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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
THE AMERICAN. THE AMERICAN rVBUSHKO WEKKLY. PUBPt-KimON HATES: By mAil, r" Annum. 3 00 lnvrmt.l in AJn-. Komi I ht V O or K.i;w- "'"J,?""': Pnk lr! o ih AMK.HH AN H HI.WI. ISO IV Fuhliklwr, Ittlft Howard BUr.t Onutb. Nob. JOHN C. THOMPSON, - - Editor. W. C. KKU-EV, - " Mnr C OMAHA. NEH . JULY I, lH Omaha's annual fire and police beard squabble t bow in full bliut The Irish do not seem to be wlunlng an; of our Utile this year? No patriot can afford to compromise with popery for either oflloe or buslnea No idad who bends the knee to either Rome or Rosewater cao hare the tup- port if thlt raper or ! Wend. RomaoUm does not cre which party Win power. It get the offloea even when the A. P. A. wloa the election. One of our frlenda Informs us that General Nelson A. Miles U a member of the First Baptist church of Boston. G. W. Heston who has charge of the display In the Nebratka bu'ldlng sent in by the old soldiers informs us that everything Is In readiness to receive other relics, and that he would appre ciate an early response from those hav ing relics, who have agroed to place them on exhibition. General Nelson A. Miles Is all right, lie has Issued an order that no other flag than the stars and stripes will be carried by United States troops. We are glad to see such an order Issued as It will keep the nation's enemy In the dark as to the exact location of men who put their allegiance to the church above their alteglanoe to the state. All persons who have contributed to the fund which is to ba used ta liqui date the indcbltness of The American the past week have in each case re quested that we receipt them direct but not to mention the same in these columns. We shall have our oflloe open during most of the day July Fourth to receive donations to this fund, or now subscriptions. Can you celebrate in any better way? Let us hear from you. Do not forget the cardinal claim put forth by the church of Rome, through its pope who claims to be equal to God, infallible, not capable of making a mistake when speaking ex cathedra, from his throne in the Vatican "that where the laws of the state conflict with the laws of the church, the LAWS OF TUB CHURCH are to be unhesi tatingly obeyed." This claim is not one promulgated dur'ng the dark ages, but comes to the Roman Catholics in America first-hand, and It came to them no longer ago than Jan. 10, I8M. -To be as mild and to use as inoffensive an ex pression as possible to convey our real meaning we say all Roman Catholics who subscribe to and accept that as binding under penalty of eternal dam nation and what Roman Cat hollo does not so accept it? are dastardly trait ors. This is the very evil which that grand old patriot, General Grant, fore saw and against which he warned the American people. Ills warning can be found In Volume 1, page 213, of "Per sonal Memoirs of U. S. Grant," edition of 1885. Eve.y Roman Catholic has sworn to accept and obey the canons and tradi tions of his church One of the laws of the church Is that no oath is binding unless taken with the Intention of being bour d by it, and the Roman Catholic or his spiritual adviser never the state is the sole judge as to whether the intention was present at the time he assumed the oath. How many Roman Catholics do you suppose have taken the oath of allegiance to this country with out that very necessary and vital in tention? And how many of their chil dren and of their children's children have been taught through the confes sional that their father or their grand father remained an alien a true tem poral subject of the pope because he did not have tbe intention when he as sumed to take the oeth of allegiance, therefore, as he never renounced his allegiance to the pope they, being the children of an alien, became, under a fair construction of the law, subjects of the prince or potentate he pretended to renounce? : . i GO SLOW, CtNTLEWEN j Tfce aipo ntnseat f Martin Wal'e i chief of the O tuba'i w )u"J He dt'nwcctd by vory e f n-ip-ct'n cl U-n. Them -e plenty of Pro'etants who a-e r !dent of'a wbo are capable cf fl'ila that potlton, and the 0 board of fire and poll commV loners will mult a rront uo; ardouaKe b'under if It ai pole's the boon com panion of such a drunceo and disrepu table character a Joun A. Crelghton, Count tf the Holy Roman Cat hi He church. If the new bord wants the tupport of the best ci'Jxens not the rich men who are deacon in the n'jm e ous cturcher, who rent beusei for im moral purposes, or are financially Inter ested in other pursuit equally as dis reputable they will rut appoint Ed ward Rosewater's tool as chief of police. It has oot been forgotten that this man White has been openly anJ publicly ac cused ty businessmen of some very ae rlous tf not criminal acts; that ha was the willing tool In Rosewater's band wbocaustdtbe wholeale discharge of Protestant police officers whom Roy and the Roman church bad marked for the slaughter. The people of this city have not forgotten those thlrgt, neith er have they forgotten that when Rose- water, through his Bee and through the columns of every paper which pub lished the lying reports telegraphed broadcast over this land by another of his tools, libeled this city, Injuring it financially and otherwise, It was this same Martin White who barricaded the city ball to prevent men legally ap pointed and qualified as officers to enter upon and discharge the duties of their respective offices. It was this same Martin White who filled and surround ed the city Jill with as disreputable aad drunken a gang of low down Irish Roman Catholics as were ever congre gated outside of a penitentiary for the purpose of preventing other men from entering upon and performing the du ties of the offices to which they bad been duly and legally appointed. The new board of fire and police com missioners should not forget that the people of this city have not only once but many times repudiated Mr. Rose- water. They will not take kindly to anything that has the Rose water label on it. Martin White has that label. His appointment to the office of chief of police would alienate more support than It cou'd possibly bring to the board. The American element in this community do not deserve such an in sult. It was their bold and fearless ttand in favor of purer political meth ods that drove the Irish Roman Cath olics from power and made the Repub lican the majority party in this county. It would be the acme of ingratitude to take the tool of the greatest foe of pur' ity, morality, and good goverament to take the running mate, the boon com panloo, of John A. Crelghton, the backbone, the llfeblood, of the Roman Irish wing of the Democratic party- arid make him chief of police. We have no preferred candidate, nor have the people a preferred candidate for chief of police, but we and they will enter a most earnest protest If the board bows to the will and does the bidding of Rosewater by appointing Martin White to the office Into which Rose water has been trying to re-install him ever since public sentiment drove him from the position three years ago. Besides all this the board should not forget that this country is at war with a Roman Catholio nation, and that the general public will condemn the plac lng of a man of that religious belief at the head of the peace officers in this city. They should remember that no Roman Catholic can be depended upon when the Interests of the church come In conflict with the Interests of the state. These interests are conflicting today. No friend or religious-relative of the enemy should hold an office of trust or profit in this country while it is at war ith the church of Rome. The board should remember John Rush's cele brated declaration, "we are Roman Catholics first and citizens afterward." The board should remember that the Roman church teaches that its members can, without sin, deny their religion if an avowal of it would cause them a loss of temporal blessings, or If tuch denial would advance the interests of the church. Go slow, gentlemen. The people are watching you. Do you look over the advertisements In this paper? FRIENDS. BROTHERS, PATRIOTS. Not !oce the etaV,!ameot of The American have we appealed publicly to the friend of the American move ment an! particularly to the friends t f this pter, for their financial support, but today we make an earnest appeal to a 1 true, loyal and patriotic Americans fur immediate financial assistance with which to keep The American alive. We believe we are doing God's work and la H s nam we come to you asking your assistance. It Is humiliating to have to publUh bnadcast that we are so beset by our creditors that we must have your assistance at once or be cam- pelled to go into court to prevent the destruction of the most outspoken and fearless paper west of New York. We have thousands of dollars outstanding which we are unable to collect, yet our creditors are insisting on our paying them what we owe There Is, there fore, friend and brothers, no alterna tive; we must have your help or spend time in law courts which should be put Into the work we are engaged in. Our appeal Is to you. Can we have your help. If so please send your mite by return mall. Our indebtedness is only 82,600 but as we have been defrauded right and left, by alleged patriots, we come to you who are true blue and ask you to help make up the sum which is so necessary to make The American a complete success. Will you aid us at this time, or shall this contest against Romanism be prosecuted In a weak, ha'if heai t jd manner? One of our good friends has already offered to put In 110 toward liquidating the Indebtedness of The American. What will you give Can't you help us wipe out that debt by July 4th? Now, all together. We have given seven years of our life to this work without hope or expectation of reward and are willing to give seven, aye fifty years more if you will for this onca go down into your pocket and help put The Amer ICan out of the reach of the men who can cripple if they cannot kill it. The first subscriber to this fund is the man who suggested this appeal, in his an swer to a personal application we had made to him for assistance. If you can not send us 1100 eend us what you can, but please send us something. We need it now; we need It greatly. All donations will be acknowledged through the columns of The Ameri CAN unless donors request otherwise Address all letters to The American 1615 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb, Israel Frank is dead. He committed suicide last Saturday night in River view park. This act did not surprise his friends, as he had been despondent for some time because of his Inability to obtain work. We have It from a most reliable source that Mr. Frank had repeatedly said that he could not secure or hold a job he had secured be cause of the hounding of Rosewater, Crelghton and Frank E. Moores. We do not know how much the men named have had to do with the efforts that were made to keep Mr. Frank out ef employment and which have made it absolutely impossible for him to earn a living for himself anil his family, but this is certain, Mr. Frank, who was at one time a prominent Second ward, antl-Rosewater and anti-Roman Re publican worker, was satisfied that the Editor of Bee, the Count of the Roman Catholic church and the Mayor of the city of Omaha had entered Into a con splracy to keep him out of employment and that they used their great influence to crush him and run him out of the city. You may sav, "oh, they would not do that." We say Mr. Frank said they did; that the mayor drove him from his last position, and because of this persecution he took his own life The American has never defended Mr. Frank against any charges laid at his door, but it cannot let his death pass unnoticed. To do 60 would be to say to the trio whom he accused of driving him to his death, you have suc ceeded in ridding yourselves of one opponent without rousing suspicion be cause of your jesuitical methods; per haps others may be disposed of in the same way. Bat tuch might cot be the! result in other cw. We have heard mea say that Mjch p-rtecut!oni as that comp'a'oed of by Frank would result In the other fellow death, not in their ulclde. It might bj well for them to accept this a a disinterested warning. Toe Americas people will cot quietly witness the goading if political oppon- e U t tLe point where they will tske their own live. They would rather acquit the a Uerab'e wretches who de fend their loved ones with their lives. Rim.orsa to what the supreme court of Nebraska will do In a given case us ually prove true. Tkere Is a rumor cow afloat that when the Broatct- Moore case comes up before that ccurt the court will reverse Itself, grant Moores a jury trial and set aside the finding of the referee, which branded the major as a defaulter or embezzler of public funds. Watch -the proceed ings and ace if this rumor does not prove true. It was announced from the pulpit of the First Methodist church last San dsy night that there would be a re-ligio-polltical meeting there the fcl- lowing Sunday night, aad that Mayor Moores would Introduce those taking part in the meeting and sing some patriotic song). When a congrega tion places a character like Frank E. Moores la charge of Its meeting, it shows a ltck of moral worth. ' Method ism is not helped by such conduct. With nine-tenths of the pitrons of the post office at Birch Tree, Mo , Protestants, the President, at Kerens' request, has appointed a Roman as postmaster. Wasn't there a Protestant who could do the work in that office? Don't forget this fact, Roman Catho lics who are loyal to the government under which they live are not loyal to it because of the teaching of their church, but in spite of its teachings. While Watson's flset is over In European waters it might, after re ducing the fortifications of Cadiz and Barceloca in Spain it might go around and learn Austria a lesson. Austria has sent a steamer with 500 torpedoes to the Philippines. They are for the use of the Spanish fleet that is now on Its way to the Philippines, via the Suez canal. Out of town Americans when visiting Omaha can save money and get a pleas ant room by applying at this office. Room can be secured in advance by de posit of $1. The American should be on every newsdealers caunter. Will you and your friends see to it In your city? Keep asking for this paper. Henry F. Bowers, Clinton, la., Is the bead of the A. P. A. in this country. Write him about your council and ask him for information. Population of Manila. It Is difficult to make even an aporox lmate estimate today of the numerical population of Manl'a, but It probably consists of from 270,000 to 300,000 souls. The largest proportion of these, except ing the natives themselves, is composed of Chinese and so-called Chinese na tives, exceeding even that of the Span lards. There is a large colony of Ger mans and Swiss, who, according to ru mor, are mainly responsible for the present and recent uprisings, and also a handful of Scotch-Englishmen; not too small a handful, however, to main tain an "English Club" In the suburbs and a "Tiffin Club" down-town. The saying goes in the Far East that if an Englishman, a Spaniard and an Amer lean were to be left upon a desert is land, the first would organize a club, the second build a church, and the third start a newspaper. Frank Les lie's Popular Monthly. BELIGI0H III T0E UUWCll COLONIES. An Essay by Chase Roys, throwing a blaze of light on American history shows that the Jesuits were the cause of all the colonial wars, Indian an French massacres of those times and many startling facts not generally known. In pamphlet form Price 10 Cents. Address: CHASE ROYS, Washington, D. C. Every dollar la Rome's possession is stamped with fraud. MAVS IMJlliMIV TO SUN. Da-las, Georgia, May 27lh. 16 On May 23rd U'li Gen'l Shera-an withtl whole com mac d had cut loore from tie railroad and a'l transportation bad totedoce Ky wagon The train an talned over 00 six mule ttfcm. On May 25th we struck Geo. Johcstcn's army and a running fight was kept up all day. I den't with to be understood the enemy were on the run all the time for a part of the time it was give and take, when Johnston would get a good elevation in cur front and plant a ccuple of batteries and make it quite interesting for up, for an hour or two, until Gen. Hooker would be sent to flank the enemy, when they would get out a few miles where the same tactics would be repeated until near dark, when hostilities ceased, and the field officer of the day was ordered to form the picket line for the night. What was his surprise to find the enemy plac ing their plckaU on the same ridge from the opposite direction. It being nearly dark and la the timber one could not see the other until the two picket total's were less than one hundred yaidi apart. The Johnnies saw our boys first and fired about twenty shots. I was close behind the officer of the day, a I bad an order for him from the division Commander. We were so close to the firing that I could ecarcely see the officer for a few seconds becauee of the cloud of smoke. The first thing that crossed my mind was, "poor fel low, you will never read this order," but I was agreeably surprised to hear his shrill voice, before the smoke cleared away, giving the order, "Right about, doub'e quick; march!" which was done with a wi.l until another ridge was reached, then he placed bis pickets for the night. When I gave him the order I said, "Colonel, I thought it was all up with you when that volley came." His reply was, "they were rattled and fired too high." That night Gen. Johnston entrenched his whole line, and Gen. Sherman did likewise, as he did net care to sacrifice his men. The next two or three days were oc cupied b reconnailering and strength ening our works. The two lines were not over a mile apart, if I remember aright, and we had very good tempor ary works. On the evening of May 28th, while the "Rebs" were on dress parade, we heard great cheering In their llnes,and our Impression was there had been a rebel victory on the Potomac and they were rejoicing over the news. That night we could hear their band playing such airs as "Bonny Blue Flag," and "Down in Dixie," and when they would reft our band would play "Hail Colum bia" and ' Star Spangled Banner." That was kept up till "taps," to the amusement of many thousands, both Yanks and Johnnies. Next day, about two or three o'clock, they commenced to file out of their works and to form three or four lines deep and marched toward our works, and when about two hundred yards from our line they gave that consump tive yell which every old soldier is fa miliar with. Our whole line got notice of their coming in time and were in our works waiting for the fun, for that was what the boys called it; as that was the first chance our own mea had to fight from behind our own works, since the war began. Some of the ex pressions which were beard while those poor fellows were getting near enough to be slaughtered, for that was what it proved to be, were: "Ob, whatapudden!" "What a plc-nlcl" " Alntyou glad you enlisted? " Just at this time Gen. Logan came along the line, hat in one band and reins in the other. He said, " we have them today where we never had them before; don't get excited, but hold your fire until they commence the rise of the hill, then give them the best you have got, and they will think hell's broke loose." It seemed but a few seconds before we got the order to fire. as they bad commenced the rite of the hill. I had seen a great number of men killed and wounded on a number of battle fields, but I never saw so many killed and wounded in so short a time. I don't think a man got within twenty-five yards of our works. Our division, If I recollect aright, was about 7,000 strong including two field batteries, companies A and B, Chicago light artillery. Four six pounders and two twelve pound howitzer composed each battery. Our embrasures for the bsferles were made so a to use the guns right or left oblique. With thote twelve p'eces using double canister and all the in'antry behind our own works at close range one can imagine the destruc tion done there in a short time. I don't think the enemy fired but one round, for before they had time lo reload it seemed to me that one fourth of theii number were killed or wounded. The remainder broke in confusion for their own works. When the bugle sounded "cease firing" It was all the officer could do to keep the boys from follow- lng up the retrea', as it was, quite a number got over the works in the ex citement; my partner and I among the number, and as we were returning to our works through the deaa ana wounded a confederate Lieutenant, wounded and laying on his side; hailed me to know what command they had attacked. Whtnmypard and I gave him the names of tae regiments and the two batteries; he asked what divis ion was on our left I told him Gen. Aus tcrhous, known as the " Flying Djtch man." He paused a while and said, " Are you boys telling the truth? " I telt vexed at his remark and aald, ' why. Lieutenant, haven't you got enough of It?" "Oh, no, boys; not that, not that! but man's damnable In humanity to man." Then, overcome with anger and grief, the tears rolled down his sunburned cheeks. One would have thought he had lost his last friend on earth. In his mental anguish he forgot his wound! My pard and I, still In the dark as to his actions, for It was nothing unusual to see dead and wounded after a battle and as he, like ourselves, had been in active ser vice more than two years we knew the present sight was nothing to him. When he became more calm we got the key to the situation. He told us that the night before on dress parade, in the presence of Gen. Hood, Gan. Hardee and Gen. Johnston this was read: " In our front is an army of raw recruits and conscripts, aad few if any of them were ever under fire. With a determined dash on their works, by a body of veterans such as you all are, who have smelled power on a dozjn hard fought fields of battle, they will be put to flight and that mammoth wagon train and all the camp equipage, besides thousands of prisoners, will be ' ours." He said the poor deluded fellows be lieved It all and sent up a yell that made the woods ring for miles. "And this is the result of that damnable de lusion read at dress parade last night." That explained the cheering our boys heard and thought they were rejoicing over the nes of a confederate victory on the Potomac. The Lieutenant said he did not think there was a hell to 3 hot for a general that would permit an order of that kind to be read to his men, when he knew It was a lie, evtry word of it, and when he knew the attempt to enforce that order would be nothing short of whole sale murder. Bat when men become desperate they will resort to desperate means, and take great chances, as they did in this instance. The Lieutenant asked one of our offi cers the favor of being taken to our field hospital, and gave as his reason, "he never wanted to report for duty again where such inhuman wretches for officers held command." His request was granted, and the last I saw of him four negroes were carrying him on a stretcher to our field hospital, a mile or more to the rear. During this interval, which was not more than twenty minutes, the John nies had commenced to gather up their dead and wounded, but had neglected to display the flag of truce, which is customary on all occasions of that kind. About that time Gen. Logan made his appearance a second time, and gave orders to fire on any one that came in range, until they displayed the white flag. He said "that is all our game and I don't propose to have It stelen from us. " A few stray shots along the line soon produced the white flag. After that they went on collecting their dead and wounded without further molestation. The next night the enemy evacuated the field, minus several hundred of the very best soldiers the South had in her army. Gen. Sherman .... t J m I t I C i-fiJ U i