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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1898)
THE AMERICAN THE AMERICAN ITBUSHED WKKKLY. BUBsournoN hates 8 00 inv&namj in Kamll hiPO f.tnrmm Minr Onliw, or INvi IX PubluJiera, 01V Howard tiWaet, tl Nt. a m JOHN C. THOMPSON, ,- siltluc. W. C. KE1XEV, - ""- MM"C OMAHA, NEB , MARCH 4. lt TO THE PUBLIC. THE AMERICAN la orsaa or ay erCV order, aaaoclalla. party, clique, .'l'o or dlvtatoa o Ue population of tkla f raad Kepublle, and reyudlalee ttraada mMm all claim or cams that It la aucb. I" auck ela or chart be a4 P" or seraoaa boa oavar. THE AMERICAS la a aewipapar ol geaeral clrculaMoa. ola o tad balaf raad by people of all rallaiou betiafa Ml political afflltatleaa; by to wbtia aad iba black, U naUra-bora and tb aturalltod. th Jaw aad the OeeUI, ta Protatnt and tba Komaa Catholic, TbUelalm can b aubataatlatad la aay court of Juatle at aay tlae. AMERICAN UBLISMlN'CO.. I, to t. jmmfto. fruawi, WHERE IS YOUR DAUGHTER? Tha second trial of Sollne Clewett against the House of the Good Shep herd of St Paul. Minn., was conclud ed last week, when the Jury notified the court that It could not agree. A notable fact hi connection with (he disagreement waa that every Pro testant on the Jury bol loved Miss Clewett waa entitled to damages while every Konian Catholic on the Jury barring one were opposm! to allow ing ber anything aa ouwponsatuf for hor Ulegal detention, Inhuman treatment and porspnal Injury. On each poll of the Jury. "U1 the laat one. tt stood nine for assessing dam ages agninst the House of tho Good Shepherd and three against such as mousing. This Information we glean from the Ilreeie, the patriotic paper of St Paul and White Hear Lake, whose editor, Mr. A. M. Lawton. has championed Miss Clewett's cauHe ever since she left the damnable institution that for years has robbed defenseless girls of their hire and converted them Into abject slaves, and that too under the very eyes of Protestants who profess, with so much outward how, to . be Ironslstont and fervent followers of the neck and lowly Nazurone. Hut the disagreement of the Jury does not settle the oontrovorsy. The Breese says that Miss Clowett will Immediately take her case up again, and that It will be prosecuted until Justice is done her. That declaration has the right ring to It and we hope the friends who are able will send Miss Clewett what ever assistance they can. as tt must be plain to every American cttlxen that she Is fighting not only for her own rights, but for the rights of every girl Illegally, unlawfully or feloni ously Incarcerated in the various Ro wan. Catholic prisons scattered over this fair land.1 Let her be victorious and the death-knell of Roman Catho lic convents, nunnerhw and Houses of the Good Shepherd will have been sounded. Let her be defeated and your daughters may bo spirited away and unlawfully, Illegally and feloni ously Imprisoned la aanie one of Rome's jails at some day im the future. It should not he waaerstood that tho Inhuman, unchristian and dast ardly treatment c-ompUmtd of by the girls who have escaped from the St Pan! house, and which they swore to In this trial. Is the exception and not the rule. We want to state that thoy are all very much alike, and. If pos sible, each one ts Just a little worse than the other. We have the record of the one in St. Louis, of the one In Kansas City, of the one In Chicago and of the one in South Omaha, and they are all bad. The moat brutal clave driver of the South never abused Ms chattels as do the damnably pious nuns the helpless girls and women who are inveigled lnto;Roman Cath olic institutions and niade to work like beasts, live like brutes and dress In clothing tften stolen from other inmates of the, Institutions. We have listened to not one, but to many ajrls, as they have related the awful. the barbarous, the hellish practices In the so-called schools and reform atories of the Roman Catholic church, and, without a single exception, their stories have fairly reeked with charg es of the most gross, base, vile, in human treatment of the unfortunates who have gone Into, or have been placed there through the false repre sentations of the black-hearted or ig norant procurers for those unholy in atitutlons, above the doors of which might truthfully be printed, "Aban don hope all ye who enter here." Therefore, knowing these un-Godly places to be exactly what we repre sent them, and knowing the thous ands of hearts that are today wrung with anguish and despair because of their deplorable, friendless and help less condition, and knowing the kind, loving, generous, christian character of the Protestant American women, we appeal, on behalf of these suffer ers, these despairing souls, that each one of you pledge yourselves to do all la your power to drive from Ameri can soil the prison pens of Rome, in which American girls are compelled to slave from early morn until late at night without hope of reward, and for the purpose of keeping in idleness and luxury, lazy, lascivious priests, and the mistresses of the church the nuns of Rome. You can assist in this in two ways. First by helping Seline Clewett win her battle; and, second, by placing In the hands of every other American Protestant wife and mother this issue ff the American which contains the worn testimony of girls who have gone through the terrible ordeal. Will you take the pledge? Answer by your work. SIMPLY TOLD THE TRUTH. It does not happen every day that a priest of the Roman Catholic church la honest enough to sire expression to i his Ira feelings or to voice the santt- 1 meat of the church as to the duty of Roman Catholics when a heretical or Protestant nation llks the I'nlted States Is Involved In a dispute or a : war with a Roman Cat hollo country like Spain. Yet. occasionally, there la one who Is not sufficiently grounded In the principles of Jesuitism who says openly what the others are urging se cretly through ths confessional. It was so last week at Rondout. N. Y.. when Priest Weber said It would be the duty of Roman Catholics to take np arms in favor of Spain In case of war between! that country and ths UnHd States. The Associated Press dispatches, after exposing his utter ances, attempted to render them Im potent by declaring that mtny of the people who listened to him left the church, while the members of the military organisation which he waa ad dressing, are made to say that they would, to a man. fight for the United States. All this Is the worst kind of bosh. The history of the world shows that Romanists do not keep faith with Protestants; that they are only loyal to the government under which they live ar long as the church can gain power o make money out of their loyalty. We know this, and we would not trust any Romsn Catholic should war li declared agnlnst Spsin. They would betrsy every secret they ever rsme Into possession of, and would be a source of weakness to this govern ment from the start. No priest, after Prince Gibbon's declaration that a war with Spain would mean a war with "the mother country," would hesitate to divulge everything' he learned to his bishop, nor the bishop to th archbishop; nor the arch bishop to the cardinal; nor they to the pope, and the pone would not hesitate to let Catholic Spain know the plans and secrets of this government We say this at this time because we de sire the government at Washington to understand that It Is not the ene mies that are without that it has to fear In the event of war with Spain, but it Is those who are professing loyalty with treason lurking In their hearts. The government should under stand that If there Is a leak whereby Its secrets and plans are published to tho world, that leak can ba traced. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, to Roman Catholic scource. Unless the government proceeds upon that theory, unless It gives Its Roman Cath olic officers In the army and navy to understand that a surrender of Ameri can men of war and of American soldiers and sailors to the Spanish, under any ctrcumstances that will not bear the closest scrutiny they will be held to be guilty of treason and pun ished accordingly. It need hnrdly ex pect to be victorious at the start. Unless the government assumes such an attitude. It may expect to see Its navy the property of Its enemies, and Its soldiers the victims of an am bush. Romanism would stop at noth ing to bring this country under the voke of Rome. It expects to see the fulfillment of John Ireland's prophecv that In "1900 we (the Roman church) will take this country and keep it." and they believe that while Protest ant Americans are battling against Spain, the 100.000 armed and drilled Roman Catholics, who are ready to war with England, yet who have never pTered their services against Roman Catholic Spain, will be able to nut the iTotestants who remain it home to the sword and Install the pone with out much opposition. W e don t expect everybody to be Ileve this assertion, but we believe It. and, believing it have done our duty nv calling your attention and the at tantion of the head of our national government to the facts ss they exist, and to history as Impartial historians have written it If the warning is not peoMen. we shall not be to blame when the crisis comes. Yet, we would to God. that Americans would become such in deed as well as In name. Ihe career of Frances E. Wlllard illustrates what an earnest, single nearted. patriotic, pure, consecrated lire can accomplish. A graduate of the Northwestern University, at the outset of her career she had the al ternative of choosing the profession of teaching, in which line of human endeavor she could have won fame and fortune. Her wonderful self- poise, her brilliant intellectual attain ments and her superior mental quali ties eminently fitted her for the voca tion of an Instructor. But the want, woe. wretchedness, suffering, sorrow and anguish which the liquor traffic Drought to the world so impressed her woman's heart that at the age of 28 she resolved fully to dedicate her time and talents to the temperance cause and to allied reforms. And for twenty-five years she "counted not her life dear," but worked incessant ly for the amelioration of humanity, for the rescue and reformation of the drunkard and the outcast, that Joy, gladness and happiness might bo restored to these homes that had been desolated by the monster rum and the allied forces of Impurity. She died at the early age of 58, worn out by her abundant labors in the Interest of hu manity. Her name will be graved high up on the pedestal of fame. Her memory will be cherished by mourn lng millions. "She hath done what Bhe could. We praised Judge Scott for disbar ring J. J. O Connor for attempting to bribe him in Count Creighton's interest; now Count Creighton can praise Scott for deciding in his favor after his attorney had attempted to bribe him. It is well that Judge Scott te like Potiphar's wife, above suspicion. After all the testimony offered by Mrs. Shelby to prove that her father waa of unsound mind when he deeded his property to his brother Count John A. Creighton, Judge Scott has decided In favor of the Count That was a slick move of the Count's at torney to attempt to bribe the Judge. From the verdict of the Jury in the Bartley bondsmen case It would seem that that money which we are told the court and the Jesuit Attorney General Smythe, were informed had been raised to corrupt the Jury with was placed where It would do the most good. Q Well after your mother died what did you Ji? Did you do any work la the hviaehold? A. I kept house for my father for about a year. Q. And then whereabouts did you go? A. I went out to do housework. Q. Well, after that Did you go to work. In Minneapolis? A. Yes, sir. Q. For whom? A. For Mrs. Mc Dermott. Q Well, who went with you to Mrs. McDermott? A. Mrs. J. M. Root. Q. Where does she live? A. 8h lived at White bear at the time. Q. How long had you known her at the time? A. I knew her for a couple of years. Q. Well, you went to work for Mrs. II. P. Hand In Minneapolis did you? . Yes, sir. Q. Who went with you? A. Mrs. M. Root Q. Did she ft you that place to work? A. Yes, s'r. Q. About how long did you work for Mrs. Hand at Minneapolis? A. year. Q. And then what happened? A. Then she moved o 8t Paul. Q. And then did you come to St Paul with her? A. Yes. sir. Q. And how long, about did you work hero for her? A. About nine months. Q. What kind of work were you do ing there? A. General housework. Q. For wage? A. Yes, sir Q. What wags was Mrs. Hand giv ing you? A. Three dollars a week. Q. Now after you had been working at Mrs. Hand's this nine months In St. Paul, did you see Mrs. Root again? A. Yes, sir. Q. Was she and Mrs. Hand friend ly? A. Yes. sir. Q. How often did she come to Mrs. Hand's house? A. Quite often. Q. Was Mrs. Root friendly with you? A. Yes, sir Q. Did she act very kindly to you or not? Ud to this time I mean? A. Yes, sir. ' 'wi q. Well, this time I am talking now, getting diwn to the time you went to the House or the Good Shep herdthat was alonr about when? About when wai it, as you remember It, when you went out there or was taken out, to thj House of the Good Shepherd or go; out there, whatever way It was? what month was it? A. In December. Q. Well, do y u recollect the year? , 1894. Q. Well, on that night, about when did you first see Mrs. Root. A. She came Into my room. She said she had got me a place to stay for a while, if I would go, and I said yes. O. Well now, she staid with you and got you ready to go, you say, well, go where? A. D'dn't say. Q. Did you and Mrs. Root leave Mrs. Hand's houe? A. Yes, sir. Q. About wha- time In the evening? A. About 8 o clock. Q. How did vou go; did you walk or ride? A. Ride. Q. In what? A. In a hack. Q. Who wert with you and Mrs. Root In that hack, if anybody? A. Mr. J. M. Root. O. Was ther anyone else In that hack except these two and you? A. Yes. sir. Q. Who? A. I don't remember. Q. Was the te-son Inside the hack or was he driving? A. He was driving. Q. Did you know the person, did you know him? A. It war so dark I couldn't see. Q. Well, I ask you: Did you stop at any house with your rig? A. At the House of the Good Shepherd, where she took me. Q. What tim did you get there? A. It was late at tight. Q. When yo'i got there what was done then? A. Mrs. Root went in side the bulldine. for a few minutes. and then came cut and took me In there. Q. Well, when you went in there did you know what place 't was? A. No. sir. Q. When you got Inside, where did they take you? A. I sat on a chair in the hall. Q. Well, what did Mrs. Root say or do to you then? A. All she said, "she hoped I would be a good girl." Q. What war done with you then? A. She didn't say but a few mln. utes. Then the sister took me In a large room where some girls were. Q. Did you know that you were go ing out to the H uise of the Good Shep herd when you went to that institu tion? A. No. sir. Q. When you first went in there had you known it? A. No, sir. Q. When you first went In there what department did they put you into? A. In the sewing department Q. Then whereabouts did they put you? A. Put me in the laundry de partment Q. What did you do then? A. Washed and lroaed. Q. Who had ctarge of that depart ment, of that room, what Bister? A. Her name was s!..ter Matilda. Q. Well, who wns In charge when you came away from there what sis ter? A. Sister St. Bernlce. Q. Did Sister Zephrlne have any charge there? A. She had charge of the girls. Not In the laundry depart ment Q. Well, while you were there did you ever ask any of the sisters to go out? A. Yes, sir. Q. To go out of there what sister? A. Sister Zephrlte. Q. How man times do you think? A. About two or three times before the time I went away. Q. Do you remember anything that she told you about going out? A. Said if I would be a good girl she would see what time she would let me out. Q. Now understand my question: You say you asked hei- she told you if you would be u good girl she would see about letting you out Did she ever say anything, tell you anything else, while you were In there, about letting you out? A. Not until the time I asked to po out, the last time. Q. When was that? A. That waa about the last of April or first of May. Q. Before you run away? A. Yes, sir. Q. What did she say then? A. Said she would never let me out Q. And then after that was the time you say you ran away?. A. I run away. Q. Could you talk alone with each other, or did the sister or somebody have to be preient? A. The lister was there In ths room. A. What do you mean? Q. Did you have to talk loud Q. Were the testers kinder to them enough so the sister could hear you? than to the rest of you? A. Yes. sir. X. Yes. I Q- Well now. old you ever see any Q. Did you w.rk every day or near- 'of the sisters. o hear any of the sls ly every day th. you were in there? tors, tell any of these girls to punish A. Nearlv ever da v. exceot Sunday, any of the girls? A. Yes. sir. the first Q. Now you say you escaped from there once. Do you remember when that was? Do you remember when It was that you got out the first when you run away as you say? A. It was In Msv. Q. How many months had you been fn there then? Was It tn May follow- . lng the time vou went there, the next summer in May? A, It was May. 1896. Q. How did you come to get out that time? Just tell us, tell these gen tlemen here how you got out A. I broke through : glass door. Q. What did you do then? Where was this door? A. In the cloister hall. Q. And how ("d you come to get In there that day? A. We was at mass that morning, and I came down the back way, came h rough the door that was open, and np to this glass door, and I broke through. Q. You had to get through a door that was generally kept locked? A. Yes, sir. Q. And on this day you broke this glass window, vou say you got out. Now did you hu.t yourself in getting out tnere? A. Yes, sir; I cut my wrist. Q. Just step down and show the Jury. Witness Indicates to the Jury. Q. Well, when you got out of this window, or the door, what did you do then? A. I run down the hill. Q. Towards S:. Paul or Minneapo lis? A. Toward! St Paul. Q. Well did anybody come after you? A. Yes, tlr. Q. What perjons came after you? A. Josle Anderson and Annie Dupre, Q. Well, how far had you got when they overtook y?n? A. I was about a block from the house when the girls overtook me. Q. Well, wh; did you do? A. I told them they couldn't bring me back. Q. Well, was there anybody else came along there then? A. Yes, sir. Q. Who was it? A. Martin came up, drove up after me, with a laundry wagon. Q. Well, what did he say then? What did he say? A. He kept me there and I couldn't get away, and he put me In the laundry wagon. Q. And what did he da with you then? A. Than he locked the door and drove me up to the building. Q. Was this laundry wagon en closed? A. Yea. sir. Q. And he locked that door and drove you up to the bulidingT A. Yes, sir. 0. When you got up to the building which door did you drive to? the front door or the back door? A. The back one. Q. Were any of the sisters there"? A. Yes, sir. O. What Bister? A. Sister St Zeph rlne and Sister St. John. Q. And wha- did Martin do then, when he got up there? A. I wouldn't get out of the wcron and he got in I he was going to pull me out. Q. What did lie say? A. I don't ' remember; the sister was talking and I don't remember what he talked. I Q. Well, did you want to get out? A. No, sir. ' Q. Did he stare to pull you out? A. Yes, sir. O. Well, did you get out finally? A. Well, T had to cet out. Q. Well, what did they do with you then? A. Then the sister took me in a room. Q. When thev took you in did they do anything to the door? A. They locked the back door after I got In side. O. Now while vou were down there and they were chasing you (I am a little mixed In this matter) didn't you get hold of the vhlp somewhere? Did you get hold of n whip while you were down there and 'he girls were chasing you? A. Yes. sir. Q. Where did yon get that whip? A. There was s milk man driving by there and I jumped down and took the whip. Q. And what did you do withlt there? A. I was going to strike the girls if they came near me. Q. And was that before Martin came up or after A. It was a little before. Q. Well, now when you got back there and the sifters took you in the room, what did they do? Was your arm bleeding any then? A. Yes. sir. Q. What did they do to it? A. They didn't do anything to me until in the afternoon Q. Now after you got out that time did you ever say anything to any of the sisters, ask any of them to get out again? Yes, sir. Q. What sister? A. Sister Zeph rlne. Q. Well, wha. did she say to you? A. Said I had t j stay In rix months for running away. Q. Did you :k her to let you out at all? A. I thought she would let me out when her six months were np but she wouldn't Q. Did you ask her? Did you ask her to let you out? A. I asked her once after I came back. Q. Well, you state that she told you that you would have to stay In six months? A. Yes, sir. Q. Did you ever see any Inmates whipped or punished while you were there? A. Yes. vlr. Q. Who? A. I HAVE SEEN THEM BEAT ANNIE DUPRE. Q. Who did that? A. That was Mother Matilda. Q. What d'd she do to her? A. SHE TOOK HER BY THE HAIR AND PULLED HER DOWN ON THE FLOOR AND JUST POUNDED HER ON THE BACK. Q. Did you see any others whip ped while you were in there? A. MANY OTHERS, BUT THEY HIRED THE GIRLS TO DO THAT. Q. Oh, yes, they hired the girls, you say? Wha, girls do they keep in there to do the punishing? A. Oh, some of the old girls, I don't remem ber all their names. Q. Can you give me any of their names? Can you name one? A. One was Jo Crow, and one was Carmel. and one was Justina. ' Q. And what old they do, what did those girls do to the other inmates? year I was then, the sister Justina. Q. Do vou kiow a girl out there called Mabel? A Yes. sir. Q Is Mabel a strong healthy girl? A. No sir. I Q. What Is h i condition of health? Is she weak or strong? A. She is weak. Q. Did you ever see Any other sis ters there than the one you have men tloned strike a girl? A. Yes. sir. I have. Q. What sister? A. Sister Matilds. Q. Whom did vou see her strike? A. She would strike a girl by the name of Edith Arple. Q. Edith App? A. Yes sir. Q. Well, what did she strike her with? A. ANYTHING SHE COULD GET AHOLD Ol WASHBOARD OR A BUCKET. Q. Did you see her strike her more than once? A. Yes sir. Q. Now, how often did Mother Provincial come to your department. A. Sometlni'-s once a week or twice a month. Q. And how l-. rr would she gener ally stay? A. bhe probably staid about five minutes. Q. When she enme what were you CHARLES BUTTS. Was born at Plainview, Wabasha county, Minn., May 12, 1857. At the early age of 14 years he entered the State University of Minnesota, where he pursued his studies for five years. He left that seat of learning, how ever, before the close of his Junior year, and repaired to Winona where he entered the law office of Hon. Thos. Wilson, ex-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Mr. Butts was ad mitted to the bar March 10, 1879, at Winona, where he followed his pro fession until he removed to St. Paul in 1887. Since locating in the latter city he has tried a large number of Important cases, the most important of which, from an American stand point, being the suit of James Farm er vs. The City of St. Paul, and the case of Seline Clewett vs. The House of the Good Shepherd of the same city. The first case was an action to restrain the City of St. Paul from sending female prisoners to the pri compelled to do? A, posed to sit In rank We were sup- until the door opened. Q. What then? A. Then we were supposed to get down on our knees and get her blessing. Q. And what were the sisters com pelled to do? A. To do the same 'as we we would get down on our knees. Q. Well, could any of you inmates speak to the Mother Suporlor with out permission? A. No, sir. Q. Whom would you have to go to to get permission? A. The one that had charge. Q. Well, when j'ou went to ask any thing of the mother superior, what did you have to do? A. GET DOWN ON OUR KNEES AND KISS THE FLOOR. Q. Did you ever hear the sister speak angrily to the girls? A. Yes, sir. Q. What did rou eVer hear them Bay? A. Called them all kinds of names. Q. Well, give rs some names they would call them. A. Low animals, low, dirty brats and things, and all kinds. Q. Well, in the winter season how were you clothed ihere? A. C'othes we would bring in with us, or clothes that they would give us to wear. Q. Well, how was this laundry, was ltj a warm place to work, or a cold placa, in the winter time? A Quite cold In the wlnt :r t:me. Q. Did some o' the girls go bare footed? A. Wijnt in their stocking feet. Q. Do you knew whether they got wet when working around there? A. Yes, sir. Q. Did you rit wet and chllleJ? A. Yes, sir. Q. From geFtlng wet and chilled did you have any sickness? A Yes, sir. Q. Just tell them what it was. A. I caught cold an.l went in bed. One of the sisters came ver from the other side, that had charge of me. and made me get up, said she dfdm't believe in anybidy laying in bed, and I had to get up Sat down in a chair for nearly a welc : she did not do any thing to me, did not give me any medi cine, and scolded me. Q. What was the matter with you? A. From getting wet and catching cold. , Q. Did it stop you from having your ? A Yes, sir. Q: How long did you go that way? A. About five months. Q. Do "you krow of any other girls there being In the same situation? A. Many others. Q. What did you generally have to eat? A. What did you have for MIIII1WW UIHI , IIH ti..M1" 'I. .u ...... .wy..; Y.:v--. " . -- . . ::; 'A '. :ii . v.. ", , -Y- !,... " .. -'.V .' breakfast? A. On Monday wa navw hash for break'art; sometimes oat meal Q. What with it? Well. If you bar hash, do you have oatmeal? A. No, sir. Q. Well, what goes with It? A. JUST HAD OATMEAL THAT IS ALL. NO SUGAR ANU NO MILK. Q. Would yoJ hsvs colee? A. Vary weak couldn't hardly drink It Q. No sugar. Did they put sugar or milk tn the coffee? A. A very fw drops of m Ik. Q. ' Any sugar? A. About two ar three times a year you would get sugar in your coffee. Q. Did you have bread? A. BLACK, SOUR BREAD. Q. Now, for illnner what did yam have? A. For dinner on Monday we would have dumplings, boiled aad they were so hard you would have to cut them with your knife, and yow couldn't hardly .'hew them. Q. Well, wo i d you have any klal of meat? A. Ia with the dumpling pork or whatever It was. Q. Now the meat that they gav you there, what kind of meat waa it? A. MOST HAM RIND AND BONES. Q. Was It good and wholesome meat, or wssn't it? A. Sometimes wo couldn't eat it 1 smelled so strong. Q. Well, supposing you didn't eat it, what would they do then? A. Has! to go without. Q. Now. for mpper what did yaw 1 vate, sectarian prison known as the House of the Good Shepherd. Tba Roman Catholic Judge of the lower court dismissed the case when It came before him and Mr. Butts im mediately took it to the Supreme Court which handed down a decision that declared the law unconstitutional and the commitments illegal. That case was bitterly fought and the de cision, considering the power and In fluence of John Ireland's Roman Catholic church In that city and state, was a grand victory for the people, reflected honor on the court, and at tested the ability, courage and integ rity of Mr. Butts. Not less notable have been the suits which he has fought in Miss Clewett's behalf, and while he has not succeeded In getting a verdict for her from a sworn Jury ho has from the people who have road or listened to the testimony of the witnesses called at each trial The case of Miss Clewett will be carried to tho supreme court. ' get? A. Somf times we would get bread pudding on Mondays, and what you could call bread pudding wita a little sugar in ti flavor it. That waa all you would get when you was tir ed from washing .ll day. Q. Would they give you anything to drink with your meals, dinner and supper what did they give you to drink? A. You would have tea for dinner. Q. And what for supper? A. Tea, Q. And what else? A. Get pudding or baked apples or sauce, or something of that kind. Q. Well, woull you get all tn"-1- " Would you get the pudding and taa baked apples ana sauce all together? A. Oh, no, Just one thing at a time. Q. Did you ever get any butter? A. Once in a great while. Q. Did you get any cheese servell up to you? A. I never seen cheese. Q. Any milk on the table? A. No, sir. Q. Any eggs': A. Wo would get one, I think it was on Easter Sun day. Q. One egg on Easter Sunday. Were there any dj ys In the year there that they get you any better fare thaa this you have described? A. The 25th of March and Christmas. Q. What did they give you then? A. We would have extra meals the, sugar In your coffee, and your coffet was a little stronger, and pie and something of tan kind. Q. Do you 'emetnber any tlrife when some came out there to visit your place? A. Yes, sir. Q. What did the nuns do and say to you that day when these people came out there? A. Oh, "Be very nice and quiet and not say much." Q. Did you a-V any of the sisters for pen and papr to write a letter? A. Yes, sir. Q. Whom Mi you ask? A. I asked Mother Z.phrine. Q. Well, did you get it? A. No, sir. Q. What did she say? A. She saU j? didn,t hav3 '' !be wouM "l l" "luc' q. utd she ever get the paper for yon? A. No, sir. Q. Now are there any persons In there who wat'-hed you all the time that you were there are you under watch? A. Yes, the old girls watch us all the time. 0. Well, did Mother Zephrlne of any of the slstrs ever alk to you girls In the claBS or any other place about getting out, and what would be the penalty if yon tried It? A. Yes. Isir; she put us rU in ranks In the classes and she said TV SHH UVTTR HEARD MENTION GOING OUT BR-