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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1899)
THU AMERICAN, 'kfr ROAJ- NEWSBOY TO GOVERNOR. out m iMii:r nr vvx .. ... ! isHMi iiMil Jlta , lwi,ilN A Ik ! AMI MllillU j ! A IimM, I i It , ! ld k t1lkt -Wt I at I tii !. it - ( tf t -'II. it 4 to in 1 i. sit ; r ' 1 (,.k t . w -: t a i-ii 1 k tktk ilk I t I ,i kl - 4 r ' i 1 .1 AN AMU -Nt. r tl .it. I Ik tsk ,l ; ' I l!n KHi4,fm nf , n. j h H Km. ,.) ! M j inra , w,t-.nn, I if M fl . iL k, It k SI. nrl (1 Mtatwr r4 V' fw . ii k in itt fe ttttif f t C if I ho tr"-M''l ' ti It, M.'nr, I ' Ml (f fHitlf II'O 'aJMIlhef tw-'ht poor, tfm tali M1tt'ra itihi4 t.ini Km i a if tie With 1 fw ffimifi h bong til .! Inj-IM iif i I ja1 !' "rt kft.rt, Mi H k foi'l tb ew: Hi fhl (Uv itk n""l Mm I niiii,! ilit ki null--1 M n nt I'lsr hm month dM M Mpiip( Ikimtgi in tltaet nf f hr)inn. 1 hi n h n tor I pwltitm t tiptfc in a t'h Hti rr Thl whin ho wa 10 yer old. II ununited irinfii hit iwi-r In th even Inn. Whin he 11 ' oM Mi ern ihw tr II In lh ChuU nft (lerit offlra. For two ) he irvd In th' capacity, and lhn went lth Iltirk It Ford, Job firlnlcrn. from thrt fan went to K'lward rry', br h eompli tM bit "pprrll'hlp (' a job firlfi'r, At thl tlmo ih tf r.-iUJ,.. k .1 I ..(.lukfllu y,l t . . . f? IkHII IIIKI UH lllll f! IIIIITri ?i . lincion, Va., bid ffr4 a urbolamhlp to tb C'btrlfitoa Typoitrapblral union, m fairh m to Imi aardMl la (b moit diifrvfng of ih xonng rnt-n lien m play4 la (h Charlrnlin printing of . Iiy a iBtJ'irliy f i f th tnfnfifr f lb MBkm yoimit MiHa W' f hT w rb(Hii and tba acbolimblp awarded klm. On aiwrnnt r lh lark tit m 11 11 Ji found that k rnuld not ty for til UmH and i-lothlng, and wa tibll)rd, aflr pnidln purt of a ln, ti tha lmltj' and up bin nVlr for a roJIiclt dora iUm. Uk ail aood lyp' at that tlm b a a DftloN prlnifr and rvd Co lumbia TypJEfiiblrfl union rum Hpimftlm ry and afirwrd a prfuldtit, !(' 1 amonn tb flml l fin tb roll f"l vgmimtm of ih 4 l'bwml bwik and i'l1r wmpany and SUICIDE Of A CHINAMAN, Thfi fnordoroim uft P"f O" 'b!in" Ym. Cbli" farmitr, who JJvM 00 tli Franklin road, ky hi purine, :hln F', wb afCrward bancd blmwlf In burn, 1m kHrri-d Jwl rblnnm- la a bll tU b f dijwnt, tba flfi1llmor Hun, Tb ffrllw tmtm tbfl Cblfl- t ,B rwk, by banelfi blmwlf, b much dirM-d and will b owJmwl terrible i-iintnlincfit fur hU Ihw. Ilia wml, it la Ull'v-d, will t-nfr 1 animal 4t a low idr, ancb aa a fi. and M will aafTir iity, f'blu Vftk a Mnwn, and nd-r ordinary lr-f-nmniana bia fnrl wnld lari Jy altfndcd and awwnpanM y Maiwml! and Cbhw y lia, It J by arI ;blnro- that nwln U bla 4hII4 K't f'h nwtW will b takn V ,4 bla burial and ba will M lnlrrd I rii-art vlallf if tba d -aad alia th b IbA Uara wllb lb drlw and arafira nil a of papr aln tb rl from fit fidrlkr'a rw-tna la Iba trava, fn ordr that tb dfd t may find bla way ha k wbn h r lorna Ut 1 fr)d blrkn and fla r pla"Mf In lb arava for hltn f aiat p'n durlna tb rim b la anp poad Iff remain In bla coffin, f'bln Vook, btmvf, la nt, MpwM I ';m back, hf.mim nf bla 'rlni, aid n 'blck or rl( will lx pwl In bla HjrflVft CRNfOUWOMAN. Offoaa fffty f fr K(wwf ut T Kw York Trlbun-; VI.lla jflaflnr on tba pir M f! Twenty firal, lwl liafh Jt-ab,yifdy afiarnoou wafb fng tba hafhxrx, tba wlfa of a Manbat. fan allk rt-lr dropped fw Into tba waif, Aa aoon aa tba pum dl untwetoA aha tilk"J and ulnM, iKk'J I rr Xs' Tr X VJk'J ' ni,fmlfcM tfra Immodiallir flv-ll to tba woman, a4 aba aon opened br y, On blng ainUifd to hr ti aba trltd o jump ovr board fl't'r hr piiraa, Kb f am o arrr b' r bxa that Martin Cabin, of No, Sitf jiath avnu, Hath lto, aald ba wriild dl Into tba wair for br puraa . f ab would point out, tba apot wb r It 1 wot down, ha did m, and aftr four iifnifcaaful dlfa rMI finally band ed tba puraa to tha owr. On opn Ing tb puma (ba woman poon(d out I7& In bllla, and alao abowd two Vauilfnl diamond rlnga. Kluding aryfblng MH and th WIU only jA . 1 1 1. H t. li hIi. I,tl, rvii fri aiigniiy rii"""" " " '' I t pfa'''' " ""f'l "'m l fablll for r"ovrrlng b pnra, :blll NsiugbM at iba amount, and told br 4 kf p ( fr r far a, At tbla Ilia by- atatidna laughed o that h a i.tkt. t I inn U M, '. ... -! 4 a iliHiMiil t '' t ,, ii4 fca 4'-4 tV.lMitl " fit v,, M,,t , f,; t!,.er-t , im t 1 .. I ). Mki! n'i.tft .f Ik S in, t, li t' lk M 'I hanM i MiHt H 1 i' 'ill f 1-- 1 m.M4 m-.mwi! fcuml t I ! t'-r I''"'. ' t .oil In n-.i 'iM, K t , Jl lMH l , mti!i iilr M'I I ! it if )ttr ti ' ft ts' in ih sji f ttit', ):, ih ft t Vu if lh l in pi CoilRly Usuftl a tr, M II K bt Ht.!UM rut nitiix r Mr Mr ir Mi V n ii) I fff fnfiii' in im titling ti u- lulnl In hilp liN iin nl iimhiy lo l rrinr iii! r t'li 'f lhi liiiuliiia turn In tit IMH IIkII Kltll tlAN H-l'O liriPt,'lll III vry iinilfrtaklng, Mr. McHwarm-y waa timrrli'd on tlio 13th dar 'f July, mt, to Mlaa Matt!? Mlb'H fiHThrr, end tb-lr union 'hub blcaacil wllh alx ( I1II1I1111, four of whom are living -thr(i !ioyj and ona girl, M8wMW'y ha til way Ixi-n prominent In pollllra, and baa bFD tt hnord a a drli'gaia to tha ditmorrailr national ronvratlon. At th fliwt Ki, liul ronvnilon, In la, ba votud fof riweland and Thur man, and at th ronvrntlon In July, Wd, tw nid for flryat and Ban all, 11a arv4 lb 4ino racy of bla county for 18 yura aa rownly chalrmaa, d rlfnlng It In wbn ba waa ulactad Ui Iba Ifglalktura, Ha baa alwaya taknn griat Intrm la (ba njllliarr f bla aiaia and waa on tb staff nf Oi-naral Htokaa a4 (Wi'ral Moora In tba rtfck of iJor and llftitunnH :olonl. ffoma paopln would Ilka to hava on lu'1'ilnlllon to oipi lllralliy and toleration. waa forad to irava tba jilr, Aa aba wi-ni away a man who bad wlinMed tb Tttrvry of tba pura and Iba re ward offii1, nUi aa a purling anlntii: "Honiity miiy bo tba beat policy, but fn I bla raaa have my doubta," l.lbe fHlU-r, Mil ,, lUihunn - Did you evr obarve bow miih 'foiicbfic'a llttla boy la Ilka blm? Jolmon - Vea, Only yesterday tha rhlld nt.Vf niH for a penny, -Ohio Klata Join ml Si WOULD DIE mm'm vmims ssi) tji homb cowmt m rim tiiolucy COMI'ANIKH, Tbera la a bUI royal being wag"d III Philadelphia between capital and aentlment, At tba corner of Ninth and Mnl afreet tbera reside Ion widow, Mr. Alb I'leraon, who ba readied tba aga of 13 year, Tha old homeKtand In which aba Uvea ba been hr only heir all hr Ufa and be. longed to her parent before bar, It wa one of (be residence f tha plo peer of Iba borough and b a blutorb! record, Iti'ceiitly a ayndlcata, aup pod to ha on of tha two larga trol ley eompanle which hav terminal oppoalta tha old homeatead, ap proi had, through the agency of Dan iel U, Muldil of l,anadowue, (lie own era of tha properties at the corner of Ninth and Main aireeU, may th Time. A thirty da' option w given on tint properUe a h corner by W, W, Juniea, tleorge fl, I'alchel, Knoa Vcr lenden d I', I, Tyler, Tha other ifj'erile aouxhl by 'h nytidbfla ni t M If ft f' 4 iVI 1 1 H'I" .it nf M I Ill I t'ji't 1 t, Itt I -I ti l S'I fvwl, iM f"1 '''' lk iiiJril n f si l Ik Wl pl It il ira (I. l I-1 hi 'I i ' k f f '"I l (if .i :t lr fit 4, l:f l! k. .. i.l.n 1 M limli.g tt I M I f l' lI tHH .! f . II llsia li u a l""l U m si I & Mr "". Ui( fiAira a'l ,t ikr CiiKtik i4 a At Hik t hi1 1 t 1 hit s,ii-ra fi-H UiKi. f'tim a iii i lh hi farm, a riuunt- i f a n 'i'i ' a ItiHr, hwK Iik ml Om W Iii'i !' Hiiib n I ili Iht-m 1 .11 1 f.-H'1 1 alia ltd 1 airl-'il In thin T fl'i'Hh limlrr Irt mit It fi hi i luf l at m flrtil ( !ft.-ll At Itlf Ut" I'f l ' l' npriird a liha tjuaitj; 11 Ma ili lna all ll ti hlif If, fir- q'uiilly llt'luA rl,Hin innimla, huh Ilia !' W nimbi In ablfl. Im n band arr nf tmar tf, Irlrg ln lint1.!- ,nij f-o Hip wrlat l lh tUi ut Iba Riifr. Tbrje arr now rov- f:1 wn! panu tn(Ht!tk akin, at ItioLt rry vrHtla uf ftcfti liiivlnu ilili'd from bU Imdy, leaving tlin lioiii a a h 0 w 1 11 b thniiiKli tin- traiia ih te n t rowing, "lie wiiiUimI aa I" ilnatrloiialy at Km yrara old," aaya A tiflghbor, "oa moat young in on at 2J. Ho took prtdfl In bla grout airongih and glorM In llm fact (but ba rntild apllt a two-Inch oak board with bla flat, I have mora than otua arm blm knoik a frnc tloua row down with bla fiat," Threa montha ago I'aul Ilrown crli-bnilrd hl lOHth birthday, and among tha dlnnar gut-ata wrra a nuinbrr of Hrdulla bank era, bualnnaa and proffaalonal mrn, To ahow bla agility, I'aul Ilrown Jumpnd ov-r tba bark of a high kitchen chair with lb" apparnit agility and auppla-ti-oa if a dorr. 11a had nrvrr brim alck until bla prrarnt lllnriw, whan ba waa atrbken aiiddrnly wllh Urn withering blight of old aga, whrn bla atrrngtti Ktft blm la a tilgbt-tlma and b brcaina aa hnlpli'aa aa a new-born Imbo, i tlt Taaialag t K, I, f, No betlcr proof can ba given of tha excellency of tba training of both olfl cera and men of that flim force, tba Koynl Jrlch eonalabulury, (bun the fact that whenover any poat in connection wllh police dutlea a vwant, altlmr at tumw r abroitd, it la almoat Itiviirliibly given to a It, J, mm, If a member of the force bnppena l be a enndldata. Tbu chief 'conaliibleablp of lllrtiilng limn, Kiigl'iud, being vikhaI, them wita an elei'lloN for tba poar,, whim, out of fifty enndldnte, Mr, (!, II, llnfier, l. I., R, 1. (!., Hoyla county, Hoacoinuioti, Ireland, waa cboaen, llilKlren Htt tr-t, At Ttoulmlx, one of tlin Koclullat atroiigboMa of Frnuca, tbn 11,0 J" publli; acbool fblldKin recelvn free food and clothing at, tha expenau of Ilia town. IB HER OLD HOME. tha old huneaiad of Mra, Alica I'leraon and the realdenca of Mra, Charfe Wlggfna, Of Iheaa two only Mra, Wliglna bua nmmiu-A Ui ail I. Kvery effort to aecure Mr, rieraoa'a properly ha failed, Tba homeetend of Mr, I'leraon 1 tba moat den I rab'a of all (ba property aougbl, Inuamuch u It, occujilen tha elta Immediately ut tba corner, Kvery Inducement baa been held forth to tba aged lady, but her aentlment hna been ao airong that aha refuae to part com. pany with the boux that, for eighty three long year ha been the aen of her domentie happlneaa In an Inter view with a reporter vhe ld: "I love the old plrne mi that If then people hould, by any meana, get poa aenalon of my borne, I would all in front of It In my chair and die under Ha ahadow. It bua been my aheller In aunchliie and atorm cliice my birth, and I am ki linked to It flint not all tba gold of il.e Kat or Die Klomlik fimld mte me pnrt with It," . til -Mr, k. "T,iHiNrB u , k. m, t. I I i, 1 I i ,. t tttn.. I t t I'm! J I I, . ('tilt...) f .! I " I It I n l ,, k it 1 i t ) M rtt'j t WtM, tl !.! , ln, m4 Itttt kr. li Ufa k , )...! Ifl liii- tt 1 w Mil . .1 k. ti.tli'l 1 m, I In lrt II I ( Hk' mii lai I . n hlin In l mmi, kliH M't 1!'l l,t ir.( iu i, at ,1 or.) I mnl nu Tit n. t in ,i .( 111 II,. ir l,., aitilini t iiim In U .it n..s .,1. n.l nn l 1ht.i I t!lilli(tl( K III! I HI HI! It t HUM l.fl.'K I tltr ' It'll niilt Ilia ilill.lini,' Mil Hl,'' And I ! krli.l rinm III lli;lil ' In iitir 11M filniil " Ami then llirv n.(ii In, tli Im mul Hit mall. Ami I emmlril I In ti : Unto IIiIiIppii In ell, Ami I up nl J.ilm nml John Imikf.l awn), An. I n.n I In hltn: "lliw'a Hie Hill nf klayT" Ami JmIhi nlit lir cm um il i Iiii.Iii'I iiul It Ihlt In Hav 1'. B -TIi -r wiia Itto ilr vt Iwlnn, TrlHla nf a ftitvlre. VI 'kt. ' Angler-Hiiah! Keep bark! Keep back! I bad a beautiful rla juat than. 1 utmll ri another directly.-Punch. Mlia Let lllm gwleg. "Wlllb," aba cried from tb win dow, "j'ni two boy get rlKjit out of tluit hammock. Thn II rat I If lug you know you will breuk It down." "Two llUln fellow Ilka me and Tommy break It duwa!" exclaimed tb boy, "Vea, yon will," "An' laat night when that Mr. fliultbklna wna calling on you, an' yoa got tired all tin' on tha porch, an'" "Never mind, Willie," aha luter rnpl'd, biiatlly, "Mnybn It'a all right, after all,"- Htray Htorlea, Tha IV 11 fin Turin, Ol'figo New; "Tha doctor any yoit riniHt not take unytblug that doaan't agrna wllh you," an Id Mr. I'eck to her Invalid bunliund, "it'a lucky for you," replied tba auf ferer, "thut ha didn't give 1110 tit ad view fifteen yeara ngo," "Why la It?" aim linked, "llecauaa tlin chance are you would ba an old maid today," anawered tha alck miin, -with a peculiar amlla, And Juat to prova that alie could agren with blm If aha wauled to alia mail no reply. fn tha I'iiii rid firmln, Prom tba Chicago Tribune: "Olva me noma familiar proverb about bird," ald tha teacher. Tommy Tucker ralaed hi band, "Tba early bird-" If pauaed A moment, and tried It Again, "Tha early bird -" "Yea," aald tha teacher, encourag ingly, "That' right," "The early bird gather mi moa," lulUe 4 hat, Klrat Ou'-at-The mas that killed that chicken w cruel, Kecond Oueat-Well, ha didn't hiiva piticn rerp t for old ay. III f lilmco, hfl (muabaily lucllfied)-Wht U your opinion of Wagner' work? He Never w Ilium; but I don't luppima they at In It with Pullman', - Chicago Newt, I fi,r KfJiiU Inn He (In on argument,! Weil, tbatik goodne, I'm not two-faced, Hha-'Yoti ought to be thsr.liful, Mna fact Ilka youri i tnotigb.-Htray Ptu-rfea, pdi I f.,-.j tl I , .- ,. -t -11, ;n k:,i. : : tl! ..t .-t ij,. I $ i"l r,.k.tir It 4 .ttf I ij r-'-i Hie. 1.1 1 (.: I .(-, 1 Vi A l! l'.;e mi I It 1 V a, l-r itti-t.tth t-.-.t t At., 1 1 . t r ft.,. t I. !.k V I'iiii Hi (.,!, i i ; (i i-t X 1 ' m p.'.ti.!..ii, I elkn a h. k ie k I W itk hi'1 at If O:' ill.! H't.:il' I I at kill h i,5 X , km .1 Iiul- i'i'Mii"i, 1 .Ut k..itiiai, Uei'i I ti Ins k. Im Illr )1mm 1 t 1 . Iniil ttin .)ii, t'.itr tt it Ana 1 a .it.i,r,i . nt , k;t.f in . , M lhri Via M I ifntluri I - (liiii t lo I 'I'M 1 1 tie II'! I- Ihti ti"M In flt f -r tl. a ni.i, 1 .'iiiiiiut'iii. m--!, with iiii iir. mrf piit itii-, i,, fitlt en,) itinitp run-.r itmie, m il It tti.e t.-p mrf in ri H duet llrni, IMlil. Mil ui mil turtle, -it-.f mm v Iiul I i.k ninillri, with clip tt,.i oup In raib itiiu-ilon. pur full liif rnm II. n In liiulrf, ratrn, rli , .l.t, ra i V In. kit, U N, A , S3! I'lark tlrn I, CM' t rn. When II ciHiien in making Imp .'in nienl In all lirntti-lia if la lroid ! tee, Die lUlllmiun and (Him fall road doe tint hate tn irllre from Ibe fttml tank. At "n thing ta m gmtd fur Ilia Irlah." an noihina 1 too Knml tor P' tliiiore and Ohio railroad pair"!, and a pmareislve tei In c!lnlig ear n r I111 la being Itkr'i. The Hu)al Ulua Line illnlng rra are being rblpi ed aa tapldly aa puillilr In ihut-gfl lha 111" ti-rlora an tlinl radt car lll hava a table d'hote cunipiu tinciil and a cafe, where the aertlce will be la carle. Thla part of Hie car will have ray chalra. tblea and utlipr convenience of n flint-ilaaa cafe, where gentlemen can aimike and ent without Interfering with thoar who prefer a different alula of thing, hfK llllKlllllllll. 497 In vent on r- thn of 111a tn- celvcil puteuta pnat week and Ibla number cold ell her the lire or a part their right before Ibn patent, leaned, imniiirkl thn Imiiim concema who bought piitenta the lt week an th tleneral Klectrlr Co., of New York, (ilrard Mutton Mnfg. Co., Phlliidi-I- phla, Pa Aeolian Co., New Yolk city, KalamawHi Kled t!o., of Michigan, Ulcbmond. Va., Iicoitiollv Work, Armour A Co., of Chicago, Mergelil baler l-ltioiypo Co., of New York, and Tiffany A Company, Jeweler, New York my. Part lea dealrlng full InformtiMoii ow In lh law and practice, of patent may tdiluln the an in In niMreiialiig Hm Co., lawyer mid Kollclloia, Hen lllilg., (imaba, Nebr. Metnbera of Company K, On liun tlrcd and cifty-aavetitli Indliina volun (ecin. Intend to give a aword lo tlen eral l-nwlon, the Indliiiiliin who ilia tlmcubdied blniwelf nt. thn Philippine, 'ill promoter of Ibn aciienm win nc cept no auliMcrlplloii except from member of tlrn reglmctii. Thl or gatilxntlon, fumed n?! "Mliidebalier'g 'llgera," wna Hm flrat volunteer regi ment lo Imi niimteMd Into the regular army. A wriiiln Niiuvo worniin ncrured her buiilifiiid Hint aim never told blm a ll and never would, lie told her Hint ho did not, doubt It, but would herenfler cut a notch In I bo plnno when Im knew abii deceived blm. "No, you won't," acrenmed, "I'm not going to have my plnno ruined," Jitat 1'forn V, V. Htnlth, of Plorence, Kim., goea lo bed ba carefully place bla beard In a luiialln bug, After b bua entered Hie bed be put the bag under bla pillow, Ilia bciird fa rn'iirly night, feet long, Mm44 II mm I n. I, Via tl, at, I.. and W aim nil II 1111 lei, For the 0, A, It. Cficampiiieiit lit Phil adcplbln ticket will be aold Heot 1, 2 and 3, good returning Hept, ijoih. KtotMivem will 1a allowed at Nliii?arn Palla, Wiiablngtoti and tunny other point, choice of route, For intea, tlmetnlilc and nil Inforiiuiiloii cull nt city oftlce, 1415 Fiirnnm at., ll'iirlon Hotel block), or write Harry K, More, C, P, k T, A,, Onuibii, Neb, Hlie-Wbfia It7l woiiiler, thnt, littln men ao often mmry big women? lie -I don't know, utile It I thnt Hie little (Mlowa ore ufruld lo buck out of the cngngemeiita.Tll'IHI.a, gtaare f OliiliiienK Utt f-larrh Tlial initalii M.ri inri An tiK-fury will moclv itwlml the nnm. of aini'll mill c-Hn.l. II It (l"MilU'llii' Wlinll' V "I III li 11 i i.i.tIi.k 11 lliniuyh lliii iiiui'iiiih imi Oii-i a, Audi an Idea leiulil in-cr l n il i..'i .i. i.n preu'rlplliina fl'.lil n j,ttitll iitioli liilm, k.lli 1I11I1111KB lin y Will lo l"liJi Hm 11. l t'.il run pi, d. i 11 1 Iniin He ni, Hall Hiiorb fttie, !ii(iiiiifii"!iit'il liy I'. i. Chebey in, Ti.ImIu, 0.,riaiialna mi memo, ami la lakea liiteriiallv, arlln rt 1 1 - 1 1 y iini tlin lilnml ui.rt ri.m '.i.a iiii lurii lit tlin h-imii, III Im linn lnll 1 wuirli l urii I Mir tmiifi I Itieaaiiiilna, 11. la 11. "ii iiiieiiiaiiv.ami tea ic 1111 iin-im. unin by V. i liii y k I 11 T'-annmalalalre. Iuld ity lriii(ll. iirlin TIW u r liiitllr Hall ulaiNlfy I'lili r lliu l-k MImm Helen Could ba been Invited to aitenil the ceremotilea at Three Owka, Mich,, when tha Hpiiulali cannon cap. lured by Admiral licwey wilt be pre aenled to the ton, f IT Ci.itiiaiii.nilr' nrwl. afleinriirniaO il cik r ' i.f I'r Hi. 11 i,ii k-i liii,ir, .! I-' IHkK J im Inal I...MH, H...I iihiii-, I,, II. I), ai.ii., 1 1.1 , Ml I Nii.i,Ii Iii, l-a. The Prince of Wule an fttpert aiirler, but Hiclr riniiKbter, the ducheti of Fife, la the bent fikhcrwnmnn In Hie fiimlly. Mra, tlmlw'a 'nlliln kjirnp. r' dilMr-fl iMltMiiijl, i.tjiia thn piMlf. m, ti-.hi.-HII m Ktiiiiiiuiwu,aiiiiai,iiiirr auuli ..lltii 1i.iI:m H I ii.arii"l on Ibe authority of a hn!rlirer, thnt It la better to atrokt flu butt with nn old allk handkerchief Hill II to brUKb It t III MhI.-h uh ill li.illiti P. II. I I11II1I11 '4'li.ket lin;lt(r ViiKi Cfitnniii, Omnba. t t ,1 - tew e. iH l 4 f 1 ki ew lt f.ij tmw ti.fif ht' -ttr, A l I i'h twetn a t4 I it. Atri a I ii: .i 1 ril'i, 1 hrt itt iinitrpiiwi, kilii uet . 4 h r!, tk bti.lti hr, .i.'c. AH 4mir'i. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ait: Ittmike rtlin t ile a tiitit bit b.i llmt lit hi .t 1 1 v ii i he in m h iii iniuml riil Ktiil In a tiltii.l nffii bit h op In a iMi ta-ii-r lt at k blip to lintr New m It liC In .ii.i.. ihl IiImhI liitk bun l A wliiilow, wliitti i uiniiiiiiiili i a taiga View nf Hie illl, mul retnai kcil, " I liea are I mi nt tk-iiiiHiitn ta 1 1 It I It your lai tn- nf vl li-n." , Ak time Itmlvr f tllfit' tiwl lim A miti'r In lnili In yoiir lni IV ri l t Hie fit't, I iii-ih t nt-it. lnnl.ii, kiMilK n, Null-, Hut, I m ) It 111 h, Ai liiii(f, hwi'dllnif Ve I and liirn log Nail. At till iIhikijIii1 mul ulioi' htiin'h. rt, Kiniii i!iiliel l lll l', Aiblrei Allrit H, tlliiihtnl, .e Itiiy, N Y. It bua bein ml hint Iiii Hint alenniita me ''g per cent aafer than anlllng vea ai la, kklrt liiiiiii ftltonbl alvii li ih lwl liefure tnn IiIhb. Apply "leiillleiw Hlnreli" frwlv In l'il mill, mil up lliilil. Willi Immini ln-l'ln ami In y hhIiIii Infill v ill 1 11 ill lNfn- It'iinlnu All giiMerMil 'Paiiltliw Hlareli," Uk-, ( HI tire the bcRlunlng of llil i-entury 1:0 fewer than fifty-two volcnnle MIhihU hiive arlacn out of the aen, Nineteen tut it illxnppi'nred ami tcu ar aow In Imblted. IIHIbuyanew npi'licht plnnm Kb-Timol ler 4i Mueller, 1.11.1 Fui iiaiii Ht (.liuaha. The tinnmiked provldenea at Ootl are tha moat remarkable, ROBERT DOWNING Telli the Secret of His great En du ranee. Itobrrt Downing waa recently Inter viewed by the prer m th ubjiict. of hi aplendld Imullh. Mr, Downing promptly and emphatically gnv tha wholn credit of hi aplendld phyalcal condition to Pu-m-nn, aaylng: riiituft HnwnliiK, llie Trnaiiilliin. "1 find It a preveiiilvn agnlnat all auildm aitiiiiuer 111 that awnop upon one In cliiinglng climate and water, "It la Him fituat traveling companion nnd aiifcgicnd agalnat nmlnrlul ln fluencea, "To aiiiu It up, Pe-ru nn baa dona m morn good than any tonlu I havt aver Hiken," Healthy mui'oii membrane protect (he body agninul th heal of auiumer nnd tha cold of whiter. Pa meiia ! aura lo bring health tn th awicoua membrane of tha who! body, Write for a ropy of Dr, Hartmnn' luteal hook eniltled "Hummer Catarrh Addrea Or, Ilartiimn, Columbua, t) Itfiiiicinber Hint cholera mn6na, cholera Infantum, aummi-r eoni plalut, billon colic, illarrhoeit and dyrenicry nra eitctj and all catarrh, of iba bowela. Catarrh la tha anly conect nn inn for tbra affectlona, pe-ru-na la an abaolutn apeclllo for them ailment, which are com mon In aumtnrr, lir, J Iwrtritttn, In a prin t Ice of over forly yeara, never Io,l a ltigle cnae of cholera Infan tum, dyaentnry, diarrhoea, or cbol era riiorhu, niul bla only remedy wna I'e-ru nii Tboae desiring fur ther particular bould aend for a free copy of "Hummer Catarrh." Addrcn lr, llnrtman, Colitiiihit, O, W. L. DOUGLAS S3&S3.50 SHOES u'o Worth ft In M eaiarilA ihor makai, I mliirand ti nt av l.iiuo.uiio weaerav AIL IKAfHERt. Ml ItnCI till l,Mt III kn . I MM ta f,IM Nlll bMk, Tat km alatlla( lalin4 In I.- n..l. -l maaark i.l 11 inf ta in. ii,mi m Hi wi.ria, VturilMJKaaru.iiiil kai lh,.in - ir wt, mil i-m.i ,..i nalrriH w. H.I..I Mil. a. Nlaua k I n f ut laaoii.f, 11, a ami ki.illi aialti vP uafi lua. laliiiie A fm, W. i. OOUOUl IHOI CO., IrocklM, Mil. CARTER'SDMK I atuii the lrgft and I1 k i hunt ayfUnni Ilia, STAMMERING Oiiotl Miaaiiti r.r' letk luir, Na.i.i' II k iiM.nlik, V.. ,i.nU V.ulia... Ml, ft. V, OMAHA. fio, ,I4-Irl HW t 4lltIU lill.O. I kUrM I 1 .: r - ' 111 tiffin, l? Ort-yiriffg 4 r BQU) If iv Ml r L Uaa a k Ml