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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1889)
The Sioux County Journal Jtelle N U T S ) cts- I Prop. ARKIR,' febraf irity. ise. RlSuS-H nmej ii rison Paul pest thweS JVm. r. smith, GENERAL MER' HAXIHSE. We are now ready to hi tow you tl est And Most Complete Stock 01 Goods Iv-s " ' "avr U"H Special ftuv rirSt ( J!'! U't W. Mir. Hm U La4ifs Hprtif Dwi (rtadx Jt.t Reviff4. Ws Heavy Overalls at 75 cts. J HOST FORGET THE . Ve Snow-white Flour, $1.65 per a i Every Sack Warranted. It knot k out all comtitori, b.wHt dealing and low prices to merit your tr.vK Come and . u, it Wimeke's old stand, west side Muin street. IUrrio, Neb. e.assss. THE SIOUX COUNTY ' -o W. L PattrMm. Proprietor. Tiw Tsble. FE.M.V.Ry.,PawnKer. Oounr we leav Hani at 1035 Going ea.t leavg Harrison at 2M f m. HarriH IirktL Butter, 8c. Eggs, lic. Poultry, per dot $3.40 to fa, OhU, pec 00 J, i.4o trn, 1 100 1. Mc. Bran, per 100 R $1.10. Feed, chopped, per 100 fc $J,5. Potatoes, per bu. 25c Solium, per gal. 50c Unions, per bu. fl.50. Beans, per bu. fl.OQ, THE TIARRLSON ery, Feed & Sale Stable. Tubbs & Thornton Prop. nuw and was furnished on short notice and at reas. UNABLE BATES. ' s,Ten dfrs at the lumber yard. pill 1101111 jqi ) dies jnj nw m,v j03 , Twenty lars soap for one dollar at W. It Smith's, The Herald moved yesterday. into Jtotten KoW YOU WILL OBSERVE MIHBOTIIODES I i . ui ti W SUpPiy nouse. r"tami continually loading supplies during tlie busy hour of the da, which fm in good indication an to Headquarters lor Groceries, - - -.rvrov, V ('lift IlMf MI Wj V "ll "' f - - toare t'j. fa to mlm i from. IM quulity of '1m, Prices as low as the lowest. WEIR 4 Co. BawcN Hm.r Hocw, lUmw. N Prudent General ofnos F. BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO., Iiealera in- Lath mber, Goal, Grain, And Shinsrles. sh Doors, Blinds, Plaster, Hair, . Lime, AND CEMENT- " juA L W A Y S (YjMPLETE STOCK ON HAND. AH accounts due me must I paid by July lt, or the same will be placed for collection. Eert Ruhwer. W would like to know if the Com- minuonent will allow another fl00 an extra attorneys fees a they unlawful ly did one year ago? There is not another county in this state where county funds are so reokr lessly squandered as in Rioux County, We stand ready to prove this, Tlte firm of Rota & Thompson, oi insuron iniena putting in a general store at this pliw soon. There is plenty of room for thi antlemen here and we will be glad to welcome them. Hie lteraia kicks because parties use the right allowed them under the U. 8. Postal Laws and mail letters on the train. Cliarley if the present postmast er don't want the office there is no law compelling him to keep it is there? Our belief is that advertising increases pat ronage and suggest that a a remedy if there is a decrease in patronage. Prof. Chas. E. Holmes, principal of the Ruxliville schools, wu in Harrison Frv day and Saturday of last week looking over the ground preparatory to locating here in the law and land business. Mr. Holmes is so well' pleased with the out look tliat he expects to be one of us by July 1st. Mr. Holmes is a man of busi ness and sterling integrity and a hUI wart republican. The Journal congrat ulates Harrison upon the acquisition of such men as Prof. Holmes. Speaking of walking the chalk line, C, F. Slingerland knows how tliat is. E. U Katterlee holds a mortgage given by the editor of the Herald for three hundred dollars on the Herald. Ls tliat the re.-i.son you walk the clialk line Cliarley, and for timt reason made the false statements you did in the Herald of last week in reirard to the proceedings of the district court? Now Cliarley we do not approve of this kind of journalism but as you seem to dwire it we will accommodate you. DisTiucT court convened in Harrison on Monday. County Attorney Satterlee dismissed all the criminal actions he had i 1C. Ilar nrwl Patter- commenced aguiii "" son, virtually admitting that the charges were trumped up to harrass anu incon venience these men. In the apjieal cases Walker scored a signal victory against ftaterlee-Hunter outfit, and illegal claims were knocked out to the amount of MOO. In these confessedly illegal and rotten steals from the county, me county attorney appeared in the light of making a desperate defense of ti.e aUal. Lwe County Journal. OBITUABV. The account Mlto Florence Verity's death is taken from the Wisner Chro.u- VuuTY:-Hil at the home of Mr. and Mrs J A. Lucas, in Blaine township, on Tue'sday evening, (May 2th,) Florence the only child of Mr. and Mrs. L. h. Ver ity, of Ihirnson this state, at the age of 21 months and 11 days. Kr some time httle Florence ld been ....r-rin from what the physicians final ly decided waa tubercular consumption, '3 . .if Ha mother It und on Thursday oi iav . .. .- itu niMiit. It was Incident that the end was near and the stricken family were compelled to .toUieirrrowfulreavement Mr. Verity arrived lien on Thurstlay ad Uo-lay,)atl0 o'clock the Lltokesph-utthe homoof Mr Lucas, con,lucted by Rev. J. Pyto, after ;S the interment will be made in the Wisner cemetery. lind Tins is the second time that Mr. and vlvhave been called to mouru .yofthnUreco w. luLve formeriy been twi-a w Tlie following ta aditorial whiib ap peared in hut week's Herald. "The claims, for payment of servjees lendered ui a,vii caw were true, the ap pellants admitting Uat the specified er "ces were performed, and tlie judge merely ruled against their payment, by on of,their being no funds .wbere witJi payment oould he made." The above isjvery handsomely .got ten up article Ml worthy tlie iateUeet of the HsraU'Wwyer, and woukl hwe been Iwe'UtAMxs word "misdeateAntr' wen pjd inaUadof "civil," but itiiwlhe province qf editor of the HerU tto coatot ,a0i falsify facts in order (to iU al excuse the rotten and corrupt outfit of Jwhich he is the willing tool. The claimants attorney, W. M. Westo ver, adniittod in ,opep ,cout iliat the oosU in he civil cases were wrongfully ajlowed and $hould not at any : time be paid by (the county. Jf there was $100, OBO.OO in each particul.- ifund over which the county has conirol, the com isiaoners would ha ve,no right to pay cwUi in the the. civil cues referred to, aW tliat. is. tlie ireason said cases were appealed. -The : appellants admit that services of building an,awning in front t Smith's store was jjerformed by Chaa. U Tubbs, but that reason why the caunty should pay Xubbs for said servi ces. By referring'to sections 540 and 541 of the Criminal Code it will be noticed tfcat all moneytj paid into the treasury of the county from .costs and jail labor must ibe .credited , to te general fund and .a reooud of the same 'kept by the county treasurer, anU it appears at the regular nnsetings of he Board of Commissioners in April and October that there is a HUttyllus in ithe general Cund, after .fleduating (the amount paid in criminal .caseti, (faloniefl) ad the expenses inaurred in keeping und ttansporting jirisaners, from the amount oredited to the general fund froinoU aad jail Jabuc then, out of the residue of such balance, the Cent juisiioners may allow and pay oete lin misdemeanor and peace warrant .cases, hot they have no right to pay euch costs from the general fund if there ie mot a balance as aforesaid in dVi fund, and whenever heynake paywient of miisde meanor costs from anything but such balance it is a mis-appropriation iof county funds and the commissioner aw pe)oaally respocisible iur the nm If claims No. 532, and i36 had &ot heea aiprdlied they would bare been paid oat of the county general f und in wliich there was no balance out of which mis demeanor cases could have been paid, but the payment of cants ia civil cases would have been downright stealiqg. Hundreds of dollars could have been saved to the tax payers of Sioux county if actions of appeal had been taken at various times. The amount saved the people by the appealing of the three cases above cited is only a drop in the bucket as compared to the hundreds of dollars of unlawful accounts which have been allowed and paid, and yet the paper which claims to uphold and protect the rights of the people will censure and abuse the person who dares question tlie dignity of a man who holds the high po sition of being a county oliicial. The greater part of last week's Herald is occupied editorially and by correspon dents, in untrue sUtments which are in tended to shield known wrongs and mis lead its patrons a pretty low condition for an editor who professes to be a Chris tian. We wonder by what spiritual mo tive he was prompted when he published those articles? It surely could not have been a providential visitation that prompted such an action on tlie part of the etleminate dude. Ei. Journal; In answer to the article in ' the Herald of June 1st, iHjrmit me to state a lew facts in regard to it: . First, the writer of the article entitled "The Whining Sycopliant," who states that George Walker if servile and tliat he is down; that he had appealed to the sympathy of Judge Kinkaid and the Bar here and at Cliadron; tliat he had stated that his family were fullering for Uie ne cessities of hie; tliat Barker was making him walk a chalk line and that with tears in his eyes he. had begged the County Attorney to forgive him the thing for it cannot liave been a nuin who wrote that article is a lying scoun drel, the truth is not in iiini and Hell is gaping to receive him. Tlie lymg auth or of tliat article is hereby informed Uiat this means just what it says. The state ment that he was forgiven out of sym pathy lor his family, and the cases against him dismissed by the prosecution on that account is false, for a man tliat would iiersecute another as tliat man ' , I 11..." lull, of has persecuted wainer u -" sympathy, is too ridiculous for consider ation. The facts are these: MHrlee liad no case either againsi ... it ...l.;..l. I.u il.ii. Patterson or wamer wiu ed to go before Uie bistrict Court, and for tliat reason he asked to have the am oiMuiur-at Un couaiy aexpeo. Did Patterson beg ' Satterlee to dismiss the cases-tgainst him or was it Idone through sympathy for his family? Did Jolm Gibson ; plessd 'with Satteiee to have the cases against: him dismissed or was it sympathy for famaad hie family? Did & C. Myers beg Satterlee to have the case against him dismissed or was it through Satterlee's ympateetic nature that it was done? How was1 it with the cases of State vs : Paul Zerbit, State v : Kreman, State vi: "Vortrmess and tlie many others? .'All ywpathy I suppose? By the direct testnaeey of BL'H. IRussel the County Attorney -stands 'before 'the people as a gympatfceticf?) liar,' proven so io open court at fei&owii i request 'The cases were all right m'the Couaty Court and' ferj political puqxses Ihut 'he dare not gol before an !honoraMe i court with them. , . .- ..The Gouarigr Commissioners will : learn eveatMaUytfiat'his advice to thesn w. movei than -worthless and has ever been, j Thei full amount of claims that ha vie been illegally allowed the sheriff, 0. V.' Bfoet, lis $1310.90, excepting tlie accounts appealed and dis-atlowed at 'the secent term of the District Court. 'Theo. TrimbuT as deputy sherifl' lias received, from the county tlie sum of 1138.65 wrongfully, saithare 'never has been a dollar Of money in tthe .county treasury to;puy4heae.H)uat8.with, by the advice' df'that-,"Bympathetic' viser of itheirsthe County AatWpe Valley. "The first case of saeaJr-Uaeving on Antelope was reported lately. Mr Nut- to had a fine large hum of meat 'taken fretnfcis cellar. -flarge acreage- Of crop is 'being put m. The Messrs Storey s' have in 4U acres of oorn, 20 of oats and five Of cane. It iB rported that Mr. GulUke's will have in '100 acres. 'There will be religous services 'At the Oim ereek school1 house; also at Montrose school house, June 28, by'tlie 'Lu therein denomination. 'Mr. JT. H. Warn returned flast -Sunday evening with a span Of long eared horses. He made the i purchase' at Craw ford. John thinks he'lsis been without a team long'enough, and though it is getting late he will proeeedtto'plow and plant more corn. ounty , ,h, but ' c" afl- emlliavc allowed all alaims and paid tlie eame out Of ithe courtly general fund, contrary to luw. The county (judge, 4idhn W. Hunter, hasreoeivedifrom (the county treasury the sum of IK76.14, Jess the amount of fQ6.654is'saioed by the District Court ISbe OammtsHioners have no right to pay ijc and If ees in any cases exoqpt aaqnini aii afWi.aoj'tuoo pu sbo Mr. Lannie Sutton's -child was quite Commissfon- uut 18 KCTJOT- C. L. Tlb's fattier who resides at Hay Springs is Visiting in Harrison. Aumberof correspondents as well as a large amount of local news has been left out this week for lack of space. Sheriff Pfost returned from Sundance, Wyoming, the first of the week with Raymond McNab, a -horse thief lie se cured there. If yon owe us lease pay it within the next teuony, ana there is not a aoiiar non- urn vrpn oFY i. i ; I 1 LI-.L A IX F an tne coumy treasury wii.ii men no pay tthese fees. This is not all. Seve of our county officers are criminally .oie nor me uirnisningot supplies. u-t y- iitadts havvelbeenletto parties witlwutf " J J any regard to law, sand our paid out to a few tfavorine8. Voucs m (gwipathy, miythingpl (thirty days. Con-'L' anone.y' War Bonnet Sews. The weather is rainy. District Court Is o per and the Kui King is still on top. Bully! "Let 'er roll" good people. Owing to the good weather and industrious farm ers crops are looking fine. The present prospects for a good crop and a Isrge acreage is good. There ought to be an aifiropnation made for the purpose of obtaining a large glass bottle to- pat our county judge in and ship him back east to some dime museum. .. . ... Where is that merchant who wishes it would not rain for two years so the grangers would be starved out. His prayers don't go higher than tlie smoke of a warm potato thrown into a pig trough. ' y1 we nave notning in particular against the cattle men and would be pleased to have them stay here should they choose to do so and are ready to extend the hand of fellowship; but we don't like suckers. Deadmans. no items from Deadmans in your paper, we have almost come to the conclusion that the good peopls of Sioux county are not aware of the existence of such a place as Deadmans, but when we inform them that Deadmans is one of the finest streams in Sioux county and, is seven miles in length from its mouth to its head; is peopled by exactly eighty five souls and no better farms to be found in the county, then we hope they will think that Deadmans is "some pumpkins" after all. Mrs. Harvey Howard has been quite sick this spring but is improving slowly. Corn, oats and 'garden sass all look well here and so do tlie women and child ren, and men ditto. A.' E. Rainy is going into the dog bus iness we think from the number he has on hand and those that are to come. A. E. Gates, Jos. Decker, John Mcin tosh, Charley Rigdon, Klein, Kreman and lastly John P. Rainey, agent for P, T. Barnum's work on tlie capture of Wild Beasts, Birds and Reptiles of the World, all the above named gentlemen we saw in Harrison last Monday and Tuesday, a week ago, and ws believe all were able to get home right side up with care. Mrs. A. E. Rainy has been quite sick for a few days past, but is now able to be about again. People about here have planted lots of cane and Mr, Ezra Parker will do the grinding. This will be the sweetest com munitvthis fall and winter that we know of, (Selah.) Miss Ebua Marriam who boa been teaching school bare for three months post, baa laft lor bar noma aaar Huria- Mrs. Hanaker hateeD cohfTnif to the house an account of a'iaoie baefc. Rufas Slaughter has tnovd 'on his claim eat from Crawford. Mr. FVank Sperbackwho is now work ing on Beadmans, intends-soon to 'go to Wyoming, there to cow-punch. Cbab AppQe. Ranch Slpplv House. aeainstSiotix county, but only havt f300 to invest. Parties having claims to sell should see them at once. Ye editors ho"use burned down last evening about 10 o'clock. It was prolni bly tlie work of an incendiary as the hoHse liod not yet been occupied ami no lire Imd ever been ia it. A Hvetar ottt-hihiof Mr. and Mrs. (X L. Tubbs died on Monday night and was buriud in Me Harrison cemetery on Tuesday-. Two other children have been quite sick bat are about welt at present. The many friends of the family unite in expression of regret and sympathy. Bay Bob. Hie English Shire Belmont Stallion will stand for mare during the season of 1889 at my farm one mile east of town, except Saturdays, when he will ) found at the livery bam in Harrison. Jorts Bahtblls . Ow ner. ktequtnt oiU i tk ii t1o pu iuo;) t O, HtrLL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW; HARRISON, NEB. GEORGE WALKES, ATTORNEY ATiA V. Wilt praciice before itll courts aitii l!tf! United States land offic?; Business entrusted to iMV Care will Hs ceive prompt attentioni HARRISON, -- MA Mi BRUCK, boot & shoe maker, FlRflf CLASS GOODS -Ai-- rjbasonAbUB Priced. First door north of Bank of Harrison. The Barber Shop, First doof sonth of the court hottse. E. U GALPTN, Proprietor, Here' yort can get a clean1 slve, first class hair cnt or (t WARM or C0il BATH J. H- 000 C. Agate Srwsos Basoi, Brand C on left jaw. Makes as(ieciatty of breeding Roadsters, Draft and Saddle I torses; alxo red and bkwk Polled cattle. Rauge oa Kuisuny 'Water, ftea I6M ur- ld..U,SuuttUiu." C. GUTHRIE, Manager,