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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1888)
ioux County Journal HE J ;' f HAEBISOIT, tTEB., NOV. 8 1888: 2TO. 8 Jo 4 - NEB. ,,. i . fcofora J1 court-s 3nd the 1 to my care will re- NEB. I 3D noftoe maker. f IT CLASS GOO s E !.. At f STABLE. FBI ES, 1th of Bank of Harrison. J; THOMAS, - AJO tZXL LAND agent f YEARS ETI: R EX E. fttta otod with the U. K. land fttJtngH of tills i i .11 1 1 11 K ilt . (of Sioux county ai.d eastern t liliH done work from Vfcfll'iins, ami from pi Qi tlSje Ifckota line. Iff fur kjfeteiwntmt to visitors ami its thin the most wonderful tlfmla. 8 milt north west 'Bave M0.acri's of tlie best , , urate kt to th question ii business? C3 tfBOPR-ETOR -fOf the- , t -pfSLTY WORKS, ' j TTJBBS, Said $ FULL. r i fJOD ; WAY TO KEEP TJBB& TOVES CO,, Stoves! ;jl :! mam. f ' . t iture, Furniture. l: TBS e. JESTSTOCK AND "lost; aqiFB, : Prices. Hid th line of HARD- v5NlTUH call oa me in i Mad' yoU will be well V ,i I . 8f ' ' t . ... Criswold. THE S OUX COUNTY BY THE JOURN'AL PUBLSH.NG COMPANY. Official Count. u 9 1 H 31 Vmnty Commissioner. 17 20 2 15 21 3 2!) 20 1 23 14 215 2 29 13 19 34 11 3 The official count was concluded Fri day and the following is the remit of the vote on county ollicers and the herd law, in the several precincts. Bowen Precinct. For County Attorney. Walker, .... Satterlee, .... I avis, - l or County Commissioner. Robinson, -Morris, - Raum, 21 For Misnsi'i: of herd law, - - r)4 Against " ' ' 20 Six votes for Walker were thrown out iml also eight for Robinson, on the grounds that they were illegal Vur Bonnet. For l Vmnty Attorney, Walker Satterlee i avis For Robinson ... Morris ... Raum ... For suspension of herd law Against " " " " Sixteen votes for Walker and Robinson were also thrown out of this precinct on account of supposed illegality. Hut ( reck. For County Attorney, Walker Satterlee For County Commissioner. Robinson Morris Raum For suspension of herd law Against " , " " " Kive Points. For County Attorney. Walker Satterlee. - For Count' Commissioner. R ibinson Morris ..... Raum For suspension of herd law - - Against " " " " Bud tire. For County Attorney. Walker - - - - - Satterlee For County Commissioner. Robinson - Morris ..... For suspension of herd law Against ' " " " Cot (mi wood. For County Attorney. Walker Satterlee ' .avis For ounty Commissioner. Robinson .... Morns ..... Raum ..... For suspension of herd law Against " " " " For herd law .... Against herd law It seems that some of the voters were a little muddled on the herd law plan of voting. The last votes were not count ed. Antelope. For County Attorney. Walker - - -Satterlee .... For County Commissioner. Robinson .... Morris Raum For suspension of herd law Agxunit " " " " Montrose. For County Attorney. Walker Satterlee - Lavis ..... For County Commissioner. Robinson .... Morris - Raum For suspension of herd law Against ' " " " White River. For County Attorney. Walker Satterlee - - s - For County Commissioner. Robinson ... Morris ... Raum ... For suspension of herd law Against " " Running Water. For County Attorney. Satte.rleo For County Commissioner Robinson Morris ... Raum ... For.Subieuiuu,of.Uci' 11 30 14 30 30 10 43 23 - 8 - 3 1 70 -21 8 30 . 8 20 0 20 1 0 42 23 1 40 9 24 - 84 32 28 43 24 - 4 41 18 53 61 1 01 8 61 14 17 13 17 Lower Running Wau-r. For County Attorm y, Walker Satterlee ... For County Commissioner. Robinson ... Morris For Susp nsion of lwrd law Atrainst " " " " Andrew i. For County Attorney, Walker .Satterlee For County Oommi'-.sioD"r. Robinson ... Monis Kauin ... For susjH Usion of herd law Against " " " " - 2 Slieep Creek anil Snake Creek precincts failed to come in with their usual ma jorities thi-s year though Running Water did fairly well considering 8 10 11 The National Ti l;et Has teeii elected by the Republican party accxirding lr the showing so far. New York and Indiana have both been carried by the Republicans by small majorities. A)ats for sale at the lumlier yard. Stix k trains ar numerous again. For Sale oats at the itimlit r yard. Fine cigars at Bartell's restaurant. I). A. Price was in Harrison Friday. Grand Free Range Ball on the loth. John Nolan visited Harrison Tliui-sdav. John Bartell is building himself a sta ble. Mrs. B. F. Thomas was in town Thurs day. Apples by the bushel cheap at the res taurant. Mr John Ragland called at this office Tbursilay. Work on the court house is progress ing again, 4'rcsli fruit and fancy candies at the restaurant. Alon.o South worth called on the JoUHSAI. force Thursday. Wo to the restaurant when ill Harrison lepresplt alive (ilbdirisl Carries this county by a majority of and the List rid bv about 100U. ()::t-; for sale at the lumber yard. Chas. Jameson received this week a new burglar bank. proof safe for use in the If the parties speaking of the young man who votes where he sees lit, wishes to teach him a lesson they should do so. Better keep ipiiet, that, young man may teach you a lesson you should have learned long ago. T. What can be done to encourage t in trade from the "mammoth south pre cinct?" Voters come to Harrison, sub scrilie for the JotntN.U, and gel your sup plies ut the Ranch Supply House. Buffalo Hill. Buffalo Bill, Hon. William Cody, ar rived in town yesterday. He is in the enjoyment of excellent bodily health, he possesses even in greater degree than ev er Wore the distinguished air which makes him a central figure in any gath ering. His inseparable companions, his diamond buffalo head and cuff buttons flash as of yore, though his manner has less of the dasli and more of the reserve than formerly distinguished him. "I am going to my home in North Platte," said he, "to be introduced to and cultivate the acquaintance of my family, not having seen them in nearly two years. We left this country a year ago the lSltli of last March and have since played as you know with wonder ful success in England. We have also played to great audiences in this coun try. We carry more horses, equipments and men than any show on earth. We have even knocked Barnum out. At first he used to run against us, but we have knocked him out so that he has concluded to give the western show a wide berth. Our stock is now at Gener al Real's farm, eight miles outside of Washington. General Real is the man who has the Arabian stallions which were presented to General Grant." "I shall stop a couple of months at home and then go on a hunting expedi tion across the country, possibly to the Pacific coast. In our party will be a number of gentlemen from abroad. Lord Beresford, probably Lord Mande ville, Lord Clifford and others' Nate Salisbury will not go. He is going to Paris to make arrangments for our show there next season. The show we will give there will lie a great one. The one we took to England was a big one but it won't be a starter compared with that which we are going to take to France. You see we are not only still in the busi ness, but are making improvements even if it does'nt put anything into our pock etbooks." Mr. Cody left last evening for North Platte and was accompanied by Sher man Canfield, who has just returned from his trip with William to England. Omaha Bee. Subscribe For THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL. The Peoples Paper. for a Mitiare meal only 2"c. Alon.o Smithworth went to Chadron Wednesday returning Thursday. The President announces tluit Thurs day the 29th will be Thanksgiving day. Justice Jones went down to Crawford Thursday evening and retuim-d Friday. J. Cook was in town Thursday laying in supplies at the Ranch Supply House. Red Fitzgerald "set up" the lunch to all present on election day in real bach elor style. Ned Andrews was in town to hear the election news and returned to his claim Thursday. The wind mill has lieen taken down from over the town well but the tower still stands. A new Moor, and other improvements, adds to the appearance of Christenseu's hardware store. Messrs Barker Sr. and Tlios. Reidy re turned Monday from a short visit to friends east of here. This is the lime to make bets on the presidential outcome but don't follow the first reports too closely. Homer Priddy was the recipient of a fine bird dog last week. It was sent him by his father from Iowa. James Farnum and Perry McCrea spent Election day at Sheep Creek poll ing place but no voters put in an ap pearance. Mr. Ed. Galpin has commenced the erection of a building just north of Mrs. Loutzenhiser's millinery store to be oc cupied by himself as a barber shop. Voters seem to be plentiful in some precincts where people are scarce. Per haps the coyotes have a voice there. Wolves always gobble the unprotected. Geo. Walker's trial did not come off Thursday for want of someone to prose cute and the case was continued again until Saturday. His liberty w:.s secured by giving a recognizance bond of $100. The poor judge still exhibits his de formity on every accessible occasion. He even declares the Ohio Reports to be Ohio Statutes, but he failed to soft-soap the Bodarc election board just, the same. The first real snow-fall of the season arrived here Sunday followed by another small fall on Wednesday morning. It amounted to only three or four inches in all anil the sun's rays have reduced that to a nothing in many places now. There w as a surprise party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Siinler Wed nesday evening'. The several persons present enjoyed themselves at ''skipping the light fantastic" and other amuse ments until a late hour and all departed well pleased with the occasion. I would say to the people of Sioux county that I never ran for a public of fice on a prohibition ticket; neither would 1 think less of a man because he has lived and is living a temperate life, or would have others so live; and my family has never suirered tiecause of my inebriety. I never bought or drank a pint of whiskey in my life. I am guilt less of being drunken or of making oth ers drunken; or of abusing my neighbors when I could not, answer their argu ment. Yours &c. B. F. TlJOMAS. Wo would Like To know who the noxt postmaster will be. j To know if the steam pump is still! "on the road." To know how much whiskey was parylized on election day. To see a person that can learn to i play a horn faster than Ed Weir. To know which is the most honora ble; to Ihi elected or defeated by fraud. To have someone bring us a loiul of wood on subscription. Lon't all speak nt once. To know of a restaurant keeper that tries harder to please his customers than Mr. John Bartell. To know if Mr. Warneke's store does not look like a different place siuce his . Iwg.u. wiuter. stoik. has. been, shelyeiL. ATTENTION! TO MEET THE L EM AND OF HIS -:- INCREASING PATRONAGE Win, GHRISTENSEN Is now putting in a FIRST CLASS ASSORTMENT OF- Cook stoves and heating stoves. -Also a fine lot of- CUTLERY, GRANITE IRON WARE AND TIN WARE -And a full line of- General Hardware -AND Builders Material ALWAYS ON HAND. It is a well known fact that as a rule the honest customers have to foot the bills of the dishonest ones, where books are kept and lawyers employed to collect bad debts. As we are doing busi ness on a cash basis, those unnecessary expen ses are done away with, consequently we can offer to our patrons SUCH PRICES AS WiLL BE BOTH PLEASING AND PROFITABLE. Give us a call and see for yourselves Respectfully, Harrison, Neb. Wm. CHRISTENSEN. J. B. Finney, President. General office BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. F. C. SugsssES, Secretary. RUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO., -Dealers in Lumber, Goal, Grain, Lath And Shingles. Sash Blinds, Hair Plas Lime Doors t e r , - .AZLSTjD OBME1TT. COMPLETE STO.K ALWAYS ON HAND Harrison. Neb. G. GUTHRIE, Manager.. A.. HART, Blacksmith, Wagon, Carriage and. Repair shop. Good stock always on hand. All kinds of work executed promptly and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SoutUjoX.Brost'ji livMj; Baxa. - -- - JJwriMm, N.,bi.t'