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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1889)
?,a- 1'nin 1iimrTli. ll, 1! I till- if t: l!m- J r-1 4. . 1 1.. 4 SO- 4:' , 42 . 3! is: I ' I wi iiwii imi - -. n.ta kit. iia I u..i.t,. i. . i I i i III' I ..I . . l i-tri inn Tha ,. l . , I W . 1-1. cp. .mt Rot uo cUi don't have Cm T1", "T 2 J. .kintf . lwli- I'ct,,.! uorainicui fonulry ! ordinary business eoJiti" Tt!y im" ut sue., to out in ie l'. Kmm-litr or ability, tlnih irrsml remnUiu f . run 1m- 111- 'I Li. nViL'Illttun t"1' . .. .1. ,va.-D linn""" ..- " ru el that wonderful , ,l.uaju Warner's IMiir." '" - r ..II W.rniT first ruuie .'rnrsti'v power bv .!. I...r al.nt til- il.iO- Li'fnul Uliiev tumble. ,,!.l cuui in uw jitV-nrrir mice ho Ih-j-'aii .. I . " !, .IM-Ilt million kit u, . - , .,rti)lii the tvife ( lire. I,wii iiivi-iii'iit 'Tri,ii. oifii to critiriMii, Pi uri't inttl linve w . : 1 .. inrn li tin- vat ntlinl Uil t!i r.I HK-nl ff tin- , v U-,-n fully irvi-n 10 ( nr- i ilti"-. nr"t. t" '- iwlli iwlvcrllnltu-, H Bin- !)i'lo no'piiimfi-il nil- Nf.iii-I. ! I'll- inin K,, i rnn-il I'V ttruiui 4 iiiij it t lx' tlm only i.,is,fy ili-;i.-, lul n'-l li- nut i ( kullK-jr iIi-roiiKi!- iitr liu riiin-tiiuii; mo U.jitli.:m n, tiii-ii priiTM it to rtho lulliiwii a nan. A milr iu toutli. '"rt iMiutUri, t-: "mini; down ov ithmmt air ,,. , Wt tlt llf tiimr. ,. , lHnl l.ut the vM m,;rmm, rin.1 fliM t.urn of . ' ....... wi iiiiiiutou ern Tem. Th litit wan iiriiirii-; tin itt th 8tHInlill on tht JUiU-rt tnaiiBiuii of ojijMMiit wx, Uirh well furorttl. phhi TM t it iri-l ,...-.n . . . f-" imnu v. Hut r;nlnrinti Btrode ".Willi. Arthur ForliMj "Mfiuuin iu angrily from the a remarkiilly 'irjrt in tbc liBjijiy . my liithi-r's ovcr- iU.k tit onrl ubinetonicet . rin4- Farrlgn Trip. ItJ Bonn, ul llm rit. w the n'.if ol on-tntith of ticket l'J is tht A jiril ilr.i'iiij ol thf lul pn ot I1W.OOO. Il i tokfl itb tii i'iitai NtnU ' Jtioo d.f tollertlon, nmt ?iKind b ilimt of the jirii, f'.w Ui;n S'nte Iiltf-ry tor '..fffn in' infi fp itollum lie piirrhimH hi tlrll rH A. Ua-jr.liin, Nc Orirnn. I"t.n:hr l.r trml an I in n i'(nci.v. llu !.:. bn IhirtT- rl.l :fi th s finrit r w .....I It... tikt it t. tin- niil countrjr, .a!i tti-anu m.lit not ti-r- piKiil f'irt'lni- ffmUmi; him ti Vl taut Tur.Ur lor hi A'Ur rem.i.niiis Ktirumt a Urlictll to rvttirri ... .I.rk. tt' h motify tti rl rtal. knr.ii Kumiin. illtH.l"'llil- i'n iivnif in ft Pitr. W e ran i' HlwlL'll tii i'u to 1'nn.i.n " nrt iMxitihi i (i iT tu. I I,.. I- r... I ll.,.i. till. lrLt 1 . I l ip u ,"n rrwt-ciiii, lll.l tn I"a ol John JOIIIlg iin, . . . . 1 - ii on u mi ner iiivi-iv Im. "P.utwliy ill you not 1 .nTwif nai.l theyoun man. in irm.n.;,.-l.. toiin 'i nm votmy im.l n,.. i.,..i looknifr, urn! I own om-ofthp and lntit-Ht(K'kwl rii!iiln) htnt?" "lUdus.' I do not love you, S.-m,r Mon-no. nml I am rniitH to an f t Iiit," hli-n-t iirm-.l. i-rav-ly inw-tiu" tlnKlil!l1' oflliN l.'lrioIJIltc "You rnro iiion- lor nnine om-iV than you u for nii''hi-uaiilliit'i-rlv. "Ami who, iii.iy 1 iik, in tlmt 1 man"" "Arthur KorUn rKf-r. "What! that Yuiiki' ftilvi'iitur.r?'' Anil iIih-h tli w-'iiltliy Mr. Uoln-rU tuinr-tion tin? r-nt'iii-mi-nt ot h (lmijrht-r hi only i hiM to mif ol Iuh hinil wrvanth.'" 'Vt' havM not tohl him yi-t. hut'' "Ah. you have not tohl him! Will, wlii'.i you ilo I think in- will orih-rtln-Yunkm off th- rani h. Your fatln-r'N ovi-irirr, iiili--i! .Miii I. iii in Ktiln-rtn h1iouI mat'- with oin- ol lu-r ownM,-!-tion." "Anil ho iiohli- ami ihivilroim a fji-nth-man iik S nor Thoiuan Mon iid npiH-urn to t hink himu lf MhouhJ nt- U-lnl tin in? to hin own nflair anil iiicdilk h-rn with thiinrn that ilo not rfinr rn liim," hotlv r turn-il l.iii ia. ' Hut thin iUh-h roni rn iin-, for I in tcinl that you Mnill In- my iff." "Tln-n vour inti-ntioim will iniH- carry, fur I will m-vi-r marry you!" "Santu Maria'-' rri-l the yoiin man. "Wouhlyou ri-fuwmi-foraconi- mon woi kinir man a ini-re Yanki-o . a litt! i..- .1. i-rl.t 1. 7 T.T iWim I,,, . ' ,'J'"'"i-"i'JUid.-reil, M 7: r"ls' ular- w'th vem-Kin n ,'a'i ,''n SKs?!1,''I,to,wh. "iv .t f, . tmie lia'1 lonie a "Tut V WUh the ranchman, f , , Vuna wnlHwd to her S t ?.:1''?."-' -solved irthur J-orU-a u-.. .. l" n oi the ranch will, .,,.i; noui ng snout it; nor did di-parture of Mr. daughter for Rio .nr. n diHtant wl-n i i i 1 WIU1 1lle 'tt ( nallthm haiined, and there ore Km vr nutl, .... i , he know of the IloU-rtu and hiH 'iraruli- (it v I III .. 1 . " ,llr-r'", as t he over "...n nmway to Mr. Itohert'u TT- ' 'I'-overed half u dozen J l" ''T'1 11 Kt" (Trove '"'rthe,hv,.lhn. Hitchinjr higown 'Minimi id a hfltt inir nt 1 La ,a i "fth.-irr,ivehetunie.l from the heat 'n path and jmnsi-d through t he tr.s toward thf house. The night was and quite dark. y.-t he .Mected the foruiH of tlin-e or four men Rtanding in the path lu fore him. Advancing with more i-nution, and holdiui' hin nintol HH that ),n ....,,11 ' i -i uiini leilUIIV k I r douUki m to It, of Itot trif Sw,0 .i . . . t . . - w.H.ii. arcviK hip ""'' it. fl,r tl.. ET " 0,1 mrirkat, m,rna. A,,ourIroceror I)1. bLoW. clU.iv0l, for . r- 'uin(ori. ""Hr Vrl,rl. ,"ns mrr, on the Union r " WBTW Kill I. IWll..' . . Hi.-iii m 1.1 "nBc,t , tj ta'l' .nl -Mr. V"",""'"'t l'"iHe in Jlxl." Omaliu. NV-b. KulM montln for mull- wTn"" .m,,l "r 'nilr), I,U"1 t rit tr It. Vi T. l0,,'J Main Bt.. Hid,. 7 ,,u Wm about makiiin 1 '.llT -,ou - ... nii- n ... f "'llco.t 185.000. t $85,000. being mad -f,.,i .'""nu art rather, U no bomi..Bj. t! ''i.irl V"1 "" " "". ' 'a Hi. I, Orion. MlBlr. k. '. litLf'I'.0" ' moniifaetiired 'Uall,. krJurM'anjr In Montreal la . ''.in it-iiuin 'lwj it, Arthur crept forward, care hiiiiiuk every olijeet, but with I) in attention centered upon them. He had advanced hut a few ntcpuwhen he saw two of them lift from t he ground what aipcan-d to lie th form of h 1 ill in -in 1 .m tin- 1 wrapped in a dark blanket. Spring ling forward, he leveled iin pinto!. ! cornmaniliiiL' theia to Ktrm Tin. word had scarcely passed hm lips ' when he received a blow from behind I w hich rendered hiia Henni'less. I It wan past midnight wln-u ForLes I regaiued consciousiiesH. Making hiri (way to Mr. Itolieit'H house, he ! roused the servantH nlld told them j what, he had witnessed in the grove. ! (in-at was their excitement when it wan found thai neither Mr. Roberts i nor his colored manservant, dim. who had nlso accompanied Lucia to Rio (Irande "it y that morning, had returned. The negro was presently found in the grove, dead, with a deep wound in the Hide of hit) head. Mr, ItolK-rtti hun been abducted by bandits, and if he is not rescued will be held lor ransom, Haul Arthur nd venturer" No: I have set my heart "IUHt Kn 'amp and rouse upon you, find have vou I will yet, though I have to use force." The next moment the tSer.-e lover. with raire ami jealousy, would l.axe Mice. e led iii currying Lucia from the piazza, and forcibly ln-aritig lu r away on hi own power ful dt-el. w hich stood nearby, had he not nti-ivi-d HoMcM'al.lowintheface from the clench'-.! hand of John Rob-n-K who'at that Instant stepped from the door, a, to M-nd him headlong down the jiiaz.l steps, ul mined, to the ground. Though it was not lung U'fori; he wan on his f. et again. Lucia had .lis-iipi"iir.-. in the interval. W it hunt u word to the ranchman, nho etood calmly down nt him, he mounted his' horse nnd gallo)ed nwav, muttering U-twis-n histi-.;th: "Twill have revenge for this in sult. John RoU-rts! And the nroud iqiiriteil Lucia snail Is- humbled to the verv dust. A thousand curses on the amir.-. Yankee that mused nllthiKtroul.le! Ml '"1 n huM through hiH heart some day A few minut.-tt later Mr. Rolierls enterel the room to which hm daught-r had n-treated. Hie was still pale nnd trembling from the effe tn of lu-r fright. .... "Oh. pupa!" Hhe cried. '"I am ho thanklulyouramein time to ave me from that man! l o tM jou endure him about the place. "ite-H rich nnd handsome id thorunchtnan. "and most gij hke him. How doemt hnpi nthat jou "To ineheliinot handsomo; nnd for wealth how dj- I,V it? I l-di-ve he ih a hmnlit or an 0'Ui!1;"' Hrl! You have rending sentimental novels ..v..., miiv laUL'h, papa, .Jwily you w.n;t have anything to kiiv to Mon-ii'i. Lu.'ia hung her h-'ud- 'CiX:! one els-?" "'M,aI,a: ;,! condescend to . . il u rinllll' nm-. toll me the i. been but I ni "I'erliuim y"","'" 1 M.. 11 .., 1 l,e e ( n in."- . ranchman grimly. H.a r Toledo, 0., Pro. K , ' ' Utrri. Cura, oft.r f lull KfNi I.'"' ol fatarrh that can Wfi t Ukl" "' tatarrl. Vt 7r ""unlale, Ira.. bolJ l:r"'":v : ,se don't get ..ngry, Wll, I, !(" I' . ., bL,t it Arthur l urj--"My overseer! I"11 pi'voupfrien.l--n.PI'u- K"U '"'"u'SaniardH H,H.k. the truth?" "V-" , v..... listen to mc .Very goo- - ' 1(. 0,M.n Hady.iu and 'j ht ,, vve g.v workofyour oxe l mm. h , en my iroiiH-iit to aKUin." iH, you Khali i.'-v'TH'-' a" Oh, pupa!" , . a,r,iin." oyouVhall m-v-r , ' , ...dd .h the ranchman repeated ' ,, omit one to tnko .! n-l t""or-cliH.-l.arge the ' ; ; Ctnrule row youpo ""! ."villirllunt. luring tlmi.itervulheHli.V' ;vto night, PSlKhi - Inff." tin. men at once." An hour later Arthur Forbes, ac companied by twenty htalwart cow hoys, was riding across the prairie on the trail ol the abductors. Dragged from his horse, beaten, bound hand ami foot, blindfolded, and tied on a horse, Mr. Roberts was driven all night and nearly all the next day across the prairie, without food oi'ilHnk. At the end of that time he was taken from the horse, and the bandage removed from his eves. Two of his captors then con ducted him to a rude log cibin, con- furniture whatever, and lighted only by a dim, smoky -lamp that hung suspended from a beam overhead. Then, without a word, .1...,. I. .ft 1, i in nnd ho heard them tie , ' . . fasten the door on the outside. Exhausted by hi terrible journey, Mr Roberts wa about to throw him sell on the hard floor when the door was ojiened again and a man entered the hut. "Senor Moreno!" the ranchman cried, hope reviving in hm heart. "Vou have followed-you have come Csofat,Mr. Roberts," Moreno :. . ll- nn his liani - reined, aninisiri - I soni face, man who blow?" "Ah," Roliertu fell back a pace, re- rding may lusKy(air .ws,. . no ..;... "1 want your duughter. "Well?" . , . .iConsenttomy marriage with her (lliltI have been brought to turn robber h den: Haven care, ;,T in the denne wood, while be Went out o 11. a ... iU ,CT.uuuiiiue. ne lounii '"'"the outlaws coiiBiderably out "u,"WeiJ his own force, ko ua they evnlemiy laj no nuHpicion oft)ie preset 0f nn enemVi ue determined to Wait until tlitxr no..a ol..,.m 1 ... j nuc amccM, clllu "n surprise then. ' After midnight, when the outlaws baa nk into a profound slumber, mnht.....l i .... -- "lurini me miacK. jnecowboys a.lvanced tstealthily, and were almost ".ni uunp oeioi-e tney were discov ered bvtlla continol uw. Lillet UU liLl Y O IUC alarm. But it came too late. Arthur's nien rushed forward with cheers, and were among the robliers before they were fairly awake. The latter hur riedly seized their weapons and made what resistance they could; but it was ineffectual. The RtrtiP-o-le was shnrpand brief. Manyoltheoutlaws Kmeu ami tne rest lied precipi tately. Among the latter was Mo reno. -Artimr, as soon as the battle was over, called a few ol his men and went in search of Mr. Roberts. Theysoon found him, and he was at once re leased from his unpleasant quarters. TU r.,...,.0 ,l.....1...l . j.v luiiuujn uro-i iiimcu lo re main in the outlaws' camp during t ltd rntii.t i n .1 1 t.rt :1.- n .1 nn.- .iiiiuiiiui-i vu , liu 111; 11 L, U11U WLtll u lor home the next morning. One of 4 I 11 1., . Lii.-ui ioiu mi jujiiens wnac taken place at his ranch the previous night. He listened until the story WHS finished then l-rv; nnil ivnnt tn where Arthur was standing with his l ... ..I. : 4 i .. a i .. . in, 1 1 ufiiniiML tne n uiik oi a Lree,guz inginto the tire. "Arthur," said he grasping the young man's hand, "1 have learned all that von have done fnr tiia Ynn have proved vourself a brave iellow and a friend that one can rely upon. Now what shall I give you us a reward?" Arthur was about to deprecate any return for what was simply his duty when he caught the whimsical ex pression of his employer's face. i Mi, sir, lie laitered, a sudden hope springing into life, "if I dared if you would not think me presumptu ous "(Jo on, boy," said Roberts kindly. "Sir, 11 love your daughter!" "Yes, so I have heard," dryly. "Forgive me for deceiving you, Mr. Rolicrts: I did not, intend to violate your trust in me; what man could be near that nJornblegirl that angel and not love her?" 'All vi. rv finn ai, Vfirtf fino indeed. But, considering the fact that the nnirel in (mention costs her old fa ther something like five thousand a venr hnw did von hone to keen her .... , .. j ,. - - , in feathers on a salary of five hun dred: "I'm nfrnid T did not think of that. sir," said Arthur, with a downcast face. "01 course you didn't! When did lovelorn lools ever think of anything sensible? But there, boy, I won't to.wo T like vnn von lire a noble. brave fellow nnd you shall have my Lucia and enough money to keep her in dresses all the da vs of her life. I'd put her have vol! for II WOU-in-lliW il.nn nnv tmin I know." "Thaiik you, sir," responded Ar thur, teursofjoy and gratitude filling hisey.-p. "1 on have made me me nap piest fellow in the whole world. fi.w weeks later there was a rrnmil u-ddinfr at the Roberts ranch, nt which all the people for miles iirminil were nresent: and the sun never shone on a happier couple than Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur Forbes. Wav- erly. ( ffeaaclaaea. ru.1 M.oT,tA "My der. I couldn't sleep hut night." Wife "So wonder; the room wan terribly warm." . . "Yes tbe room was warm, bnt that wasn't what was the matter. My con science troubled me. "Eh?" ..v.. t i ai.:.,!..;. .f 11 iliA iMor people in the world, and what a bard lima the hod to get along and 1 couldn't help thinking it was a pity they bad to pay ao mucu ior iuiukb. Yes. iv-. . i t fiTv,.0 1-o.nlvpil that with J I'B , .UU X ..... . . , Heaven'a help I'd reduce the price ol coal twenty-five cents a ton before the Fourth of July -but I guesg may be fifteen cpnU will be enousrh. -New lork veekiy t. . i ti.. riMfiin nrAtor. cured ,.;...,..,..-;. I, Viuvino hi. moutk full of pebble, and many are th modern ora- VIJ I . WUU U 1 O vu.uv ...... . - an occasional dose ol Dr. Bull a Cougti Svrun. Whatever tends to increase useiuiness, by banishing pain and sufJering, will cer tainly secure noiue anu i,jj,v,."... -allude to Salvation Oik Plant Varlatlnn. Tl is nr. Ir. lai-acl i n ir fuel t.bat t.hedividing line lmtwuaa the peaches and uectariues js so IiuutlT donned Uint tue seoos ui the oue will often reiiroduce. the other, wlule tlie Iruits 01 botn Kinus nava m. oasioually been meet with on the same branch. It is now shown, moreover, that the entire yiald oi the trees may ohauge. M. Lauipinrre, a iiiirsuryuinu of . n - ..4 a I e.r.l Jtlautroua, r muuu, reiKim i.u Napier uoatariue treo iu his grounds last veur bore uotliioc Uit 'leaches, nud . . -v . i ... . . r li-......!. Jil. Jrenuaua laiuiu. oi uio x-iouun National Horticultural society, confiims i,:D ..i.u....nii,... Uv t-i.A, Ant that a (11JO UIW1I11UU .... few years ago aiuomj his own trees, a Newington early uootariue tree, without any assignable cause, all at once became transformed into an ordinary peach tree. Tl T A nr..- AT 1 T)nni nd Prn- 1 J l, i . . . t V . I ' , , - " ' f t.lm United States Medical College, Editor of the 'Medi cal tribune, auiuor oi -wuiiuaow improved Hund-booK oi nygieue ami JJiniiestic Medicine," says: "Belonging as I do to a branch of the profession ...... .i . c . . f wlucu believes tnai no nciiooi oi mmi cine knows all the truth regarding dis ease, and being independent enough to use any remedy tlmt win neip my pa tients without reference to the source from which it comes, 1 um willing to ac knowledge and coniuienu i nns uuumj tne value oi warner s raiuo vaire. I. it Anv wonder that Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical Discovery outsells all other blood and liver medi cines, since it posssesses such superior curative properties as to warrant its man ufacturers in supplying it to the people (as they are doing through druggists) under .n..iu;nnD B..1.Y. am nr. ntti.F mprlicina is sold under, viz: that it must euner Denem nr p,ir the natient. or the money paid for it will be promptly returned. It cures all diseases arising irom uerangeu iiTor, u, impure blood, as biliousness, "liver com plaint," all skin and scalp diseases, salt rheum, tetter, scrofulous sores and swel lings, lever-sores, hip-joint disease arm an kindred ailments. 0UO FRVYttrU 1UI M.U lllLUin,.,.u v..o chronic Nasal Catarrh offered by the man ufacturers of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. 50 cents, by druggists. It is unlucky to enter a house with the lelt loot forward. Your Life In Hunger. Take time by the forelock ere that rnsp imt hacky cough ol yours carries you where so many consumptives have pre ceded you; lose no time, hut procure a bottle of the rational remedy for lung and bronchial diseases, Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil witli ilypnpliosphites. It will cure you. Sold by all Druggists. The "pigs in clover" toy is said to bring its inventor $100 ft day. Aran Flwt, M. V., late profeor ef the principle of practice or mane and cf clinical medicine m the BeUevii Hospital Medical College Bright's Disease: "Pain in the Ioim i rarelv a prominent symptom, and w often wanting. This statouient also ap plies to tenderness on pressmo ' T. ul.. Ilierefore. to ar- ue that you have not kidney disease P . , 1 ........I An.l nt because you nave uo iucm rj it Your only sure plan is to use War ner's Safe Cure as soon as the most re mote symptoms appear. W. Dar. wbo started the Nw- York Sun in 1833 is yet living. 8Nrlra Sale. Brook th Shwifl Sale Segar. A Btraigbt--10 cents Havana Cigar for 5 cents. A baboon in a circu at Albany, Ga.,. knocked a boy senseless with a brick. THE QUESTION one asks themselves after a night made unpleasant by a barbarous toothache. is: w hat snail i get w euro in n that question addressed to a Druggist. THE ANSWER would be: Procure a bottle of Perry Uavis1 Pain-Killer, and use it according to directions. It cures like magic. Ia such cases what a happiness to have at. hand an instant relief such as PAIN-KILLER has proved itseif to be. Physicians say it is one of those Remedies which is calculated to relieveanimmensc amount . of suffering. RESULTS show that almost every other descrip- tion of pain is relieved by its applica tion, external ana internal. All Druggists sell Pain-Killer. 25c. 50c. and $1.QU a Dome- - :w - My little twy, 5 years old. wan pick I M with rlL...u whiel. .I.u-t.r-a Inouamc. The uaila came off hieunl er. and (he fingers came oa to tne I middle Joiut, For 3 year lie Buffered I dreadfully; ( now gottlng well, and 1 1 I am BatiBiiea nwnn siiecinc ) Qi I chief clutc of hi Improvement. sum kJ r.t ou, Jan. 12, 1890. Peru, lad. r.ittoNrn iiv a r.i r-Mrl i ..:.iTJ"i':.T.r .n.r : i i mmm liiue uuj urune uui wuu sorrn un mm tilt. Am the rpsultof thetwllTAof a calf comlnfffnc tact with a cut finger. Tba ulcem were deep and pebk- Ul WIU U'lWtTJ UU IUVIUMUOU V U.ttt A av lima. ISwifi'a Specific, and he it now well. Feb. 15, '89. JonN K. Hiaild, Auburn, AJ. Send for books on Blood Poisons b Skin Diaease. trm. twin brsciric Co., Atlanta. Go. . OTHERS' FRIEND MAKES CHILD BIRTIliM? IF USED BtFORB CONFINEM1NT. BOOK TO "MOTHKHfl'' MAII.KIl'FltKK. BRAIX'IKl.ll REOI. LATOK C A I l.AM AJ6. Solo bv all ukuoqists. Whv should 1 succor the so recently gave mo a in my power now. Roberts! You are ' cried Moreno, an dSnVlS dit- ... i n mutter h.V "Iia! did ' I I1,,i 1 and by Hil''.. )vl. ,,ir iini-oiiifort bring her :r ::i , inM wmi4 IH HI II"" ' " " I, ions as to how '"m;. ' ..,. do vou , i ii . i". - ii. ' VOll say: ? Do Uot"ak,.efora boii-.u law The rniieliinan's :...l!,rmitli)Il. liei'l- ,,, , i.v aiiioi " he 1 III!"-' eyes blazed with t 1 "I WOUKI era """ , i.o.r. dead, ami rather .n..N u . f t,mn dieatl.nUKH.ldd; lm I .)Utlawu to give 111 r 1 J bandit'" , , ..fl,.i(.nt and "vll7,, !' J io. ith ,l,in(r"rW! link von will change llH,"',',' . ore' vou have been vonr mind beloic An(i '"' '"""'J i";'.: , bow. Iu' 1 the with a room. Tim was just Sl-in- intt.tlieweHtcin , ,li,v. ,,(irl.s.,mlh'H 1 tbcRio '1'"' ""' V,r " ,, of H.noke Illl' - , about ',,i ii Crllllde. . ,l,i,.l.-et ,r",M,crs " ""'' ilinf l,,t!ir? ,vll(.:o the outlaw thclll """ ...... :uH:r.-n conceal th,n- Advice to Heads of Families. From Judge. Train your clock to strike only every two hours. f you have a tJOg give it to some friend for the time being. Never grumble audibly about the dressmaker's and milliner's bills. AlwavH let the young man see that you wear slippers in the evening. Take all the tidies irom me sitting- room chairs. Men are averse to ti dies. , , vi,nn von tro the theater as chap- i... biro ii on rrince to iro eron 1111111.1" ----r- home ia and then laii asieep on tne wnv. i intinn tn dinner once iu .'111 111 1 , while will either make theyoungman wl nt home or else scare n in ou. .!.:.. :.. ,r,.,,i wnv to earn ins ui- 1 HIS In II uwv'v ....j - U'ULlOlin. .... i Join tho club to which the young nuin belongs, and it necessary rsk i.:... tino voll Home iulc uu usiu". nun i" j " -- ...:.i i.r, n mlvRiitaire to you, and also make the young man feel ...... I.- i.. '"ar.lid" Uitll VOU. Do not make use oi patent K, ? i:...inulwiriJ V liich turn all tne lifflits II1L1 mni" : outat 1 o'clock. The young mi... mi'i-httake it as a nun i go, had better regulate the light to suit himself nnd the gin. A Klne Who Eats Off Gold. In one respect, at least, King Hum- i.,-t of Ttalv surpasses in domestic magnificence all the oilier sovereign.; According to a Paris lunches and letter "-- . rr irnlden plate. A ictoria has spread of gold plate for tho tables ' . l,t-. it IH ol UlU'Mng11'"" I- ' . i..rV,i,nlv(in state occnsions U,,.,; is golden rvice m ...nny o the roval houseiioioso. u.u.. w... . . .. -. ..:.i...,.ninvp.l onlvatstate nut It en.ui 1 - ---- liuners. as in Kngland or used only the principal family meal of he ,v luinlHTt alonepluces a golden spoon in his mouth on rnng re na.ves it only on retiring, and yet here are probably many iHHinW in -Now York Star. Wl, r.eli.r m Kirk. p irn re her Cnntorla. Wlipn ulic hap n Clillil. kheerieil lor OiHtorlo. When Pin- lifi-nnie MifR. ulie i-'nmg to Cnatorln, Wlii-n kIip linil Olillrtren. sue S8 tliem Ciuioriik WELL DRILLS, FOB ALL PURPOSES. Have made 2 ft. a minute with the AUSTIN TRIUMPH. Send 20c. for mailing Cataloiruo. F. C. Austin Mfg. Co. COB. CARPENTER ST. AND CARROLL AVE.. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 4 DEDERICK'S HAY PRESSES.. Mnrlo of tud. litrhter. stronirer, cheaper, more power, everlastintc and competition distanced. For oroof order on trial, to keep the best nnd r or firm, i uiun uu i.iai, w iret any other alongside If y Tull Circle lit .... . iu . HMM-1UH' ml Pretta, all sizes. Tha m.vnr cf New York supervises the expenditure ol $30,000,000. 5'jacoesoh ALL Mimes ue it lo omit comitte witiott 11 I MM Sprain, Strains, Bruises, Wounds. r. J v.. rv...n;f nnt Trn!tr ThtChai. A.VogelerCo..Blto.,Mi. SICKIIEADAGIIEI i z l i"kililvlvtiirri!l bH BtorflttoUMt una Eeu... r, n. wttr, wwm- No. 81 Dederick's Worns. ali11ax, . i. 2 JS - & CARTERS OlTTLE IflVER PILLS. olilvrlycurrl by inmc ijiitic trinn. Tlmv luc. rnl.nvn Ilia- itrH frornlJyspepnift.Iti (HgetioaandTf)oHeart Pitlnn inrfniit ram Urlv far DizzinRHH.Nauiiea DrowftlnesH, iwi laaui Iti Hi a Mmith rntd iTongiifl.Pain in tbo Side, I regulate the Bowels purely Vccetahle. Price z& fjentu, CABTSS UEDICI1TS CO., KEW TOilZ. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price, at .C.rwtsL 1 f f TO DATS. Jemmlm t I. it, I emtsmww. I nr Mir t I llnuChtBiMlOt. I precrlbn and fully tn dorsn Rig ii m th only spert He for the certain cure of this dtaAaae. O.H.INURAHAMM. D.. Amsterdam, N. Y We have sold Biff G for many years, and it has action. D. R. DYCHE ft CO., Chicaffo, 111, $100. Sold by Druggists. s Dimr.'m Samatlv At ftttfrTt 11 that uesi, fASiesi to use, ana i.neapcafc. Sold by dniKtrlsts or sent by mail. 00C. c i. xiUiXUiviuis, vy auvu, n. n SI IASTHMA CUREp Itirnau Aathma t'ure neTerTSlfito inrelm. IUenaui Aatama lareneTeraHnomra im. mtwAiaim r.l,. in tue wornt cu(M4niiurmeomfort. mhlg. mITmu oar... where.! I nthan. fL . M trial tonwinei IAwnM iinl. cal. Irio8 Mic. end Sl.OO.allm ijrUtaoi-bymaU. Sunpw FKEB formmmp. Iia. R. MOHiKrMA mm. Mine KIDDER'S PASTILLES. A lure KTUyi Rin avi utiiU'1,-1 i SI CbKrleniowD, HaaP relief for Vnrr V, cf- bv msUl HTOWK1.L k 0. AGENTS COIN MONEY voiIIVlabob! 1X..1... Wmnm nnd lit-nieilies of tin?- In'jrlnK men tully ll-'usl. CompiMe HWory or tl, f"arW.i' Alliance. Onpaint sold lllrt day anolhi-rte t 'sdiTa. No Ts the tin,rwrlle oiil.k 'or Hoe, term, and territory to H. J. Smith 4 Co., ChlcagcMM. f BJi STUDY. Ilook-lcoopliiir. I'ciimiuistilriv, JVli B Arill.raotlc. Sluirthand. etc.tlior- . oiiL-hlv liiiiulit lir mull, l.uw rates, .'iroiilnrs fre. lilt Y ANT'S COl'J.KUK.431 Mulu St., Buffalo. N. V. loSaadiiy. Sample" worth t. H FKF.E ll.ines net under lioraes' leet. Write Brew 'ster Safety Rein Holder Co..Hollv.Mic,i. S5 MOUTH HlAgts.wi OR0AK CHART Tnchu any " " Dl AV I Agts. wanted. M utic Novelty Co. Detroit, Mich. W. X. U., Omaha. 407-22. .a. v j tW ii i TO MAKE j jrs. Oiliciouj Biscuit 1 1 tot 1 1 f SODIHSILERITUS. ff if aMOLUTGLV PURS. 'v ry,l':TT' . i ,i i e-1 1- iii-ai.lWaiv ' 4'"" "" -rzrr-