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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1889)
igux County Journal H-A-IRIRXSOnsr, IISTEE., APBIL 25, 1889. INTO. 32 FURNITURE, UWED-WIRE Anda&ig - and Lovest Prices GOTO Grkrwold & Marsteller's 0 buy baited wifCE2tAP. We have just received a CAR ' YOU to DUV It BOW. Toon for business. A WHY IS IT TO OWI UNTEREST si pl SUpPIV House- HARBISON, NEBRASKA? (4ra H&re Bwn in Business Here Long Enough to hat Tie -Trade Demands. K3CAUS3 W carry the lot ond Best Stock rJtjftai&wnty. C5CAUSE Cheap as the Cheapest. on K CRIES and NSW LOTS of Dry Gaols CONSTANTLY ARRJV- AVER CO., Harrison, Nebraska. ns t lent, Otmra) office F. BtHTALOQAP) DAKOTA. Silkenskn, Secretary; ion JUFFULOhP LUMBER CO. -Daatos ations : -ir, i-cal, Grain, Lath AcChingles, Doors nao, Plaster, Lime, t- : : " V f STOCK ON HAND 1 SO! I I" THE SIOUX COUNTY W. E. Patterson, Proprietor. Time Table. F. E. & M. V, Ry., Passenger. Going wtt leave Harrison at 10:33 A. M. Going east leave Harrison at 2:01 P. M. Harrison Market. Butter, 15a. Eggs, 6c. Poultry, per doz. $2.40 to $3. Oats, iter 100 ft $1.00 Corn, per 100 ft 90c. Bran, per 100 ft $1.10. Feed, chopped, jer 100 ft $1.35. Potatoes, per bu. 25c. Sorghum, per gal. 60c. Onions, per bu. $1.50. Beans, per bu. $1.00. Water! Water!! Water!!! THE PROBLEM EVERLASTINGLY SOLVED. A. C. Pratt of White River was in town Wednesday. ""Eggs, Codfish and Straw Hats at the Ranch Supply House. New invoice of Clothing just received Ranch Supply House. T. B. Snvder of Sheep creek was at the County Capitol Tuesday. T. O. Williams is drilling a well for C. L. Tuhbs on his place south of town. - The small boy with liis marbles is do ing the town now at the game of "keeps." . The Harrison Cornet Band will give a ball at the court house on the evening of April, 301 h. he celebrated While Bread Flour still takes the lead and is sold only at the Ranch Supply House. -.las. IL Cook of Agate Springs Ratiche, visited Crawford and Manville, thriving suburbs of Harrison.this week, The Australian Ballot System has lieen adopted in isconsm. e are sor ry it failed to become a law in this state, Latest style window curtains will' improved spring rollers and fixtures coimdete onlv $1.00, at the Ranch Supply House. Mr. B. F. Kelly of Whitney was in Harrison Tuesday, visiting his brother Mr. H. Kelly the gentlemanly salesman at W. R. Smith's. He is pleased with the appearance of Sioux county. Bert Carrier has taken a pre-emption two miles south-east of town and built a nice little bouse that ho thinks will please the eye of Mrs. Carrier who is ex pected to come out in the near future. (lufhrie is booming! This is not a ref erence to our scantling-shaped lumber dealer. We simply wish to call atten tion to the town of promise in Oklaho ma which seems to prosper in spite of its name. The Omaha Board of Trade, in their special train, passed up the road some time Tuesday night and came through lure on the return trip yesterday, stop ping long enough to review the city from the depot. IJ. P. Davis and' C. II. Andrews went down the road recently, attired in their best smifes and duds and although they did not tell us so we are led to believe that they visited Fremont. They re turned Monday. According to a recent circular sent out from the Chadron Land Ofiic'e, appli cants may have their linal proof notices published in any newspaper they may designate in writing upon their applica tion for final proof. Miss Lizzie Murphy was in Harrison yesterday for the first time since her ill ness. Several other members of the family are directed with the same dis ease. The Murphy family have been sorely afllicted but we trust that it will soon terminate. -Unknown parties made a raid upon the residence of Joseph Kipp, on Sow ltelly creek, while the inhabitants were away ami stole all of Mrs. Kipp's cloth ing and several pieces belonging to Mr. Kipp, Rome bed clothes and a few other paclc.ible articles, then, after sucking all the hen fruit to lie found on the place, dejwirted. This occurred last week. A nice little write up of this county taken from The Nebraska Reporter, Will lie found in another column. Mr. Sim mons who was here recently is tho au thor and shows the country as viewed by a disinterested person. Our subscrili ers should preserve their copies of the Jovif.v.u, and send them to friends who are desirous of learning more of this "goodly" land of ours. Mr. A. R. Lew arrived in Harrisou from (ireenllcM, Iowa, last Monday. In the at tcriioou be went ovfr to his home stead near Jim creek and found that some one had called during his several months absence 'and appropriated the roof, door and window of his" house, be sides a number of other articles from tho inside. He proceeded to replace tlifi de ficiencies and prepare tho clwoJling for tlia arrivaf of Mrs; Dflvv wh & ivfuicted Harrison Happy. Tie principal, and in fact tli3 only nat ural draw Ijack to Harrison in the past lias !en its limited water supply, and the faij, lias occasioned no small amount of worry and much anxiety has been ex pressed as to the final result of fcecuring a water supply of sufficient quantity to meet all demands for years to come. With a view to more fully developing the natural resources for an increased volume of water, the town board some time ago contracted to have a well drilled to the depth of 500 feet, and the work had been going on for several weeks until it was recently completed to to the depth of 290 feet . when it was foipid that a smaller drill bit would have to be secured liefore the work cqnlu be completed. The first water had been tacped at 100 feet deep. Last Monday it was decided to test' the volume of water by drawing with a horse and buck et, the bucket holding about 20 gallons. Twenty-one barrels of water were drawn all together. After the water in the well (which stands aliout 140 feet deep) had been lowered a little over three feet it was found impossible to lower it further and, although a rate of 2(5 barrels per hour was reached, for several minutes, the depth to water, as each succeeding empty bucket was lowered, was found to be exactly the same, and the proba bilities are that the supply is inexhaust ible. The steam pump, which has the capacity of lifting 48 barrels per hour from a depth of 500 feet, is to be moved to the new well and it is sate to say that the city of Harrisou will not again be troubled on account of a scarcity of wa ter. The quality is all that could be de si' ed. the dis- Lid you plant a tree Monday? Allowed accounts against Sioux county bought by Jones & Verity, "(Irani Outline is having titty acres 1 voke and will sow the same to flax, The work of moving the steam pump l.nd placing it in the new well is now go ing on under tho supervision of J. F. i'l'ost. . Thos. Reidy's pony got loose the oth flay and left for a visit With friends in Wyoming. Tom is now searching for the absent animal. The Pekin, China, Gazette, is said to be something over 2000 years old. It is doubtless an unusual occurrence for a subscrilier to remark that he was "one ol the first subscribers". We recently overheard Mr. Smith say that he heard S. Barker remark that Ed. Weir told him that Chas. Jameson said that he heard someone tell Slingerlaud that Jack Pfost told him to tell the town board to notice and see if the town cis tern didn't need a new pump. Commissioner Coleman sucked the ag ricultural department cow very dry in deed before he was choked oil by, a change of administration. The appro priation for the year was well nigh used up when Governor Rusk arrived on scene, and he has been compelled to miss" a large army of clerks and to sus pend operations entirely in the seed dijjr- tributing department, until congress makes another appropriation to continue the busines. Lincoln Journal. We call the attention of the Gordon Herald to the fact that there was an election held in Nebraska last fall and that at said election George H Meikle john was elected Lieutenant Governor, Thos, H. Benton, State Auditor, John b. Hill, Slate Treasurer and John Steen, Land Commissioner. Tho above sugges tion is made simply as a matter of good faith, as a stranger in the state would not know the same from reading1 the list of State Olllcers as published ih the Herald. Three horses belonging to VV. T. Moore strayed away about two weeks ago and after several days search two ot them were found about 25 miles south-east of Alliance. The third animal was taken from a suspicious looking individual who had stopped for the night at the upper 33 ranch last Sunday. The ani mal had been branded and it was un doubtedly a clear case of theft. Sheriff Pfost and Thos. Reidy made search for the thief the next day but be bad silent ly glided away. Prince Bisiiiark announces in the "White Book" issued wiico the Kaiiioan dillic'ilty was investigated that the troublu there between German interests and those of tho United Stated was en tirely the fault of the German consul, lie regrets that. Urn consul exceeded his authority and slates the same theory in relation ij Samoa that is held in this country, namely, that the United States, England und Germany, by treaty stipu lations, have no right to interfere with local nimirs in Samoa. It may now be safely predicted that there will be fid further trouble H1t.ll Germany about For (iod, and Home, aud 'ative Land. Contributions by Hie Woman's tliris tiau Temperance I'liion. The Woman's Christian Temjienince Un ion met pursuant to adjournment, in the school house, at the usual hour on Wed nesday of this week. Some deferred business was attended to and the accom panying resolution of condolence was adopted, and ordered published iu our local papers. Whereas; It lias seemed good to Jesus the tender Shepherd, to call to His heav enly flock a lamb of but few months of earthly life, little Lena, only child of our beloved Second Vice President Mrs. ddie O, Cowley therefore be it Resolved; T'.iaL this Union offers the sincere sympathy of its members to our dear sister and trusts that the sorrowing parents may realize the consolation that only the great Comforter can give. . A saloon can no more be run without boys than a flouring mill without wheat, or a saw mill without logs. The quest ion is, whose boys. Your boys or mine? Our boys or our neighbors? "Sot by Might." EVA B. l'lUXUCIfY. "What can I do':" she said, "I am too weak to battle with the strong. Brute force will conquer whether right or wrong; The world is lost in sin, and here I stand, Armed only witha woman's slender hand, What can I do?" she said. Behind dark walls of stone, Tossing upou his narrow prison-bed, One lay upon whoso restless, fevered head, That self-same woman's hand was gent ly pressed, The while she told of heaven, and home, and rest, And mercy at God's throne. In foul, polluted ways, 'Mid want and wretchedness, I saw her stand And scatter blessings with her voice and hand, Until the pallid children of the street Stooped down to kiss the dust beneath her feet, Hushing their noisy plays. 'Mid sorrow, shame and sin, She walks as calmly as thro' guarded halls: Nor fears to go wherever duty calls; And many a helpless wreck afar from land, Has grasped the anchor of her slender hand, And been drawn sately in. Oh strength from weakness born! What though the jarring light be fierce aud long? There swells above the mighty roar a song; And woman's band, endowed with holy might, Shall lead this great, sad world, up thro' the night lulo the promised mom. From Union Signal. Estray Soliee. Taken up by me at my residence on section 9, township 84, range 56, Bioux county, Nebraska, on March 29, 19. one sorrel gvlding, with white rtrip in forehead, white left front foot and right bind foot, brand on left shoulder circle around q and dim brand on right hip supposed to be JI or 3. Age unknown. J. H. Wars. Legal Sot ice. John Culp, defendant, will take notice that on the 17th day of April, 18S, the Buffalo Gap Lumber Company, plaiutiU' herein, tiled their petition in the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which are to fo-eclose a cer tain mechanics lien upon lot No. 2, block No. H, in the village of Harrison, Sioux county, Nebraska, for the sum of $187.67 for which sum, with interest from the 3rd day of Septemlier lSf8, plaintiff prays for a decree that defendant be re quired to pay the same or that said premises may lie sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 27th day of May, 189. Bitpai.0 Gap Lumhkk Co., Plaint. ft". GEO. Wai.KKH, Attorney. Legal Sot ice. The Board of Church Extension, a cor poration organized by the Legislature of Pennsylvania; and O. W. Fiedler, non resident defendants; will take notice that on the 171h day of April. A. 1). 1KK9, The Buffalo (lap Lumber Com pany, Plaintiff herein, tiled its peti tion in the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, against said defend ants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mechanics lien up on Lot number twenty-eight in BlocK number three, in the village of Harrison. Sioux county, Nebraska., for the sum of two hundred and fifteen dollars and seventy-seven cents, (213.77), for which sum. with interest from the 14th day of April, A. I). plaintiff prays for : decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be "sold to satisfy 1he amount found due. You are required to answ.;r said peti tion on or before the 27th day of May. Bn-'FAtX) Gap Lt' Co.. PlaintilV. Geo. Walker, Attorney for Plaintiff. L. O. HULL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. HARRISON, - NEB. GEORGE WALKER, ATTORNEY- AT-LA W. Will practice before all courts and the United States land olfice. Business entrusted to my cars will re- eive prompt attention. HARRISON, - - NEB. i re-each For Sale Pure Millet seed at W. It. Smith's. T B. 7,..;i,. t.,n nll,WQ,l ..l-.inl against Sioux county. Oklahoma, according to Monday oort. probably has a settler on quarter section by this time and on some pieces many more. Estray Sot ice. Taken tip by me on March 21st, 18M!), at my place on section 31, township 33, range 5(i, in Sioux county, Nebraska, one roan heifer with slit in brisket, sup posed to be 2 years old. Oscar A. Garlon. Our Clubbing List Is complete and comprises every news paper, magazine or periodical of note in the United States. We can save you from 10 to 25 per cent on a large major ity of publications. Come and f-ee our clubbing prices and note how much cheaper you can get your papers and magazines by clubbing- them with the Journal. Watch for a new lulverlismcni next week by an old and tried firm in now business. It, may not be n this space or cen on this page but it will be here just the same. 3p WATCH FOR IT. JiJ M. BRUCK, boot Sc shoe maker. FIRST CLASS GOOi.S At REASONABLE PRICES. First door north of Batik of Harrison. The Barber Shop. First door south of the court house. E. L. GALPiN, Proprietor. Here you can get a clean shave, first class hair cut or a WARM or ( OLD BATH J. II- COOK. AdATE SlMtlXUS RA'CiI. Brand c on loft jaw. Makes aspecialty of breeding Roadsters, I raft and Saddle Horses; also red and black Polled cattle. Post Ol- Rauge on Running Water. fice Harrison, - - Nebraska. 1r tho olilost and most, popular flcicntlflc ami mechanical paper published and hnn the lareost cirenlat Ion ot any pnppr of Its clflfl In the world, t'ully tlhiHtl-ntod. Heat class of Wood Knrav Inc!.. I'ul'lifcheil weekly, end for Fptrlmea cmv. 1'riro t;i u year, Fonr months' trial, ft. MUNN & CO., i'VULisriEHs, 301 Broadway, N.T. ARCHITECTS BUILDERQ H Edition of Scientific American. V A (Trent snropu Ffich Ihmio rontnlii rnlnrprt litiHiurnritii pln of country and dry ropiiion c;s or piiUm tmiliilrtiif. Numerous enHravinps nii't full plaiip (Mn'cifli'iiUona for Die tinn of nuchas cfniemphitc hnildlitfr. I'rirp ?'J.,f)0 a year, 2; cts. a copy. MUNN ,fc CO., Pi'iiLiaBKHS. rrmy bo iwhkit m by npplv- V n(i to Mir NUT Jl k Co., who Itavc hmlovor (. yi'.irn' orporiAnon ntnl linv Timilo o"vcr ltfljuw iipplHa'ioris for Amorlfnn ami Vor. cliin MtniiM. SfM tor II utitl l;ofc. Corres pondence ttiricdy vniiiltlontim. TRADE MARKS. 7n ra-o your neirlt la not, rc-trlMc-rod Sn tho Pat ent Oftion, B'iHiy to .MCNK ti 0.. I'Hd procur iTOim'cliiUo protection. Buutl for UiunlDovk. trtl'VRHSIIT for Ttonks, charts, mnjm. flto-, nlckiy jironurad. Addruna MUMti Ac CO., Pntent Hnllr.lmra. mm m i 13 ') G, GUTHRIE, Manager, to ih ihh new (Utilte; t 4 V 'V i .- o