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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1898)
THE AMERICAN. i f S i THE WANDERING JEW. ft m k rnmru i.xvi. iltlK The jM-Wii piiinp, by hih intro the omUt of Mon k th the bl V an. Ihtr, u nmmniuf. that the majority th audirnr jmi. no attention h H, r-emnf nil Utir inlrmti f..r the nv in nhich the linn. tamer w In make hit apjrranc, , Mated tlirrctljr cposit the lot in which Fur nght a, Pjalma nn.1 lbw.,Vmrm had jnt ta.rn thfir ar-ats, bady Morinval ioon jx'ireived the arrival of the two prrnonacra, and particularly the limit Ho rrqurtrira of Kof.romHn. Im. mediately, tli young tnarrhinneaa, loaning over toward Mdlle. de Cardovill. lio was ahaorbed in infinirifi inrlTnMc, taid to lrr, laughing: 'My drar, I lie moat amuaing part of tho perform, anr it not upon the age. Ixwk just opposite.' 'Just opposite?1 nnrntnl Adrienne, median.. tally; and, turning toward I.ady Morinval with an air of aurpriae, the glanced in the direction fainted out. She looked what did she tee? -Djalina seated ly the aide of a young woman, who was offering to his sense of unell the perfume of her bouquet. A ma red, struck almost literally to the heart, as by an electric shock, swjft, sharp and painful, Adrienne became deadly pale. From instinct ahe abut her eyes for a second, in order not to see aa men try to waid off the dagger, which, hav. ing once dealt the blow, threatens to strike again. Then suddenly, to this feeling of crief succeeded ft reflection, terrible both to her love and to her wounded pride. 'Djalma is present with this woman, thouch he Must have received my letter,' she said to herself 'wherein he was informed of the happiness that awaited him.' At the idea of so cruel an insult, a blush of shame and indignation displaced Adrienne's paleness, who, overwhelmed by this sad reality, said to herself: "Rodin did not deceive me.' We abandon all idea of picturing the lightning, like rapidity of certain emotions which in a mo ment may torture may kill you in the space of a minute, Thus Adrienne was precipitated from the most radiant happiness to the lowest depths of an abyss of the most heart-rending grief, in less than a second; for a second had hardly elapsed before she replied to Lady Morinval: 'What is thf re, then, so curious, opposite to us, my dear Julia ?' This evasive question gave Adrienne time to recover her self-posseHsion. Fortunately, thanks to the thick folds of hair which almost entirely concealed her cheeks, the rapid and sudden changes from pallor to blush escaped the notice of Lady Morinval, who gaily replied: "What, my dear, do you not perceive those East Indians who have just entered the box immediately oppo site to ours? There, just before us I' Yes, T see them; but what then?' replied Ad rienne, in a firm tone. 'And don't you observe anything remarkable ?' aaid the marchioness. Don't be too hard, ladies laughingly inter posed the marquis; 'we ought to allow the poor foreigners some little indulgence. They are ig norant of our manners and customs; were it not for that, they would never appear in the face of all Taris in such dubious company.' Indeed,' said Adrienne, with a bitter smile, their simplicity is touching; we must pity them.' 'And, unfortunately, the girl is charming, spite or her low drees and bare arms,' said the march ioness; 'she cannot be more than sixteen or sev enteen at most. Look at her, my dear Adrienne; what a pity 1' It is one of your charitable days, my dear Julia,' answered Adrienna; 'we are to pity the Indians, to pity this creature, and pray, whom else are we to pity?' We will not pity that handsome Indian, in liia red-and-gold turban,' said the marquis laugh Ing, 'for, if this goes on, the girl with the chery colored ribbons will be giving him a kiss. See hour the leans toward her sultan.' , 'They are very amusing,' said the marchioness, baring the hilarity of her husband, and looking at Rose.rompon through her glass; then she re sumed, in about a minute, addressing herself to Adrienne: "I am quite certain of one thing. Notwithstanding her giddy airs, that girl is very fond of her Indian. I just saw a look that ex presses a great deal.' 'Why so much penetration, my dear Julia?' said Adrienne, mildly; 'what interest have we to read the heart of that girl ?' , 'Why, if she loves her sultan, she is quite in Ibe right,' said the marquis, looking through his opera-glass in turn; 'for, in my life, I never saw a more handsome fellow than that Indian. I can and (. m an r.m. V v.HMnk j h a ut W il ,M W tW ,,1. lM M U t , ( fu,suA rt M-M the trini leaning UH .U limit j In a tvt .,, ftif 0 ftum ), Vitttd i.... j ,,, k Of tNnrJ!ti w4i at . .. ..,,,..!f i.. .. .1. ... i i . . . I I lifsr t.l ti m !, Ai a ,ik f ait, v,f (.) AhtMnr, 'it i-t f tt H tf..f odn. ' ,tn " nr r I he i d, riaiiiljrtjr tu iViUlV i4 lnbhnw-p my J.., M-k .m,PUitba ..-. I il I: il i ... I . 1 . : . . . . li'K ai .t W, M-l a it a-tually y fw,rd bittrrnc,; ,Keill trl tmt! Ujrtng brr band qmte unerrmiMUiMHlr in br-r i .... j . i - ... , i i "'k. " ' " i m iiiiiiirni inr kii arrival i. lulun huller, to make b,u ah.r. n d,,bt, , U lut , llhll Ul(ll , tt iM,X(,t f(f lhUcUtl1. in iu r murauon oi jou m-ufn, ij,, rVr)jMtf In f t, Pjalma, until now wfUplev with thf tl k , ..... vi Mi oi'iMii- u hhmiimri wiMtn nuve re- marke.1 the preion of bitter iny. tlm Adri. rnuc iIl not a toother diimemble, if niddrnh a hoarse and prolonged roar bad 'not attracted THE CREAT HISTORICAL REVIEW contemplation of the which retntnded him of b'i o uintry, bad remained iiiiennihle to the enticements of Hose Tompon, and bad not j et perceived Adrienne. "Well now ! said Hot, runt pun, bustling herself about in front of the bos, and continuinu to Ularfl nt XIiIHa. iln Cur.lnviDn tr ii tto kl. tint nutrrl.trtii... ut..,.w. i .... appearance of Morok. Kvery eye was now turned that is somelhinff unite out of the common w.v !,l,l,,,c,,VtV toWar,, "vern, situated to tl e -a pretty woman with red hair; but such a swee't ,ft of iU 8lfl0' ml ,,elow Mt,,!p' U 'loviHe a rel, it must be owned. Uok, Prince Charming!' , l R l,,r,U of cttrioki,y ru through the house And so saying, she tapped Djalma lightly on A 8eoona ror. Jf,r-r and more sonorous and ap the shoulder; ho started at these words, turned lrel,J "Piva of more irri'iUi-m than the round, and for the first time perceived Mdlle. de ,,r8t- no roM fro' cave, the mouth of w hich Cardoville. . was halfdiiddeu by artificial brambles, made s Though he had been almost prepared for this "8 tbe ul 0,1 ono 8',,e' At thU 80UU,,. meeting the prince was so violently affected bv 11,6 "S1'""" stood up in his little box. v ' - j it, that he was ubout involuntarily to rise, in a At these ferocious bowlings, Djalma nlso had state of the utmost confusion; but he felt tho iron started, notwithstanding the frenzy of love, hute nana oi ranngnea law noaviiy on his shoulder, and jealousy, to which he was a prey. The and hoard him whisper in Hindostanee: 'Cour- sight of this forest, and the roarings of the pan ago! and by tomorrow she will be at your feet. titer, filled him with deep emotion, for they re As Djalma still struggled to rise, tho half-caste called the remembrance of his country, and of arlln.l Ia iioii.L !,!.. T.... ...... .1.. l.lilmun nnmt 1, ...I.:,. 1. 1:i. .. i. .1 '""-'i " tvoimiii nun. uuaii now, biio grew pais '""" h,vnv wiiH'u,iiKe wur, nave meir own niul rml with iAalnns V, ufnlna . n : I fprrililn pvpilonmiif ri:..l,.,o'a V.l.,.l i :.. .... jvaivuoji W ncoUCN VI nit 19 v.vivvMivii.i f JDIlua 9 UIUMU 111 lostl' his veins. His eyes sparkled with a wild ardor. 'So 1 there you are again, talking your dreadful Leaning a little forward, with both hands pressed gibborish,' said Rose-Pompon, turning round on tllfl front of the box, his whole body trembled toward Faringbea. First of all, it is not polite; with a convulsive Bhuddor. The audience, the and then the language is so odd, that one might theater, Adrienne herself, no longer existed for suppose you were cracking nuts.' 1i; bo was in a forost of his own lands, track- I spoke of you to my master,' said the half- g tho tiger, caste; 'he is preparing a surprise for you.' Then there mingled with his beauty so intrepid 'A surprise? oh ! that is different. Only make and ferocious an expression, that llose-Pompou haste-do you hear, Trince Charming I' added looked ut him with a sort of terror and passion she looking tenderly at Djalma. ate admiration. For the first time in her life. 'My heart is breaking,' said Djalma, in a hoi- perhaps, her pietty blue eyes, generally so gay low voice to Faringbea, still using the language and mischievous, expressed a serious emotion. i . She coulJ ,,ot explain what she felt; but her But tomorrow it will bound with joy and lovo,' heart seemed tightened, and beat violently, as answerod the half-casto. 'It is only by disdain though some calamity were at hand. M,.,Jvuini, gUUiucrii prouu woman, jomor- v:i.i:.. . . . i t i . row, I tell you. she will be tremhl in it. rnnfiisw1 ' ' supplicating at your feet I' 'Tomorrow, she will bate me liko death I' re plied the prince, mournfully. 'Yes, were she now to see you weik and cow ardly. It is now too late to draw back; look full at her, take the noseay from this girl, and raise it to your lips. Instantly, you will see yonder woman, proud as she is, grow pale and red, as just now. Then will you believe me?' Reduced by despair to mako almost anv attnmnt. and fascinated, in spite of himself, by ihe diabol t.:... -r t,' i t. i . . nuns ui rarniguea, ijaima IOOK0U for a second full at Mdlle. de fWr vill , w w,h.,,,mv vnviif ttivu ni trembling hand he took the bouquet from Hose- tory Has No Competitor. r... i i i . i i . . . . .1 " uii.jmu, uuu, again looxmg ai Aurienne, pressed . u to his lips. Agents Wanted."-ioS!iaui Upon this insolent bravado. Mdlle. de Cardo. to hnii. n ppi,tornti'i!igi' ville could not restrain so sudden and visible a LEW FNr,ANn rA nanir. thai thn nrin ,. l. u NtW tGUND I UBLISH G CO., I n t ------ w-f i . v ij en u v rv t'j 4 She is yours,' said the half-caste to him. 'Did you see, my lord, how she trembled with jealousy? Only have courage 1 and she is yours. 8he will soon prefer you to that handsome young man be hind her for it is ho whom sho bus hitherto fancied herself in love with.' As if the half-caste had guessed tho movement , of raco and hatred which this revnlntl nil tt'nnlil excite in the heart of the prince, he hawtily added, .,osl Scribes the rates ai 'Calmness and disdain! Is it not his turn now to ' C ' l ate you?' DR. WITHERS The prince restrained himself, and drew his Is doing all kinds of Denta) hand across his forehead, which glowed with Work, anger. g Teeth ia 00 !, . . Bot Sot Teeth 7 60 'There now! what are vou tellincr him that Gold Fiiiin 11.00 and ud Vexes him AO?' uniil Unan I'nmnnn tn li'nri With nnnfillff lin Tlinn aMrnauin fit.i!..iU ttl.A continued: 'Come, Prince Charming, as they say rt' out in the morning. in the fairy tale, give me back my flowers NW 0no" Sam0 Ua' It is hardly necossary to say that Adrienne's , 11 orK " aD0Ul UALF wllR' letter had not been delivered to the prince, and o l;r Jentist. Charge, that he had not gone to pas, the day in the coun- uZTvuTT16 try with Marshal Simon. During the three days m' I f m I ' n,L in which Montbron had not seen Djalma. Farine- ci.fT ??S?5. lr0WJ? Blk" i i 1 , , . . .. . , lt - u iougiaa oireeis "v liuvi 'Ciauncu 111111,1,1111,, ijjf nilUL llU UIIUI HUT passion, he would bring Mdlle. do Cardovillo to terms. Adrienne, before the princo rocognizod her telt her strength failing her and was on the point of quitting the theatre, but when she saw herself recognized by Djalma, she found a sort of Dr. ed bait dM ri'ird, M rvk u- rr rd in n.bbtiMi a tm- and l.nijj q iPt full f no. It loly drsoru led t ie I. hp of piitr l' rok ahivh came l'pig dow 1 t jrd i' cen- U r f tbf U. FriHti lime t tim bo nonned a if to litlen, and pirri I ti a ir nice wi-h rau. lion. Ikiiig frtun oiip i le to the uther, bis eyes iuvidunUrilf ncuinterd tlie biri!. men eyes of the F.njjlisbman, who bo ua rbno to lit cavern. Instantly the Hon tmer's counten. ance was contracted in frightful a ii.auner that a 1 . 1 ! ii-i ui miranru ur? was coturarteu in so rrightful a ii.aunpr that ., ...... . . ' ' xniillllinu mill VIUSPIV .ii.lkt. .... ...I... l..l I : . 1 . - I . ;. 1 .1 . .1 ... . . . r. j u .Miivr, nuHrranrni quue iiiuuiereni! wiin me nut or a power ul gla s, ouid basilily to to the scenes intended for an introduction t the Adrienne: 'My dear, the man fr A misfortune will happen.' How can accidents happen,' aaid Adrienne, with a sardonic auiile, 'in the midst of bril. hunt crowd, 0 well dressed and full of animation! Misfortunes here, this evening! why, dear Julia, you d not think it. It is in darkness and soli tude that misfortunes come inver in the midst of a j iyous crowd, and in all this blaze of light.' 'Good gracious, Adrienne! take care!' cried the marchioness, unable to repress un exclamation of alarm, and seizing her arm, as if to draw her closer do you not see it?' And, with a trembling hasd sho pointed to the cavern's mouth. Adrienno hastily bent forward, and looked in the direction. 'I axe care, do not lean so forward!' exclaimed Lady Morinval. Your terrors are nonsensical, my dear,' said the marquis to his wifo. 'The panther is securely chained; and even were it to break its chain (which is impossible,), we are here beyond its reach.' A 1 . . .11? . .. . v lung murmur 01 ireinoiing curiosity nere ran through tho house, and every eye was intent ly fixed 011 the cavern. From amongst the arti ficial brambles, which she abruptly pushed aside with her broad chest, the black panther suddenly appeared. Twice she stretched forth her flat bond, illumed by yellow, flaming ees; then.balf- opening hor blood-rod jaws, she uttered another roar, and exhibited two rows of fo-midable fangs. A double iron chain, and a collar also of iron. painted black, blended with the darkness of the cavern. The illusion was comnlote. and the ter. . -Ml.. 1 . 1 . 1 .1 nuiw Biurnai seemeu 10 uo at nueriy in nor don. To be Continued. Outwent History, Aa Illustrated Quartet ly Magazine. 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