie Bank of Harrison occurreu Monday. The deal was closed some ! . ii for sake of convenitnc Uie change as not liuule until bept t . , : nf invsldinsT oe"'" ' t.. Ilo lues i" 1 , . . 1 ...:n 1, ensed to i..r as cashier, unu i" . hilVe all call and see him whenever -ey , aveany business in the bsnKing " ..... -111 find him a pleasunl and our peopie - -... do and accomn.odating gen " ta,n'" - I" Lt he will o,n an fe-sion. ... ' ... .. in K.main in oiu to know that ne - ''ounty' . a cood deal of For some in..- r- - . ... 1-.,, imme on in te nleet.ngso,v .e' . of. l0 t,ie paying of hi, h & fl,er8, etiair ...- d the v,,.t t.inir a minority com salaries, but ts-i ng d08- mJasviH rshal and every tix Pyr ln 11 8 " T ,npr in "ti-.n need mode w "TV :" r,,ri,,ed the duties ol in- .imply a question o, - ... tho amir .... ' 14-of such an Olliceru- - flee, it was sir f 1 ... necewj - . . koW II llie ty of the town to pay other high sauin.-- - jt wi the example 01 of the .how that mey flgnp lown at heart, w sh(ip0. ln''"er r::; authority that ,'We have it ( ,,t the 2H !the heaviest tax pa r , (t) not pro nij1 u ,eVy '''Vthe legal l-vy. p" o r? ?1hI, .t all t' ,"e,,,,!CrS " ItatotaW, -'l J;rs. Hn,.lh and the lssir.1 w,i j-- - allvan,e vne D.j,uiff in their el",' , HARRISON MEAT MARKET. WARN & BROOKS, props. FRESH MEATS ALWAYS ON HAND. Fresh Fish, Game and Poultry in Sea son. West Side Main Rtreet, Harrison, Nebraska. In the county, City Restaurant, SNYDER, Proprietor. Boarding by the day or week at lowest living rates. At Prices as Low as the Lowest. No ahoddy goods Every thing first class. Ko old stock New goods continually arriving. Call on us when in town and wo will give you a SQUARE DEAL former goes to the Omaha and Lincoln fairs, and the latter will visit menus ai RushviHe. 1 r Oliver Fisher, of Whitney, was he.-e on Monday to attend Mrs. Taylor. The doctor is favorably impressed wun Harrison, and thinks of coming Here 10 locate. He ordered The Journal sent to him. 15 pounds of rice for 1, at Rosa & Thompson's. -Prices down! DOWN!! LOW Mil ai Rosa & Thompson's. Little Cottonwood. Water melons are rijie. o ems and irreen beans Tint beautiful moonlight and those rine water melons are iemp" - to the boys, r, , T.iiv sold a load of water mel ons at the Post last Saturday and anoth er load Tuesday of this ween. Jake Grove is cooking at um J'-ot has sold his pre-emption to John Graham and has taken a home- , ..i:..::r,,r Mr Snears 011 100 , aujo.."."b - .. a r.,r,l is nuttinir up hay nr .. ..j m the Circle Bar ranch. - iir. Anuc'..., . Mr. Anderson is supplying u. - camps on Cottowood with nee.. ' is now running at fvll llie mo uuv. - , !., heinc five camps in u.e ey, each employing about twenty mex besides those wno uo w 0- Bointy Items. Still fine weather and haying is abort over. . in Wntcon and Nr. do. tewford recently making the. prepare- uonsio - G. A. Greger made a ca 1 uu .... r- enU the 80th. Hew "0U""K wm ihts at Ft Robinson the other day. sights ai j u hou Mr. Hill Has mov.. - on his claim. Hehasagoou . , t. Holly will apply ior PiSh school at district No. 0 is well . hab. . .. . ...i. .nneed. It would , -end gentleman k ... .. lai-ftirn Oil would drop in and give u - the Scripture oronn--- John Loutzennwr .. """" , r,.nlw moved Frank's claim, sir 'ft TiST! sister cme home the a,s Ho will return to the ranch in . 11.. jtii Wyoming , . , ow (,ays Wild fruit is ueo'ft . b,s.y. Ouiningan rying the order of the uayw.w.vwisT ... . An.....ria lawns, B cents per y worth 10. .t&Thomp. and we will give you the worth of your money. ONE EOOR NORTH OF BLACKSMITH BxlUr. Main Street, a Harrison, Nebraska, RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, HARRISON, NEBRASKA. Jones Verity. We have recently strengthened the firm by the admission to part nership of Chas. E. Holmes, one of northwest Nebraska's ablest law yers, who will pay special attention to law and land practice. We shall continue to make the very best terms on farm loans, and invite all to confer with us before signing ap plications with other parties. If you need insurance on your build ings, want to start a contest, or make entry of government land, come and see us at the old corner. , FARM LOANS. $50,000. $50,000. To Loan We Christensen Wholesale and Retail Hardware. A large and well selected stock ALWAYS ON HAND. ACORN STOVES. BARBED WIRE at prices to suit the times. Agents for CHAMPION BINDERS AND Mowers. nhadron. - Neb. Conley, Reidy & Pollard, Sioux Co. Farms I Ik ifc i 1 it v. : m . 1 jTrosntyorth-Wwu. Hi' J J - 1,1 1