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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1898)
t THE AMERICAN 4 SI DON B7 IS IIIIS. H'RtAK 1 HI in VfKGCAKCt. CiVIt HM HR(AUS SPAIN, A. aV an,Wf, aiM. .( A ONI-AT tatTKKAHY 1IAH0AIN I (wjr racsotti nowaum isf the Anrrimn Icrol 1 tt.t rtMtam tnknl Wil l uims tl''iM lt lam. .. & k . . a a - , . . tin H u a a An I ruirtly New t uition i- A ft JlH .w,a-ar tat.) 4 ! I MtttM 14 taa aa ... araa . ffca f a Its.. tt M fcl..,.S i, S.. tl - I'M wan. wing in m mi -..l tftnifM f.ww! lawtr IKroali ,i lake Im annw ,.n the (wr Im H tt,)Whr,l the ditovtal .l. i. r ,t while kiwi At half t J e i, the raraw-s tv, ISevlnf to the demand f.r the tvin.ial of Dtp ixtm i.f the Kwiwiij 1 h Hi-fist in K.iliar, e rnliil a.I 1. 1. the chairman t the w Kit romitilllrtt i,f t rttt v-flve, rapalnxt t the light Infantry armory, Wr hi- was .. meet the .ti,-i ly tight tirliKlt was the hour f grace fur tha negroes to ryply I that hour ra.ed without answer. The ell Isms Ihcn waited half an hour for rf-iiifurt'otiiciil. In lh meantime armed min gathered In Iht wide street In front of the armory. ney earned rifles, shotgun and mil munition, kii.I the asitenililtige Included owe of tho in-tot eoll.l t-illeeii of the low n. At half pant H o'clock the procession. headml l.jr e Henrest titntlve Waddell mil tho eointiiltloe of twenty live, Moved in the direction of tlio liecord printlnir ahon. All along tlm line of MUroll the procession wm joined by ermoii t'ltUt'iit, nu. when the negro quarter waa reached tha negroes could be aecu a few blocks away running Intu their house. When the erowd arrived In front of the Kocord oftlee, ft two-story frame building, picket Unci were thrown out across the atreeels ami squnria of mm polled In the neighborhood. Waddell, with rtflu on hla shoulder, went to the door of the building and knocked. There waa no response and tha door waa aoon buret open. Tho cltliena rnahad Into tha plnoe aud be tas tha work of riralructton. Tim furnlliirii wna amaalmd and thrown Into tha tr-it, and the bulldlnir waa fired and deatroyed. Home one turned Id a Are alarm and when tho rnirlnea rRpondtd tho erowd eheerad and dla charjru l thi'lr weapona, TlieafTnlr waa oon onr, huivever, and no ono wna burt. Tho publUhlnjf himio waa do atroyed, but tho netfrhhorlnir property waa aaved. Tho eolored editor. Mau ley, hla brother and their aaaoelnlea have fled and eould not be found by tha cltli'iin, After deatroytnir the printing houae, tha inarehera returned to the armory, whorothey had left a rapid-Are ma hlna gun mounted In a wajfon ready 0 be dUpatehed to the acenn If a tattle ahonld omir, Tho lendera Uio crowd antd aubaequently that it waa not the Intention to burn the Record btilldliitf. To-ilny'a action of tha whttca waa the wtjtjuul of yeatcr day'a meeting at tlm eonnty oonrt honoa and that of the commit tea of twenty-live in the afternoon, M reault of which the neffroea were flen until thla mornlntf to return an nwer to tho demand for the removal of the proa and the eeutlo of the publication of the Hecord. Laal nliflit waa an anxloua ono for tha cltlssena in th realdenoo aeetlon. Noitroia fired Into a atrect ear Md the paaaeiiifcra returned the fire. Another ear, loaded with armed sea, waa aent toward the auene of trouble, but the offondera eacaped. The entire eaittern end of the town waa amiKied and armod men were urnin tha alreot cara and on etary corner. Ilotween 1 and o'clock there were averat aklrmlahea. The total oaaual tlw at o'clock wore eight nejrroea killed, two wounded and three white nen wounded-Mayo, (had wick and liner. PAN A OnTdg1"Tor""a RIOT, ClUaont rMf That fcvarr Nnro anil Op ralnr Will lis I'ama, IlL, Not II William l.yneli, who waa employed by the Tana Coal ompany up to the time of the atrike, waa ahot at by negroea last nliflit, and ran Into hla houae.' The nejrruee then ahot thnmgh the houaa of a widow, Mra. Mc In lyre. Nolmdy waa hit In Itber eaao. Ilaarlnir the ahmitinir, negrora in the vicinity came running out of tholr homea and ahot In all dlroctlona until the aoldlera arrived. When thaahootlng began many women and children ran to Captain llutler of Company 11 for protection, None of tha negroea waa arreated. Thlnga are In auuh a atate that it la dangeroua for any one to go out in the mining dlalrlot at night The citlxena lear an outbreak In which every negro ftad operator will be killed. Traxipora tall for Porto Rlao, - Satarhaii, Oa., Not. 11. The JDa1ted Btatea transport Michigan lTiTled with al troopa of the Fifth - "Waited State cavalry, under command of Colonel C, C. Carr, for I'onoe, I'orto Rloo, yeaterday. She carried about 00 horaoa and 65 men. Town Mot Defeat ad Tat Diti.uth, Minn., Nov. 11. La teat re turn a and entlraatea havecauaed the Bepubllcan eongreaaional committee of the Sixth diatriot to reduce their atlmate of Morria'a majority to 123. The Democratic committee bow claim Towno'a election by About 150. Several preolncte are tnlaa Ingand the reault ia very much In doubt The official count will proba bly be neceaaary. Llnd, the f uaion can didate for governor, waa elected by a majority of about 10,000. II ia the only atatej fusion candidate elected. I -f II tK t,n "' -f ! I - -. ' t, Ir. "I "1K t mm k f t "'' '! Wn a .i H l - I t h- Um T t. t Ih.t in)i M ! I he I et-vt ira a'-a Wmh. i.i " . r tH. Mtli M ihut aia li v im lllHp.!lv, M4 tt I t.lnl Mala rtwaidcra f i .i amptn "al ali H hr .! a g.i-rrMme,.t ia lottrrliig MttT Uf. ( lll war and otlttary dirt .i.p are a,l .U, f,.r (he u, ,- Mo trt pirliaawnli govrf titticht uiiUe laialoma aiid wn lher protinoe are lou.liy Mpitr au.Hi. fiamv tiewt tha attuallon with appreheiioion and even with alarm,' HOW NEW YORK DIVIDED. Nmii ii4 a Mj,riir ,f lei.laaoaii. tolifc. Nov. II. Corrected re tiirna ahow that IwHwevett'a plurality an outnl.le of lirentcr New York la I0..7M, an Wyck a plurality In Al- imny, i nemuiig, t'llnlon, Krie, Hena- KHliter ami Mehoharle omiitlea and tlreatcr Now Vork la ail.t'.w, U,h wo ve It a plurality, Sl.Smi, JUo falling off In Uimwvclt'a plural- tty aa comimred wllh lllucka in Mini ia one io a (lc. rvao In the (emit, lean vote up the atate of nl.iKX) and In tircator New t ork of (12,(mn. Agnlnat una, an Hyek gained 80,000 aUive the Jiurl -m and fiS.tXM) below It aa com pared w ilh I'ortor two yearn aim The result oil eongreaaman In this atttto acema to have atirnriaed oven the Dem ocrata tiienifielvea. Nineteen of their candidate! wore elected. Tho Runtib iionna getting only fifteen. Jn tho prexent iiouno tho New York doWi nun niniuia tneuiyoven Kepuiiiicana to alt IVmocrata. In tho tlreatcr New York all tho lUmiocratlo candldntoa were eloelcd. THE BUFFALO BACK TO REPAIR Ii.mrl of Inquiry Will fit tha lllaino To Null Again for .11 mil I a. tVAaiiiNiiroN, Nov. II, Tho criitaet lluffiilo. which aallixl hnturdav from Kamly Hook, Ixmnd for Manila, to join Admiral Dcvvcy'a squadron, put In at Newport, It, I,, yesterday, with ma- hlmiry broken. Captain Hemphill, commanding the aliip, reported to tho department by teleirrnnh Hint he hail been obllgud to seek a almrc slot ton to repair, lie nuked for an in- veatlgallon to fi the reMponslblllty for mo itreait, ana hecrctary Iaihit ro- anondod Immoiliatcly by appointing Unmimiuli'r .I0I111 McUowan. autierln- tendent of tho training station: Com- luiuuler C. II. Stockton, ttresldcnt of tho war eolieye. and t hicf Knglncer It. H. Orlfiln of tho Mayflower, a ouurt of ln(ulry, with Lieutenant W, I. (hnmhers a Judge advocate. Tho court of Inquiry will meet to-morrow at Newport, A COMET WITH TWO TAILS. Ilf. I.awla Swift Niitleea Many 1'srnllav Ihlnga About a Wsw t'slesllsl lliidy. I'AaAHKifA, Cel., Nov. ll. Iir. Uwia Swift, director of Mount Iajwb observ atory, has been studying tha comet discovered recently by Dr. William It. Ilrooka. One peculiarity of it la a broad and exceedlntrlv faint tall, pointing toward Instead of from the sun, as usual. At one of his observations the professor ia confident that he saw two tails. He believes the visitor ia Identical with comet No, 4 of IHH I, lie saya It can lie easily aeon through a 2-Inch toll-scope near the lh'lta Hercules, goaf ' Hi t'ongrmaman, l'liu.APKid'inA. Nov. 1 1. -.The dele. gatlon from Pennsylvania in the next Congress will comprise twcnly-one Re publicans and nine Democrats, a Dem ocratic gain of six. Tho present tie! egalloit Is composed of twenty-seven Kepubllcans and three Dumoerate, 1 no succcaaiui Democrats in the new IVmocratlo dUtrlcts ore! Lnlrd II, Ilnrber, Klanley V, Davenport, .lames V. Ryan, Knfua K. I'olk, Joe C. tSibley and James K. I Halt. In each of these cltstrlcta except the Seventeenth the present Republican representative was a candidate for rc-eloctlon, Will lam McAleer, who was re elected from the Third district, is a sound money Democrat and the Repuhlleana made no nomination against him. MANY SOLDIERS ILL IN HAWAII. la Two Months rtf lean Heaths Ara Ra portad T.phold fsvsr l'ravalant. 8ak Fiiaiioiih.0, Nov. 11. The ateamer Australia brings the follow ing advieea from Honolulu under the date of November t. blcknea among the toldtera In camp here la increasing. Typhoid fever la prevalent. The mili tary hospital i crowded and the nura log force la Inadequate to the demand made upon It. Franea May Draft Raasrvo Bhlps. Paims, Nov. 11. The I'arla Matin eay that at a council of the admirala here yeaterday It waa decided to fit out all of the French war vossela available and to order thirty reserve ahlpa Into commission. The newspapera of thla city, notably the Oauloia and the Figaro, expresa satisfaction at the Marquis of Sallabury'a apeech, deliv ered at the Guild hall banquet last night, which they consider as tending i toward a peaosful aolutlon by raplae-1 ing the Faaboda question on Ha proper ground. ti.,fi, v..- i i Turn iinm n Aiiin m n Ik IVt HfMl 4 rw'ti.eaV, XMiaMfuHt feWnl, laithel In ak aaj fitraUtiM) Ilk ay ha rt a it t, ar.l taV., ihe tarroet . I.4I. a!a ft ItHrary aid wruiaf d at hare fan ea Hm?, read, anUe, glis mk tir play earda hit fat-ella at the rate of M ml let aa hour lUrtha, t ekeit and full tnf.irmattua At Ticket offloe IV-pot KhU laraau i imh and Ma on t irilGIOI II TIE imEIICII C016IIEI. An Kay by t ha Hoy; throwing a blaio of light on Am lon hlt ry ahoaa thai the Jeulle wera tho cau-e of all the oolonlal war. Indian and Krvnoh niacaaia of tlowi time", a id hclpa you to properly appreciate the image of a Jeauit prlo.t on our now one ceot pontag e atamp. I'ainphlet on SRtTARIAM AITROI'IMATIONB, Ui n grcidonal. 8UU and Muololnal. tamo nrl In pamphlet form Price 10 Cei ti. Addrcaa: CHASE KOY8, Waahlngton, I). C, raaeengera arriving at Chicago h tho Chicago, Hock I. land & Paotllo li'v can, by the new Union Elevated Loop, reach any part of the city, or for a five cont faro can bo taken lmmodlatoly to key of the large ttore in the down town district. A train will ttop at the Hock Inland Station evoiy mlnuio. 1 ncaa raouitiea can only he offered rj tte -ureal ttock Uland uoute." Addreaa JOHN 6EUA8TIAN, 0. P. A,, Chicago. t';vrlioajr e) mo. Cnncareta ( 'auitv Cathartic, tlio moil won. aflriui nti-uii'tti uincoverv im the aye, wu ant and i cfir-nhiiiK to thn limle, act vviitly anil iHMiuviiy on kliiiieya, liver iinu nuwoi. clronslnif tho cntlra avatcin, dltncl rnlua, emu lii'iiilimlid, rover, ti 11 1 t 1 111 1 1 i-iMiiliittl(in ami nllmiiMiiia, I'lcaan buy ami try a ling of O. (!,C. to iliiv: III, Mlcetita. Hold and guaranteed to cure by all Uruggliiia, Call and coniult the nuat rollab'e jHlmlut and cnid reader of the ago Only hern for ft few week. Hour. dully, it a. tn. to 10 p. in,; Sunday, I p, m. to 10 p m. MADAMK WEiLKY, 1022 South lOtb St. Do you know that Hawyer'a Soap U the very best In the market? Atk your grocer for it. Insist on having it and no other, The Dreyfug case may reveal fnnr fill footprint of the faithful Jesuits, The Roman Catholic clergy of France har been Instructed to discontinue the campaign nun Inst the revision of the rase. They should not appear to th world m iMing afraid of the d I ados urea., There Ate fifteen Protritantehurehei In the city of Rome, all the work of the last twenty-eight year. Key. Fairbanks article on the Second Coming of Christ will ftppear next week. Tboae who would load men to oppose Roma must look up her record. Do you look over the advertisement In this paper? When Ron tlrea money ine always puta a chain of power on It. Holding on to pagan auperatltloi glvea Rom a mortgage on your faith. The New Union Elevated Loop-ii ChicflRO It runs on Van Buret. St directly In front of the - Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Station Hasaengers arriving In Chlravocan, by th new Union Klsvslsd Loop, rescb at y psrt of VI or, for a nva cent fare, can be taken immediately to an v of lbs large sterna ia tbt down town district. All Klevstrd Trains Will stno at tha 1 "Uacs Island" station. Trslnseverv minute. These facilities can only oe offered or M OHKAT HOCK INLAND llOUTK." If vou will tend al cent stsmD for ixntslt we will mall vou atom e a new blrd'a eve view of ( hlcsgo. Just Inued in flv colors, which hows you just what you want to know about Oblcago and the new Loop and Klevated Sys tem. '1 his map yno should have whuher you havowhrtheryoB tect 10 come to It. fesgo and you or ..aklng a trfp. ova out or me city ana ex or whether vou live In Ch your rnenas contemplate making a trip. Aaureaa JOHJ1 8EBASTIAJJ, O. P. A., 1 i-it-f chioago' r.a4f(a ii.IhIiWi'U ;.(w7.;.r,r:Tt,MIM kJ44 MM A UVUU1U A llUUUl a. ti 1 k a I ' In 9 tM if V f f. I t "-- Li. ittirt rrviunsr Mnirs J'' 'nii.i. .- a.. ..'aa r A R! Ma jnl '" ! ,, , a, ,. -to. e" a- rr., -' -' Ik ur""'" " ' i wm ai- ia lUtv ll, ,.aaM. WlN. a, I, , pM a4 are k t HiH.Mmin,,, " ana - w,. tAi,tlvl tnrtrt, r-..). l liai ,ti,(r,. roe M ! e...,e-v Mat -. a I in i a , ,..,,,,,, Ma ae l"V II t Tn)a,v t. ,,iKt,a A J. H ft r lr, . pa-tlw '' 'lra I 'n-i.a r.l A ,l m rvi df'l I n rf.-Vfi.l.M, jj'j"" ,,'- ta-foiwr fi .ui vj ..... , Tt'eH .. -t ,lly e . Idv.i; Nv . I" II a A'ufot. Tn mm fvb,hh nitra.i Vmi ! I la ..! l T-l ... r imm n. nun a en M Mil rtf nar llcitlaraln .lii-IV.' IN Ul t W A l-'nalrr. I lMti"'" mini v Nrliraka .,.. 1,. 'l (li-fn, Inula, ihr r.W( ami eraver f w., n "- 111 rrcn -, r iii.ier, ee H. v.m, rnraiimrf nee liundra I and artvan.l ui i.n ui.iiu-a ii;i mn uii in'rro-t Mirr.-i.n fr.mi iiir aim nitf or af(nrii,i.f Hni1 lhii a line i.r minx lull ef I'aMIe I ira t p ain in mm an 11 in- iim T,,r an iiMlrr of at liii'hnii-ni. iir.ivlil.-d l. law ami is., ., r a,ia.-niiini waa iwaiirn . a ih aan.e uar anil n noilre in a.l m,w ... num. aumei ' iiiiiiin 111 , a en-narm rahl ilnliif bualaeaa In IVnU. rmmtv. sort A Sjlin. a rrlilenl if llotivlna Cminty lai'hlra innnev In the hamlanf I.I.I....I aheea tielomrlnir Inyniii anMean-n till tnti flntii'U In Uic loth (In nf NnvumlM t itun o....I.w.l. a. aj . KOIIN. I'lalMlfT 0 8 By Ewio Hich hla Alto m y W. A, BAttNOKRH, Morchanta Niillmial Hunk Illilg, BHKKIKK'B 8 A I.R Ily onler nf a nliirlca order of sole Is illi'il nut (if thn dlMtrli-l emirt fnr l),..itn eniinly. Nehroska. snd to me illn-cted. ! "i, "n in. m oiiv or rielnlier, A. I, IsiiH, nl 10 o'clock a, m. of anld day, nl 1 ho eiiMt front door of th cniinty court house. In the city of Omaha. Dourlna county, Nlirnalin, sell at 011111111 auction In the lllKhest tilililcr for ensli. the nrnn. r-rty descrlhed In nld order of solo, 11 a follows, to-wlt: - Lots (37), and (in) n Luka A Tem nletnn'a sdillllon lo the city of Omit on ns surveyed, jiliittert and reeordod, all In liniiiriiia county, slntn of Nehrnska. K11I1I prnnerty lo he anlil to sntlnry Wnl ler H. Koeler, Mnlntlfr herein, the aimis on snfil Inta ns follow, to-wlt: on lot thirty-seven tha sum of tM.W, lln l"l ihiriy el-ht Ids -mi r-f ;(;, " In' fnHv ihn .inn . f '!0 10 which ntnoiiiils, acennllna; lo the dcrs henr Intnreal sf (he rule of ten IM rent per snniim from Kel.riinry 1l. In'i? To nilUfv th aum nt T.'lirhi v.t,.,,r ,! 71-Vfl 711 dollars costs herein, toitethor wiin nreruinir cn.ia, nrcrirolnir to a lildnrment remlered l,v lha ,1luirl,.l .... of mi Id. Policies connly, st Its Fehrnnrv term. A. I). 1P17 111 & eerlnln ..ll,,n n.,.n nno inero nenoiew, wnereln Wn Her M Keeler Is lilnlnlllT mul ilnnrf i Johnston snd others lire defendnnls. Ontfiha Nulirniiiin Menlemlirr fnd WW , , .mill W. M priNAI.Tl, Rherfrr of llontrtna eou.iiv v..l,.. .i .. W, A, Hnunders, nttorney for'pliilntlft Keeler v Johnston t, at. Iioekef R7. N'o, 104. V.x. Ixickct Y, pii(f fl-2-fS W. A. BAtrNDKItB. Attorney, Merchants Nsftonsl rtnnk, BTircrtlFT'g MA LIU. ' t'nder and hy virtus of an order of ant nn decree of foreeloanrn nt in ti is sued ouf of the district court for routhi .-i.iioiv, mnin or meornsKi,, snil to me (It roc ted. T will, on the lh dny of Oeo tier, A. i. ivos st in o'clock A M, of ssld nny, st ine kast rront door of the conn. iv rn ri nn an. in fun env nl r m.h. Hoitelns county, Nehrnskn. sell s niil.lie siienon ro me nirnesi Hinder for can the nronertv dcaerllied In snld order of anm nn roiiown to wit: lit one ftV Idnrk one f11 In rteannnn rises, on sddltloo to the eltv nf nmnhn BS surveyed, otntted snd rseorded, all slt- Uiued in fioiieiss county. Nebraska, Hnld nropertv lo he sold to sotlsfy James T,, Heownn. ntnlntlff hepeln tha aum or nno Honored snd two dot Inrs ludB-meof, with Intereat (hereon from Kentemlier nth, 1W, st the rata of in (10) per cent ner annum, toirether with an sttnrnev's feo of len rtotlnra, which smounts nrs n first lien on ahova dn. acrlhed nronertv. To sntlsfv .Toaenh w, Thomas. Tteeetver or ins Mioisnn ntste Tifinn, derendsnf herein the sum of Wlwhf Hundred and nine snd Sn-WO fiwm l) doltnrs ludn-ment with Intereat thereon sf tha rate of seven I7 per rent per annum from Mentonibor 27th. 1W To set sf 4h further sum nf Thlew. Ave and 43-inft f1B 4S dollsrs costs herein, toaether with aceriitor- coats secordlnr lo s (ndirmerif rendered hv the district court of anld Tmittrlna county, at Its Mep temher term, A, ft W, In a certs In sc. Hon then and fhere nendlnr wherein .Times f,, Tlrowns ts tilnlntlff nnd Adeline W, fntloch nod llruee MeTulloch, her hushnnd. sod Alfred If. f'omstwk, nnd Josenh W. Thomss, receiver of the Mtd Innd Htiit Dunk, r defendants. Hut iwl nt nmnhn. Nehrnaka. Aiiariiat 2(11 h, A. D. IM I IV W. M'TriNAT,n, Mherlff nf touslns cniinfv. Mehrnsks W, A. Bniindera attorney for rialnilff, Drowns vs. Mcruiioch et, al, Hoc M, No. IS, ,! . t-J-g, HI Omaha Express and Delivery Co., J. L. TURNEY, Mgr. H. H. MAYFORD Beo Tree. Moving snd light express work at reason. b' J10 J0 Sv?lilt1 Housebtdd good, ttorsa, packed aodihlppea Carry-alls for picnic. 0ffi . . g ' , Telephone 1203. 1 1 j& mffP iitawtti 13,1.1. j U , , m&&! T VstJ ! .irtl ,! m . 4 s , ". lini h,i.-lt V far. i, t. .r nl Mta a t.n ia V . m ,,.. f., a n- - wi.l. f i.a.i la .. a liu.,waa;. a4 ia Ita.f a la irl lma aa-i I i a-a . m .e.m. aa k a4 a.--" 1 VV t 1 " a tvi i-i - U have in atom fhr tlipmaplyta a ih Ii li'i rui lienf. p. aim iiieni, ma ll' an umonciiu l.'iiipiti.i a ma? 1'li- iipiri'Y hi, i - .in.l. - pp yirt in mir .iiii rlis ra sm li nn i iTi r i iinu. lnil His liiiniiliir (.iliilliiu ir. l-iv? prh iwvii iiuiia wuii'li ra lot ina leU'liug t i l-, mi l A I i f i i hi 1 .Jl l 'L cm Thirty Complete Novels T S i, ' ' i 1 iii!jy,cc.;jwii r-MCUJa pvutpiw..- ts.ii ,m . ..I- .P ' a - ,t " ' ' 'i Jit Irfs. (Hs l.pller Mnn, hy Mr. 1I,bv Wism, T i Hlnli lir.irrt lisqi.pal. Ii lli uif l inw.y llis linliililaliiidga MfUuy, 1. (.'u.hii A llnrlne T-"..1el, hy Jffn. 0, , pins. I lunax, i.y Kit vv, firsts ''lis I'eio l-IMipr'a I'rls t M, T f: Jn Ona sliort 1 siir, 17 lit i,s nnsw When Joy. Fills the Heart WmaJ Ing list A V"r Ago,, 0, Itiirkttrn All Anions Him Niiiiinisr Itoaes, ...i.ii ...I', tlnbrUl A 1 11 Pillllllllg TO I'D. Aerisia ths Si-a. linns Hack Thy Siilialilna, lllus Kyea, , I 'onirftdi'M I 'oiiie to tli Huiiant Trsa, , , I'rsain Kacsa ,,, jsniiilaat 'I'siulur slid True, ,,,,,.,.,.,,,;,. If. ill, m ... .. i.VtriMttUt Uttttrlrl HUM ...... htlr Mi Uhn nun ,,,,, t.Mn, Hriivtn M, tluhhtom Uutv Ji'lm Sniff iirsiunina or iioiiis, ,, ,,,, i 11,1mm ' linws Iteliiw tha Waving i.ltuluna" ,. H, I,. I Hnt irsiunlHg of Moms, ra'li'il IpHavsa,. ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, r.iiif HrurUin K..r,., Ms Nut H lfl.r.o f,o, "rivafl'l'lm k III tha Morning",,,,,,,,,,. ,f WMW Old I Met nn tha fiirin (Tlis), ,,,,,, JuHn limit (liildnii Vnara Are yisstlng ,,,,,,iiH Ulrlii Oiaalnltftil. ... 1, JVntf snio f " Unrllia " Hour of Heat (Ths).,,,,,,,, .sWlift I,. Itwrkrl llitpiir 1,11 1 Is f iniiitrv tllrla ....KlinMH I'Mla lluw Will lis Kvsr ( alh Tluua s-Ceaile. IC, Tnuhrrt its fa An KiiKllahnian,, , ,,Htr Arthur S"ds W lil.l ls ami Wall for Kails, . , ,1, hurt flnlan llrallV linn Vl'liliik I Shall Murry, ,,,,.,,. Amm J list fii.i. I, it,,. lariOsntly,.....,,i'tiiii, ItiimiHn I'.flllV III ths (Irclmnl.,,,,., ,,,fhiniht,n 1,1 ,lm k a Farewell,,,, , Jnmn I,, M"lln Kate, I'isir HnlM, (liinilo ,, ...Knit Itnult Kntey'a Isstlsr, f-. In I hi turn ! Jn In A, nils Ifisinsy,,,,,,,,,, Ml'lmtl Snlun .lit la Klahsr Maiden (The! l.wMJ It iMmum lt Mimic llreak mi Thla llleat Uiirit, I liH"f mow farot Jilltla fliitterriin'd Hwg,..n..Hlr drlfiur Miililnm ,ovs a s.,f Ilr....liij,,,, iV, ,, Ulllirrt, Lova'l'hat Hlumlwia,.,,.. ,,,,.Mlllim llf!t It) alliisiim esses, mil aheet niiiaie ale, niliile. mil alieel niiiaie ale, itiliiled It to usm tint on the nuialii rm-l!, pliniilly t .'ft never, attsrlur a j.lntali.ii iiinanisiit, soil Its InUTlur Than Qold ? Health AUK VIII7 II r o k e ii 1 .1 Health f If.o go to I If, It. GEE WO and Tar his wonderful kit M K Ii I K composed of Kmita, Herbs, huila, Harks, S'd Klowrrs. H has over SuOO dlff rent kinds to pre s ribs f rem snd cures all manner of 1'HROSKl KISKtSKS, aurh ss Kliaumallafn alairh Kidney I.Ivsp. Iliad. tier. Sloinach fruulilw Aalhnia, Throat and l.nng 1 ronhlp. ln.IIBes.liin, llyappnala, Mlrk Headache Frmaiw Wpakns.a l.o.t Manhoml. Nervons llelilllty, and all I'rlvai lllaeaaea. All rsars aiiaranlptid nr n. refunded. fXtNWU l.TATION KIIKK. ( all on or write enclosing itampfor biKik and blank. Address, DR. C. GEE WO, BT. BUI ft. Itttll Ht., OMAHA, Stll, Admirer of Jam O. Blain cub h- tain of ui a beautiful history ol that eminent itatesman. Price, LN. American Pub. Co Omaha, Neb. yt,f n.., at . tt f ii ih-i,it, , i aa , a-aa i..a. ,, V I ... It- a l a .n a ea Ah-i i .a iih, i ! . !, ,a a 4j ai a I I ,.w Ha.,, a 4 "S 4 n .l w It air.t ami, a I I al i rha,wa Iw. a-.a, axil . 14 tt. i M stw hmiiiaMH rea.wia, "Tiiiel ii, u l I'.' laiim r -l hoi oa l-aiMs i-1 n ami ,f ih aa smi I'd ! " a- is ! i ) ai'Kl la aii'"l I I ato Im-KM ,-1.4 uf llw il I, ,n s I IS ii nr. In I t4 in. hi. ai. in. lal isi, (waHne, s . li s ins'i.n'tir ri , , , ,r,ia....a in i, nw, a n n :i e i , U ,ib-. llat'i Sa una ! 1; a HMHli'-a Ittilthi , . ,hli r-l ,1 H..l. , in. fif j.-mi. r out i,..t.r laiiintia ii... . An Hiill. il lire ,iiii.,n i nr I .-ait,i ranH tin' Tair I a Ji 1 la!-.l ill ! In i as awl lias.l ..e li liiTip.-l hit llm) Im i,i, lalii liiai4 pis- r,, ait'iitii i.f iiHsi f.ui'iiua i.iftias.rt, twoi'lne, an, iiiii...! ni. t SnNiilyr,l, mat 1 IIS ' Iba LAS 4 Ci TH3 n::nrs3, s-tp-w i'sai,i 1114 saaaaai. ins rsAisis. T'lU tnn.1eie r tl'lnti ef tu laiheraioeliliig Ti n u jii tui. . ' ,i..,1 nar tinai Mrts Inn tii iixii'A.i 1, ni l i.iia ulikli Hnill lmn s (il,.r In eVpir Anu'if aii hums. It emi I.i hi tin- Hip in.,. i i Im1 iiiimi iiiniiiiii'pa I HI Ilia min i .. Hull lu elr r.illi .'Uri I. A (In Sill, t I rueliiiif l ' i.iiIpi In Una Hi oiiiiiu ll Vol. limp, .ill mm li,iv inn nsd iwia-r's i.irt I vi iv im-iii i.. r uf :.p finiolv ,'ii'i'le ni l tp il 'Hilit. ul l!i li inii'llu r el H I" r.-pieiit ciIiMum f ilia l r nun I one n t luimiifMi tsmii nliintat ' i' iii iki-imiilil ii"! liuve la . o mUi a t. ar ja . p of mnr and -oil rnlniKlliiin In Ills Iiih.K iiml-M, nut ia hid iiiimi niarvpiuua ui an. By Famous Authoro. w nffxr In ons mammoth volume of IM large quarto psvpa, well printed from cliinr, ivsdiiMu lyps oil wd inMr, am) linri'l"iiiplr tiiml In sitractlva eulori'il piiimr Clivers, Thirty (VmijWs Sinvl hv soma of Ilia liinat cnli'liraiivl uullinri ot America ami Kimips, ICai li ono nf till-as nuvi'ls la Inienaely Itiieii'Slinn. and It la His hi Wat ami moat Viirli it iiullsclliili of pupulsr novria ever piitillahpil ina slntfls vnlnme, llmshuia mam. motll collm-tlna Is Sold for iH!W) reins, vlili ll Is no timiH limn the uauat f"l of a single sturv. N'-vsr Hs. fine h is thpis tiern ofT'-rcl audi a alsnlle hurgHin In l"iitilr lltcrnliire. Tits followltigls a list of tlis Thirty hnnplete JVotMj eontaliiil la tins insiuiiiotli book i Onlliy oe lt (Inlity, l.y Aiiont ft tiwnns Aa lil Alan'a SiHrrlllre, I.r Mr., A S StarsS UiiHirM Man hikI wire, lr HinaiK'4 IMsi-oxt be filmat of I nva, t, Mra jinn 0. A trim 0 llMi-ters-'l Lire, i-r Mahi.i-i IUhlanii, lie Mo., I honae Tl-,edv, Mm. J,0 At'STI lllH-lora airlr. I.r .vliaa jM. V At'sns lis Mollis lino, I.r Ioni.i.r fn i STS,a. lie I'ln.iiliim lllt habnw, hf Ki'i4lil. KllUSO. ''SO llosea Of Ilia-erilPaa, liy M T 'LIMS, "av. KK IHii'MKt), aiissa USTStSSai.S, I r lliel'a lavera, l, W I'iHiii s 1 His lloilil'iv.. hr Mk Ca ii II Hill I II. II IV ho Hllleil IipiIp. r i.r Hn kii-rol (.!, 'I'tls l.lliffleta Un MAKiiASap Hi.'n-f, 'I'll Olhsr f'nrrlng, 1t Mr" ttsnsr Wnoe, A IrflW Mori lfss, .i Mlaa Mlifs a. 'I ke t aaewr Users t atirtli-mas, hf OsuSoa R, Ml MS. . The Name tint oa a (late, br Ms l.'int lUv, n won, imr a wi,rv, i-t in on n Jiy leii-, l.i.i.ori r, hi II II n- ai y wiater HHlr, 17 Hum oti ls fnlirs, l.y Wta, IIK-.SV Sunn. A llriivs r,itiirrl. hv IciiRnt lii It find expression In aon, gratifying Hit pcrformor and delighting the hearer. Nothing so serves to calm the wenriud aoul nftcr a storm-tossed dny ml the sweet motoiHc tlmt recall niomorlos tit child booil nnd those Jonjf gone to rest. Kecognllriff the need tit n varied list of on;s, in neat nd convenient form, tlint would nimuitl to nil heart and tatttes. The f avorite Collccllon of Song 1ms brwi pre pared expressly to fill this want, and contain words and music of 70 of the choicest jiroduc tlon of gifted and famous composer. f'lctuTt to yourself an evening at home with the follow of beautiful song before ymu Murr and John, or tlis Lovsrs' Uusrrsl. OnwiM HI, Man f Yr A go HW A rth uf Sum Mothsr Wsudi His l.lHls yset,,,,,,,,,', ty, itimifr Ohl Vim I'retty Ilhia kyed Wll'h..,, IT. f, Ta.r Old flardsn flats ftliei, ,,,,,, W, i,W,tlmm, Jr. Old l'iiltifsri,. ( rhs),, .,, MM Old Barn Oats (Ths),,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,f, (hilwui I'lfiV flirt t4W . tutttfiitm'tttimt J'Iir., ftinl'i it, tl, A, Mr Pun,,,, Ntrangers Vt , 1 . imtn ,..,.,,, it'liirtlui ttlnit,,.,.,,,,.,, ,.,,,,,,,,,,, AM) ny Miirkt Hs-nli tu Ms,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,, ,,,,,, fillllll (Wsmw SN.k-u,.iuif, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, II'. f mkM'in That la lxivn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ll H'lHmmm The Sweetest Tiilis,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Avion AH Thliik uf Ms Nsverfri(ir,,..,.,.,,,,,,,f, ,Oilu Tha Hoy 1 livs. 1 1 (I "f It it t Two try Two,.,,., ....... ..............JVud'i'ii rrt Tha lienrlihl Simgatif llniiis.,,.,, ,,,,,, ftnn$ AM Tha I'asalng liell ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, IlliirUut That 'mini i-y f ,iiialfi,:f 'mule ,,,,,,,,, Vlfint Ijqvui There's a Sllvnf Mulng to Kvsry tikiNd Tetf MsTnily.,,., , ,, ,A M, WniulM4 When Soft rifsa Smile, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,, ((,, a.I ....... if".. , Hiwmit ...,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,''. Wtlil, In., ,,,,,J, k. llbiMllie,,,4, I, ItwttW wiiy 'iiirrii'. iy iivsr,,... When TwIllghKlathers In, will your Heart Iteswnult- Whsn I view His Mnilmr llohlliig,,., ,,,,,,,, Amm W'sI. Iiiiiiiii, Whatof ths NIKhK. A, tlimtut Wall Wall Wall,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,, Sfwllll Won't Villi Tell Ms Why ltlililllt,,,,,,,,,,,.CirfM Whlapsr III tlis'l wlllidit.,,,, ,,,nlli,rtiM.t nn (Ins en-nm tinted Imin-f wllh Sewed tiltidlng, nir, gMfen 1111 III fin t In tunas Its a liiatlus Joy. I'uWlshor's yrh'S Is tl.iro. Our aiWfERS'OBLSB TBO SOAP Atk your Grmyr fos It anl If ha doe not have It. CUT OUT this advertise mcnt and have him order U for you. We manufacture tha h Mowing brands: Pure Family Soap. Floating Soap. Pure Castile Soap. FRIEND " Sawyer's FOR 8ALC BY HARRY C, SAWYER, I BO Steuben St., wiitmo. PITT&BURQH, PA. Wentem Ayenta Adtlrma, Sawyers Soap, 1615 HOWARD 8TREET. OMAHA, NEB. 4 1