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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1889)
-. I "''I. r 1 liU r i 3.- E? o. in- of or. i of the ect Oil ire- Ull, Ice h" the the tv, tfie U mi lg nd rof art Us ai of ted f..r last the ,rth ral, al- cir Hie ion lent ;ion way rom r an ry krd : ol em 1112 rwl nni tlx ra the ith led i to Imy rom cell and and nt. uce- Kr, ,iin ta lT' hLf.V-.SEV MKiet3 Bets failMlM, ItM T'4L 1 J Ml la, . t ' : of !l5a WtniHiln iMtf'ifc.- on ' ' 2 " h.t 111- , tfrvMW Tee in. "Ki in. I ' Food for Rsflactlon. 1m Sew York World of February any: . riie question is to bow much of what f pretend to ' know doctors really is a very interesting one. . ;;. Thej Mssens exceptionally great I Cities for lniiubuius, aud the pre- Ttion is mat tiiey are not proot in ewes, at all times at leant, afraiust fjtation to make use of theni. Their Jession comes as near beius an eso Jm oue an any that in acknowledged to I I Mspectable. But the revelation aw to views in the ltobinson arnemcal ipir cases in Bout on is startliii". There were five deaths from the drug. jr4 the doctors in their certificates at- Jbated them renieetively to pnmi f wis, typhoid fever, menigitis, liowel iiaase and Briitht'a disease of the kid tatya. The truth would have never been faiowB but for auspicious with which the iorton had nothing to do. Thers is fate, here for reflection and for doc Aaca." ' The above criticism is fully warranted fcjr the startling ignorance shown by the extending physicians in the Sonierville kithaa AUTO. a f.i.trjllPri tut 'it Mil t!W t!it v tii 1U wln wauf' I . .. w.' P-fy r1. "'''(' Muck tro tiu'jUrA It ac -r Si; ,py vole. troaliM aarioiasy ay vole. Ua kr!at. 'M Bly'a CfM M we work, rf riyHtw.-l l'rfte OlWrt Baptist H. ..HWanalXT. boo ty mxilii,1 iim . . w i aii 3 dcnliajawikitnwM'. : lion. VaVRiot rim w th d;Ji tt J lx n.' kT - rl!w M it ylrli It can be aptly Haid that human life is too often sacrificed to the ignorance and Uffotry ' the profession. Too often it luumens that fatal results follow an improper course of treatment physician treats the patient for mption, general debility or for irons dihonlciH. whilst the real din NN, which is n1o ly destroyins; the kid Jatya and tilling the system with a poison quite as deadly as arsenic, is altogether overlooked or does not attract attention ttBtil too late. ' Physicians too often treat the symp tom of disease instead of the disease ilwlf. , It is well established that four-fifths I the ordinary ills which beset humani ty are the results of disease in the kid Mfl nhich will yield to the curative Wopcrties of Warner's Safe Cure if timely used, and to it alone. What is apparent lv a disease in the other organs iamorc oftentimes a mere symptom of Kidney disease, which should be quickly radicated by Warner's Hafe Cure before it secures too firm a hold on thoae organs. The MrMlllifHliirfta of E,lll , ,'Lcnt will cut down pneumonia tates," said lr. Hamilton the other day. It alwnvs does. J his was an aston- iaher at first, but when, he explained that nine-tenths of the cases of pneu monia were brought on in persons pro- disposeil to it by sudden exposure to Bight air after coming; from a super heated room, 1 can see that the late win- tor festivities have a "Teat deal to do With the matter in our perilous latitude. There is one feature about, Lent that aociety is apt to overlook, and that is its dietetic advantages. Any one who will keep it strictly will find himself in bet tor condition to go through our summer. Now York Truth. A Primitive Industry. V In Colombia the American aloe known there ns "lisue" is of crent im portance on account of its fibre, which la used for sandals, sacks, rones, enrths. pack saddles, etc. These manufactures re aiuonr the most important of the country, the vearlv value being various lyestimated at, from 1 0,000, 000 to $10, 000,000. No part of the plant except the fibre is used, and this is now extracted -by so slow and laborious a process that a smiled lahorer can produce only about ten pounds ot fibre daily. Tire flectof tail !U ,, A Lucky Carriage Painter. Orllin. '(; ) Nmi, Hin liG, K. L. Malone lias just returned from Greenville, where he lias been receiv ing the congratulations of his friends on his great luck. He held one-twentieth of ticket No. 17,l(i0, which drew the third capital prize of $50,000 in the drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery Company on the 12th of Feb ruary, and his share after deducting coat of collecting, was just $2,495,00, S we saw on his deposit book of the Qty Natitonal Bank. It is not every young man who picks up such a sum O easily as this, and he iscorretipond eld. Mr. Malone is a young (Dan ol about twenty or twenty-two pHra, a carriage painter by trade, Md has never bought many tickets in th Louisiana .State Lottery, though ho says he ptoposes to stick to it now A long as he has a dollar to spare, lie is a pleasant, easy, good nntured Kjllo, 1 has been enjoying himself since hi sudden access of wealth. V .. Mk VJ.A A AAA" ; kit Hint VI. li- V. 0Ki!-rlt Z PfiiitoaAa-- : Building air castles should be the work ff the man who is lull ot wind. doec, . Imprudauc knows not what it BVadenct doea not what it known. onsmupllen Surelf Cured. To t lie Kditor.-riease inform your read in .that I have a poiitie remedy lor con aaption. Br ila timelr use thousands ol pelaii raaes have been perinanently ( tfi. ' I shall Ik1 glad to iiend two hot Hen ft as; remedy fruk to any ot your read- a who bavc consumption it ther willsrnd their ex ores and IJ. 0. address, lie. eetlullv, T. A. Sl.OCUM, M. C, 181 . Pearl HOJU- HoavJjV 7M. a J J a: Cow- J'0 if llt-l'" t,f " H ..ix'n i V' wit"'; Bttter to be born with brnina in the htad witu a golden spoon in the mouth. thf wm Chili!, ptie ot-lMi lr CatsLarioV 1 ,11311 nil hfrnmi Wins, nh citing to Caitorla, TWtbhtl ChtldPfai, abt pf thtin taatoritv Wi nerer knew n old maid who would mlt that "he never had a love affair. TEBSTER mar Worda and aearly SOOO more lltna- than aar other Americas vicuonu-y. V An Invaluable Companion , In etcrr School and at erery Plreetdet 1 by all Bookn!!. IlltutraUd Pampl.let fat free. XC MxaUAX0O., fuli. tprlniteld, Mm. Tbelr Wants. The man who has a family of chil dren ticldom gets a niiclit' e rest. It is one of the conditions of that blessed estate. He retires early liecaufte the chil dren must not le disturbed by his coming up late. That is good. No fault can be found with that. His wife is tired, as sliehas an undoubted right to be. She toasts her feet by the fire, does her front hair up on crimping ma chinery, puts some glycerine on her bands, makes sure that the chamber door is locked and bolted, and a chnir with the lamp and some match es in it set if', and then she gets into bed, and says she knows she sha'n't sleep a wink to-nieht. Slip feels just like it. The family man flops over with his face to the wall, and is just settling into his "beauty sleep," when the piping voice of his little hou calls out from the bed in the adjoining cham ber, the door of which is always left ojx-n: 'Pal I want some water! I say, pal I'm dry." The family man ignores the cry, hoping that the child will full asleep w ithout enforcing his demand, and be gives utterance to a vigorous snore, which all family men learn to practice, and his wilii gives him a dig with her well-trained elbows. "Thomas, don't you hear (ienie cry? He is thirsty Thomas. How can you lie there and snore, and that blessed child choking to death for want of a little water?" Another more pronounced snore. "l'a!" this time the little voice has become lachrymose, and the notes are raised a whole octave "I want some water! Say, pa! 1 want some w-u-t-e-r!" "Thomas!" cries the loving moth er, in a voice of dire reproach, are you deaf? That child is dying lor some water." "It's too cold to get up!" growls the family man, thinking of just how cold and slippery that slrip of oil cloth in the back hull will lcel to his lft, and how the shivers will run down his spine when he goes through the dining-room to the kitchen pump. "I want it cold!" cries the child, "real cold! Just pumped!" The. family man gets out of bed, feels for the matches. "Take care, Thomas," cries his wife; "you'll upset the lamp! The matches are right there under your nose. Strange that a man never can find anything! I knewjf should have to get up! Now, mind you lock the kitchen door again after you, and while you are down Ihere just see if the front door is bolted. I have forgotten whether I looked at it when 1 came to bed." Thomas unbolted and unlocked the cham ber door, a nd proceeds do wn stairs, and returns with the water, and by that time the boy is asleep, and his ma thinks he had better not be awakened. The door is secured, the light out, and then the wife nudges her hus band. "My throat feels a little sore, Thomas, 1 wish you would go down and bring up the camphor before you go to sleep." "Tut on some bay rum, suggests the family man. "Isay rum, indeed! cries the wife. "Why, who ever heard of bay rum for a sore throat? When I am dead, Thomas, you will think of this, and 1 a good and faithful wife to you. and the mother of your children!" The family man gets out of bed again, and makes anotherexpedition down stairs, and brings up a bottle ofamoniaby mistake and has to return; and by the time he gets back tlte boy who wanted water is awake again, and this time he wants milk, and he refuses to take anything else, and the little girl in the crib rouses up and calls for a drink, and de clines to take water brought up for her brother because it tastes hot; and so the family man has to descend ttgiun and unlock and lock all thesG doors. Is it any wonder that suicide is on the increase? New York Weekly. Thread Spools and Shoe Pegs. Titnbermnn. Among the peculinr industries which flourish in Western Main is the making of thread spools. They are cut from smooth, white birch timber a wood which works easily by various kinds of improved machines. There are numerons mills through out the lnmbering region, where the birch is sawed into strps about four feet long and from one te two inches in width and thickness. These strips then go to the spool factories to be converted into spools. The processes they are put through are numerous, and one of them, the method of pol ishing them, is quite interesting. A barrel is filled nearly full of them uDd then revolved by means of machinery and belting until tho spools are worn smooth by rubbing onoogninst another. The inanufuoure of shoe pegs is another peculinrMnin indus try, though shared into somo extent by other New England states. These are cut from maple and white birch by machinery, and are worth at the factory from !5.") to 515 cents a bushel. The compressing of sawdust is also a flourishing business in Itangor in that state. There is a firm there ntyling itself a "conipresscoinpany," who convert sawdust and shavings into solid bales bv compression. which finds reiidy sale in tho large Eastern cities. rik ava Klrhest Man. The Chinese minister is a mandarin of Mich high rank that he stands tilth only from the emperor, and rumor has it that he ia one of the seven richest men in the orld, the aeven including the famous Kothbchilda. H is jewels are magnificent, and it ii a veil known fact that he was one of the heavy purchasers when the imperial regalia of France was broken up and sold. He is a man of middle height, with phenomenally small hands and feet, piercing bronn eyes, a fair skin and two dimples that make his smile doubly pleasant. His manners are eiquisite and he carries his hos pitality to the point of interpreting lit erally the flowery phrases of his native laud. He is an immense favorite in so ciety. His tate is perfect and the rich and harmonious toilets he wears are th'. envy and admiration of all colonsta. He spealiH very good English and has a distinct lisp which he exercises very Cleverly at times. I of Mall. The United Kingdom, according to Mr. P. L. Kimmonds. produces 2,200, 000 tons of salt annually, the othercoun tripg of Kurope about" :!,000,000, North America rather over 1,000,000, Asia and Africa about another 1,000.000, making a total of 7,200,000 tons. Salt is very extensively used in the arts, and it is re markable as being the only mineral vol untarily eaten by man. Its nse with food is universal with all nations, the consumption per head in different coun tries being stated as follows: United States, 50 pounds; Kugland, 40: France, SO; Italy, 20; Kussia, 18; Uelgium, 1J; Austria, 1(1; Prussia, 14; Madras, l.'i; Bengal, 13; Spain, 12; Bombay, 10i ; Switzerland, 8L Most men, otheroine strong in body and mind, will Wnine ouhappr and break down when afflicted with Rhrumatinm. Jf tbey would nly try Salvation Oil tliry would find relief at once. Price 2iie. All the keys of Windsor Castl were re cently stolen, but even this dos not in terfere with the rapid Bile ot Or. Bull's Cough Syrup. I'liiWfr .tlalilnc bf It Ind Pott er. A recent writer states that in many parts of the United States unprovided with water power it would be not only possible but profitable to use wind power for milling. In European coun tries wind driven flour mills, even of considerable extent, are no uncommon sight; and one firm is said to have a mill operated by steam and another op erated by wind, and to have found the latter the more successful financially. To get the beat results, this author as serts that the mill should have a capaci ty of loO to 200 barrels, and would need a wind wheel at least eighty-five or ninety feet in diameter, which should not approach nearer than fifteen feet to the ground. lclrn Populations. Stranger (in western city)- "I under stand you claim 100,000 population for this town?" Directory Man "Yes, sir. Wo have in the new directory, just being fin ished, 20,000 nnmes. That multiplied by five, the average size of a family, makes 100,000. See?" Messenger Boy "Please, sir, Mr. Hardtype wants to know haw many con ies of that directory you want printed?" Directory Man (after some figuring "Urn! I guess fifteen will be enough." New- York Weekly. A Land of Steam. Dr. Th. Thoroddsen reports that ii! explorations in the interior of Iceland last summer he visited some remarkable valleys in a mountain range called Kjerlingarfjoll. He discovered grand sulphur springs in great numbers, as well as innumerable large boiling mud pools blue, red, yellow and green in color. Steam penetrated everywhere through fissures in the earth, one jet, six to nine feet in height, keeping up aiie'u a continual roar that it was impos sible to hear the loudest shouts in its vicinity. The greatest care had to be observed in walking on the thin crust of heated clay covering the boiling mud below. Do what you can when you cannot do what you would. Warner's Log Cabin PLASTERS. will immediately relieve the pain in your back; then look for the cause of it. Try it. Foeetbl If eight of Brick Walla. In a number of tests applied to mason ry, according to Prof. Baker of Illinois university, piers of ordinary brick and common lime mortar stood a pressure of a little over l.oOO pounds per square inch ; which is equal to the weight of a column of brick 2,000 feet high, with ordinary Portland cement mortar the strength was somewhat more than 2,500 pounds per square inch, or the weight of a column of brick masonry 3,600 feet high. When a vaccination taken, what doea it take? It is always the toughest hen that boasts that he is no spring chicken. The presence of the vulture is notknown until there is a carcass in the field. Dewy slumber may be alt rightin poetry, but there ia o comfort in night sweats. The celebration ot good fortune ia too ofton the occasion of new extravagance.. In 1S86 Japan had 472 earthquakes. In a minute the lowest sound your ear can catch has been made by 990 vibra tions. The police department ot Boetoa costs the city $1,250,000 per year. The lazier a man gets, the more bia noao rune. The rich man'i theory is the poor man's fact. It you wish to flatter a man, atk him far Lie advice. No man ever believed that hie grand mother was ever young. An egotist ia something like a cabbage; all head, without much in it. HOW'S THIS! We oiler One Hundred Dollars Raw ar 1 lor anv caae ot Catarrh that can not be cured hy takini Hall's Catarrh Oiri. . J. CHENKY oY CO., Props.. Toledo. O. We, the underti'gned, have known F. .1. Cheaey for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all busineea transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Went True i, Wholesale Druggists, Tola do, Ohio. Walding. Kinnln A Marvin, Wholesale DruggieU, Toledo, Ohio. E. H. Van Hneeen, Cashier. Toledo Na tional Bank, Toledo, Ohio. Hall'a Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucin eurlncM ot the svstea, Price, 75 rents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. CosTKltTniKKT passes wealth. Yon are sure to be contented with the use of Warner'a Log Cabin EXTKACT for external and Internal pains. This is better than to employ a physician who cannot do more for you if you hud the wealth of Croesus. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1. Hie gift ia from the heart who giree quickly. Knives were first used at table by our English ancestors, and the finest cutlery and table service now known in the rail way world may be 6eeu on the famous (iolden Gate Special over the Union Pacific Railway from Council Bluffs and Omaha to San Francisco, every Wednes day. 'F. F. V." is eaid to mean, in Kansaa, "First Family Vaccinated." For etrengtheningand clearing the voice, use "Brown's Bkom biai. Thoi yas." "I have commended them to friends who are public speakers, and they have proved extremely serviceable." Rev. Henry Ward BiHJcber. TRY lrvdyTxsS 'L'AT I JVC;: XWLJffy AO 7 s ( -uHlal'-x TRY - SAP A beautiful rug often covers an ugly hole in a caret. Fooel for i oneiiiMMtlvea. Srott'i Kiniilnioo of Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophoephites, is a most marvelous food and medirine. it heuls the irritation of the throat and lUDga, and gives flesh and strength quicker than any other rem edy known. It is very palatable, having none of the disagreeable taste ol I he crude oil. j They eay that there is an exception to every rule. Who is the exi plion to the rule that all must die.' JACOBS 0 TRADE ir REMedv" PAlN IT COHQUERS PAIN. Relieves and cures BHETOATISM, NECRAI.GIA Sciatica, Lumbags. HEADACHE, Toothache, Sprains, BRl'ISKS, Burnt and Scalds. At DrngclnU and Dealern. THI CHsILM I. V0GELER CO.. laltlaere, MS. Diamond Vera-Cura A POSITIVE COKE FOR INDIGESTION AN D ALL toiiisch Trouble-. Arising Therefrom. Tour Di iffjyist or Gtneral Dealer will get Vera (.lira for yon f not already in utock, or it will be tent by mail on rtceiptof Wca. v3 boxes ; Mtatiip Hample sent on rtctipi of t-teut ftamp. TDK CHARLES A. VOUKLEUi O.. Baltimore, Md. COUGHS Stflttrf PORE, It nPOPiOM Ii j fun, AnteDt eta beet rented ie Allea'sLuucaTaUaam taafi pie-eiBiDDL Tbe druyxiftte si.e&k of It la Birbrtl leruit, afgiviog eutiretutlftlarltGn wherever it ia uasil. Price Sftrta. ,50ctg..anl $1 per Bottle). TheX-f'ENT BOTTLES are put up inr the atcoaa- uiodauon of all who desire ninDly a IDUuH orl ltOUl' KEMKIIY. Thorn drufnq a rtmnly for IJOXS C.WPTIOK4 reny ltA'0 VIS t ASK should stcun Ju Lanje $1 llollln. Mothers. Read! OA a I. AND STA..KV.. April 34. IMS. e?nt!f.Th' demand for Aii.en'k I.unq SaI am i uurfatinc constantly. Tbe ladit think toerf ii no medic, d equal to it for rrouu nurt Wuoouinc Couiid. ' S. MAKTIN. PruKiat, OlD MY ALL MHUICIXK DHA.LHH& WELL DRILLS, FOR ALL PURPOSES. Have made 2 f t. a mlnuto witb the- AUSTIN TRIUMPH. Bend !0c. for mailing- Catalogue. F. C. Austin Mfg. Co. COR. CARPENTER ST. ANO CARROLL AVE.. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. 4 m m 1 at. 'NORTHERN CROWN PLANTS AND SEEDS Are arkuowledeed the beet, being hardier, more productive and jiela better crope. FINE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OdiaibIds ealy th. frMt Tari.tlci, miil.d ota ea aiibU catloa. WR1TI FOB IT. X.. X.. As CO. FLomata and SieaantH, 6t. Paui, Minn. $5 TOSIOADAY! .4u.Kvr wanted: turuKcin.ARS ran it. 1000 BrewMrS;ifVtv lifn Holder GIVEN AWAY to intro duce tbem. kv?ry horun ownftr buy Irfiiu 1 Hi 6. LinAft tiever iinlrbors'a feet, hend ctMit,". m stamps to pay intae and packing tor Nickl Plated HumplA thai sells lor aV c-enU. Address, Brewster Mf g Co., Holly .Mich.. t My-(f IVJIWUlU) 111.1111 mm Waterproof Coat. TaariSHIBAFDfiUrarata warranted wst-irMief, ad will k"p you dry to! th) WrdMt Harm. Th urw POMMEL Ht.tCI.BKts a perfert riJic -, )d covers Bllrt)iMl. atwara i initiations. Hons ffrntmia winiom wa rim Rrtatf" trtMla-niark. UloPtrkUd Catalogue ires, A. J- Tower, Boatob, BBSS. A " Delicious Biscuit ri n et r i x rv in I mi aW H ASK YOUR GROCER FOR OOW BRAND "SLERATUS. AMOLUTELY PURE. it. SIS3 AN HONEST DRUGGIST, whsn asked for the best blood-pnrlfler, always recommends Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, because he knows it lias by far the largest sale and gives the best satisfaction to his customers. Golden Medicsl Discovery cures all humors, from a common Blotch, or Eruption to the wont Scrofula. Salt-rheum, Scaly or Rough Skin, in short, all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by, this fiowerful, purifying, and invigorating medicine. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly ical under its benign influence. Especially has it manifested its potency in curing Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Bolls Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrofulous Sores and Swellings. Hip-joint Disease, "While Swellings," "Fever Sores," Goitre, or Thick Meek, and Enlarged Glands. Consumption, which is Scrofula of the Lungs, is arrested and cured by this remeuy, ii raaeu in inc earner magus oi me uiseose. Dr. Pierce's (iolden Medical Discovery is tho only medicine of its class that is guaranteed to benefit or cure, in all cases of diseases for which it is recommended, or the money paid for it will be promptly refunded. For Weak Lung", Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis,. Asthma, Severe Coughs, nml kindred affections, it is an elhcleut remedy. Sold by Druggists, at $1.00, or six Bottles for (5.00. Copyright, lH89,liy World's Pispknsaky Mkdk;ai. Association, rroprh'tore. IJT TTTJl miAT H OnnniM'rra bv l.hs plMnains nnti- wptlc, oothiuf and huUliif propcrtiM of Dr. 8ttjr V Caten b ItuiutHly. &u by h uLfirtiru, WARRANTED. hU mer full ntly iin- N. D., Ooaha, 450-14. "1.4'