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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1889)
--y 'V" SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL. W. . PATTKKKON, Editor. HARRISON. NEB. ABOUT NEBRASKA. Far Hm BansM tl Ex-Sotiisn. House bill No. 143, as passed by ths Mate and house, is as follows: Section 1. That the county board of the several counties of this state are hereby authorized to levy in addition to ' the taxes now levied by law, a tax not exceeding three-tenths of one mill upon tho taxable property of their respective counties, to be levied and collected as bow provided by law for the assessment and collection of taxes, for the purpose of oreatins a fund for the relief and for funeral expenses of honorably dis charged indigent union soldiers, sailors and marines, and the indigent wives, widows and minor children not over 14 years of age in the case of boys, and not over 16 years of age in the case of girls, of such indigent or deceased union sol diers, sailors and marines having a legal residence in said county to be dispersed as hereafter provided. Sec 2. The county ' board in each county in this state shall on second Tuesday in January, 1890, appoint three persons who are residents of snch coun ty, at least two of whom shall be honor ably discharged nnion soldiers, one to serve two years, and one to serve one year from date of appointment, and each year thereafter one person to serve three years, such persons so appointed, when orgauized by the selection of one of their number as chairman, and one as secretary, shall be designated and known as "The Soldiers' Belief Com mission." The members of said com mission shall qualify by taking the nsual oath of office and shall each give bonds in the sum of $500 for the faithful per formance of their duties. In the event of a vacancy in said commission, occur ring from any cause the county board shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term. Sec. 3. The soldiers' relief commis sion shall meet at the clerk's office on the second Monday in February of each year, and at such times as is deemed necessary, and shall examine and determine who are entitled to re lief under this act, and shall make lists of such persons, and at the February meeting such commission, after deter mining the probable amount necessary, for the purpose provided herein, shall certify the amount to the county board, nd the county board of each county at its regular meeting in June of each year, shall make such levies as shall be necessary to raise the required relief fund, not exceeding three-tenths of a mill on the taxable property of said county. The Soldiers' Belief commis sion shall fix the amount to be paid ia cadi case, the aggregate not to exoeed the levy of said tax for any one year, and shall certify the lists to the county clerk. The clerk shall, within twenty days thereafter, transmit to the justices of the peace in his county a list of the names of the persons in the respective townships or precincts to whom relief has been awarded, and the amount thereof. The county clerk, on the first Monday of each month after the said fund is . ready . for dis tribution, shall issue bis -warrant to the soldiers' relief commission upon the county treasurer for the several amounts warded. Such commission shall dis burse the same to the person or persons named in the lists, taking receipts there for; or such fund may be disbursed in any other manner directed by the com mission; provided, however, that when said commission is satisfied that any person entitled to relief under this act will cot properly expend the amount allowed, the commission may pay the mount to some suitable person who shall expend the same for such person in such manner as the commission may direct; and provided further, that said commission at any meeting may de crease, increase or discontinue any amount before awarded, and may add new names to the lists, which shall be certified to the county clerk. STATE JOTTINGS IN BRIEF. A justice of the peace in Omaha went to sleep on his throne of mercy and snored loudly, while an attorney was making au eloquent appeal to him in behalf of justice. Becoming dis gusted, the attorneys and jury stole out of the court room and fled. E. C. Anderson, former proprietor of the Central hotel at Fremont, fs mys teriously missing. He left home ths day of March for the purpose of go fjg to Omaha, David City, Weston and ther places to make some collections that were due him. Before leaving he told his wife that he would surely be feck on the 8th inst. It has now been aore than two weeks since he should have returned and no word has been re ceived as to his whereabouts, and his wife and friends are very much exer cised and alarmed over his absence. Brad Slaughter will enter upon his duties as U. S. marshal about June 1st. Quite a fire occurred at Seward last week. Four buildings were destroyed. ' It is said that liquor is furnished the Indians at Valentine upon condi tion that they will not drink it uutil they bava laft town. ' Charts Wagner, of West Point, committed suicide last week by hanging. His wife left him asleep for little time, nd apon returning found him missing. He was soon found in a low shed hang ing by ths neck. The suicide was mechanic, lxut forty-eight years old, and leaves a wife and several children in destitute circumstances. A Minden dispatch says the man who was arrested at Ogden, Utah, on suspicion that he was the murderer, Zimmerman, has turned out to be Wil liam H. Yelvington. He was released from custody and presented with a ticket to Ogden. The general opinion is that Sheriff Hill did right in bringing the man to Nebraska, as he was ordered to do so by ei-Oov. Nance, who had seen Zimmerman several times during his confinement. The passage of senate file 7, which provides for an additional judge in the district, caused general good feeling at North Platte. This district is the largest judicial district in the state and Jegal business is delayed very much be Sause there is more of it than one judge M possibly attend to The Demecrat at Lincoln has de cided to issue a daily. The new Methodist church in Grand Island is to be pushed forward. Ths structure is to cost almnt 8:0. 000. The new Faadoek hotel at Beatrice has been leased by E. K. Criley k Co., who will open the same to the public about April 25th. At a mass meeting in Ainsworth held for the purpose in the opera house, reso lutions were adopted censuring Con gressman Dorsey, for recommending the appointment of Thomas J. Hmitli for postmaster at that place, without first giving the patrons of this office an op portunity to express their preference. Ainsworth boosts of having next to the largest cigar factory in the state, which is owned and ran by J. S. Scho field, who located there in January. He now employs eighteen hands. J. W. Freeman, of Grand Island, is a candidate for commandant of the sol diers' home there, in case of the removal of Captain Hammond, who is under a cloud. A shooting affray occurred last week about twenty miles noth of North Flatte in which one man was so badly wonnded that he will die. The affair was brought about by a father meeting the man who he claimed had attempted to rape his 12-year-old daughter. At a meeting of the business men of North Platte the amount of money necessary as Lincoln county's propor tion was forthcoming to make the pre liminary survey in the mter-couuty project lor a railroad from the northeast. At a delegation convention in Grand Island in opposition to the mass con vention last week a regular row oc curred. W. F. McLaughlin, president of the city council, struck Scth P. Mo bly in the faoe breaking his nose and in turn McLaughlin was knocked down by John Donaldson. Mobley is editor of the Grand Island Independent. Mr. Cady's bill to prohibit the sale of liquors to habitual drunkards passed the house. Ladies of Beatrice ask for two places on the school board, and there are no objectors. Arthur Wallace, the 12-3'car-old son of Cbas. Wallace, of Dodge county, who ran aivay from home about eight mouths ago, has just been found by his father through an advertisement. He is at Grand Island living with a farmer. Since the saloon Sunday closing order went into effect in Omaha, grog geries outside the city limits are doing a thriving business. The county au thorities will now take a hand in sup pressing them also on Sunday. The Hall County Agricultural so ciety offers to Grand Army ikkIs and other uniformed societies the following cash premiums, viz: First premium. $35; second premium, t25; third premi um, f 10. for drill in the manual of arms. The present mayor of Omaha is the only one the city has ever had that effectually closed the saloons on Sun day. His mandate is beiuz respected to the letter. A disastrous prairie fire raged last week near Beatrice, J. Q. Hamilton lost a barn and a quantity of liny, and his residence had a close call "for de struction. John Y. Bowan, of Cuming county, died last week, aged 92 years. The fair premium list about to be put forth by the Hall county Agricul tural society is the most liberal yet offered. Tramps will undoubtedly give Fair bury a wide berth. For the dish on est and unruly of this class nublic whin- pings have been inaugurated. Some of the enterprising citizens of Arlington are making a quiet effort to secure the location of Fort Omaha, at that place. Central City's water works are near ing completion and will probably bs tested at an early day. The governor has signed House Roll No. 95, the bil! making the herd law ap plicable to all parts of the state. Scarlet fever has prevailed at the home of the friendless in Lincoln, but none of the inmates have died. The locating board of the Nebraska oonference held its final meeting last week and decided to hold the camp meeting at Cushmun park, near Lincoln. At Elwood, Abraham Whistler, who plead guilty to the crime of rape, was sentenced to the penitentiary for three years. Ihe Iremont, Elkhorn 4 Missouri Valley has issued a tariff circular re ducing the rate on merchandise from Omaha to points in Wyoming. First- class rates will be reduced from 3. 10 per 100 pounds to second-class from $2.90 to 82.05; third-class from 2.80 to 2.4T; fourth-class from 82.00 to 8200 to $2.35; fifth -class from 32.55 to V.T!. Other rates were reduced to conform to these and the new tariff schedule is to go into effect Monday, April 1. A destructive fire occurred last week in Elkhorn township east of Fremont. The fire started on section 19, owned by Congressman Dorsey and rented by Wm. Keeler. It swept over two sec tions of Mr. Dorsey's land, destroying seventy -five stacks of hay belonging to Mr. Dorsey and Ed Benton. There was not less than 600 tons of the hay w hich is worth nearly $1,200. Tlie Dixon co mty agricultural socie ty held its aunuul business meeting in Ponca last week. In settling np, the society was found to be in debt nearly $1,000. The money is dne in the main to the officers of the association, who have paid a great part of the expenses from their own pockets. The county board of supervisors of Seward county have decided to submit to the people of Seward county at the general election to be held next fall, a proposition for a $75,000 court house according to the plans of O. C. Placy, an architect of Lincoln. The Sheridan county agricultural society is raising funds to send county exhibit to the state fair. The Nebraska State Board of Agri culture has just issued a valuable com pilation of statistics of Nebraska, The hotels of Beatrice are reported crowded with strangers who are seeking uomes ana Business locations. A lodge of the Knights of Pythias lias been organized at Folleiton THE NEBRASKA IE"" " M0U,E- tf 14 Mrmtk A"'mMW In the senate on the 25th the Lincoln charter bill was passed. The senate also passed Bayner's irrigation bill, the ap propriation of $5,000 for capitol gronnds, and the bill providing that in cities ol the oicond class in counties under town ship organization the board of eqtiahz tion shall consisted a city council and board of supervisors. Baymond intro duced Sutherland's railroad resolution, defeated several weeks ago. Several bills were reiorted from committee. The appropriation bill for general ex penses was received from the house and read the first time. It has about sixty amendments. The reduction fronvtb original bill aggregate $197,734, the in crease 186,3M, leaving the net result reduction of only 11,4.K) in a bill who items made ft grand total of $1,484,157. But for the $50,000 rider put on for th benefit of the institution for the feeble minded at Beatrice, the resnlt would have been a reduction of over $50,000. The senate will reduce the Beatrice item to $10,000 or $15,000 just enough for a new boiler house. In he house the salary appropriation bill, was called up and passed 70 to 6. Among other bills passed were the following: Increasing the appropriation to the State Horticultural society, $1, 000 to $-',000; authorizing the state superintendent of public instruction to appoint a deputy, and fixing hi bond at S10.000: ceding jurisdiction ol the Fort .Sidney military reservation to the United Slates, except as to intox icating liquors; providing that Ilia terms of the supreme court shall be held at the capital, and ocn on tlie first Tuesday in January and third Tuesday in Sept-eiulsar; also a bill by Berlin, providing that any pork or heel packer, distiller or manager of a ware house may store his ow n produce. The house then went into committee of the whole to consider the bill providing for the sale of state saline lauds at a mini mum price of $20 per acre. Tho bill was otherwise amended and reported for passage; also a bill providing for state board of immiirration. in tho senate on the 2fitD, house roll 4S3, which makes appropriations for the current expenses of tue state govern ment and is called the "expense bill" for short, was read a second time and put on the general file, which prevents the delay of referring to the standing oom mittee. The senate passed Sutherland's resolution which provides that all con tracts for supplies for state institutions shall bo let on a system of bidding; that bids shall be on each items separately, and that the heads of the several insti tutions make a monthly statement to the secretary of state of the supplies pur chased. Raymond's resolution request ing the board of transportation to make a scale of freight rates to prevent dis crimination was defeated 17 to 13. The committee recommended the passage of Jscriin s bill, requiring the city comp troller of Omaha to investigate the books of the school board monthly and report to the city council. The committee of tlie whole recommended the passage of Berlin's garnishee bill with an immater ial amendment; also the bill exempting pensioners from paying poll tax or working on highways; also the bill incorporating granges. In the house Bills on third reading were taken up and the following passed: The eenaral appropriation bill; Hall's maximum tariff Pill as amended; a bill by Cady for the punishment of the giving or selling of intoxicating liquors to habitual drunk ards, and a bill by Scoville authorizing any city to establish a system of elec tric lights. House roll 208, a lull intro duced by Hnngate, authorizing the county board to levy a special tax on adjoining property to aid in grading or paving boulevards leading into a city, was restricted to include only cities of the metropolitan class, and referred back with a favorable recommendation. The- Kennnrd claim of $1 1,000 for al leged services rendered the state in con nection with the collection of certain sums due from the general government on school lands beloiiL'inL' to Indian reservations was reached, but not finullv disposed of. A bill to pay county treas urers for collecting the educational land Hinds for 184 and 1885 was taken np. White and Majors denonneed the bill (is being pushed by claim agents and ouuyisis, anil it was indefinitely post poned by ,0 to 10. The bill providing for a constitutional amendment increas ing tho number of supreme judges to five, and fixing tho salaries of the of both supreme and district courts, was considered. Majors moved to strike out $1,000 in the stiaryof district judges uuo insert 3,;nw. Carried 47 to 35. A bill relating to the organization and government of school districts was passed. In the senate on the 27th Senator Church Howe moved to suspend the regular order of business and go into committee of the whole to consider the expense bill. The motion was adopted and the committee of ihe whole took nn house roll 483, known as the expense bill. The programme asrreed on bv tho senatorial alliance was carried out with out other interruption and with only one change. The latter, at the request af the supreme court, was the allowance of $2,000 for bailiffs instead of $1,000. Ihe following statement shows the ag gregate reductions in tlie various state lepartments and institutions from the bill as passed by the house: Governor's office, $1,100; adjutant general, $000; sommissioner of lalwr, $1,100; secretary of state, $500: auditor, $00; superin tendent of public instruction. $750: com missioner of public lands and buildings, $900; Iward of public lands and build ings, $8,640; supreme court, $0,850; state bbrary, $5,800; normal school. Peru, 1200; penitentiary, $1,100; hospital for insane, Lincoln, $44,200; hospital forin tane, Norfolk, $48,800; hospital for in sane, Hastings, $38,750; industrial school Kearney, $3,100. In the house the following bills were passed: Pro viding for the regulation of banks, with house amendments. Providing for the nbmission of a constitutional amend ment increasing the number of judges of the supreme court from three to five and increasing the salary of these judges from $2,500 to $3,500. A series of bills to organize a county out of the Omaha or Blackboard Indian reservation, with contiguous territory now belonging to Wayne into a county, to be called Ihurston. The Johnson bill providing forastato Printer u Irllln.l .,.,....11 eU by a vote of 53 to 28, after a sharp fight. A bill fixing rates of toll for the inuge across the riatte, between Sid ney and the Black Hills, was ordered to a third reading. Tho committee ap. pointed to investigate the college farm filed a-report statin that the farm i , 5 ths best possible ' toontthe,'-. sunclr rw recownirui" .d on tue. was I on . ln,h. senate on , - bills were w- -- permit. the iame uf wamio - . ificau-. for flax MM-J.hdhnseed od .n i-si th lime ol V uu$;i. the presidential fi"" rttsTdH- tl, ninthly -Lrt of the city comptroller on the sc ' ' f I,- sVhool board. I or the in- i ,uui. 1..t..r ..trnmltMolte a, ci mrfV loi.htor's bank tie from 8! 5Ki to $1, :!: his inmrauce clerk from 1.2"K1 to 1.0"0 and the re corder from H,W to U"'; the land commissioner's chief clerk, from 1.4' to ?1 his two Oool.KeeiH-r, i""" .41 W) each t-) l,2"0; oflicers of the home for the friendless, from ?J,4'W to $2.0"0; tlie chancellor, professors, in- htrm-t rs ami ail employes 01 10 n- university, from Htt.0W toWVM ( In the lust item the on.'inal bill cilll for $75,000, and it was raised by the house to $105,000. In the house bills were passed. Senate tile 14, the tiv 0 thousand llilianuuiii" may ieY eoial assessment on lands abutting a . -t , . . . 1 .... I'" blic road leading lino me rnv ht uio T!se of grading and paving the same.. l .M .....t 41... rt..,.l..itmtlfin l.f puri A In OlO llltUI"! mi l "if" ... t to exceed ten acres of land for rein cry inmioses, and a bill bv Keiju r pro- in et ding that the supsiit of the. iii'.n al be paid by the slut-, the same ss other unfortunates. A lull was passed roviding for the saw of saline lands 111 anra'trr county at not less than $150 er acre and providing for leasing thes mils and fixing the termination of the case at twenty years. The bill provid- il' for glass ballot boxes was killed. A II prohibing counties from transferring eases arisiug from trespassing on real itate from one county to another wus i . . .... oKsed. Un motion ot Hampton all the umerous normal school bills were imle- mieiy postximii. J lie senate Mil u larini; the first Monday in SePtemlx-ra itiblic holiday, to Ixi known an I.ulor day, was jssed. Also a senate bill by Cornell ceding jurisdiction over Fort Robinson and Niobrary military reser vation to the United States. In the senate 011 the 21Hh the follow ng were isaed: House roll 275, the lehViency bill. House roll 224. Bay ier'8 bill ceding jurnvliction at Fort Sidney. House roll 75, the. electric ;,.u ),;it n.n !,; !,.,. 1 .. ..w viii. 1 1.11 1. ut mr u "wi notified tue. senate that the house had refused to concur on house roll 4Hal general appropriation bill. Mr. Nes- bitt Tlloveil tltitt. the tMitita incitt min its amendments, and that a conference committee of five be appointed. Mr. Baymond introduced the following res olution, which was unanimously adopt ed: Resolved, By the senate of tho state of Nebraska that we endorse the action of President Harrison in an- pointing Patrick Kgan to be I'nitod States minister to Chili, and recognize in his appointment a just tribute to his worth and patriotism as nn American citizen. On motion of Howe, the sen ate adopted the following VI " - till- der the title of the Nebraska Fanners' aiininee, have publicly stated that the financial obligations of the farinen of Nebraska arc an oppressive burden to suid farmers, and that the general eco nomic condition of the state is the re verso of prosperous, therefore be it Re solved, That it is the opinion of the sen ate of the state of Nebraska, that the so-called runners' alliance, being a pri vate and noii-reiires..iit..tivn u.H.. no n-ht nor title to speak in behalf of the farmers of the state. That the re re of cent allegations of certain members said alliance with regard to the r nomic conditions of V..l..i,. .. eco- line in substance and in fact; that tl mortgaging of their farms has rnabb n- 1 a large proportion of the fanners of the fitflll'l Til Auli.l.ll. I. 1 . , imuwMftn Homes ior themselves ! attain . a degree of coni-U-ncv which would have otherwise been 1-e"-yond their reach; that if f14rm mort gages are increasing in the newer and not yet fully settled tortious of the State 1, they are gradually being extin- CUIS led 111 l,nn I,.!,, . 1 "rweil COlllllleS where a succession 1 of magnificent crops 1 as rendered the farmer practically iu deneiiilent. i.t f,,,. :..! ..... 3.. . the increase in the material wealth of -"-'. evRicncea i,y tlie number taHy by tha largo amount of imported Mock now owned in the state, as , by he increased comfort of the hrZ" he farmers and the completeness ol the.r appointments, has more than kept pace 1 with the rrowth of population, afford a. certain guaranty that the ftna al o .ligation, of the farmer, "re ot of that burdensome character which law ''"."""'''yll-ged of them That the agricultural prosody of the Male on I erv haTl :,Kmn,,in in the house DemrwiLV. 1 Vi to encourage silk cult, re nZnZ? i? 1 10 Mnj""' ameiidm.i,.f 4,oncnr ln :'' annate Sni get ury hi. hanr, owi V,Z,1",'u,,,,ll ,n" Un xiJanaC if votes ''m'"' I""1" lierfi.rm.,... . . ' ' . J. of the 1 intoiest. Tim ,..,: V1H'U"" ith dt-ep 1 appointed as LmT' 1 1,8 ",C,,K"' linker H.ll ? 1011 bills, Cadv "nktr. Hall, ( (,rbln , flj, storaire . ,.1 bill to protect Nebraska ra.lroa.1 " . vesfrom the faii.ishea sharks of Ca Changing th Lincoln fc-rm of r,m .111 V 10 rWI'VUJ- corporut'o" V. .- 7, . T 1 err t societies. MrNwkles sHiool bill. disabled ,nioner 1 from paving HI tar The salary bill considered and reduction made a fol lows: Adjutant gen-ril, from H.-M to tiime as r 0 cicr. 11 Ki oklev bill to prohibit all s.ols and combination to enhance the price of the necessaries of life. A bill by Hun-ate provi.liiii.Mhat the county board in coun ties containing cilie of the metroxili tau or first-class and having ovei t-venty- liouw pa'' Senator 1 jama' bill ir formation of a Klice relief fn, the ,ie OI roniraoiinii property f,Jt tj " me. Senate file 154, the !,, ., rainpene 1.. county bill, was SAel Area.,!,,:."" J was adopted paving Mortimer. Ki-r V Ferris and O Bnen $t50each, attorney,-' P 3 tees 1U coni-cairo riecuua cases. Htltltas Nat Yst Caaflraiat Washington dispatch: The xecuti?( session of the senate lasted Mweea t9 ami three hours this afternoon and . confined largely to discussion of ti nomination of Mnrat lialatcad to minister to Germany. Before that came up the nominations of John C. New to be coniul general to London and Loni, WoinVy to be governor of Arizona, which were pending, were confirmed. The fiual attempt of th oposition tv defeat New's confirmation was huu-A 1lKil the assertion that Ins paper, tL. liidiiiiiaHli Journal, bad articles reii'TK upon privaiecliar artur of 1'resi'leiit Cleveland. Tim charge was warmly denied by SeiiaU,r Vooiheesof Indiana and the nomina tion was confirmed. The committee on foreign relation, favorably retried all diplomatic nomi iiations of yesterday, but in the case 0f llalslratl tho report was not unsriluioiu. On a motion to confirm bis nomination tin- iiavs were in the majority. Striatum net! Teller,' Plumb. lugalln, Farwoll and Cul- T1! lum voting with the democrats. .Slier- 1 man moved to reconsider the vote in 1 011 that motion a ion donate ensued, n, the ruiirtc of which the ground of ub jretion was disclosed. When the senate refused to ent-r nn an investigation 1. . . as to the election of rwmator i ayneol Ohio, Halsteail, hofl pawr, the Cin cinnati Coinineroial Os.ette, bad strong. Iv urged tiie investigation. iiiojIh uncom plimentary allusions to the republicans who voted against the investigation. '1 he feeling against him on the rt of senat itn who fell under his displeasure nt that time is very bitter, and one of them i retried to have Raid to Prsj. dent Hiirriion this morning that Hal stead could not b confirmed; that anna tors whom be hail criticised would not vote for him. The motion to reconsider was (H-nding when the M-nato adjourned. Tlie vols on confirmation was takou lwifore thera were any speeches. Appointed lo Treat Wilhhs Indiani Washington dispatch: Tho president to -day appointed J. Otis Humphrey, of Illinois; Alfred M. Wilson, of Arkansas, and 1 x ( iovi-rnor George 1). Robinson, of M;issarliusrtU, a commission to treat with the Cherokee and other Indians in relation to the oK'iiiug of Uu ir portion of the ( iklahoma country. Tim lands for cession for which this commission will negotiato embrace all of Indian Territory west of the Mth du gn e of longitude, except (irrer county, the Oklahoma se'tiou recently oieiinl by the prrsiib-iit's proclninatiou, and such other lands as have been herrt fore sold, and cuutain, approxiuintrly, 20,000,000 acres. Tiiere is, however, some iiuestion as to whether the law eonteiiipbdi-s negotiations with the Creeks, Chorbins and Chtckahaws, only a portion of whose lands lie went ol the With degree. If it is decided that it wan the intent of the law not to include these lands, it will reduce the area to be oH'ti(l to settlement to alxmt l, 700, (w acn-s. The sntue act provides that u'-gotiutions with the Cherokee for the accession of the ('herokvo out let shull 1m la-d UKn sulwtantially the same basis as the agreement recently negotiated with the Creeks and Semi nole, and that um ratification cf the agreement by the Cherokee liatiou the lands so ceded shall tM-oome a )irt of the public domain without further ac tion by congress. Whs Will b Stanley Matthew' Succeuor. Washington siHMjial: The justices of the supreme court seem to agree in the opinion that tho president will select the successor of Stanley Matthews from the circuit court over which ho pre sided, which is comMs::d of Michigan, Kentucky arid Tennessee. If Judge Ooolry was not sixty-five years old he would undoubtedly be cho-n, but the senate has refused to confirm for the bench un v man leyond the ago of sixty, and considering the importance of the circuit and the amount of business lie fore the court, tho president will doubt less select n voting and sturdy man. Mr. Ijiwrenre Maxwell, of Cincinnati, is tin drrsfood to ! the fuvorito, and Judgt Hoadley says that he stands bead and shoulders alsjve suy man t the bar ol Ohio, although he is but forty-two years old It may be that Mr." Maxwell's jKilitical record will prevent his ap- IKiintmeiit, l-;cBiise he is suspected of being a mugwump and of liaving'voted agaiiiht Idaiiio in 1kh4. Ho voted lor (ienrral Harrison, however, at tho last election and is a personal friend of the president S. F. Phniips. of North Carolina, formerly solicitor general, will be very strongly recommended, al though ho is not a resident of tho cir cuit. Mr. Phillips is un.lotibtodlv the leading lanyer in tho south. Crsal Joy Ov.r ths Praclaaiatloa. joiKa dispatnli: Jmme.1itvly noon the announcement that t,r.idnit had issued the Oklahoma proclamation the i officials of tho Bock Island railway and a corps of engineers stortod from this city to wake a final survey for an caieusion through the Indian territory Mlcuita dis,atch: The long looked ,r"clmation for the ojKiiiing ol "aiauoma was received here with deiu- onstra ions of jy. Flags were hung "T,1"' '""I'li'igs, TOuuon were fired oonnres built The same euthtisi asm Wflcomwl the news nil over the -mm 01 hanaaa. Kxtonsive preisira l : '4."!! for entering the l 7 v 3 ' m', or ll'e towns of south Tt . i""""1 wi" X '""t depopulated, i he boomers who haVH Uen encanimxl . . '.lrm "rB rnuking ready '.o ( Li."i 8,.tl(J ""'" hiii-rying on to Oklahoma to get their cattle, m they tZ. - u "UM"k "' l'oi-rty from"".l,,8 tbB l"ner. At fiirwll I'oro is tu,, ame .tll1I1Ki,nl. 1 iro is hard v ,i .. tlmt h I f h"1"! IW17tlOI Ol 141NV Kiiri.t. , . "8 or morn ciaimams. 11 -k . . ,u aM"y occnrroncc. Tnes a "J mgnta Hwclrt from fVd.l HarlK.r. 1 , . T T -"nien whi0 contesting a claim. tiT,. , i"1"'1"" ,r," Oklahoma sta- b. ci ';. llTi m 'r aim arjou, a boomer of tann J i .1 ",a ntnr is i"" 'i creliL 1 "lHa constantly ONI liailftlliltn. ... 11 ar .. tl ai K.V fISa1ia4H al ST an mm I i' tioi" iP'" t?slaaanml a"ttstWaMiMsMtai tkl mJ Om tatt mama. m au Bowi itrjIIPrii lsa.Aws.akk - is iht Hra..laa, Witt f 9fUf lriv 1 4l a iaa aaa 1 asL ii ills vf?i-1 w .ST ,atlaata,4 a!T p, n-ti math troa Uilttir- It asric mj volet, of Bv's Ci Hd tka work. Olivet Bai ' Mlllaalslpfcta. r(,l..BlWarTiat, Jim 1 C CoBU ., Dd til f"t.aWll( Id-!xi f aaaaaysw. atW 3M1 (XpMHiailM last 4VS9W&9A lion., s- It- ti'- maiaiariTanai thi-SI I I. . . ruissi'!. i i idea ol s M i M id tirtit,, 7V e!ectnti lione-f tiid Si- TO tilall ma 1 I'mirjB'Vt UPlV-." JlllNIt-1 lltfll ta- Oalt- JlooH' i Cam-fj -I'M fUrrh mmm i ma w wi k4 a wa.sai rr Wmhm at bai-f-T, j. ,.;,-. Co' 4 Hoot- Cant' 5i V aeep iilcm on .... 4