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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
THE AMERICAN Fifty Years in the Church of Rome A . v i. ' w . ? . v . - ; . i A .. ; " f- .y. Lav BY. KEV. CHARLES CHIXIQUY, TOGETHER WITH $2.00 THE AMERICAN For the Balance of 1898, for The price of ibe bonk alone at reUll is 12 25 hut you pet Wta the hook ard the paper for 12 00. Send in your orJers ACCOMPANIED BY THE CASH to AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, KM 5 Howard Street, - - - - - OMAHA, NEB. Is Marriage a Failure? $1.00 Popular Medical, ttSi Science A Sensible Book for Curious People-A Useful Book for Everyone IT XIV TOBB'S MOST CKIEBBATKD MEDICAL iCTHOK ADD SPECIALIST. DB. B. B. FOOTE. Of Course You Want to Know What Everybody Ought to Know. The Yocno iiow to choose the best one to marry; The Married how to be happy in marriage; The Fond Parent how to have prizo babies; The Mother how to have them without pain ; The Childless-how to be fruitful and multiply; The Ci-riocs how they 'crowed'' and came to be; The Healthy how to enjoy life and keep well; The Invalid how to get well again speedily ; The Impri dent how to regain wasted energy. All who want knowledge that ia of most worth Find it in Dr. Foote's "Plain Home Talk," 1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 36 col. plates; 200 recipes. ft.A6E8 ALL CLASSES) A BOOK FOR THE MASSES t REALLY rOUR GREAT BOOKS IN ONE LARGE VOLUME. Hit t diseases and their causes, prevention and curl nr B.-CHRONIC diseases of all sorts, and AU PARTS, INCLUDING "PRIVATE" FOR BOTH SEXES WIT IH. PLAIN TALK ABOUT CONJUGAL RELATIONS, ERRORS, REFORMS) MARRIAGE IN ALL COUNTRIES. ttRT W, IMPROVEMENT OF MARRIAGE) A GUIDE FOR THE MARRIED AND ALL WHO HOPE EVER TO BE. Contain over 200 prescription for relief tnd cur of (cut and chronic ditordert common to adult and children! complete table of antidote to poiionti llluttratod roction for reutcitating tho drowntdi hygienic rule for th car f Infant. J APPEHDIX; Tin TT J TTYIT S r tim riohn-M of thia book ami th satiafactloo It fflvea tothoughfuL UU A AJLli lUmfl earnest and wuely myu.nfu ptoplt can be properly stated here. lOFXaATSS. 30 CHROmOS. to bit or Man anal of Wnmant Tht (Main of Llfrt Mas frnm th Ri iiium af tha "" mrrr r.iraani niur a-iaira uk ana nurmi umaui r.iiu.1 ,i wu-tmt i,r iiBmrni iz vvivfiDfr, Bv a uior i umufrapoy, in ne loiora. 800 XXXVamUTZOMB. ,7 ft At You Well? OOD HEALTH tt Tun tmoo too ttfrlly ulltrhird. Ttitxw forunmtciy tliun dowvd fniu t-irili urn apt to hr rei'tiU Mi uf llielr he rnnff. It ts bm ? to lutw or liiul t U tlmi hukv tv UttWi nr h im enotiBli to aru how to mattitaln it. Thin all ran do lv n ailing "Plain Home 1'alk" on the riuw of oia '. frmri In tlii(,raIH'H, fct'MHlf nirat t-aiinff, tra ami tN.fff'C ririnktiikf, the ami thnm of al)h. .. tlie 1 ml IikIus of (iilMrvti, ttitt rirvvalftirn f rrrnrt of Ytn thftt nBflf rmln Tlfror of manlMHxl- a ha our Ctt cani bf read and he-d-d tttoravt riv. Thf mh'ro the ntiimrouiR of adult, the toWi o lmhtt niwo, tltiht-lacliiR In w.mmi. ptc, etc., and the all oerful ciiatoma of fcH-U tv wht'whv nmnv of the of both exca are dtmed t"aorlnl ntnrva. tinn. Thla chapter ahoara why thuithtU!! yonr.n foiit ifo astrav, bow prontittnu a bn if i'" ot why It will not down, linw its hmifful iUm wi oonvrred to tli "Innoocut" uiot itartliun aud feiLportant facta to know. The iraul t of mad ttw for wealrri, rt ovrr Jpnrit, oxrr-tihlr, faiiur- in huiuw, tlio fart that trralto In the hask of wealth nut r tvrwi and th 'oa aud eftVeta of h.rrtMo mrtancliolv ths r ail iiiaitert It would btj well for yoa lo tuluic over. Are You III? TTIEV rnn mr Indfpd a mrf men (f yu ar not enxiou u Iwrn how It rime about, nhai'e the liwtttr ttiut vbHi'e to rtoue. wiiihrr It N "-only a colli." a chronic catarrh, or aomfihlna; more M-rloue that baa "aritlrd on tlir lnnaM In tronrliitie or conamuimon. tho eoon.-r yon find out how wriou It . amt what to do for yourm-if thrlK-tirr. If yon must learn "how to live with one Iuhk" the carllrr you ert thla kuuir1ele th loutrfr you w 11111 ve. Or. nmv be your iftrucuiar weak apot fa In the nrcr, etoniach or bowel. Then yon can make no nOfttiitA In Ipnrnjii (hi. Nt IrSetbOdaotrWulatlnir theae vital finctlorja. If yuu re full of arhea, ealna, neuraUia or rhruma. eiana. It will u-niy pay to look up the way toahake t.w off. Surely yoa can't want to ni-gltvt the tinid ttue aTmptoma or Brlghte ejlaraaf, or other de tractive dlaeaaea of Ui "irfnlto-urinarT oryann," and yoa better become posted on uoh ihlucre aa tOBOrrb(t.trlctureand worae forma of rontaainna ataeaaea "by the boon than bv experience. The Sicted will rea4 with avidity all alKMit linpotency, barrenneta, dlw-awa of woim o. orrvoua, nreela, paralysle, akin dlaraaea. atrofaia, etc. lt, TraKklit, one boots cannot cover "all the ilia that Sean ta belr to,w and therefore to nuee tU faction, lr. F&ott anihoriMet tht aHnnttneewfitt anir pur "oaoaer of "P. H. T." tekofaiu lo tnd in tfwAil eei aaay con tuft him n pf no or h Mier, truhnnt Aorn, ard theiMuiry will be asawered to Ute beat arfhiaabUltJ. ,. Are You Engaged ? nil norma; tonai Set, herhapa. Wen, ont nurry; and make Do mliuke. It la ao w to get In and ao dliliciilt to pet out, that it la well worth while to "be aure you are rivht before yoa go ahead." There la no book ao helpful In enabling you to aelect wleely aa "Plata Home Talk." Yoa can learn something from other's mletakee. The lllatorr of Mar riage uf all klnda. In aiicountriea.tne rnrl one etperlmenta acme nation a have made, ancient ami uiiNlern, harbaroua and civilized, help ua to know what hot to do. The aexual Immorality growing out of utiatttlHtled nature and marriaye nilanta, the history of proalitulion, tta prevalence, allurements, danger, r-iilta, theetlorta of rehglona and asceticism to sub. due and control the dominant pawlon all theae attidl. leaare fruitful In Indicating pllfnlla lo avoid. On the other hand chapters on adaption In marriage piivsleal, nieutal and niagnetlv on early marriage, Intenuarrlak'e, eloi'tnentu, etc., etc., aid the reader to make a good match, select baiplly for home and off spring, to avoid "Lucifer Matches' and toeacape the rat trap and lottery kinds of marriage. Are You Married? TI1ERE are chap ters equally uaelul In shu itig you "how to be happy though married." Many tnarritd neo pie would pret along retter If Ihey knew bow to adapt them eetvea to each other, and would try to un derstand one an other's needa. They ought to read what Tlain Home Talk" aas alMit the true philosophy of Inter courae, the "natur al rrtationa of the a'ies,"the influence on health and evil of peTverafone, "the wormwood that enibittera aoclal life." etc., etc. Many will find much satisfaction In the chapter on barren nraa whk h baa been the means of great Joy to many a childless pair, aiding them to discover and remove the olietacle. Others like Ita unique "eaaya for married people" treating of equal ity, sleeping apart, eiceaa, moderation. Jealousy, In. difference, prevention, continence, food for preg. nant women, the explanation of child-making, why children of second hualtand reaemhle Ihe hrat, etc., etc. In short, men and women hesitate to talk with then? home phyhiclan concerning many delicate eola tions that perplex them and that they really need to understand, and which thla book will enlighten them on but remember that if U Juiltnla themttthor etrmdt rwujg to mnl r up for (Ac oniwirm hy rtpiutag jrmoj cuarg u tptaat ieuert V enquiry. a , c-yKsdb TiONT TTTTTJTT yn ,,re'y "sonl'Bl,1l' 'fc lt"or"JtjtM (rood" Hnndrerta ha Z x A lv declared that It 1 "peculiar lo tue(f," andor oiead of all oiber worka. Ill 1NXI HI llilwK I Mnattniaworitiiorrered lor tfsotm trurtaric merit and fv'i-' A vlvULli diatrlboted tn clrniporm to adreruae proprietary medic TFftTTATOVT A T ot moht entnuiatlc kind from aI countries where ken, would, even In small type, fill to pages of thla sue. utility, and not medicines. here Engllah la ipo- TESTIMONIALS PROKKSSTnXAT,,nenof " cl. cltrevmen, doctor g. lavyrrt, nlitort, crlUci. hare iiOUiv.tiitj1!en flattering endoraeaieoi; remarkably few critical. ej. , POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mall. 8 1 .60 American Publishing (p. WHAT -TO In the Year iqoo Rome Will ak This Country and Keep It Meeker. The New wiFiatiThnt Krlitru Mlx-Hj UOnly Fnliirel I nlil tlieOjiint Mt ran ll l ilt int I'flWt without D. jtirf tn the lmin ( liurrb. Education outald of tn Tathollc Church la a damnable heresy. Pope Plu IX. Education must be controlled br Catholic authorities, even to war and bloodshed. Catholic World. I frankly confess that the Catholics stand before the country as the ene mies of the public schoola. Father Phelan. I would as soon administer sacra ment to a do- as to Catholics who aend their children to public schools -Father Walker. The public schools bae produced nntblnc; but a godless feneration of thieves aDd blackguards. Father Rchaner. It will be a glorious day In this eonntry when under the laws the school system will be shivered to pieces. Catholic Teleirraph. The public schools are nurseries of vice: they are godless and nnless sup pressed will prove the damnation of thl country. Father Walker. We must take part tn the elections, move In a solid mass In every state scalnst the party pledred to sustain the Interrlty of the public schools. McCloskey. The common schools of this country are sinks of moral pollution and nur series of hell. Chicago Tablet. The time Is not far away when the Roman Catholic Church of the Re public of the United States, at the order of the Pope, will refuse to ray their school tax. and will send bullets to the breasts of the rovemraent sgents rsther than pay it. It will come oulckly at the click of a trleeer, .nd will be obeyed, of course, as com ing from Almlarhty God. Mgr. Capel. "We hate Protestantism: we dotest It with onr whole heart and soul." Catholic Visitor. "No man baa a rleht tn choose his religion." ArehblshoT) Hugr-e in Freeman's Journal, Jan. W. 152. "Tf Catholics ever gain sufficient nu merical malorlty In this country. r lleloua fraednrr "d." Cath Mle Shepherd of the Vallev, Nov. 83. 18M. "Protestantism, of every form, has not. and never can have any rleht where Catholleltv Is trlumnhant." TV. O. A. Prnwnson's Catholic Review. June. 1R51. "We have taken this principle for a hasls: That the Catholic rellsrlon wltri all Ita rlehts. orient to be exclusively dominant. In such sort, that every other worship hall be banished and Interdicted." Plus IX. In bis allocu tion to a Consistory of Cardinals. Sentember. 1RK1. "Protestantism why. we should draw and auarter It. and hang up the crow's meat. We would tear It with nlncers and fire It with hot Irons! Fill 't with molten leaa and sink It In hell fire one hundred fathoms derp." Father Phelan. Editor Western Watch man. "Religious Hnertv Is merely endur ed until the opposite side can be car ried Into effect, without peril to the Catholic Church." Bishop O'Con nor. The Roman Catholic Is to wield his vote for the purpose of securing- Cath olic ascendency In this country." Father TTecker, In the Catholic World, Julv. 1870. "Undoubtedly it la the Intention of the Pope to possess this country. In this Intention he Is aided bv the Jes uits and Catholic prelates and priests." Rrownson's Catholic Review, July, 184. When a Catholic candidate Is on a ticket and his opponent Is a non Catholic, let the Catholic candidate have the vote, no matter what he rep resents." Catholic Review. July. 1894. "In case of conflicting laws between the two powers, the laws of the church must prevail over the state." PI'i IX. Syllabus 1864. "We hold the stare to be onlv an Inferior court, receiving Its authority from the church and liable to have Its decrees reversed upon appeal." Rrownsnn's Essays, p. 282. "We do not accept this government or hold it to be any e-overnraent at all, or as capable of performing any of the proper functions of government. If the American government Is to be sus tained and preserved at all. It must he by the rejection of the principles of the Reformation fthat Is. the gov ernment by the people!, and the ac ceptance of the Catholic prtnctnle. which Is the government of the pone." Catholic World, September. 1871. "T acknowledee no civil power." Cardinal Manning, speaking In the name of the Pope. S. R. S.. 1873. The Pope, as the head and mouth piece of the Catholic Church, admin isters Its discipline and Issues orders to which every Catholic under pain of sin must yield obedle ."Cath olic World, of August. 18fi8. "In 19f)0 Rome will take this coun try and keep It" Priest Hccker. "The will of the Pope is the supreme law of all lands." archblshoD Ire land. We have plenty of the issue of Jan uary 28, containing the exposure of Rome's plot to take this country by the sword. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $2. 500 for 7.60; 1.000 for $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends? You should! They should not sleep longer. We have plenty of the Issue of Jan uary 28, containing the exposure of Rome's plot to take this country by the sword. Ten fo SO cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $2. 500 for $7.50; 1.000 for $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends? You should! They should not sleep longer. Admirers of James O. Blaine can ob tain of ua a beautiful history of that eminent statesman. Price, $1.00. Americas Pub. Co., Omaha, Neb. Union Elevated Loopi Chicago It runs on Van Buret. St directly in front of the - Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Station j Haaaeogere arriving In Chicago can. by thi ne I'oluD Klemted Loop, reach ai y part of the city; or. for a Be cent fare, can oe taker, ! itu mediately to an; of the large aturea la the down town district. All Kleea'ed TraJne will atop at the "KoCk Island" -tatlon. Trainievery minute Tese facilities can only e offered h tb "CltKAT KOCK lLAM KOUTE." I If you will aend a 2 cent atamp for pottage ( we will mall you at onr e a new bird a eye vlea ( f ( hlcago, Juat ttaued In Ue colore, which I shows you juat wlial you want to know about j t-nicago ana the new lAiop ana fcievatea t-ys-teut. 1 b e map you abould Care, whether you lire out of the city and meet tocctoe to It or whether you live lo Chicago and you or y cur friends contemplate making a trip Addreaa JOHN SEBASTIAN, O. P. A.. 2-17-f Cb'cago BUGLE PEALS! OR Department Store Prices Best describes the rates at which DR. WITHERS Is doing all kinds of Dental Work. Set Teeth.. B5 00 Best Set Teeth 7 60 Gold Fillings 11.00 and up Silver Fillings 1 00 Gold Crowns 5 00 Teeth Extracted 25 Teeth out lit the mornfn.r Aew Ones Some Day. All work at about Half what other Dentists Charge. 16 Ybars' Experience 16 Dr. WITHERS, Dentist; Fourth Floor Brown Blk. Sixteenth and Douglus Streets TELEPHONE 1775 -fa a jwv.a?at'.T. 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Pittsinger is a j-o-t of rare ability, especially in the realm of true patroitism. Her v .hune e-ntitled "Bug'e Teals" contains the spirit and sentiment of the highest form of American s n, a id the "grand and awful times." in which we live. These po ms consiitute a clarion call 'or the defense of American citizenship an 1 American institutions Bguinst the world." J. Q. A. Henry. Pastor Li S.lle Ave. Bptl-t Church, Cbicair, II!. If yi u win, to tretthe uatrlotUm and renew your love of the Litile K?d School H us ; If you want tJ commune with gifted spirit, my and rl h-'s po"n'. Prlv, 2 c -n. AdiresaiToa Vnircat Jim COMBNT HORRORS AND SECRETS 9 CONFESSIONAL. BY R. L. KOSTELO. Tela book U one of latest additions to the Antl-Roman literature, but is amon? the best that has yet been written. It deals with tbe confessional and other practices of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as tbe political intrigue of tbe Jesui s, in a clear, concise manner. Tbi boo It is now on sale, in paper cover at SO CENTS, hy AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., '615 Howard Street, OMAHA. NEB. Americanism or Romanism, Which? pa If JOHN T.CHRISTIAN, P.O. Cloth. 280 Pages. PRICE $1.00 AGENTS WANTED "Picturesque and able." Tte CongregationoU "It ought to bo put In our public schools as a text-book." Xorth Carolina Bay "Tha book is of great value." TVeslcyan ZtcOiodist. We will sent;ihis book postpaid on receipt of price; or, for 92 00 we will send "THE AMERICAN" ONE YEAR together with the book. AMERICAN PUBLISHING C ,f 1615 HowarJ St.. f Omaqa. DO YOU WANT . . . Bishop Coxe's -MHsSatolli Letters BS TITLED The Jesuit Party in American Polities Exposed and Expounded, bein a series of eight letters written by BISHOP A. CLEVE LAND COXE, of Buffalo, New York, to the Papal Ablegate. This little pamphlet contains 72 pages of excellent patriotic literature. Price, 20 Cn:s psr Single Copy, postpaid $10 per 100 Copies, F. O. B. Cash Must Accompay all Orders. AAVSRICAK rUBtlSHlKS CO. Edith O'Gorman's CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED, $1.25