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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1888)
J OURNAL, NTY TO.T TV r ZEDlTlOUsT exta IHIAJRSISOIN", TnTEIB., 6 1888- VOL. 1 The i L. O. HULL, ATTOENEY-AT-LAW. HARR SOX, - - NE. jJEROE WALKER, . j ATTORNEY-AT-L VV. j Will practice In-far..' all c....r!-s auJ the ! United Suit-'i land dive. Business entrusted 10 my ca -e will r -cieve prompt attention. ; HARRISON, - NEO. ; M. RRU-'K, ! boot & shoe maker, j FIRST CLASS GOGH'S j l At ! REASONABLE PRICES. First door no.-'. a of Bank of Harrison. 1 - B. F, THOMAS, - ; STJRYEYOB, 1 AND GENERAL LAND AGENT OF FETES N YERS EXPERIENCE. Is v.c-l! acquainted with the U. S. 'mini laws and ruling:, of this deport mwit. Keeps plats of Sioux i'o:mty and eastern Wyoming, anil has don.: work from 'liadron to the Lammi" pbiiiu-, and from North Platte to the i-'akota k:r. lie fur nisher good entertainment to visitors and immigrants in this the most wonderful corner of Nebraska. H miles north 'nest of Harrison. liave WO acres of the best winter pasture to let. TEE S OCX i OCNTY jivp: BY THE .M. PUBL Sil NO OMRANY. 1 I" To Cue People f siii Cuiutv In answer to the question How is business? THE PROPRIETOR Of the NOVELTY WORKS, O. Xu tubes, Said I AM FULL. THAT IS A GOOD WAY TO KEEP TCBBS. STOVES, Stoves! Stoves! FSJRNiTIJi'tfcl Furniture, Furniture. THE BIGGEST STOCK AND m Frees For anything in the line of HARD WARE and FURNITURE call on me in the P. O. Block and you will be well trealwl 10UH3 RESPECTFULLY, UK. Griswold. 't is ,k S,o.;s i .1-: pi. '-I; jsirty. ; y i .-l.-i.. y flod i 11 ii, s- I", t .-. i-onvi r I; as hi,. 1.1 !. .-hy .-!'.! and ur to. ,' :. t'ul : 11 1 ' n-y.v -aid m-.:i I k-! at ti.' . c! 1 1..;.. u:l tl ;?!'', .save u- pay ih. r i r i i by ion : !bn ! ., i- 1 !' t wt; 'ii : i i . d 1:0. v. -ouic '!' th ' ssu-ibled. dorv. but i iketeid !: !:. '.s i..' , , dj v..;! but I- -1 b Th-rv vi ry one !:i to. d by p. j-nil ail t.- ',: I He Hoping and In Uia'. -t'rople will save tins from ti.y fate- of manv other new v.' iali." people Go. V." ilk.-r f ir county attorney was ivijik ; il by the baiini: i t;i stand up ai d pr II V near every loan ruse to Ins e.t. Tin- Grangers are sjla.l to see you come to the -urface in sin h g.Mv! .-!.;: pe. The I U- '.trl iifl taTiSiiea v in iaiii' before von -iinwen how tliey were; ami now lb -r i-a s t di-V-i iniiiation lo put in (i(Ii e on n v. In will serve the whole pc 1-b: and n..t simply work for their o"ii : :'..! i!it-ret Nov.- tint the i-ititii- of Sioux fOLinty will oou In? -a lied upon to de ide the h-rd law and free r.-'ii;e oie tion. let us .-avt our vot ' wh-r.' it w.ll ' t!ie lured to thj greatest number. From the d'.r.i t;.m v.e look at this ouestion it ri.n is in i l .oks to us as tf the seUler was not pro was no 1 1,.( i, d in liis jkj .-s-Joni. Tiat he rniht voteii i be eoinpelled to uliandon Ins home he ! has st irti.Hl to build in the Ix-lii-f thai, btieal J herd law would soon In? in vojrue. I ran .vtli.-r ! not see as it would uftVt only some live un:-'n c i r.ix nan in the n- r.i law nm-s 01 stand ' oi-e. if the r,ni.-rs 1 1 -j s aiv d -tiny-it vin I (.j ,y j-m-e rattle he is i.dt destitute of .mnlv ! sustenance for his wife and little ones. ' I" , .f. !l ov link' t 11 ral I's and R-publ '.jeeii i-!viwi to ' of Ol'l. !S Wil 1 1 ! w rd an I stateiu -at That tile -. 'pie ar V not t-taU i ut Pave thf t it -mellt-i by tb" t -stuiiotiv V.A the f.e l-'or wh .m?! s un'pietn.nat'Ie. j 11 U ta-v oft - siow to t lieve I ma V make in ' ATTENTION TO ilEET THE I E.M AND OF H S rs of; . (ei 1 in iiwrtl- it :s as in it in- t u fall t t be i . !.-, f s ,,1- and his I !. a i-. i n ha Inn or more. ca - Ue f on i , .1 l.f. I Pl-t V. aiiv .aia votirs for just: Lewis Git.i .ahi. i iioi- i liie! If the owner of larye herds has to til 'Or F.odarc, OF THE 'O'.TXAL: '.ire Hie nomiiu-e of the R pnl 1.' Nov. 2, 1 -" Ei.t I pto-ty has withdrawn from the for county ;!tt 'i'ney, and 1 ui'di rsl .-od from a conversation overheard at Harri son by one of my neiyJilors in whom I have confidence, that lie, the former ca re fanillv. W. M. P. AXTLLOI'E items. Voie the j-efiplcs d k I. A M.-opk's i env !'. i' n was h 11 at Mr. Markings. Oct. ;:!. A tiii;. t v a nominated for the p.-"pb- ly the p. - j !.'. Twenty-one prominent mm of Sioux r.O.-r. nre 1,1 Ml'. ,!aln is only natural. Aim a 1 a, .wMi ,U: mi: dthful in riui.t to b" k w tli c.n.l- ra-: M1,pi.ion i:p"! fther stat.-m.-ii1-r .frlii t i--ame s.nive; -o iftherf; r.iudo'i'i'":'-ti" ti.e la-t f some-. tinm, newanl.iil,-!y dilb-eilt the peo ple will not 1-? .- opi ned. , coisrsTjrTL :- IN It;.. Win. GHRISTE -Is now putting; in a- FIRST CLASS ASSOff51 -OF- Cook stoves and heating I Also 3 fine lot of I Walker & Robinson! ! CUTLERY, GRANITE IRON WARE If von want Lownt Taxi s asm Jf'TJCE to u.i.. Vote for The I'EOH-E'S '.o..I, 1 i I vs. -Ami a full line of- Hi- county ).assed a resolution to have tlit candidate, is now doine-all he can to de-1 JontNAl. print tne proceed i n-s oi uieir feat the revival of the herd law. 1 did convention, and for fear the editor not believe lh-3 report, tint was oireula- j tniKbt arrr -std to .ivv..-nt their U-Ux ted in this neighborhood that Mr. 1 avis print, d. a copy v. as ..rd-red drawn and had i urposidv bunded the p tition V .t , ' "b.rd ( -resc.-nt. Those was presented to the board of commis- j mui who are opposin- the )eople must ioners last summer, askii.g for a special , ' voUi "f "nd 'l"a'""'l eld tirtn In le f-.iieil for t liii nin-nosi ftf 1 Willi (llse-ace purpose submitting the question of herd law to the people, but if it is t'ue (and I am about convinced that it is) that he is now working on the other side, then it is well that he has withdrawn his name, and it will also 1 e v 11 fcr him ra vcr to present his name for any ofi-ie a.n. The friends ef Mr. 1 avis bad full confi dence in him before he was nominated at our convention, but the reports cir culated in regard, to the eaucus held in Harrison and the nominating at the- con vention, created suspicion in the minds of many that I have heard express them selves. The "sell out'' down the road was too much to believe; but since La vis' withdrawal J" favor of a democrat aud a radical fence la w advocate, they can report most anything and the people will believe it. Clod-Hoiter. If you want a Moke Economic CorsTV Administration Vote for Walker and Robinson; Little Cottonwood. Ed. JoriiNBL: bear Sir As considerable of interest in manifest in tLit- precinct over the election of county commissioner, it would perhaps be of interest to your many readers to learn the views of our people. W. A. Raum was the choice of the entire precinct, but finding that the people of this valley and Hat creek val ley could not be united for him, he is now practically out of the race as our people want to act in harmony with the settlers of the basin. 1 have talked to every voter of Sioux county 1 have met, upon this subject of ttnitfing with Hat creek, r.u.1 have so fa.r found only two opposed to this. J. 51. Robinson will poll a large vote here if nothing comes il to stem the present tide of public sen timent. Lew is Gorlach was in this vicinity re cently 'to see Mr. Raurri but was disap pointed os Mr. Rauin is out, ko v.e un derstand, for a thirty days hunt. In talking with the White river people they tell us they will not support a man for commissioner who will not get down o!T the fence on one side or the other. It looks as though no straddlers need ap P'.Vi Joe Bridgeman and Mr. Penington start soon to chase the antelope over the plain. Beautiful weather and corn husking in full blast. Why on't the Herald and Mr. Satter lee work for W. A. Raum? The latter gentleman, we are told, works for Sat terlce in this way: "Well he was the only man we had to put up." STRAWS At a Republican primary held on L't tlu ottonwood,-which was a large gathering - those who would vote for Representative Gilchrist will run well "n this part of his district. The people do not want the chief counsel of the eastern cattle companies for their r prc sentative. We've heard from the dance at Mr. S lasbury's. H was fairly attended ex cept by the fair x. A little as we ex pected: the boys all went up Jim reek and found the lady engaged. We are in hopes the boys will form the acquaint ance of more ladies hy the time thei-e ir another dance. Shall it be Herd Law! The Republican asks the question. He says he came Iroin a country where herd law was the rule and his experience un der that rule was anything but pleasant, the rattle used to get away from the herd &r. Now we were from the same county and will say it was unpleasant for the Judge for lie was a herd boy and used to go to sleep op the prairie and let the cattle get away. It was a little bet ter than fence law after all. 1 will here say: the Judge and I have not yet got at ;!i-t what we were created for. 1 bad ."in a- res in cultivation there, but what could I do with it here with hundreds of caul'- running at large day and night'? Oh! no Judge we will vote "against sus-pt-ru'lon of herd law." The Judge well knows that if we had herd law we could break up and put in large crops, win re, as it is, if we cm prous-t a potito patch and a small garik n we do v -. il. If t,(! so-called cattle men wot. Id observe the present law and corral their cattle at night, it would not be so bad; we could guard our crops until we could fence. But the Judge is working for the inter ests of eastern stock men, not for Sioux county. Never mind judge, the people will speak for themselves. Just one thing more in regard to hen) law, to inch that feel disinterested. f you vote for herd law, you vote for the advancement of the county, Ix-cause all farmers who are not al !e to fence can go ahead and farm all they wish. On the other hand, we will have to work around and do the best we can until we are able to fence. Respectfully, Wei-.d Wrestlf.u. Thai Court lo:kel. U-.. the followiliL' ae.iill in op-sthi t the H-rai'l " ill olb'r some iiv or argument in t!' fence for their mlii.:: i- for wi rl; done.!?) Ti" ll.n.ll ofi.i-t week, with great lloi.ri-h, u! 1 Ihs a 1. lb r from Mr. SI -. 1 1 in-1. lab- fiT'-'nan of tli.'t ot'ii r. hi i : I i f a 1 1 na.ii item of .0 v.hi' h the lounty paid for 100 court j dockets for the last trim of the IMrirti oiii-i. : Mr. Walker stated in the JotTNU. that he understood Mr. Sling. Hand to .say that onl v ."'I copies of the docket eri- prinb-d, w bile Mr. Stag. Hand, as a mr- j ectioil. states iliat fuliv 100 ( opies were printed I ut. that only ".0 copies vti-rej furiii-b'd with covers that is, (unshed: ready for b lid ry. ' !t sums Ike a di a :ri' lion without a; ililb-rem e, w bi' h ever vmiv it was, fori bow much be tb r olT is the county I it cause 100 copies were prinb-d and onlv SO furnished, than it would be had only 50 copies been l int . el and fiii iiislii.l'r The county paid for 100 copies and re reived but ."iO in either iase. The tax payers can easily see where the leak is. iN'wwill the Herald please explain how the county came to pay i";0' for a IT. 00 job? Genera! Wmknr -ANT- Builders I SU II I'll ALWAYS ON HAND. s a well known fa. t that a a rule the lion, st east i , the bills of 1h.' d.sli ni i.t on-;-, wluru book. ;nv 1; employed to collvi t lid ib-bts. As '.v.- ap.-il- i ticss on a i a'-h basis, those, unn.-cessar- ; se-s are don" away with, ronst qu. ntiv we ran oiler to our pat mm ES AS W LI. BE BOTH I'I.ES NO C Give us a rail an! for yours. 1 . s RE-rEC:Tt'I.I.V, Harrison, Neb. Wm. CHREQ of of! Know "By Their Fruit ye Shall Tliem" When a person fails to answer argu ment with argument but instead resorts tii calling names and trying to cast re flections upon the private character of a political opponent and his friends, it is conclusive evidence to the minds of fair thinking people that the ierson has Uen driven to the wall by argument that is conclusive and unanswerable. The kind of campaign argument used by the Herald shows plainly the moral stratum occupied by its author. Using allusive language and vulgarity is only the fruits of 'former associations: the otiteroppings of a mind debased by con tinued contact with evil thoughts and immoral persons. To say "you lie" is a fools argument and does not in itself mean anything un less Ueked by proof. Anyone can as sert tua former but it takes tacts u I.T.O ITEMS. We have fine weather for this time the year. Threshing is all dene in this part the neighborhood. We would like to know who ci:t Mr. Lickens' fem e and let his gentleman cow out to get away? H must have Ue-n the animal that broke our friend's dog's leg. Keep your dog off the cattle Mr. M. Say, it is free range yet and it hurts some of us to see our i.e-ighlK.n tattle run on our prairie or range and we will; dog or club ti.iru olf, but OUR cattle: may run where they please and do'ntj vou dare to d rive them ofF faster than a walk or you will have a trip to Harrison I and Judge Hunter will i-in h you. We; onlv own or 10 In ad: we can fence our own place and fed !l our neighbors. gr:iss and hay land to their sorrow. One day we bad to kc p them miru-lves. j This good man could not drive his mule across the river on account of high v,at-i e-r. This good man ie!s his cattle eat all ! the crops in their part when the owners I are not at home. Ten acres of millet is ! pretty good feed. When this is gone a' potito patch will make them laugh and j sneeze. Johnny got home but they did not come back but hunted up some other j pasture. This kind hearted g.-nt is very I alraid herd law will carry, it would lie too lad if this poor rattle man had to' be-rd Ins stock next year as he says he will if the he-id law tarries. I will start my breaking plow and break a hedge I'ow all around my place and any critter tliat conies across the hedge row 1 will soiu up. j win snow them herd law men what is what. He says if a poor man can't fence let him leave and go somewhere else. J, Here is the way E. U Salterlee wants to get in his work on Walker, by offer ing boodle the other day when he was on White r.ver. He offered to pay me ff would work for him and support him it., L..:,i . .t' . ... o.ou. iou are irisii-so am I, andl you can do me a lot of good or ai lt or harm." I g,,, d j not think when he was setting up a job ! on U.a 1 i i , ' "'""'i want nie to helo limi. Hurrah for Walker. J. B. F'rxNnY, Presid-nt. General office F. nUFFVLO GAP, OAKOTA. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO., Coolers in And Shingles. Sash, Blinds, Hair, Plasi: Lime. - A.1TD CGMI'LETE RTO ALWAYS ON Harrison. Neb. r i " G. GUTHBll. Will the ,ope vote for a man who manufactures charges against his poht, '- al opponent just to keep him under ar rest until after election? Yon have seen ow his charges vanish upon "'oKbt into the light of a court of h,l t e. W, y0U vote for a man who, by be aid of the county money and under the cloak of a county official vents his (Jt-n-onal spiu:?, , in a A.. HZA.KT, frr Blacksmith, Wagon, Ca-- Repair shop. wood stock always on hand. All kind, of werk ce SAT SFAT OX " OUARANTTE SouUi.of rfosfsLivorvBim. It E 7th at i !-J A tZXLl f , r' s? r ye .r ate fttiings i of WOUJ Mian ia thlt Jt Have are to lei mm C3FRC )VTLTY -St TO' is! TI If I ' ; AS Hil)St 4 """" ' 1 '. i in. - ' L: ' !''.;; is-' ' '