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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1898)
THE AMERICAN price fivk cents. Number 28. "AMERICA FOR AMERICANS. We hold that all men are A Mercians who Swear Allegiance to the lnitetl Slate without a mental reservation. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FKIDAY, JULY S, 1SJS. ROMAN SISTERS STEAL HIS BRIDE. A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Volume VIII. Mary Newman Confined in New Orleans House of the Good Shepherd The Day She Was to Have Married A lip-jut Brown and August Has ('one Into Court and Procured a A W rit for Her. We take the following article from the New Orleans Dally Item of Friday, July 1: A romance that will have an airing before the courts was brought to public notice this afternoon by the filing of a 'writ of habeas corpus before Judge J. C. Moise of the Criminal District court by Judge L. P. Paquet, attorney for a prospective groom named August Brown. Brown was employed at the Charity Hospital as fireman, and Miss Mary Newmann was engaged in the same institution in domestic work. The two were thrown into each other's company frequently and formed a warm attachment for each other. They agreed to get married today and were to leave for the home of the prospective groom In Philadelphia when the mar riage knot was tied, but the fates de creed it otherwise. The writ of habeas corpus applied for today, which was made returnable this afternoon at 4 o'clock, reads as fol lows: To the Honorable Criminal District court in and for the Parish of Orleans The petition of the State of Louisiana on relation of August Browu, of this parish, respectfully represents: That his affianced wife and betrothed Miss Mary Augusta 'Cecilia Newaann, or Neumann, aged 22 years, is n6w Il legally detained and deprived of her liberty in theiHouse of the Good Shep herd In this city, and by the sister or mother superior in charge of said in ttitution, without any warrant, legal right or color of commitment from any court or common authority of this par ieb or state. That your petitioner and said Miss Augusta Cecilia Newmann, or Neu mann, were to be married today (July 1, 1898); that they were both working lng in the Charity Hospital of this city, your petitlonerer as fireman and the latter as domestic; that they agreed to quit their places of employment on June 30, 1898; that in accordance there' with, the said agreement, your peti tioner quit his place of employment on June 30, 1898, and when his affianced wife attempted to quit her employment likewise, TWO OP THE SISTERS OP THE CHARITY HOSPITAL, whose names are unknown, WITHOUT LEGAL RIGHT AND AUTHORITY OR WARRANT IN LAW, 1LLEG ALLY AND FORCIBLY DETAINED THE SAID MISS NEWMANN in the Charity Hospital, AND, on June 30, about 3 o'clock p. m., AGAINTS HER WILL, BROUGHT HER TO THE CONVENT OP THE GOOD SHEP HERD, where she is now DETAINED AND DEPRIVED OP HER LIBER TY AGAINST HER WILL AND CONSENT. Relator avers that Miss Newmann is 22 years of age and not a minor or inter diet and prays that the writ be made absolute and Mies Newmann released Are lou Aware! Let every American read Seline Clewett's rehearsal of her suffering, misery and ill-treatment while incar cerated within that walledin prison pen of the Roman Catholic church in St. Paul, Minn., which stands today in the light of human intelligence as a mockery upon civilized Christianity. American mothers! why not look to the welfare of your daughters? Are you not aware that more than eleven thousand women and girls are shut in from God's glorious sunlight to spend their days in menial drudgery or bo' come the meant of appeasing the lust Hill ! fts v4 m mmmmmm mm Hf fwai mm.mmwm&m ; mm? urn vm&i wa - ful passions of a debauched and licen tious priesthood. Mothers, do not allow this Roman octopus to so entwine its deadly coils about your daughters that they are drawn into darkness to be deprived of light, liberty and intellectual freedom. Why not demand for them their con stitutional libertj? Ask that every female captive incarcerated in these walled-in prison pens of ignorance and blind superstition be returned to light, liberty and intelligence. Why not attempt, through your Christian En deavor societies, to break the shackles of spiritual slavery which has teen rivited on the fair daughters by a de ceitful and arrogaLt priesthood. Mother?, would it not be wise to keep within reach such books as will show Rome in all its past blackness? Surely history has already recorded enough of Rome's dreadful work to forever stamp the youthful mind with an ab horrence of everything Romish. Fear not the perusal of Convent Life Un veiled, written by Edith O'Gorman, The Black Nunnery (the writer has stood within its crumbling walls, and relatives have left behind them sad tales of woe), Father Chinlquy's "Fifty Years In the Church of Rome," and other books offered for sale by The American. Education of the youth along this line will do more to keep them out of Romish bondage than pa rental instruction. Let each child read Rome's vile and bloody history and you need not fear, they will not desire to follow after the beast. Mothers, any action taken by you for the protection of your daughters against the deceltfulness of Rome will meet with the hearty approval of every true American, who will stand by you as they now stand by the heritage handed down to them by our noble ancestors. Use your christian influence in behalf of Seline Clewett who, for the fourth time, has brought Rome before the bar of justice, seeking damBges for ill-treat ment and for robbing her of her const! tutional liberty. Ask that she give her experience while incarcerated in that Romi.-h prison pen to the public, that your own daughteri may read and learn. Is it not tad to contemplate that in this land of freedom, where the law 'attftV! . rt provides prisons for transgressors o the law, the Roman church seeks to over-ride the guarantees of" the consti tution by providing prisons for such as may be found guilty, in her judgment. Who knows the depth of misery and anguish suffered by the girls whom Rome haa Imprisoned? Atsomefuture day our own children, or you or I may learn its depth. Throw open the doors of those Infern al dens of iniquity; let God's sunlight permeate and purify every cell where moldering decay sends forth its foul stench under the name of the "holy church." American. Stand by Your (inns. Now is the time for patriots to work Oar brave soldiers in front are break ing the despotic papal power that has enslaved and slaughtered Cubans and cursed every other people where It has predominated. Let it not be forgotten that this inf jrnal pagan josult political power is in our midst plotting the des truction of our free American Institu tions. Let it be known that the pre tended loyalty of Romanists in this war with Spain is but the kiss of a Judas to betray, and that John Ireland (the pope's second fiddle) and Tom Sherman the Jesuit may not be trusted where the interests of their church are involved, unless they are better than their creed and their moral theology require. Equivocation, mental reser vation and perjury are now taught in approved Roman Catholic theology in our midst, and I hereby defiantly chal lenge John Ireland of Minnesota to dis prove the fact. Now let us have no dodging the issue. Silence is assent, to him discussion is ruin. He may at tempt to wheedle pseudo Protestants by pretended loyalty to our free Amer ican institutlors, but he cannot refute approved Roman theology and facts in history. Keep the camp fires burning bright ly. Let every loyal citizen take and circulate at least one patriotic paper. Let no one excuse himself since the price of a Ave cent cigar per week will pay for it and the cost of three cigars per day will pay for more than 20 pa pers for one year. Turn on the search lights of the presF, pulpit and forum. Demand that the Hibernian Itifki and vnir :' f- - other Roman Catholic military organ izations in our midst be disarmed, otherwise that true patriots be per mitted to arm fcr mutual defence, of person, property, sta'.e and nation. These secret Roman Catholic mili tary organizations under control of the Roman clergy are a menace to all loyal citizens. All Roman coBfeselonals should be suppressed with brothels and places of '.restitution, and all prison pens for American daughters such as convents or so-called Houses of the Good Shepherd subjected to rigid In spection or suppressed as in violation of statute provision. Now, John Ireland, speak or ever af terward hold your peace. Rev. J. G. White, Stanford, 111. Where Are They. It ia very Important to know, as a na tion, who are the enemies of the nation. I was talking with a man yesterday, and I have no reaton whatever to doubt his word on any subject; and he said that the Roman Catholic priest in the town a few miles distant, told him that the Instructions from the leaders of the Roman Catholic church favor Spain, but to have the outside world have the impression that they were for the United States. My informant said he was intimate with the priest and also very intimate with the priest and also very Intimate with some families who were members of his church. If the Roman Catholics are secret enemies and spies, the sooner the government knows it the better. If Ireland Is a leader of spies in this country, he should not be permitted to be trotting around loose about the White House. If Martinelli is a spy fcr the Spanish government, through the pope, he should be given his passports and it should be determined who among the Roman Catholics think more of the pope and Spain than they do of the United States. There are many who are ready to turn their hacks upon the old pope and let him severely a'one with his peculiar notions about relig ion, God and man. HAY A. Ask the newsdealers in you town for this paper. Have your friends also en quire. Help tpread the truth. AUSTRIA STANDS BY SPAIN TODAY. A Toast at a Havana Ban quet by One of Francis Joseph's Officers Caused a Writer In the Chicago Tribune to go Hark a Third of a Century and Study History. About the time war with Spain was declared a cable message was received In this country announcing that at a banquet given by Gen. Bianco in the city of Havana, Capf. Kelwig, of the Austrian navy, pledged Spain the sup port of Austria. The Chicago Tribune, in commenting on the speech, had this to say: At a banquet given by Capt. Gen. Blanco at Havana to the officers of the Austrian cruiser Donau, and the offi-! cers of the Vizcaya and the Oquendo, Bianco proposed a toast to the Emperor Franz Josef. Then, says the cablegram, occurred the startling event of the evening. Captain Kelwig of the Donau arose and said: "I propose the health and long life of her Majesty, the Queen Regent of Spain, and of her august son, Alfonso XIII., King of Spain. Austria can never forget Maximilian and his fate. As heretofore, Austria stands beside Spain." The toast was received with intense enthusiasm by the Spaniards, and the incident has since acquired a moment ous importance as intimating that Aus tria would be an ally of Spain If war should occur between Spain and this country. The Austrian cruiser has now ar rived at New York, and its acting com mander, Lieut. Ludwig Ritter von Hohrel, of the Donau, enters a positive denial that he made such a speech at the Havana banquet. As the lieuten ant was an uuknown quantity at the banquet, and it was Capt. Kelwig who was reported to have made the speech, there scemt to us no doubt that the in cident was truthfully reported In the cablegram referred to. It must be borne in mind that the Queen Regent of Spain Is an Austrian and that Austria has always attributed Maximilian's fate to this country's re fusal to intervene to cave the Austrian Archduke's life. Pro-Spanish senti ment In Austria and a hatred toward our country are therefore national characteristic and Austrian diploma cy is sure to Intervene in the councils of Europe In favor of Spain. Over thirty years have gone by since the day Maximilian met his fate on Mexican soil, and the recalling of the story of the past proves that the United States government and the American people were neither heartless nor vengeful in spirit, and that the estab libhmentof an empire in Mexico was a threat, not alone against a republican form of government but against the Monroe doctrine. Long before the civil war broke out In America Napoleon III., the ambi tious ruler of France, had laid his plans to establish an empire founded oa Eu ropean methods in Mexico, and only waited for an opportunity which would give him an apparently justifiable ex cuse for intermeddling in Mexican af fairs. The opportunity soon arrived. Mex ico had always been a country of per petual revolutions. Santa Anna had been unseated by Juarez, the country was heavily in debt, principally to France, Spain, and England. For years no Interest had been paid on either government or private bonds and foreign bondholders complained bitter ly to their governments and in the gen eral confusion existing in the country all manner of wrongs called loudly for redress. Napoleon at once grasped the situa tion. Claiming that Mexico under Juarez had now an established govern ment, the Emperor proposed to Eng land and Spain that a fleet represent ing the three countries should be sent to the coat of Mexico and an allied force landed, and that a demand should be made on Mexico for their common wrongs. On the face of it, this was a harmless Continued on Page 4.